When is Health Worker's Day celebrated? When is Medical Worker's Day celebrated?

The professional holiday of all medical workers in Russia and some CIS countries is always celebrated in June. The third Sunday of the first summer month was chosen for this day. But the number turns out to be floating. In 2018 it falls on June 17th.

The third Sunday in June was chosen for the professional holiday of all medical workers back in 1980. Although the date is floating, the day has been fixed for many years. In the first month of summer we honor all doctors, nurses and everyone involved in this important craft.

Date of medical worker holiday in 2018

A professional solemn day for all workers in the healthcare industry was established in the USSR by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council in 1980. No date was chosen for this day, but the day was set as the third Sunday in June. Since then, we have celebrated this holiday every year in the first month of summer, even after the collapse of the USSR. In Russia, a decree on celebrating Doctors' Day was signed in 1991.

The day has remained unchanged since Soviet times. In 2018, we will congratulate doctors and nurses on June 17th. The third Sunday of the month falls on this date.

Features of a professional holiday

Day medical worker is an important holiday for the people of our country. It occupies a special place in the calendar of professional dates. This is not a formal reason to express gratitude to doctors, but an opportunity to say thank you to those who save lives and guard our health, vigor and well-being.

Doctors and all those associated with medicine receive well-deserved congratulations on this day and receive their share of attention and gratitude from the many patients they helped.

Every year in Russia, every medical institution holds professional competitions to evaluate the contribution of doctors and professionals in this field to the development of medicine. The results of the competition are summed up on the eve of Medical Day and the winners are honored on the holiday.

Every city usually holds ceremonies holiday events, concerts dedicated to this important day.

National television is broadcasting the awards ceremony for particularly distinguished doctors and healthcare workers. A festive concert is shown on the Russian central channel.

The medical profession is one of the oldest in the world, and nowadays it is in demand literally everywhere. Each of us at least once in our lives turned to a doctor for help and treatment. After all, even at the very beginning of a person’s life - at the birth of a baby - doctors are directly involved. And modern healthcare and the efforts of doctors are aimed not only at treating diseases and maintaining human health, but also at its development.

This professional celebration is usually celebrated at the state level. Medical workers are congratulated not only by their immediate management, but also by the Minister of Health. The most outstanding and active hospital employees are awarded honorary titles. Awards are given for professionalism, long term work, and publication of works on medicine.

Award ceremonies are also held at the local level. Employees attend a meeting where they are congratulated and given awards. Traditionally, monetary rewards are awarded. Grateful patients, who willingly bring various gifts to the people who helped them, do not forget about the work of doctors. Students have a tradition of filling their glasses with alcohol on this day.

Health Worker Day 2020, what date will it be celebrated? Doctors and healthcare workers play a huge role in our society. What would happen if this sacred profession that saves human lives did not exist? There would be no people, no world. Doctors rush to help when we feel bad, when our lives are on the line, when we ourselves are confused and fearful for the lives of our loved ones. Sensitivity and compassion, empathy and warmth are inherent in the majority of people in white coats who have chosen such a necessary and necessary profession - a doctor, whose day is celebrated annually in many countries.

A professional holiday called Medical Worker Day is celebrated in our country every third Sunday of June. This year significant date falls on June 16th. On this day, people with the most necessary and humane profession will receive congratulations.

History of the origin of the holiday

Medicine was revered in ancient times, many centuries before our era. Her father is Hippocrates, who was known not only as a great Aesculapius, but also as a great philosopher. Hippocrates wrote several dozen scientific treatises that played a huge role in the history of medicine. Every modern medical worker, upon taking office, takes an oath named after the great physician - the Hippocratic oath, associated with high moral character and ethical qualities that should guide people in white coats.

From time immemorial, doctors were respected and appreciated, they were in awe of their sacred ability to heal and save people's lives. In Tsarist Russia, Aesculapians were always part of the elite, the top cream of society. Officially, the Doctor's Day holiday in our country was declared in 1980. It is celebrated every third Sunday in June. There is another significant date that involves people in white coats. This is World Doctors Day, which is celebrated on the first Monday of November. This year's celebration World Day The doctor will take place on October 7.

Doctor - what kind of profession?

The profession of a doctor is becoming more in demand from year to year. Many hospitals and clinics, especially in small towns, have a catastrophic shortage of qualified medical specialists due to small wages and the emergence of private practices, such as dental, eye, or neurology. The duty of a doctor is not only to treat patients. Correct diagnosis, as well as prescribing adequate treatment, is an entire art, the so-called “ aerobatics”, because if this does not happen, a person’s life may be in danger. The doctor must not only be able to make a diagnosis and provide therapy, but his responsibility is to prevent the disease, that is, to prescribe adequate preventive complexes. Doctors should also know medications, their contraindications and side effects, so that when prescribing medications to patients, they do not harm their health. The activity of medical workers consists not only in treating people, but also in the ability to provide them with first aid in case of accidents, disasters and natural disasters. The profession of a doctor means long working hours, the need to come to the rescue day and night, in the heat and in the bitter cold. This is a huge responsibility for those who seek help.

How to celebrate Doctor's Day

On the holiday of the medical worker, not only doctors are congratulated. On this significant day they rush to congratulate:

  • chemists;
  • laboratory technicians;
  • nurses;
  • orderlies;
  • paramedics;
  • dental technicians;
  • obstetricians;
  • interns;
  • medical students;
  • teachers of medical universities.

Also on this professional holiday They also give gifts to all those who are closely associated with medicine - administration workers of medical institutions, receptionists, cloakroom attendants, etc.

There are no specific traditions and foundations when celebrating Medic Day. On this day, all medical workers gather for ceremonial events, where the best of them are awarded titles and awards. Those who have especially distinguished themselves, with work experience of 15 or more, are awarded the title “Honored Doctor” Russian Federation” or “Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation”. The rest are awarded certificates of commendation and gratitude. On this holiday, medical workers are provided with cash bonuses.

In honor of the date, concerts, meetings, and festive buffets are organized, which are attended not only by medical industry workers, but also by members of their families.

What do they give to health workers?

What could be better for a doctor than the excellent health of his patient? This is the most important thing for a doctor the best gift. However, we all want to thank the people in white coats on their professional holiday. What can you give to a doctor? It is best not to present hackneyed sweets or cognac, but to choose something healthy and of good quality. You can give a more impressive gift to the doctor:

  1. an expensive fountain pen;
  2. a diary bound in leather;
  3. organizer for various small items;
  4. exclusive coffee in a beautiful box;
  5. thermal mug;
  6. a certificate to a hardware store or spa;
  7. cufflinks in the form of a stethoscope;
  8. fruit basket;
  9. gift set of exclusive tea with aromatic natural oils, etc.

Nurses and other health workers are presented with something simpler, for example, a set of tea or coffee, a bouquet of flowers, skin or hair care products, a scarf or shawl if it is a woman, and for men a flask or flashlight. Any exquisite souvenir, presented with humor and invention, can be a gift. Gifts can be given at the same time as good poems or congratulations in prose.

When is Medical Worker's Day celebrated in other countries in 2020?

This holiday is celebrated not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The medical profession is highly valued everywhere, and this year the following events are being celebrated:

  • in the United States of America - March 30. It was on this day that anesthesia was used for the first time in a surgical operation in the country;
  • in Tajikistan – August 18;
  • in India – July 1. This date corresponds to the date of birth and death of the famous Indian doctor Bidhan Chandra Roy;
  • in Iran - August 23, the birthday of the great healer and philosopher Avicenna;
  • in Brazil - October 18. On this day, the country celebrates the birth of the Apostle St. Luke, who was also known as a great physician;
  • in Kyrgyzstan – July 7, the first Sunday of the month;
  • in Cuba - December 3. The great Cuban healer and explorer Juan Carlos Finlay, who became the first researcher of yellow fever, was born on this date;
  • in Uzbekistan – November 10. The celebration of Medic's Day in the country falls on the second Sunday of the month;
  • in Armenia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus - on the same day as in Russia - June 16.

When is Grandparents' Day celebrated in Russia in 2020, and what kind of holiday is it? Grandparents are beloved members of our families. They play a special role in raising their grandchildren and often love them more than children, pamper them in every possible way and allow even things that their parents would not allow. It was our grandparents who gave us their love, attention and affection, which we were deprived of by our parents due to their constant employment. Grandparents' Day is a great opportunity to thank your loved ones for their tenderness and care, a wonderful holiday that has received praise all over the world.

What date is Grandparents' Day 2020 celebrated?

The celebration of this wonderful date takes place annually on October 28th. This year it will be the last Monday of the month. May the holiday not be as significant as New Year, and is not included in the lists of official holidays, but is celebrated no less joyfully and cheerfully, because we all love and appreciate our grandparents.

history of the holiday

The holiday is completely new. It was invented by the Dutch in 2009. The country had a tradition of congratulating elderly family members on October 28 and giving them beautiful autumn bouquets and indoor plants as gifts. This is how the residents of this country showed respect and love for the older generation. It was proposed to legalize this day and make it a holiday. I liked the idea and the holiday was announced. Other countries also supported the Dutch, including Russia, where this date has been celebrated since 2015. Despite the fact that the history of the holiday is very short, it quickly took root throughout the world.

How the holiday is celebrated

Grandparents' Day is celebrated in 30 countries. Each country celebrates the holiday in its own way and different time, but the meaning is the same everywhere - to surround older people with attention and care, give them gifts and do other pleasant things, because often because of our busyness we cannot tell our loved ones once again how much we love them. There are no special regulations for celebrating this day in Russia. Each family celebrates the date differently. It may be a family feast or something else, but the tradition of giving a beautiful houseplant remains. How this wonderful day is celebrated in other countries:

  1. In France, this holiday has a national scope. It is celebrated on the first Sunday of March. This year it is the 3rd day of the month. The government of the country takes this day seriously and provides the elderly with their grandchildren the opportunity to go on excursions or simply travel for free on tourist transport. At retail outlets, grandmothers are given huge discounts on all goods, and the day ends in some chic restaurant complex;
  2. in Canada and North America, the date is celebrated on the first Sunday in September (this year - September 1) with family in nature;
  3. in Italy, Grandparents' Day is combined with the veneration of guardian angels and is celebrated on the first Sunday in October (in 2020 - October 6). Celebrate with a family feast;
  4. Poland, like France, treats the holiday with full responsibility and celebrates it at the state level, but only on January 22.

Grandparents' Day is celebrated almost all over the world, but why wait for the holiday to please your family and friends? You can do this at any other time, even every day, if you wish.

What to give to your beloved grandparents

It is not necessary to give your grandparents something very expensive, because the main thing is attention. How can you congratulate your loved ones? It depends on your imagination and material capabilities:

  • draw or buy beautiful postcard and write a touching poem. If you don’t have a talent for poetry, then you can find congratulations on the Internet;
  • prepare a home concert with songs and poems;
  • cover the houses beautiful table with delicious dishes prepared with your own hands;
  • organize an outing with barbecue, entertainment and competitions, or just go to a cafe with the whole family;
  • make a souvenir or craft with your own hands together with your children, draw a picture.

You can find many ideas for gifts, but a mandatory gift on this day to your grandparents is a pot of beautiful flower or a houseplant. It was this tradition that gave rise to a wonderful, good family holiday.

Photo: Shutterstock.com/Niyazz

Every year on the third Sunday of June in Russia and the CIS countries, according to a long-standing tradition, they celebrate the Day of the Medical Worker (Medical Day). This holiday was approved by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3018-X dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorial days”, as amended by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 9724-XI dated November 1, 1988 “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days."

This was done in order to once again emphasize the importance of people who devoted themselves to the noble cause of preserving the life and health of their fellow citizens. Medical Worker's Day is celebrated not only by doctors and nurses, but also by all those whose help medical science would not do without, who are involved in saving human life: engineers and technologists who invent new equipment for the treatment and diagnosis of diseases, chemists, biologists, laboratory assistants, orderlies, etc.

Holiday traditions

There are no uniform traditions in celebrating Medical Worker's Day. As a rule, ceremonial meetings, awards, and concerts are held on this day. Doctors have two state awards: “Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation” and “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.” Both are recognition of the talent and dedication of a person who has devoted his entire life to this difficult task.

Medical Worker's Day - professional holiday medical personnel. Doctors will take part in the celebration nurses, orderlies, researchers, support staff medical institutions, their relatives and friends. They are joined by teachers, students, interns and graduates of specialized educational institutions.

In Russia, the holiday is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. In 2020, Medical Worker's Day falls on June 21 and is celebrated for the 40th time.

The essence of the holiday is to pay tribute and express gratitude to people who devote their lives to medical activities.

Medical workers hold corporate events for the holiday. The administration of medical institutions and top officials of the country officially congratulate doctors and present insignia and prizes. Conferences and meetings of scientific communities coincide with the celebration.



    Happy Doctor's Day, I congratulate you!
    I wish you warmth and well-being.
    Let the time be joyful, and sorrows forgotten.
    And may all your wishes come true this holiday!

    Happy Medical Worker's Day!
    We wish you health from the bottom of our hearts.
    To help patients as best I could,
    I found a recipe for any disease.

    Good luck in everything, salary growth,
    May you live in abundance: luxuriously, richly.
    And the house sounded loud, joyful laughter,
    May honor and success await you everywhere!

What date is Medical Worker Day in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
20 June Sun19 June Sun18 June Sun