36 week false contractions while washing. Thirty-sixth week of pregnancy: what is the development, sensations, what is happening

During this period, the baby continues to actively grow in the mother’s belly. Starting from the 36th week, the pregnancy is considered full-term, and the fetus is almost ready for birth. “Without 5 minutes” the mother’s body develops active preparation for the upcoming birth, which is why specific sensations arise. As a rule, the bag is taken to the maternity hospital and Required documents already collected; the woman and her family assume that an important event could begin at any moment. But optimally, the baby still needs some time to finally get stronger.

From a medical point of view, 36 weeks means that exactly 36 weeks have passed since the first day of the last menstrual cycle, respectively, the age of the fetus is now 34 weeks.

The obstetric 36th week of pregnancy is the end of the 8th month and the beginning of the ninth, the time when the entire grandiose process of intrauterine development moves towards its logical conclusion - childbirth. If we take into account the average gestation period, then there is only one month left before the baby is born.

Thus, the 36th week of pregnancy marks the beginning of an intensive preparatory period for childbirth, and this applies to both the expectant mother and the baby. What is noteworthy is that the baby in the stomach has already taken on the form in which it will be seen at birth, but its organs and body systems will still mature during the remaining weeks of being inside the mother.

Symptoms and sensations at 36 weeks of pregnancy

This stage is extremely responsible, but also quite difficult in a woman’s life. The realization comes that pregnancy is not just an “inevitable” condition for many female representatives, but also a kind of work, as well as responsibility for a new life.

The condition of a pregnant woman at 36 weeks is far from stable: the appearance of new, unknown sensations is typical (this applies to those who will become a mother for the first time). But even with a second pregnancy, the symptoms may be different from the first time at this stage. In general, at week 36, pregnant women experience and note the following:

  • Increase in body weight and abdominal size almost daily;
  • Limited and constrained movements;
  • Frequent lower back pain, stretching sensation;
  • Feeling of pressure in the perineum;
  • Periodic bowel disorders;
  • Strong sensations of fetal movements;
  • Mild lightheadedness and heartburn after eating;
  • Feeling that breathing has become easier;
  • Swelling of the legs and arms;
  • The appearance of the first training contractions;
  • Temporary “petrification” of the abdomen as a result of fatigue or stress;
  • Tingling in the extremities.

Pain, unfortunately, becomes an inevitable companion to pregnancy at 36 weeks. The significant size of the fetus causes the uterus to compress the woman’s nearby organs, causing discomfort. And stretching in the lower back and lower abdomen is caused by stretching of the muscles, which become longer due to the growth of the uterus. And the already large child clearly shows his activity, kicking, which is far from pleasant and even painful. In some cases, the doctor even prescribes harmless painkillers for pregnant women. This is done so that the woman feels more or less normal and prepares without problems for such significant changes in her life - the birth of a child.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy (perhaps earlier or later), the abdomen begins to lower. The baby seems to be getting ready to go out soon. Now the uterus does not put as much pressure on the diaphragm as before, and therefore the breathing of the expectant mother becomes much less difficult.

Emotionally, women feel differently at 36 weeks of pregnancy. Often, first-time mothers, faced with unusual sensations during this period, begin to experience anxiety and fear of the upcoming event. There is also severe irritation caused by “sluggishness”, the inability to perform even simple actions. But those who are preparing to become a mother for the second or third time are filled with tenderness for the baby and may be sad that their special condition will soon pass. Nowadays, care and understanding from loved ones is extremely important for a woman.

At week 36, you should listen very carefully to your body. At this time, signs of imminent labor sometimes make themselves known, which include:

  • Hypertonicity of the uterus for no apparent reason;
  • Reduction of body weight by 0.5-1.5 kg;
  • Frequent diarrhea, thorough cleansing of the body;
  • Lowering of the baby’s head towards the pelvic ring (visible on ultrasound);
  • Training bouts are attended more and more often;
  • Body temperature rises slightly.

Still, it is advisable for the baby to stay in the stomach for at least a week or two and fully mature. Of course, you can’t argue with nature, but in order to avoid having a baby several weeks ahead of schedule, you should abstain from sexual relations. After all, sexual intercourse provokes increased uterine tone, which can lead to the onset of labor at 36 weeks.

The appearance of brownish discharge with blood streaks at this stage of gestation is an extremely dangerous phenomenon, indicating placental abruption and, accordingly, a direct threat to the life of the fetus. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance. The same actions should be taken if amniotic fluid begins to leak - this is a signal that an early delivery is required.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor the type of vaginal discharge. Normally, they should be transparent, probably abundant, so it is recommended to use panty liners. A change in the color and smell of the discharge in a suspicious direction is a reason to immediately report it to your doctor. After all, infection is completely unnecessary now, and if it occurs, the gynecologist will prescribe vaginal suppositories to eliminate troubles.

Changes in a woman’s body at 36 weeks of pregnancy

The abdomen at 36 weeks becomes very large: the height of the uterus is 36 cm, and the distance from the navel to the highest point of the uterine fundus is 15-16 cm. The weight of the most important organ for bearing the fetus now reaches 800-850 g, which exceeds the initial figure (up to pregnancy) approximately 20 times.

Sometimes the belly at 36 weeks of pregnancy does not look big at all, and this can cause anxiety. Indeed, a small belly in the last stages in more than half of the situations indicates oligohydramnios or small size fetus But if the ultrasound did not reveal any abnormalities, then this is a variant of the norm, since it depends on individual characteristics woman's physique.

A woman’s weight gain at the beginning of the 9th month of pregnancy should be on average 12-13 kg, but minor deviations are acceptable. Specifically, during the 36th week, the increase is 300-500 g. If, due to the state of the body, labor begins in the coming days, then the weight, on the contrary, will decrease slightly. So it makes sense to keep an eye on the metrics.

At this stage, there is a gradual expansion and softening of the pelvic bones, which is accompanied by uncomfortable sensations for the expectant mother. When examined by a doctor, a shortening and softening of the cervix is ​​noted, as well as the fact that the cervical canal begins to open slightly. An ultrasound clearly demonstrates a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid and the specific location of the baby in the uterus.

By this time, the fetus usually already takes correct position– upside down. But sometimes breech and pelvic-knee presentation occurs. In such cases, attempts are made to “turn over” the baby, and if they are not successful, then the question arises about the type of delivery.

At 36 weeks, the placenta begins to “age”, and this is a natural phenomenon. Thus, the withering of the placenta is not a sign that it has begun to cope poorly with its assigned functions: the organ still pumps 600 ml of blood every minute. But doctors, nevertheless, monitor the degree of maturity children's place to avoid the development of placental starvation.

Among the external phenomena at 36 weeks of pregnancy, it is worth noting an increase in the thickness of the hair on the legs and arms; sometimes hair begins to grow even on the stomach. This phenomenon does not happen to all pregnant women (more often to those who are expecting a boy), and, by the way, should not cause alarm. A special “fluffiness” occurs under the influence of hormones, and after childbirth everything returns to normal.

Fetal development at 36 weeks of gestation

The baby is now similar in size to a small watermelon: its weight is about 2600-2800 g, its length is 45-47 cm. Vellus hair(lanugo) that covered his body are now falling out; There is also an active accumulation of subcutaneous fat, making the baby look well-fed. On the head, the hair begins to grow intensively, and pigment that determines the color accumulates in it. There is also growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

By appearance the fetus is very similar to a newborn. He sucks his thumb with pleasure, as if he is preparing to eat his mother's milk after birth. But while the pregnancy has not yet come to its logical conclusion, the little man continues to develop and improve. In particular, this is expressed as follows:

  • The fetal skull is formed in such a way that it consists of several parts fused into a single whole by connective tissue. The skull bones are still very soft: but this is how nature intended for comfortable passage through the birth canal. The skull will harden after birth, and even then not immediately.
  • The sucking and grasping reflex reach a fairly high level of development.
  • The nails began to reach the tips of the fingers and continue to grow.
  • The centers responsible for the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are approaching the final stage of their formation.
  • The alveoli of the fetal lungs are lined with surfactant; this becomes enough for the baby to be able to breathe outside the womb.
  • Intense accumulation of iron occurs in baking.
  • The ear cartilage becomes denser.
  • The final stage of maturation of the endocrine and immune systems is underway.
  • The heart is fully formed. But before the moment of birth, there will still be additional connections between large vessels and chambers, and there is still no septum between the right and left parts of the organ. Heart rate is 120-140 beats/min.

The baby in the mother’s belly at 36 weeks of pregnancy perfectly captures the sounds of the outside world, as much as the layer of the uterus and amniotic fluid allows it to do. You may notice that the fetus begins to move more actively when it hears the voice of its mother or father, and even remembers musical melodies.

It is at this stage that the baby learns to take his first breaths of air. Now his nostrils breathe freely, but previously they were closed with special plugs. Of course, a little amniotic fluid gets into the baby’s lungs, but this does not cause him any inconvenience.

In addition, by the 36th week of pregnancy, the formation of the fetal reproductive system reaches a stage similar to that of a full-term baby. So, in boys, the testicles are clearly visible, and in girls, the labia majora cover the labia minora.

As you can see, a baby at 36 weeks is theoretically ready to “come out into the world,” but the remaining 4 weeks will be useful for him to finally mature and prepare emotionally for such an important process as birth.

Nutrition at 36 weeks of pregnancy

At the final stage of pregnancy, it is important to slightly reduce the calorie content of the diet by reducing the percentage of animal fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that due to considerable weight, a woman significantly reduces activity during advanced pregnancy, and therefore now needs a little less calories. At the same time, there is no need to worry about the child: he will take everything he needs for himself.

As before, the expectant mother should eat more vegetables and fruits, but with the caveat that it is better to give up the exotic and include in the menu those that are typical for the area.

Also recommended are porridges with water, vegetable soups and borscht, boiled fish and meat, and dried fruit compotes. In order to avoid intestinal infections, which are completely unnecessary in the last weeks of pregnancy, it is worth removing seafood, sushi, canned food, as well as any products whose freshness raises even the slightest doubt from the table for now.

It makes sense to significantly reduce or completely abandon foods such as peanuts, dark chocolate, buns, smoked and salty foods in the diet. This will help reduce swelling and eliminate the risk of allergic reactions.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, women should rest more. However, this does not mean that you need to lie on the couch around the clock: moderate walking will be useful, easy job around the house (at this time, most people begin to experience the so-called “nesting syndrome”). All the hard work around the house should be entrusted to the husband or relatives. In no case should you overexert yourself - this can provoke labor ahead of schedule.

But questions about activity in sexual life are best resolved in consultation with a doctor. If there are no contraindications, then why not? The baby in the womb is reliably protected, and such things cannot harm him. However, at the slightest risk, it will be necessary to refuse sexual intercourse, because now is a very critical period.

To reduce the load on the spine, it is recommended to wear a bandage at 36 weeks, if this has not been done previously. The choice should be made on something that is pleasant to the touch, and you should also carefully select the bandage according to the size of your stomach: it should not sit loosely, but in no case should it put pressure on the stomach. And to minimize the severity of stretch marks, you need to increase the dosage special means, and gently smear them on the stomach 2-3 times a day.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, you need to visit a doctor at the antenatal clinic, weigh yourself and take a urine sample for a general analysis. If there are even minimal problems with the fetus, the gynecologist gives a referral for additional ultrasound examination. Mandatory for everyone this period is the passage of a CTG (cardiotocogram), which allows you to evaluate the cardiac activity of the fetus, as well as its motor activity.

By the way, from the 36th week it is recommended to independently count the number of movements of the baby. If there are 10 or more of them in 12 hours, then everything is in order. But an unexpected reduction in the number of movements is a good reason for additional examinations of a pregnant woman. After all, at this stage, the main goal is to safely carry the baby, preparing for childbirth with all responsibility.

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The 36th week of pregnancy has begun, which means preparation for childbirth is in full swing. The expectant mother increasingly visits her doctor, who monitors the condition of the placenta, baby and cervix. Bag in maternity hospital has already been collected, and future parents and their relatives are already waiting for a miracle.

The 36th obstetric week of pregnancy is the 9th month of pregnancy, the third trimester, and approximately the 34th week of the embryonic week.

What happens to mom at 36 weeks?

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, a large belly makes the mother slow and clumsy. It becomes difficult for her to walk and even sit. Finding a comfortable sleeping position is no longer an easy task.

The uterus is in its upper position (15 cm above the navel). She squeezes everything internal organs, which still makes it difficult to breathe, may cause heartburn, belching and nausea, frequent urge to urinate and diarrhea. Of course, a woman at 36 weeks of pregnancy feels little pleasant, but she just has to endure just a little bit, because the long-awaited meeting with the baby is getting closer.

Expectant mothers feel very big, and this is not surprising, since they gained 12-13 kg during pregnancy. This weight gain is considered normal. Pregnant women with twins can gain up to 15 kg by this time. If a woman has gained a little more than normal– it’s not scary, when the baby is born, the weight will go away.

Harbingers of childbirth. How to understand that childbirth is near?

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother begins active preparation for childbirth. Precursors of childbirth appear more and more often. This is what Braxton Hicks contractions are called. Training contractions prepare the muscles for labor. They differ from real contractions in their irregularity.

If you feel that your stomach is hardening, your lower back hurts or your lower abdomen is pulling, and then you feel cramping muscle contractions, note the time. If contractions are training, they will not become more frequent. As a rule, they can be counted no more than four within an hour. If the contractions are regular and become more frequent over time, then you need to urgently go to the hospital - labor has begun.

In women with their first pregnancy, the belly begins to drop at 36-37 weeks. The baby's head drops into the pelvis, and it becomes much easier for the mother to breathe. If the baby is still in a breech position, do not be discouraged; obstetricians will help him be born from this not entirely comfortable position.

During the second pregnancy, at 36 weeks, the stomach remains in the upper position. It will drop no earlier than a week before giving birth, and it may drop in just a few days.

Women often experience pain in their pelvic bones due to their expansion. And due to the fact that the uterus has stretched to an impressive size and puts great pressure on all organs, the intestines can be emptied several times a day. At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the cervix shortens and softens in preparation for the upcoming birth.

What happens to the baby at 36 weeks?

If gestation proceeds normally and there is no oligohydramnios, then the baby born at 36 weeks of gestation will have a normal weight. By this time, the weight of the fetus reaches 2.6 kg, and the height is 45-47 cm.

Fetal development is almost complete. The heart is already fully formed, the endocrine, nervous and immune systems are almost ready to exist in outside world. The umbilical cord continues to supply oxygen to the baby.

Now the baby is actively accumulating fat tissue. His cheeks become plump, and he himself is preparing to feed on his mother’s milk, so he sucks his thumb almost all the time. The child's hair and nails continue to grow. The baby is already completely independent, he can perform breathing and swallowing movements, distinguish his mother’s voice, and respond to sound, light and taste. Meconium, the original feces, begins to form in his intestines.

Fetal movements at 36 weeks are less active compared to the beginning of the third trimester. Now he is already cramped inside, and has absolutely no room to turn around. Being in a calm position, the mother and those around her can observe how the baby sticks out his heel, then his elbow, then his hand through the walls of his abdomen.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

Q: 36 weeks of pregnancy, how do you know that you are about to give birth? How does labor begin?

A: Childbirth begins with contractions: the stomach becomes hard, the woman feels pain like during menstruation, which goes away after a few seconds. Contractions occur regularly, gradually becoming more frequent and increasing over time. With such symptoms, you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital. Also, when labor begins, women's water breaks.

Q: 36 weeks, why doesn’t the baby move much?

A: Starting from 34-36 weeks of pregnancy, the child becomes less active than before, since he is already cramped in the womb. However, you should feel him rolling and moving his arms and legs. If his movements become very rare, then it is better to consult a doctor and get examined.

V.: Uterine tone at 36 weeks. What can you take to relieve the spasm?

A: All medications should be prescribed by a doctor, since he knows the characteristics of your body and the course of pregnancy. In general, for tone, no-shpa or papaverine is prescribed. But it is better to consult a doctor about this problem.

What should mom do?

At 35-36 weeks, future parents check several times whether everything is ready and purchased for the baby for the first time. If you haven't prepared everything yet, now is the time to do it. The bag to the maternity hospital should be narrower and be in a visible place, so that in case of unexpected labor you take it with you.

It's best if you pack the bag yourself. So, you will know what you put and where. Of course, you are moving to live in a maternity hospital for a while, but not forever - do not take a bunch of unnecessary things with you. Firstly, this is not welcome in the maternity hospital. Secondly, you will only be there for a few days, which means that the most necessary things will be quite enough.

Try to pack everything in plastic bags, and not in rag bags. Before starting training, contact the antenatal clinic, they will provide you with an approximate list of necessary medicines. Take food for future use. Be sure to bring a bottle of still water. Usually, with the onset of contractions, a woman begins to suffer from severe thirst.

In general, for the maternity hospital you usually get 2 bags: one for the mother, the second for the child.

During this period, you need to be examined by your doctor once a week. This is necessary to assess the condition of the body and prepare it for childbirth. The doctor examines the cervix, weighs the pregnant woman, measures the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, and conducts a CTG. In case of any abnormalities (decreased fetal activity, leakage of amniotic fluid), an ultrasound may be prescribed at 36 weeks.

Traveling from the 36th week of pregnancy is strictly not recommended, because labor can begin at any time. They are unlikely to be able to help you on a train or plane. Give up traveling and traveling in favor of a relaxing holiday at home with your family. Leisurely walks in the park will be more beneficial at this stage.

On later When the belly is already very large, it can be difficult for mothers to get out of bed. If you encounter a similar problem, try not to make sudden movements. First, lie on your side, then lower your legs from the bed, and after that get up.

Sign up for classes for expectant mothers if you haven't done so before. You will be taught breathing exercises that can relieve pain during contractions. You will also be able to mentally prepare for childbirth and learn how to swaddle your baby.

Eat right - it is important for your well-being and the health of your child. Eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible; junk food should be completely avoided, as well as sweet, salty and spicy foods. Don't forget dairy products, legumes, nuts and dried fruits.

Childbirth at 36 weeks

Giving birth at 36 weeks of pregnancy is not at all uncommon. Despite the fact that pregnancy normally lasts 38-40 weeks, most babies born at 36 weeks are completely full-term and healthy. In first-time mothers, labor is usually protracted and lasts more than 10 hours. Mothers with their second or third pregnancy give birth much faster, their labor can last only 5-8 hours.

If this is your first birth, there is no need to worry or be afraid. During contractions, try to breathe deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. While pushing, listen carefully to the obstetrician and clearly follow everything he says: when to push harder, and when to relax a little and take a break.

Don't worry, 36 weeks of pregnancy is almost all the way through and if a woman is 36 weeks pregnant, contractions will most likely be false. But don't relax. There's more to come.

In the last trimester, a tired woman strokes her belly and in the depths of her soul waits for her child to finally be born. If only simply because I’m tired of a big belly, clumsiness, constant pulling in the lower back and feeling like a little elephant.

class="brown"> Meanwhile, the child is trying his best and growing literally by leaps and bounds. He is already completely ready to appear in this world, but he is also a little scared.

Therefore, mom needs to be twice as careful. You must avoid sudden movements and listen very carefully to your well-being, as this is the key to giving birth to a healthy child.

Safety precautions: sanitation of the birth canal

36 weeks of pregnancy is a difficult time and now it is extremely important to create the best possible experience for your baby. comfortable conditions for birth. There is very little left.

At this time, doctors strongly advise the woman to undergo sanitization of the birth canal in order to get rid of pathogenic microflora. This is important because during childbirth the child runs the risk of becoming infected if the woman has some kind of infection, even a minor one.

class="brown_bord"> This also poses a danger to the mother, because the mucous membrane may be damaged during childbirth and the infection will penetrate further. Sanitation will remove bad microflora, thereby helping to avoid inflammation, and introduce much-needed beneficial bacteria.

Preparatory contractions

And then one fine day the woman will feel contractions, but do not be afraid, if the contraction is already 36 weeks pregnant, the contractions are most likely training or, as doctors call them, preparatory contractions.

The pain is somewhat reminiscent of the sensations during menstruation, because the uterus begins to gently contract, as if checking how well it is doing. These contractions do not last long, from a few seconds to a minute, and pass without a trace.

class="brown_bord"> The main difference from real contractions, when you have to wake up your husband and go to give birth, is the irregularity. Real contractions become stronger and more painful with each successive one. And here there is no need to hesitate.

Update: October 2018

As the due date approaches, the expectant mother has more and more questions. Among the many topics of concern to pregnant women is the following: what are false contractions during pregnancy? Unfortunately, not every obstetrician considers it necessary to explain the essence of false contractions, how they differ from real contractions and whether this is normal. Most pregnant women experience false contractions and, as a rule, shortly before childbirth. In addition to such contractions, a number of other harbingers indicate the approaching birth, which are difficult not to notice.

Harbingers of childbirth

The gestation period for women lasts on average 280 days or 40 obstetric weeks. By the end of this period, approximately 2 weeks before, harbingers of labor appear, which inform about its imminent onset. Thanks to the harbingers, the woman understands that the long-awaited meeting with the baby will soon come. These signs appear in all women; in some they are well expressed, while others do not notice them at all. But childbirth rarely begins suddenly, “without warning,” and the period of harbingers is laid down by nature so that the woman has time to prepare and tune in to childbirth. The appearance of all the precursors of labor is not at all necessary; the occurrence of one or two should already alert the woman.

False contractions

The concept of false contractions was introduced by the English doctor Braxton-Hicks at the end of the 19th century, which is why they are also called Braxton-Hicks or training contractions. False contractions are periodic, spontaneous muscle contractions of the uterus. Their appearance is registered as early as 6 weeks of gestation, but in most pregnant women they are felt only after 20 weeks. By the end of pregnancy, at about 38 weeks, false or training contractions are felt by expectant mothers in 70% of cases. Such contractions are called false, since they do not lead to the start of labor and stop on their own.

Abdominal prolapse

The belly drops in expectant mothers a couple of weeks before birth in first-time mothers and a few hours in multiparous mothers. This is due to the fact that the presenting part of the baby, usually the head, is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis, pulling the uterus along with it. At the same time, its upper part (bottom) also descends, which relieves the pressure of the uterus on the chest and abdominal cavity. From that moment on, the woman notices easier breathing, shortness of breath disappears with little physical exertion, but being in a sitting position or walking becomes more difficult. Since the uterus no longer lifts the stomach, heartburn and belching disappear. But the downward movement of the uterus increases pressure on the bladder, which is manifested by increased urination.

With prolapse of the uterus, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and discomfort in the area of ​​the inguinal ligaments may occur. It is also possible that tingling may occur in the legs and lower back. These symptoms are associated with irritation of the nerve endings located in the pelvis when the head is inserted into its entrance.

The mucus plug comes off

This sign is considered the most characteristic, it is difficult not to notice it. Cervical glands with early dates pregnancy begin to produce a thick secretion that fills the cervical canal and prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterine cavity, thereby protecting the fetus and amniotic fluid from infection. On the eve of childbirth, the production of estrogen in a woman’s body increases, due to which the cervix begins to soften and open slightly, which facilitates the passage of the mucus plug. Characteristic signs of its discharge are jelly-like mucous clots that are visible on the underwear. The color of the mucus plug varies from white or transparent to yellowish or pinkish. Often, streaks of blood are visible in the plug, which is considered normal and indicates the imminent onset of labor (within 24 hours). The mucus plug is released either entirely at once, or in parts throughout the day. Removal of the plug is painless, but drawing pain in the lower abdomen may occur. The time it takes for the plug to come out varies. It can go away either 2 weeks before the onset of labor or immediately with the onset of labor.

Weight loss

One to two weeks before the onset of contractions, the pregnant woman’s weight decreases (by about 500 grams - 2 kg). The effect of progesterone, which retains fluid in the body, decreases, and estrogens come into play. As a result, excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling is reduced, and it is much easier to put on shoes and put on gloves with rings.

Changes in urination and bowel movements

Most pregnant women notice the appearance of constipation before childbirth, which is associated with compression of the rectum by the presenting part of the child. But the opposite situation is also possible - the occurrence of diarrhea. Urination also becomes more frequent, as the fetal head puts pressure on the bladder, causing a frequent desire to urinate. Urinary incontinence is possible, especially during physical activity.

Change in fetal movement

By the end of pregnancy future mom notes a decrease in the child’s motor activity. It's connected with rapid growth and an increase in fetal weight. The baby becomes cramped in the uterus, which is reflected in his movements; they become fewer.

Frequent mood changes

On the eve of childbirth, a pregnant woman is characterized by frequent mood changes. Activity and efficiency suddenly gives way to tears, which is caused by neuroendocrine processes and fatigue by the woman. Often, expectant mothers become apathetic, drowsy and seek solitude. All these signs indicate the accumulation of energy before the upcoming birth.

Causes and characteristics of false contractions

What are false contractions for? First of all, they keep the uterus in good shape, “train” it before childbirth and create conditions for the “ripening” of the cervix. Secondly, thanks to training folds, blood flow to the child increases, which contributes to its better saturation with oxygen and nutrients. It becomes clear that false contractions are absolutely normal manifestations that you should not be afraid of. There are a number of factors that can cause false contractions to occur.

Provoking factors

Training contractions appear under the following conditions:

  • excessive physical activity (housework, sports, prolonged standing, etc.);
  • taking a hot shower/bath;
  • increased motor activity of the fetus;
  • drinking strong alcohol frequently (stimulates the nervous system and increases the tone of the uterus);
  • emotional stress, stress;
  • active sex and orgasm (the release of oxytocin, which promotes uterine contractions);
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • fatigue, sleep disturbance;
  • a full bladder (puts pressure on the uterus, forcing it to contract);
  • (the volume of circulating blood decreases, the blood supply to the uterus deteriorates, which provokes its contractions);
  • improper or insufficient nutrition;
  • multiple births or large fruit(the space is too small for the child/children, any movement of them irritates the uterine walls);
  • overeating or feeling hungry, drinking soda (causes the stomach to contract, the irritation of which is transmitted to the uterus);
  • touching the stomach by a stranger.

Characteristics of false contractions

As indicated, false contractions occur in the second half of gestation, but usually on the eve of childbirth (at 38–39 weeks of pregnancy). As a rule, training contractions appear in the evening, when the woman is resting. These contractions do not cause pain and occur irregularly and infrequently. In addition, false contractions only prepare the cervix for dilatation, but do not cause it. Some expectant mothers may not feel false contractions, but this does not indicate abnormalities.

Symptoms and sensations

Since each body is individual, the symptoms of false labor may vary. Some feel them well due to the significant intensity and severity of the unpleasant sensations, while for others they pass almost unnoticed. Characteristic signs of training contractions include:

  • contractions are irregular, it is impossible to catch the rhythm of their occurrence (they can occur every 5 - 6 hours (but less than 6 times per hour) and after 1 - 2 days;
  • the duration of false contractions is short, a few seconds, no more than a minute;
  • tension (compression) of the uterus;
  • Vivid sensations during contractions do not cause pain, but bring discomfort;
  • usually occur in the evening or at night, when the woman is resting (during the day, expectant mothers often do not pay attention to them);
  • the intensity of contractions quickly decreases with changes in body position.

What does it feel like to have false contractions? In many cases, training contractions are painless, and expectant mothers tolerate them quite easily. But in the case of a low threshold of pain sensitivity, false contractions are very unpleasant and even require assistance. The sensations during false contractions are reminiscent of menstrual pain: they are of a pulling nature and occur in the lower abdomen. A woman can also feel the hardening of the uterus herself by placing her hand on her stomach.

Differences between real contractions and false ones

How to distinguish false contractions from real ones? Signs of training and true contractions are shown in the table:

Sign training true
Significant pain that intensifies over time +
The duration of the fight increases +
Leakage of amniotic fluid +
There is no clear rhythm of uterine contractions, irregular contractions +
The intensity of the contraction increases, uterine contractions last a minute or longer +
Disappearance of contractions when changing body position or physical activity +
The cervix gradually opens and smoothes out +
There is pressure either in the vagina or pelvis +
Lasts less than 2 hours, and less than 4 uterine contractions occur per hour +

How to deal with false contractions

To eliminate the discomfort caused by training contractions, following some recommendations will help:


A leisurely walk in a park or square will not only help eliminate discomfort, but will also enrich the mother’s blood with oxygen, which is beneficial for the baby.

Change body position

Sometimes it’s enough to change your body position and take the most comfortable position. If a pregnant woman is lying down, you can stand up and take a few steps, or sit down while standing for a long time.

Get distracted

Watching your favorite movie, listening to calm music or reading a book will help you unwind and relax.

Warm water

Taking a warm shower or bath with aromatic oil can help relieve Braxton Hicks contractions.

Correct breathing

The occurrence of false contractions is an excellent moment for training. correct breathing in childbirth, which was taught in classes at mothers' school. Take deep breaths through your nose, trying to exhale slowly and smoothly through your mouth, with your lips pursed into a tube. You can try breathing like a dog - intermittent and frequent, but do not get carried away, otherwise you will feel dizzy.

Drink water or have a snack

If false contractions are caused by dehydration, drinking a glass of plain water is enough to relieve them. In case of hunger, even mild, which provoked uterine contractions, you should have a snack that is easily digestible and nutritious (for example, a banana).

When to call an ambulance

Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to urgently call ambulance or contact your doctor:

  • the gestational age at which uterine contractions appeared is less than 36 weeks (the threat of premature birth cannot be ruled out);
  • the occurrence of moderate or heavy bleeding (suspicion of placental abruption);
  • the appearance of watery discharge (possible leakage of amniotic fluid);
  • discharge of the mucus plug before 36 weeks;
  • pressing pain in the sacral and lumbar regions;
  • feeling of pressure in the perineum;
  • excessive physical activity of the child or its sharp decrease;
  • the frequency of contractions is 3 or more in 10 minutes (the beginning of labor).

Preliminary period - what does it mean? The preliminary period is the period of time during which a woman’s body prepares for childbirth. That is, the preliminary period can be called the preparatory period, during which the harbingers of childbirth appear. A normal preliminary period is recorded in 30–33% of women at the end of gestation (38–40 weeks). The physiological preliminary period is characterized by:

  • contractions that occur with varying frequency, duration and intensity, but lasting no more than 6 – 8 hours;
  • contractions may disappear on their own and reappear after 24 hours;
  • the pregnant woman’s sleep and general well-being are satisfactory;
  • the expectant mother is fully ready for childbirth (“mature” cervix, positive mammary and oxytocin tests, etc.);
  • the uterus is in normal tone, the fetus does not suffer in utero;
  • in 70%, the normal preliminary period develops into adequate labor.

Pathological preliminary period

A pathological preliminary period is spoken of when the preparatory period is prolonged, characterized by irregular but painful contractions that do not contribute to structural changes in the cervix. It is diagnosed in 10–17% of pregnant women and, as a rule, develops into labor anomalies (weakness of contractions or incoordination of contractions). In foreign literature, such a pathology is called “false birth.”


The pathological nature of the preliminary period can be provoked by:

  • emotional lability and neuroses;
  • endocrine pathology (obesity or underweight, menstrual irregularities, genital infantilism, etc.);
  • somatic pathology (heart defects, arrhythmias, hypertension, kidney and liver diseases);
  • chronic inflammatory processes uterus and cervix;
  • large fruit;
  • (dystrophic processes);
  • fear of childbirth, unwanted pregnancy;
  • first births in women under 17 and over 30;
  • little-and;
  • incorrect position of the fetus and placenta;
  • and so on.

How it manifests itself

The clinical picture of the pathological preliminary period is characterized by painful contractions that occur not only at night, but also during the day. Contractions are irregular and do not become true for a long time. The pathological preliminary period can last from one to ten days, which disrupts the pregnant woman’s sleep and contributes to her fatigue.

The cervix does not undergo structural changes, that is, it does not “ripe.” It is long, located anteriorly or posteriorly, dense, and the outer and inner pharynx are closed. Also, the lower segment of the uterus does not unfold, and the uterus itself is easily excitable and has increased tone.

The presenting part of the child does not press against the entrance to the pelvis for a long time, despite the absence of any discrepancy between the sizes of the baby and the mother’s pelvis. The presence of hypertonicity of the uterus makes it difficult to palpate the head and small parts of the child.

Uterine contractions are monotonous for a long time, the intervals between them do not shorten and the intensity of contractions does not increase. The psycho-emotional status of the expectant mother also suffers. She is irritable and whiny, aggressive and afraid of childbirth, doubting its successful completion.

The long course of the pathological preliminary period is often complicated by premature rupture of water and. Due to energy consumption, this pathology often develops into weakness of the generic forces.

Autonomic disorders are often observed (neurocirculatory dystonia, excessive sweating), the woman complains of pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, palpitations and shortness of breath, painful movements of the baby.

Question answer

I am about to give birth for the first time and I am afraid that I will not be able to distinguish false contractions from true ones. What do i do?

Many first-time women are afraid to miss real contractions, mistaking them for false ones. Doctors recommend: if there is any doubt about false contractions, especially if they are painful and last a minute or more, you should go to the maternity hospital. The obstetrician will conduct an internal vaginal examination and evaluate maturity and. If the alarm is false, the woman will be sent home with a recommendation to report to the antenatal clinic in 2 to 3 days.

When I gave birth for the first time, the doctors told me about some incorrect preparatory contractions and after a while they opened the amniotic sac, after which I gave birth myself. What was it and is there a high probability of this situation repeating in the second birth?

During your first birth, you experienced a pathological preliminary period. The likelihood of its development in the second birth depends on many reasons, but first of all on the mood for the successful completion of childbirth. Attend mothers' school, practice self-hypnosis and breathing exercises, try to get rid of the fear of childbirth and follow the doctor's recommendations. Competent psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth will significantly reduce the chances of a pathological course of the preparatory period.

I am 41–42 weeks (recalculated at the antenatal clinic), but there are no false contractions or other precursors of labor. What to do?

You may be postterm pregnant. To induce labor, use natural methods(long walks, sex, certain foods, etc.).

How is the pathological preliminary period treated?

The tactics for managing a woman depend on the duration of the pathological preparatory period, the condition of the cervix, the intensity pain, condition of mother and child. If the cervix is ​​“mature” and the duration of this pathology is less than 6 hours, the amniotic sac is opened to stimulate contractions. If the cervix is ​​“immature”, but this period lasts 6 hours or less, sedatives (Relanium) are prescribed and the cervix is ​​prepared (prepidil-gel intracervically). In the case of a prolonged course (more than 10 hours) of the pathological preparatory period, medicinal sleep-rest is prescribed, after which the pregnant woman wakes up in the active phase of contractions.

The 36th week of pregnancy has approached (this is almost eight and a half months by obstetric standards). If it didn't happen premature birth, and the expectant mother continues to carry the fetus under her heart, wonderful!

After all, from the moment this milestone is passed, the baby is considered full-term.

What's happening to the baby

The longer the fetus stays in the mother's belly, the better.

True, there are limits here too, because a baby born after 40 weeks is considered post-term. Then a number of unpleasant consequences are possible.

For example, excess weight the baby or the skull bones will become harder than necessary to pass through the birth canal.

  • The weight of the fetus is now 2700 grams, but this week the variation in this indicator among different babies can be huge. Some are approaching the 4 kg mark, while others have reached 2.5 kilos - it’s all individual.

A baby's weight is largely determined by the mother's nutrition and heredity.

  • The baby's height is now about 48 cm.
  • The fetus is all formed and ready to be born.
  • Processes related to the formation of new connections continue to occur in the brain.
  • Iron accumulation occurs in the liver.
  • The baby is actively preparing for breastfeeding by practicing on his own fingers - he sucks his fingers and toes.

The fetus is quite ready for birth, but no one can tell you the exact timing of its birth.

Basically, women give birth before 40 weeks, but only every twentieth mother gives birth exactly at the time determined by the doctor.

And when there are twins in the stomach, the chance of reaching the border at 40 weeks is small: multiple pregnancy Few people succeed in doing this. Twins prefer to be born between 34 and 36.

The baby is at the start.

  • The fetus is inactive (about 10 movements in 12 hours), because his uterus is cramped.
  • In most cases, the baby is positioned upside down.

If the ultrasound told you that the baby chose , the likelihood that something will change in the future is almost zero.

When, with twins, one child is in a cephalic presentation and the other, for example, in a transverse presentation, then the second baby can rearrange itself even during childbirth.

After all, after the birth of the first baby, “unprecedented spaces” suddenly open up before the second one, allowing you to make a U-turn.

What's happening to mom

How does a woman feel at the beginning of the 37th week?

  • First of all, many people experience incredible fatigue.
  • And when looking at themselves in the mirror, they often think about methods of returning to their previous figure, when childbirth is already over and the weight can be adjusted.
  • Most likely, the fear of childbirth gave way to the desire to take the baby in your arms as quickly as possible.
  • Sometimes, many begin to feel more and more horror about what is coming: they fear for the health of the baby, think about possible consequences for the baby and complications that accompany childbirth.

Most of all, such an influx of emotions will affect the mother in whose stomach twins are developing, because the doctors kept telling her about the big risks. Or a woman who became pregnant late, had pathologies, was overweight.

Try to get out of this vicious circle: During pregnancy you need to think positive. Don't forget: the fetus reacts to your emotions.

Right now, closer to the 37th week, it is better not to read stories on the Internet about how others experienced childbirth: willy-nilly, you will try on situations for yourself.

  • The height of the uterine fundus remains the same - 36 cm, counting from the pubic symphysis.

If she still has room to grow, she may gain another centimeter.

  • The waist circumference is about 100 cm.

It's hard to bend over with a belly like that, so you better learn how to squat properly.

If you have twins under your heart, and not just one fetus, there is a high chance that you will not be able to get up from this situation without someone else’s help.

  • Weight: the increase compared to the initial weight will be about 13 kg. This growth is considered optimal and gaining more weight is undesirable.

In the case of twins, even just walking becomes difficult: the mother’s weight could increase by 16-18 kg. In most cases, such mothers are kept in the hospital during this period.


  • Normally, they should be slimy in consistency.
  • The color is pinkish, just light, which, by the way, is a sign of approaching labor.

Discharge Brown V large quantities, in turn, indicate the presence of any complications, for example, placental abruption.

Then you should urgently apply for medical care. Likewise in case of suspected water leakage (thin, watery discharge).

In addition, you should be alarmed when the discharge has a cheesy consistency and contains pus. Or there is an itching or burning sensation in the perineal area.

In this case, there is a high probability of developing an infection in the genital tract, which can affect the fetus.

Nesting syndrome - harbingers of childbirth

This week, a large belly constantly reminds itself of itself; even the lightest load is difficult.

Mommy’s weight has now reached almost the maximum possible value allowed during pregnancy - as a result, she suffers from shortness of breath, heaviness in her legs and back pain.

However, it is closer to the 37th week, shortly before the onset of contractions, that almost every woman experiences the so-called nesting syndrome.

It is expressed in the desire to put your nest in order before the baby arrives.

A pregnant woman, heavy on her feet, despite the increased weight and other “charms” of pregnancy, begins to tirelessly wash, undertake repairs and rearrangements.

But you shouldn’t show too much zeal, because... any load can provoke the onset of labor.

It is important not to bring yourself to the point of complete lack of strength, and labor may begin within a week.

Just imagine: at the moment when the first contractions appear, you will be like a squeezed lemon. And bringing a baby into the world will require a lot of effort.

Therefore, distribute the work that needs to be done evenly and be sure to get enough sleep!

It is believed that closer to the beginning of the 37th week, the syndrome is one of the precursors of labor. True, it is not physiological in nature, but rather psychological.

After a number of processes have developed, the body, sensing that labor is imminent, signals your brain to get ready.

False and true contractions: how to distinguish

This week, succumbing to emotions, many pregnant women unexpectedly come to the conclusion: they are rapidly developing labor activity, they feel contractions.

And the decision of the doctor in the maternity hospital, where they rushed in full combat readiness, simply shocks them: it was a false alarm, and the birth is still far away.

And this, I must say, can happen more than once.

Why does this happen?

  • Firstly, you are now, “approaching” the 37th week, at the peak of anticipation. Therefore, every change in the body at a given time can be interpreted in favor of the beginning of labor.
  • Secondly, false contractions involuntarily suggest the end of pregnancy.

False contractions, the scientific name for Braxton-Hicks contractions, become especially pronounced at the end of the 36th week. And for those expecting twins, a little earlier.

Of course, they resemble real fights, but there are a lot of points that distinguish them from each other:

  • during false ones, the intervals between them will be different. In generics, they occur at regular intervals, which gradually decrease;
  • true contractions gradually intensify and lengthen, false ones in this sense are more “constant”, that is, it is impossible to see dynamics in their development; in fact, there is no development as such;
  • false contractions cannot dilate the cervix, while “real” contractions are designed to do just that
  • in the event of a “false alarm”, you will easily be able to fall asleep, but if the contractions are still true, you will definitely not be able to do this;
  • discharge does not accompany Braxton-Hicks contractions, and with the approaching labor with real uterine contractions (precisely at the initial stage), even spotting is quite possible;
  • unlike real ones, they can stop if the pregnant woman gets into the shower or rests a little.

However, there are often cases when at 36 weeks false uterine contractions gradually develop into true ones with the rapid development of labor.

Therefore, in order to still recognize the onset of labor, be attentive to your feelings and, first of all, trust yourself.

It happened that doctors did not immediately understand that childbirth was just around the corner, although the expectant mother felt that “hour X” was approaching.

Believe me, even a first-time mother immediately understands the right moment when there are only a few hours left before meeting the baby.

They even feel contractions for the first time in their lives, having avoided the sensations of training contractions. And this happens, for example, if the mother was overweight before pregnancy.

It not only relieves the lower back, but also supports the tummy, and also allows the pregnant woman to reduce discomfort when training contractions begin.

The bandage will be especially useful for those who are expecting twins: without it, the pregnant woman’s weight will be redistributed so that her back will hurt a lot.

Perhaps this accessory will also reduce the number of stretch marks that may have appeared on the skin by this time.

Continue using creams, because... Now the skin on the abdomen is stretched almost to the maximum, making it dry and prone to the formation of new stretch marks.

  • Be sure to control your weight by moderating your appetite.

Be careful, as extra pounds during childbirth will only complicate the situation.

: the fetus will not suffer from this, but on the contrary, everything will only be beneficial.