Lesson on constructing forest trees. Abstract of the organized educational activity “Cognition” (Construction from the Lego constructor) on the topic: “Walk in the forest”

Elena Konovalova
Summary of educational activities for design for children of the secondary group “Forest”

Program content: Develop interest in design. Continue introducing children with LEGO constructor, with its parts, with ways of connecting them. Strengthen skills design forest trees according to a graphic diagram, find distinctive features trees from each other. Develop a sense of color. Cultivate skill children work in a team.

Equipment: Poems about trees by I. Tokmakova, Pictures: spruce, pine, birch; graphic images of trees (spruce, birch, audio recording of forest sounds, fairy-tale music, sets of parts designer; tape recorder, flash drive, Legosha - a figure from a large LEGO constructor.

GCD move:

The teacher meets children, offering to go onto the carpet. Mysterious music sounds. On hot-air balloon LEGOSHA descends (LEGO man designer) .

Oh, what an interesting, unusual person came to us! What is it made of?

Answers children.

Hello guys! My name is Legosha. I flew to you from the magical land of LEGO. There was a strong hurricane there at night. When we woke up in the morning, we saw that all the trees were broken, and the animals had fled from the forest. Help us please!

Answers children.

How can we help Legos?

Answers children.

Legosha flew to us from the land of LEGO, which means we will build trees from LEGO designer. Let's remember what the parts are called designer? (cube, brick). What are the bricks used to hold together? (using buttons)

Answers children.

So what can you do to help Legos?

Answers children

First we'll play a game "Find the tree". I will read a poem, and you will find a tree.

If you gave a birch a comb,

Birch would change her hairstyle:

Looking into the river, like into a mirror,

I would comb my curly strands.

And it would become a habit for her

Braid your hair in the morning.

Ate at the edge of the forest -

To the top of the sky -

They listen, they are silent,

They look at their grandchildren.

And the grandchildren - Christmas trees -

Thin needles -

At the forest gate

They lead a round dance.

Every tree has its own parts: trunk and branches. Birch trunk white, and spruce has brown. And what color are the birch branches? What about the spruce?

Answers children

Guys, I also have such unusual drawings of trees! These are the schemes according to which you and I will design trees. What kind of tree do you think is shown in this diagram? What parts will we need? (also analyze the spruce diagram)

Answers children.

Plastic sketch: "Tree"

Imagine that you are a tree. The legs are the trunk and the arms are the branches. Try to depict how a tree lives. A small breeze hid in the thick foliage of the tree. The hands are living branches, they sway slightly from side to side. The wind blew stronger, and the branches of the tree swayed more strongly. But then the wind blew with such force that it was difficult for the tree to stand and its branches were bent towards the ground. Then the wind calmed down, the sun shone, and the tree rose.

Teacher: Well, guys, it's time to get down to business! You can choose the tree you want construct! Take your seats! Begin design.

Details, details,

You are not tired of sleeping.

This morning

It's time for us to build.

During operation, audio recording of forest sounds is turned on. The teacher helps children who have difficulties. At the end of the work, all trees are placed on the table and examined.

Teacher: This is the kind of forest we got. Legosha, did the guys complete the task?

Answers children: Birch, spruce.

legosha: Thanks guys! So the animals have returned to our forest! And you guys, well done today! It's time for me to return to LEGO land. Goodbye, guys! Teacher and children: Goodbye!

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of the educational activity “Journey to the Magic Forest” for senior and middle groups Abstract directly educational activities Area " Mathematical development» Section “FEMP” For middle and senior groups “Travel.

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Lavrinenko Anna
Lego design lesson notes middle group"Trees"

target: Learn to build according to a model. Develop spatial thinking. To help master the methods of fastening parts, installing simple designs.

Equipment: constructor« Lego» , multimedia installation.

Progress of the lesson:

Part 1. Autumn leaves

The sound of rustling leaves

IN.: (slide 1) Listen, what is this? Leaves underfoot rustling: "shur-shur-shur". Where did the leaves under your feet come from? Right! They fell from trees. (slide 2) And look how colorful they are! Let's look at the picture with autumn trees. They found yellow-clad birch, red bird cherry and orange rowan.

Laid out in front of the children lego cubes(yellow, green, red)

B. Let's sort the leaves by color.

Q. What do you think these yellow leaves are from? trees fell, and red, and orange? Let's get a look. (slide 3)

V. Yes, Yellow are the leaves of birch and linden trees. What do you think they look like?

B. And the red leaves from which they fell tree? Let's get a look. (Slide 4)

We discussed what these leaves look like trees. We found out what is the difference between birch and bird cherry leaves on one side and rowan leaves. We tried to build enlarged copies of leaves from Lego, discussing their main peculiarities: birch and bird cherry have one leaf on the petiole, it is pointed at both ends, but the rowan leaf is more elongated, the birch leaf is more rounded; The rowan leaf is complex - several leaves are attached to one petiole.

Q. Now let’s lay out these leaves according to the diagram.

Well done guys!

2. We build autumn Lego trees

B. Dressed in such bright foliage, trees look very elegant. Let's build elegant ones with you trees. The birch trunk is light with black spots, the rowan tree is brown, and the bird cherry trunk is almost black and very dense.

IN: (slide 6) Look at this. But on this tree the leaves have not yet changed their color. Until late autumn this big strong tree will be green. What do you think this is tree?

Q. What do you think birch, bird cherry, and rowan have in common?

B. Birch, bird cherry, rowan, oak - all these are deciduous trees. What grows on their branches? That's right, leaves! Eat trees that have something else growing on their branches instead of leaves?

B. Yes, in conifers trees needles instead of leaves. Conifers for the winter trees - spruce, pines, cedars - they do not shed their needles and remain green all winter. In winter, when deciduous trees are becoming bare, conifers trees in the forest they become more noticeable. Look, the spruce branches are directed downwards, and the pine branches are directed upwards (looked at the pictures of spruce and pine trees in the book). Let's add these trees to our forest. The spruce will expand towards the bottom, and the pine will stretch upward.

B. Needles in conifers trees gradually too are changing: They turn yellow and fall to the ground, and new ones grow in their place. Therefore, the trunks of spruce and pine trees in a pine forest are soft - these are fallen needles.

B. Look at this tree. It looks like spruce, but it's yellow. Do you know what this is? tree?

IN. (Slide 7) this is larch. Also coniferous tree, but its needles are softer. than that of spruce and pine. In autumn they turn yellow and fall off. Let larch also grow in our forest. Our forest is in autumn, what blocks will we need to make it?

B. Let's get to work.

V. What a wonderful forest we have! It's time to take a walk! Maybe we'll notice something else interesting. Well done!

Bottom line classes: Which leaves trees we designed today? Which trees did we succeed in our little forest? Name them?

Publications on the topic:

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Lesson notes on Lego construction

"Hello forest."

Software tasks:

Teach children to make trees and shrubs from designer« Lego» ;

Develop constructive skills and abilities, fine motor skills; imagination;

Cultivate the desire to help each other, accuracy;

Preliminary work: examination of illustrations depicting forests and trees; preparing visual material for occupation; preparing handouts for occupation.

Materials: Constructor« Lego» , scheme tree building.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher:- Everyone loves to relax, we relax in summer, autumn, spring and winter.

Tell me, please, where do you like to relax with your parents?

Children's answers: (to the sea, to the forest, to the dacha, travel)

Teacher:- Everything is correct! There are many different places to relax in this world. Guys, who knows what animals live in water?

Children's answers: (dolphin, sea cow, whale....)

Teacher:- That's right, and if we walk through the forest, what animals can we meet?

Children's answers: (fox, wolf, hedgehog)

Teacher:- That's right, and if we walk around the dacha, what animals can we see?

Children's answers: (pig, calf, lamb)

Teacher:- Let us imagine that we have come to relax in the forest. What will we meet in the forest?

Children's answers: (Trees, shrubs)

Teacher:What is the difference between a tree and a bush?

Children's answers: (the tree is tall and the bush is low; the tree has a trunk, etc.)

Teacher:How are they similar?

Children's answers: (trees and bushes have leaves and branches.)

Teacher:Today we are with you Let's build from LEGO - constructor trees, and let's see what kind of forest we get.

Teacher:-What details designer do we need to make a tree?

Children's answers:(large bricks, medium - bricks, small - bricks)

Teacher:- Right!

And now, before starting work, we will warm up our hands a little.

Finger gymnastics "Trees"

Hello forest, (Raise both hands with palms facing you, fingers spread wide.)

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Teacher:- Now, after we’ve warmed up our hands, let’s get to work!

Practical part

(children do the work based on the model and their own experience)

Those who fulfilled their the buildings, can help others.

Final part

Teacher:- All tasks have been completed, let's proceed to the exhibition of our works.

Look guys, what kind of trees we got, let's now let's put them like this, so that we get a forest. Did you like our class? What's the most?

What material did we use for crafts?

Tell me what we are today designed in class? What new have we learned?

Children's answers:(We designed trees; learned about the differences and similarities of trees and shrubs.)

Teacher:- You are all great! Is our the lesson has come to an end. Thank you for the good and friendly work, for the correct and complete answers.

MBDOU Combined kindergarten No. 8 "Swan" , Khimki urban district

Educator: Zayats Valentina Arsenyevna


  • Introduce children to some types of trees growing in the forest, teach them to distinguish one tree from another.

Program content:

  • Expand children's knowledge about the seasons, the main signs of autumn;
  • Reinforce the names of trees with children;
  • Replenish children's vocabulary;
  • Encourage children to want to help animals.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition" (Formation of a holistic picture of the world), "Music" , "Speech development" .

Preliminary work:

  • Looking at illustrations of trees;
  • Watching the wind while walking;
  • Learning poems about trees by I. Tokmakova;
  • Designing trees from a constructor "Lego" ;
  • Learning physical education minutes "Squirrel" , “The wind quietly shakes the maple tree...” .

Material and equipment:

  • Illustrations of trees: oak, fir tree, birch, maple;
  • Pictures with a squirrel in a red and gray fur coat;
  • Audio recording "Locomotive Bukashka" , "Guilty Cloud" , "Mysterious Forest" ;
  • Construction sets "Lego"

The teacher enters the hall with the children and draws attention to the guests present:

Educator. - Guys, look how many guests have come to us, let's say hello to them. Today we will go for a walk in autumn forest. You will find out where we will go on our journey when you guess the riddle:

Little houses
They run along the rails.
Both boys and girls
The houses are being transported. (Train).

So, our locomotive Bukashka is already waiting for us. Go…

Hello forest, wonderful forest
Full of fairy tales and miracles.
We will quietly go into the forest.
What will we see in it?

Pictures of trees are displayed. The teacher asks all the children.

Educator. Do you know what trees grow in the forest? (answers)

1 child

Birch is thin and tender
I put on a snow-white dress,
And the autumn light of the sun
I dyed my braids yellow.

This outfit every year
I welcome the arrival of autumn.

2 child

Oak of rain and wind
Not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scared of catching a cold?

After all, until late autumn
It's green.
This means the oak is hardy,
So, hardened.

3 child

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Vershinka –
What a needle!

With a wild wind
If you touch it -
You'll prick yourself!

A. Prokofiev

4 child

It's raining, and by the path
The maple catches the drops in the palms.
He will be one of those palms
Give water to moths and midges.

Physical education minute

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree (raise your arms, swing up to the right, left)

Tilt right, left

One - bow, two - bow (hands behind the head, tilts to the right, left)

The maple leaves rustled (arms above and below swing)

Educator. Oh, who's hiding in the forest?
Red little animal
Jump and jump through the trees.
He doesn't live on earth
And in a hollow tree.

Children's answers. Squirrel.

Educator. Of course, a squirrel lives in a hollow. Guys, do you know that a squirrel changes its coat?

(The teacher hangs up pictures with a squirrel in a red and gray coat).

Educator. Why does a squirrel change its coat? Children's answers.

(The teacher takes the squirrel toy in his hands and brings it to his ear)

Oh, guys, the squirrel asks us to help her. A strong wind blew, and a cloud came over, the tree where the squirrel’s hollow was located fell, where could it live? ("Guilty Cloud" ) .

Educator. - Guys, I invite you to come to the tables and build trees from the constructor "Lego" . The squirrel will be able to choose any tree and make a new hollow for itself. Look at the tree I've already built. (The teacher shows the children his sample)

What color do we need the constructor? Let's build it. While working, the quiet music of the forest plays. ("Mysterious Forest" ) .

The teacher helps children who have difficulties.

After finishing the work, all the trees are placed on the table and examined. This is the kind of forest we got. What will it be called (Birch, Spruce, Oak).

Educator. The squirrel loves to jump on branches, she offers to play with her

Physical education lesson Squirrel

She is not too lazy to exercise every day
(arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down)
From one branch, jumping to the left, she sat down on a twig
(hands on the belt, jump to the left, sit down)

Then she jumped to the right,
(stand up, hands on belt, jump to the right)
She circled around the hollow.
(spin in place)

Educator. Guys, the squirrel says thank you for your help and brought you a basket of mushrooms.

We need to say goodbye to the forest,
IN kindergarten come back.
Our little locomotive is ready.
Return to kindergarten.


Questions from the teacher. Guys, how did you and I go into the autumn forest? (Children's answers). What grows in the forest? (Children's answers). Who did you see in the forest? (Children's answers) What did you and I build from a construction set? (Children's answers) What did you like about the forest?

Municipal budget preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten "Solnyshko" in the village of Ichetovkiny, Afanasyevsky district, Kirov region


continuous educational activities

with younger children preschool age

(3-4 years)

on LEGO construction

"Trees in the Forest"

Work completed:

additional education teacher -

Kytmanova Oksana Valentinovna


Target: Construction of a tree from a LEGO constructor according to a model.



    Introduce some types of trees growing in the forest;

    Continue to learn to design according to a model, to accurately connect parts;


    Develop an interest in design;

    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

    Develop attention, thinking, memory.


    Foster respect for trees and wild animals;

    Cultivate a desire to help.

Equipment: Illustrations of forests and trees (oak, spruce, pine, willow), audio recordings of forest sounds, sets of construction parts, a toy squirrel.

GCD move

Teacher: Hello guys! Guess the riddle.

Who was chewing cones on a branch?

And threw the scraps down?

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter?


Children's answers.

Teacher: Right.Today a squirrel came to visit, and now you’ll find out why.

Squirrel: Hello guys. Trouble happened in my forest. Some poacher cut down all the trees, and my neighboring animals now have nowhere to live. All the animals are upset and crying bitterly. But I found out that in your kindergarten there are guys who help everyone. Can you help forest dwellers?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Don't be upset, squirrel, the guys will help you. After all, they know that the forest is their home for wild animals. For example, a squirrel lives in a hollow. What is the name of the house of a hare, bear, wolf, fox?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Well done, you answered everything correctly. And if animals don’t have a home, they, unfortunately, may die. Well, let's help the poor animals?

Children's answers.

Teacher : But as?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Let's construct trees from LEGO construction sets. But before we start designing, let's remember what trees grow in the forest.

The teacher accompanies the children's answers by showing illustrations of trees.

Teacher: But before we get to work, we’ll take a little rest.

Physical education minute.

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree.

Tilt right, left,

One - bow, two - bow,

The maple leaves rustled.

Teacher: You've rested, you can get to work. Look at the sample and tell me what color parts we need?

Children answer, select parts and get to work (the audio recording “The Sound of the Forest” plays). The teacher helps children who have difficulties.

At the end of the work, all the trees are placed on the table and the children examine them.

Squirrel: What a wonderful forest you have created, thank you very much. I’ll run and make the animals happy.

The teacher removes the squirrel's toy.

Teacher: And it's time to finish our lesson.

The teacher thanks the children for their work.

Reflection :

What did you build in class?

Who did they help?

Did everything work out for you?