Note to diggers about related products in MDRegion stores. Which backpack for a metal detector would be better? Characteristics of a backpack for a metal detector and a shovel

I have already written about a backpack for a cop several times, but since this is a very interesting topic, and the overall quality of a cop depends on the backpack (after all, you will have to carry everything on yourself, and for more than one hour), so I will go over that very briefly. , what a backpack for a cop should be like. Of course, I won’t tell you everything, since it’s impossible to know everything, and I simply don’t pay attention to some points. But if these tips are useful to you, that’s good.

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a backpack is its size. Not by capacity in liters, but by size. The main thing here is that the metal detector fits into the backpack in disassembled form (it is enough to know the length of the longest rod), a large-diameter search coil fits normally, and, well, your shovel. With a shovel, everything is ambiguous, because you can always take a small infantry shovel if a large device does not fit.

What kind of backpack should a cop have?

The next point I pay attention to is the color of the backpack. Everything is simple here: bright backpacks, in my opinion, are less suitable, but backpacks in khaki or camouflage colors are just right.

The presence of at least three external pockets in which you can place the most necessary items, things that may be needed urgently: documents, a first aid kit, and so on. There are backpacks without external pockets, so think about it in advance.

Some backpacks can also be carried on the shoulders (on straps) and have a carrying handle in the form of a bag. Sometimes such a handle makes life much easier, although it is not decisive.

Density of fabric and quality of seams. When purchasing, it is difficult to check the seams, but, as a rule, you can feel the fabric before purchasing a backpack, pay attention to the fittings, the quality of zippers, locks, whether there are protruding threads, and so on. We looked and made conclusions.

Some backpacks have a soft back, others have a tighter back. A tighter back will be more comfortable, especially on long treks.

Ideally, there should be an adjustable belt mount (so you can loosen and tighten it) and the same guys on the backpack straps. If they are, it will be easier to adjust the backpack to suit you. It’s especially good if there are also tightening straps, thanks to which you can easily tighten assembled backpack so that nothing dangles inside.

Having slings on which to hang other equipment is, in my opinion, of little relevance for a cop. But if they exist, it definitely won’t get worse.

There are backpacks that open only from the top, and there are also those that can be easily divided into two parts. The second option is preferable, since it is more convenient to take everything out and put it back, and it will be easier to clean such a backpack. Ideally, the interior of the backpack has at least two compartments that can be divided into clean and dirty zones.

It is advisable to have a special rain cover for your backpack (sometimes they are included with the backpack).

If there are too many Velcro on the backpack (nowadays it has become fashionable to produce backpacks with Velcro on which you can stick various emblems), I personally try to find a backpack without Velcro, since when making my way through the forest or bushes, a lot of different vegetation will collect on the Velcro. On the other hand, with Velcro you can immediately purchase some kind of overlay and forget about this addition.

Adequately assess the weight of the backpack. It is clear that you cannot go far with a heavy burden.

If the backpack also has internal ties (or fixing tapes) - this is very good, since you can fix some things (barbell, reel, etc.) right inside.

Well, there’s one more point that I pay attention to when choosing a backpack: if you go to the dig for only a few hours, it is advisable to take , so that it can be used to collect belongings for 2-3 days of autonomy. What if the desire arises (and it definitely will) to go out for a couple of days...

But the most important thing in a backpack, in my opinion, is:

  1. Backpack size.
  2. Backpack color.
  3. The strength of the straps (you should always carry a thread with a needle with you - the straps sometimes break at the most inopportune moment).
Your Alexander Maksimchuk!
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This article continues the topic of what I saw useful and necessary when visiting the MDRegion store. Of course, here I am not even trying to touch on a full description of the metal detectors available. I can only say that almost all the large, serious global manufacturers with their most popular models of devices are represented in full force.

Of course, I couldn't pass by my loved ones backpacks for cops. I myself prefer and have been using for a long time, of course, the so-called treasure hunter backpack or as it is sometimes called a cop-backpack. The shovel (short FISKARS) is hidden for the time being from prying eyes. The detector requires minimal disassembly; almost all additional original coils are included, if we are talking about Turks, except perhaps the 15-inch “rudders”. The supply of water and food that fits into backpacks of this type, in my opinion, is more than sufficient. In any case, I had enough for two days in a completely autonomous mode, I also grabbed something for the dog, the only thing I had to attach to the side was the pot. Of course, I am a very unpretentious person, but I think the supply of provisions and water for a one-day trip will suit anyone, this is in addition to a metal detector, a shovel and everything else needed directly for the digging process. I would highly recommend immediately purchasing or making a cover for the shovel blade to go with such a backpack. Still, the “fiskar” weighs quite a lot, and if it’s also well sharpened, sooner or later it will tear the backpack. However, there is an option to stick the shovel with the blade up into the corresponding compartment, but for me this is not entirely convenient, although it is quite acceptable.

If I were a car owner, I would probably consider a case for carrying and storing the detector from MINELAB as an option; it will even fit a 15-inch steering wheel, and you won’t need to disassemble the detector. But since I don’t have transport, it’s not very suitable for long walks, but if the path from the car is not far, it’s quite a suitable thing. As far as I know, some people carry detectors in trunks without disassembling them; in this case, such a case will come in handy to protect the device from any mechanical damage during road vibrations and from collisions with other contents of the trunk.

I’ll finish the description of the backpacks and bags I saw like this: GARRETT backpacks, I’ve never used them myself, but I’ve seen them from friends who use them. They look nice.

And a lost and found bag from XP. Quite durable and comfortable device.

It is impossible not to dwell on such a vital thing for any user of a metal detector as cover for the “head” (control unit) of the device. I have been convinced of the benefits of this accessory more than once and have never regretted the money spent on it. Electronics are electronics; dust and dirt ingress does not lead to anything good. What can we say about water, of course, it won’t save you from a downpour, but it will help you out in a light drizzle, and you never know, the grass is covered in dew and the like, it’s better to be on the safe side. Often you have to climb bushes, wade through thickets, and the case will protect you from scratches and light impacts. By the way, don’t forget to take it off after returning from digging if you had to work in conditions of high humidity. And it won’t hurt to wipe the cover itself, and the control unit needs to “breathe” even if water has not come into contact with it directly, in order to avoid the formation of condensation. I heard that some people consider such protection on the “head” not particularly necessary, but practice shows that they are very mistaken.

Hello friends!

I love tactical equipment and, let me tell you, there’s a reason for it! In addition, I use a lot of this tactical equipment for cops, since what are the advantages of tactical equipment? Of the main ones:

  1. Convenience. Tactical equipment ensures maximum comfort during long marches in the most unfavorable environments.
  2. Practicality. With constant movement and being away from comfortable habitats, we must be sure that each piece of equipment has a specific purpose of use and carries maximum usefulness and functionality.
  3. Reliability. Any of the things that we use outside the home (on hikes, on the mine, while moving from point to point) must be reliable and not let us down in difficult times. Go to any boutique where your wife shops and go into the forest wearing it - you will understand that the money was paid in vain; clothes and equipment should be different for a holiday and for a hike.

Therefore, I am constantly in search of useful things that can be useful to anyone who leads an active lifestyle, I test and check everything myself so that there is not the slightest mistake in the equipment. Therefore, my friends, you will never see on the pages of my blog any unnecessary thing or a review of something impractical and unnecessary for us, but you will only see what has passed the “qualifying round” in my experience. In this case I was interested in finding matching backpack for small trips for one day, volume around 20-30 liters. Among the equipment produced in Russia, there is the UMBTS series backpack, already famous for many, included in the 6Sh112 kit. Patrol backpack, 25 liters. I started looking on the Internet and came across a review by one guy from LiveJournal about a similar backpack, but produced by St. Petersburg TechIncom, itself link to review. The backpack interested me and, after reading the review, I decided to take a similar backpack, but produced by, in order to order both a Gorka-3 suit for the fall and the backpack itself. Two in one, we save on delivery. 🙂 So, let's go.

By the way, the guys from issued a promo code specifically for my readers, so if you want to save 7% on your purchase, then use the special promo code:

Promo code: hobby-detection

Enter it when ordering and the discount will automatically apply to any product. Link to the backpack in the manufacturer's store.

25 liter patrol backpack from

A good backpack does not lie on the road. Why can it be useful in our case? It's simple. We arrived at a point, for example - a forest or a large field. We parked the car, covered it from unwanted eyes (what if what?) and uncovered it. We collected our equipment, took our shovels, took out a map or GPS with coordinates of where to go, and wandered off. You can walk for a long time, I used to only walk a few kilometers to the cop’s point, because I couldn’t get any closer! And the place was notable, in the war, in the 44th year the battle was strong! How can such a place not be dug up? And we don’t go on foot in order to return to the car in a couple of hours; it’s better to take everything useful and necessary for the cop’s daylight hours with us. What could it be? Yes, anything, but only the most necessary in our business:

  • A set of spare batteries - for the metal detector and pinpointer.
  • Snack - sandwiches, packed lunch, box of homemade and ready-made food (underline as appropriate).
  • Water supply and thermos with hot tea/coffee.
  • An additional coil for the device (also an option in case of “what if?”).
  • Extra jacket/jacket/T-shirt/gloves/socks - replacement/spare clothing for changeable weather.
  • First aid kit.
  • Extra space for swag.
  • Whoever cooks/heats food puts in an Esbitka (mini oven) and a pot with spoons/forks.

And this is just the smallest part of the list! At least, this is what I usually put if the exit is planned away from the roads and is not so easily accessible in an off-road vehicle. In this regard, 6Sh112 came in handy.

The backpack is quite simple and almost ingenious in design. In the center we have the main compartment, where you can put more stuff, with a volume of 20 liters. If you pull down the upper part, you lose about another 2.3 liters, this is if the backpack is half empty. On the sides we have enough for our pockets, each about 2.6 liters, almost a three-liter jar, but with a tightening!

The main section is held on by two drawstrings, there are no zippers, which is also good - we open it quietly and quickly, it can also be repaired better than a zipper, especially in the field. Another advantage of such a system is additional protection from moisture and from uninvited guests in the form of ticks and other insects, which is important if there is lard in a newspaper or sandwiches in paper inside. Although, some might benefit from extra protein!

To demonstrate the volume of the main compartment - an example taken from real story. We were at the cops, a comrade picked up a German helmet, but there was nowhere to put it. In the lost and found bag? It doesn’t fit, but there are coins and other metal, there is no bag in his pocket, so he took the device, shovel, and helmet in his other hand and stomped to the car through the thick of the forest. But he could calmly put the cap in his backpack and look further, maybe there was something else lying next to the cap. And not to run back and forth every time to carry finds? And if you need to run a kilometer or two, three or five? In general, according to my observation, three German helmets will definitely fit into such a backpack, convenient, right?

In the example above in the photo is my M34 cap, manufactured in 1935. The attic, of course, has been preserved; all the dug caps have long been sold.

Manufacturer's tag. The material is 100% nylon - an analogue of Cordura fabric, as the manufacturer says, density 900 Den. Everything is simple here: such fabric is necessary to obtain maximum strength and wear resistance of the product, which is why most clothing, gear and equipment for military and related civilian structures are made from nylon, where increased quality and reliability are required, and this is exactly our case. Going to the dig and tearing cheap backpacks from Aliexpress or the nearest market, which will quickly get wet, lose color and one day (on the second or third) day they will simply tear at the wrong moment - is this really what you want? I don’t, because nylon is an indicator for us, always look at the composition and material of the product.

The backpack valve has two compartments. The first one (pictured above) is more suitable for storing various small things, you can put the same documents or a map, for example. The fabric holds moisture well, which means it shouldn’t leak quickly, but it’s still better to put something useful and flat, preferably (for reliability) in additional covers for moisture insulation.

The second compartment can also be used to store various things, but as an idea, you can sew some kind of rain protection cover to the sling. It will be possible to easily and quickly open the pocket and cover the entire backpack with a cover, this is in case it is pouring heavily, and the walk to your destination is still long.

A closed pocket on the backpack flap and a sling for holding the backpack in your hand. I would wrap it with paracord too, but in general, it is quite comfortable with gloves and does not cut your hand. In general, out of old habit, I don’t use such holders; I always hold the backpack by one of the straps in order to quickly either put the backpack somewhere or throw the backpack on my back. Time for us is money. The holder is useful if you suddenly need to throw your backpack on a rope from one bank to another, or for climbing buildings and mountains. In our case, this is not the main thing.

Back! What is most important in the back of any backpack or satchel? Naturally, this is the maximum possible ventilation so that in the summer heat your back does not become flooded with sweat, which leads to unpleasant sensations. In this case, the problem was partially solved by additional material and, as can be seen in the photo above, by special channels for ventilation, which were stitched on a typewriter. This helps remove steam and moisture, and overall it helps quite well - I haven’t seen many backpacks at such a price that the fogging of the back was minimal. We’re not talking about a backpack priced at under 200 euros and branded Tasmanian Tiger, or a little more than 100 euros with the brand 5.11 😉 It does its job well and that’s the main thing.

The straps have additional slings with fastex fastening. The purpose of such straps is clear - with the correct placement of the backpack (correct balance and placement of weight) by fastening the two straps through fastex, it will be much more convenient for you to carry the backpack, the weight will not be felt, the straps will not fidget and the backpack will not hamper your movements when walking quickly and when changing position and tilt. But what if?

The side pockets also close with fastex.

Good that side pockets equipped with a drawstring and a waterproof neck. The side pocket is quite voluminous; for example, I placed my Panama hat there in the same color and produced by the company

The case for my Garmin Virb Ultra 30 action camera easily fit into another pocket. In addition to the camera, the case contains a set of mounts and two additional batteries. We're slowly making some fun videos! 🙂

Mint cap M34 made in 1935 and satchel. Let me remind you that despite the total volume of the backpack being 25 liters, the main compartment can fit up to three caps with liners, and if without helmets, then even more. We just put one inside the other, this is in case there is more swag on the fat point.

Dimensions for comparison.

Those same two necks with drawstrings on the main compartment of the backpack. They close tightly - the mosquito will not fly through! 😉

Who doesn’t know what this large number of sewn slings is - these are MOLLE fastenings. Uniform military standard for fastenings, allows you to easily attach additional pockets, pouches and cases. For example, you can attach a pouch with a first aid kit, a pocket for a flask, or an additional pocket for cards - it all depends on your imagination, the availability of pouches and the tasks assigned to you. Versatility is the main advantage of MOLLE fastenings, because you are free to choose where to hang this or that pouch.

I completely forgot - at the bottom of the backpack, both in the main compartment and in the side pockets, there are additional holes for draining water. It's a small thing, but it's nice! If you choose a backpack, be sure to take it with such holes, because if you fall into a swamp or stream, even by accident, you will not need to shake out the backpack and drain the water from it - let the water drain through such holes. It is clear that the things inside will have to be dried separately, but believe my experience, even if the water drains and the things will be damp than if they float in this water in your backpack. This applies to if you put a wet thing in a backpack - water will drain from it a lot and for a long time, but in this case it will not linger.

And additional slings at the bottom, it’s convenient to hang (hook) a rug or mattress on them, which, in general, is the same thing. The scope for imagination is limitless.

A-TACS FG camouflage - why this particular color?

The coloring is relatively new and is not as familiar and recognizable to the average person as the same Flektarn, Olive or Multicam. I chose this color specifically to test and answer the question: how effective will the A-TACS FG be in my lane, because I live in an area where pine and coniferous forests often turn into green fields and deciduous forests. Flektarn is good in such a pine forest, for example, but for the field it will be like an eyesore. Multicam, IMHO, this is more of a desert-mountain-urban camouflage, yes, it is good and convenient, but it has become too poppy in our time. Who cares - here everyone is their own master.

For example, I placed the backpack on pine branches. In general, if you look closely, you can see well, but what happens if you move further away?

In person it is less noticeable than in the photo, of course, but in general, the advantage of A-TAKS is that it breaks up the silhouette of the object. In this case, it is no longer clear whether it is a backpack or someone hiding in the bushes. What if we move it from the greenery to a shady place where there are more dry pine trees? Or place it a little lower, close to the ground? It will disappear completely. Let's see, maybe in the future I will do a small comparative test of A-TAX with Flektarn, for example, it will be interesting to see the result. 🙂

I'll add more reviews soon. Next in line are new metal detectors, equipment, photos of finds - where would we be without it! But I collect all the reviews.

We continue to look at the useful equipment of a treasure hunter and today we will turn our attention to the backpack. There are a great variety of varieties and models and it will not be easy to choose. In this article I will try to give some tips on choosing a backpack for your metal detector.

So, which one should you take?

The first and most important thing is color and capacity. Why not convenience for the digger - you ask? I answer - a cop with a metal detector is currently on the verge of a foul, that is, it seems possible to dig, but they can always jump on and sell you archaeological reconnaissance.

So, in my opinion, the ideal backpack for a cop is this:

Completely “camouflage” so that no one sees. And if they see you, they will never guess what’s in the backpack.

Well, we continue:

Therefore, we take a backpack such that the shovel is completely hidden in it, and that is, a model where the shovel is attached with straps to the backpack, but is not closed in any way. And if you consider that 90 percent of diggers use Fiskars, then its yellow handle is visible a kilometer away. And the very fact that the shovel is visible will attract attention. We don’t need any attention now, the fewer people who know that we are going to dig with a metal detector, the better.

Also make sure that there is a spacer between the compartments for the shovel and for the MD, so that the shovel does not hit the fragile parts of the detector when carried. Although personally, I always wrap the electronic unit separately, using either polyethylene with air inserts (you know, many people like to burst them with their fingers), or I wrap the unit in rags/rags. So, the first thing is to hide the shovel (or make a camouflage cover specifically for the shovel). By the way, manufacturers produce covers especially for “fiskars” both for the cutting part and for the entire shovel. Prices are around 200-300 rubles.

Next is the color of the backpack itself. If you buy, then take “camouflage” or “khaki”, with such colors you will not be visible in the field (many people dig directly with a backpack, because sometimes it is dangerous to leave things unattended, especially if you are digging in a new place and there is a possibility of “local” "). That is why I also recommend “camouflaging” the yellow handle of the fiskar, buy a can of spray paint and paint it in dark color. If you use ICQ, then paint them too, otherwise the “asechnik” can be seen a kilometer away with a yellow electronic unit :)

In terms of size, so that you can immediately dig into the backpack, we can recommend a height of 90 cm and a width of 25-20 cm. In terms of main compartments, there are options with 2 and 3 main compartments, of course, 3 is better, but if you take the minimum with you , then 2 – it is smaller in size and a little lighter.

Well, now you can pay attention to convenience. By the way, many people go digging in cars, so they don’t really care about the performance of a backpack, even just take an ordinary tourist one. But if you travel by bicycle/bus/on foot, then convenience plays an important role, because your back will instantly let you know that you bought a crappy backpack. Therefore, my advice is that if you buy it in a store, check it right there and ask them to put your model of metal detector with a shovel in your backpack, put it on your back and walk around the store, lean left, right, forward. And if you feel that it’s convenient for you, then you should take it. If there is any discomfort, try another model. They all look the same, but on the back they feel different.

Garters for a tourist rug - let them be, sometimes we go digging and spend the night. Lying on a rug by the fire, telling stories over a mug of tea - this is an indispensable attribute of any trip to nature.


So we got to her, darling. What do you take with you to the cops? A device, a shovel, definitely, then - a thermos, a snack (sandwiches or a thermos with food), a bottle of water, a first aid kit, a flashlight, a knife, an axe, a camera, etc. ", such a small bag, which immediately contains everything a tourist needs - all the small things listed and much more - cords, hooks for fishing, fishing line, survival kits, first aid kit, matches, salt, high-calorie bars, etc.). This small survival pouch can also be placed entirely in our backpack. You never know what can happen - you will get lost, get lost, etc. This set can save your life.

An excellent option is the “Yeti” model, with many pouches, compartments, and pockets. Moreover, you can always unfasten the extra side pouches. Costs approximately 2500-3000 rubles. In the photo below:

As you can see, you can take a lot of things, and choose a backpack based on this. If you take a lot of things, then pay attention to models with side pockets; a lot of small things will fit there. There are pockets not only on the sides, but also on the back, right above the shovel compartment. Such options are also suitable for those who like to take “everything they need and even more” for digging.

I think there is no need to talk about the quality of the material, you already understand that. The stronger the fabric, the longer your backpack will last you. Look carefully at the “firmware” of all the parts so that there are no protruding loops and threads. Everything must be neat and of high quality. Nowadays you can increasingly see on sale models made of Cordura fabric with a strength of 1000 denier, this is really a lot, that is, the backpack turns out to be strong and reliable.

On average, prices for normal models vary from 1000 to 2500 rubles. Popular models, not particularly sophisticated, but tested, cost from 800 to 1200 rubles. For example, a simple and convenient open model “Pathfinder” from the manufacturer of the same name costs only 550 rubles:

If you take a slightly taller model to hide the shovel, it will cost 750 rubles. Budget simple backpacks.

If you need more compartments and pockets, it will cost a little more. Although if you have a seamstress friend, she can sew you a custom one purely to your requirements - in my opinion, this is also an excellent option, and it will be cheaper)) And cooler models cost 2-4 thousand rubles. For example:

The "Cayman" model costs approximately 2,200 rubles:

Or a shortened “version” of the open type, the “Leshy” model, costing around 2,500 rubles:

The “Leshy” and “Caiman” models can be bought in Ukraine at the store; I actually took the photo from them. Comfortable and high-quality models. "Yeti" is definitely sold in Russia, ask in specialized stores that sell metal detectors.

In general, look, decide, now are the times that you can’t live without a backpack. And one more thing - in the spring, when you buy a new metal detector, you will always be given an elegant backpack in any store, just ask)) Good luck on the mine.