Make your nose smaller with makeup. How to make your nose smaller with makeup: little tricks to achieve results

What can a 1 month old baby do?

The most important thing a newborn baby needs is to feel peace, warmth and security. He receives all this from his mother if he feels that she is nearby, if you talk to the baby in a gentle voice, gently pressing him to your chest (after all, he heard the beat of your heart for all 9 months - this is a familiar, familiar sound, indicating safety).

When the baby is awake, create eye contact and talk to the baby as if he were an equal interlocutor. When swaddling or changing clothes, you should not do it with cold or sweaty hands - babies are distinguished by tactile sensitivity.

Already in the third week after birth, on the basis of unconditioned reflexes, the child begins to form conditioned reflexes that contribute to adaptation to to the outside world. This means that the baby is “ready to learn.” It’s too early to read, count and write. But the little man will master the science of “correct” behavior (that is, one that can most fully satisfy his needs) quite quickly.

If in order for mom to appear, you have to scream loudly and for a long time, he will strain himself and yell to “joy” you and your neighbors. And if you squeak enough and mom appears, there’s no reason to scream. It may turn out that the baby firmly understands: the world he has come to is not ready to “respond” to his desires. This usually happens if the baby is fed not when he is hungry, but when adults “need” it; if they are ready to leave the child alone because “the time has come,” for example, for sleep.

Child development: facial expressions and speech

At 2-3 weeks, the baby gradually masters the science of copying. Of all his surroundings, he is most attracted to the human face - first of all, his mother's. Therefore, he constantly examines the faces bending over him or talking to him (the rest is still drowning in a foggy haze - this vision is just beginning to form).

If you make active facial movements during communication, the child will soon begin to repeat them, “answering” you. Mom sticks out her tongue and a tiny tongue appears between her lips. Mom smiles - the baby’s face also breaks into a smile. Mom sticks out her lips - the baby echoes her...

Also intuitively, the baby feels the emotions coming from the adult. If the mother is happy and calm, the child is also comfortable. If the mother is irritated, angry, or swears, the baby instantly reacts by crying in protest.

By the end of 1 month, “speech” joins facial expressions. Babies who are talked to a lot walk in response and make squeaking and snorting sounds. Those who are more active “talk” with their whole body - they reach out to mom with their arms and legs, raise their butts, and arch their backs. These actions are not yet conscious, but they perfectly train the baby’s muscular system.

The newborn signals his emotional state by crying or smiling. Crying expresses dissatisfaction, discomfort, fear, pain, cold or heat. A smile in the first weeks of life is a sign of calm contentment. At first, the baby smiles involuntarily, almost only in his sleep. Later, a smile can be observed both after feeding and during bathing. In all these cases they talk about a physiological or gastric smile.

But by the end of 1 month, the baby’s smile begins to fill with social content, appearing in response to contact from a neighbor. And soon the so-called “revival complex” will appear - a vivid emotional reaction of the baby to an adult’s address to him.

The key to normal child development

The main condition is that the mother is “at his complete disposal.” Don't be afraid to spoil your child or raise him to be selfish. On the contrary, your instant response to all needs and desires will help your child become a self-confident, strong and kind person. Knowing that the mother is always nearby, the baby will not disturb and demand your attention “just like that,” “in reserve” - such behavior is precisely typical of children experiencing a constant lack of maternal affection.

At 1 month, you should focus on the physiological development of your son or daughter. The intervals of wakefulness are very short. Try to distribute them so that you have enough time for exercise, massage, swimming and playing in the water. It is very useful to support the unconditioned reflexes given to babies by nature: crawling, walking, grasping.

The child has not yet learned to listen well and carefully. To develop hearing, firstly, be sure to talk to the baby. The baby distinguishes sounds by pitch and prefers meaningful speech to a set of words. When his mother speaks to him, he can freeze and listen - this is his first experience of sound concentration.

Secondly, let your child listen to music. The more varied it is, the better. Research shows that the works of Mozart, Vivaldi, and Haydn contribute to the normalization of various physiological processes in the infant body. So, if possible, play works by these composers for your child. Lovely music can be played softly when the child is awake and when he is sleeping.

Exercises in the water

To prevent your baby from being afraid of water, lower him into the water carefully, starting from his heels. After all, children are very sensitive to changes in the “physical data” of the world around them - they just have to get used to their weightlessness in water.

It’s great if you swim together for the first few days; your mother’s presence will immediately remove all possible negative emotions. If you are in the bathroom together, place your baby so that his back and the back of his head rest on your chest and shoulder, and support him under his tummy with your left hand. At this moment, with your right hand you can water the baby with water or show him toys.

By the way, you can swim “together” with your dad. This is even more interesting - daddy’s knees and long legs will make amazing slides for the little one! If you are standing “overboard”, place the baby on your tummy, supporting it under the chin and chest or just under the chin, and roll it around the entire bath, rock it up and down, slightly turn it from side to side.

Surely the baby will enjoy pushing off the side of the bathtub with his feet. To do this, turn the baby at the very edge so that he rests against the wall with his bent legs. The child must push off on his own and slide a little along the surface of the water. When you get it to the opposite edge, repeat the steps. If the baby does not immediately understand what you want from him, make several springy movements that imitate pushes from the side.

Another funny one, and useful exercise for those who are just starting to master the water space - walking along the bottom of the bathtub. To allow the baby to move freely, hold him under the armpits, tilting him slightly forward, stimulating reflex stepping movements. After the child has “walked” - preferably on his back (unless, of course, your child prefers to swim exclusively on his stomach).

By the way, swimming on your back, when the baby sways slightly in your arms from side to side, perfectly develops the vestibular apparatus and sense of balance. This “sea motion” is an excellent prevention of future “transport” problems.

Child development: vision and hearing

Place a bright toy (ball, rattle, ring) at arm's length in the child's field of vision at a distance of 60-70 cm above his face and wait until the baby's gaze lingers on the toy. After this, start swinging it right and left with an amplitude of 5-7 cm and a frequency of about 2 times per second.

Then move the toy in different directions (right, left, up, down), bringing it closer to the baby by 20-30 cm and moving it away at arm's length. The duration of the lesson is 1-2 minutes, the frequency is 1-2 times a day. You should do the same with a toy that makes a quiet, soft sound.

At the end of the first month of life, the physical development of the baby is still quite weak, but physical activity is an integral part of his life, even though he still sleeps 20 hours a day. Some babies prefer to dream on their backs in the “frog” position - with their arms raised up and bent at the elbows, as well as with their legs bent and spread apart. Other children, on the contrary, like to sleep on their tummy, with their knees bent to their chest and their head turned to the side - This is the position that is most beneficial for babies, since their sleep in this state is much more peaceful, and abdominal colic occurs much less often.

Baby's behavior while awake

During the short period of wakefulness, the newborn constantly makes uncoordinated movements with its arms and legs, since until almost three months of age the baby’s muscles are in hypertonicity. If you put the baby on his tummy at this time, he will diligently raise his head and try to hold it for several seconds in such a position that he will succeed.

How a baby’s vision, facial expressions, hearing and speech develop

Vision and facial expressions

At the end of the first month of life, the baby is good at following a slowly moving object with his eyes, and if you hang bright toys above his crib, he will try to reach them. But most of all, the baby is attracted to people’s faces, so he happily looks at his mother’s face bending towards him, and then tries to repeat the facial expressions. Already at 2 weeks, the child begins to stick out his tongue, smile and stretch out his lips. It is now that the baby will please his parents with his first conscious smile, which will become an emotional response to the address to him.


Although in the first 12 months of life the baby hears surrounding sounds a little muffled, however, already at the end of the fourth week he not only pays attention to sounds, but also actively turns his head in all directions, trying to find their source.


The baby also distinguishes well the emotional state of the mother. If she is irritated or upset about something, he will also be uncomfortable, which he will let you know by crying.

Over time, you will be able to understand what exactly the baby wants to say with his crying. Hunger, cold or heat, wet diapers, fatigue or pain - for each reason he has his own sound and timbre of crying. And by the end of the first month of life, the baby begins to make its first sounds - squeaks, snorts, or even imitates syllables.

Read more about when a child starts talking here.

Development of baby's reflexes

In order for a newborn to be able to more easily prepare for conscious movements, adapt to the conditions around him and prepare for conscious movements, nature has endowed him with unconditioned reflexes. To correctly assess their development, the test should be carried out in a warm room and on a flat surface. The baby should not be hungry, wet and tired.

In the first month of life healthy child must have the following reflexes:

  1. Grasping - the baby grabs and holds the parents’ fingers that were placed in his palm.
  2. Sucking - if a certain object gets into the baby’s mouth, he will immediately begin to make sucking movements. A full-term baby is immediately endowed with this reflex at birth, which remains with him throughout the first year of life.
  3. Protective - thanks to him, the baby, when lying on his stomach, immediately turns his head to the side, which allows him to breathe normally.
  4. Search - if you gently touch the baby’s mouth (corner), he will immediately lower his lower lip and begin to intensively search for the breast. A rough touch will cause the opposite reaction - the baby will get angry and turn away in the other direction.
  5. Crawling - if you put a baby on his tummy and touch his feet, he will try to push away from the adult.
  6. Palm-oral - if you gently press on the baby's palm, he will open his mouth and tilt his head slightly.
  7. Automatic walking - if you lift the baby so that his feet lightly touch a hard surface and at the same time tilt his body forward slightly, he will begin to try to “walk”, moving his legs in the air.

Useful: About the reflexes of newborns.

Basic skills of a baby aged 1 month

By the end of the first week, every normally developing baby should have some important skills. In order to notice this, parents should not only care for the child, but also constantly monitor development.

What a one-month-old baby can do:

  • Observe slowly moving objects with your eyes;
  • Use the handle to grab a finger or a light, comfortable rattle;
  • Lying on his stomach, the baby can slightly raise and hold his head;
  • Make certain vowel sounds;
  • Listen to noise and sound, turn to its source, and also recognize mom’s voice among the others;
  • Jerk at a sharp or loud sound;
  • Smile at adults in response to their smile, stroking and affectionate words;
  • Fix your gaze on the bowed face.

To ensure that the newborn is always in a calm state, it is not recommended to be nervous when communicating with him. Starting from the first days of a baby’s life, you need to often pick it up and carry it in your arms. He will hear the beating of his parent's heart, the smell of mother's milk and will calm down. Since newborns love to rock, you can rock him in your arms or in a crib.

Be sure to monitor the room temperature and humidity. In addition, it should have a comfortable environment. To develop your baby’s hearing and speech, you should tell him fairy tales, poems and nursery rhymes, sing songs and play calm music. All actions you perform require constant commentary and names of the objects that surround you. Thanks to this, the child will begin to try to answer you, begin to make sounds, and also constantly smile. When talking to a baby, you should always be in a good mood.

Tactile sensations are also important for babies. It is necessary to place it on the tummy as often as possible, while lightly stroking the baby’s back, neck, legs and arms. Bright toys placed in front of him will encourage him to reach forward and make new discoveries.

During the first month of life, the baby learns to behave “correctly,” which is clearly visible from his cry. When he starts shouting loudly to his mother, who has gone into another room, and she quickly comes, then there is no need to shout anymore.

Do not forget that each child is individual, so if the baby has not learned something in 1 month of life, then you should not be upset. After very little time, he will catch up with his peers and acquire the necessary skills and abilities.

For new parents, the arrival of a baby causes a storm of emotions, mixed with happiness, joy, worry and anxiety about doing everything right. These are completely normal feelings, there is no need to be shy or hide your emotions. Natural instincts, advice from the older generation, recommendations from doctors maternity hospital and children's clinic, as well as useful literature will help you gain the necessary knowledge so that you can understand the wishes of the child and properly care for him.

Our article has collected the most complete and necessary information for parents about what a child should be able to do per month, as well as the stages of development of girls and boys up to 1 month.

Centimeters and grams

The message for relatives and friends that you have had a baby sounds something like this: “Boy, 3500 g, 52 centimeters.” Kilograms of weight and centimeters of height are the most important first indicators of a newborn, according to which pediatrician a neonatologist can assess the baby's physical condition. The norm for those born is:

  • Height in the aisles is 45-56 cm;
  • Weight 2500-4100 g;
  • Head circumference 33.5-36 cm;
  • Chest circumference 31.5-34 cm.

In order to monitor the child's development, it is necessary to take monthly measurements of height, weight, head circumference and chest circumference. The World Health Organization and data from domestic pediatricians have compiled tables with indicators of the upper and lower limits of important measured indicators of infants after one month of life.

What should I do if my child does not meet the values ​​given in the tables? Stop panicking! It is necessary to analyze the proportions of deviations. If there is a minimal deviation of one indicator, there is no reason to contact specialists; if there is a deviation of two or more parameters, it is recommended to undergo consultations and examinations.

The baby's height and weight gain is influenced by his heredity, the child's nutrition, and the quality and conditions of his life. If the parents are tall, then there is a high probability that their baby will stretch faster; the height may not correspond to the upper limit of the average, but may be greater. The average height increase in the first month of life is considered to be 3-3.5 cm.

We gain weight in the first month of existence

During the first week of life, the baby may lose grams, because the baby is born with an additional supply of fluid; 10% of the baby’s body weight may be lost. During the second week, all the swelling has already gone down, and the baby will begin to gain 15-30 grams per day. The norm is weight gain in the first month:

  • For girls 400-900 g;
  • For boys 400-1200 g;
  • Average 750 g.

Reflexes and skills of a baby at 1 month

After a baby enters our world, he seems completely helpless, but this is a deceptive opinion; nature has provided him with a lot of reflexes that help others understand the needs of the child. Innate reflexes are laid down at an unconscious level, some of them will disappear over time, some will transform into acquired ones with experience. Your baby can sneeze, blink, yawn from the first seconds of life, and these reflexes will remain forever. Pediatricians identify seven main reflexes that are tested in a newborn:

  • Moro reflex. After birth, the baby is placed on his back, the child reflexively spreads and moves his arms to the side, and stretches his legs.
  • The “walk” reflex. The child is supported upright and begins to move his legs.
  • Babinski reflex. This is another reflex that a pediatrician checks in a newly born baby. They run their finger over the baby's foot, the foot turns and the toes move apart.
  • Sucking reflex. This reflex is inherent in nature, but improves over time. If you pass the nipple over your lips, sucking movements will become noticeable. In the first days of life, the child learns to suck the breast.
  • Search. If you stroke a baby on the cheek, he will automatically turn his head in search of a pacifier and food.
  • A newborn will clench his fingers in exactly the same way if different objects are placed on his palm. Only by four months will the baby be able to control the grasping reflex, thanks to acquired grasping skills.
  • Swimming. The baby, who was turned over on his stomach, begins to throw out his arms and legs as if swimming.

Reflexes are inherent in absolutely all babies, but their behavior may differ. Some babies who are placed on their stomach may lazily wait to be picked up or turned back over, while others will very actively begin to “swim”. Also, babies may have different levels of development of the sensory-motor system. Often, premature babies behave more restlessly, waving their arms and legs chaotically, and flinching at the slightest noise. There are babies who, from the first days, confidently put their hand in their mouth and their movements look “conscious”. Proper care and care will help the child develop in a timely manner and prevent developmental delays.

What does a month-old baby see, hear and feel?

Your baby is ready to receive new information through all his organs. But it is deceptive to think that already in the first month he sees and hears you the same way you do him.


From the first minutes of their lives, babies see everything in a fog, but gradually their eyes begin to adapt to the new world. A newborn's vision is 20 times worse than that of an adult. The optimal distance at which a child can see something is 25-30 cm. Some scientists believe that children can squint their eyes in bright light even in the womb. At birth, the baby really knows how to distinguish between light and darkness, and will squint in bright light.

It is a mistake to assume that the child is trying to look at you and is showing special interest. Neonatologists say that children like to “look at” living faces, not objects. If we talk about colors, they should be contrasting so that the child can pay attention to them, black and white, red and blue. If you take a bright, solid-colored rattle or toy, preferably oval-shaped, and move it a short distance from the eyes, the child will try to focus on it. Due to the fact that the eye muscles are still very weak, it seems that the child has strabismus.

Strabismus before the age of 1 year is not a medical problem, and especially not in the first month of life. The muscles that move the eyeball are still developing. If there are any problems with vision, the ophthalmologist will definitely reveal this during a routine examination.


Doctors who deal with the intrauterine development of a child say that hearing develops from the 15th to the 20th week of pregnancy, and already at the 16th week they advise mom and dad to talk to their tummy more often.

After birth, babies can clearly respond to sounds and turn their heads towards the speaker. If annoying sounds or something repetitive is heard, the child will turn away from them. The sweetest sound, of course, for the baby will be his mother’s voice, to which he has long been accustomed, because even in his mother’s belly, her voice was his lullaby.

Scientists have proven that calm and melodic music has a positive effect on infants; they like it more than rock and pop music. But the hearing in the first month is still blurred and is in the process of formation. If you turn on music right in front of your baby, he will not be able to clearly understand where it is coming from and will not focus on it.


This feeling develops better and earlier than those described above. It is by smell, already on the third day of life, that a child is able to recognize his mother. The most pleasant aroma for the baby is the smell of the mother's breast and her milk.


In the first month of life, taste buds are just developing; infants have not yet learned to recognize bitter and salty foods. Sweet taste they will learn from breast milk and even manage to fall in love with him. If you moisten the baby’s lips with boiled water with added glucose, the baby will begin to suck with pleasure.

Touch and tactile sensations

From the first minutes of life, tactile contact plays a very important role in a child’s life. Maternal touch brings a number of positive feelings for mother and child, namely:

  • Able to calm the child and give a feeling of security;
  • When in contact with a baby, a woman releases hormones of happiness - oxytocin, as well as the hormone that produces milk - prolactin;
  • The child’s body temperature normalizes;
  • In the baby's arms and near the mother's breast, cortisol, the stress hormone, decreases.

Light stroking can put a child to sleep, and patting or rubbing with a terry towel will make him active and awake.

How much, how and when should a one-month-old baby sleep?

The ideal daily regimen is one in which there are six feedings every 3 to 3.5 hours. But not everyone will be able to achieve such a regime and not immediately. The baby spends 17-21 hours sleeping in the first two weeks of life; breaks and wakefulness during this period are no more than 20 minutes.

From the second to fourth week of life, the baby can sleep from 16 to 18 hours, waking up at intervals of up to 60 minutes.

The duration of night sleep should be 8-10 hours, this time includes breaks for diaper changing and feeding. During the day, the child should sleep 6-8 hours, sleep duration can vary from 15 minutes to 3 hours, waking up 4-8 times.

The main message for mommy is that up to six months you should sleep 1-2 times during the day with your baby in order to maintain your physical and emotional state normally.

Nutrition for a newborn up to one month

The mother will be taught how to feed and how to properly attach the baby to the breast while still in the maternity hospital. The issue of nutrition is one of the most important in a child’s life. It is ideal if the baby is breastfed and there is enough milk, but it is also possible to replace breast milk with formulas, as well as combining formulas with milk.

In addition to nutrition, do not forget to monitor your bowel movements. A baby can poop 10 times a day and once every 7 days. The color of bowel movements can be light brown or even dark green, the main thing is that there is no constipation and the baby does not disturb the intestines.

Lactation and breastfeeding

Lactation is the formation and excretion of milk by the mammary glands. The mother may not produce milk immediately. It is considered normal for milk to come in during the first three days; mothers need to put their baby to the breast as often as possible. Breastfeeding women need to follow a strict diet to ensure that the milk is nutritious, tasty and does not cause problems. gastrointestinal tract, as well as allergic reactions.

Postpartum stress can affect the production of oxytocin and prolactin, the hormones responsible for lactation. Protect your psycho-emotional background.

  • Put the baby to the breast at least 10 times a day;
  • Make sure that the position of mother and baby during feeding is comfortable;
  • Change breasts every 2 hours;
  • Do not wean immediately after your baby has fallen asleep. The sucking reflex will help him “finish”;
  • Keep in mind that the amount of milk in the breast is proportional to the demand for it;
  • No other complementary foods need to be introduced until 6 months.

Women produce the most milk from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m.; feed your baby during the night period as well.

Calculation of mixture for one day

If breastfeeding is not possible, then you need to choose a formula that suits your baby. You should not buy a large volume of the mixture at once trademark. It is necessary to observe the baby’s appetite and behavior after eating in order to find the optimal mixture for him.

In the first days of life, the child’s stomach has a volume of 10 ml, but gradually increases to 100 ml. The amount of formula needed for one day on average should be equal to a fifth of the child’s weight. If a baby weighs 3500 g, then he needs 700 ml of nutrition per day (3500/5 = 700).

The number of feedings during the day is 7-10 times. Calculate how many milliliters of formula the baby should receive in one feeding. If a child weighs 4000 g, then he should eat 4000 g/5 = 800 ml per day; if you feed him 8 times a day, then one serving is 100 ml.

For babies on artificial feeding water must be given! The amount of water should correspond to one feeding portion. (in our example, one serving is 100 ml)

The newborn period is over and the baby has already mastered the new world for him. What did the child learn in the first month of life, what skills did he begin to possess, and how can parents contribute to the further development of a 1-month-old baby?

Physical development at 1 month

The average weight gain of a one-month-old baby compared to birth weight is considered to be 600 grams. The baby's height increases by an average of three centimeters in the first month.

These are average indicators and the development of each baby is individual, however, there are normal limits, if beyond which the child should be examined by a doctor.

Physical indicators of the development of a one-month-old baby are presented in the following table.

What can the baby do?

Here are the skills that a baby masters by 1 month of age:

  • Holding the head. The baby, being in a tummy position, can raise its head and hold it for up to 5 seconds.
  • Fixation of gaze. The child peers not only at stationary objects and the adult’s face, but also at moving objects, if they are large and bright.
  • Development of vision. The baby can already distinguish between red, black, yellow and White color, as well as cells and lines. In addition, a baby at 1 month already recognizes its mother.
  • Reaction to sound. When a baby hears a loud or sharp sound, he flinches or freezes. Sometimes the sound frightens the baby so much that it causes the baby to cry.
  • Booming. You will hear sounds similar to “gu” or “ga” from your one-month-old toddler, which is why this baby’s first speech is also called a coo.

About what a baby should be able to do at 1 month, see the following video by Nikolai Nikonov, a leading doctor and massage therapist in Russia.

Can a baby smile?

A conscious smile is one of the most pleasant skills that a child masters in the first month of life. The more often a mother smiles at her baby, the faster she will see a charming smile in return. In addition, the smile will be accompanied by other manifestations of the baby's animation - the child will move his legs and arms, as well as babble.

Note that you can see a newborn smiling from the first days of life, but the first smiles of a baby are involuntary. First, the mother will notice that the baby smiles in her sleep, and a little later - when bathing or after feeding. These are all variants of a physiological smile. But closer to 1 month, the baby’s smile begins to have social content. It becomes a response to contact with mom or another loved one.


The mother needs to always be close to the baby and immediately respond to the baby’s needs.

Take the baby in your arms more often, remembering to support his head, talk to the little one and don’t worry that in this way you will accustom the baby to your hands and raise an egoist. On the contrary, studies have shown that babies who are held less frequently by their mothers cry more often and for longer periods of time in an attempt to get their mother's attention. If the baby knows that his mother is always nearby, then he will not scream again.

Caring for a 1 month old baby includes the following actions:

  • Hygiene procedures - washing, caring for ears and eyes, washing, cutting nails, combing.
  • Bathing.
  • Walks in the open air.
  • Massage.
  • Air baths.

When changing your baby, make sure that your hands are not cold or wet, as 1-month-old babies are very sensitive to tactile sensations.

How to promote development?

Since the periods of wakefulness for a 1-month-old baby are still very short, the mother should wisely manage her time so as to have time to communicate with the baby, and carry out hygiene procedures, and give a massage, and swim in the bath, and devote a minute to the development of the baby. The mother’s well-being is important, so it is necessary to set aside time for proper rest while the baby is sleeping.

A 1-month-old child studies surrounding objects, both stationary and moving, as well as the sounds of the surrounding world. What developmental activities are available at this age? Firstly, communication with the baby for the development of his emotional and mental sphere. Secondly, stimulation of the child’s vision, tactile receptors and hearing. And thirdly, helping to hold the head, for which the baby is often laid on his tummy and held in a column.

Here are some actions that will help in the development of a month-old baby:

  • To help your baby focus his gaze, Show the baby a large toy, wait for the baby to look at it, and then slowly move it to the side, ensuring that the baby’s gaze remains focused on the toy.
  • Repeat the same steps with the rattle, which makes soft sounds. Do this with your baby 1-2 times a day for up to 2 minutes per session.
  • You can also play classical music for your little one. or recordings of various musical instruments. Let your baby listen to music for up to 10 minutes every day.
  • Hang a mobile with large toys in the crib(3-4 pieces) and a pleasant melody. You can also place the baby on a development mat.
  • Talk to your baby constantly. And do it so that the baby sees your facial expressions. This way you will stimulate both the child’s hearing and the development of the baby’s speech. In response to the mother’s affectionate speech, the baby will quickly begin to respond with a revival complex and a conscious smile.

Let not only the mother, but also the father play with the baby, because their communication with the baby is different, which allows the baby to absorb the best from each of them.

Games in 1 month

For physical development:

  • Having laid the baby on his back, take the child by the arms, lift them up by his head, then lower them down, then cross them over his chest and spread them to the sides. With your baby's legs you can imitate the movement of a bicycle. During such gymnastics, hum a pleasant song.
  • With the baby on his tummy, show him the toy and lift it up, encouraging the baby to raise his head. You can also place the baby on your stomach and call the baby by name so that the baby raises his head and starts looking at your face. Such activities will improve the development of his muscles.
  • Gently touch your baby while bathing, accompanying this light massage with a quiet song. After bathing the baby, wrap the baby in a towel, hiding your face behind its edge, then look out from behind the towel and say “peek-a-boo.”

For vision development:

  • Make out paper plate a kind of “doll”. To do this, draw a face and attach a handle to the plate so that it can be held and moved. Show the “doll” to the baby from a distance of 25 cm and wait for the baby to start watching the plate.
  • Lean over your baby so that his gaze is fixed on your face, and then slowly move to the side. The baby will follow you by turning its head.
  • You need to sew an elastic band to a small toy and hang the toy over the child. Then make the rubber toy “bounce” up and down in front of your baby. Soon the child will not only look at the bouncing toy, but also try to grab it with his hands.
  • Show your baby a bright toy at a distance of 30 cm from his face, then slowly move the object horizontally. Noticing that the child is looking at the toy, then move it vertically, and finally move the object in a circle.
  • While feeding, place a bright scarf or towel over your shoulder. The baby will look from your face to this bright object.

To develop other senses:

  • Read nursery rhymes to your baby to develop your baby's hearing and sense of rhythm. You can introduce your baby to your favorite rhymes or come up with your own. You can take any song as a basis and change the words to your taste.
  • Tie a little bell to the booties. While moving its legs, the baby will hear a ringing sound and listen to it.
  • When your baby is in the crib, talk to your baby as you move around the room. This will stimulate both the baby's hearing and vision at the same time.
  • Gently massage each finger on your baby's legs and arms. Touch the baby not only with your hands, but also with a piece of cotton wool, a soft brush, or a mitten made of terry, wool or other fabric.
  • Dip cotton balls into mild-smelling liquids, such as mint or vanilla. eau de toilette. By letting your baby smell such a ball, you will stimulate the baby's sense of smell.

Massage also contributes to a child's development. To learn how to do it correctly, see the following video by Nikolai Nikonov.

Exercises in the water

Among the activities that stimulate the development of a 1-month-old baby are swimming. It can be carried out both in the pool (under the supervision of an instructor) and in the bath at home. Thanks to exercises in water, the baby's vestibular system will be stimulated. For swimming, buy your baby a special inflatable ring that supports the baby under the neck.

The first month of a child’s life, the neonatal period, is a crucial period of time that is quite stressful for both parents and the baby. Immediately after birth, a son or daughter has to adapt to life outside the womb and receive the first vaccination (against viral hepatitis). All organ systems begin to be rebuilt to ensure independent life. At this time, you need to be especially attentive to how the baby is developing and take him to the pediatrician.

So what skills should a son or daughter acquire by the age of one month?

Fphysicallyedevelopeone month old baby

Physical development All children are examined individually. Therefore, minor deviations from the standards are quite acceptable. Parents' reactions also differ. Some tend to exaggerate their child’s achievements, while others worry at the slightest reason. Usually, every type of parent turns out to be wrong to some extent.

During the first week of life, a baby may lose 10 percent of its weight. This is a normal reaction to changes in the external environment. After this, the baby begins to gain precious grams again. By the end of the second week, he weighs approximately the same as at the time of birth. By the turn of one month, the child begins to actively gain weight. On average, the increase can range from 15 to 30 grams per day. A son or daughter may not develop as it is written in textbooks. It is important to visit a doctor regularly so that he can identify deviations and eliminate them in time.

Differences in the development of boys and girls

The height and weight of girls may be on average slightly less than that of boys: 3.6-4.8 kilograms and 51.7-55.7 centimeters versus 3.9-5.1 kilograms and 52.7-56.7 centimeters . Moreover, the greater the height, the greater the weight should be and, vice versa. There are specialized calculators that allow you to calculate rates online.

Important! The standards are approximate only. There is no need to sound the alarm if your weight or height is below average. For girls, a weight of 3.2 kilograms and a height of 50 centimeters is acceptable; for boys, a weight of 3.4 kilograms and a height of 51.1 centimeters is possible.

What can a month old baby do?

From a 1 month old baby. Don't expect anything special. The nervous system is just developing, but even at this age the child has some skills.

The average child of this age cannot learn much. So what should a newborn be able to do at 1 month? This list of skills does not always correspond exactly to the real picture, but the approximate set is as follows:

  1. Automatic gait of a newborn. If you hold your baby and try to place his foot on the floor, he will try to walk. You should not try to teach your child to walk at this age. He still has a very weak spine.
  2. Turn your head. If you put your baby on his stomach, he can turn his head. But the neck is still quite weak, so you need to hold the head.
  3. See at a distance of twenty to thirty centimeters. Newborns see poorly; by the age of 1 month, their vision begins to improve slightly. Month-old babies still remain myopic. They also see high-contrast objects better.
  4. Identify a human face. Scientists have proven that babies at the age of one month react more to living human faces than to the face of some monkey.
  5. Hear the voices of parents, as well as high-frequency sounds.
  6. Distinguish the smell of the mother's nipple and breast milk.
  7. Cry. Children at this age can only communicate in this way. During the day, a child can cry for up to 3 hours.

Reflexes of a healthy baby in the 1st month of life

A baby is born with a certain number of unconditioned reflexes. Over time, they fade away if the child develops correctly. At 1 month, sucking, swallowing, coughing and a number of other reflexes are especially well expressed. Tsome disappear over time:

  1. Proboscis. If you prick a child's cheek near the corner of his mouth, he will stretch out his lips. In this way he tries to find his mother's breast.
  2. Positive Babinski reflex. If the skin on the inside of the foot becomes irritated, the toes will curl.
  3. Moro grasp reflex. If you slap the baby on the buttocks or hit the surface on which he is lying, the baby will make a bilateral embracing movement with his hands.
  4. Turn the head to the side if the baby is placed on his stomach. In this way he is protected from suffocation. Therefore, even the smallest children, if they are healthy, can lie on their stomach.
  5. Walking reflex. It is necessary to take the child vertically and place him on a hard surface, while holding the baby by the hands. If you tilt it slightly, involuntary attempts to walk will be noticeable. But in this early age You should not get carried away with this exercise, since the baby’s spine is not yet sufficiently formed.
  6. Palmo-oral. Opening the mouth, followed by a slight tilt of the head forward when pressing on the palm of the baby.
  7. Robinson's tonic hand reflex. If you touch the inner surface of your palm with a finger or object, the baby will grab it.
  8. Kernig's sign. If the leg is bent in hip joint, then the child cannot fully straighten it at the knee.
  9. The crawling phenomenon. If you put the baby on his tummy and put his palm on the inside of the foot, the baby will push off from it.

Of these reflexes, the last three are most often preserved.

Motor activity of a one-month-old baby

In general, a child’s motor activity at 1 month is weak. Most of the muscles are not yet developed. All movements that a baby makes at this age are genetically determined at the level of reflexes. Most of the time the child is asleep. At this age, the waking time is only 45 minutes - 1 hour. Daytime sleep can last from 15 minutes to 2-3 hours. So from 4 to 8 times. At night, the child sleeps like adults - 8-10 hours, but may wake up in the middle of the night.

Taking care of your child's healthy sleep is extremely important. Famous pediatrician, Evgeny Komarovsky, gave several recommendations for ensuring healthy sleep that parents need to know:

  1. Get enough sleep for the parents themselves. The child needs healthy and rested parents.
  2. Prepare your child for bedtime in advance. The baby's sleep should be synchronized with the family's daily routine.
  3. A baby aged one month should sleep in a crib in the parents' bedroom.
  4. Daytime sleep should be standardized. Only then will the child get a good night's sleep.
  5. At the age of one month, the baby can eat 1-2 times a night. This is fine. After 6 months there will be no such need.
  6. It is important to maintain the correct indoor microclimate. The optimal temperature in the room is 18-20 degrees Celsius with a humidity of 50-70 percent.
  7. You definitely need to bathe your child. This is good for his hygiene and also has a positive effect on sleep.
  8. Pillows should not be used until the baby is two years old.

Important! Because special motor activity not yet a month old, then you need to pay special attention to sleep.

Mental development of a baby at 1 month

In the first month of life, the active mental development of a boy or girl begins. After just a few weeks of life, the child gains little ability to learn. For example, if the baby wants to eat, or he feels discomfort and starts crying.

At one month of age, it becomes possible to accustom the child to a diet or sleep pattern. This must be done with extreme caution. At the age of one month, the child’s psyche is very vulnerable, therefore, if you do not respond to his crying for a long time, serious stress can arise.

At this age, be sure to communicate a lot with your baby. You can talk about your affairs, what is happening with your dad, grandparents, and sing songs. Then the list of what a child can do at 1 month, 2, 3, and so on will grow very quickly.

How developed are emotions?

It is impossible to artificially separate mental development from emotional development. The first concept is broader and includes the development of thinking, sensations, perception, attention and other mental processes. Emotions are one of them. The mood in which adults find themselves most of the time greatly influences the mental development of the child.

Even the smallest babies understand their mother’s emotional state well and mirror it. If she is irritated, excited or simply tired, the child feels discomfort, which comes out through crying. At the age of one month, the child still does not know how to express his emotions differently. There are beginnings of joy, but much more often the child cries.

A toddler has a revitalization complex, which begins to form somewhere in the third week, and by the end of the first month reveals itself in full glory. Then it increases until 3-4 months, after which the baby develops more complex behavior patterns.

The revitalization complex contains four components:

  1. A long, concentrated look towards the adult.
  2. Joy accompanied by a smile.
  3. Revitalization of motor reactions - the child can begin to more actively move his head, arms and legs, bend his back, and so on.
  4. Vocalization is the simplest sounds made by a child: hooting, humming and screaming.

If it is not enough to communicate with the child in the first weeks of life, then the revival complex manifests itself much later, and partially. Initially, it was believed that the revival complex was the child’s first conscious reaction to the actions of an adult, but after some time it was established that this was just a reflex.

Thus, the list of what a 1-month-old child should be able to do is not very long. At this age there is no need to talk about any skills, since a one-month-old baby is still very small. The range of things a 1-month-old baby can do can be described in a few words: eat, sleep, rejoice at the appearance of an adult, and a few more elementary reflexes that go away on their own with age.
