How to curl your hair without a curling iron or curling iron. Beautiful curls at home: what is the best way to curl your hair? Poll: How long is your hair?

Light waves or voluminous curls – these hairstyles look romantic and incredibly feminine. They are also relevant in Everyday life, and for special occasions. To get spectacular curls, you don’t have to go to a salon; you can do them at home. If you don’t have a curling iron or straightener at hand, it doesn’t matter, you can do without these devices.

Let's look at several methods that allow you to create beautiful curls without ironing or curling irons.

Forming curls

To create curls in this way, you don’t need any special equipment other than regular bobby pins and hairspray.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Before starting to create your hair, wash your hair and dry the strands a little; they should remain slightly damp.
  2. We divide all the hair into several zones in random order.
  3. Select a separate strand and spray it a little with varnish.
  4. Taking the tip of the strand, we twist it around a finger or 2-3 fingers, like on a curler.
  5. We fix the resulting curl with a bobby pin and treat it with varnish again.
  6. We perform the same actions with the remaining strands.
  7. When all the curls are formed, wait 3-5 hours, and after that we begin to remove the bobby pins.
  8. Use your fingers to distribute the resulting curls.

Explanatory video

This simple method will allow you to do soft curls over a relatively short period of time.

Using a hair elastic

In this case, to create a hairstyle from curls, you will need a wide and soft elastic band; it should not be too loose, but a very tight one will not work either. A good option There will be an elastic band on the head, which is used for sports. Additionally, you still need to arm yourself with foam, spray or other styling product.


  1. To create a styling, the strands must be clean and dry; comb them well and treat them with a styling product.
  2. We put an elastic band on the head.
  3. We take the outermost side strand, twist it in the form of a flagellum and wrap it around the elastic band, hide the tip under it, do the same with the next strand.
  4. Having curled the hair on one side, we move to the other, at the very end we work on the strands on the back of the head.
  5. If the hair is soft and easily takes the desired shape, it is enough to wear an elastic band on your head for 2-3 hours, but if the strands are unruly and stiffer, then you will have to leave it on all night.
  6. Literally in one motion we remove the elastic band and give the curls the desired shape.

Explanatory video

The main advantage of this method is that the elastic band for creating curls will not cause any discomfort even during sleep, since it is soft and elastic.

Regular bun

This option can be called the least labor-intensive; it will require a small amount of your favorite styling product and a few hairpins. The bun is done very quickly, and the result is a styling with soft, voluminous curls.


  1. Leave your hair slightly damp after washing, but not wet, and comb it well.
  2. We gather all the hair into a high ponytail and twist it into a tight braid.
  3. We twist the bundle of strands so that we get an elastic bundle.
  4. We fix the resulting bundle with several hairpins.
  5. You will have to wait 5-6 hours, after which we remove all the pins and disassemble the bun, form and style the curls with our fingers, apply a styling agent to them for better fixation.

Explanatory video

The most ordinary hair bun allows you to create soft flounces without extra effort.

Braiding a braid

A braid is not only a practical and beautiful hairstyle, but with its help it is easy to create a style of elastic curls. In order to get wavy strands, you will need hair bands and a little hairspray.

Basic Steps

  1. The strands for weaving should be clean, slightly moistened and well combed.
  2. Using a vertical parting in the middle of the head, we divide the hair into two equal parts.
  3. We divide each part into 3 more strands and braid two braids on the sides, securing each of them with an elastic band.
  4. Now you need to wait until your hair is completely dry; for a more lasting effect, you can braid your hair before going to bed and go to bed with it.
  5. We unravel the braids, give the curls the desired direction and shape, and spray them with hairspray.

Explanatory video

This method allows you to create curls of various shapes: if you want to get voluminous and soft waves, you can braid one braid in the center of your head, if you need smaller and bouncy curls, you will have to make 3-4 braids.

Fabric and paper strips

From small strips of thick paper and pieces of fabric, you can make curling papers with your own hands and curl your hair on them, resulting in beautiful and delicate curls.

Stages of the procedure

  1. We prepare strips of thick paper (cardboard, for example) 2-3 cm wide and about 10 cm long.
  2. We cut thick fabric into thin ribbons.
  3. We comb clean and slightly moistened hair well, distribute foam or mousse along its entire length.
  4. We crumple the prepared strips of paper in our hands and roll each one into a tube.
  5. We thread a strip of fabric into each tube; it is needed to attach the curler to the hair.
  6. We divide the hair into several strands; the more there are, the more elastic the curls will be.
  7. We wind each strand onto a prepared curler and tie it with a bow.
  8. It is advisable to leave this “hairstyle” overnight so that the curlers do not fall apart; you can wrap your head in a thin scarf.
  9. In the morning, we remove all the homemade curlers and straighten the resulting curls.

Simple homemade curlers made of paper and fabric can easily compete with modern hair curlers; making them will not be difficult.

Explanatory video

It’s quite easy to create a gorgeous hairstyle from curls; for this you don’t even need to have a curling iron, flat iron or other curling devices; it’s quite possible to get by with improvised means. All these methods have one important property in common - they do not harm the hair, without drying it out, like thermal devices.

In order to create beautiful curls, it is not at all necessary to have a curling iron or straightener.

Using “grandmother’s” methods is completely safe for the hair structure, and the result is simply amazing. Various variations of creating curls evoke admiration for their originality.

Several ways to create curls

Strips of fabric

winding strands onto fabric is an easy way to create curls without a curling iron or curlers

Remember the old movies where the ladies of the court walked around with rag curlers? It looks funny, to say the least, but then the resulting elastic curls become the subject of universal admiration. Creation is carried out as follows:

  • Any unnecessary one is selected cotton fabric(synthetics slip), whether it's an old T-shirt, towel or stockings.
  • The selected fabric is cut into several strips, which should be longer than your hair.
  • The width of the stripes is determined depending on the desired curls: for small ones - 2.5 cm, and for large ones - at your discretion up to 7-8 cm.
  • The hair is pre-washed and rinsed with conditioner.
  • The hair is well combed and divided into small sections using a comb.
  • The strip is located at the ends of the strand and twists to the very roots, while the ribbon must maintain a horizontal position.
  • The resulting “roll” is secured by tying a ribbon to secure the hair.
  • After one strand is twisted, the same process is carried out with all subsequent sections.
  • If you want to get only curled ends, the ribbon is wrapped only to the middle of the hair length and tied in the same place.
  • The twist should be done directly inward (toward the neck).
  • The hair is expected to dry completely; this will take 6–12 hours, depending on the ambient temperature and the thickness of the strands.
  • It is better to do the procedure at night.
  • Once the hair is completely dry, they begin to untwist.

The resulting curls are straightened by hand (do not comb) and fixed with gel. If you want to get waves through your hair, use a wide-toothed comb.

As an alternative to rag curlers, you can use paper pieces, cocktail tubes, and for small curls, caps of pens or felt-tip pens are quite suitable.


A braid is not only a beautiful and practical hairstyle, but also a way to get wavy strands

  • You can get bouncy curls that resemble waves by braiding your hair. To do this, follow the sequence:
  • Clean, slightly damp and combed hair is prepared directly for braiding. A parting is made in the middle of the head - you get 2 parts of hair.
  • Each is braided and secured with an elastic band at the end.
  • For a more natural look, the braid is braided loosely rather than tightly. If you want to get a slight waviness, make one braid.
  • You can get bouncy curls from 3-4 braids.
  • Usually they go to bed until their hair is dry. In the morning, the braids are unraveled and straightened by hand.

If desired, the curls are fixed with varnish.

Hair flagella

to get wavy strands, it is enough to make a tail of two flagella

  • Another great option that can be done in a minimum amount of time:
  • The process begins again with washing the hair, which is then rinsed with conditioner.
  • The hair is carefully combed.
  • Wet hair is distributed into small segments.
  • Each segment is tightly twisted into a tourniquet.
  • Their bundle is formed into a bundle and secured with a hairpin.
  • The structure is left overnight.

The next morning, the hairpins are removed from the bundles, the flagella are untwisted and a bundle is formed.

Using a hair crab

shell hairstyle, made with a crab or bobby pins, allows you to get luxurious curls

  • The method of creating curls does not require the use of curling irons or curlers:
  • The hair is well moistened with water.
  • The hair is divided into several segments.
  • The segments are alternately twisted into bundles. The flagella are sequentially secured by the crab overnight.
  • In the morning, the crabs are removed, the strands are untwisted and styling is performed.

Video: secrets of creating curls

It's no secret that after frequent use Curling irons make your hair dry and lifeless. You will learn how to curl strands without an iron and curling iron from our video. creating curls without the help of an iron and curling iron has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair

  1. Do not use a comb, otherwise the curls will separate and will have an unkempt and curly appearance. You straighten your strands only with your hands.
  2. Take your time. It takes at least 6 hours to curl your hair.
  3. Depending on the desired result Do tight or loose braids.
  4. To achieve better effect for thick hair, you must first braid 6 braids, then intertwine them into 3, and then combine them into one.
  5. Hair that is too straight requires first applying a fixing mousse to it, then the curls will stick well. Use varnish only after installation.
  6. To loosen frizz, use an anti-frizz product.
  7. . Long strands are curled while damp and pre-combed well, and also dried with a hairdryer. Be sure to apply a fixative for a longer lasting effect.
  8. Braiding is done exclusively on dried hair. Wet strands cannot be made curly.
  9. The application of any fixative helps to preserve the hairstyle for a very long time.

If you keep the braided hair in place all night, the result will be much more effective. In the daytime, you can use an iron, in which you just need to hold your braids for a while.

As you can see, the use of “grandmother’s” methods involves its own positive sides. There is no need to sit chained to a chair and twirl your hair without using your time wisely. Curling your curls using any of the proposed methods will save your time, the hair structure will remain intact and you can calmly do household chores or just sleep while the treasured curls are forming.

It is believed that real woman capable of creating three things out of nothing: a salad, a scandal, a hairstyle. Of course, this is a joke, but there is a considerable amount of truth in it, especially with regards to hairstyles. Life situations are different - it happens that there is sorely not enough time to put on beauty before an important date, but you want to look stunning. And if you can tint your eyelashes in a couple of minutes, then creating romantic curls is much more complicated. And then, out of excitement, everything falls out of hand, the curling iron disappears somewhere... What to do? Don't panic! We will show you how to make curls without a curling iron or curlers in 5 minutes.

The fastest solution

In the absence of a curling iron, curlers and time for searching for an alternative A straightener will be very helpful. Styler designed specifically for straightening unruly curls, but cunning women in their ingenuity know no barriers, and now the curls are ready - 5 minutes have not passed! We state subtleties of the process:

  • Nice comb dry clean hair, apply heat-protective foam to them. Some ladies prefer pre-moisten hair, hoping to increase the durability of the styling. This is not worth doing, because the harm from thermal device increase significantly.
  • We divide the strands into two halves, making horizontal parting. For convenience, the upper part we fix with a hairpin or collect it in .
  • Take a strand from below and press it with an iron, stepping back a little from the roots. Next, we wind the hair on the styler, as usual on curling iron, wait a few minutes, carefully release the curl.

We continue to wind up strands, and very soon a wonderful transformation will happen - elastic, even curls look like salon styling. By the way, you can play a little with the width of the curls, changing the angle of inclination ironing. To prevent the curls from becoming disheveled, spray them a little with hairspray, securing the effect.

Other emergency methods

Of course, there is nothing worse than prepare to go out in a hurry, but this is not a reason to appear in front of people with a rat tail on your head. You are the queen! Use your wits and look around carefully: there are a lot of items that can replace curlers - just apply a little fantasy. Let's describe a few simple examples.

This inconspicuous object the women's toilet is a real lifesaver for emergencies. With the help of small hairpins you can do it quickly curls acting in the following order:

  • Treat clean, dry hair with styling mousse. styler don’t be sorry - your hair should become damp.
  • Breaking up the hairstyle into separate small strands. The easiest way to do this is to use a wide-toothed comb.
  • And now - the most interesting part. A strand of hair wrap it around two fingers (or three for larger curls) and form a ring.
  • We fix twisted strand invisible.
  • We continue manipulating the remaining part of the hair.

We'll have to wait until the rings under the bobby pins will dry out, after which we spray the head with varnish, wait another 10 minutes. We carefully remove the invisible ones, straighten the curls, if necessary, fix it with varnish again - ready!

This used the method Our grandmothers were also very pleased. Cut thick paper or cardboard of medium thickness into small pieces rectangular pieces. We crumple the paper with our fingers so that it becomes a little softer, then we twist it into a tube and thread it through it. fabric ropes- these are ties. We do this:

The width of the strand taken will depend curl size, and an additional turn on the elastic will add volume to the hairstyle.


More difficult option, requiring considerable skill and angelic patience. In pursuit of the beauty of curls we act in the following way:

  • We twist towel into a tourniquet and then rolled into a ring.
  • We place the resulting ring directly on the top of the head, over wet hair.
  • We also separate the strands, twist the flagella, and wrap them around a towel.

It is better to secure the structure invisible and do not disturb too much until it dries. Remove the towel carefully no sudden movements- hair may become tangled. Curls straighten it with your fingers.

Hair dryer and brushing

If you're lucky Finding a hairdryer and a round comb is a done deal, the problem is solved. Simply twist the strands moistened with mousse onto brushing, dry, result fix with varnish. The result is large, stunning curls and mega volume. What other styling options exist, for example, on short hair, you can read .

In general, a hair dryer solves the main problem - lack of time: homemade locks curlers dry in minutes, and hot air additionally will fix the curls.

Delayed result

The lack of a hairdryer is fraught with significant delaying the drying process hair - the curling methods described above in this case are best used in the evening and leave until morning. By the way, some homemade curlers are much softer than store-bought ones, so you will have a relatively comfortable sleep. To this same piggy bank of protracted methods we add a couple of proven and unfair forgotten tricks:

  • Braids
    Probably all the children of the 80s and 90s tried out the “African” perm at least once. The secret is simple: wash your hair in the evening, braid it, and leave it until the morning. The main subtlety is the volume of braids. If they are too thin, there is a high risk of waking up looking like a dandelion. Therefore, it is better to divide your hair into just two parts to get large curls. You won’t be able to get curls like after a curling iron; the result will be spectacular waves on your hair. We would also like to note that braids are one of the simple hairstyles on long hair. Find out how to design them by clicking on.
  • Rags
    Also a Soviet analogue of curlers. The strand is wound onto a strip of fabric from the ends to the roots, then the cloth is tied in a knot. It is unlikely that the curls will turn out to be large, but you are definitely guaranteed incredible volume. When going to bed with knots tied, tie your head with a scarf - believe me, this measure will save many nerve cells the next morning. Without a scarf, your hair will probably get tangled, form clumps around the fabric strips, and will be very difficult to comb.

If the option with rags seems inconvenient, you can simply twist the strands into flagella and tie them tightly with thin elastic bands - if the hairstyle survives until the morning, you will get beautiful, even curls. So 5 minutes spent in the evening will compensate for the lack of a curling iron.

How to keep your hair in shape

Do curls in 5 minutes It’s not as difficult as it seems, and even without a curling iron you can quickly curl your hair using the means at hand. But all the above methods imply usage special means for styling. But what if you don’t have any mousse or varnish on hand? Remembering grandma's adviсe:

  • Sugar syrup
    The simplest remedy that will reliably help out in an emergency. Take a glass of warm boiling water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar in it and moisten your hair with this liquid before curling. Just don’t need to increase the proportion of sugar - instead of additional fixation, you will get glued together sweet “icicles”.
  • Lemon polish
    We will need: 1 tbsp of clean water, 20 g of alcohol, 1 tsp of sugar, zest of one lemon. Pour water over the zest, place the container on the fire, and bring the liquid to a boil. Constantly stirring the lemon water, wait until it thickens slightly, then turn off the gas. Remove the crusts, add sugar and alcohol. The varnish is ready - cool it, pour it into a spray bottle.
  • Beer
    Good quality beer is very beneficial for curls and can replace foam. Rinse your shampoo-washed hair with glasses of a fragrant drink and wrap your head in a towel. We wind the semi-dry strands onto rags, bobby pins, etc. The only caveat is that even after the hair is completely dry, the persistent beer smell will disappear for quite a long time.

Having decided to do beautiful hairstyle using improvised means, do not forget to approach the process sensibly - consider the length of the hairstyle. If you braid your hair on short haircut, the curls will be too voluminous. But for long strands it is easier to collect in large braids and achieve a light wave effect. Hair must be removed from any analogue of a curler as carefully as possible, then straighten the curls with your fingers. No one will even guess that you made gorgeous curls at home in 5 minutes without a curling iron.

Before we move on to describing how to create curls, let us clarify that when we use the phrase “short hair,” we mean length up to the chin and shorter.

Although some curl options are equally good for any length.

So, if you don’t have a curling iron or curlers on hand or don’t want to use them, you can curl your short hair using one of the available means:

For girls whose hair is slightly curly by nature.

The most suitable method is number 6.

Curling options for the night

If you want to get a stylish hairstyle in the morning, you can do your hair almost completely in the evening, and in the morning you can soak up an extra half an hour in bed. For night curling, products proven by our mothers and grandmothers are perfect: small rags, rubber bands or pieces of foam rubber.

In the evening, we wash and comb our hair, curl it with one of the products and go to bed, and in the morning all that remains is to release the hair and fix it with hairspray.

How to properly curl curls on short hair?

Before moving on to any of the “night” curling options, you need to wash your hair with shampoo and condition your hair with conditioner, which will give your future curls shine and make them more manageable.

The hair should be lightly dried with a towel and combed thoroughly. Decide what you want to see in the morning - ringlets or curls - and start curling according to one of the algorithms presented below.

Using rags

To get small curls, the curling strands must be thin!

Using rubber bands

Option number 2 is suitable for creating curls. If you want to get light waves, then you just need to pass the strand through the elastic several times without tightening it tightly. Then the next morning you will have natural curls.f

Thanks to foam rubber

Using an elastic band to create a Greek hairstyle

If you want to get clear curls, then you need to twist the strand tightly and vice versa when you want to see sloppy curls on yourself.

If we talk about styling products, then for “night” curls it is best to apply a little mousse to damp hair in the evening, and sprinkle with hairspray in the morning to fix it.

If you want to create “ wet effect”, then it is better to apply the product (gel, mousse or wax) in the morning.

Greek hairstyle in 5 minutes.

How can you do a perm in the morning, without using the usual tools?

If the thought “Should I curl my hair?” slipped through your head this morning, don’t rush to get upset that you won’t have time to do anything. You have at least 3 curling options, each of which will take no more than half an hour.

Mousse and wet hair

You will need damp hair, hands and mousse. Apply mousse to slightly damp hair and squeeze it with your hands in random order (you can twist a strand around your finger).

If you are in a hurry, you can dry your hair with a hairdryer at the same time as you squeeze and twist.

There is no need to fix this styling; strands treated with mousse hold their shape perfectly. This option is good for creating curls.

Same thing with braids

If you want to get light waves, braid your mousse-treated hair into braids. While you wash your face, do your makeup, and have breakfast, your straight strands will turn into the desired wave. All that remains is to undo the braids and spray your hair with hairspray.

Special hair dryer

If you are the happy owner of a hairdryer with a diffuser, then creating curls is a breeze for you.

Treat damp hair with mousse and dry hair with a hair dryer with a diffuser, moving from the back of the head to the temples, and then to the crown and bangs. Finish the installation with varnish.

These options are suitable for light curling. If you want clear and bouncy curls, then 30 minutes is not enough for you to create your hairstyle.

One way to create curls is to twist wet strands around a regular pencil. You twist it, dry it, and you get an elastic curl. Instead of a pencil, you can take a Chinese stick.

Hair diffuser.

Which curls will last longer?

The curls that will last the longest are those that:

  • curled onto clean hair;
  • had time to dry completely;
  • were moderately treated with mousse and varnish.

Short hair is not an obstacle for ladies to experiment with styling. Curling short hair adds a touch of extravagance and mischief to the look, creating a personal style for every woman.

Before we move on to describing how to create curls, let us clarify that when we use the phrase “short hair,” we mean length up to the chin and shorter.

Although some curl options are equally good for any length.

So, if you don’t have a curling iron or curlers on hand or don’t want to use them, you can curl your short hair using one of the available means:

For girls whose hair is slightly curly by nature.

The most suitable method is number 6.

Curling options for the night

If you want to get a stylish hairstyle in the morning, you can do your hair almost completely in the evening, and in the morning you can soak up an extra half an hour in bed. For night curling, products proven by our mothers and grandmothers are perfect: small rags, rubber bands or pieces of foam rubber.

In the evening, we wash and comb our hair, curl it with one of the products and go to bed, and in the morning all that remains is to release the hair and fix it with hairspray.

How to properly curl curls on short hair?

Before moving on to any of the “night” curling options, you need to wash your hair with shampoo and condition your hair with conditioner, which will give your future curls shine and make them more manageable.

The hair should be lightly dried with a towel and combed thoroughly. Decide what you want to see in the morning - ringlets or curls - and start curling according to one of the algorithms presented below.

Using rags

To get small curls, the curling strands must be thin!

Using rubber bands

Option number 2 is suitable for creating curls. If you want to get light waves, then you just need to pass the strand through the elastic several times without tightening it tightly. Then the next morning you will have natural curls.f

Thanks to foam rubber

Using an elastic band to create a Greek hairstyle

If you want to get clear curls, then you need to twist the strand tightly and vice versa when you want to see sloppy curls on yourself.

If we talk about styling products, then for “night” curls it is best to apply a little mousse to damp hair in the evening, and sprinkle with hairspray in the morning to fix it.

If you want to create a “wet effect”, then it is better to apply the product (gel, mousse or wax) in the morning.

Greek hairstyle in 5 minutes.

How can you do a perm in the morning, without using the usual tools?

If the thought “Should I curl my hair?” slipped through your head this morning, don’t rush to get upset that you won’t have time to do anything. You have at least 3 curling options, each of which will take no more than half an hour.

Mousse and wet hair

You will need damp hair, hands and mousse. Apply mousse to slightly damp hair and squeeze it with your hands in random order (you can twist a strand around your finger).

If you are in a hurry, you can dry your hair with a hairdryer at the same time as you squeeze and twist.

There is no need to fix this styling; strands treated with mousse hold their shape perfectly. This option is good for creating curls.

Same thing with braids

If you want to get light waves, braid your mousse-treated hair into braids. While you wash your face, do your makeup, and have breakfast, your straight strands will turn into the desired wave. All that remains is to undo the braids and spray your hair with hairspray.

Special hair dryer

If you are the happy owner of a hairdryer with a diffuser, then creating curls is a breeze for you.

Treat damp hair with mousse and dry hair with a hair dryer with a diffuser, moving from the back of the head to the temples, and then to the crown and bangs. Finish the installation with varnish.

These options are suitable for light curling. If you want clear and bouncy curls, then 30 minutes is not enough for you to create your hairstyle.

One way to create curls is to twist wet strands around a regular pencil. You twist it, dry it, and you get an elastic curl. Instead of a pencil, you can take a Chinese stick.

Hair diffuser.

Which curls will last longer?

The curls that will last the longest are those that:

  • curled onto clean hair;
  • had time to dry completely;
  • were moderately treated with mousse and varnish.

Short hair is not an obstacle for ladies to experiment with styling. Curling short hair adds a touch of extravagance and mischief to the look, creating a personal style for every woman.