Original crafts made from threads. DIY thread crafts

New Year holidays are already on the doorstep, which means it’s time to start preparing for them. Undoubtedly, the main decoration will be the Christmas tree, which can be decorated with both store-bought toys and homemade ones. However, in addition to the Christmas tree, many try to transform the interior, thus creating an atmosphere of celebration and fairy tales.

If you want to truly transform your home for the New Year, then it’s time to put everything aside and spend your free evenings doing handicrafts. In this article we have prepared for you more than 50 step-by-step master classes New Year's crafts from threads. Not only will they find a suitable option for themselves experienced craftswomen, but also beginners in needlework.

Simple DIY thread crafts for the New Year

You can create a huge variety of New Year's crafts from simple threads with your own hands. These can be snowflakes, stars, angels, Christmas trees, etc. Simple crafts made from threads New Year Children will be especially captivated, because a hand-made little thing will not only bring pleasure, but will also fill the child with anticipation of the main holiday of the year with its miracles. After all, who would have thought that ordinary threads would turn into wonderful crafts?

Snowflake made of threads: simple New Year's crafts for children

The kids are looking forward to the most main holiday The year is a time of magic and gifts. And now is the time to start creating this very magic, because it lies in the details. Winter evenings are long, so there is plenty of time for New Year's crafts! In this master class you will learn how to make an original New Year's star from threads and cardboard. You will need: a cardboard blank (circle or any polygon), knitting thread, scissors. Make several cuts along the edges of the cardboard blank, and then wind the threads in different patterns.

DIY Christmas candy made from threads

As a New Year's craft made from threads with children preschool age you can make a lollipop. To do this, prepare a cardboard circle, red and white, glue, a lollipop shelf and a ribbon. Twist the threads into a rope, grease the cardboard base with glue and glue the red and white rope in a spiral. WITH reverse side glue the stick and ribbon. Add a bow and the lollipop is ready!

A simple New Year's craft from threads for children: making a snowflake from threads

You can master sewing skills by making a snowflake. For crafts you will need paper plate, needle, thread. Draw a snowflake on the inside of the plate. Make holes at the junctions of the elements so that it is easy for the child to thread the needle and thread. Get crafting and enjoy the process!

Christmas star made of sticks and threads

A cool eco-friendly craft made from sticks and threads. To make a star you will need five sticks, glue, and thread. Glue the star-shaped sticks together. If desired, the frame can be painted. Then wrap the thread around the frame and you can use the star as a decorative element! See step-by-step MK below.

Snowflake made of threads

With children, you can make a great snowflake from threads. To make it you will need cardboard or old postcards, thread, and safety pins. See how to do it below:

Angels made of threads

Angels made from threads will be an excellent New Year's decoration. You can make this craft with children of any age. To make it you will need: cardboard, threads, ribbons for decoration. See the step-by-step photo master class below.

Santa Claus made of threads: simple New Year's crafts with children

For the craft you will need: a ring for the base, white and red threads, beads or buttons for the face, wire. We will secure the threads on the base with a so-called blind loop. Gather the red threads into a bundle and the craft is ready!

A hat made of thread and toilet paper: we make a miniature hat for decorating a Christmas tree

For a miniature hat you will need: a toilet paper roll (towel), scissors, knitting thread, ruler, decorative tape. Cut a ring of about 1 cm from the sleeve. Cut the threads into pieces of equal length. Using a blind loop, we “put” the threads onto the sleeve until we fill it all. After this, we thread the threads through the ring, as if turning it inside out. Using a thin sewing thread, tie the ends of the threads, trim them and fluff them slightly, making a pom-pom. The hat is ready! You can hang it on a Christmas tree or, for example, give it to a doll, or maybe even insulate some homemade snowman!

Garland of thread tassels: making Christmas decorations with your own hands

You can make an unusual garland from threads. To do this, we need to make several tassels and secure them to one long rope. Hanging a garland of threads on a Christmas tree is not very convenient, because... threads can get tangled in Christmas tree branches. But decorating a room with it is a great idea! See step-by-step MK below.

Horse made of threads: making toys with your own hands

You can make real toys from threads with your own hands, for example, a horse, which will become an excellent Christmas tree decoration. For the horse you will need knitting threads (main color and two additional ones for decoration), eyes. Step by step photo instructions are given below.

Christmas tree made of threads for children

If you are planning to do New Year's crafts with your children, then, of course, you should choose something simpler. An excellent option would be a Christmas tree made by winding threads on a thick cardboard blank. To make it you will need: a piece of thick cardboard, knitting threads, double-sided tape, beads. Place double-sided tape on the base of the cardboard to secure the thread. Wind the threads tightly onto the cardboard, and in the last row, thread the beads through the thread. Decorate the top with a star button and leave a small thread so that the Christmas tree can be hung.

Christmas flowers made of threads: decorate the Christmas tree with your own hands for the New Year

Simple, but original craft made of threads that even kids can handle. How to make: wind threads on cardboard as for a pompom, tie in the center. Then we separate a small part of the threads and also tie it at the end. We cut the ends of the flower and decorate the middle with a bead or sequin.

DIY Christmas wreath made of threads

Another simple craft made from threads for the New Year is a wreath. For this craft, it is better to purchase plush threads, so the wreath will look fluffier. In addition, you will need such an unusual base (look at the photo). Next, cut the thread into pieces of the same size with a knot and secure it on each row of the warp. Decorate the wreath with a bow and you're done! See photo of MK below.

DIY Christmas ball made of threads

You can make an original themed decoration for a Christmas tree in the form of a ball of thread yourself. For this craft you will need a foam blank, wooden sticks, knitting threads, and round beads. To make the sticks look like knitting needles, glue round beads on one side. Pierce the foam blank with sticks, like a ball of knitting needles. Now wind the threads so that the workpiece is completely covered with them. The New Year's toy is ready! See detailed MK below.

DIY snowman made of threads

The threads also make very cute snowmen. You can, of course, buy three balls of white thread, connect them together and the snowman is ready! But, in order to save yarn, we will act cunningly. From plastic bags make three balls different sizes. Wrap each of them with threads and connect them with an ice cream stick. All that remains is to attach the stick handles and, if desired, decorate the snowman further. elements.

Christmas ball made of threads: making simple New Year's crafts with your own hands

Decorate christmas tree can be homemade Christmas balls from threads. To make it you will need a plastic Christmas ball, thread, glue. Lubricate the ball with glue and wrap it in a spiral with thread.

Simple Christmas tree made of threads for office decor

The New Year's atmosphere should reign not only at home, but also in the office. If you are planning to decorate your workplace, then we recommend paying attention to a simple Christmas tree made of threads in the “minimalism” style. The Christmas tree is very easy to make, so it will take no more than 15 minutes to create this beauty! You will need: a paper cone for the base, knitting threads, a stand (optional). Make a cone out of thick paper. Threads can be secured with glue or double-sided tape. You should start winding from the top.

New Year's wreath made from Alize puffy yarn

Continuing the topic New Year's decor You can’t ignore such an element as a wreath. For this craft, you need to get a special yarn from the Turkish manufacturer Alize - Alize puffy. Thanks to special loops, the wreath turns out voluminous and fluffy. You will also need a base; you can buy foam in the store or make it yourself (from foam rubber or newspapers). Glue the yarn to the base and the wreath is ready!

New Year's stars woven from threads

If you have never weaved with thread before, then be sure to try it. Although, there are probably no girls who have never woven baubles. Today we will weave New Year's stars. In addition to threads, for this craft you will need 5 ice cream sticks. We tie the threads around the stick with a special knot and get a figure similar to a DNA helix. When all five sticks are braided, they need to be glued together in the shape of a star. MK see below.

New Year's ball made of threads: DIY Christmas tree decoration

For this craft you need a foam ball, threads, glue, and colored buttons for decoration. We coat the workpiece with glue and wrap it with threads in a spiral, tightly pressing one row to the other. On top of the threads, the ball can be decorated with buttons or sequins, securing them with safety pins.

Thread wreath in “Dreamcatcher” style

And another version of a thread wreath. To make it you will need a base for a wreath (can be made from a metal hanger), thick yarn, glue, colored paper for decoration. Step-by-step master class see below.

Thread paintings: New Year's crafts for children

Long winter evenings are the perfect time to get creative with your kids. When paper applications have already been mastered and no longer delight the child, you need to make paintings from threads! The essence of the craft is simple: the threads are cut into small pieces, a suitable picture is prepared in advance (it is better to take pictures without small details), part of the picture is coated with glue and sprinkled with threads. Press it a little, let it dry and shake off the excess. Let's move on to the next part of the picture. Examples finished works You can watch below.

DIY crafts for the New Year from threads and glue

Particularly popular among needlewomen in last years won crafts made from threads and glue. And this is not surprising; the products turn out to be very delicate and winter-patterned. Easy to make and very original. We have collected several for you cool master classes that you can get inspired by!

Christmas tree made of threads and glue: step-by-step master class

The most popular craft made from threads is a Christmas tree made from threads and glue. It is very simple to do, but looks very impressive. To make it you will need: a paper cone, thread, PVA glue. Wrap the glue-coated threads tightly around a paper cone. After the glue has dried, remove the cone and the Christmas tree is ready! Additionally, you can decorate it with beads, sparkles, ribbons, buttons and more.

DIY mini Christmas tree made of threads

Another simple option Christmas tree from threads that can be made with children. For this New Year's toys You will need: a foam cone, knitting threads, felt, a pompom for the top and any decorative elements. Lubricate the foam base with glue and wind the thread tightly. Thread a thread through the pompom and glue it to the top. We cut out a circle from felt, the diameter of the base of the cone, thread a thread with a bell through it and glue it to the base of the Christmas tree. Now all that remains is to decorate the little forest guest and you can hang it! See step-by-step MK below.

You can make original ones from knitting threads and glue Christmas decorations. These can be stars, Christmas trees, balls and other figures. The main thing is to master the technology, and then it’s up to your imagination. So, to make it you will need: thick yarn, PVA glue, a disposable tray (thermal box or something similar), safety pins (you can use matches or small nails). Place the desired figure on the tray with pins. Coat the threads thoroughly with glue (better pour the glue into a container and place the thread there). Wrap the thread along the contour of the figure, and then fill the inner space. Wait for the glue to dry completely and remove the pins. Attach a thread and the Christmas tree toy made from glue and thread is ready!

Balls made from thread and glue are very popular as crafts; they are also called cobweb balls. You will need for needlework: sewing thread, PVA glue, balloon, oil (sunflower or body oil) or Vaseline. First, inflate the balloon to the size you need. Then lubricate its surface with any fatty oil or Vaseline. Pour the glue into the container. Wind the threads around the “fat” surface of the ball, do not forget to leave “extra” threads so that the web ball has something to hang on, and then lower it into a bowl of glue and twist it well. After all the manipulations, we send our ball to dry. After the glue has completely dried, the ball must be removed; this is done by piercing a hole.

More decor ideas with balls of thread and glue

Star of David made of thread and glue

For this craft you will need push pins with caps, a board, cling film, PVA glue, and thread. Cover the board with film and stick buttons in the shape of a Star of David. Wrap threads around one triangle, then the second, generously coat them with glue. When the glue is dry, remove the buttons and tie the triangles together at the intersections. The craft is ready!

If simple crafts from threads, in your opinion, is for weaklings, then it’s time to move on to serious needlework! It's time to take the hook out of your craft box and get real handmade.

So, for those who have just begun their acquaintance with crochet, we offer a simple three-dimensional Christmas tree. To make this you will need: thread, hook, paper cone, glue. We collect a chain of air loops(you definitely went through this in labor lessons at school), and then glue this chain in a circle to a paper cone. The Christmas tree is ready; if desired, it can be further decorated.

Crocheted Christmas tree: step-by-step MK with photo and description

For those who are at least a little familiar with crochet, we have an excellent master class on creating knitted Christmas tree. There are no tricks here, simple knitting double crochet. For those who are not familiar with knitting techniques, we recommend watching this instructional video. So, for a fluffy Christmas tree you will need: threads for knitting “grass”, a hook, beads and ribbons for decoration.

Let's move on to the description of the work: you need to knit a Christmas tree in two threads. To begin, cast on 56 air loops and close them into a ring. The second row, like all subsequent ones, is knitted with double crochets. Starting from the third row, you need to decrease 4 loops in each row, i.e. We divide the number of loops in the row by 4, and we get the number of loops that do not need to be knitted (56/4 = 14, i.e. in the third row we do not knit every 14 loops). The number of stitches in the 4th row will be reduced by four and will be 52 (56-4=52). Again we carry out simple mathematical calculations and find that we need to skip every 13th loop (52/4=13). And so we continue. In the last rows, the decrease will have to be done by eye.

Now the Christmas tree is ready, all that remains is to decorate the knitted beauty, and you can put it in a place of honor!

Using a crochet hook you can knit not only Christmas trees, but also other themed crafts, for example, a Christmas wreath. Make 15-16 air loops from the threads and close them into a ring, then knit three more rows with a regular single crochet, and then secure the thread. The wreath is ready. To decorate with red thread, make 30-35 air loops, pull them through the wreath and tie them with a bow. Crochet the wreath is ready!

Crochet Christmas tree toys

Another option for New Year's crafts made from threads could be knitted cover. You can knit “clothes” for a shopping balloon that, for example, has lost its appearance, or as in our version - for old light bulb, thus transforming an unnecessary item into a Christmas tree decoration.

Crafts from pompoms for the New Year

The most noble material for crafts made from threads is pom-poms. There are many things that needlewomen make from them: Christmas trees, wreaths, snowmen, various animals and much more. Making a pompom is very easy; you can use a special device, a cardboard circle, your hand or a fork. It all depends on what size pompom you need. But the essence is the same everywhere: wind the yarn around the base, fasten it in the middle with thread and cut the ends. If necessary, trim the ends of the pom pom.

The more yarn you wrap around the base, the fluffier the pompom will be!

Christmas tree made of pompoms: do-it-yourself New Year's crafts

For pompom lovers, we offer a master class on making a Christmas tree. It is better to make pom-poms of different sizes, then the Christmas tree will look more harmonious. In this MK it is proposed to make the Christmas tree multi-colored, but you can use pompoms of the same color, for example, green, in which case the Christmas tree can be additionally decorated with beads. Here's a multi-colored one forest beauty does not need additional decor!

Continuing the theme of pompoms, we invite you to familiarize yourself with a master class on making a New Year's wreath. You will need: a thick base, a lot of pompoms, glue. Cover the base of the wreath tightly with pompoms, wait until the glue dries and you can decorate your apartment!

Pom-pom gnomes: make Christmas decorations from threads with your own hands

Little fox made from pompoms: step-by-step master class with photos

Crafts for the New Year from pompoms: making animals, owl

New Year's crafts from threads: making a hedgehog from pompoms

DIY pompom pig

Crafts from threads for the New Year: hummingbirds

Mini Christmas tree made of threads: decorating a New Year's gift with your own hands

DIY snowman made from pompoms: New Year's MK

Garland of pompoms: making Christmas decorations from threads with your own hands

New Year's garland “ice cream”: step-by-step MK with photos

New Year's craft from pompoms ice cream

Christmas pudding from pompoms: making Christmas crafts from threads with your own hands

New Year's garland made of pompoms: decorating the interior with “cupcakes”

DIY New Year's crafts from threads and nails

A great craft idea for the New Year would be a picture made of threads and nails or the so-called String Art. Making such a craft with your own hands is not difficult if you follow simple rules safety when driving nails. All you need is a wooden board, a suitable design, nails, a hammer, tracing paper and thread. Transfer the drawing onto tracing paper, attach it to the board and secure it so that it does not slip. Drive nails into the board along the contour of the drawing on the tracing paper, and then remove the tracing paper. Now all that remains is to fill the center of the picture with threads. Approximate New Year's schemes see below:

Nitkography: do-it-yourself thread paintings for the New Year

Threadography is a special technique of drawing with threads. Yes, we were not mistaken, namely drawing. This technique originated in Mexico, and today it has become quite widespread here. Even children can make pictures from threads, so you can safely take note of thread printing for New Year’s crafts. Beginners are advised to choose paintings without small details, so they should start searching for a suitable pattern in advance. For crafts using the nitcography technique you will need: cardboard (the basis for the picture), thick PVA glue, knitting threads (it is better if they are the same thickness), scissors, paints. Transfer the picture onto cardboard, coat the outline with glue and circle it with thread. Press the thread well so that it sticks. When the outline is made, all that remains is to fill it with thread. Examples of New Year's thread paintings can be seen below:

Crafts made from threads for the New Year using isothread technique

An excellent New Year's craft would be a painting using the isothread technique, or it is also called thread graphics. The essence of the technique is very reminiscent of String Art (paintings made from threads and nails), but instead of boards and nails, cardboard and a needle are used in isothread. This kind of embroidery is quite original and interesting, but it is not entirely suitable for children, as there may be certain injuries during the work. For New Year's crafts using the isothread technique, you will need cardboard, a suitable picture, thread, and a needle.

Useful tips

You can make it from ordinary threads a large number of beautiful and useful crafts .

You can decorate your home or workplace with such works, as well as give them to someone or use them as an addition to a gift.

Here are some interesting ideas on how else you can use threads and what interesting works you can make from them:

How to make a wall decoration with your own hands from threads

You will need:

Small book or notepad


Wooden dowel or straight branch.

1. Wrap the thread around a book or notepad about 30 times. Tie the ends in a double knot.

2. Cut the wrapped thread on the side opposite the double knot.

3. Cut a small piece of thread and tie it at the top of the folded threads (see image).

4. Cut off any excess threads. You have one of several blanks for wall decoration.

If the thread is white, it can be dyed, but this is not necessary. You can use threads different colors.

5. Tie each piece to a wooden dowel or branch.

6. Tie a piece of string to a pin so that the craft can be hung.

How to make a simple pompom from threads

You will need:

Piece of cardboard (15 x 15 cm)

3 skeins of thread


Thread and needle and a blanket or pillow (if desired).

1. Start wrapping the thread around the cardboard as shown in the image. Wind until you reach the desired thickness. For this craft, the thread was wound 55 times.

2. Cut a small piece of thread and, having hooked this piece under it, tie it around the wound thread. Move this knotted piece of string to one of the edges of the cardboard.

3. Place the scissors under the thread on the opposite end of the cardboard and cut the wound thread.

4. Cut another piece of thread and tie it slightly below the top of the bunch of threads.

5. Cut another piece of thread and tie it slightly lower than the previous piece.

6. Using scissors, trim the bottom of the craft.

You can make several similar crafts and, if desired, use a thread and a needle to decorate a blanket or pillow with these pom-poms.

How to make a rug from pompoms

How to make a simple DIY wall decoration from threads

The circle for this craft can be made from thick wire or you can use a hoop.

You will also need:

Threads of different colors (3-4 colors)


1. Cut threads of different colors into long lengths (see image). You will have to cut a lot of thread, so be patient.

2. Bend all the threads in half and start attaching them to the circle. You just need to hang the thread on the circle and thread one end of the folded thread into the other.

3. Attach the threads in a circle, alternating colors in any order.

4. When the entire circle is covered with threads, tie another piece of thread to it so that you can hang your craft.

Here's another similar craft:

Original DIY thread crafts: wigwam

You will need:

5 small branches

Several threads of different colors

Simple pencil

Hot glue (if necessary).

1. Tie three sticks.

2. Cut a small circle from cardboard. Make 5 small cuts along the edge of the circle for the branches.

3. Insert the cardboard between the three tied sticks.

4. Use hot glue to secure the sticks in place.

5. From top to bottom, start wrapping threads around the three connected sticks until you go a couple of centimeters below the junction of the sticks. Add 2 more sticks, tie them and continue wrapping the wigwam as shown in the image.

It is worth wrapping it so that you still have the entrance to the wigwam. Select two sticks that will play the role of door leaves and wrap them around one leaf, then back to the other and so on until the entire wigwam is covered with threads.

* You can trim off any excess cardboard.

How to make a dream catcher from threads

You will need:

Hoops of different sizes

Acorns, branches, leaves.


1. This may seem like a complicated craft, but in reality you will be using the same knot over and over again.

2. You need to weave the thread around two pairs of hoops in a figure eight - go around the top of one circle and then the bottom of the other. Repeat the same movements until you have covered both circles with thread as shown in the image.

3. Tie the threads to the decorative pieces and attach them to the hoop.

4. To learn how to weave a “web” inside a craft, pay attention to the diagram:

How to weave a dream catcher (video)

How to make a chandelier from threads

You will need:

Hoops or circles made of wire (you can make it yourself)


1. Tie two pieces of thread to the hoop in a cross pattern.

2. To hang the chandelier, you need to cut off another piece of thread and tie it to the place where the threads cross from step 1.

3. Cut many pieces of thread and attach them to the hoop.

4. If necessary, trim the hanging threads so that they hang evenly.

Doll made of threads

You will need:

Any cardboard piece (such as a toilet paper roll or piece of cardboard box)


1. Wrap thread around cardboard. The length of the cardboard depends on the length of the doll you want to make.

2. When you have wound enough times, remove the thread from the cardboard and cut with scissors at one end so that you get several threads of the same length.

3. To make the head, fold the threads in half, cut a small piece of thread of the same color and tie it around a bunch of cut threads, just below the fold.

4. Now you need to divide the bundle of threads into 3 parts - 2 parts will become the handles, and the third part - a more magnificent one - will become the waist and legs. Cut 2 more pieces of thread and tie them just above the center of the workpiece.

5. Now you need to twist or braid the “hands” of the doll. The lower part will act as a skirt.

6. If you want to make legs for your doll, you should also divide the threads into two parts and weave a “leg” from each.

How to make a doll from threads with your own hands (video)

Decorating bottles with threads

You will need:

Threads of different colors (the thicker the thread, the less it will be needed to decorate the bottle)


PVA glue.

1. Start wrapping the bottle with thread from the bottom up. Add glue little by little so that the thread does not unravel.

2. When you decide to change the color of the thread, start a new thread exactly from the same place where the previous one ended.

How to make a mandala from threads (video)

DIY thread crafts in their history they probably go back as many years as the threads themselves. Not only children and kittens love to play with balls, and adults can find many interesting ideas for which such material can be used.

Beautiful DIY thread crafts

Toys for children can be called the most beautiful crafts from threads with your own hands. Ritual motanka dolls, soft products made from pompoms, they are all loved by children all over the world. It’s so easy to make some elegant figure out of multi-colored yarn; for example, we would recommend making a mobile composition with thread bullfinches, truly winter birds.

For each bird we will need to unwind three bundles of yarn, each of which will have its own color. These bundles are made very simply - the thread is unwound in a circle, then the circle is folded and cut at both ends. Two beams contrasting colors we connect them perpendicularly to each other, that is, we throw their centers over each other. We tie the third bundle in the middle with a matching thread. Since our birds must be voluminous, they must be based on a filler that holds their shape well. A crumpled newspaper ball will successfully cope with this task. We wrap it around our third bundle so that the center tied with a thread is at the top. Now we apply another, double bun so that the top strip forms the head and back of the bird. We tie the ends at the bottom with threads, and we get a tail. All that remains is to glue or sew eyes on the toys and attach a thread to attach them to the base of the mobile.

DIY thread crafts for children can be created in a truly magical way. Agree, we don’t always associate soft threads with strong ones. Christmas tree toys, but once you coat them with glue and give them shape, they will become luxurious garlands, openwork garlands, flowerpots, and flowers (if the blanks are cut in the center). For such a craft you will need a base, indispensable for this Balloons. To make their further removal easier, you can pre-lubricate the ball with something (for example, Vaseline), but you can do without it. You should inflate it to the size you need and tie it tightly with thread, because it is very important for us that its size and shape are maintained throughout the day. Now we begin to clothe the entire surface of the ball in threads, and we can do this either in a chaotic manner or by depicting any patterns. After the surface is closed, it is necessary to treat it all with PVA glue. It will be most convenient to do this with a kitchen sponge, sparing no glue; the material should be well saturated with it. Our semi-finished product needs further drying, the average time is 24 hours. However, you will have to judge by the condition of the yarn; if it has become hard, then the ball can already be removed. You simply cut the thread, the air comes out of the ball, and the rubber shell is easily removed, leaving the finished craft.

Similar DIY thread crafts for kids They are not necessarily done specifically for the New Year; the technique can be applied to any other holiday. For example, such a cute Easter toy can be made from glued threads, only after drying it is cut to the desired shape.

How to make crafts from threads with your own hands

They are more familiar; their creation is taught in the garden, at home, and at school. However, as a creative task, you can teach your child and learn it yourself, how to make crafts from threads with your own hands, which will become a beautiful alternative, for example, to paper flowers. It is worth learning how to make nails from nylon threads (they are sold at any hardware store).

We wind a nylon cord tightly onto a thick piece of cardboard, as for making a pompom: we cut the edges, fixing them with a thread in the middle, into the lower part " hourglass» insert a wooden skewer and secure it with hot glue. Then we lift the lower part up, fix the base so that we get a slight thickening near the stem. For decoration, we wrap the stem with green wool yarn. From the same small green pieces we make sepals. We cut out narrow leaves from thick paper (creped) or fabric, which we glue to the stem. At the very end, we trim the heads of the carnations with scissors, giving the petals the correct shape.

For the following DIY thread crafts master class very complicated, but the legend associated with this product is ancient. These thread panels are called a mandala of desire; there is a belief that by weaving one for yourself, putting a lot of work and positive emotions into it, you will definitely achieve the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

From dense threads and unnecessary pieces of even the cheapest fabric, you can make many useful household items, for example, rugs that will be very relevant in modern apartment interiors in country style or Scandinavian style, which exalts everything natural.

The first thing that comes to mind when looking at threads is knitting. But from any thread you can make very beautiful products and do not use a crochet hook or knitting needles.

This could be various jewelry in the form of earrings, hair clips or scarves, as well as items for your home interior that will make it special.

We offer some interesting ideas for things that you can make from threads with your own hands.

Thread hairpin

Most girls go to many stores to find something beautiful and unusual decoration for hair. Hairpins and elastic bands are the most popular jewelry for women's hair.

In order to make this accessory yourself you will need:

  • threads;
  • buttons;
  • rubber;
  • decorative elements.

Preparation method:

Wrap the thread around two fingers. Choose the thickness of the ball yourself. Once you have decided, rewind it once or twice in the middle. You should now have a bow. Glue a button in the middle. Its size should harmoniously fit into the size of the bow. Attach the resulting braid to an automatic or hair elastic. If desired, you can take several types of threads. Also suitable for decoration are beads and artificial pearls.

Wrist bracelets

If you have old bracelets that have lost their appearance, do not throw them away. You can make interesting new products out of them. Such decorations will only be available in one copy.

To work you will need:

  • bright threads;
  • glue;
  • beads or other decorative elements.

Manufacturing process:

To make a new design, use threads of the desired color. Wrap them so that the base is not visible between the steps of the material. Secure the ends of the weave with super glue. But so that they are not visible. Decorate with beads, shiny sequins or decorative flowers.


We all know that knitted scarves very beautiful and stylish. For those who do not know how to knit, you can make a scarf with your own hands without knitting needles. If you need it only as a decoration, then this option is exactly what you need. Take the thickness of the thread that interests you and weave it into a thick braid. Try to keep the bindings the same distance. The weaving should not be very tight. Otherwise, the final result will be a loss of volume of the product. This type of scarf will not warm your neck in cold weather, but it will look amazing. There is another option that is more complicated.

For it you will need:

  • threads;
  • glue;
  • fabric or leather;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

Take a chair. Wrap the threads around its back several times. Tie in three or four different places with a small piece. These places need to be covered with small pieces of fabric or leather. It is best to attach them with glue. For greater individuality, you can sew sequins in certain places.

Christmas tree decoration

To make interesting hats for New Year's tree, you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • bright threads;
  • scissors.

Preparation method:

Cut the cardboard into small rings. Next we will wrap them with threads. Before this, the threads must be cut to a length of 20–25 centimeters. Weaving must be done very tightly. After the surface is covered, we pull both ends of the thread into the ring. They should come out the other side. We tie the elongated ends with the same thread color. Your DIY Christmas tree decoration is ready. In order to succeed larger size figures, use the cardboard from the box, but it will need to be glued.


This is already more troublesome work. It will take several hours of your personal time. But the result will please you. After all, I always wanted to see such a bird, and now I have the opportunity to watch it all the time.

To make it you will need:

  • threads of three colors: gray, black and yellow;
  • cotton wool for filler or padding polyester;
  • a small piece of cardboard, approximately 14 by 20 centimeters.

Manufacturing process:

In advance, form a ball from cotton wool or soft filler, the diameter of which will be up to five centimeters. Then we begin to wind black threads onto the cut out cardboard. If your threads are thick, then 50 turns will be enough. If thin, then do more. After the threads are wound to the end, cut them completely on one side. You should end up with a ball of thread that is bent on both sides. Thus, we make gray and yellow threads.

Take a yellow and black bunch. They need to be placed at right angles. In the middle of the thread you need to intertwine so that you get a loop. Let's move on to the gray beam. We must bandage it in the middle with the same color. To form the body, you need to take a gray bun and a ball, which you did earlier. We wrap the threads around the cotton wool. They need to be stretched so that the tit's belly is the same. To form a tail, you can tie the tip with the same color of thread.

The back and head will be made from yellow and black skeins. This is a very delicate job, so you need to do it carefully. Yellow - you need to stretch it evenly on the sides. We also tie the ends. They can be cut off or left. On the upper part, in the middle, we stretch the thread that will form the head. The tit's neck does not stand out very much, so there is no need to tighten the weaving much.

For the nose, you can use a sunflower seed. Beads or ripe soybean grains should be glued in place of the eye.


Another option for using threads could be a vase. More precisely, its design.

For this work you need:

  • threads;
  • beads;
  • vase;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

For such a product, threads of different thicknesses, shapes, colors and lengths are suitable. You can use knitting or floss. The vase needs to be either glass or ceramic. Some people choose plastic. It is important that there are no convex shapes on it. It is better if the vara is a classic model. Use the threads as you wish. For additional elements, you can use braid, beads, etc.

You need to start weaving from the top of the vase. It is better to use PVA glue. Apply it to small areas and immediately attach the thread. If you coat the entire vase with glue at once, the thread will not stick in the end. To somehow decorate the product, add another layer of thread on top. But form flowers or leaves from them. Make centers from beads or buttons.

For women who have small children, threads can be used in quite useful ways. Namely, making dolls. There are many types of similar toys in stores, but their price is not always affordable for parents. And it’s not clear what they’re made of.


Nowadays, handmade work is increasingly valued, especially among young people. A hand-made chandelier for a room is no exception. Using the most common ones, you can make a lampshade to your liking. An exclusive item. Individuality guaranteed.

To work you will need:

  • inflatable ball;
  • PVA glue;
  • thread;
  • braid, beads or other decor.

Preparation method:

First decide what size and shape you need. To do this you need to inflate the balloon. The size of the chandelier will depend on its volume. Tie the end well. After this, take the thread and dip it in PVA glue. Then the thread must be applied to the surface of the ball in a free direction. Don't forget to leave room for the light bulb.

After the thread is wrapped, we leave the weaving for several days. The glue should dry well. It will not be visible on the threads. As soon as the workpiece has dried well, we pierce the ball and pull it out. The top can be decorated with braid, beads or beads. Use gloves for work.


For the product you need:

  • a plastic card;
  • threads; fasteners for earrings.

Manufacturing process:

In order to make earrings with your own hands, you will need a base. For us it will be a discount card. We wind threads on it. It can be in length, if you want a little shorter, then in width. Now we make a loop with a different color long ends. We move the wound threads onto them and fasten them. After this, we pull out the card. We won't need it anymore. We cut the lower part of the weaving. Ideally, you should get a counter. You can buy hooks for earrings in any store. We hang the resulting product on them. It can be made from different colors. Also used different types thread From the thickest to the thinnest.

Candy bowl

This type of tableware will be very beautiful if done correctly.

To work you will need:

  • inflatable ball;
  • PVA glue;
  • threads;
  • decor

Manufacturing method:

To make a candy bowl, take a balloon. You can take an elongated or heart-shaped one. Inflate it to the volume you need. Then everything follows the chandelier principle. Dip the threads in PVA glue and glue them on top of the ball. But here it is better to use threads of different colors. Then the product will turn out sunny and beautiful. Knit them in a free form.

It turns out beautifully if you put a completely different color on one layer of thread in the second row. Choose the thickness of the thread yourself. Secure the weave onto a flat surface. Let dry for three or four days. After the threads harden, pierce the ball with a needle and remove it from the middle. The candy vase is ready. It is very beautiful and practical to use.

Various options for crafts made from threads

The first thing that comes to mind when looking at threads is knitting. But you can make very beautiful products from any threads without using a hook or knitting needles.

This could be various jewelry in the form of earrings, hair clips or scarves, as well as items for your home interior that will make it special.

I offer some interesting ideas for things that you can make from threads with your own hands.

Accessories made from threads

Thread hairpin

Most girls go to many stores to find a beautiful and unusual hair decoration. Hairpins and elastic bands are the most popular jewelry for women's hair.

In order to make this accessory yourself you will need:

  • threads;
  • buttons;
  • rubber;
  • decorative elements.

Preparation method:

Wrap the thread around two fingers. Choose the thickness of the ball yourself. Once you have decided, rewind it once or twice in the middle. You should now have a bow. Glue a button in the middle. Its size should harmoniously fit into the size of the bow. Attach the resulting braid to an automatic or hair elastic. If desired, you can take several types of threads. Also suitable for decoration are beads and artificial pearl sequins.

Wrist bracelets

If you have old bracelets that have lost their appearance, do not throw them away. You can make interesting new products out of them. Such decorations will only be available in one copy.

To work you will need:

  • bright threads;
  • glue;
  • beads or other decorative elements.

Manufacturing process:

To make a new design, use threads of the desired color. Wrap them so that the base is not visible between the steps of the material. Secure the ends of the weave with super glue. But so that they are not visible. Decorate with beads, shiny sequins or decorative flowers.


We all know that knitted scarves are very beautiful and stylish. For those who do not know how to knit, you can make a scarf with your own hands without knitting needles. If you need it only as a decoration, then this option is exactly what you need. Take the thickness of thread that interests you and weave it into a thick braid. Try to keep the bindings the same distance. The weaving should not be very tight. Otherwise, the final result will be a loss of volume of the product. This type of scarf will not warm your neck in cold weather, but it will look amazing. There is another option that is more complicated.

For it you will need:

  • threads;
  • glue;
  • fabric or leather;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

Take a chair. Wrap the threads around its back several times. Tie in three or four different places with a small piece. These places need to be covered with small pieces of fabric or leather. It is best to attach them with glue. For greater individuality, you can sew sequins in certain places.

Christmas tree decoration

To make interesting hats for the New Year tree, you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • bright threads;
  • scissors.

Preparation method:

Cut the cardboard into small rings. Next we will wrap them with threads. Before this, the threads must be cut to a length of 20-25 centimeters. Weaving must be done very tightly. After the surface is covered, we pull both ends of the thread into the ring. They should come out the other side. We tie the elongated ends with the same thread color. Your DIY Christmas tree decoration is ready. To get a larger figurine size, use the cardboard from the box, but it will need to be glued together.


This is already more troublesome work. It will take several hours of your personal time. But the result will please you. After all, I always wanted to see such a bird, and now I have the opportunity to watch it all the time.

To make it you will need:

  • threads of three colors: gray, black and yellow;
  • cotton wool for filler or padding polyester;
  • a small piece of cardboard, approximately 14 by 20 centimeters.

Manufacturing process:

In advance, form a ball from cotton wool or soft filler, the diameter of which will be up to five centimeters. Then we begin to wind black threads onto the cut out cardboard. If your threads are thick, then 50 turns will be enough. If thin, then do more. After the threads are wound to the end, cut them completely on one side. You should end up with a ball of thread that is bent on both sides. Thus, we make gray and yellow threads.

Take a yellow and black bunch. They need to be placed at right angles. In the middle of the thread you need to intertwine so that you get a loop. Let's move on to the gray beam. We must bandage it in the middle with the same color. To form the body, you need to take a gray bun and a ball, which you did earlier. We wrap the threads around the cotton wool. They need to be stretched so that the tit's belly is the same. To form a tail, you can tie the tip with the same color of thread.

The back and head will be made from yellow and black skeins. This is a very delicate job, so you need to do it carefully. Yellow - you need to stretch it evenly on the sides. We also tie the ends. They can be cut off or left. On the upper part, in the middle, we stretch the thread that will form the head. The tit's neck does not stand out very much, so there is no need to tighten the weaving much.


Another option for using threads could be a vase. More precisely, its design.

For this work you need:

Process :

Thread rugs

To work you will need:

Production process:

Making such rugs does not require a lot of time and money. We take the grid as a basis. If it is not possible to purchase such material, rugs can also be made on burlap. You need to cut out the required shape and size from it.

Next, you need to select the appropriate threads for the rugs. It is better if they are thick and soft. They need to be cut about 10 centimeters long and attached to one side of future rugs. To do this, fold the thread in half, grab the resulting loop with a hook and pull it from one hole to another. After this, insert the tail of the thread into the loop and tighten it tightly. These handmade rugs are very soft and beautiful.




Video: how to make a rug from threads with your own hands

A real housewife will not waste even a piece of thread. She will always find a use for them.

Using our methods, your guests will be delighted with what they see. After all, there is nothing more beautiful and stylish than handmade products. Try, experiment and only then will you be the happiest person.