How to treat after an early miscarriage. What to do after a miscarriage? Systemic diseases of the mother

A miscarriage is not only a psychological trauma for a woman, but also severe stress for her body. After this unpleasant event, you need to monitor your health to prevent complications from developing. How to recover after spontaneous abortion and cleansing? First of all, you should pull yourself together, be patient and visit a gynecologist.

Causes and consequences of miscarriage

Spontaneous abortion can occur both in early (before 12 weeks) and late (from 12 to 22 weeks) pregnancy. Early miscarriages occur, as a rule, due to the uterus rejecting a defective embryo, and late ones - due to weakness of the cervix. Pregnancy can be interrupted due to Rh conflict between mother and fetus.

The consequences of a miscarriage depend on a number of factors. Most often occur inflammatory processes. Even after cleaning, there is a possibility of incomplete removal of the fertilized egg. In this case, the doctor recommends repeating the procedure. Recovery after a miscarriage is the return of the uterus and hormonal levels to their previous state. It should be remembered that conception is possible immediately after a spontaneous abortion.

A miscarriage does not always indicate reproductive problems, but to prevent it from happening again, a new pregnancy should be delayed until hormonal levels and the condition of the uterus are normalized. In addition, after a spontaneous abortion, health problems may begin. If bleeding is too long, body temperature rises, or painful periods, you should consult a doctor.

How to recover after a miscarriage

A woman should monitor her well-being, the amount, color and consistency of vaginal discharge. The normal duration of the latter is from 4 to 10 days. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible if the discharge is too abundant, bright and accompanied by malaise. It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination to determine whether there are any particles of fertilized egg left in the uterine cavity.

You cannot be sexually active for at least a month after a spontaneous abortion. It is necessary to protect yourself for at least 3 months to give the body the opportunity to recover. Many gynecologists believe that it takes six months to fully normalize the condition of the uterus and hormonal levels, so a woman should, first of all, follow the instructions of her doctor.

For the first month after a miscarriage, you should not overheat, including visiting a bathhouse, sauna, taking a hot bath, as well as playing sports and lifting weights. Otherwise, complications may arise. Hormone therapy may be necessary for a new pregnancy to occur. A woman must be ready to conceive not only physically, but also psychologically.

A woman needs:

Lifestyle after miscarriage

  1. enjoy sanitary pads to control the amount of blood released. Change them at least every 8 hours. Shower 1-2 times a day to prevent infection from developing.
  2. Do not douche or clean the area around the vagina with strong antiseptics or soap, as this may cause irritation and lead to infection.
  3. Stick to proper nutrition. This will allow the body to recover faster and fill it with energy. Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Eat foods containing a large number of calcium: milk, sardines, salmon, etc. Increase your folic acid intake to replace blood loss after a miscarriage. This can be done by adding leafy and regular vegetables and fruits to your diet.
  4. After a spontaneous abortion, abstain from sexual activity for 1-2 months to allow the vagina to heal. In the future, use condoms during sex, since there is a chance of getting pregnant before the cycle normalizes.

Recovery after cleaning

Cleaning (scraping) is a small surgical intervention that is performed to remove the remnants of the fertilized egg from the uterus. Pregnancy after curettage is possible almost immediately, but experts recommend waiting about six months (at least 3-4 months). During this time, the woman’s body should fully recover if she adheres to proper nutrition, proper rest, and also enlists the moral support of her closest relatives.

If you encounter difficulties with a new pregnancy after cleansing, you will need to visit a gynecologist and undergo the necessary examinations and treatment. It is important to remember that complications may arise after surgery, so you will need to carefully monitor your well-being and immediately consult a doctor if you notice severe bleeding, an increase in body temperature above 37.6 degrees, or severe abdominal pain. In the best case, minimal recovery of the body will require 1-2 days after curettage.

During the rehabilitation period you will not be able to:

  • take a hot bath, visit a bathhouse, sauna;
  • douche;
  • use vaginal tampons;
  • lift weights;
  • be sexually active (in the next 1-2 months from the date of the procedure).

It is possible that during intimacy there will be pain caused by surgical intervention. If they bother a woman for more than 2 months in a row, she will need to consult a doctor. The first menstruation will begin 30-45 days after the spontaneous abortion. It is possible that they will be more abundant than usual.

In order to recover faster after cleansing, a woman will have to undergo examinations, adhere to the treatment recommended by the doctor, and correct image life and refrain from intimacy with a man. It will be important to enlist the support of loved ones, try to remain calm, be patient and be positive.

Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) is the spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks. Accordingly, they are divided into early and late. According to the dynamics of what is happening, they distinguish:

  • Threatened abortion
  • Abortion in progress
  • Complete (or incomplete) abortion

The division into these types is very arbitrary; they can flow into each other. For example, a threatened abortion turns into a complete one, and a frozen pregnancy still ends with the release of the fertilized egg.

How often is pregnancy terminated?

It is believed that at least 20% of all conceptions end in spontaneous abortion. It is possible that this figure is underestimated. After all, many women do not even suspect a miscarriage when this happens at 4 weeks, mistaking it for a late period. The percentage of such events increases with a woman's age.

Some statistics:

  • 80% of all sudden abortions are losses in the 1st trimester
  • 90% of losses in the first trimester and about 30% in the second are the result of random chromosomal abnormalities that most likely will not happen again
  • more than half of all women at risk of miscarriage successfully carry their pregnancies to 40 weeks
  • At age 40, a woman has a 50% risk of spontaneous abortion.

Possible causes of abortion

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to establish the exact cause of such an event. This is where most of the worries arise for parents planning a new pregnancy after failure.

Embryonic development disorders

Almost 90% of pregnancies that were terminated before 8 weeks were associated with the mutation. Chromosomal abnormalities are, as it were, “weeded out” by nature in order to prevent the birth of non-viable children. Therefore, abroad they do not even try to treat threatened abortion at such an early stage.

Immune failures

The phrase " antiphospholipid syndrome" V last years strikes fear into all women who have at least once lost their pregnancy. It is this diagnosis that people try in vain to find in cases of spontaneous abortion before 12 weeks, taking unnecessary tests.

APS is a syndrome in which the body produces antibodies to its own proteins. As a result, thrombosis and thromboembolism occur in the absence of visible causes of miscarriage in the early stages of 10 weeks. In addition, there is an increased risk of fetal growth restriction and severe preeclampsia. True APS requires treatment throughout all subsequent pregnancies.

To diagnose the syndrome, in addition to the detection of antiphospholipid antibodies, certain symptoms are needed (unexplained miscarriage, thrombosis). Therefore, there is no point in being tested for APS during the first pregnancy or after a single loss in the early stages.

Uterine abnormalities

Congenital defects of the genital organs, for example, an incomplete uterine septum, increases the risk of spontaneous abortion by almost 2 times. Surprisingly, more serious disorders (bicornuate and bicervical uterus) are less likely to lead to termination of pregnancy.

Cervical (isthmic-cervical) insufficiency

In the second trimester, the role of cervical insufficiency increases in the structure of spontaneous miscarriages. In this case, the cervix softens and shortens prematurely, which leads to the rupture of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor activity. The cause of this condition may be trauma during gynecological manipulations, anatomical features, or frequent induced abortions. Most often, this process occurs asymptomatically, only occasionally discharge or pain may appear. Therefore, absolutely all women at 19-21 weeks need to undergo cervicometry - measuring the length of the cervix using an intravaginal ultrasound sensor.

Hormonal reasons

There is some evidence that it may be low. Luteal phase deficiency is a manifestation of progesterone deficiency. In reality, this condition occurs less frequently than the diagnosis sounds. Sometimes NLF is combined with changes in the ovaries, pituitary gland and other endocrine organs. Very often, low progesterone is successfully combined with a normal pregnancy.


High temperature and severe intoxication of the maternal body can stimulate uterine contractions and cause termination of pregnancy. Therefore, any infection is potentially dangerous. However, some diseases especially often threaten miscarriage. These are rubella, toxoplasmosis, listeriosis, brucellosis (see). Other infections are not associated with increased abortion rates. It is important to note that if abortions are repeated, the role of infection is sharply reduced.

Systemic diseases of the mother

There are diseases that not only complicate the course of pregnancy, but can increase the frequency of spontaneous abortions. These include:

  • (with poor glucose control)
  • Blood clotting disorder
  • Autoimmune diseases

Poisoning and injury

A clear connection between toxic substances and abortion has not been established. It is believed that working with organic solvents and narcotic gases can provoke abortion. Smoking, large doses of alcohol and drugs have the same effect.

Accidents that damage the abdomen, as well as surgery on the ovaries and intestines, can be dangerous during pregnancy. But the embryo in the uterus has good protection, so most of these interventions end well.

Myths about the causes of early pregnancy loss

Before the 13th week, termination of pregnancy is almost never associated with the following factors:

  • Flying an airplane
  • Mild blunt trauma to the abdomen
  • Sports activities (adequate)
  • One previous miscarriage before 12 weeks
  • Sexual activity
  • Stress
  • For a genital tract infection (if the bleeding is prolonged, for example), the doctor prescribes antibiotics. There is no point in taking them only for preventive purposes during self-abortion. If its completion was stimulated by misoprostol, then the fever on the first day will be due to the medicine and not to infection, so there is no need to worry. During surgery, a single prophylactic dose of an antibacterial drug is usually prescribed.
  • If pregnancy loss is accompanied by significant bleeding, you may need to take iron supplements to treat anemia.
  • Under certain circumstances, a gynecologist may recommend taking contraceptives. But with an uncomplicated spontaneous abortion on different dates You can start planning your pregnancy as soon as you are in a psychological mood.
  • In case of recurrent miscarriage (3 or more spontaneous abortions in a row), it is necessary to undergo additional procedures and get tested.

Examination for recurrent miscarriage

If spontaneous termination of pregnancy is repeated 2 or more times (and by some standards - 3), then this condition is called recurrent miscarriage. It requires a thorough examination and identification of the causes. Rough plan examination and problem solving:


Treatment when a problem is identified

Environmental analysis, social conditions and habits Exception bad habits, normalization of body weight, housing and psychological conditions
Karyotyping of the abortion and parents (determination of chromosome set) In case of chromosomal damage, a thorough genetic examination of the embryo is necessary in subsequent pregnancies.
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, Removal of fibroids, polyps, uterine septum and other anatomical defects
Tests for APS If the syndrome is confirmed in the next pregnancy, take low molecular weight heparin and aspirin to thin the blood
Tests for thrombophilia (only if there is a history of thrombosis in the woman and her immediate family) Appropriate treatment
Checking the functioning of the thyroid gland (levels of TSH and other hormones) Treatment (usually with L-thyroxine)
Test for hyperprolactinemia (high) Treatment with dopamine agonists
Determination of glycated hemoglobin (for diabetes mellitus) Treatment with insulin
Tests for STIs (CMV, herpes, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, etc.), as well as toxoplasmosis. If necessary, eliminate the infection

Preventing pregnancy loss

The main task for all women planning to become mothers is to approach their new status wisely. It is important to take only the necessary medications (folic acid, iron), get rid of bad habits and stress. For repeat abortions, additional testing and treatment can also reduce the risk of failure. But the most important thing is to understand that most women with pregnancy losses in the past managed to get pregnant, carry and give birth to healthy children.


Two years ago, the pregnancy miscarried at 7 weeks. Now I’m pregnant again, 5 weeks pregnant, the doctor prescribed Utrozhestan in suppositories. Are there any indications for this? Will the drug harm the child?

A frozen pregnancy alone is not an indication for the use of Utrozhestan. Perhaps there are other reasons for taking it that you did not indicate. In such a situation, Utrozhestan does not pose a danger to the child.

The gestational age is 16 weeks. Starting from the 14th week, heavy bleeding continues. According to ultrasound, the fetus is alive, there is a large hematoma. I'm worried that my hemoglobin level is dropping quickly, and the doctors are planning to stop it. Is there a chance to continue pregnancy if there is heavy bleeding?

Could a cold at 7 weeks have caused a miscarriage?

In theory heat may promote abortion. But in such a short period of time, a spontaneous genetic breakdown is most likely.

How long after an unsuccessful pregnancy (ended at 6 weeks) can I plan a new one?

If there are no complications, you can start planning right away. But it is better to wait 1-2 menstrual cycles for psychological preparation and taking folic acid.

What are the symptoms at 2 weeks of miscarriage?

If we consider the obstetric method of determining the gestational age based on the last menstruation, then at 2 weeks conception has not even occurred. If we mean the age of the embryo, then it corresponds to a period of 4 weeks. Such an interrupted pregnancy is called biochemical, since nothing can be seen on an ultrasound. Therefore, the symptom will be bleeding, coinciding with menstruation or with a delay of several days.

The course of treatment after a miscarriage includes the appointment necessary medications to prevent the consequences of this difficult event, and most importantly, diagnose and eliminate the cause of the miscarriage.

In addition to the gynecologist, a woman must also be observed by a therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, urologist in order to exclude the presence of other diseases of the body, which may also be associated factors for termination of pregnancy. To identify the causes of a miscarriage, it is necessary to take tests for hidden infections, hormones, and undergo an ultrasound. Examination and treatment after spontaneous miscarriage are recommended not only for the woman, but also for her partner.

Planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage

Until the next time you try to conceive you must wait at least 6-12 months. During this time, the body will regain strength, and you will undergo the necessary course of treatment. In addition to medication, try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Give up bad habits, unbalanced nutrition and stress.

Many women resort to treatment after a miscarriage folk remedies- These are various herbal preparations and decoctions. However, you should not self-medicate without first discussing it with your doctor. Herbs, with misuse may cause harm and delay treatment for an even longer period. Therefore, it is better to trust modern medicine.

Miscarriage on early causes not only a stressful state, but also affects the general condition of the female body. An undesirable event often leads to complications, which requires increased attention to one’s own health and an effective recovery program.

A miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, is considered early if it occurs before the 12th week of pregnancy. The reason for this may be the body’s rejection of a defective fetus, the presence of various infections in the mother, Rh conflict, etc.

The possible consequences of a miscarriage are varied. These could be:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • prolonged bleeding;
  • intense pain during menstruation;
  • low-grade body temperature.

Even in the absence of these conditions, recovery of the body after an early miscarriage is a mandatory step. This is necessary in order to normalize the functioning of the uterus and hormonal levels.

Conception occurs quite often after spontaneous abortion. In order to prevent a recurrence of the previous situation, it is important to completely go through the rehabilitation period (from 6 to 12 months) and not rush into a new pregnancy.

The main stages of recovery after a miscarriage

There is a diagram that explains how to recover from an early miscarriage. During the first 24 hours, it is recommended to devote maximum time to rest and proper sleep. Every 10-15 minutes it is useful to stretch the lower and upper limbs.

If pain occurs, it is recommended to take Ibuprofen, Cyclopam or Buscopan. To get rid of migraines, abdominal and back pain without medications It is recommended to apply compresses to the desired areas (alternating hot and cold).

In the first 5 days after an early miscarriage, constant measurement of body temperature is necessary. If the thermometer reaches 37.6 °C or more, you should immediately visit a doctor. This condition often indicates a developing infection in the main reproductive organ (uterus) or outside it.

Further recovery after an early miscarriage involves the following actions:

  • month-long abstinence from intimate contacts, visiting saunas and baths, taking hot baths;
  • avoiding the use of vaginal tampons and heavy lifting;
  • temporary ban on intense sports activities;
  • 3 month use effective means contraception after the onset of sexual activity;
  • taking medications for treatment after early miscarriage.

In the period following a spontaneous abortion, doctors resort to ultrasound examination. This helps to identify possible remains of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

Treatment after early miscarriage involves the prescription of drugs with a hemostatic effect (Dicinone, Vikasola, Calcium chloride) and antibiotics (Macropena, Doxycycline, Trichopolum). Taking medication lasts 5-7 days. In order to prevent the onset of another pregnancy, it is necessary to take oral contraceptives (Marvelon, Zhanine).

An important indicator of the condition of the female body is vaginal discharge. After a miscarriage, it is necessary to monitor their condition (quantity, color, consistency). Normally, the duration of discharge is 4-10 days. In case of their abundant appearance and bright color, as well as general malaise, you must definitely visit a doctor.

Additionally, during rehabilitation after an early miscarriage, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • stay in the fresh air for at least 20 minutes every day;
  • use only sanitary pads, changing them after 6-8 hours;
  • to prevent the development of infection, take 1-2 showers a day;
  • To avoid irritation and inflammation, it is forbidden to use douching, as well as treat areas near the vagina with soap or antiseptics.

A properly organized diet is of particular importance. A balanced composition of food helps to quickly return to the usual rhythm of life and fills the body with the necessary energy. To do this, you should eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Dairy and seafood products, fresh vegetables and fruits should be present on the table every day.

Proper drinking regime is also important. During the day you need to drink up to 8 glasses of water. Many specialists prescribe folic acid supplements, which help the body quickly recover after an early miscarriage and replenish blood loss.

In addition to drug therapy, the support and understanding of loved ones is important for a woman. With a positive attitude, the recovery of a weakened body will take place much faster, which will allow you to experience the joy of true motherhood in the near future.

Recovery after early miscarriage - video