Congratulations on the day of prosecutors in verse - January - calendar holidays - congratulations - wishes in verse, postcards, animations. Congratulations on the day of the prosecutor's office in prose Congratulations on the day of the prosecutor's office to a girl

Congratulations on your

Prosecutor's office workers!


you have tasks ahead of you.

Dear Colleagues!

Cool congratulations on Prosecutor's Day 2019 in verse

Cool congratulations
Happy Prosecutor's Day 2019 in verse

Why is the prosecutor's office needed?
To maintain order.
Here the law is a dictatorship
There is no use in giving bribes.

The employees here are serious
The powers are limitless.
They just cast their menacing glance
And the official is miserable

Instantly it precipitates,
He knows - the stigma is in the cannon.
Citizens know about this
They come here with a complaint.

Protect from arbitrariness
Maybe a wise prosecutor
He'll go to jail soon
Corrupt and thief.

Today we congratulate
This important structure
Let the rule of law be protected
Lawyers from the prosecutor's office.

All the prosecutors are lawyers
And advisers to justice,
Professionals serve
So that there are no more thieves in the country.
All laws will be in force
Until Russia
There are prosecutors
Justice triumphs.
We have this service today
Let us congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
All their class ranks
Before the holiday they are equal.
Despite the shoulder straps
Everyone today is a prosecutor
Congratulations to everyone today
We wish them easy service.

Almost 300 years ago
Peter the Great - Emperor
Chose the first prosecutors
The reformer instructed them
"Destroy or weaken
Lawlessness and bribes"
And the prosecutors grabbed hold
The embezzlers have a stranglehold on them.
Since then the prosecutor's office
The law is zealously protected.
This important structure
Protects our citizens.
This department today
We are very happy to congratulate
And for your noble work
We wish you as a reward
Respect to the Prime Minister,
Presidential Commendation
From the Russian people
On your holiday, applause.

People have known for a long time
What to achieve the truth
The prosecutor will help them -
Hope of honest citizens.

We wish you - the arbiter of destinies
Solve everything according to the law
And no matter how difficult the choice is,
Be a support for people.

May good luck accompany you,
You are the best prosecutor.
Let them cry out of helplessness
Villain, bandit and thief.

Peter's unshakable creation
For almost 300 years
The prosecutor's office without a doubt
For citizens, everyone has authority.

Count Yaguzhinsky at the Origins
Started the prosecutor's office
He was Peter's inquisitive eye
And he imprisoned all the bribe takers.

Since then law and order
The prosecutor's office protects
Murderer, thief and embezzler
Avoids this place.

But this service is not accidental
All violations are revealed.
What was secret will become clear,
The law will punish you severely.

Here honest citizens will be helped
Achieve justice for everyone
Let the bribe taker moan in the zone.
The killer will appear in court.

Today we are the prosecutor's office
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Let this important structure
The rule of law always protects!

We are not afraid of arrogant officials,
We will quickly put them in place,
When these thieves are impudent
The prosecutor will receive a summons.

Will protect an honest citizen
From bureaucratic lawlessness
The state is a big machine,
Prosecutors will take up the case.

Congratulations to everyone who today
Celebrates the day of the prosecutor's office,
You are the hope and conscience of the people
Let your affairs be in good order!

On this day we all gathered
Here for festive table
Prosecutors are people too
We'll pour some champagne

It will be bright and cheerful
Professional holiday
There will be a noisy feast
I'm tired of the emergency mode.

Let's raise a toast to success
Our valiant structure,
As it should be noted
Together the day of the prosecutor's office.

Today is Prosecutor's Day
I wish you friends
Legal culture
It was developed in the country.

So that corruption and thieves
Left only in history
Legal disputes
We decided to go to the sanatorium.

Good for the prosecutor's office
Life can be enjoyed.
How would you like it with such a culture?
You won't be left without work.

R employees of the prosecutor's office
We send greetings from the bottom of our hearts,
And we wish you to be
Extremely good!
So that all the wives and children
You were loved very much
All colleagues at work
Respected and appreciated!
So that there are fewer ships,
And crime is zero
Please accept congratulations,
And live in warmth!

WITH Happy Prosecutor's Day! It's not that scary
For someone who honestly lived yesterday.
The prosecutor only scares those people
Who is not friends with the Codes due to their stupidity.
I wish you peace and goodness,
Life is an interesting thing - like a game.
And in the game every right move is so important,
Let your path be straight, and always forward! WITH Honorary Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker
Please accept my congratulations today.
Working all mandatory procedures
Just let them improve your skills.
I wish you successful and productive work,
I wish you never experience failure,
I wish that all your worries are only pleasant
Life was filled with good returns from business. N You have chosen an easy fate,
But you are still faithful to this choice, -
Are you fighting crime?
And your goal is to serve the law,
Here your authority is undeniable,
In your work you do not tolerate hackwork,
We sincerely thank you on this holiday
All those who have connected their lives with the prosecutor's office! IN glorious holiday, prosecutor's day,
Please accept my congratulations.
And wishes for happiness and career,
And may your dreams come true.
So that work brings joy,
To let me live and rest.
Despite all the seriousness of working as a prosecutor
Don't forget about earthly joys! P do your deeds according to the law,
Justice and wisdom itself
Helps you make the right decision,
Honesty is your good aspiration!
Happy Prosecutor's Day
Congratulations! Let your figures
Will always be significant in court,
Otherwise, there will be bitter misfortune!
You bring good to ordinary people,
Protect them, take care of them!
And for this there are many rewards,
After all, the one who is guilty is punished! P We congratulate you on Prosecutor's Day
On patrol of standing soldiers:
Protect us from terror,
Restore the name of the fathers!
The thugs are afraid of you,
The killer is an accurate and nimble plucker,
And a businessman of shadow capital
In front of you he breaks down into tears.
You do tons and mountains of things,
Your routes are Kamchatka and Rome...
Because, gentlemen, prosecutors,
We thank you all! D We all celebrate the day of the Prosecutor,
This is your day, Mr. Prosecutor!
On this solemn holiday we wish you
Have strength, and let your heart be a motor!
We know you do business fairly,
You are always at peace with the norms of life,
May your destiny be happy!
We wish there were more people like this in our ranks! IN all citizens of Russian law,
Their legitimate interests
These are not empty words for you,
You protect them honestly
And the citizens of our country,
Both authorities and business structures
We must say thank you
Prosecutor's office employees
For fighting crime
You always step in boldly
Because, risking yourself,
You remain dedicated to your work;
We wish you all from the bottom of our hearts
Health, goodness and good luck,
And also great success
Solving a difficult problem! IN s of the entire prosecutor's office decoration:
You work all the time like a bee;
All your achievements are tangible,
All your works are amazing!
Open, broad nature,
Which has no equal in the whole world,
I would like to congratulate you on Prosecutor's Day
And wish you achievements and victories! P Ora came to congratulate
Law powerful figures:
We hasten today to glorify
Prosecutor's office workers!
Truly, your work is honest,
He is so great and selfless.
You honor a fair trial
The Law of Undoubted Truths.
And we sincerely wish you
More strength in hard work.
So that always on all matters
The work was fruitful!
Thank you for being
Honor the letter of the law sacredly,
Without listening to people's rumors,
Loyal soldiers! IN The prosecutor's office is struggling
Thanks to good people like you!
You are ready to take on important concerns!
And we will congratulate you today
Happy Prosecutor's Office Employee's Day sincerely,
We wish all your wishes come true!
Do not forget about the common truths,
And believe in happiness, joy and luck! D Day of the Prosecutor's Office - a holiday of fighters
For justice, for the integrity of the courts.
On this day we congratulate you all
And we wish you success and blessings!
We wish you happiness, patience and strength
And so that the commander gives a promotion,
Be happy and be honest
We congratulate you with all our hearts! IN no matter what field people work in -
Industry, politics, culture, –
The rule of law will be respected everywhere,
The prosecutor's office will monitor this.
We cordially congratulate you on the holiday,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you success and, of course,
Confidence, courage and strength! X although laws are written in Moscow
And they often hit us over the head,
Until we recognized the thief as right,
We would like to congratulate the prosecutor. T s in formal uniform
Handsome, strong, stately, slender
Sometimes the last hope
To make life calm
Under the domineering under your supervision
There is order, there will be order!
I congratulate the prosecutor
After all, prosecutors are the same people!
IN you are not a Roman procurator,
The one who is quick to kill
Fair, impartial
Our Russian prosecutor!
Great power has been given to you,
There is a burden of responsibility,
We wish you peace and goodness,
We salute you on this holiday! WITH Prosecutor's Day
Let me sincerely congratulate you.
Prosecutors are important figures
Experience, a tenacious mind and a faithful eye
They are helped to recognize immediately,
Who is guilty of what or innocent.
And may work always be a joy,
This is happiness - this is how our world works!

Prosecutor's Day

Day of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation - January 12

January 12 is the officially established date for celebrating the day
Prosecutor's Office (by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on December 29, 1995). In Ukraine
Prosecutor's Day is celebrated on December 1.
The main thing in work
the prosecutor's office is its human rights function, that is, supervision of
respect for human and civil rights and freedoms, protection of legal
interests of the state.
The prosecutor's office has always had a special place.
Prosecutors must be independent and incorruptible, which is why
The supervisory functions of the prosecutor's office are independent of local structures.

Tsar Peter expressed the essence of the tasks facing prosecutors extremely
it is clear: “This rank is like our eye and attorney on state affairs.”
The prosecutor's office today is the guarantor of order and compliance with laws in the Russian Federation.
state. It is designed to protect citizens from unscrupulous
compatriots, as well as from the state itself, which, in general,
It's not always fair.
The prosecutor's office has always defended
interests of the individual, participated in the coordination of activities
law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime.
The Russian prosecutor's office directs prosecutors towards harsh use
authorities in cases where legal rights are violated
citizens, the interests of the state are infringed when those vested
officials abuse their powers.

The prosecutor's office is perhaps the only state body where
a person can address any of his troubles and problems.
Happy holiday to you, employees of the Prosecutor's Office!

Adherents of legal culture,
Whose mind is keen and keen eye -
Prosecutor's office workers!
I now congratulate you!
May your life be happy!
Let there be fewer obstacles for you!
May the world be fair to you,
And the law always rules!

IN Russian Federation
There are many holidays friends
But past this date we
There is absolutely no way to get through.
On the twelfth day of January
I want to congratulate my colleagues
For us, work is everything!
And our passion and our overnight stay.
Our work is not visible
At first glance and at second glance
We were able to achieve this
Always working with soul.
And on the day of the prosecutor's office we
I want to sincerely wish
So that we can with our labor
Always help people.

Vivat to the employees of the prosecutor's office!
Praise and honor to the supervisory authorities!
Is someone looking gloomy from behind bars?
It's his own fault - he'll have to sit down:
After all, dura lex sed lex! And this means
That justice is beyond words.
I wish you health, kindness, love, good luck
And great ranks to you in every sense!

You are upholding the law
Absolutely any day and hour!
At dawn and sleepless night
You enter into battle with lawlessness!
Happy Prosecutor's Day!
Let the problems melt away into the distance!!
Prosperity to your structure,
To you - health, wealth, love!

Legality in the foundation of the country
We are provided with our prosecutor's office,
Monitored and henceforth proactive
Crime malignant cracks.
Your entire service should be wished
Fewer murderous and complex cases,
So that Mother Russia appreciates you
Both on bright holidays and in anxious everyday life!

Under Emperor Peter
The decree was issued in January.
To comply with the law of the country
The prosecutor's post was introduced
For the interests of all citizens
For prosperity and success
Our prosecutor is fighting.
We wish him to take the goal!

For many years, without missing this date,
We will congratulate worthy people,
After all, they are the ones put into service,
To protect the rule of law in the country.
Procurator workers serve honestly -
Peter founded the institute.
So let us begin to honor together everywhere,
Their difficult, worthy, necessary work!

Me on Prosecutor's Office Worker's Day
I wish you great achievements!
May there be no gloomy days in your life!
Successful career advancement to you!
May everything be good in your home!
I wish your family health and warmth!
May luck never forget you!
But only good friends You are surrounded!

Congratulations to the prosecutors!
We wish you happiness!
So that there is no discord,
You pour one hundred grams!
We will raise it together for you
Let's toast and drink to our hearts!
Let everything be what you need
What is not needed - do not rush!
We wish you inspiration,
Live with a smile, don’t grieve,
Be firm, put doubts aside!
And value your work!

Prosecutor's Day

Congratulations on Prosecutor's Day in prose

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office!
Congratulations on your
professional holiday, you have been working for almost three centuries,
aiming to destroy evil, bribery and lawlessness! You
protect the rights of our citizens - children, pensioners, disabled people, everyone,
who needs your legal and undeniable protection! You
fight crime, stop crime, serve
to the state and its citizens! Thanks for your hard work! Mira,
kindness and justice in work and in life!

We sincerely congratulate all employees of the Prosecutor's Office on the holiday!
You provide honest, fair and principled oversight and
protect Russia from unscrupulous, dishonest, violating
the law of citizens, as well as Russians themselves, from the injustice of the state,
which also happens sometimes. You serve the Law by sacredly guarding and
protecting him. We wish all prosecutors serving the law,
good health for many years, prosperity and strength that
will allow us to fearlessly, patiently and successfully defend the interests of
citizens, society and state!

Congratulations to the veterans of the Russian Prosecutor's Office on their professional holiday!
More than one generation has grown up on your experience and knowledge.
prosecutors. You impart to them the priceless principles of dignity, honesty,
legitimate work for the benefit Russian citizens and the state as a whole!
Accept the most warm regards to your address!

Prosecutor's office workers!
You stand up for the law, honestly and
Serve your country selflessly! Thanks to your efforts, it was stopped
many violations of laws in the economic and social spheres. We
We express our deep gratitude to you for our confidence in
tomorrow, for ensuring constitutional legality. Accept
Heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of your professional holiday!
Patience, success and wisdom in the difficult struggle for the truth!

We cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation!
You perform your official duty responsibly and professionally,
solve the assigned tasks with dignity, stand guard over the Law and
law and order, ensure stability and reliable protection of interests
society and state. We wish you good health and success in your
difficult task, prosperity in noble service to the Fatherland!

Dear colleagues and all employees of the prosecutor's office!
civil courage, courage and determination in defending the law, yours
undeniable professionalism allows us to quickly solve problems
you have tasks ahead of you.
You always follow the spirit and letter of the Law,
responsibly protect state interests and carefully store
traditions of the older generation of prosecutors. It is very important
to form a new generation of prosecutors in Russia!
We wish you prosperity in your work, happiness and good health!

Dear Colleagues!
Today we celebrate Prosecutor's Day.
For almost three hundred years, the prosecutor's office has been protecting law and order and the rule of law!
Our work with you is sometimes not visible, but it is hard, painstaking work,
aimed at protecting the rights of citizens and the good of the Fatherland. I want from everything
I wish my heartfelt wishes to all employees of the prosecutor's office, colleagues, as well as
To respected veterans of the prosecutor's office, good health, a quiet life,
happiness to you and your families, professional success and personal
good luck! Thank you for your work!

Congratulations on the day of prosecutors in verse

The prosecutor's office is a symbol of honor,

Intelligence, and valor, and strength!

Let's congratulate the employees together,

Let their work be nice!

In the laws you are a complete pro,

You honor them and keep them!

You know so much

Answer everything you don't ask!

We wish you good luck!

Love that knows no obstacles!

And may it always be in your pockets,

Wealth is pouring in!

Poems for Prosecutor's Day

The resounding word is the prosecutor's office!

There was strength and power in it!

And there is no irony or pun in it,

Let the sorrows disappear immediately!

We wish our employees happiness,

Legal and honest decisions!

Let grief and bad weather disappear,

There will be no problems or hardships!

Health is endless,

And more money to boot!

And may the road be smooth,

And the happiness will last – longer!

What terrifies everyone?!

What is absolutely frightening?!

He does not tolerate disorder!

Who respects the laws?!

Who will support justice?!

The prosecutor knows so much

Justice is a word of honor!

We wish the prosecutors

And to their faithful helpers!

Lots of endurance and patience

After all, the criminal is a hypocrite!

May good luck and support

Will always help you,

And then the prosecutor's office

Happy holiday to employees of the prosecutor's office

On this day I hasten to congratulate you in verse:

I wish you Solomon's wisdom,

After all, the fate of a person is given to you to decide.

Let the cool person have fewer obstacles in his work,

May your bosses give you more awards,

And don’t let the prosecutor stand in the way.

And universal things: money, health, goodness,

So that hangovers and blues do not torment you,

So that the tail is a pipe and the gait is cheerful...

Happy Prosecutor's Office Day to you - hurray!

Congratulations on Prosecutor's Day!

And I wish you sun and warmth,

Let the bills rustle in your wallet,

Things aren't going to be easy.

Let your mind remain cold

So that the conscience is calm,

And I’ll say another phrase:

Let your life be fun.

Wishes in verses

Prosecutor, today is your holiday,

Please accept our congratulations.

You are a strong, global worker,

You are an example of a legal victory.

May life be generous to you,

Easily overcome obstacles

Let the thought be wise and quick,

And let your salaries grow.

May health always be in full swing,

Let the family stand as a reliable rear,

Let the bad weather be nothing

And may everything be within your power.

All employees of the prosecutor's office We solemnly congratulate the Russian Federation on their professional holiday. Almost 300 years ago, on January 12, 1722, Tsar Emperor Peter the First appointed you “his eye” and instructed you to “weaken or destroy the evil arising from disorder in business, injustice, bribery and lawlessness.” Thus, to this day, you remain the “eye of Peter.” This is a stern and uncompromising service to the state, so we wish you endurance, patience and strength in your difficult work. Try to always remain objective, fair, wise and humane. And today you have every right relax and brightly celebrate the day of the Prosecutor's Office employee.

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Prosecutor's Office workers' day! You work in a government agency that oversees almost the entire country. Officials, businessmen, and even police officers are afraid of the prosecutor's office. But for ordinary citizens, in some situations, the prosecutor's office is the only place where they can turn for help and protection from arbitrariness. You have chosen a very difficult type of activity for yourself, but you do your job with dignity. God bless you from ill-wishers, evil intentions and mistakes. Thank you for your honesty, integrity and dedication. After all, it’s no secret that law enforcement activity is associated with risk. When people break the law, and prosecutors identify violations of the law, offenders sometimes go to great lengths to avoid responsibility. Therefore, today I would like to wish you that our state always guarantees you and your families complete security and unhindered work in the fight against evil. Happy holiday!


Justice and Honesty - always were distinctive features your character. That's why you chose the right profession. Only prosecutors like you are able to fight corruption, bribery, and dishonest officials, who in our country are an even worse problem than fools and expensive people. But let's not talk about sad things. Congratulations on your professional holiday - Prosecutor's Day. First of all, I wish you new stars for your blue shoulder straps. After all, the higher position you occupy, the more benefit you will bring to our long-suffering state. I wish you personal happiness, family warmth, good luck and love! Let your leisure time be varied and interesting, so that you are always charged with the energy of positive emotions and vivid impressions. Happy holiday!

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office. Today, on your professional holiday, the citizens of our country are passing a harsh sentence on you. You are sentenced to lifelong happiness, inexhaustible health and unconditional respect of the entire population of the country. On January 12 of this year and all subsequent years, you are temporarily removed from your duties in order to brightly and noisily celebrate the Day of the Prosecutor's Office and accept congratulations. The verdict comes into force from the moment it is read and is not subject to appeal!


D my darling , I sincerely congratulate you on Prosecutor's Day ! You chose your path in your youth, and you were not mistaken. It’s so nice when a person does what he loves - and you are one of those lucky ones! I wish you success in your work, so that every day is filled with joy and happiness. Let everything you undertake be easy and in the best possible way. And, of course, I wish you love, health and good mood- both on holidays and on weekdays! I wish you that all your dreams come true, that love and mutual understanding reign in your family, that your superiors value you, and that you are always satisfied with your destiny!


Friend, today is your personal, professional holiday. You have chosen for yourself a difficult service in the field of law, you have decided to work in prosecutor's office . You know very well that you have many friends, but also many ill-wishers. So, today I want to wish that those who do not wish you well will simply disappear from your life. Let them surround you good people and true friends!

Darling, today is your holiday - Prosecutor's Day ! I want to congratulate you and sincerely wish you great happiness, success, health, victories in your field! May luck never turn away from you, and may luck be your faithful companion! I want to wish you goodness and joy, happiness and pleasure, so that there are no worries and unnecessary worries in life

WITH Today is a holiday of courage, honesty and justice, and courage. May God grant you all good luck, good health, perseverance, understanding at work and love in the family. I wish that your families never feel the bitterness of loss. Stay safe and healthy.

P The office is the main bastion of order and justice. She monitors all problematic cases, eliminates negativity and punishes the guilty. Therefore, its representatives are associated with the embodiment of justice. By following the letter of the law, you protect the state from lawlessness and ruin. You control all types of activities, put things in order in all areas of life. I wish you goodness, honesty and dedication on this day. Work as your conscience dictates. Stop injustice, support the innocent, protect the defenseless from dangerous attacks. I wish you personal happiness, family warmth, good luck and joy! Let your life be bright and non-routine. Let the sun smile warmly on you. Let your loved ones live an easy and peaceful life! Happy holiday!

P accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - Prosecutor's Day! Your service may not be visible to each of us, but we are all grateful for it. Your hard, responsible work makes the world cleaner and kinder. Thanks to you, our children play calmly in the yard, and we leave the house with a smile. May all your efforts be generously rewarded with respect, honor and decent pay. I wish you good health, good mood, true love and strong friendship! May your every day be accompanied by pleasant events and may your whole life be filled with light. Happy holiday, Happy Prosecutor's Day!

M I'm beautiful, smart, feminine girlfriend, you chose not a woman’s business, - you became employee of the prosecutor's office ! But you also proved that you can handle any job. Let your professionalism continue to help you cope with the most difficult tasks, let any business succeed. And, as a woman, I wish you the most important thing - true mutual love and prosperity!

U Dear employees and employees of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation! Congratulations on your professional holiday! The Russian prosecutor's office is a reliable support for our statehood. Competence, deep decency, loyalty to duty - these are the qualities that are inherent in you. You stand for the protection of law and order and the rule of law. We wish you a cheerful spirit and consistency in your affairs. Preserve and enhance the glorious traditions of your predecessors. Let your work be characterized by clear organization and a desire to protect the interests of the citizens of our country. I wish you health, personal well-being, success in all your endeavors. Happy holiday, Happy Prosecutor's Day!

Dear colleagues and all employees of the prosecutor's office!
Your civic courage, courage and determination in defending the law, your undeniable professionalism allow you to quickly solve the tasks assigned to you.
You always follow the spirit and letter of the Law, responsibly protect state interests and carefully preserve the traditions of the older generation of prosecutors. This is very important for the formation of a new generation of prosecutors in Russia!
We wish you prosperity in your work, happiness and good health!

P I congratulate you on Prosecutor's Day! This holiday is a sincere tribute of state and society to those who devoted themselves to protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens and ensuring the interests of the state. Preserving law and order is one of the most honorable and responsible tasks, and you honorably cope with all the difficulties that abound in your work. Let there be as many bright moments as possible, like at least this wonderful holiday! I wish you good health, success and happiness!


Prosecutor's Day - this is your holiday, dad, and it is a great honor for me to congratulate you, because over the years of service you have established yourself as an excellent prosecutor, whom everyone respects, whose opinion is taken into account and who is trusted! I sincerely want to wish you prosperity and joy, great luck, successful interaction with colleagues and many good moments!

P I congratulate you on Prosecutor’s Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you all the best! May you finally be able to relax on your professional holiday, forgetting about the weight of work difficulties and worries. Let your most cherished desires begin to come true, and let all the good moments bring positivity! I also wish you the best and the ability to get along with your loved ones! In addition, let your work bring you pleasure, because you are a true professional in your field! In your honor, we will raise our glasses today and honor those who deserve the highest honors and people's love! Let problems and misfortunes not affect you, we wish you victory in any matter!

P Sometimes you have to make very difficult decisions, I know, even though being an employee of the prosecutor’s office is very dangerous and difficult, but who, if not you, is capable of defending the honor of the country and punishing violators according to their deserts? I congratulate you on your professional holiday, Prosecutor’s Day, and I want to wish you to always conduct business in collaboration with the goddess Themis, who is your patroness, as well as her sister the goddess Fortuna, who will help you find the smallest clues so that everything is fair. In addition to successful work, I would also like to wish you have a nice rest, which will charge you with new strength for new achievements. Please accept my congratulations.

U Dear employee of the prosecutor's office! From pure heart I congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish that no obstacles are placed in your work, that you do not experience problems and disappointments, that you are able to cope with difficulties and that you never get upset over trifles. Let all your wishes come true easily, and let no problems ever stop you from doing your job!

Dear Colleagues!
Today we celebrate Prosecutor's Day.
For almost three hundred years, the prosecutor's office has been protecting law and order and the rule of law!
Our work with you is sometimes not visible, but it is hard, painstaking work aimed at protecting the rights of citizens and the good of the Fatherland. I would like to sincerely wish all employees of the prosecutor's office, colleagues, as well as respected veterans of the prosecutor's office good health, a quiet life, happiness to you and your families, professional success and personal well-being! Thank you for your work!


P I congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office, and today I want to wish you all the best. What is important in your work? Be proactive, disciplined, efficient and stress-resistant! May all these qualities be fully inherent in you. And in life I wish you good health, the ability to enjoy every day, love and take care of your family, relatives and loved ones!

Mister Prosecutor , I hasten to congratulate you on your professional holiday, on Prosecutor’s Day. It was not by chance that you chose the profession of a prosecutor, because you cannot imagine life without justice and without peace. On this most important day, I want to wish you a tripling of perseverance, strength and courage! Your decisions are always fair and honest, so may Success itself always and everywhere accompany you, may Luck reign and protect great Health! Without your work, the trial would be imperfect and, perhaps, impossible. Wish you interesting days, and in my personal life, happiness and, of course, great and endless love. Let prosperity, warmth and great joy that never ends reign in your home!

WITH Today is your professional holiday - Prosecutor's Day! Over the years of service, you have established yourself as a specialist who is valued, respected, and whose opinion everyone listens to! You have chosen a very difficult type of activity for yourself, but you fulfill the responsibilities assigned to you with dignity, demonstrating deep professional knowledge every day. By defending the rule of law, you amazingly combine fundamental justice, honesty and mercy. Thank you for your painstaking, conscientious work! I sincerely wish you not to experience disappointments either at work or in your personal life and never be upset over trifles! I wish you good health, mutual love and success in all your endeavors!

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office!
Congratulations on your professional holiday, you have been working for almost three centuries with the goal of eliminating evil, bribery and lawlessness! You protect the rights of our citizens - children, pensioners, disabled people, everyone who needs your legal and indisputable protection! You fight crime, stop crime, serve the state and its citizens! Thanks for your hard work! Peace, kindness and justice in work and in life! ©

We sincerely congratulate all employees of the Prosecutor's Office on the holiday!
You provide honest, fair and principled oversight and protect Russia from unscrupulous, dishonest, law-breaking citizens, as well as Russians themselves from the injustice of the state, which also sometimes happens. You serve the Law, sacredly guarding and protecting it. We wish all employees of the prosecutor's office who serve the law good health for many years, prosperity and strength that will allow them to fearlessly, patiently and successfully protect the interests of citizens, society and the state in the future! ©

Congratulations to the veterans of the Russian Prosecutor's Office on their professional holiday!
More than one generation of prosecutors has grown up on your experience and knowledge. You are betraying to them the invaluable principles of decent, honest, legal work for the benefit of Russian citizens and the state as a whole! Please accept my warmest wishes! ©

Prosecutor's office workers!
You stand guard over the law, serve the country honestly and selflessly! Thanks to your efforts, many violations of laws in the economic and social spheres were stopped. We express our deep gratitude to you for our confidence in the future and for ensuring constitutional legality. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of your professional holiday! Patience, success and wisdom in the difficult struggle for the truth! ©

We cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation!
You fulfill your official duty responsibly and professionally, solve assigned tasks with dignity, stand guard over the Law and order, ensure stability and reliable protection of the interests of society and the state. We wish you good health, success in your difficult work, prosperity in noble service to the Fatherland! ©

Dear colleagues and all employees of the prosecutor's office!
Your civic courage, courage and determination in defending the law, your undeniable professionalism allow you to quickly solve the tasks assigned to you.
You always follow the spirit and letter of the Law, responsibly protect state interests and carefully preserve the traditions of the older generation of prosecutors. This is very important for the formation of a new generation of prosecutors in Russia!
We wish you prosperity in your work, happiness and good health! ©

Dear Colleagues!
Today we celebrate Prosecutor's Day.
For almost three hundred years, the prosecutor's office has been protecting law and order and the rule of law!
Our work with you is sometimes not visible, but it is hard, painstaking work aimed at protecting the rights of citizens and the good of the Fatherland. I would like to sincerely wish all employees of the prosecutor's office, colleagues, as well as respected veterans of the prosecutor's office good health, a quiet life, happiness to you and your families, professional success and personal well-being! Thank you for your work! ©

People turn to the prosecutor's office quite often, because at every step they have to deal with deception or infringement of rights. And it is the employees of this body who help protect the rights of people and the legitimate interests of the state. On January 12, employees of the Prosecutor's Office celebrate their professional holiday. Employees of the Prosecutor's Office congratulate their colleagues, and in turn receive Greeting Cards from management and employees of other departments. Those who want to thank the employees of the Prosecutor's Office for their work will find it useful official congratulations Happy Prosecutor's Day in prose.

Congratulations to the employees of the Prosecutor's Office on their professional holiday! We would like to thank you for your difficult service, for the fact that your work helps to overcome evil, deception and lawlessness! We would like to say a big thank you for defending our rights. honest people. We wish you success in your work, as well as more bright and kind moments in life!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish all employees of the Prosecutor's Office patience and strength to fight injustice and deception.

We hasten to congratulate you on Prosecutor's Day! Your work allows you to maintain order in the country and raise a new honest generation that knows the laws. We wish you to maintain your enthusiasm in your work and always achieve your goals!

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office, congratulations on a significant day for you! Thank you for selflessly serving the law and the state! Thanks to you, citizens can be sure that their rights will not be infringed. We wish you to find a way out of any situation and success in your work!

Happy holiday, dear and respected colleagues. Your qualities help us quickly find solutions to complex issues and always seek the truth. I wish you never to lose courage, always show determination and preserve the traditions that we have. Be happy and healthy!

Congratulations to the employees of the Prosecutor's Office on the holiday! Thanks to your work, for almost a century we have been living in a country where people’s rights are respected and laws are respected. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the veterans of the Prosecutor's Office. Thank you for doing so much for us! We wish our young employees success in their work and understanding managers!

Almost a hundred years ago, an irreplaceable body appeared in our country, thanks to which you can be sure that justice will always prevail. It is the laws and rights of citizens that allow us to maintain order and avoid many problems and chaos. And on this day I would like to express my gratitude to those who protect the rights of citizens and serve the law. Dear employees of the Prosecutor's Office, we wish you success in your work, happiness and prosperity.

Dear employees of the Prosecutor's Office, happy holiday! I would like to express my deep gratitude for your work! If it were not for you, lawlessness would reign in the country, and violators would go unpunished. We would like to wish you strength, success and that you will always be protected by the goddess Themis! Let only victories await you ahead!

Congratulations on Prosecutor's Day! We wish you to forget about work at least for one day, relax and spend time with your closest people who, thanks to your work, can live in peace, knowing that those who break the law will always be punished. May your cherished wishes come true. We wish you to achieve your goals, and that your work will be rewarded not only financially, but also with honor.

Congratulations on this wonderful holiday, which is a great occasion in order to thank you once again for choosing this difficult profession. Let your work have as few difficulties as possible, more positive points and victories! Happy Prosecutor's Office Day! Official congratulations on Prosecutor's Office Day in prose can not only be written on postcards, but also pronounced at ceremonial events that are usually held on this day to reward distinguished employees.

You are the support of the state,
Restrained, intelligent.
We can rely on you
You are competent at your work.

Happy service holiday
We want to congratulate you.
You are experienced workers.
We believe in you, we honor you.

And in protecting interests
You are in charge of your supervision.
Very proud and dignified
The position sounds like “prosecutor”!

Prosecutor's office employees
Today they celebrate their day!
Themis strict sculpture
Let the shadow of lawlessness drive away!

We sincerely congratulate you,
We respect, appreciate, honor you,
We wish you success in your work,
After all, your work is so necessary!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the Day of Workers of the Prosecutor's Office! We would like to wish you success in your career, career ups and business achievements. Well-being and prosperity, prosperity in business. Success in all your endeavors. May luck accompany you in everything. Health, all the best and ordinary everyday happiness to you and your loved ones!

I wish things to happen
Everyone was in a great mood
To those who work hard
At the prosecutor's office.

Your holiday is a great occasion
Say thank you to everyone.
I wish only happiness
Stay healthy and prosper.

The prosecutor's office now notes
It’s my holiday, on which I congratulate you.
May success accompany you everywhere,
Wealth is growing every day and hour.

I wish you a promotion at work,
And always in the best mood.
So that worries are only pleasant,
May sadness never torment you.

Happy Prosecutor's Office Workers' Day,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And I wish you prosperity,
Happiness, joy, goodness!

You are a support, you are a support,
Our Mother Russia,
You know all the laws
All laws are complicated!

Happy Prosecutor's Office Workers' Day!
I wish you to work successfully,
Relaxation, cultural establishments
Visit on weekends, of course!

I also wish you good health,
Without him, we have nowhere to go,
So that your families appreciate you with love,
To bask in the rays of devoted friendship!

Happy Structure Worker Day,
Authority - Prosecutor's Office,
Called to restore order,
Keeping the routine
Congratulations to you today
And with all our hearts we wish
You have a worthy income,
To make life seem sweet.
We wish you respect
And great patience!
We wish you not to know adversity
And defend justice
Freedom of citizens to protect
And never lose heart!

To employees of the prosecutor's office,
To employees of the main structure -
Both department and department
We wish you strictly business:
The position is worthy,
Calm for the nerves,
And so that obstacles are removed!
Decent salary
Killer signature
And a star on your shoulder straps!

We wish the employees of the Prosecutor's Office
Have both health and muscles,
We always wish to achieve
So that legality becomes paramount.

We also wish you ordinary happiness,
In the affairs of the collective of living participation,
Great luck, wonderful love,
And so that things naturally go uphill.

Let your worries leave you alone.
Always come home from work early.
I wish you success, so that life is a success,
The work against crime was carried out clearly.

You always manage your affairs easily,
So that the prosecutor's office would be proud of you.
On your holiday I give you these lines,
I personally thank you for peace and tranquility!