Can men truly love - Psychology. Question to answer: do men know how to love? Let's find out experimentally: Do guys really know how to love?


Very often women are confused about whether the man loves them or not, and how serious his feelings are.

The famous saying that “you are judged by your actions, not by your words” is even more true when it comes to relationships.

Anyone can say what you want to hear, but only the one who really cares will make it happen. actions were confirmed by words.

Each of us talks about love in our own way, and what signs can indicate that a man truly loves you?

How to understand if a man loves you?

1. He includes you in his life.

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When a man loves a woman, he wants her to become part of his life, and introduces her to his family and friends.

He wants them to like you and for you to like them too. He wants you to be an extension of him, and includes you in important events and stages of his life.

2. He tries to give more than he takes.

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You were individuals, but now you are a team. When a man loves, he considers you inseparable.

This means visiting important events, joint recreation and plans for the future. He wants you to be where he is and vice versa. We are no longer talking about my life, but about “our life.”

Signs if a man truly loves

4. He really understands you.

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How many people actually understand you? How many people hear what you don't say out loud?

A man who loves pays attention to the little things about you that others don't notice. He finds out what makes you happy, sad, angry or delights you. This understanding helps him love you even more and shows all the little details that he loves about you.

5. Your happiness is his happiness too.

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When a man truly loves, he takes part in your happiness and offers his strength to ease your suffering.

Love means being a team where everyone supports each other. A man who loves wants to see you happy and will try to make it happen.

Signs of a loving man

6. He is there for you even in difficult times.

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Life is not always joyful, and difficulties arise from time to time. Any man can be there for you when things are going well, but the real test of love comes during difficult times. Is he trying to protect you?

What is Love from a man's point of view?

Even ancient Greek philosophers wrote that a man’s love is inextricably linked with female beauty. A man's attraction to beauty leads to the fact that he creates some kind of idealized image for himself and then looks for it in real life.Moreover, the perception of the beauty of a woman’s appearance is somewhat peculiar and comes more likely from self-suggestion.

A man may like a woman's hair or nose if she has beautiful legs, her legs seem beautiful if she likes her lips. And the lips are beautiful, if the eyes are beautiful. And they will seem beautiful when the woman smiles. And he smiles not at someone, but at him personally. And it’s not easy to smile at him so personally, but with special meaning. So it turns out that this special smile makes everything beautiful: the nose, the mouth and everything else. Simply put, a man falls in love with the wrong woman who is considered beautiful by the majority. The one he falls in love with actually seems to him the most beautiful. This is the psychology of men in love.

Based on how men perceive female beauty, they can be divided into two types. Some perceive only the outer shell of a woman, given to them by the biological lottery. Others, in addition to external contemplation, seek beauty with their hearts. The contradiction that appears between reason and emotions in assessing the woman he loves often leads a man to deep disappointment. Fortunately or unfortunately, at the first stage of falling in love, as a rule, the mind “switches off.” Therefore, men, when choosing their half or partner, are primarily based on her external characteristics.

This factor turns out to be decisive upon first acquaintance. It is generally accepted that in ordinary dating the palm belongs exclusively to the man. Although this rule is purely formal. The final choice remains with the woman. The further development of relations depends, first of all, on the coincidence of ideas about these relations. And here the main role belongs to the man, whether the search for sexual pleasure or something deeper and more significant is important to him. A woman will intuitively, maybe not immediately, but get to the bottom of the man’s role in their relationship and take appropriate steps.

Love between a man and a woman

Psychologists say that love relationships are built on the fact that a man seeks a woman as a reward for some deeds in her honor. By their nature, men consider themselves and, in fact, are the masters or owners of their destiny or any territory. Therefore, a sense of ownership has developed. A man is able to spend a lot of time, effort and money to get the desired prize (no matter for what purpose) or to keep his woman at all costs. This is understandable; a value that falls from the sky is less valuable. An intelligent woman understands this and gives a man the opportunity to conquer herself.

Psychologists' opinions

According to psychologists, men find such a feminine trait as “clinging” extremely unpleasant. A man always needs personal free space. Each person has his own limit of special psychological rapprochement. This is the distance, breaking which communication becomes painful and uncomfortable. So, for men this distance is longer than for women. And they resist in every possible way a deeper rapprochement. Therefore, it is important for a woman to be able to maintain this distance, easily correct it if necessary, and not interfere in a man’s inner world very aggressively. In fact, men, resisting complete dissolution in each other, first of all, make sure that the woman remains a little bit of a mystery to them. And what is paradoxical is that he himself more freely and more often violates a woman’s personal zone, but he is very wary of these attempts from the female side. Often our relationships resemble dance movements: the woman takes a step towards, forward, and the male partner takes two steps back. The woman takes one step back and the partner takes two steps forward. After all, a man is always a hunter, explorer and fighter. And having conquered a woman, he perceives her as property. If a woman is the first to take the initiative, then men become wary instead of love.

If a man is lucky in love

Most often this is a woman’s merit. The reason is that men have poorly developed insight and they have a rather poor understanding of themselves, and of other strangers, and of course - especially of women.

The man is not used to being interested in things that do not concern him personally. A woman most often searches for her companion purposefully, while a man goes by touch and therefore more often takes the path of a love search.

The nature of relationships is usually determined by personality traits. Weak, weak-willed, infantile men are more likely to have mother-child relationships. A self-confident man with a strong character wants complications in love; they are not interested in what comes naturally to them.

And yet, men like women who know how to build bridges, not walls. If a woman is ready to give everything today just to be with her beloved, she can give up the day after tomorrow. You need to be able to say “no” even when you really want to say “yes”.

Every woman should realize that men do not at all like women who want to marry them. There is no need to try too hard to get your hands on a man. Most often the result will be the opposite. There is no need to rush and strain.

In principle, many men are ready to subconsciously become ardent lovers and loving husbands and wonderful fathers, but, alas, they are timid. The slightest pressure terrifies them. With excessive female activity, some begin to feel embarrassed, others become capricious, and others simply run away.

Self-confidence of men

Men, as a rule, are confident in their uniqueness and love those women who admit it or at least pretend to.

Not every man likes women who are ready to completely dissolve in them and who cannot breathe without them, let alone end the relationship. Independence is a valuable quality, on a par with affection and tenderness.

According to many women, men are too susceptible to flattery and vain, and one cannot behave quite openly and honestly with them.

This misconception often causes a breakup. Love is a complicated thing. A person must be accepted and loved for who he is. The desire to remake a loved one for yourself usually does not lead to anything good.

By the way, only a certain type of person gets along well with each other. A person burdened with certain complexes or oddities, as a rule, ignores and puts up with the corresponding shortcomings of his partner. Such people come together as two halves of something big.

Men react extremely negatively to emphasizing their shortcomings. This reduces his self-esteem and provokes complexes. Even demanding simple and natural things from him is most often perceived as nit-picking. And naturally he doesn’t want to tolerate them.

Men express their feelings differently than women. For this reason, representatives of the fair half of humanity may make a mistake if they try to understand a man’s feelings by comparing them with their own. Those ladies who don’t know how to understand that a man truly loves should learn more about male psychology and how they are used to showing their sympathy.

How can you tell if a man truly loves you?

Of course, all men are different and differ in their outlook on life, temperament and ways of expressing their love feelings. Therefore, you should not wonder whether men can truly love and doubt their feelings if they do not do everything that is written about this in the literature.

If a man truly loves, you can notice the following signs:

  1. Help. A loving man will definitely take on the bulk of his partner’s worries. He will try to help her not only with what she has difficulty coping with, but also with things that are familiar to her.
  2. Care. Although men sometimes seem tough and impenetrable, their love means surrounding their loved one with a wall of attention and care. Opening a car door, handing her a coat, holding her hand while crossing the street, learning about health and needs, buying things a woman needs - this shows the character of a real man.
  3. Support. A loving person will be happy if his partner is happy. Therefore, a man who has real feelings for his partner will try to understand her plans and aspirations, and will respect her desires and dreams.
  4. Rearranging priorities. Any person in love changes his priorities to some extent. The needs of the partner, which he will try to satisfy, may come first. A man in love begins to sacrifice his time, finances, and strength in order to make his beloved feel good.
  5. Sexual desire. A partner in love will definitely desire physical intimacy with his beloved. At the same time, he will not force his partner to do this, but will try to arouse this desire in her. A man who truly loves will try not only to get pleasure himself, but first of all to satisfy his partner.
  6. Respect. If a married man truly loves, then among the signs of love you will notice his love for his wife. It will manifest itself in the fact that the man will speak only positively about his wife in society, and at home he will not allow himself criticism and harsh words addressed to her.

The history of irreconcilable opposition between the sexes is as old as the history of mankind. Women and men constantly argue and compete with each other in different aspects of life. Especially many contradictions arise in the area of ​​personal relationships. Women in particular are trying to understand whether men can love.

Types of love

It is difficult to answer the question of whether a man truly loves. After all, love is diverse. Here are the types of this feeling identified by psychologists and philosophers:

  • Eros is passionate love based on sexual instinct.
  • Philia is love based on spiritual kinship.
  • Storge is a kind, gentle attitude that presupposes support and complete mutual understanding.
  • Agape is self-sacrifice for the sake of love.
  • Pragma is love under the control of the mind.
  • Mania is a feeling accompanied by intense jealousy bordering on obsession.
  • Philautia is love for another person formed through love for oneself.

A little about male love

In order to understand whether a man can love, it is worth understanding how the character of the strong half of humanity was formed. Since ancient times, men have played the role of breadwinner and protector. The atmosphere of hunting and war made him tough and strong, but not gentle at all. It is this kind of firmness (and even rudeness) that makes women think that the stronger sex is incapable of love. But is it?

A man sees love a little differently than a woman. First of all, attachment to a woman and family is manifested in providing everything necessary, giving confidence in the future, and giving a feeling of security. Affection, romance - all this fades into the background. If a man does not show you tenderness, this does not indicate “lack of love.” Perhaps he is simply insecure or too shy. But feeling the return on your part, he will not be afraid to be soft and affectionate.

Male Conqueror

Can a man love? This feeling is characteristic of any person, regardless of gender and age. But the manifestation can be completely different. Considering that, due to historical patterns, a man’s personality is warlike, the process of “conquest” is important for him. It's about courtship.

Men, as a rule, take a responsible approach to the candy-bouquet period. To get the woman he likes, a representative of the stronger sex will make every effort, be attentive and inventive. But when the “victim” is already entangled in love networks, the man changes dramatically. The gentle romantic prince becomes passive and even indifferent to some extent.

The secret is simple. The hunter knows that the “prey” will not escape him. She already belongs entirely to him. So why continue to be active? Knowing this psychological feature of men, wise women do not allow gentlemen to relax, forcing them to wage a continuous struggle for a lady’s heart.

How do you know if a man loves you?

Women are often overcome by doubts about the feelings of their chosen one. Sometimes, even living together does not give a clear answer. How do you know if the man you love loves you? This can be understood by the following signs:

  • Help. A loving man strives to protect his lady from any problems. This applies not only to some global difficulties, but also to ordinary routine issues of an everyday nature. Moreover, a loving man does not need to beg. He himself knows what needs to be done to make life easier for the lady of his heart.
  • Care. It would seem that opening the door, letting a lady go forward, offering a hand, bringing a heavy bag - these are basic rules of decency. But today men do not spray their politeness and care on everyone. But if a gentleman surrounds you with such signs of attention, be sure that he is not indifferent to you.
  • Support. If a man is interested in your hobbies, respects your views on life, helps you realize your desires and plans, do not doubt his feelings.
  • New accents. Pay attention to whether the man's lifestyle has changed after meeting you. If he spends less time with friends, in bars or at the stadium, and spends it with you, we may well be talking about a strong feeling.
  • Respect. A loving man will not be rude to a woman, will not belittle her merits, and will not reproach her for mistakes. Moreover, a person should behave this way not only in the presence of his beloved, but also when she is not around.

Why does a man love one and marry another?

Do men love their wives? As practice shows, not always. Sometimes a person lives his whole life with an unloved wife, secretly dreaming of another. Why is this happening?

  • To be like everyone else. In modern society, negative stereotypes about people who have not started a family by the age of 30 persist to this day. Fearing condemnation, a man rushes to get married. But when he meets true love, he is already tied in marriage.
  • Too pretty. Raising his beloved to the skies, a man may be embarrassed to admit his feelings, fearing to be rejected. As a result, he connects his life with a less remarkable girl for whom he has no feelings.
  • A mistake of youth. Youthful impulse makes people act recklessly. For example, early marriage. Over time, feelings may go away, but not everyone decides to leave an unhappy marriage.
  • Slowness. Being sincerely confident that his love will not go anywhere, a man can delay recognition for a long time. In the meantime, a woman can find her happiness with someone else (more determined).
  • No match. Men have a developed class stereotype. And if the prince can still marry Cinderella, then a middle-income man will most likely not dare to confess his feelings to a woman from high society.
  • "Mom said". If parents have power over a man, they can influence his life choices. In this case, feelings, as a rule, remain on the sidelines.

Do men love their wives?

It is believed that a wedding is the happiest day in the life of the newlyweds. But as family life progresses, many problems arise. In particular, many people wonder whether a married man truly loves his wife? If there are constant quarrels and mutual discontent in the family, if there is infidelity, then why does the spouse not decide to divorce? There are two main explanations for this:

  • Men are afraid of change. Oddly enough, with all their craving for adventure, the strong half of humanity needs stability. Men endure radical changes very painfully. In particular those related to changes in marital status.
  • Comfort is important to men. Even if a person has a mistress, he is unlikely to leave a warm nest where everything is cleaned, cooked, washed and ironed. As a rule, “on the side” men do not make such demands on women.
  • Love should not be ruled out. Sincere feeling and affection are stronger than misunderstandings and troubles.

How to bring your husband to clean water

Even after being married for many years, many women cannot be completely sure whether men can love. Psychology will help lift the veil of secrecy. To understand whether your spouse loves you, use these tricks:

  • Waiting. Do not come when your spouse calls you. Do not unconditionally agree to all his proposals. Don't be the first to start a conversation. Make him wait. A loving person will certainly be alarmed by such changes.
  • Healthy competition. Make your spouse suspect that he has a rival. Of course, there is no need to have affairs on the side. Just be beautiful, cheerful and blooming for no reason. If your husband loves you, he will certainly take measures to make you fall in love with him again.
  • Keep busy. Stay late at work or immerse yourself in a hobby. A loving man will appreciate even more the rare moments of spending time together.

How to keep a man's attention

There should be no doubt about whether a man can love. But feelings need to be warmed up. If you want your boyfriend to fall in love with you again and again, follow these rules:

  • Watch your appearance. It is important to keep your figure in shape, take care of your skin and hair, and dress beautifully. Moreover, you need to be at your peak not only in public places, but also at home.
  • Watch your speech. Speak clearly, and most importantly, competently. Also watch the content of your speeches. A man will most likely not like gossip.
  • Keep your emotions in check. Don’t turn into a hysterical person who loses control of herself in any trouble.
  • Develop yourself. Try to grow in your career or find a fashionable hobby. Also broaden your horizons by talking to smart people.

Women's opinion

Women have their own opinions about whether men know how to love. Here are the most common beliefs:

  • Men are capable of loving no less strongly than women. They're just not very emotional. Therefore, feelings are not always noticeable.
  • In fact, men are even more sensitive and vulnerable than women. But they are embarrassed by this, hiding their love under a mask of indifference.
  • Modern realities force people to push feelings into the background. Men are increasingly less likely to listen to their hearts.
  • Of course, there is real strong male love. But if it is not mutual, it causes a lot of problems.
  • A man’s ability to have sincere feelings largely depends on the woman who is next to him.
  • Love either exists or it doesn’t. And all these differences are invented by men themselves as an excuse.

I would like to include sincere and loving men in the Red Book as an endangered species.

Most often, the stronger sex tries to hide their feelings like a secret behind seven seals, and words of love have to be pulled out of them almost with pincers.

Why do men behave according to the proven pattern: “I’m an old soldier and don’t know the words of love”?

Can men love? Deeply, passionately, sincerely... And how do you understand who is next to you: your soulmate or another “attempt No. 5”?

After reading medieval novels and crying during another melodrama, a woman begins to analyze the actions of her partner.

For some reason, in our subconscious, love is associated with a certain image of a prince or a knight in shining armor.

So I would like to ask a question: where are the serenades under the window? Where are the feats in the name of your beloved? After all, you want to hear refined compliments, and not “Did you cut your hair? Well, it seems fine”...

Hide in his arms, like in a safe haven, and know that you are the dearest and closest person to him...

All these rosy dreams are often shattered into reality. Men protect their hearts like Koschey protects his needle, and once again try not to show off their feelings. So women have the opinion that they are selfish, incapable of understanding and loving.

How do men know how to love?

Let's think: what role is assigned to a man in society? Protector, provider, owner. Can these functions, which they have always performed, be conducive to frankness and sensitivity?

Psychology says that everyone is capable of love! Gender simply leaves its mark: the expression of feelings by men is regarded as weakness and vulnerability.

The statement that a man does not know how to love is incorrect. Let's not delve into history when, for the sake of honor, women died in a duel or drove horses just to snatch a kiss from the lips of their beloved.

Just look around! Surely you have come across a couple that sparks so much that you can recharge the generator!

Or maybe there are elderly couples among your friends, neighbors, and relatives? Who have already celebrated their golden wedding, but still touchingly hold hands when walking in the park... Their love has already moved to another, sublime level, but it still exists!

It’s interesting, but psychologists say that only strong men are capable of sincere love. They are not afraid to look funny when they talk about their feelings and desires, and they understand perfectly well that relationships are a team game in which both parties should be interested in winning.

Weak and insecure guys are not able to believe in the sincerity of the intentions and feelings of another person.

For such men, a love affair is another tick on the list of victories that helps raise self-esteem.

They shower compliments left and right, have studied 1000 and one approaches to women and live for their own pleasure.

But relationships, love, family - no, thank you, let this headache go to someone else.

All men are owners

For them, feelings of affection and possessiveness are inseparable. By nature, all men are hunters: some are good, some not so good, but inaccessible prey attracts everyone!

A woman who imposes her company and makes the first move herself is a less valuable trophy.

Let's assume the hunt has begun. Dates, flowers, courtship... Everything seems to be going as it should, but the gentleman does not utter the desired words.

On the contrary: he tries to keep his distance. Your relationship is like a fancy dance: you take one step forward, he takes two steps back.

Men find it difficult to enter the unknown and uncomfortable territory of sentiment. Respect the personal space of your chosen one, show wisdom.

Overly determined and obsessive girls scare guys, let your boyfriend gather strength for the next step.

Or maybe this is love...

We dealt with the question of whether guys know how to love, but understanding the male soul is no easier.

Sometimes men seem to be aliens from another planet, or even a galaxy – their worldview and behavior patterns are so different from women’s.

Many ladies would like to gain telepathic abilities in order to understand what is hidden behind this half-smile and deliberately stern look...

If you cannot understand whether a man loves you or not, pay attention not to his words, but to his actions.

6 actions that speak of love

1. Caring. We are now talking not about generally accepted politeness (letting the lady go first), but about sincere interest in the life of the chosen one.

Loving men make our lives simpler and easier. Meeting after work, bringing medicine when a loved one is sick, supporting in difficult times - simple things, but behind them lies a deeper feeling!

A person is characterized by selfishness, and he will not infringe on his loved one if you are completely indifferent to him.

2. Possessiveness. No, not hit with a club and carried into a cave, but very close to that.

Men have very developed natural instincts, so they show in every possible way that this woman is mine.

They turn off an unlucky suitor who dared to ask you to dance, they don’t let go of your hand when you walk down the street, they are jealous if you enthusiastically talk about the successes of a colleague or a friend’s husband.

Tactile contact is also important: yes, it’s difficult to expect sonnets or walks under the moon from a stern man, but he can hug you, tuck a lock of hair that has fallen out of your hair, kiss it tenderly...

3. Responsibility. A humorous expression: “It’s just that a man will admire the snowflakes in your hair, and a lover will ask where your hat is?” is 100% true.

Therefore, if your companion is trying to protect you from worries and worries, believe me, this is love! And who needs poetry and serenades?

4. Future. Of course, men are pragmatists. This woman, seeing a guy for the first time, can mentally marry him and come up with names for her five children!

But if your chosen one is making joint plans for the future, it means he wants you to be a part of his life!

5. Intimacy. Yes, and again we return to the topic of sex. Where would we be without him?

Platonic love is an outdated concept. Before the wedding, people walked hand in hand and didn’t even think about carnal relationships.

Nowadays men and women are not shy about their desires. Pay attention to how your chosen one behaves during sex.

A loving person is not selfish; he will also care about your pleasure. If in bed only he experiences all the joys of life, this is a reason to think about it.

6. Admiration. Compliments should not be feigned and similar to flattery - listen to what your inner voice says?

If a man praises your beautiful hair, and you have a carelessly tied bun, which, frankly, is far from beautiful, it’s difficult to believe his words.

Either a friend has scoured the Internet in search of inspiration, or he is flattering - and this is no better. A lover speaks sincerely, and you see confirmation in his gaze and gestures.

The ways of showing emotions depend on the character of the man, but they must be there! Silently presented flowers or “Get ready, we are going to a restaurant” also counts.

Well, what can you do, not everyone knows how to express their feelings! But they can learn... Of course, under your strict guidance!

How does your man show his love?