How to properly advertise for a manicure. How to attract clients for manicures: current methods

Hi girls! My name is Denis, I do advertising in in social networks and my woman paints her nails.
Yes, I know where the cuticle lives and how to attract clients for a manicure.

All methods have been used repeatedly and successfully, many of them do not require investment, can be completed in one evening and will leave your notebooks bursting with notes. Even in quiet times, even in a small town, you will be relevant everywhere.

By the way, much of the list is covered in paid trainings and courses for tons of money.
I am sure that in a few years the material will help a novice manicurist gain clients.

So, following simple logic and following at least half of the instructions, you will complete a full schedule for the future in a month. I hope you have completed good courses and will only create beautiful nails, I wish you good luck.


Free ways to attract clients for manicures

Important: these methods help best only at the initial stage, when your price tag is low or just moving towards the average (but there are exceptions). Ideal for personal growth as a master and recruiting your first client base.

We attract people for manicures through advertisements of Avito and Yula

If you don't have an account, then it's time to register. People actually come from there.

We will need:

  1. Avito and Yula accounts with real first and last names (pseudonyms, if you want). Now we are working on a personal brand.
  2. 4-6 high-quality photos presenting our work. Choose the best ones. It is very desirable for them to be varied, showing our skills in different techniques.
  3. Make a kind, pleasant avatar with your face on your Yula and Avito profiles, they will receive more responses than question marks.
  4. Write decent ad text. There is no need to be too clever, the look from my examples is enough.

What's next

  • We publish 1 advertisement for 1 service (manicure separately, pedicure separately - you can indicate in the text that you do both, but it is better to make different advertisements). This way there will be more results.
  • We quickly answer questions in personal messages and calls, and do not lose clients.
  • Ads are posted for a month, so we activate ads again after this period.

What to expect

You can definitely count on 10-15 calls per month in a city with 200,000+ population, but remember, clients for manicure at home choose a specialist with their eyes, focusing on the work, and then read the text, advantages, experience, about sterilization, etc. .
More calls from Yula.

Useful additions

  • Yula gives a manicurist the opportunity to promote himself through paid ad promotion for literally 100 rubles. in 7 days, there will definitely be more views and calls, and the money is not very significant, I recommend using it.

  • I do not recommend using paid services on Avito. Expensive.
  • We make sure to put watermarks on photos of our works so that our content is not stolen. The snapseed app handles this quickly and easily, and can be mastered in 15 minutes.
  • I don’t recommend using photos of other people’s works, firstly, it’s ugly, and secondly, Avito and Yula can block ads (or your account) for this.
  • You can post the full updated price list of one of the latest photos as a separate screenshot.
  • DON'T BE WISHED! Use examples of only the best ads for visual and textual components. Make your price clear! The volume of the ad is limited by characters, and human attention is not endless; avoid unclear wording in the types of services. You may not agree with me, but my opinion is that the simpler the better. In the screenshot below, for example, there is a complex price list.
  • Introduce yourself in the ad, tell us about your advantages, make this first acquaintance a little more pleasant for stranger, there is no need to declare any loud “WRITE ONLY ABOUT THE BUSINESS”, “IF ANYTHING IS UNCLEAR - YOUR PROBLEMS”, be polite and kind, people will reciprocate you.
  • And don't waste your time on an inadequate audience. Block and that's it.
  • Open WhatsApp, Viber and indicate that you can respond there (for many this is more convenient).

Clients for manicures through the “Master and Model” community of your city on the VKontakte website

There is a nuance here; not all cities have these communities (we have a ton of them in Yekaterinburg).
You shouldn’t expect a lot of money with this method; here you learn to work quickly and efficiently, collect a portfolio and reviews.

We will need

Make announcements similar to those we wrote on Avito and Yulia.

Fact check on them
  1. The best works were selected and photographed with high quality (5-6 pieces, this way the post will look better)
  2. Text with an invitation, types of services and ways to receive them.
  3. Link to your personal page where you will sign up for the procedure.
  4. I say again, follow the image and likeness of the best in your niche, this also applies to advertising and account design. Everything has already been invented before you.

What's next

  • We promptly answer questions and sign people up for procedures.
  • The longer you take to respond, the less chance they will make an appointment with you. This is especially important at the initial stage.

What to expect

The audience in these places is actively signing up, it’s easy to attract clients for manicures here, but these are the people who save money and look for somewhere cheaper, it’s suitable for a start, but as soon as you increase the cost of services, requests from there will rapidly decline.

Useful additions

Clients for a manicurist through friends

Free and effective, but not as fast as you would like. The actions are banal, but some useful features are often missed, so it’s worth describing in more detail.

We will need

Friends and acquaintances who are present on social media. networks and have more or less live profiles. We are interested in those who are on Insta and Vkontakte.

What's next

You give them a beautiful coated manicure, and in return you can ask:

  • Reviews! Be sure to get feedback from them, your environment is the fastest supplier;
  • Stories on Insta with a photo of the work and approximate text: “Look what beauty @mastermanukura made me” with an active link to your master’s Instagram;
  • VKontakte stories with the same message;
  • Post on the VKontakte wall with a photo of the work and a link to you;
  • Post on Insta;
  • Or all together

What to expect

Useful additions

Choose with your mind and heart (mmm, well, something like that), in the sense that you don’t have to strictly filter by the number of friends and likes of those for whom you will paint their nails for advertising.

You need to remember that quality work is an advertisement in itself, you will do N beautiful works, and N of your “advertising agents” will walk around the city, who will definitely tell you where they made such beauty. Regular clients of the manicurist come in large numbers from word of mouth.

We attract appointments for manicures through local opinion leaders

By selection. Opinion leaders are especially useful when recruited from: local models, photographers, singers, party girls, presenters, that is, those who are often in public.

  • You need to use some ingenuity in the search, and also create an Excel file with lists of those to whom you will make an offer and its current status (ignored, thinking, working, etc.) - a system will appear, without it it will be difficult.

Technically, here it is the same as in the method with girlfriends, but:

  1. You need to choose those who suit you from local girls with an active audience.
  2. Write and negotiate with them for a service, showing your portfolio (it’s important to have one), and convincing them that they need it at all. 70% will be lost at this stage. Don't be upset - this is normal. If you try and actively write, you can get 3-4 such opinion leaders.
  3. Do not start with this method without having a portfolio, it is pointless; on the contrary, it is advisable to proceed with this step further when you want to increase your check and you need a new audience.
  4. Be careful: opinion leaders are opinion leaders, if they do not like the work you have done, then instead of a laudatory review, you will receive anti-advertising.

Addition: in the same vein, specialists from related beauty professions, stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers are good - they work with clients, and your work will be seen.

About attracting clients for manicures in an exclusive way

It’s a must to have it, it brings quick and strong results, competitors use it and you don’t lag behind. The work of a specialist on such a project will cost from 4,000 rubles. per month. It’s worth it, BUT... you’ll already recruit clients on your own using these tools.

This method is especially useful when:

  • We want to expand our customer base
  • We raise the check and need to replace the departed clients with new ones

In order for everything to be cool and you don’t spend extra money, you must first comply.

Start with this checklist

  1. You have a VKontakte community where you regularly publish the results of your best work and reviews (at least)
  2. About the same Instagram master
  3. You provide quality service
  4. Secure it with a good photograph that you are not ashamed to show (light, resolution, angles, perfect highlights).
  5. (If you were able to do it, keep +1 point).

The calculation is like this. If you spent 3,000 rubles and 10 new clients came to you from advertising, not bad, the client cost 300 rubles. Then some returned, and some told their friends, and the base began to move sharply.

If you have an empty community, sad work and a dead Instagram, and you haven’t received any reviews, then a client can cost 1000 rubles.

We need to make sure that EVERYTHING WORKS and brings in customers.
The main thing is not to be afraid, you can do everything and will learn everything.

We use cloud services to promote your Instagram account

There are important updates for 2020 at the bottom of the block.

We are talking about launching a task in such a service to attract clients for a manicurist, don’t be afraid of the technical aspects, everything will definitely work out. Now everything is simple and done right in the browser; back in 2014-2017, we had to set up complex programs.

The essence

We create and configure a task for our account in such a service; it performs actions that we would otherwise have to do manually.

Simply put, the scheme is called mass liking/massfollowing, that is, subscription and likes of the target audience in order to attract their attention to our offer.

2 best services for our tasks:
  • Registration in Zeus (from 350 rubles per month for 1 account). There is a trial - 7 days of free full functionality in the service to evaluate everything properly..
  • Registration in Tooligram (from RUB 500 per month for 1 account) + 7 days free

Start logic in Zeus:

    1. Register in the Zeus service
    2. Watch the overview video
  1. Load your Instagram account into it
  2. Please read the FAQ section carefully to move forward consciously
  3. By searching on Instagram, we find all the competitors for manicure and pedicure in our city, copy what follows the @ into a separate text file. Pay attention to how many there are just for the request “Manicure Ekaterinburg”, and there is also: gel polish Ekaterinburg , Manicure studio Yekaterinburg, Manicurist - and others. For our task of working on a competitor’s hot audience, it’s enough to find about 40 of the best ones.
  4. We set up a task for mass liking/mass following based on NEW subscribers, likes, and competitors’ comments. We load the list of competitors into the task.
  5. We set up an autoresponder for new subscribers with a welcome text in which we inform them of what we do and how much it costs. (In the foreseeable future, you will start to feel overwhelmed by the density of your new schedule and turn it off, but for now, do it). I’m giving you a clever version of the answering machine from the next case.

  6. Enable your account
  7. Catching requests

The point is that we will catch with likes and subscriptions only the active and hot audience of competitors who have just stopped active. This implies an increase in the chance that a person’s need is relevant right now and he will write to us.

Update from 2020. Cloud services can no longer operate with full automation. I recommend using semi-automatic subscription. The service will send you a list of users from the “hot” audience once a day, and you will subscribe to them manually. This work option is relevant.

Comparison of Tooligram and Zeus services

Essentially the task settings are similar.

Among the advantages of Tuligram:

  1. The Tuligram community, which will help you suggest and share tricks on the go.
  2. Mountain of educational materials

Of the minuses:

  1. More expensive in comparison with Zeus for functionality (from 500 rubles to 1000 rubles per month versus 350 rubles for Zeus)
  2. Tuligram works only with subscribers of competitors. There is no format for working with a hot audience.

Otherwise everything is very similar.

Working with competitors' hot audiences is a new feature that has recently appeared on the market; it shows solid results in comparison with classic approaches.

What to expect from the Zeus service?

You remember the checklist, right?

By doing:

  • Checklist conditions
  • High-quality selection of competitors for a task in Zeus
  • Average price in the city for manicure services

On the accounts of manicurists in cities with a population of over a million, we receive an average of 30-40 new requests. Of these, 15-20 clients will come to visit you.

For the money, Zeus is pure gold. Be sure to use it.


So, you have read the entire sheet of text, let's summarize.

  1. Yula and Avito are good at bringing clients to manicurists; they do not require long and complex body movements, but they require a portfolio.
  2. The “Master and Model” communities do not have a powerful paying audience, but they bring in some money and will provide that very portfolio (and reviews) that we lack in point 1.
  3. Friends are our trump card make them friends for your own benefit
  4. Free procedure for feedback/advertising to opinion leaders - a lot of time is spent on searching and agreements, they may “forget” about promises, but this is an image development tool and the game is almost always worth the candle.
  5. There are good and inexpensive services for Instagram promotion, having mastered which, you can get clients from Instagram on autopilot, all you have to do is answer questions and write them down.

Special opinion

It is enough for you to engage in active promotion for 1.5-2 months; word of mouth will do the rest of the work.

Now you know more about how to attract clients for manicures with minimal investment.

There are also more serious advertising techniques, combined with personal branding work for quick access to private master’s checks of 1500-2000 rubles per procedure, but that’s a completely different story. Perhaps there will be a separate master class on them with step-by-step implementation of all the tools. We'll see.

If you find something useful for yourself, write a few words in the comments to the article - I will be very pleased.

Yours, Denis Perevoshchikov

When maternity leave was coming to an end, I firmly decided that I would no longer go to work for hire. Before my daughter was born, I had already worked as a shoe sales consultant in a large retail chain, as an assistant manager, and as a call center operator. Strict discipline, no prospects for growth and salary strictly once a month - no thanks. I want to regulate my own schedule and influence my earnings, and I will always have time to return to the office walls.

Three years of art school under my belt, a lack of disgust, as well as the ability and desire to work with people determined my choice - I firmly decided that I wanted to become a nail technician.

When I signed up for a manicure course, I thought – this is it, a new stage in my life. I could already imagine how clients line up and post photos of their beautiful hands on social networks after visiting me. Yes, I have never had problems with self-confidence. In contrast to the ability to realistically assess the situation.

The first difficulties arose during the learning process, when it became clear that students had to find models for manicures on their own. Among my friends there were many who wanted to get a manicure for free. The problem was that no one was able to come to the procedure exactly at the time when the training was being conducted. I had to use the public database of models on - they quickly found candidates for both hardware manicure and extensions.

Upon receiving my diploma, I made two conclusions:

1. I was not mistaken in choosing a profession - I really liked the process of manicure, gel coating and nail extensions.

2. Finding your first clients for nails and starting to really make money from manicure will not be as easy as I thought - there are many pitfalls that I did not know.

Preparation for promotion

So, diploma in hand. But before looking for the first clients, three important issues had to be resolved.

1. Where to receive clients?

Initially, I thought of working purely from my home. But, after talking with more experienced manicurists, I reconsidered this decision. It can take months to build a client base in your area of ​​town, and I wanted to find clients and fill my schedule as quickly as possible.

An option is to go to clients’ homes in other areas. On the one hand, you will have to waste time on roads and traffic jams, but on the other hand, this way a novice manicurist has a better chance of finding clients. Another plus is that there is no need to allocate a special place at home to receive clients.

2. What equipment should I use?

Typically, masters begin their experience with such simple services as a classic or hardware manicure/pedicure. I decided to immediately look for clients for nail extensions. Therefore, my list of required equipment looked like this:

  • UV lamp;
  • gel, tips, forms;
  • primer, degreaser, finishing gel;
  • nail scissors;
  • blades for pushing back cuticles;
  • wire cutters;
  • several types of files;
  • consumables (sponges, bamboo sticks, pedicure spacers);
  • sterilizer;
  • dry-heat cabinet for sterilizing instruments (yes, I take sterility very seriously!).

My first expenses for equipment amounted to about 3 thousand UAH. Fortunately, I didn’t have to buy a cabinet - it was lent to me for temporary use by a friend who switched from manicure to eyelash extensions.

3. What price should I set for my services?

I roughly calculated how much money I would regularly spend on materials and transport, what monthly income I would like to earn at the start and in the future, and how many clients I can serve per month. I compiled a basic price list - each service was approximately 30% lower than that of experienced professionals. The most difficult thing remains - to increase the client base.

How to find clients for manicures at home: my experience

Even during the training process, we raised the question of how to find clients after manicure courses. They recommended developing word of mouth, exchanging business cards with cosmetics boutiques and actively posting photos on social networks.

I will tell you point by point what steps I took to find my clients, how much this “marketing” cost me and what worked from it.

1. Search for clients on city forums

First, I found popular topics on manicure and extensions on city forums and began to actively participate in the discussion. If someone was looking for a master or asking prices, I actively offered my services.

This is how I found my first client for manicure and pedicure - the girl was urgently looking for a specialist to come to her home, since her salon suddenly canceled her appointment.

Unfortunately, that was the whole effect. On one of the forums I was immediately banned for actively promoting my services and was offered to create a paid topic for 500 UAH per month. I myself didn’t last long on the other one - too much time was spent on constant maintenance of activity. But there was no longer enough time, as clients from other sources began to appear.

2. Announcement on OLX.

I had been using the OLX board for a long time to sell old items, so creating an ad there with my service was not difficult for me.

The downside of OLX is that if you publish an ad for a big city in a highly competitive category, it is almost immediately pushed out from the top of the list by other ads. But when I put up a paid ad, clients started calling.

One promotion to the top of the list costs 49 UAH. You will be in first place until someone else raises their ad - after which you move down. But I got calls even from 4th and 5th places!

The downside of this channel is that it has a very unique audience. Many clients who found me on OLX and signed up for nail extensions simply did not answer calls or messages on the day of the procedure. Once it happened that the client confirmed the appointment, I arrived with the instrument, but they simply did not open the door for me.

3. Profile on Barb. ua

By default, I assumed that all clients found me through OLX. Imagine my surprise when one of my clients accidentally mentioned that she found me on I registered during my studies for the sake of searching and had already forgotten about it. Returning home in the minibus, I went to the site through my smartphone and found my profile on Barb. I immediately wanted to add to it, since there were neither normal photographs of my work nor current prices for services.

I had to call technical support to restore access - I could not remember my password. At the same time, they explained to me that if I fill out my services efficiently, they will automatically rise to the top of the section. In fact, everything turned out to be very simple - I added descriptions and uploaded photos directly from my phone while driving home. There is also a convenient feature - you can offer customers a discount if they say that they came with Barb. This way you can find out whether the channel is working or not. Several new clients a week came to me from there.

The downside of this service is that some clients sign up through the website, and you can only view the application in your account (I’m used to people calling me right away). However, when I did not respond to the request for a long time, the Barb manager himself sent me the client’s data directly to Viber and even called me.

Plus – in the “quality” of clients. In general, there are more calls with OLX, but I got about the same number of actual recordings with OLX and with Barb.

4. Profile in Instagram

I started actively maintaining my profile on Instagram when I had a certain number of regular clients. And at first I did this so that I had somewhere to post my portfolio - I photographed all the works and immediately posted them on Instagram through the application.

Over time, I got into the habit of commenting and liking photos of other artists while I was riding a minibus, standing in line, or waiting for someone. This activity yielded results - they also liked and commented on me, and the number of subscribers grew.

Later, I learned to add thematic hashtags to posts, and the number of subscribers began to grow even faster. I remember how I received a couple of hundred likes in a day just thanks to the hashtag #New Year's manicure.

Disadvantages of Instagram as a channel for finding new clients:

  • profile promotion needs to be done constantly;
  • High competition among manicurists.

But here everything depends only on you - the more effort you put into this channel, the more new clients it finds for you.

What methods of attracting clients did not work for me?

In conclusion, I would like to briefly list the methods that did not work for me:

1. Profile on Vkontakte. For some time I actively maintained my page, added photos, and invited friends. The subscribers grew, but there was no activity, and I abandoned the matter.

2. Pinterest page. I still don’t understand how this social network works. Perhaps that’s why things didn’t work out for me with her.

3. Business cards. Immediately after finishing the course, I printed business cards, where I specifically indicated the phone number that was not used for advertising on the Internet. In a month, I distributed about 300 business cards to friends and acquaintances. I dropped them into mailboxes in neighborhood hallways and left them in public places. Nobody ever called me.

Career continuation

A year after finishing the course, I already had a full enrollment and a constant influx of new clients. I liked my job, but it turned out that it was time for maternity leave again. But now I know exactly what I will do after maternity leave!

Nail service master

Svetlana Belyaeva

Finding a common language, being polite and willing to communicate, without disdain, familiarity, or familiarity will increase the likelihood of the client returning next time;

  • Remembering your clients (at least for now there are only a few of them) will be a rule of good manners; the client will definitely appreciate that the master remembers his preference to drink black tea, or coffee with milk, etc. In order not to keep everything in your head, you can write down some points after the session in a notepad;
  • It is necessary to maintain ideal order in your workplace; a person coming for a manicure session must be confident in the cleanliness and safety of the procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the instrument and perform timely cleaning.

20 ways to attract clients without investing money


Offer existing customers the opportunity to receive a discount:

  • If they bring a friend or relative with them. The difference in cost will be covered by the reduction in time spent preparing the meeting.
  • When making a pre-registration. Future costs are not tangible and clients will happily want to take advantage of such a discount, but in the future it will be more difficult for them to refuse an appointment.

This will also allow you to plan your work time more efficiently and improve your work efficiency.
  • When performing a certain type of manicure. For example, in the fall, when the active wedding period begins, you can provide a discount on a wedding manicure for the bride, while all other ladies (mother and bridesmaids) make up the difference by paying in full for the services.
  • Offer a package of services.
  • Manicure at home: 5 secrets of a successful business

    An interesting option is client exchange with people engaged in a similar business, but on a different topic, for example, you can ask a hairdresser to talk about the services provided by a nail salon at home, and in return tell clients of your salon about it. Read about what human nails are made of. And also about nail psoriasis. A promising way to find clients for manicures at home can be visiting thematic exhibitions.
    Having attended such an event, you have the opportunity to advertise the services of your own salon, make acquaintances with colleagues in the craft and meet customers. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about your appearance; the best advertisement for the services provided will, in this case, be your own well-groomed nails; after seeing quality work done, a person may inquire about the salon and the master where you can use the service.

    How to attract clients to a manicurist?

    I apply the coating under the cuticle and level the nail plate. Which allows you to wear the coating even longer! All instruments undergo mandatory sterilization and disinfection. Price: Manicure—500₽ Manicure+gel polish—1000₽ Design (1 nail)—from 50 to 150₽ Removal (with subsequent coating)—100₽ Pedicure+gel polish—1400₽ nail extension—1300₽ St. Petersburg 04/06/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Nail extensions.

    KMR. Departure. Sign up on the day of the call School-studio-shop Nails_yug_school offers a number of the following services: - TRAINING - nail extensions - nail correction - coating, “strengthening” nails with gel, gel polish (shellac) - manicure - pedicure (hardware, classic, paramedical) - paraffin therapy (hot and cold) - “hot” manicure Krasnodar 04/04/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 …

    Manicure business at home

    The fact is that I’ve been working online for three years now and I’m a little confused about which advertising channels work and how to organize advertising correctly. I was also interested in using my skills specifically to promote an offline business, namely nail extension services (before that I only advertised online projects). I started promoting in contact by redoing one of my abandoned public pages; at that time this page had about 400 subscribers. What was done: - changed the name; - made an avatar with examples of work, a photo of the city and phone number; - description (the cost of each of the services, again the phone number) - 2 photo albums were added - one with examples of work (in the description of the photos I indicated the cost of extension, design and total cost), and a second album with photos of the workplace and materials. - contacts, link in contacts to our master and phone number.

    All about manicure advertising - how to attract customers and get promoted


    If you're on a budget, this is the right option! Do not overload the sign with information. Place 1-2 promotions, a catchy picture, the name of the salon and contacts. There is a bright picture and attractive promotions on the sign. Signboards with a chalk board allow you to update information and attract people with creative pictures.
    Change the appearance of your advertising at least every day! To promote yourself in the area where the salon is located, coordinate the placement of advertising in elevators.

    How to find clients for manicure at home?

    The main thing is to attract and not disappoint with the result! Traditional manicure advertising: signs, billboards and banners To promote a nail salon, it must be well known. And in plain sight. The press is no longer so widespread in 2018, and it can no longer be considered an effective channel for attracting customers. But advertising on the street is still relevant: people look at stands in traffic jams, at traffic lights, and just looking around.

    First things first, design the sign and exterior display of the salon. At one glance, a passerby should understand what the establishment specializes in. So the name should hint at the area of ​​the salon, and the sign should be bright and readable.

    If the salon has windows, do not cover them with large banners - let passers-by see the situation inside, professionals at work and satisfied clients. Decorate the window with salon-style decor, hang a couple of signs with profitable promotions.

    There are so many nail salons and private nail salons that everyone will find a suitable place... if, of course, they find out about it. Show your potential client that you are the artist of their dreams. Let's figure out how to advertise a manicure salon and attract customers.

    Moreover, our tips will allow you to do it beautifully! Read on to find out:

    • How to convey the uniqueness of your offer to attract new customers and retain existing ones
    • How to submit and advertise nail services on social media. networks (VK, FB, Instagram)
    • How to Use Online Marketing to Grow Your Business
    • What words and photos in advertising will bring even a man to a manicure?

    Show that you are the best nail service The client goes where it is profitable, convenient and pleasant. Everything is pleasantly clear - smiling and friendly employees, cozy interior, relaxing effect of procedures.

    How to properly advertise manicures at home

    Finding an approach to the unfamiliar is much more difficult.

    • It's easier to correct mistakes with a friendly friend. It is unlikely that he will begin to be indignant, but will only ask to correct the shortcomings.

    Give discounts on your first jobs Do you need to gain experience? Finding a client for nail extensions or manicures at a discount is much easier! Many are willing to provide their nails for a beginner’s “experiment” if he takes a small fee. To begin with, you can limit yourself to the cost of materials and the minimum markup.


    Later, when you have become more experienced, raise the cost of the service to the average market price. Tell everyone about your new profession Every specialist today needs a portfolio. Create a VKontakte, Instagram page or design a landing page with information about yourself and your services.

    How to properly advertise manicures at home

    A master who will have a magical effect on visitors will ask during their visit how their beloved dog is doing or how the pressing issue that the client complained about was resolved. We advise you to resort to this trick. Create a “client card” in which you indicate their favorite procedures and visiting times, typical habits, key moments from their life. Become a friend to your client, and he will repay you with loyalty.

    There is also a good trick for attracting men to a manicure. Feel free to convey to your clients that an attribute of a successful man in the 21st century is well-groomed nails. Ask if they are happy with the condition of their husbands' nails and promise discounts/other promotions for the first visit.
    Advertising will be even more effective with men, since they easily become addicted to manicures and then are very reluctant to change artists.
    Various types of designs - rubbed, rhinestones, gradient, geometry, velvet, painted, French, moonlit, etc. 10-100 rub./nail depending on the complexity of the design. Alignment, strengthening of the nail plate, additional nail extension. Wide color palette. There is a promotion ❗❗❗ - every third visit - free choice... St. Petersburg 04/16/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Hardware manicure pedicure. I am a certified nail technician. I invite you to my nails. Nail extensions-900 Modeling of natural nails with gel-700 Correction-700 Gel polish coating-500 Pedicure with foot treatment + coating-900 (without foot treatment + coating) 700. Voronezh 04/14/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure manicurist I am a certified master, offering classic and hardware manicure and pedicure services. I accept at the Barber salon on Varvarskaya St. 44.
    In my work I use only sterilized instruments and proven high-quality materials TM MISTIGUE. Call and come, the prices will pleasantly surprise you!!! Nizhny Novgorod 04/14/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Manicure pedicure in Solnechny Manicure with coating 600 French + 200 Pedicure with coating 900 Extensions 1000 Nail repair 100 Designs from 25 Saratov 04/12/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Ma Nicure/ pedicure Manicure/shellac-600r Strengthening with acrylic powder+150r Strengthening your nails with gel+300r Pedicure with coating-900r Design from -25r Moskvichka. I receive at my home in Veshki (7 minutes from Altufyevo metro station) Moscow 04/10/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Manicure, pedicure, modeling, nail extensions!!! I return lightness to my arms and legs! I am a certified nail technician. More than 2 years of experience.

    You did it! Opened your own manicure salon or rented space in a salon. The next stage is to develop a customer base, attract new ones and retain existing ones.

    First of all, you need to understand and accept that attraction and promotion is another profession - a marketer, which also needs to be mastered, like a manicure, pedicure, and extension specialist.

    Where to begin? From the simplest things for you at this stage, gradual learning and introducing new ways of promotion.

    Let's look at the most popular and effective ways to attract new customers, as well as how to retain them and turn them into regular ones. You can implement each item on the list step by step, combine several approaches, take only what is acceptable and suitable at this stage. I hope that after reading you will definitely have ideas for promotion.

    The main thing is to implement and try new options for expanding the base systematically, work on it purposefully and constantly, evaluate the results in order to remove ineffective ones and start testing new methods of promotion. If your budget allows, you can hire a specialist with experience in promoting beauty businesses and work based on his recommendations.

    1. Website

    Requires investment and is more suitable for a nail salon or nail salon. It will be easier and more effective for the master to maintain a personal blog and pages on social networks. For the site you will need to purchase a domain - the name of the site and order hosting for it.

    The advantage of the site is the ability to promote in search engines and social networks using keywords and geolocation. The presence of a website raises the level of a salon or manicure studio and adds prestige.

    On the website you can post information about the establishment, address, contacts. Describe the work experience of the craftsmen, photos of certificates, diplomas. Post photos of workplaces and describe the conditions. Indicate prices for services in the price list. Place a feedback form, a call back, the ability to record or apply online, the ability to communicate with an online consultant.

    Competent advertising of a nail salon involves the integrated use of various methods of promotion, including outdoor advertising, promotion on the Internet and even in the media. However, if the owners of such studios begin to thoughtlessly invest money in all possible marketing resources, the salon simply risks going under. That is why it is important to understand which promotion methods are relevant and effective, and which of them are best abandoned. This article is intended to help entrepreneurs understand this issue and develop a profitable marketing strategy.

    Point design



    You can use one of several window display design options. So, they can be covered with adhesive posters with thematic photos of models, nails, images of varnishes, etc., or the display cases can be left open so that every passerby can appreciate the interior and internal structure of the salon and watch the masters at work. However, even in the latter case, it is better not to leave the display windows completely “naked” - they can be decorated with beautiful light patterns, place several small advertising images and/or inscriptions.

    Outdoor advertising



    A sign is required regardless of the location of the nail salon. It perfectly serves as an additional sign and attracts the attention of passersby well. However, you should not order signs with a detailed description of the range of services and even the price list - it is unlikely that a passerby will stop to read the text written in small, illegible font. Try to make sure that when a person sees a sign, information about a specific service and its price, they immediately become interested in you.

    Advertising in elevators

    You can also place your advertising posters in the elevators of buildings. The advantage of this method of advertising is that it is seen by many women living nearby (such advertising should only be given in nearby areas). Try to develop a design that makes your ad stand out from other advertising images. It is also worth remembering that such a poster should contain information about some promotion that is very attractive to customers - this way you significantly increase the likelihood of interest. Just a description of the salon, its address and telephone number will definitely not have such an effect.


    The pointer is a unique tool that performs a useful function, namely showing the way to your nail salon and at the same time being an attractive decorative element.

    Internet advertising


    The website is a necessary advertising tool. You shouldn’t try to save money and give up this most important resource - creating a business card website will cost you little, but will allow you to widely promote your nail salon online. Of course, it is desirable that the site be optimized for search queries, because a person entering “nail salon “city name”” into the search bar will see your link one of the first. You can do it easier and advertise in the most popular search engines, Yandex and Google. And remember, the site should be both interesting and useful. Post photos of the best works of masters, publish interesting articles about manicure, pedicure, nail care and, of course, make sure that this information can be easily understood thanks to a clear menu. You can also place an advertisement in the most visible place on the site about a discount that you can get by simply printing it.

    If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

    Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

    Banner advertising

    Banner advertising is a good way to promote a nail salon, but it should not be given on an ongoing basis, but, for example, before the holidays. This way you will optimize your costs and attract new clients to the salon, who, given the proper quality of services provided, will definitely return to your specialists.

    Groups on social networks

    Groups on the most popular social networks, namely Instagram, Vkontakte, Twitter and Facebook, can do almost more to promote a salon than all of the above advertising tools. By posting photos of completed work and accompanying them with appropriate hashtags, you can win the sympathy of a huge number of potential clients, without even investing any serious funds in promotion. Moreover, you can count on reposts from your visitors, thanks to which their friends and subscribers will see where the manicure was done. Moreover, the presence of such pages will allow you to maintain direct contact with customers and, of course, notify them about all kinds of promotions.

    Advertisements on classifieds sites

    Explore free classified sites for your city. Place information about yourself and the services you provide there. Of course, this kind of advertising will bring you fewer clients than the same social networks, but this does not mean that this resource is not worth using. Also visit city forums, and try to leave unobtrusive advertising there, disguised as a real review. Most likely, even such a hidden ad will be deleted by a moderator, but it will remain on the site for a certain time, and this is already a good bonus for business.

    Printable advertisement


    Leaflets should be distributed in the most crowded places near the nail salon and left in the mailboxes of nearby houses. Such promotions should be carried out regularly, preferably once a month. Remember, the text on the flyer should be concise and communicate an attractive promotion and/or range of services. It would also be a good idea to offer a small discount to the flyer presenter.

    Nice bonuses

    Offer your customers drinks, broadcast interesting films and programs, and give small gifts. Such bonuses will not hit your budget, but will make visiting your nail salon a very pleasant experience.

    Carrying out price promotions

    Try to regularly offer discounts on certain types of manicures and designs. This way you will fill the schedule of your masters and significantly increase your profits.

    Placing data in electronic directories

    Provide information about yourself on resources such as 2GIS and 2Geo. This service is free and can promote your business well. However, you should not place paid advertising there - experience shows that such costs are not compensated by its effectiveness.

    What kind of advertising is not suitable for nail salons?

    1. Billboards and other costly methods of outdoor advertising. Placing billboards around the city will require serious material costs from you. As a rule, such expenses are catastrophic for nail studios. That is why entrepreneurs should focus on less expensive but more effective ways of promotion.
    2. Advertising on radio and TV. Even broadcast on local TV channels and radio stations will not benefit you. It should also be emphasized that an audio clip on the radio can do a good job of promoting a reputable chain of nail salons, but certainly not just a small studio that has just opened.
    3. Advertising in print media. Publishing advertising modules in magazines is theoretically a good idea. However, in practice, this method turns out to be too expensive and ineffective.

    Examples of nail salon slogans

    1. Territory of pleasure.
    2. The feeling of flying at your fingertips.
    3. A meeting place for friends.
    4. The habit of doing better from a young age.
    5. Beauty is the work of human hands.
    6. Trust a professional!
    7. You don't have to hide your hands.
    8. We create individuality.
    9. Your hands deserve a good master!
    10. Art in your hands.
    11. Feel perfect.