Congratulations on Medical Worker's Day 0. Congratulations on Medical Worker's Day - large selection

Congratulations on your professional holiday. Your profession is everyday work that brings goodness, care and light, allowing people to become healthy again. We wish you achievements of significant results in medicine, success, friendly patients, vigor and optimism.

Happy Doctor's Day, I sincerely congratulate you. I wish you not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of your own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude from people. Good luck in your business and Have a good mood.

What you do for people cannot be overestimated. Because you help people live full lives and very often just save lives! Congratulations on your day medical worker and I wish you great success in your noble and so necessary work. I wish you respect and love from colleagues and patients, long and happy years of life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not grow cold, but always be sympathetic and warm!

Happy holiday to all doctors! I wish you that your white robe and the smell of medicine scared away all diseases not only from you, but also from all your family and friends. Always be healthy, enjoy life, and may there be an inexhaustible variety of reasons for joy. Give people health, and let your kindness return to you in a stormy stream of gratitude. Success in everything, prosperity in life and long, long years professional activity!

Happy Medical Worker's Day! I wish your hopes and dreams come true. So that the joy of doing what you love brings inspiration and motivation. So that every working day is a step towards professional growth and development. Be happy, healthy and successful!

Happy Medical Worker's Day. I wish you strength, patience and endurance, foresight, wisdom and medical professionalism. Let every day lead to success and the realization of a big dream. Stay healthy and help others stay healthy.

Congratulations on Medical Worker's Day! I wish you a clear and sunny mood, because sometimes it can be difficult and cloudy around. You have a difficult job and I wish you only good stories and happy occasions, strong endurance and strong nerves. Let your day begin with a smile, and no gloomy cloud can spoil your good mood. I wish you a kind environment, fruitful results in your career and incentive cash bonuses.

Dear doctors, professionals, happy holiday! May your invaluable, noble work be generously rewarded, may patients obediently follow orders, and may your relatives never use your services. Be happy, protected by heaven, always cheerful and cheerful. Thank you for your help, knowledge, faith, hope, patience, saving lives, maintaining health!

Congratulations on their professional holiday to those people whose white coat serves as a symbol of hope, help and relief of suffering for patients. We wish you good health, stability and prosperity, peace and happiness in your families. Let the people who are grateful to you remember your conscientious work, responsibility and care for many years to come.

Saving people's lives, empathizing with them, treating their pain in any form is work that takes up a lot of time that could be spent on yourself. But a doctor is a person who, first of all, will lend a helping hand to others. Thank you for being! Happy Medical Worker's Day!

For many years now, every third Sunday of June in the CIS countries has been celebrating Health Worker Day. Moreover, each medical institution has its own atmosphere. The most sincere and beautiful congratulations Happy Doctor's Day 2017 will be received from their colleagues by women and men working in healthcare. Since this professional holiday always falls on a day off, the relatives of health workers at home will delight them by reading them comic wishes in poetry or prose and presenting cards with funny pictures.

Comic congratulations to colleagues on Doctor's Day 2017

A doctor is one of the oldest professions in the world, remaining relevant at any time. In hospitals, experienced surgeons, cardiologists, pulmonologists, oncologists and other specialists save lives every day and give joy to patients. Shelters are the most difficult places for doctors to work, nurses, nannies and nurses. Sanatorium employees who help patients undergo a rehabilitation course or simply improve their health should show ordinary human attention to everyone. Such hard work always causes stress, so on June 18, 2017, for the Doctor's Day holiday funny congratulations will fit perfectly.

Examples of comic congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017 for colleagues

The medical profession is one of the most stressful professions. Every day, medical workers and ambulance staff interact with seriously ill and dying people. Carrying out their professional and human duty, they forget about their troubles in order to alleviate the suffering of patients. Following the Hippocratic oath, modern healers never leave without medical care needing it. On Doctor's Day, June 18, 2017, comic congratulations in verse or prose received from colleagues will help doctors relax a little and just relax.

Doctor's Day! Doctor's Day
Came to us today!
All Doctors! All Doctors!
We wish you happiness!

We wish you good mood,
Good luck and love,
Mutual understanding
With loved ones on the way!

We also wish you
Rest more often
And, which is quite natural,
Help all people.

My wise advice to all patients:
We are urgently canceling the disease!
A banquet awaits all doctors today,
We congratulate them on the holiday.

Let the nurses wear shorter skirts,
The proctologist bought a suit,
The mental hospital walks until late at night,
The Ministry of Health got all drunk today!

Doctor, nurse, nurse, sister -
Our dear doctors
Be healthy both you and your family.
And let the sick respect them.

Today, on a wonderful day,
Lovely on Doctor's Day
I want to congratulate you
And I want to wish you lovingly:

So that the days of life are bright,
Didn't have to give enemas
To heal patients
He gave them hope in life.

Funny congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017 - Funny poems

On June 18, 2017, the country will celebrate Medic Day. Today everyone wants to live a long, active life. To achieve this, healthcare workers work almost seven days a week. That is why it is better to congratulate them in a fun way by organizing not only festive table, but also by coming up with a cool entertainment program for the healers of our time, including funny poems and ditties.

Examples of funny poems for Medic's Day 2017 - Cool congratulations

People trust health workers with their health and life. This requires doctors to have deep knowledge of the art of medicine. Of course, Doctor's Day 2017 is a holiday not only for doctors, but also for nurses, paramedics, and junior staff who treat their chosen work with all their hearts. However, despite the seriousness of this profession, doctors are people with a wonderful sense of humor. It is jokes that help them relieve stress - the constant companion of every caring doctor. Congratulating healthcare workers on June 18, read them funny poems.

I'm ready to argue with anyone
It's bad to live without doctors.
But hardly anyone will be found
And suddenly he starts arguing with me.
After all, everyone knows that medicine
There is a vaccine for all diseases,
There is no profession more needed
How to treat sick people!
Dear doctors!
It's time to congratulate you,
After all, Doctor's Day has come,
And we put you all on a pedestal,
Today we raise together
We wish you love, health,
More joy, smiles,
And work without errors!

From a phonendoscope
I'll post my heart
I'll cut with a scalpel
A whole bouquet of roses
From sterile bandages
I'll make a ring
I'll smooth it with a spatula
A lock of your hair.
Happy holiday,
Being a doctor is a calling.
I sincerely wish
So that you don't get sick.
I wish you good luck
Happiness wishes
I'll whisper quietly
Directly into the otoscope.

Who will lend a helping hand,
At the moment when it's not good
And who gives an injection that doesn’t hurt?
And cuts easily with a scalpel.
Who are we afraid of as children?
When the device buzzes in your mouth,
And we call on the carriage,
03 is jammed into our phone.
He proudly bears the name - medic
And our deepest bow to him,
Today is your day and let's celebrate -
We are together on your and my holiday.

Congratulations on Doctor's Day in postcards with funny pictures

On Doctor's Day, healthcare workers feel especially important and needed. They are proud of their knowledge, achievements, and successes. On June 18, 2017, we will express our deep gratitude to them, thanking each of them for their mercy and sensitivity. Doctors, nurses, orderlies, paramedics can be given Greeting Cards and cool thematic pictures.

Examples of congratulations for Doctor's Day - Postcards with funny pictures

Through hard daily work, healthcare workers protect our lives and health. Patients who want to congratulate their beloved doctors and nurses, all those who care about them, helping them get better, can give postcards with funny pictures to the medical staff of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums and rehabilitation centers. Such wonderful congratulations, received on Doctor's Day, healers will carefully keep for the rest of their lives.

Congratulations on Doctor's Day to colleagues in prose

On June 18, 2017, on Doctor's Day, chief doctors of hospitals and clinics and other medical institutions will certainly congratulate all colleagues on the holiday. Someone will do this a little earlier, remembering that the holiday is celebrated on a weekend. Other medical workers on duty that day will rejoice at the warm words in the workplace. Doctors will thank their colleagues for their daily work and support, sensitive hearts, and skillful hands. They wish all their doctor friends good health, understanding of loved ones, love, and success in their careers.

Examples of congratulations from colleagues on Doctor’s Day - Wishes in prose

On Doctor's Day, fellow doctors and nurses receive the best congratulations in prose from the management of medical and preventive institutions. The media often talks about the great achievements of individual cardiologists and plastic surgeons, but the doctors we turn to several times a year often remain in the shadows, and this is unfair. Their work is no less important. Colleagues of employees of clinics and sanatoriums know this for sure, who themselves have chosen not a quiet life, but daily hard work in the name of preserving the health of patients.

Happy Doctor's Day, I sincerely congratulate you. I wish you not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of your own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude from people. Good luck in your business and good mood.

What you do for people cannot be overestimated. Because you help people live full lives and very often just save lives! I congratulate you on Medical Worker’s Day and wish you great success in your noble and much-needed work. I wish you respect and love from colleagues and patients, long and happy years of life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not grow cold, but always be sympathetic and warm!

Dear medical workers! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you for the health that you give to others. On this day we wish you joy, happiness, Great love and a piece of that great health that you generously give to us. On this holiday, let your families see your smile and sincere pleasure from the national recognition of your merits.

Best congratulations on Doctor's Day to a female doctor

On June 18, 2017, Russia celebrates Doctor's Day. Traditionally, this holiday for people in white coats is not only a reason to escape from everyday worries, but also a milestone at which they sum up some results and make plans for the future. There are a huge number of women working as doctors and nurses in the domestic healthcare system. For them, their favorite chosen task is hard work, because they combine it with household responsibilities, motherhood, caring for their spouse and children. On this day, relatives and friends should support them by congratulating each doctor and nurse with the best, warm words coming from the heart.

Examples of the best congratulations to a woman on Doctor’s Day

According to tradition, the day before professional holiday healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, and orderlies gather around a table set up in a cafe or at the home of one of their colleagues. Every woman doctor is congratulated in a special way on Doctor's Day. IN kind words best wishes from colleagues and relatives there are words of gratitude for their kind heart, which contains care for both patients and each family member.

My health is a little off, I’m crying...
Who will help? Only a doctor!..
Here we declare a toast without poses:
Doctors, lovingly, we congratulate you!
This is what Hippocrates taught you:
To be smart and bright a hundred times,
Young, pure through the centuries, as before -
Heal us from troubles and adversity
And give the keys to the sick
To our immortality in hope!!!

You are not the owner of yachts, cottages, dachas,
You are a flower girl, nothing more tender...
You are better: you are a simple Russian doctor,
And there is no one more reliable and needed than you.
Any time of year, day or hour
There is no one more useful than you in this world:
You cut, sew, heal us
From all sorts of ailments and illnesses!
And in this life a glorious anniversary
It's not the orders or medals that concern us...
Our doctor, we ask you: don’t be sick!
We are not doctors and we can hardly cure you!

To treat, to save - what could be more important?
More humanely, whose work will be?
Whose hands can be stronger and more gentle?
Who do they ask and call for help?
The doctor gives us good hope,
He collects faith bit by bit.
Takes risks, risking himself first,
And he fulfills his duty to the end.
We wish you what the fight is for,
Good health and patience to you in this difficult task!
Never know wrong decisions,
Choosing your own path in a moment of doubt!

Congratulations on Doctor's Day to a man

Doctor is a profession from God. These people not only treat, but also save lives. The work of male orderlies is no less important - they help doctors cope with difficult physical work and are always the first to come to the rescue. On June 18, 2017, hundreds of thousands of congratulations will be received by paramedics working in the Ambulance Service, surgeons, urologists, proctologists, rehabilitation specialists and doctors of all other specialties, and employees of the SES. On this day, the warmest heartfelt wishes will be addressed to people in white coats.

Examples of congratulations to a man on Doctor's Day

“Thank you, doctor!” - these are the words with which most congratulations from paramedics and men working as doctors and orderlies begin on Doctor’s Day. Doctors have cast their lot in with the best of the noblest professions. Medicine always requires knowledge highest quality and education. However, a good doctor always needs selflessness, humanity, and mercy. It is for these qualities that our doctors are valued by their patients, friends, relatives and colleagues.

There is no nobler occupation
How to restore people's health.
And I congratulate you today
With special love.
You save people's lives
And I want to wish you,
May your guardian angel take care of you
And he didn’t let you get discouraged.
I wish you big salaries
And even more patience,
So that the white doctor's coat
You wore it without regret!

My friend, I hasten to congratulate you on Doctor’s Day,
And I wish you, of course, not to get sick,
And glorify the medical worker,
But you won’t get burned in the coals at work...

You warm with an even bright light,
May the ward be happy as soon as you enter!
Heal and don’t forget to console,
Be true to the honest Hippocratic oath!

Cool congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017 on June 18 will be received by women and men doctors, nurses, and orderlies. Colleagues will wish them professional success in prose, and friends will hand them postcards with pictures and comic poems.

People dedicated to this profession are priceless to us. And what could be more selfless and noble than saving human lives every day. Many doctors will have to be on duty on their professional holiday, but they will be very pleased if you please them with a touching, funny or simply beautiful congratulation.

Beautiful congratulations on Doctor's Day in verse


Every day you save lives
You sew, you cut,
You assign, you explain.
You are a reliable shoulder.

On this holiday, without a doubt,
I wish you a promotion.
Strong nerves, inspiration,
Well, and another bonus.

You will help and advise,
You will provide first aid.
Bandage it, bandage it,
You will be with us until the morning.

Lung patients nearby,
To be treated with one glance.
And a boss - whatever you need.
Happy holiday to you! Hooray!


With day medic, happy day celebrations of salvation,
Happy day of noble medical work.
Let your life be like a spring day,
And fruitful and beautiful, like a dream.

May your eyes never cry,
May your legs never get tired
May you live without pain and guidance.
And let the birds sing for you in the morning.

May the sun shine on you with the smile of God,
And the sky always smiles.
You have a lot of good people and happiness,
And courage for many years to come!


Your profession is sacred,
The most important and difficult.
You are not repairing a mechanism,
A complex human body.

To the joyful "Gaudeamus"
The hypothalamus will be healed,
Sore throat and measles will disappear
And all sorts of other illnesses.

Both internally and externally
Assign everything you need:
Pills, diets, regimen...
And we all value you.

Following in the footsteps of Avicenna,
Keep your experience invaluable.
We wish you strength and good luck
In solving difficult problems,

And only excellent practice,
And a successful personal life,
Pleasant events and words,
Health, prosperity, love!

Congratulations in prose


With all my heart I want to congratulate you on Doctor’s Day! Every second you take care of the health of your patients, but on this day I would like to wish that you also do not forget about your health. Let there be more happy moments and pleasant memories, gratitude and understanding of people in life. Have a great mood and success in every endeavor!


The work of a doctor is invaluable. You give people a happy, fulfilling life. And sometimes you even save her. It is thanks to you that millions of people around the world can see the smiles of their children, meet the sunrise and see off the sunset, and enjoy every minute spent in this beautiful world. Congratulations on Doctor’s Day, and I wish you even more success in this difficult and noble cause. May your sensitive heart never cool down, but always be warm and sympathetic!


It’s hard to imagine a world without your profession. A health care provider is more than just a person who writes prescriptions. This is a person who saves lives, who helps kids see the light, who gives hope even when the patient no longer believes in anything. And this work is priceless. So may you have success not only at work, but also in the home: may your children be happy, may your family hearth always burn, may harmony and mutual respect reign in your life. Simple human happiness to you, Happy Doctor's Day!

Cool congratulations


The day of the medical worker has arrived!
We will organize a carnival in your honor.
Let the paramedic dress up as a dentist,
And the obstetrician will be an ophthalmologist,
The head physician will become a therapist for a while,
The surgeon will get a phonendoscope,
Let the ENT specialist walk through with a scalpel,
And the speech therapist, burring, butts into the conversation.
Everyone have fun, because today is a holiday.
After all, tomorrow we will all get bogged down in everyday life again.
So appreciate every moment
Draw enthusiasm and inspiration from it.


There are no such diplomas
And they don’t give such certificates
To those people who save lives,
To those people who save their lives.
Can't be described on paper
All of their titanic work.
They are in a snow-white outfit
They keep a watch for life.
We consider it an honor to bow
Their courage and experience.
Let the joy sparkle for years
Dear in the eyes of doctors.

Comic congratulations


Once upon a time they treated with leeches,
The shaman danced to a tambourine,
And they smoked different herbs,
And they hid the needles in their pockets...
But in the age of new technologies,
Throwing away the superstitious dust,
They are like the same demigods
All shifts are at their posts.
All, sealed with an important oath,
And who saved people more than once,
All dressed in white cotton,
Congratulations on this important day.


Dentists and therapists,
ENT doctors and surgeons all over the country,
On this day all odes are sung to you,
The toasts are dedicated to you alone.
It is priceless, the contribution is huge
Yours in the health of your nation.
So accept the gratitude of the humble
Patients, relatives and friends.
Let him cherish, bless, hug
Your happiness is in my arms,
May your health blind you,
Set an example for others.

How to congratulate a woman on Doctor's Day?


I wish you simple female happiness,
I wish you good luck, wealth,
I wish to decorate the whole world with beauty,
I wish you never to suffer!

Also, only good patients,
There are many cases, but not complicated ones,
More obedient, rich patients,
To lie in private rooms.

Lots of rest, high salary,
So that your dreams come true, by the way,
So that she does not know grief and evil,
Happy Doctor's Day, congratulations to you!


You took the Hippocratic oath
Now you heal all the sick.
I'm glad to congratulate you on your holiday
And wish you all the blessings of earth!
For mercy and generosity
Souls, whiter than a robe
I wish I didn’t find out about poverty,
May you all be happier!


Congratulations to my beloved girl today
Now I’m saying Happy Doctor’s Day in verse!
I wish you a lot of inspiration in life,
So that you leave a mark on our hearts forever!

For a wonderful mind, great knowledge
Today I will raise a toast!
You will always be better than the rest!
I wish that everything in life comes true!

Official congratulations on Medical Worker's Day


Dear medical workers! Please accept congratulations on your long-awaited professional holiday. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the health that you tirelessly and daily give to your patients. May there be more happiness, joy, and love in your life. And may you get a piece of that great health that you sincerely and generously give to us. Congratulations!


Dear nurses and doctors, congratulations! Your profession is noble and unique. And it is you who receive the most generous payment in the world for your work: the gratitude of happy, healthy people. May your experience increase and your patients recover easier and faster. Continue to give people hope and boundless faith that everything will be fine. More kindness and tolerance to you. Happy holiday!

Congratulations to the man on Doctor's Day


May the Lord reward the daring,
Unprecedented and good health,
To feel young
To make life seem like a dream.
You always help people
Although your work is not aesthetics,
Let the star burn above you
On the noble and glorious Doctor's Day!


There is no nobler occupation
How to restore people's health.
And I congratulate you today
With special love.
You save people's lives
And I want to wish you,
May your guardian angel take care of you
And he didn’t let you get discouraged.
I wish you big salaries
And even more patience,
So that the white doctor's coat
You wore it without regret!


Medical Worker's Day congratulations SMS
Let the mood be on the rise,
Prosperity always reigns in your home,
Hearts are filled with goodness and love
Happy Doctor's Day! And endless happiness!


Let medicine flourish
But doctors don’t know the problems.
Let everything be fine with you:
Love, family and life in abundance!


If all doctors were like you, there would be fewer patients. If only all people were like you happy people there would be more. Thank you! Being a doctor is your calling, and on Doctor’s Day, I sincerely wish you health, love, kindness and happiness!

Short congratulations on Doctor's Day


I sincerely congratulate you on Doctor’s Day and want to wish you to deftly and skillfully cope with your work, defeat any diagnosis and eliminate any illness, be proud of your calling and love your profession, never break the oath given to Hippocrates and find happiness and joy in every day .


Congratulations on Doctor’s Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to be sharp, like a syringe needle, with your ill-wishers, to remain soft and fluffy, like cotton wool, with loved ones and close people, to be able to heal any physical or mental wound, to always have aseptics and antiseptics on hand to protect yourself from envy , grievances and life's bad weather.

Congratulations to students on Medical Day


Doctor's Day! Doctor's Day
Came to us today!
All Doctors! All Doctors!
We wish you happiness!

We wish you good mood,
Good luck and love,
Mutual understanding
With loved ones on the way!

We also wish you
Rest more often
And, which is quite natural,
Help all people.


Today, on a wonderful day,
Lovely on Doctor's Day
I want to congratulate you
And I want to wish you lovingly:

So that the days of life are bright,
Didn't have to give enemas
To heal patients
He gave them hope in life.


The eyes have long been accustomed to pain,
But your souls are still torn,
When you have someone else's share
To pull out of a world where it is always dark...

May your hands never get tired of beating
For life, health, joy and warmth.
The eyes of the saved ones will look at you wearily
And they will thank you for your kindness!

Let your loved ones love you
And they give happiness every single day.
And let everything be in order,
No shadow will fall on the brow of sadness!

Happiness and peace to your families,
Good, sincere friends,
Limitless luck,
Bright and good days.

Grateful patients
And good health to you,
Many joyful moments
And all the best. Hurray for doctors!

More summer warmth
Emotions, feelings of spring,
Less cold, winter blues,
Dreary autumn days!

Health, happiness and goodness,
Cheerful patients.
Happy Doctor's Day, hurray!
One hundred percent success.

What you do for people cannot be overestimated. Because you help people live full lives and very often just save lives! I congratulate you on Medical Worker’s Day and wish you great success in your noble and much-needed work. I wish you respect and love from colleagues and patients, long and happy years of life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not grow cold, but always be sympathetic and warm!

Happy Doctor's Day!
Let your dreams come true
May prosperity come
And let him live more joyfully.

And let the work continue
Don't worry about fatigue
Let life add health,
And more patience!

We congratulate you on Doctor's Day
And with all our hearts we wish you:
Happiness, joyful moments,
Love, smiles of patients,
In the family of health, understanding,
In all your endeavors,
To be appreciated at work,
And you were always held in high esteem!

Happy Doctor's Day
And I wish you good health,
So that the strength does not leave
You at the most crucial hour.

To be respected and appreciated.
And you yourself believe in yourself.
The joy of life is undeniable
AND healthy life there should be.

There must also be luck in it,
Expectations, hopes, dreams,
So that there is no pain and crying,
May the rays of happiness warm you.

The country's health workers
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Happy professional day,
We wish you happiness in it.

Sincere patience to you,
Fighting mood.
So that everyone is healthy,
So that all quarrels will be dispelled.

We wish you understanding,
And prosperity in your career.
Respect, kindness,
Happiness, cheerfulness, love.

Happy Professional Day,
Dear our doctors,
We wish you good health,
Happiness in life, peace and goodness!

We always appreciate your concern,
We can't do without you,
Doing the job correctly
You are definitely saving our lives!

Our gratitude is limitless,
And a huge thank you from all of us,
And may everything be fine with you,
And filled with happiness every hour!

Honor and glory to medicine!
The work is enormous and difficult.
Where the lava boils,
You rush into battle without fear.

How many lives have we saved more than once?
How many colds have been cured!
Day and night, wherever you call,
"Aibolit" will always come.

On this holiday we are grateful to you
We'll bring you a bouquet of kind words.
You will heal any wounds,
You will find the answer to your questions.

Be happy and loved!
May success follow you!
And in a profession protected by God,
Strength, good luck to you!

Let for each of our illnesses
You can easily find a recipe.
Prosperity to you, good songs!
May you live happily for hundreds of years!

Health worker, congratulations,
On this holiday - only yours,
We sincerely wish you
There is a lot of happiness in my soul.

So that work is a joy,
To rest in the south,
Nasty things - so that they don’t happen,
Well, money in hand!

There are many professions in the world,
Everyone is important in their own way
But to those who save the sick.
There really is no price.

Saints, wizards, gods?
People just like us.
Yes, few people can achieve this feat,
They are the pride of our country.

Your Day, medical worker,
Marked on the calendar
And life without grief and pain
Obligated to you personally!

For doctors

I cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday!
Health is the main wealth, without which a happy and full life, so your work has always been and remains in demand and respected. Today, much depends on your qualifications and professionalism in preserving people’s health. New times make new demands. I am confident that you will successfully complete your tasks.
I cordially congratulate all doctors, medical workers, and technical staff of the healthcare system on Medical Worker’s Day.
I wish you and all your colleagues health, family well-being, stability and peace in our society, so that doctors can use their experience, knowledge, and skills with the greatest efficiency in protecting the health and lives of people.

For doctors

On the day of the Medical Worker, your professional holiday, I want to express my gratitude for your work, for your professionalism, for your kindness and attention to people. Low bow to you, people in white coats! I wish you health, happiness, success, optimism.

For doctors

Please accept our warm and heartfelt congratulations on your professional holiday! On this wonderful day, I would like to express respect and gratitude to all those who dedicated their lives to serving human health. This mission is difficult and noble, it requires great effort, constant creative initiative, and high professionalism. Thank you so much for your experience, knowledge, your kind, skillful hands, for your sensitivity and ability to compassion. We wish you professional success, health, happiness, prosperity and good mood.

For doctors

Dear medical workers!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on your upcoming professional holiday!

This holiday goes beyond just the professional: after all, each of us can remember a person in a white coat, to whom we are grateful for his professionalism, sensitivity and kindness, who restored health to us or our loved ones. There is nothing more precious to a person than life and health, and it is to you, the doctors, that we entrust him with sincere faith and hope for help.

Today, attention to the healthcare sector is being revived in our country. The years of inactivity are becoming a thing of the past, and the medical profession is regaining the respect and prestige it undoubtedly deserves. Our hospitals and clinics are receiving modern equipment and new technologies. However, technology is only an appendage to the mind, knowledge and talent of the doctor, to the patience and attention of the junior medical personnel when every word, human support and understanding that is provided to the patient becomes healing.

I would like to express special gratitude to those who will be at their post on the holiday - on duty in hospitals, maternity hospitals, in ambulance teams and others medical institutions. At all times, your work has been and remains the most merciful, requiring self-sacrifice and special kindness towards people.

I would like to wish you satisfaction from your own work, grateful patients, warmth and understanding among your family and, of course, good health!

For doctors

Dear medical workers!

Accept the most sincere words gratitude for your hard work and congratulations on your professional holiday!

From birth and throughout our lives, we find ourselves under the close attention of doctors and surrounded by the care of staff. How much warmth and patience, compassion and affection are required from medical workers to provide timely assistance to people suffering from various ailments. Thanks to the knowledge and skillful actions of doctors, today it is possible to get rid of any disease.

You have a huge responsibility for life and health... We know that the work of doctors, nurses, and orderlies is not easy, but it is always honorable, and our doctors, for the most part, are people devoted to their chosen profession, faithful to the Hippocratic Oath.

Today we are investing a lot budget funds In developing the medicine of our city, we are aware of our responsibility to the city residents: only with new modern medical equipment will we achieve a sufficient level of treatment and prevention of diseases.

In honor of the professional holiday of Medical Worker Day, please accept good wishes health and happiness, peace and prosperity to you and your loved ones!.