The most unusual wedding traditions in the world. Unique weddings that have gone down in history forever Unusual wedding

A wedding has long ceased to be associated with a prim and boring ceremony. Weddings were held in spy style, in the format of the Oscar ceremony, under water, in the sky... But every year the collection of unusual weddings is replenished with new stories.

Love till death

Is it possible to love each other to death? The couples discussed below have proven that this is real.

Gloomy and nuptial

On a fine autumn day, a hearse drove up to Wakefield Church. Four people in black tuxedos came out of the car, holding a coffin in their hands. They put it on the ground, opened the lid, and from there, in front of onlookers passing by, a girl jumped out.

She was dressed in a black latex dress, on her neck was a collar with sharp spikes, and on her head was a black veil with two horns. The girl's face looked deathly pale, and her eyes seemed red. The entire “funeral procession” headed to the church, taking the coffin with them.

No, this is not a description horror movie “Back from the Dead” type - this is how the wedding ceremony of Julia and Kevin, a couple of Goth lovers, began. In front of the priest, the newlyweds swore fidelity and love to each other ( approx. - by the way, the coffin was used as an altar), and then exchanged collars with their names engraved on them.

To celebrate this gloomy and festive event, the guys went to the cemetery along with a few friends. According to the newlyweds, the “wedding” coffin is in their home; they use it instead of a coffee table.

Vampire bite

Another wedding in a gloomy mourning style was recorded in Ohio.

Just before Halloween, a hearse pulled up to the famous Cleveland haunted house (reminds me of something, doesn’t it?). Strange characters that looked like ghouls carried two coffins out of the car. Entering the house, they placed them near a makeshift altar, behind which, dressed in a priest's robe, stood Jason Voorhees ( approx. - the main maniac from the movie "Friday the 13th").

In the presence of guests who looked like ghouls and ghouls, two vampire . Holding hands, they slowly walked to the altar, simultaneously threatening the assembled guests to suck all the blood out of them. Thus began the wedding ceremony of Coney Spitznagel and Jack Holsinger.

After the couple said their vows of fidelity and Jason Voorhees declared them husband and wife, instead of the traditional exchange of rings, the newly-made spouses bit each other on the neck.

It should be noted that the heroes of this wedding are quite mature people: the bride is 41 years old, the groom is 61. They just have an excellent sense of humor, which is why they decided to have a wedding in an ominous vampire style.

Coney and Jack also love to be the center of attention. Therefore, they wanted to share their joy not only with friends and relatives, but also with everyone who wanted to come to their wedding.

To this end, a few days before the ceremony, they hung posters around the city describing the wedding scenario itself and a note: “Admission is free, everyone is welcome.” Need I say that this holiday of lovers was a full house?

On high

They say marriages are made in heaven, which is why some couples make the old saying come true.

On the wings of Love

So, Sali and Jake from America got married while cutting through the clouds. During the ceremony, the bride and groom were strapped to the wings of a single-engine plane, and the priest was strapped to the outside of the cabin.

After the cry of the priest (who, by the way, had Fear of heights ) “And now I pronounce you husband and wife,” the extreme couple flew in this position for a few more minutes, and the plane landed.

The newly-made spouses were finally able to exchange rings, kiss, and the priest was able to restore “mental balance” with the help of ammonia.

Lost in space

Noah Fulmore and Erin Finnegan also got married in the air, and even in zero gravity. These two people, passionate about space, had such a dream. They didn’t succeed in becoming space tourists, but they found a way out of the situation.

On the appointed wedding day, the bride, groom, priest and pilot boarded a special Boeing 727 Zero-G airliner and took off into the skies over Florida. To make Fulmore and Erin feel like they were in space orbit, the pilot gained the required altitude and then sharply slowed down.

A state of weightlessness arose, although only for about 10 seconds. But Fulmore and Erin claim that this was enough time for them to say to each other in front of the priest: “Yes, we agree.”

Earth in the porthole

Another wedding spotted in aerospace took place on August 11, 2003. On this significant day, ISS commander Yuri Malenchenko and an American of Russian origin, Ekaterina Dmitrieva, decided to tie the knot of Hymen.

True, the newlyweds were separated by a serious distance - 380 thousand kilometers. The bride was in Texas at that time, and the groom was in orbit. The ceremony took place via teleconference. The lovers exchanged vows and pretended to put rings on each other.

True, Yuri had to spend his wedding night in orbit surrounded by stars (which in this case is not at all romantic). Meanwhile, the newly-made wife was having fun as best she could, giving interviews to journalists and posing for photographers hugging a cardboard figure of her husband.

Wedding at work

Some couples in love do not look for special places to get married, but get married where they met. As the practice of our heroes shows, most people find their soulmate at work.

Your check

Sang and danced: the most unusual weddings in the history of marriages /

Sally and John from Texas met in a supermarket where the girl works as a cashier. Their first meeting occurred when John came to do some shopping. Young people say it was love at first sight.

Without further ado, they decided to get married in the same supermarket where Sally still works. And they did it in work time, therefore, witnesses to them wedding There were not only relatives and friends, but also many customers of this store.

I'm pedaling

South Korean residents Em Lee and Koryo Sam got married at the fitness club where they work as trainers. Moreover, throughout the entire ceremony, the bride and groom ran on a treadmill, and the guests pedaled exercise bikes. At the same time, they waited for the bride and groom to finally exchange vows and be declared husband and wife. Em and Kore had non-sports guests.

Risen from...

By the way, weddings at the place of work are organized not only abroad, but also in Russia. The future husband and wife of one of the cities of our vast homeland met in a morgue. He was a pathologist, she was his assistant.

The very scenario of their wedding was quite unusual. After the ransom, the groom and best man carried the bride out of the apartment on a stretcher. Symbolizing a corpse, the girl lay motionless, covered with a sheet from head to toe.

The bride was carried into a pre-prepared ambulance, then the guests and the groom jumped in, and the whole honest company went to the morgue. The wedding ceremony took place here. They say it was so fun there that almost all the dead came back to life.


Sarah and Jay from Florida met in a more romantic and cheerful place, namely at a McDonald's restaurant, where he was an administrator and she was a cashier. It was here that they got married to the clink of glasses of Coca-Cola.

By the way, the management of the diner provided its employees with free food from the establishment for the wedding.

Get it out of the ground

In the Chinese city of Shanxi, ten couples got married not just anywhere, but in the mine of the coal mining company Datong Coal Group. It turned out that this is where a good half of the grooms work, and the ladies of the heart persuaded them to hold the ceremony in such a specific setting - by the way, at a depth of 300 meters underground.

The girls, in turn, admitted that they chose the mine because they always dreamed of getting married in an unusual place. As they say, dreams come true!

Second half

Since childhood, we have been told that we should only marry the person we love. People spend a lot of time looking for a suitable candidate to start a family, but some just get married or getting married on the first object you like.

My own director

Sang and danced: the most unusual weddings in the history of marriages /

So Liu Ye from the Chinese city of Zhuhai married (or got married?) to himself. The man admitted that he loved himself so much and was inflamed with feelings for himself that he was not ready to share himself with anyone else. Surprisingly, he received the blessing of his parents to conclude this union.

The wedding ceremony itself, I must say, took place according to all the rules. Liu Ye arrived at the church with a picture of himself in a bride's dress, took an oath at the altar, and exchanged rings with himself. And at the party, they say, he even threw the bride’s bouquet.

By the way, there were more than 100 guests at the celebration, including some representatives of local media. Liu Ye admitted to reporters that after he entered into this alliance, he felt like a full-fledged person.

In Game

Unlike Liu Ye, a Japanese gambling addict known locally as Sal9000 married Nene Anegasaki, an anime heroine from one of the Nintendo DS games. The wedding ceremony took place on the island of Guam ( approx. ed. - an island in the western Pacific Ocean, part of the United States). According to the laws here, everyone has the right to marry inanimate or imaginary objects.

The newlyweds had a unique honeymoon. The newly-made husband played the console for about 3 days without a break for food and sleep, just to be closer to his beloved.

Foam love

The twenty-eight-year-old Korean Otaku continued the anime theme. He married his favorite pillow, which featured a girl from a famous anime cartoon.

The man asked that each of the guests come to the ceremony with their favorite pillow; according to the idea, they were supposed to play the role of bridesmaids. This wedding was covered by all local media.

Marriage according to the Dolby system

43-year-old Emma from Pennsylvania went even further - she married her music center. The girl claims that Jay (that’s what she called the audio system) is better than any man, he fulfills all her desires, always listens, calms her down, and sex with him is simply amazing. By the way, doctors diagnosed Emma with schizophrenia.

Animal passions

History shows that people do not only marry themselves or inanimate objects. Some choose to share their married life with their beloved animals.

My furry friend

At the wedding ceremony of a woman and a wax copy of a snake (she did not dare to bring a real cobra, so that the guests would not be harmed) all the inhabitants of the village, which was about two thousand people, were present.

The bride, dressed in a silk sari, sat in a circle among the monks, with a replica of her “husband” standing next to her. The monks read prayers for about an hour, which were supposed to unite two souls into a lasting union. Local residents admitted to newspapermen that they were very happy about this marriage, because it should bring good luck to families, health to children and a good harvest.

Bimbela has been living with her husband for a month now, and he lives in her garden. The woman says that they have a trusting relationship, because when she puts a bowl of milk in front of the snake, it always crawls and drinks it. The main thing is that a newly-made wife should not nag her husband, otherwise he might kill.

In the underwater kingdom of passion

Unlike Bimbela, millionaire from London Sharon Tandler found her betrothed in the person of a cute and safe dolphin. Sharon fell in love with Sandy (that's the dolphin's name) 15 years ago when she came to Eilat to go diving. There they met near one of the underwater reefs.

Last year the dolphin and the millionaire got married. Sharon moved Sandy to her home, now he lives in a beautiful pool that completely imitates the depths of the sea. The girl claims that her husband is very affectionate and loving, and understands her like no one else.

What is unusual about your wedding?

Some people, tired of loneliness and after several unsuccessful attempts to find their soulmate, despair of ever getting married. Not wanting to be completely alone, they choose very unexpected “other halves” as their spouses. In this list you will learn about ten of the strangest and craziest weddings!

10The Man Who Sued To Marry A Computer

A veteran soldier is challenging a court order that prevents him from marrying his laptop. Chris Sevier filed a petition with the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals arguing that if same-sex couples are allowed to marry, then he should have the right to tie the knot with his MacBook.

A non-professional model, he claims that computers are his "preferred sex object". (In other words, he gets more pleasure from devices than from real women.)

He tried to marry a device he said was loaded with porn, but Utah authorities denied him that right on the grounds of "sexual orientation." However, given the precedents set by the next few stories, he may get his way.

9. The Russian who married pizza

Actively looking for the love of your life? This 23-year-old groom from Tomsk has already found his soulmate in pizza. The guy, whose name is not known, married this dish after he got tired of being single (although the registry office refused to register this marriage).

The eccentric wedding ceremony took place in one of the pizzerias in Tomsk. The newlywed admitted that he did not have a deep and serious relationship with his “bride,” but decided to do it anyway, because she would never betray him, and he really loves her.

8The Woman Who Married Her Cat After Her Last Relationship Ended in Breakup

After a painful breakup, many women think that they will never meet their love again. But for 48-year-old web designer Barbarella Buchner from London, finding another man after ending a seven-year relationship is the last thing on her mind because she believes she has already found happiness, companionship and emotional fulfillment together. with your cats.

As incredible as it sounds, Barbarella thinks she has found not one, but two kindred spirits in the faces of her cat brothers, Spider and Lugosi. Her devotion to them is so strong that ten years later she even married them in an online ceremony.

In 2004, Barbarella decided to make it official and found a way to marry her cats. She found a website called Marryyourpet, where she read a list of rules that a person should follow when marrying their pet. (For starters, it is not permissible to torture your pet under any circumstances.)

Once Barbarella's application was approved and she made a small deposit of around £20, the woman tied the knot with Lugosi and Spyder in a quick online ceremony by clicking "I do!"

7The Artist Who Married A Stone, Claiming She Feels Protected By It

Artist Tracey Emin admitted that she married a stone. Known for her dedication to her work and unconventional projects, she became involved with an ancient stone in France, "seeing it as a protection rather than something to be feared." According to reports, she got married wearing her father's funeral shroud.

The artist also admitted that she no longer has sex, but instead concentrates only on love and work.

6. A Tokyo man became the first person to marry a video game character.

Nene Anegasaki is a witty beauty with a naive look. She looks daringly attractive in sexy skirts, doesn't argue and always appears when called by a certain Tokyo resident, which is why the 27-year-old guy decided to marry her.

The only complication is that she is a character from a Nintendo DS video game called Love Plus. However, this did not stop Sal ​​9000 - as the groom was named - from getting married in a ceremony witnessed by thousands of Internet users.

The wedding took place in 2009 and became the first union of a person and a computer game character. Dressed in a white tuxedo, Sal married Nene in front of friends and Internet users who watched the wedding ceremony online.

5The Woman Who Found and Married a Sperm Donor

A year after Aminah Hart gave birth to her daughter Leila with an anonymous sperm donor, she tracked him down because she wanted her little daughter to know who her father was. The young mother found a donor, they fell in love and got married in December 2015.

The London-born Australian chose Scott Andersen's profile because he described himself as a happy and healthy man. Hart found Andersen via the Internet, knowing only his name and profession. She contacted him through the in vitro fertilization (IVF) donor registry and sent him a photo of Leila. The man and woman agreed to meet.

Andersen and Hart began spending more and more time together, and soon became romantically involved. Hart wrote a book about their love story, How I Met Your Father, and is currently filming a movie based on the book. And if their story isn't a romantic comedy, we don't know what is.

4. The woman who changed her name to “Beautiful Existence” married herself in Paris

This woman will have herself to blame if her last marriage ends.

Beautiful Creature is a 42-year-old mother of two from Seattle who legally changed her name to Desiree Longabaugh and spent $7,000 to marry herself at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, 10 years after a painful divorce.

According to her, she always dreamed of tying the knot in Paris and decided that she would have a small ceremony in June 2015 with the participation of a photographer and three of her closest friends.

Marrying yourself is becoming a surprising new trend. In 2015, Yasmin Eleby from Houston, Texas, married herself after failing to find the man of her dreams before age 40.

3. The man who got married in Vegas on his smartphone

Las Vegas hosts its fair share of quickie weddings, but one man made it all the way to Sin City to say "I do!" to your smartphone. Aaron Chervenak, a 34-year-old Los Angeles resident, married his mobile phone at The Little Vegas Chapel wedding chapel in Nevada this year in an attempt to make a point about society's increasing attachment to, and addiction to, smartphones.

Aaron explained that when he arrived in Vegas, he contacted the wedding chapel to see if they were willing to have a "slightly unconventional ceremony." He was happy to know that they would do it without any problems.

His black iPhone, “dressed up” in a white case, stood on a decorated stand that was next to him. There were even a few guests present at this whimsical wedding.

Unfortunately, not everyone supported this union. “In 18 months he will replace him,” wrote one of the commentators under a video of the wedding posted on the Internet on the YouTube channel.

2. The Thai man who married his dead lover during a funeral ceremony

A Taiwanese man married his girlfriend, who died in a traffic accident, during a funeral and wedding ceremony.

Chadil "Deffy" Yuenying married his girlfriend of 10 years, Sarinya "Anne" Kamsook, and posted photos from the ceremony on his Facebook.

According to online resources, they planned to get married but postponed the wedding because Yuenwing wanted to finish his studies first.

1. The woman who married her horse

In 2014, the Danish Supreme Court was forced to recognize the right of a 28-year-old animal rights activist to marry her horse, setting a legal precedent and thereby paving the way for human-animal marriages to be registered around the world.

Milanja Broskvit said she and her husband Thorgen were victims of speciesism, a prejudice similar to racism or sexism.

"The differences between our species do not make us inherently different. Relationships between individuals are based on group membership, not on morally irrelevant physical differences. The argument is that species membership has no moral significance," she told the Supreme Court Broscuit.

Here's an example of how the most unusual weddings can end - Alicia and Scott White heard wedding bells on the monster truck they took on their honeymoon to Microsoft's Monster Truck Madness 2 Tournament at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas, State Nevada.

Amman, Jordan: The newlyweds chose an unusual mode of transport for a tour of the country.

While sitting in a hot chocolate bath, Kevin Kuhlman kisses his fiancée Melanie Lugo after they became husband and wife on Valentine's Day, February 14, in New York City.

Cheryl Minikes and Matthew Mundell also soaked up a bathtub full of hot chocolate at a boutique in New York City on Valentine's Day.
The almost traditional Jewish ceremony was performed by Rabbi Bruce Goldman. The couple don't think their wedding is unusual - they chose chocolate because it is the most passionate of foods.

Las Vegas: Unusual weddings are not uncommon here, such as the Intergalactic Wedding, which is currently offered to everyone.

Mariana Ferreira and Juliana Araujo celebrate their wedding on Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Both climbers reached the summit dressed in wedding dresses.

China: Wedding couple Jamie Ng and Horlick Ng decided to take photos next to Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel symbols at a busy station in Hong Kong.
A specially designed wedding train brought the newlyweds to Central Station on Hong Kong Island, where they took vows of union.

Another shot of an inventive Asian couple.

Portugal: A Brazilian woman and a Portuguese man held a wedding ceremony on a passenger plane aboard an Airbus - 330 at Carneiro International Airport in the north of Porto.

Jessica Stern and Kenneth Haim marry on 5th Avenue in New York City in the first ever "Wedding in a Box" ceremony.
The event was organized by iVillage, an online site for women. The couple says they live in a shoebox (475 square meters).

Whitby, UK - October 27: Goths Tony and Angela Lighthowler pose for wedding photos after reading their marriage vows at St Mary's Church at Whitby Gothic Weekend.
Tony and Angela of Stockton-on-Tees had been married for two and a half years but they decided to take their vows again at the Whitby Gothic Weekend, dressed in gothic attire.
Whitby was chosen in part because Bram Stoker wrote his famous Dracula in the fishing town with the Gothic Abbey of Whitby as its inspiration.

Beijing, China - Air China brides and grooms kiss during their mass wedding.
About 28 couples, including pilots, flight attendants and other workers, took part in the mass wedding.

Mexican handsome Manuel Uribe, the fattest man in the world in 2007 and a Guinness World Record holder, rides on top of a truck to a wedding in Monterrey, Mexico.
Despite losing 230 kilograms (570 pounds) from 590 kg, Uribe, 43, was lifted by crane from her bed, where she had been limited in movement for years.
to marry the widow of an old friend at a makeshift altar 30 minutes from his home.

Claudia Solis, fiancee of Mexican Manuel Uribe, who was named the fattest man in the world in 2007.

Wales - Professional Elvis Presley impersonator Steve Caprice marries his "bride" Barbara in a wedding scene from the film Blue Hawaii.
The event was attended by many Elvis fans from all over the world.

Denise Navarro and Guadalupe Villagrana kiss after their 99 Cent Wedding Ceremony at the 99 Cent Store in Los Angeles.
A budget supermarket chain has helped nine happy California couples beat the recession by offering cut-price weddings for just 99 cents each.

Emily M. waits in the aisles of the 99 Cent Store for her turn at the wedding ceremony.

Daniel Winchester, a priest, officiated at the wedding of scuba divers Catherine O'Connor and James Oliver on Valentine's Day at the Ocean Reef Aquarium in London.
Winchester held the ceremony from the other side of the glass, using signs to communicate with the couple.

Some newlyweds find a standard wedding ceremony uninteresting and they come up with unusual and extraordinary wedding processions to make this day memorable to them forever. We present the rating of the most unusual weddings peace.

Wedding in the air on biplanes

Justin Bunn and Caroline Hackwood from the UK tied the knot in the air on the roofs of planes. For the ceremony they needed three biplanes - for the bride, groom and priest.

Wedding underwater

Charlene and David Helman hosted an unusual underwater wedding in Las Vegas. The wedding process took place in the aquarium of the Silverstone hotel-casino. Perhaps the words “You may kiss the bride” did not seem very appropriate in this situation.

Wedding on a glacier

Anna Hall and John Bohach from America decided to get married on top of the Mendenhall Glacier in Tongass National Park, Alaska. Despite the cold, the newlyweds felt quite comfortable.

Wedding in sneakers

The leader of the African National Congress, Jacob Zuma, decided to celebrate his wedding according to the old Zulu tradition, adding an element of modernity to it. The bride and groom wore white sneakers for the ceremony.

Sectarian wedding

The founder of the religious sect, Sun Sung Moon from Korea, held a wedding ceremony for 60,000 couples at a Seoul stadium in 1992. Most of those getting married were even strangers to each other - the couples were selected by Moon himself at his personal discretion and blessing.

Married myself

But the Chinese Liu Ye did not bother looking for a bride and married himself.

Wedding in nude style

Ella Barton and Phil Hendicot from Australia are considered the first exhibitionists to marry naked. According to the newlyweds, “a wedding is a new period of life, during which you should not take anything from the past with you, including clothes.”

The bride was wearing only a veil, and the groom covered the painful area with a black top hat. After these brave Australians, the newlyweds from different corners the world began to marry naked.

Wedding strewn with roses

Chinese man Hiao Wong showered his bride with 99,999 red roses on her wedding day! He spent his year's salary on flowers, and gave 20% of their cost to charity. It took 30 cars to deliver the floral miracle to the ceremony site!

Jumper wedding

Jumpers Jerome and Sandra Kippers from Brussels jumped together from a height of 50 meters on their wedding day. The ceremony participants were lifted into the air by a cargo crane on a special platform. All guests were fastened to chairs with seat belts.

Wedding in Antarctica

At the Russian Antarctic Bellingshausen station in 2007, the first wedding ceremony took place between Russian woman Angelina Zhuldybina and Chilean citizen Eduardo Aliaga Ilabaka.

Wedding of freaks

This unusual wedding took place in 2007 in New Orleans (USA). The newlyweds - passionate lovers of piercings and other manipulations with their bodies - decided to capture the act of creating a new family in such an extraordinary way.

Wedding in zero gravity

Americans Noah Fulmore and Erin Finnegan got married in a state of zero gravity on board the Boeing 727 Zero-G, which at that time was soaring in the skies over Florida.

Weightlessness was created in this way: the pilot rose to a height of 7 km, then he tilted the airliner at an angle of 45 degrees and in this position rose another 3 km up. Then the airliner rushed headlong down a parabolic trajectory - due to this, a short-term feeling of weightlessness is created.

Wedding in space

In 2003, the world's first space wedding took place. ISS commander Yuri Malenchenko and Russian-American Ekaterina Dmitrieva tied the knot in such an unusual setting. Despite the fact that the newlyweds were separated by a distance of 380 thousand kilometers! The bride was on Earth, and the groom was on the space station.

The ceremony took place in the format of a teleconference. The groom swore an oath of fidelity to his chosen one, and marriage contract signed by his lawyer. Meanwhile, the bride posed for photographers with a cardboard figure of her husband and gave interviews to journalists.

The press loves to talk about unusual or even stupid events. Weddings are of particular interest. After all, every girl dreams that her wedding will become the most unusual and bright and the whole world will know about it. This is what pushes newlyweds to very unusual weddings. Below we will tell you about the most unusual weddings that have taken place recently.

Chinese Xiao Liu and Xiao Wang got married in Chongqing. Their wedding was surrounded by a huge number of red roses. There were 99,999 noble flowers in the ceremony. To buy such a number of roses, the groom was forced to spend everything he had earned over the previous year. To deliver this number of flowers to the park, 30 vehicles were hired. This number of roses at the wedding was not chosen by chance. The fact is that the number 99999 in Asia is considered very lucky, so the couple believes that it will bring good luck to their marriage.

They say that in the life of any woman there are only two important things - love and shoes. American Lisa Satayut decided to combine these two components of her happiness. She married Drew Ellis in an unusual location. The wedding took place at the T.J.Maxx shoe store in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. The newlyweds pronounced their wedding vows in the discount department. The bride believes this is her happy place. Lisa began visiting T.J. Maxx since the age of seven, her mother brought her there. When a woman died 7 years ago, the girl thought that a wedding in a shoe store would help her get closer to her mother. This is how the young husband spoke about choosing a place for the wedding.

The key to an unusual wedding can be the original outfits of the newlyweds. Chinese beekeepers Li Wenhua and Yan Gongxia decided to reflect the specifics of their profession in their wedding costumes. Each of them wore a costume consisting of ten thousand bees for the wedding. The couple has been dealing with honey insects for over 20 years, so they couldn't hold their wedding without them. The bride and groom decided that the swarm should hum melodiously throughout the ceremony. To do this, the young ones each took a queen bee, this attracted the rest of the swarm and created such unusual wedding dresses.

Americans Michael Curry and April Pignataro decided to have their wedding underwater. The ceremony took place not in an ordinary pool, but in a real aquarium. Menacing sharks swam alongside people, and the action took place in Riverhead, New York. The bride was all in white, as expected. However, instead of a dress, she used a wetsuit. Not only sharks, but also eels and other fish became witnesses and guests at the wedding. The people invited to the ceremony preferred to watch it from behind the glass. At the end of the performance, the bride herself said: “My old dream has come true. After all, we both love adventure and dive constantly.” But the wedding also had its inconveniences. So, April's hair had to be redone several times. After all, not even the most resistant styling can withstand immersion in water. But the makeup remained unchanged, because the bride was immersed in the water wearing a mask.

On September 9, 1999, a real wedding boom took place in Asia. The fact is that they adore everything that includes the number nine. That is why on such a happy day many couples decided to get married. In one of the temples in Kuala Lumpur they simply organized a mass wedding ceremony. At the same time, several hundred people got married at once.

An original wedding may also be preceded by an unusual marriage proposal. Jason Kahle was able to surprise his girlfriend Alisha Decker. On August 21, 2009, he invited her to take a flight on a private jet. As the couple flew through an agricultural farm, he showed her a field where five-metre plastic letters read “Alisha, will you marry me?” The girl, touched by this act, immediately accepted the offer.

That same year, Noah Fulmore and Erin Finnegan celebrated their wedding far from Earth, in zero gravity. The newlyweds rose several kilometers above the Gulf of Mexico. They even had to kiss upside down. After all, it is quite difficult to take a normal position in an unusual state of weightlessness. This unusual event was organized for the newlyweds by the Zero-G company. Its name stands for zero-gravity, or “weightlessness.” A company spokeswoman said that the event went off without any problems. At first, the whole action was rehearsed on Earth. As a result, the couple assumed that they were waiting in zero gravity, and besides, they had trained company personnel next to them. If there were any problems with the wedding, they would immediately come to the rescue. A specially equipped Boeing 727 was used for the ceremony. He flew in a parabolic arc, creating a feeling of weightlessness inside. This is the same situation where everything was literally turned upside down, but, fortunately, no one got seasick. The news about the unusual wedding made several hundred more want to repeat the same event. The company generally provides a whole range of various services, and its prices range from 18 to 168 thousand dollars.

There is a “Chapel of Love” in one of the Minnesota supermarkets. When she celebrated her 15th birthday, the ministers promised to marry for free those 15 couples who agreed to make their ceremony even more unusual. The wedding was supposed to take place on a roller coaster located right in the complex. On April 15, 2009, 15 newlyweds exchanged not only solemn vows, but also their first joint cries. To keep their dresses from fluttering on the track, brides had to remove their veils and tuck in their voluminous dresses.

NASCAR driver Kyle Busch once offered his services as best man to a young couple, Damon and Heather Landry. On February 27, 2009, the racer-best man drove the newlyweds to Las Vegas, gave them rings at the altar and was one of the first to wish them happy family life. Immediately after this, Busch headed to auto racing, where he scored his first victory that season.

Valentine's Day is a great time to get married. It was on this day that the Thai man Kunanan Jantri took his bride and jumped off a cliff with her. However, the tragedy did not happen, because Jantri had a safety rope. The fact is that in Thailand, jumping from a cliff on February 14 is considered a good tradition.

Another couple chose the same day for their wedding, but for different reasons. 72-year-old Mosel Wales married 66-year-old Gina Kincheloe. Surprisingly, they got married in a funeral home in Twin Falls, Idaho. And such an unusual place was not chosen by chance. A year before, the future spouses met, finding themselves in the same group psychological assistance. They were in therapy together after their longtime spouses died.

A German couple, Anita Bolick and Klaus Grünenberg, gave their guests an icy welcome at their wedding. And the point is not at all in the disgusting character of the spouses. In January 2009, they got married in a chapel that was made entirely of ice. This happened in the Austrian ski resort of Kitzbühel. The original chapel was built by the future husband himself. It took him four days to do everything. But he promised that other couples could hold similar ceremonies in this place. However, those wishing to get married in an icy environment should understand that in the spring it will simply melt.

It turns out that weddings can be a very humane event. This is exactly what happened on December 8, 2008. Then 14 prisoners were immediately released from one Manila prison. True, they were allowed to spend only one day outside the prison walls. This amount of time should have been enough for them to be able to marry their beloved ones. As a result, the prisoners were able to get married in time, wearing civilian suits, rather than the already familiar prison robes. But this pleasure did not last long.

People often marry according to their beliefs. Thus, the Czech polar explorer Vaclav Sura could not convince his beloved Martina Koluchova to fly with him to the cold pole. But the girl agreed to visit the freezer. The wedding took place in Prague on July 21, 2007, but the temperature around was -30 degrees. This is exactly how an industrial refrigerator freezes. The groom was no stranger to this, because two years before he had already visited the North Pole. But one can only guess about the bride’s feelings.

The 2007 Boston Marathon was marked by a curious event. Aaron Russell and Pattianne McAdams got married right during it. True, the couple had to pause to calmly say about their consent to marry. The lovers tried to dress as smartly as possible in such a situation. The groom was wearing a tuxedo, although it was only painted on his T-shirt. And Pattyanne was running in a white tracksuit.

An unknown couple from the Chinese city of Hangzhou decided to hold their wedding on a bus. At the same time, it was decided to take place on the second floor of this vehicle. Having climbed there, the newlyweds immediately went on their honeymoon. They enjoyed the city views that opened up to them from above the bus.

In Buena Park, California, on February 12, 1999, 13 couples got married in a roller coaster ride. After the end of the engagement ceremony, the newlyweds experienced ups and downs together, thus preparing for their future life together.

People often get married near monuments; it is not unusual for weddings to take place near statues of Christ. But Bob Woodbury and Emily Johnson decided to hold their wedding near the underwater figure of God. Lake Key Largo in the Florida Keys has just that. On August 22, 1998, lovers on the shore swore vows of fidelity to each other, after which they dived towards the statue.

Berlin residents Evelyn Niu and Christoph Galuszka celebrated their wedding kiss high above the Earth, in a gondola hot air balloon. This happened on July 22, 1998. True, the event turned out to be unofficial - the authorities did not give permission for the wedding in this form. Therefore, the real wedding with traditional attributes was held later.

On October 22, 1995, during halftime of an American football game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Atlanta Falcons, a unique event took place. 200 pairs of young people legalized their relationships, and this happened right on the football field. At the same time, the newlyweds wore whatever they wanted for the wedding. There were those who came to the gala event in traditional costumes, and there were also those who chose jeans. There were even newlyweds who showed up wearing sombreros. This event went down in history as the largest wedding in the history of the National Football League.