Indian themed sleeve tattoo. Indian tattoo: meaning and interpretation

Indians are the indigenous people of North America. They are a fearless and independent people, distinguished by great national pride and stubborn disposition.. Since ancient times, they have created a distinctive culture, elements of which are still popular today.

Traditional meaning

It was not for nothing that the ancient Indians gave themselves tattoos with the image of their leader, because they believed that this would endow the owner of the tattoo with the same qualities that their leader possessed. Every Indian strived to become more courageous, courageous, resilient and courageous.

The traditional meaning of an Indian tattoo could have additional meaning with some nuances.

For example, a tattoo of an Indian girl was considered a symbol of wisdom, hope and unity with nature. A tattoo of an Indian and some totem animal meant a special spiritual connection between the owner and the animal or bird.

The guys

Today, this type of tattoo is very popular among guys. There are young people who get such a tattoo as a sign that they are close to the Indian culture (by the way, this is what many Americans do, whose distant ancestors were Indians).

In the classical sense, this tattoo means that its owner wants to become more decisive and gain protection from higher powers.

Often young people want to get a tattoo depicting a scene from the life of the Indians. For example, a fight episode, a ritual performance, or a love scene. This means solidarity with the way of life, traditions and customs of the Indians.

For girls

Girls most often wear more modern variations of Indian images. The most used sketches among girls are a totem animal and a portrait of an Indian girl.

Indian totem animals include: the hawk - a symbol of leadership and courage; salmon is a sign of the ability to influence people and inspire self-love; owl – intuition and passion; deer - cheerfulness and originality; raven - attentiveness and power; wolf - courage and sincerity; and so on.

Before you get such a tattoo, you need to find out which totem animal belongs to you.

A tattoo with an Indian girl used to be a sign that the girl wanted to enlist the support of ancient spirits in matters of love. According to custom, spirits protect the girl from dishonest and vile young men, protecting her honor and nobility. This idea is still relevant today, but most often this type of tattoo is created for beauty.

In the "zone"

Indian tattoos are quite common in criminal culture. In the “zone” such a pattern on the body was deciphered as “Deprived civil rights" However, Indian also signifies spiritual freedom and liberty. This tattoo was often “stuffed” by political prisoners. This is the meaning of this tattoo.

The colonialists called them bloodthirsty. Several centuries ago, the Indians were awarded this title for scalping captives who were still alive. Animals also suffered at the hands of Native Americans.

For example, hummingbirds have fallen out of favor. Their feathers were used for the headdresses and robes of leaders. To create one outfit, several thousand birds were plucked.

Nowadays it is not the Indians who are exterminating. There are only a few of them left. The image of a red man is more common in life than in life. Let's talk about body designs. Let's find out who paints them and what significance, besides bloodthirstiness, the paintings have.

The meaning of the Indian tattoo

Basic interpretations "Indian" tattoo: - valor, loyalty to principles, willingness to die for them and one’s traditions. Another meaning of the symbol is endurance and agility.

When America was colonized, the Redskins countered the muskets of the conquerors with primitive weapons such as bows and arrows, wooden spears and knives.

With this simple arsenal, inferior to the colonialists in numbers, the Indians resisted the onslaught for a single decade. What helped them fight was their dexterity and remarkable endurance, which the white guests did not have.

Tattoo "Indian" - photo, which also speaks of wisdom. Quotes from some leaders can serve as proof of this. Here is a short list of sayings that have come down to us:

- Love the earth. It is not inherited from parents, but borrowed from children.

“We don’t want churches, because they will teach the Redskins to argue about God.”

- Those who sleep with dogs wake up with fleas.

“You shouldn’t take by force what you can’t take with love.”

“Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked two moons in his moccasin.”

However, along with wisdom, there is also an opposite answer to the question, what does an Indian tattoo mean?. Ignorance. A softer formulation is naivety and excessive faith in otherworldly forces.

A historical example will clarify this view. During the 4th expedition, Christopher Columbus encountered the Jamaican Indians. The Aborigines warmly received the guests and supplied them with products. However, the travelers stayed for a year. The redskins are tired of feeding the whites.

Left without provisions, Columbus told the Indian leaders that his Gods were outraged by their behavior. Christopher deliberately made the announcement on the eve of a total lunar eclipse.

It took place on February 29, 1504. Seeing that the luminary had disappeared, the local residents fell on their faces and believed the words of Columbus. The sailors began to laugh at the ignorance and superstitions of the Redskins.

Indian tattoo on hand, and not only, acts as a talisman. This is due to the beliefs of the Redskin tribes. Previously, they painted portraits of their people of their race in order to find love. The men chose the sketch "Indian Girl." Tattoo for women of the clan - “Red-skinned warrior”.

Indian tattoo for men

Indian tattoo are not popular. Of the stellar examples of tattoo wearers, only Justin Bieber can be cited. He decorated one of the shoulder blades with a portrait of a red man. The sketch is not accidental. This is the emblem of one of the US hockey teams. The singer's grandfather was her fan.

He took his grandson to matches. In memory of his beloved relative and in honor of his love of sports, Bieber filled Indian skull. Tattoo contains a headdress with feathers. If we consider its classical interpretation, the drawing speaks of killed enemies. One feather - one fallen enemy.

In the old days, the natives of America closely ensured that their fellow tribesmen did not overdo the number of feathers in their headdresses and wore them by right. It turns out that “Indian Feathers” - tattoo which should be deserved.

Men prefer Mayan tattoo. Their patterns are a symbol of not only endurance, but also desperation. Mayan men practiced scarring.

The design was formed by cutting the skin rather than placing paint into it. The composition was created from scars. Pieces from the bodies were cut off alive. It is not surprising that women did not wear such tattoos, and even now they rarely request them.

Maya is also a sign of scholars. It is no secret that the ancient civilization surprises even modern scientists with its structure. The people created writing accurate calendar, built unique houses, cities, equipped with water pipes and other amenities.

To create all this, you need education and a remarkable mind. As a rule, guys want to emphasize it. For girls, sensual meanings are more important. Let's talk about them.

Indian tattoo for women

For girls tattoo sketches “Indians” can become a symbol of unity with children and their family in general. For this purpose, as a rule, patterns of the Bororo tribe are chosen. Its representatives live in Brazil and Bolivia. The people are small - only 1600 people.

It is interesting that they all have the first blood group. Anyone can become a donor for a fellow tribesman in need. One blood - one lineage. This is what led to the use of Bororo as family amulets.

If men order images of Indians with weapons and feathers on their heads, then girls prefer people in beads and garlands of flowers. These decorations soften the image of the Redskins, making the design suitable for an elegant female figure. The drawing contains many details.

Working out facial features and body contours requires skill. To be successful, you need a lot of space. Therefore, girls, like boys, place tattoos on their arms, backs, and sides. The thighs and abdomen are considered purely female areas. If the lady is not ready to take them for a tattoo, it is better not to order it. In smaller areas, the drawings will turn out crumpled and indistinct.

The Europeans called the Redskins Indians. When Christopher Columbus first landed on the lands of America, he was sure that he had set foot on the shore.

It was there that the navigator was heading, but he got lost, leading to an unknown continent. Without knowing this, Columbus called the people he met Indians.

The colonialists exterminated many Redskin tribes and destroyed their way of life. But there were also stories.

Indian culture flows in the veins of many modern Americans. In memory of this, people paint images of their ancestors on their bodies. What's the significance Indian tattoo carries for residents of other continents?

Meaning of Indian tattoo

Indian tattoo first appeared on themselves. Only leaders and shamans were allowed to put their portrait or image of a red man on their body.

Ordinary members of the tribe did not have the right to tattoo. Did this affect the number of the genus?

After all, the body drawing with an Indian served as a love affair. It was believed that it helps to find the other half and create a happy family.

This is how it usually was for the leaders. But modern historians doubt the influence.

Rather, they note, the role itself was played by the status and wealth of the head of the tribe. With such wealth and influence, it is difficult to remain unnoticed.

Meaning of Indian tattoo changed, moving from the bodies of redskins to the bodies of representatives of other races. Thus, portraits of American aborigines began to be drawn by prisoners in...

Dissidents and political detainees became tattoos. The translation of the image in prison is "disenfranchised."

A tattoo does not necessarily have a generally accepted meaning. Indian tattoo – photo, posted online by Justin Bieber.

However, she already has love, this is Sienna Miller. The singer has no problems with the law, just as there are no red-skinned ancestors.

Made in memory of my grandfather. Every Saturday he took the future artist to the match of his favorite hockey team. The players' logo was an Indian in a voluminous headdress made of.

By the way, they themselves also carry a certain meaning. Indian feathers - tattoo, symbolizing life victories and achievements.

Historically, the redskin was allowed to insert a bird element into his hairstyle only after killing an enemy.

The more feathers, the more opponents defeated, the more more power and valor. That's why, what does an Indian tattoo mean? many servicemen know.

Along with them, the hunters choose the design. Feathers can mean not real, but figurative victories, for example, victories over oneself, championship in sports, and so on.

Thanks to the ascetic lifestyle of Indian tribes, images of redskins are associated with closeness to nature and the ability to coexist in harmony with it.

The tattoo is also deciphered as “wisdom”. Especially it concerns Mayan tattoo.

Even before our era, they created a civilization with their own writing, great architecture, astronomical systems and mathematical dogmas.

Only a highly educated, intelligent and wise society could do this. Descendants live in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. It is especially common in these states. Indian tattoo on hand, or .

Indian tattoo for men

Indians have a strong-willed profile. TO physiological characteristics Redskins include a straight nose, high, pronounced cheekbones, and a slightly protruding chin.

Such a portrait is charismatic, impresses with strength, and gives a feeling of love of freedom. All this is close to nature.

That's why gentlemen choose women more often tattoo designs, Indians in which they appear in one way or another.

Serves as a tribute to a dead culture Indian skull. Tattoo, usually done by those who regret the lost heritage of their ancestors.

The drawing also reminds its bearers that everything in the world is mortal, that entire nations pass away or lose their self-determination.

Indians are traditionally depicted using realistic painting techniques. Abstract, surreal sketches of the unit.

This is driven by demand. People find it strange to portray history and an ancient people using modern techniques.

Another feature of tattoos is that in 80% of cases they are done in . Otherwise, red-skins become gray-skinned, losing their individuality and colorfulness.

Indian tattoo for women

The Indians were once the most developed and civilized people in North America. They are excellent hunters, builders and brave warriors. Moreover, they reached a high level of culture. Like all tribal peoples, the Indians paid a lot of attention to tattoos. For them, this is not only self-expression and a way to stand out from the crowd, but also an indicator social status, mascot and much more. Although this applies to a greater extent to men. For a woman, a tattoo is often a decoration. Indian tattoos are also relevant in modern world thanks to its beauty and deep meaning. They are especially popular in the United States as a reminder of the indigenous inhabitants of this country.

Girl in Indian style tattoo

Another Indian style tattoo option

dream Catcher

By far the most famous of the Indian symbols. Despite its apparent simplicity, it has a huge semantic load and occupies an important place in culture to this day. Previously, instead of being tattooed, dream catchers were woven from thin branches and deer sinew, decorated with eagle or owl feathers, and hung over the bed. It is believed that his web stops negative thoughts, dreams and evil spirits, preventing them from entering the human mind. A dream catcher tattoo is made in such a way that it is located as close to the head as possible, on the shoulder, back or neck. Because it is in the head that all thoughts and dreams are located that need to be kept bright and pure.

Dreamcatcher - tattoo

Did you know?

In Siberia, shamans also use the image of a dream catcher, but not for protection, but in order to better remember and understand their visions, which often appear in dreams.


Kokopelli with a month on his leg

  • One of the main gods of the ancient tribes of the American Southwest. According to legends, he travels through villages in the guise of a man and carries a flute with him all the time. His arrival is always accompanied by a change of season, because it is Kokopelli who is responsible for this natural phenomenon. In addition, this spontaneous little man loves to violate generally accepted rules in every possible way, but at the same time he is an extremely positive character and brings people only joy. As for his divine duties, Kokopelli has many of them, namely:
  • Ensuring the material well-being of people, the fertility of the land and a rich harvest;
  • Patronizes childbirth;
  • Symbolizes energy, both creative and sexual;

Why do I only get Indian tattoos? Meaning and beauty are balanced and create a beautiful picture. I say this as an artist. And Kokopelli came to me first. I consider him my patron and main supplier of successful ideas.

Alexey, Samara.

Indian face

Oddly enough, tattoos depicting Indians were invented by the Indians themselves. For a long time No one except the tribal leader had the right to impale them. Unfortunately, the exact meaning of this tattoo is not known, but one of the meanings is a talisman that helps in love affairs.

The owner of such a pattern on the body will definitely find his soulmate and find happiness for the rest of his life. How exactly the Indian will be depicted, and even whether it will be a man or a woman, has no meaning and does not change the meaning of the tattoo. That is why it is so in demand now. He can be wearing a headdress with or without feathers, portrait or full-length, even on a horse. You can allow yourself everything that comes to mind, this will make your amulet one and only.

One of the options for applying an Indian to the body

I recently got a portrait of an Indian girl tattooed on my leg. I am very pleased with the result, the professionalism of the artist and the fact that my tattoo is one of a kind.

Dinara, Moscow

Totem animals

The Indians have always been distinguished by the fact that they lived in harmony with nature. A special place in their religion is occupied by sacred (totem) animals, with which certain personal qualities. In this case, the tattoo can be used to judge what opinion the tribe has about a person. For example:

An example of applying totem animals to the body

  • Wolf – perseverance, loyalty, highly developed intuition;
  • Coyote - anger, cunning;
  • Ox – desperation, willingness to take risks;
  • Bear - strength, courage;
  • Eagle – power, might, all-vision.

Important! It is especially honorable to have a grizzly bear tattoo. This right was awarded only to those who were able to defeat this majestic animal with their bare hands. Often such an unequal battle ended in the death of the hunter.


Birds fly out of a feather - one of the feather options

Among the indigenous peoples of America, the feather is a symbol of the eternal rebirth of life and the immortality of the soul. Only the most respected people of the tribe can wear such a tattoo: leaders, elders, healers, outstanding warriors. The feather helps you get into closer contact with the gods and makes it possible to talk with them. Tattoos with an eagle feather are made by warriors to imitate its courage, swiftness and strength. Eagle feathers are also used to decorate clothes, hats and dream catchers. For Indians, this is a way to show their respect to the totem birds.

Large volumetric feather in 3D style

There is a feather tattoo on my arm, it looks very feminine and neat. I didn’t really think about the meaning, but I always liked Indian tattoos. I posted the photo as soon as I took it, there were so many likes. Stuff it, girls, you won’t regret it.

Galina, Ufa.

Mayan tribal tattoo

Mayan tribal tattoo

When it comes to Indian tattoos, Mayan style tattoos cannot be left out. They are quite difficult to apply, and only a professional can cope with this task. Since most of the cultural heritage of this ancient civilization was irretrievably lost, all that is known for sure is that the tattoo on the body of a Mayan man is evidence of his military exploits and victories. And the more it's covered