When to remove the Christmas tree? How and when to throw away a Christmas tree according to popular belief.

So, many housewives and home owners are wondering: when and how to clean the New Year’s beauty, so that both “Feng Shui” and folk signs-traditions, and, in general, you simply cannot “overexpose” a tree until the moment when needles begin to fall from it in large quantities, which then “live” in carpets for many years.

It is believed that if you follow the Feng Shui system, then the Chinese New Year, which is celebrated in February, should also be celebrated with a Christmas tree or pine tree. However, a living Christmas tree has little chance of “surviving” until the middle of the next month, except that almost immediately after “cutting down” you put it in a bucket of sand and regularly moisten the soil.

But there is a way out: send the New Year tree to rest, and instead put a tall green flower in the corner, or some kind of interior decoration Christmas decoration. On the one hand, this supposedly compensates for the absence of a New Year tree, and on the other hand, it preserves the festive atmosphere in the house and positive energy for the time of the Chinese New Year.

However, since most of the New Year’s holidays are already behind us, you can wait a little longer and make a “knight’s move” - prices for New Year’s paraphernalia are about to go down, and at the sale you can buy an artificial Christmas tree that will last for many years.

Such a tree is no worse than a real one, except that it does not have a pine smell. However, if most people “replace” real trees with artificial ones, then we can “save” many forest beauties from being cut down.

Signs about the New Year tree

If you follow folk signs, then it’s time to disassemble the New Year’s tree and send it to rest in the following cases:

The tips of the branches have turned brown, which indicates the accumulation of a large amount of negative energy;

Toys began to fall from the tree by themselves. If these are not the tricks of your pets, then, most likely, this is how the brownie has fun. You shouldn’t let him “play too much” and break every single one of his toys;

Tree trunk delamination.

How to remove a Christmas tree?

Disassembling an artificial tree will not be a problem, you just need to follow simple rules:

You will have to “tinker” with natural ones, since the main problem remains the shedding of needles from the tree. However, this problem can also be foreseen:

A vacuum cleaner will help remove the remaining needles on the floor, but if you have carpet, it is better to do this right away in order to avoid the needles getting tangled in the pile. If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, then tape and a sponge will help you: attach the tape with the sticky side facing out and “walk” around the perimeter of the “harvest” collection.

Some people trim branches to pack them down and minimize the number of fallen needles. Good advice– wrap the forest fairy in cling film or polyethylene. It is reliable, fast and cheap.

Where to put the New Year's tree?

Of course, to see in trash heaps a large number of pine and spruce trees - sad, because these trees made us all happy new year holidays. In many cities, for example, “reception points” have been created where you can “hand over” your used forest beauty free of charge and quickly. The addresses of such points can be easily found on the Internet, and they usually work until the first of March.

It’s good if the Christmas tree or pine tree managed to take root during the New Year holidays: you can take it to the nursery, or, if you have your own plot of land, transplant the beauty first into a large flowerpot, and then into the ground.

By the way, if suddenly reception points New Year's trees not in the city, you can take the Christmas tree to the zoo - many animals eat pine needles.

According to popular belief

According to popular belief, the Christmas tree must be removed before Epiphany as a sign of the end of the Yuletide period. On the eve of Epiphany, January 18, in the old days, all symbols of the Christmas holidays, decorations and symbols of fertility, such as straw and ritual bread, were removed from the house.

Among the eastern and western Slavs, hay was taken out of the hut, which had been lying on the table all Christmastide; Serbs and Bulgarians collected Christmas straw from the floor and hung it around buildings, in gardens and orchards, sometimes on fruit trees and fields; Ukrainians and Russians untied it and carried it out. Christmas sheaf at home.

In many places, on Christmas Eve they took down the Christmas decorations, took out the accumulated Christmas garbage and ashes from the hearth from the house, and also pulled out part of the badnyak (ritual log that burned all Christmastide) that had not had time to burn before that day and buried it in the ground in the middle of the field or hid it in a secluded place. place and stored until the next Christmas Eve.

The festive tradition of decorating a spruce tree before the New Year is not that old. But despite its youth, this unique ritual has managed to acquire many signs and superstitions.

For example, it is best to decorate a Christmas tree with ball-shaped toys. This is a symbol that the coming New Year will be calm for the owners of the house, without shocks and unpleasant events.

But in this case, why is it customary to decorate the top of the Christmas tree with a star? The sign states that the star on the New Year's beauty is designed to illuminate people's lives, lure wealth into the house and protect happiness. You should always remove the star from the Christmas tree last, when all the toys are already in the box, and put it on first.

By the way, you don’t have to remove the last toy, but hang it above the front door, and then cunning, insincere people who want to deceive you will never be able to get into your house.

In general, the tree itself is an excellent amulet for all New Year holidays. The power of its positive energy is such that many people, after the end of the New Year holidays, leave either a handful of needles or a twig from the tree and hide it in some secluded place in their apartment. This guarantees protection from sorcerers and evil people.

Christmas tree

Accidentally broken Christmas tree decoration does not carry any negativity, and its fragments, according to the sign, have the ability to fulfill wishes. To do this, you just need to remember what you want at the moment when you throw away the broken toy.

In the place where the Christmas tree stood, positive energy “lives” all day long. If you place a stool on this “patch” and sit on it, minor ailments that trouble a person will go away.

You also need to throw away your Christmas tree wisely. Firstly, you should not get rid of the green beauty before January 14th. And secondly, when throwing away the Christmas tree, be sure to ask for its forgiveness, especially if you decide to leave a handful of its needles or a twig at home.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Christmas tree “bouquets” and wreaths that hang on the door. Wreaths, according to legend, do not allow people into the house who could, intentionally or not, harm family members. Wreaths tied with a red ribbon are especially powerful.

“Bouquets” of Christmas tree branches are preferred by people who do not have enough space in their house to put up a whole fir tree. These bouquets have the same healing and protective powers as big Christmas tree. But most importantly, don’t forget to tie your spruce broom with a golden ribbon - after all, you won’t be able to plant a star on a bouquet.

But most importantly, when preparing your home for the New Year, remember that you need to decorate your apartment and Christmas tree with love and desire. Then the spruce will really become an excellent amulet for you and your family.


The main symbol of the New Year's celebration in any family is, of course, the Christmas tree! Every year, its decoration is carefully thought out, and when the time comes to leave, it becomes a little sad...

When to remove the Christmas tree? Is it possible to remove the Christmas tree on Christmas Day, after Christmas? How long should it stand? live Christmas tree at home after New Year? — we’ll talk about all this today.

When to disassemble a Christmas tree: when to remove it, are there any rules?

There are a lot of traditions associated with the New Year holidays. Nowadays it is quite difficult to figure out how to celebrate the New Year correctly, and when to disassemble the Christmas tree and take it out of the house.

Still, there are several specific rules that relate to the ritual of disassembling the New Year tree.

Some people believe that the New Year tree should be removed immediately after Christmas, and this is also not entirely true.

Most often, Russians have a tradition of disassembling the New Year tree after January 14, that is, after the Old New Year.

The tradition is in no way connected with Orthodoxy or any specific signs. The fact is that it is after January 14 that the New Year holidays in children's schools, and parents go to work. There are no longer any major holidays planned with a large number of guests, so immediately after the celebration of the Old New Year, the tree is taken out of the house.

There are a lot of signs and beliefs associated with the New Year's beauty. The fact is that according to Feng Shui, the Chinese New Year occurs at the end of January - beginning of February. It is until this moment that the tree should stand. But the fact is that the New Year’s tree dries out very quickly and simply cannot stand in the house until February 1st. The needles dry out and fall off, so the toys begin to fall.

It was believed that January 19 should be celebrated in a completely cleaned house, so many recommend dismantling the New Year tree after the Old New Year, but before Epiphany, that is, around January 14-18.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, it was customary to always remove the Christmas tree before Epiphany, along with other elements of Christmastide. The church calendar was considered a guide for family celebrations, and therefore for this period: the Christmas tree must be removed; carry out general cleaning of the house or apartment; throw out trash and unnecessary things; remove or hide Christmas symbols.

If the tree stands in the house for a long time, the tips of the branches turn brown. It is believed that the spruce or pine tree has accumulated negative energy, which could come with a large number of guests; Every day toys fall from the tree while no one is in the room. If this is due to naughty pets, then, most likely, the little one is having fun - this is a sign that it is time to take off the toys and put away the Christmas tree - the holiday is over!

When you need to disassemble the Christmas tree: how to remove it, where to put it?

So, if, for your own reasons, you have come to the conclusion that life has returned to normal, the holiday is over, then it’s time to put away the Christmas tree!

If the symbol of your favorite holiday is an artificial spruce, then there are no special problems with disassembling it. But you need to take into account that: decorations should be placed in boxes depending on their weight (the lightest ones are at the top); electric garlands wind up carefully, avoiding strong bends, otherwise they won’t light up next year; collect the branches of each level together to make it easier to install the Christmas tree later; Tinsel and “rain” can be placed in a vacuum bag so that they take up less space during storage.

It’s more difficult if the house had natural spruce or pine. When removing toys, needles will fall off. In order not to create additional troubles for yourself, you can: spread newspapers or a laminate backing under the Christmas tree; remove fabric items and carpets that are within walking distance; shake the trunk as much as possible, then weak needles will fall; remove toys; remove the spruce from the mount; take an unnecessary sheet or a large piece of fabric and wrap it; take it outside. It is easier to remove needles with a vacuum cleaner. If you don’t have it, you can stick double-sided tape on a dishwashing sponge and walk around the perimeter of the room - this method allows you to quickly clean up the room.

Some people trim branches to pack them down and minimize the number of fallen needles. A good tip is to wrap the forest fairy in cling film or polyethylene. It is reliable, fast and cheap. Most often, such packaging can then be seen near street containers.

If your Christmas tree has been standing in water all holidays, it may take root - in southern latitudes people even immediately try to plant it. People concerned about the environmental situation transplant the Christmas tree into a large container, and in the spring - into the ground. If new year symbol was purchased in a pot, then it is simply left to grow further, not forgetting to water and feed it in a timely manner. Zoo residents will be happy if a New Year tree comes to them. If there is a zoo, you can call in advance and check with the administrators. Some pets eat pine needles for food, for others it is an object for training.

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The main symbol of the New Year's celebration in any family is the Christmas tree. Every year, its decoration is carefully thought out, and when the time comes to leave, it becomes a little sad. When is the right time to remove a Christmas tree? There are different traditions. In this article:

When is the Christmas tree usually removed?

Guided by their own preferences, citizens begin removing Christmas trees from their apartments on January 1st. Someone, on the contrary, celebrates March 8th next to the green beauty. But most often, after celebrating the Old New Year, they try to return the room to its previous appearance. By this time, the household had already sufficiently enjoyed the external decoration of the spruce, as well as the long rest on the occasion of the New Year.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, it was customary to always remove the Christmas tree before Epiphany, along with other elements of Christmastide. The church calendar was considered a guide for family celebrations, and therefore by this period:

  • the tree needs to be removed;
  • carry out general cleaning of the house or apartment;
  • throw out trash and unnecessary things;
  • remove or hide Christmas symbols (straw, manger, ritual bread, etc.)

Well, it happens, so what...

According to the system, it is believed that it is necessary to celebrate the Chinese New Year, which means that until February the apartment must have a Christmas tree. Live forest beauty is unlikely to survive, so they advise:

  • after dismantling the spruce, place a tall flower in the same sector;
  • additionally lower some interior decoration from above, attaching it to the ceiling.

This will compensate for the lack of spruce and will also help maintain positive energy in the house.

Signs about the Christmas tree

There are also signs that may indicate that the tree has been dismantled. These include:

  • the tips of the branches turn brown. It is believed that the spruce or pine tree has accumulated negative energy, which could come with a large number of guests;
  • Every day they fall from the tree while no one is in the room. If this is due to wild pets, then most likely the little one is having fun. But in this case, it is better not to let him disperse in his games.
  • the trunk delaminates.

They just helped me take it apart.

So superstitious people can decide when to take the Christmas tree out of the apartment, focusing on its appearance.

How to easily remove a Christmas tree or pine tree?

If the symbol of your favorite holiday is an artificial spruce, then there are no special problems with disassembling it. But you need to take into account that:

  • decorations should be placed in boxes according to weight (lightest at the top);
  • wind electrical garlands carefully, avoiding strong bends, otherwise they will not light up next year;
  • collect the branches of each level together to make it easier to install the Christmas tree later;
  • Tinsel and “rain” can be placed in a vacuum bag so that they take up less space during storage.

It’s more difficult if the house had natural spruce or pine. When removing toys, needles will fall off. In order not to create additional troubles for yourself, you can:

  • spread newspapers or laminate mat under the object;
  • remove fabric items and carpets that are within walking distance;
  • shake the trunk as much as possible, then weak needles will fall;
  • remove toys;
  • remove the spruce from the mount;
  • take an unnecessary sheet or a large piece of fabric and wrap it;
  • take it outside.

It is easier to remove needles with a vacuum cleaner. If you don't have it, you can stick double-sided tape on a dishwashing sponge and walk around the perimeter of the room. Usually allows for a good cleaning of the floor.

Some people trim branches to pack them down and minimize the number of fallen needles. A good tip is to wrap the forest fairy in cling film or polyethylene. It is reliable, fast and cheap.

How to properly throw away a Christmas tree: 1. Pack as shown in the photo. 2. You need to throw it away during the day. 3. It is advisable that one of the neighbors or acquaintances watches this. 4. You need to carry it out with visible effort, looking around. Difficult to dump into the trash can. Say "Phew."

Where to put the green beauty?

It’s sad to see in the trash the one that brought joy throughout the New Year holidays. This is not always the only option.

Before or after the New Year, a forest beauty that has taken root may be in demand in nurseries. In southern latitudes they risk even planting it right away. People concerned about the environmental situation transplant the Christmas tree into a large container, and in the spring - into the ground.

If the New Year's symbol was purchased in a pot, then it is simply left to grow further, not forgetting to water and feed it in a timely manner.

Zoo residents will be happy if a New Year tree comes to them. If there is a zoo, you can call in advance and check with the administrators. Some pets eat pine needles for food, for others it is an object for training.

In order not to throw away the needles, you can take them to the zoo.

Each family decides for itself what date the green symbol should be taken away from home. You need to listen only to those traditions that have proven effective for your family.

This is the first time I’ve heard about checking the calendar of holidays and religious services when deciding when to remove the Christmas tree from the house. There are clear rules in churches - the trees that were used to decorate churches for Christmas are removed after the celebration of the Nativity of Christ, which in 2018 will be on January 13, that is, by January 14 the tree can be removed. But this is not a mandatory rule for the laity. Some leave the Christmas tree at home until Epiphany Eve.

Today, Christmas trees are removed mainly after the Old New Year, because the holidays are already over, and the Christmas tree has begun to crumble. According to ancient belief, by January 13, the green tree had already completely given up its positive energy, so it must be removed before this date. And after the Old New Year, you can start preparing your home for Epiphany.

In pre-revolutionary times, the Christmas tree had to be unloaded and taken out before Epiphany, because according to Orthodox tradition, Christmastide ended before this holiday. That's why all New Year and Christmas symbols were removed. It was necessary not only to remove decorations from the tree, but also to get rid of other decorative paraphernalia: wreaths, straw and ritual bread.

When is the Christmas tree removed from the house according to the Orthodox church calendar?

Since in Orthodoxy the Christmas tree is not an obligatory decoration of the home, it is placed primarily for the joy of children, and before the New Year according to the secular calendar, and is often decorated just like a New Year’s tree, and not like a Christmas tree - feel the difference.

Live Christmas trees bought at Christmas tree markets have a tendency to crumble almost the next day after installation in the apartment. And although the Orthodox calendar allows it to survive right up to Epiphany (January 19), a rare representative of this species of coniferous trees is capable of keeping the needles warm for so long when they are cut down, so in practice, removing them from the house is carried out on the principle of “as luck would have it.”

WITH artificial Christmas tree remove decorations and clean it inside the house, without taking it outside, on any convenient day. Some consider it the last day of February.

Regarding the church calendar, the tree must be put up and decorated on Christmas Eve, that is, as I personally understand, January 6 before the first star, and the tree must be removed after the feast of Epiphany has passed. Tentatively, this will be somewhere close to January 20th.

But since the New Year is not a church holiday, the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree specifically for the New Year on December 31 has nothing to do with church traditions.

I express solely my own opinion.

What are the favorable days to take the New Year tree out of the house in 2018?

The Christmas tree is usually removed after the celebration of the Old New Year, this is after January 14th. But for some people it disturbs their apartment and is removed earlier, after Christmas, on January 7th. It can be a pity to look at green beauties that have stood for only a few days and are thrown away. I try to put my Christmas tree near the house in a snowdrift, but there will definitely be those who immediately throw it in the trash.

By Orthodox traditions The tree is removed before Epiphany, when Christmas time ends.

Practice shows that

an old Christmas tree should be thrown away when there is nowhere to put a new one ©

Everything else is on personal initiative. The habit of decorating a Christmas tree for Christmas came from Germany in Peter's times. Before this, 9 centuries from the moment of the adoption of Christianity in Rus' lived without this tradition. An Orthodox person decides for himself whether he wants to decorate his house with a real or artificial coniferous tree or can do without it. Usually this is done for the sake of the children or to create a joyful atmosphere - after all, the Christmas tree looks elegant.

Since the installation of a Christmas tree does not serve any function in Christian doctrine, then everyone is free to remove it whenever they want. In Soviet times, when it was “reclassified” as New Year’s, it was removed after the Old New Year, and before the revolution - after Epiphany (January 19, new style).

If you adhere to long-standing traditions and the Orthodox calendar, the Christmas tree must be removed before the celebration of Epiphany (January 19). On the eve of a church holiday, the house is thoroughly cleaned, so all the attributes of the New Year and Christmas are removed.

Traditionally, people wait until the Old New Year celebrations and then take the Christmas tree out of the house. In general, after Christmas you can “discharge” the house.

Not many people adhere to traditions, beliefs, and especially Orthodox calendar. In theory, New Year doesn't count church holiday, however, they try to decorate the Christmas tree in all houses before it. True believing Orthodox people put it up on the Nativity of Christ, that is, on the eve of January 6, and then it stands until the feast of Epiphany. Its date also does not change, like Christmas and it is annually on February 19th.

So after this holiday you can remove all decorations from New Year's beauty and clean it up. It is advisable not to throw it away, but to recycle it if you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg. There are special collection points for this, for example in Moscow.