The best Catholic Christmas greetings and cards in poetry and prose. Catholic Christmas: how to congratulate in words and in animated cards Congratulations on the holiday of Catholic Christmas

In verse Short

Catholic Christmas - December 25

On the night of December 24-25, Western Christians (Catholics) - residents of Western Europe, North and South America, Australia, Africa and Asia - celebrate the Nativity of Christ. The holiday of Christmas is celebrated not only by the Catholic and Protestant churches, but also by the religious movements associated with them - those who follow the Gregorian calendar in church chronology.
Christmas is a great holiday established in remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays, Public Holiday in more than 100 countries around the world.
The Feast of the Nativity of Christ has five days of pre-celebration (from December 20 to 24) and six days of post-celebration. On the eve or on the day of the eve of the holiday (December 24), a particularly strict fast is observed, called Christmas Eve, since on this day the juice is eaten - wheat or barley grains boiled with honey. According to tradition, the Christmas Eve fast ends with the appearance of the first evening star in the sky. On the eve of the holiday, Old Testament prophecies and events related to the Nativity of the Savior are remembered. Christmas services are performed three times: at midnight, at dawn and during the day, which symbolizes the Nativity of Christ in the bosom of God the Father, in the womb of the Mother of God and in the soul of every Christian.
On Catholic Christmas Day, it is customary for the whole family to gather for Christmas dinner, and festive table decorate traditional dishes– different for each country.

In December the world celebrates
God the Son Christmas.
Blooms in our souls
Belief in miracles and goodness.
We're trying to get better.
And more tolerant, wiser,
Let the love of our heart
At this moment the whole world will warm up! ©

Happy Catholic Christmas!
Let there be warmth and light in your home, let the holiday bring only joy and goodness, and let your hearts light up with mercy!
I wish you to smile and become truly happy on this wonderful holiday! Merry Christmas! ©

Merry Catholic Christmas to your loved ones

On the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, I wish you only one thing - good health!
Let your health not fail you and make you remind yourself every morning, and if you are healthy, everything else will be there - love, happiness, and wealth! Merry Christmas to you! ©

On this brightest and most family holiday - Christmas - I want to wish my family peace and kindness, understanding and patience! Let warmth and kindness abide in our hearts, and let our eyes shine with bright smiles! Let our house be bypassed by sadness and adversity, and may luck walk nearby and be lucky in all matters! Happy holiday! ©

Catholic Christmas - congratulations

Christmas is coming
Long winter night.
Magic from heaven
Descends towards us.
The star will announce
About the coming of the Son!
Earthlings, salvation
Granted to you!
Goodness and love
Heaven wishes you!
May happiness and joy
Blooms in hearts.

Congratulations on Catholic Christmas

Christmas night is holy, time performs the sacrament,
Under the cover of the universe, a wondrous miracle hurries.
And the baby appeared, and a star lit up in the night,
And the Magi strive to soon bestow their modest gift.
Glory to the merciful God, holy by the triune spirit,
May the force be with everyone who chooses you forever,
And love shines in hearts, and good deeds are done.
He was born, he was born! Your son! We praise you!

It's Christmas again -
Celebration of the heavenly forces:
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.
Glory to Him eternal,
Conqueror of darkness.
Congratulations with all our hearts
With this great joy!

Christmas occupies a significant place in the series winter holidays, and for Catholics it is an even more important holiday than New Year. This is where New Year's celebrations and holidays begin in many countries around the world.

On Catholic Christmas families usually get together at the festive table, give each other gifts, and attend Christmas services in churches.

Christmas is primarily a family holiday, but it can also be celebrated, for example, with close friends. But on the holiday of December 25, you can also congratulate your friends who celebrate the Nativity of Christ on this day.

In addition to colorful pictures, you can wish Catholics a Merry Christmas by writing or saying warm, pleasant words to them.

Merry Christmas greetings can be sent by email or instant messenger by adding beautiful postcard, write an SMS and just say it in person. Also, don't forget about traditional paper holiday cards.

We have selected for you the best greetings on Catholic Christmas 2018 .

On this bright holiday - Christmas May goodness reign everywhere! Magic is knocking on the door, It will be a glorious celebration!

I wish you happiness, peace and patience, May it be the most best mood! The melody of goodness sounds, in it is faith in the savior Christ!

Merry Christmas! Be healthy everyone, May the light of the Christmas star protect you from harm.

Let the Catholic Christmas

Will fill hearts with warmth and kindness,

Will give you miracle and magic,

It will send both comfort and prosperity to your home!

I wish that every moment brings

More joy, smiles and happiness to you!

May there be a lot of health and strength,

May you live a hundred years, and maybe even longer!

I wish you success in all your endeavors, prosperity, and dreams come true! You know how to find and appreciate all the good in people! Never forget about human happiness! Sincerely believe in him, and soon you will definitely find him!

Christmas is a bright, soulful holiday! Let it fill yours family life comfort, harmony, warmth and joy! Love, peace and prosperity to you. Let your guardian angel protect your family from any adversity! Keep your hearth of love! And may the Lord himself help you with this!

Christmas Eve has died down, Christmas has come.

The Gospel of Mary - A miracle has come!

On this day, I wish miracles for you,

May Holy goodness from heaven be sent to your home.

Let the star show the way to long-awaited happiness,

And the Magi will present you with the desired gifts:

Good health for you and your loved ones,

Firm faith in God, only pure thoughts.

Stable income and love without deadline,

Let the difficult road be possible,

Let friends not betray you, work goes well,

And happiness and care always reign in the family.

At the end of almost December for you,

On the wonderful holiday of Christmas,

I wish you peace and prosperity,

May life be bright and sweet.

Love and comfort were in the air,

And for the better, only changes await.

And let your dreams come true

All those that you have wanted for a long time.

Catholic Christmas,

The snow is spinning quietly

People believe in magic

And faces brighten.

In anticipation

The soul froze

Life throws up fairy tales

How good!

Let the light shine on everyone

Joy, warmth,

Much happiness to you, love

On Christmas Day.

Merry Catholic Christmas!

Let your heart be filled with happiness

And comfort, smiles - home.

Congratulations, I wish you wealth.

May the Lord always help you

In a difficult moment. May joy come to you.

I wish you prosperity

And don’t let anything interfere with you.

Make your goals and dreams come true!

Let the environment be good

Let everyone respect you,

And let there be more and more fun.

From pure heart Happy Catholic Christmas. May this bright and kind holiday bring joy, happiness, comfort and harmony to your home, may there be many wonderful days that will delight you with cheerful family gatherings, sincere conversations and pleasant surprises.

Soon Catholics will celebrate the biggest religious holiday - Christmas. For all believers, this celebration has a sacred meaning: light conquers darkness, good surpasses evil, hope for salvation is born. Wish your friends and acquaintances who profess Christianity a Merry Catholic Christmas.

The Christian world is preparing to celebrate Catholic Christmas. There is interfaith harmony in Kazakhstan. Thanks to this, as well as constitutional guarantees of the right to free religion, religious tolerance and respect of citizens for various cults, all believers in Kazakhstan have the opportunity to freely celebrate the holidays established by their religion.

In addition, many Kazakhstanis have friends in European countries, America, where Catholic Christmas is the most important holiday.

On the eve of this special day, prepare a beautiful Merry Christmas greeting. Family and friends will be pleased to hear sincere wishes.

We offer you the following options for congratulations:

Merry Christmas! Today the Star of Bethlehem lit up. We wish that its light illuminates your home, gives hope for salvation, and brings love and goodness to your family. May the Lord grant everyone health and long life!
December 25th is the day the Savior came into this world. May the light of his philanthropy save you from mental suffering, grant you mutual understanding, peace and health. Let mutual respect and love reign in your home and family!

It's Christmas! Congratulations to everyone on this bright holiday! We wish you a bright spirit, prudence and sincere love. Let joy and health, prosperity and prosperity settle in your home. May a bright Christmas illuminate the life path of each member of your family!
Happy Catholic Christmas! On this day miracles happen. We wish that a miracle comes to your home and bestows you with health, prosperity, love of life and spiritual harmony. Let happiness and joy be the first Christmas guests in your home!

A joyful and bright Christmas has come! The bright star of Bethlehem lit up in the sky! Let its rays illuminate the souls of your family and friends and give them the accomplishment of all their plans, kind and sincere friends, prosperity and well-being, health and good luck!
Merry Christmas! May this day bring real magic. Let the whole family gather at a lush and generous table on this day, and let the celebration give everyone a good mood, smiles and good spirits. We wish everyone long life, prosperity and mutual understanding!

On Merry Christmas day, we wish you strength of faith, sincere love and hope. May your spirit be strong, the world be friendly, and your family healthy. We wish that on this holiday the miracles you dreamed of will happen. May all your wishes come true!
Merry Christmas and wish your home prosperity. We wish all your family and friends to be healthy and happy. Let mutual understanding and love reign in the family, let children's laughter sound in the house, and let the festive table be lush and rich. Happy holiday!

For Catholics, Christmas is a holiday that marks the beginning of a new year of life. Therefore, on this day, address all believers with the brightest and most sincere wishes for goodness, love and peace. Compose beautiful speech using the suggested tips.

Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!

On the night of December 24-25, one of the main Christian holidays is celebrated - the Nativity of Christ. This night is the birthday of Jesus Christ. The angels notified the shepherds that the Savior had appeared to them, and the wise men, guided by the light of the star, presented their gifts to the newborn.

Christmas is full of many symbols associated with biblical history, but the main person of the holiday is Santa Claus. He crosses the sky on a sleigh with a reindeer team and gives gifts to those who deserve them.

Happy Catholic Christmas greetings in verse


Catholic holiday
Holy Christmas
I wish you happiness
It came to every home.

Kindness, love
Warm your hearts
Magic and fairy tales
So that there is no end.

I wish you a Christmas
Kindness and warmth,
To be happy
We are all - you and me.

Merry Christmas to you,
And I wish that every moment
Was imbued with goodness and warmth,
May you always live without troubles!

May he send you happiness and health
Merciful Lord on Christmas,
And fill souls with love,
Transforming the world into magic!

Today is a holiday for Catholics -
They celebrate Christmas.
Let every home now
Suddenly magic will visit you.

Let it be together with a bright star
Hope will light up in the soul -
She will give you confidence
And in a moment of sadness, let him console you.

The December day is knocking
Christmas through our window,
A miracle will happen soon
It will lure you into a fairy tale.

I wish you peace
On the best day of the year,
Let the holiday ward off grief
And will drive away trouble.

Let your wishes come true
The power of the sky protects you,
Let prayer come forth
Like a reliable, powerful shield.

Mistletoe on the door
Let him drive away troubles
Catholics today
Christmas is celebrated.

In the sky of Bethlehem
A star burst out
For the world to praise
Nativity of Christ.

Angels on snowflakes
They fly towards us from the sky,
Congratulations to Catholics
Merry Christmas is in a hurry.

Shrouded in joy
Peace and magic
I wish you happiness
Merry Christmas to you.

The darkness is quietly receding
Light today is Christmas,
The world, rejoicing, glorifies
New life celebration!

The stars shine on the spruce tree,
Snow hung outside the window,
Santa rushes through the snowstorm
Everyone is waiting for his surprise!

And with spiritual prayer
Let the words of love ring out,
Glorifying the Battle of Light
On Holy Christmas Day!

Frosty night at the end of December,
And the month shone brighter.
The soul rejoices on this Christmas night,
And again the Savior was born.

Congratulations to all Catholics now,
Love fills every home.
AND more significant than the holiday no for us
After all, God guides everyone.

A star lights up
And December sparkles:
On Holy Christmas Day
Let a miracle happen!

Let joy come from heaven,
Will give happiness to everyone,
If you believe, it is waiting,
To become a part of life.

Let the lights burn brighter
On a good, bright holiday -
You will make all your dreams come true
May heaven help!

Let there be red socks above the fireplace,
Santa will fill us with happiness in full,
And in every corner of our house,
A bright spark of love will be lit.

May our hearth be serene,
And he will always be a full cup,
When holy christmas will come
Let us praise the son of the Lord to the fullest.

We'll make wishes on Christmas Eve,
On the eve only miracles are possible,
We sincerely congratulate each other,
In honor of the holiday of Christ's Nativity.

There's mistletoe hanging on the doors,
The holiday is knocking on every home,
The strength of the spirit inspires the body,
Everywhere they echo: “Merry Christmas!”
On this day of the baby Jesus
The Mother of God gave birth to
For our sake he endured trials,
By doing good deeds.
Let a miracle happen this night
Forgiveness, greatness of soul,
If Christ could forgive Judas,
So don’t hold a grudge.
Become kinder by cultivating in your heart
Unselfish deep love,
So that I can warm myself in its rays
Anyone who is in pain.
Merry Christmas! May you be filled with joy
There will be a home from now on forever,
Lightning flashes in the distance,
And all trouble will pass.

Winter's Tale - Christmas Day!
The angels look at the world tenderly,
The kids are going crazy with hopes,
There's a Christmas feast in every window!

Not on any of the holidays
So much mysterious beauty
So much peace, love and friends,
So much hope and purity!

Weaving a wreath from the branches,
We see a symbol of peace in it.
In firm faith we are like a flock -
We bring sparks of joy.

Christmas. The winter day is bright.
Celebration all around -
The waltz of snowflakes swirls the wind,
The heart is warmed by God's Spirit.

Decorated the Christmas tree, gifts are ready,
They put the turkey in the oven,
On Christmas evening, cheerful and bright,
We will joke, have fun and sing!

Wish your neighbors and husband well,
Gift the children, pour the wine,
And even if there are snowstorms and cold outside the window,
But let it be warm in every family!

Eyes sparkle with joy,
And the heart beats faster!
A magical moment - Christmas Day,
Everything is given once a year!

We'll make a wish,
Regardless of age!
There is so much wonderful beauty here,
And such joy!

Jesus to you in prayer
We come running all the time
You will help me in all matters,
We have known this since childhood.

All permeated with magic,
The holiday is the brightest.
We are in Christ today to honor,
We'll set a nice table.

The festive spirit is in the air,
In the air above us.
So congratulate everyone around,
In your eyes with lights.

Give your love
To everyone who needs it.
And let today again,
Everything comes true for everyone.

Santa Claus on reindeer
He's in a hurry to come to us early!
And Christmas carols
Sings from the heart!

We cleaned all the pipes
And hung up the sock,
There will be a delicious turkey,
There will be a bag of sweets!

Christmas is a wonderful holiday!
Christ's birthday,
Every believer is happy
This is definitely not easy!

Today is Christmas,
This is the birth of the son of God!
The spruce tree is decorated with a lush trunk,
The turkey is waiting for a treat.

Hanging Advent wreath
On Christmas Day on every door.
So that God always helps in trouble,
We only need to believe in Him.

Welcome let him step on the threshold
Small heart, big heart.
Let this congratulation sound
In the name of such a holiday!

I wish all Catholics
Warmth and light on Christmas!
May love always be great
Lights up the entire planet!

Let there be no quarrels and gossip,
And religious strife.
Only we are responsible for life
And we can’t plot!

You can drink and eat from your belly,
Celebrate Christmas with fireworks.
And so that there is no burden,
Jump with a parachute more often.

Quietly, quietly the star will light up
For me, for you, for people!
And the dream will come true in this moment
In the reality of our days!

Christmas will quietly creep up on us
And the good news will find us
And in our soul a fairy tale will light up,
After all, there is God in this world!

Merry Christmas!
Don't forget to wish:
Don't get sick, don't grow old
And live for more than a hundred years.
Son born in Bethlehem,
Accompanies you without laziness,
And the wise men came,
Those who presented gifts
They protect you throughout life,
So that she passes without reproach.
We want to do well
Catholic Christmas!
Wrote congratulations -
Let's get some pie.

The December snow swirled
And made friends with the blizzard,
These days we are waiting for a celebration -
Good holiday - Christmas.
Let it burn for all people,
Will light the way
Star of Bethlehem!
And let it always be like this!
Let's write congratulations together
And let's invite everyone to pie!

Catholics celebrate Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar, that is, on the night of December 24-25. For Westerners, Christmas is the most important holiday of the year.

Every year on December 25, Catholics and Protestants accept congratulations and give each other gifts. Not a single relative, close friend or just acquaintance can be left without a present.

The history of the appearance of Catholic Christmas

Previously, people worshiped pagan gods, who were the personification of various natural phenomena. Among such deities was the Luminary, which Catholics celebrated in December. People tried different ways to appease higher powers so that they do not get angry and even make sacrifices.

After Christianity came, church ministers tried to discourage all people from old customs. Thus, a day appeared that symbolizes the birth of the Savior.

How to celebrate Catholic Christmas

Every year the holiday is celebrated on December 25, this date remains unchanged. TO holiday They've been preparing for a whole month. This period is called Advent. This time is intended for spiritual cleansing, so people try to repent of all their sins, confess and pray.

Should know The last day before the holiday is called Christmas Eve. It is on this day that the Christmas tree and manger are installed. The essence of this action is to once again remind all people how Jesus Christ appeared.

After the first star appears in the sky, the family sits down to celebrate the appearance of Jesus. This evening they put sochivo, cranberry jelly and unleavened bread on the table.

The meal begins with the reading of a prayer by the owner of the house. After this procedure, dinner comes. The first to eat is juicy. After dinner, everyone goes to church for service, this condition is mandatory for all Catholics.

During the service, the priest places the figure of Jesus in the nativity scene, this indicates that Christmas has come.

Traditions of Catholic Christmas

On the last day of Catholic Christmas, strict fasting must be observed. On Christmas Eve, 12 Lenten dishes are placed on the table. And the meal should begin with sacred unleavened bread, which is placed in the center of the table.

The bread is thin slices made from waffle dough, they are also called Christmas wafers. Dinner begins with the clouds. Each family member treats each other with bread, and they wish each other all the best.

It is customary for Catholics to dress up as biblical characters on the holiday, walk around the courtyards and sing carols. Catholics decorate the Christmas tree for Christmas, and gifts are placed in Christmas stockings.

On Catholic Christmas it is forbidden to do any physical work; this time must be devoted to everything spiritual. During the fasting period, embroidery and sewing are prohibited. At this time, hunting is prohibited, guessing, swearing and quarreling are not allowed. On this day, Catholics wear new clothes.

Catholic Christmas 2018: congratulations in prose for those closest to you

Everyone knows when Christmas is celebrated in Ukraine. Yes, exactly January 7th. But now, starting from last year, we celebrate Catholic Christmas on December 25th.

This holiday became official only in 2017, but despite this, many Ukrainians celebrated it anyway. Indeed, despite the fact that there are slight differences in faith, Catholic Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays of the year.

By the way, this is also an official day off in Ukraine.

On this occasion, we have prepared for you the most best congratulations Merry Christmas in prose. So that you can beautifully congratulate your loved ones and wish something to your friends.

Happy Catholic Christmas greetings in prose

Happy Catholic Christmas greetings in prose are perfect for congratulating all your loved ones, or emphasizing some interesting wishes, expressions, or quotes to write someone a letter, or even an SMS greeting Merry Christmas.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas. May this bright and kind holiday bring joy, happiness, comfort and harmony to your home, may there be many wonderful days that will delight you with cheerful family gatherings, sincere conversations and pleasant surprises.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish you wonderful emotions and bright joy, strong friendship in life and sincere love, unquenchable faith and good hope, cheerful family holiday at a large and tasty table.

Merry Christmas. I wish you delicious and satisfying Christmas bread on the table, merry carols in the yard, an unquenchable fire in the fireplace, inexhaustible love in the heart, an atmosphere of comfort in the house, good blessings in the family, great joy in the soul.

Today all Catholics celebrate the magical holiday of Christmas. Let me congratulate you and wish you all the best. May your home be a full cup, may there be comfort and peace in families. Let misfortune pass by, and luck always choose you. We wish you good health, prosperity, prosperity and Have a good mood. Let hope, faith and love help you in life. Do good, and it will definitely come back to you in kind. Peace and all the best to you, great happiness and self-confidence.

Short greetings on Catholic Christmas

And such a holiday greeting may well pass as an SMS, or just a message in in social networks. Perhaps even as a status, or a regular post.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas. May this bright and kind holiday bring joy, happiness, comfort and harmony to your home, may there be many wonderful days that will delight you with cheerful family gatherings and sincere conversations.

Merry Christmas. May love and joy, generosity and luck, prosperity and happiness, kindness and love come to your home along with this holiday.

Happy Catholic Christmas, a wonderful and good holiday. I wish you comfort in your home and soul, the wonderful aroma of spruce and sincere hope of your heart, good luck along the way and great happiness in life. May the bright star in the sky always give joy and faith, may fate be generous with gifts and good news.

On the occasion of Catholic Christmas, I wish you the wonderful aroma of the festive spruce, good health to the whole family, good luck on your life’s journey, a delicious table and big company dear people at this table.

Funny greetings on Catholic Christmas

Cool congratulations Happy Holidays are perfect for congratulating your friends and closest relatives. In addition, it is best to address young people with these wishes.

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and sincerely wish you good, heroic health, fun and joy, let problems and adversity run away from you, and let there be so much money that you won’t know what to spend it on. Let your head spin not from wine, but from sincere and mutual love.

On the bright holiday of Christmas, I wish you peace in the family, comfort, family peace, and true friends. May there be many joyful days in your life. Let the magic begin this night and fill your hearts with warmth! Let the winter blizzard sweep away all adversities, and let the blizzard bring good luck, love and wealth. Merry Catholic Christmas to you!

Beautiful congratulations in prose

Of course, all our congratulations here are beautiful, but we have selected the best ones so that you can use them for those closest to you.

We congratulate all Catholics on the magical holiday - Merry Christmas. Let the Christmas star shine brightly over your homes and let this light fill your souls with warmth and joy. Merry Christmas to you.

In the round dance of December worries, take a few minutes away from the everyday bustle and welcome Christmas with your soul and heart. May this holiday give you charm winter's tale filled with good intentions and a feeling of imminent happiness! I wish you good luck and a warm relationship with your opportunities!

Congratulations on Catholic Christmas and I want to wish that on this bright holiday the heavenly light will send grace into your home and joy into your heart, that a good miracle will happen to you and those close to you, that under the elegant fragrant spruce you will find wonderful gifts, and the smiles of relatives shone at the table.

On this bright holiday of Christmas, I wish you peace in your family, preserve comfort and family peace, true friends, may there be many joyful days in your life. Let the magic begin this night and fill your hearts with warmth! Let the winter blizzard sweep away all adversities, and let the blizzard bring good luck, love and wealth. Merry Catholic Christmas to you!

Catholic Christmas will be very soon, so it wouldn’t hurt you to prepare for this holiday in advance, especially now you know how to congratulate on this holiday in prose.

Happy Catholic Christmas greetings, in verse, in prose, beautiful

Christmas has come to your home, the holiday is knocking on your door. Let's wish magic - Let it happen!

May the Lord bless and strengthen you in faith. This evening let the bright spirit come to your door.

Do good to others and it will come back. And then Happiness will surely smile.

The guiding star will add Joy, Pure white snow will add Joy.

*** On December 25, candles and lights are lit everywhere. Christmas has come, it's time for magic. On this wonderful winter night, I want to wish you happiness, new emotions, interesting and pleasant interlocutors and discoveries. May this year be special, incredible, sensual and unforgettable for you. I wish you all the best, bright and amazing! Merry Christmas, with a new fairy tale and with new life!

Catholic Christmas, The snow is quietly spinning, People believe in magic, And faces brighten.

The soul froze in anticipation, Life throws up fairy tales, How good it is!

May light be shed on everyone Joy, warmth, Much happiness and love to you on the holiday of Christmas.

On the bright holiday of Christmas, I wish you peace in the family, comfort, family peace, and true friends. May there be many joyful days in your life. Let the magic begin this night and fill your hearts with warmth! Let the winter blizzard sweep away all adversities, and let the blizzard bring good luck, love and wealth. Merry Catholic Christmas to you!

*** Today is the bright holiday of Christmas for everyone who is looking forward to it in December. So let him give a lot of goodness! And only the light will come to you now!

Let him shine the lights of hope, Just as the star shone in Bethlehem! And may the Spirit of Christmas always, without fail, protect you as before!

Happy Catholic Christmas! I wish that there is peace and quiet, harmony and prosperity in every home. Let miracles and wonderful events happen, filling life with delightful moments, happy smiles and the kindness of human hearts. Love, prosperity and prosperity!

On a wonderful day - Christmas, Congratulations to you, friends! I want to wish love, So that the Years barely flow like a lush river, And you are proud of your fate, Grateful to heaven, Visit God's Temple! Be sincere with your soul, And always be honest with yourself, Long, long life without illnesses and without troubles!