What does stockinette look like with knitting needles? Stocking stitch or stockinette stitch

The most standard and simplest knitting technique, but no less popular and beautiful, is facial surface using knitting needles, or in other words, stocking stitch. Usually, this is where acquaintance with knitting needles and threads begins.

Absolutely universal, stockinette stitch is great for knitting a scarf, sweater, hat, etc. Of course, it will have to be diluted with an elastic band, but it can form the basis of almost any product.

Using stockinette stitch, you can knit colored pictures and patterns - you just need to find suitable patterns and select multi-colored threads.

We study the creation of stockinette stitch with knitting needles: the basics of knitting

Stocking knitting is simple and unpretentious to perform; it does not require remembering a lot of ordered steps, and your hands quickly get used to it and remember the work. So how to knit in stockinette stitch? The answer is simple - in rows alternately:

  1. The first row is knitted with facial loops;
  2. Purl the second row;
  3. The third row is knit again;
  4. Purl the fourth row, etc.

You should always end the row with an edge loop.

Detailed description of stocking knitting techniques.

Products made from stockinette stitch always have two sides – front and back, so it’s quite difficult to get confused with the rows. For a better understanding, we present step-by-step master class and the corresponding stocking stitch pattern:

1. We cast on the required number of loops with two edge loops, pull out one knitting needle;

2. Turn the work over and remove one edge on the right knitting needle;

3.Knit the first knit stitch in the classic way. To do this, the working thread must be placed behind the work, with the right knitting needle, thread a loop on the left one and pull the thread through it. The right needle should go into the loop from above its right edge - this is important.

The resulting loop should be next to the edge loop on the right needle;

5. At the end of the row, the edge loop must be knitted with a knit stitch - there is a little trick here, depending on the the desired type edges, edge loops can be in the form of a “chain” or “knots”: in the first case, when removing the initial edge loop of a row, the working thread is held in front of the work, and in the second case behind the work. The end edge rows in both cases are knitted with the front one;

6.The next row begins with removing the edge and then knitting purl loops. The working thread is placed in front of the work, the right knitting needle is inserted into the loop on the left in the direction from right to left under the right edge of the loop and grabs the working thread. The loop is pulled through and remains on the right knitting needle;

The fabric knitted with stockinette stitch turns out smooth and neat.

There is another way to knit facial loops - the so-called “grandmother’s method”. With it, the knitting will be more dense and with a clear pattern. To perform the “grandmother’s method” you just need to simply knit the front loops behind the back wall - the right needle is inserted into the loop behind the left needle.

This way you get a slightly different look than when knitting stockinette stitch in the classical way.

Useful tips.

When knitting a product in stockinette stitch, it is better to knit the first few rows with an elastic band or other pattern. If this is not done, the edges of the canvas will curl unsightly.

Before you start knitting any item, you need to knit a sample. Usually this is a small rectangle, sufficient to understand what density the product will have if you use specific threads and knitting needles. It may well be that after the sample, the realization will come that something needs to be changed.

To obtain a denser and clearer fabric, it is better to knit it with “grandmother’s” facial loops.

You can use satin stitch to knit items in the round - socks, mittens, snoods, etc. To do this you need to take special circular knitting needles.

It is very important to choose the right threads and knitting needles for each other. With the right selection, knitted items will turn out smooth and neat. However, if you choose it incorrectly, there is a high probability that the product will be too loose or too dense.

Choose stockinette stitch if you intend to depict a pattern - it is ideal for the background and will simplify the knitting process.

In order to study the process of knitting with stockinette stitch in more detail and visually, it is worth previewing photos and videos on the topic, where there is detailed description all equipment.

Video on the topic of the article

In this tutorial I will show you how to knit a purl stitch and a knit stitch. This type of knitting is also called stocking.

Purl is the second stitch in knitting. The first, as you remember, is the front loop.

Knowing how to knit knit and purl stitches, you can knit a great variety of patterns and products that use a combination of only these loops.

The purl loop, like the front loop, can be knitted in the classic and “granny” way.

Just like in the front classic loop, in the classic purl loop the right wall of the loop is located in front.

For me personally, knitting a purl stitch using the “grandmother’s” method is somewhat easier than the classic way. In general, a purl loop requires several great forces and patience to master than facial. But I am sure that you have enough desire to achieve desired result, which means everything will definitely work out!

Purl loops in the classic way

Schematic knitting of a classic purl loop

Purl stitches in the "grandmother's" way

We make a cast-on row and knit the first (front) row with facial loops, as we did in MK about facial loops. We are turning the work around. Remove the first loop without knitting.

Schematic knitting of a purl loop "grandmother's way"

If you understand how knit and purl stitches are knitted, then you can knit the fabric using stockinette stitch or as it is called stockinette knitting.

Front stitch

To do this, you need to make a cast-on row, knit the first row (front side) with knit stitches, and the second row (wrong side) with purl loops.

So, continuing to alternate the front and back rows, you need to knit as many as you need.

To get an even braid along the edge, when knitting each row, you need to remove the first loop (edge) without knitting, and always knit the last loop (it is also called an edge loop).

Let me tell you right away that some people do things differently. For example, the last stitch is always purled, the first stitch is always knitted. But that doesn't matter in this case.

Our task is to get a pigtail along the edge and we got it. Look here.

And here is the result of my MK

Front side

The wrong side of the stockinette stitch with a pigtail along the edge again

So you have learned how to knit two main types of loops - FACIAL And WRONG...I think that I am now experienced knitters They will throw tomatoes at you, but consider that you have learned how to knit, now we will only improve our skill. Let's look at what stocking stitch and stockinette stitch are.

Based on and there is quite a large number of all kinds of patterns. We will get acquainted with some of them, try to connect them using a diagram or description, and try to collect a small collection)))
So, we already have one sample: this shawl stitch, there is no point in drawing a diagram here, because all stitches in all rows are knitted FACIAL.Today we will add to our collection sample of STOCKING STITCH with knitting needles (stocking stitch - also known as KIT STITCH, also known as PURAL STITCH)

stockinette stitch, also known as stockinette stitch - description

1. Cast on 15-20 loops for the sample.
2. Knit:
first row — PURL LOOPS
second row - FACE LOOPS
3. And so we alternate - a row of purls, a row of facial ones. Knit 10-15 rows.
4. Loops according to the drawing. What does it mean? This means that the row on which you will close the loops must be knitted with knit stitches, then when closing you knit the Knit stitches, and if purl, then when closing you will knit the PURL Loops.

This is what you should get:

front side of the sample - stockinette stitch (stocking stitch)
wrong side of the sample -
Probably, it should be said that this is conditionally the front and back sides, because... When knitting a product, any of them, at your request, can become the front one.

Now let's try to write down the knitting of this pattern schematically (although this is not necessary for this knitting, but we need to understand “where the legs grow from”))) and it is advisable to do this using a simple example...
Let's agree that our blog will have the following schematic symbols (in the future I will make either an article or a page where all the information on this topic will be compiled, but for now...)))
And what happens:
Below diagrams 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are loops,
on the right 1, 2, 3, 4 are rows.
We knit the first and third rows with purl stitches, and the second and fourth rows with knit stitches, close them by purling them (this is if you read the diagram). In general, nothing complicated. Have questions?

The most popular type of knitting is “ facial surface " It knits very simply. With this knitting, it will not be difficult to knit the fabric even according to the most difficult pattern. The knitting is dense, and we can safely say that it can knit everything. You can knit socks, a hat, mittens, gloves, sweaters, trousers, skirts, dresses, coats, household items, Stuffed Toys etc. The stockinette stitch is the basis of knitting.

Any yarn is suitable for knitting stockinette stitch. In order for the fabric to turn out even, it is necessary to choose the right knitting needles for the yarn and when knitting, try to keep the thread tension at the same level. This knitting will be an excellent basis for embroidery on this fabric, various kinds product decorations. Using satin stitch, you can knit items in the round on knitting needles. This way you can make a product without seams.

Now let’s look at how this “universal” fabric is knitted. First, cast on the required number of loops. Then we knit one row with facial loops, at the end of the row we make an edge loop and turn the work. Second row, knit all the loops - purl. We also knit an edge loop at the end. Thus, all odd rows are knitted with knit stitches, and all even rows are knitted with purl stitches. When knitting in the round, all stitches are knitted with knit stitches.

I’ll describe it for beginners how to knit a knit stitch : when knitting, the thread is behind the work, so we insert the right knitting needle into the loop that is on the left knitting needle and grab the working thread and knit it. Remove the loop from the left needle. This is how one facial loop turned out.

The purl loop is knitted like this: First, we make a working thread before knitting, then we insert the right knitting needle into the loop on the left knitting needle (from right to left), grab the working thread and knit. Remove from the left needle and get a purl loop.
The side of the fabric where only purl stitches are knitted is called purl stitch .

The row always begins and ends with an edge loop; it is knitted like this: at the beginning of the row it is simply removed onto another knitting needle, and at the end of the row it is always knitted with a knit stitch.

There is another way to knit stockinette stitch. Knitting without turning the product. To do this, we also cast on loops and knit a row with facial loops. When the first row ends, we knit an edge loop and, without turning the work over, insert the left knitting needle into the loop on the right one so that the end of the left knitting needle is opposite the end of the right knitting needle. Next, we throw the working thread, which is located behind the product, onto the knitting needle: from back to front, as if wrapping around the knitting needle, and now we knit a loop with the working thread using the left knitting needle.

The ability to knit stockinette stitch is the first and basic lesson for beginner knitters. Despite its apparent simplicity, it has many important points. This includes the skill of holding knitting needles correctly and the ability to knit knit and purl stitches. different ways, and adjusting the tension of the working thread. In general, there are many nuances. In this article we will try to figure out how to properly knit stockinette stitch with knitting needles.

Let's start with ways to knit knit and purl stitches. They are the main ones for knitting most patterns and all other types of loops are one way or another modified versions of them. So, the loop located on the knitting needle consists of parts of the thread in front of it and behind it.

The thread located in front of the knitting needle is called the front, top. Located behind the spoke, respectively – rear, lower.

Face loops

Knit with knitting needles. There are two ways to do this: behind the front or behind the back wall.

The first option is classic or English, the second is called the continental or “granny” loop.


The working thread should be behind the work, that is, behind the knitting needles. We lower it down and throw it on the index finger of the left hand. When working, you need to constantly monitor the tension of the working thread. We insert the right needle into the loop from left to right, pulling its front segment.

We grab the working thread from the index finger with the end of the knitting needle and pull it through the loop. In this case, it is better to hold the back wall of the loop slightly. After this, drop the loop from the left knitting needle. On the right sleeper we got a new loop.


The working thread is also located behind the knitting needles, draped over the index finger. Enter the right sp. in the middle of the loop on the left back, pulling back the back wall.

We grab the yarn and pull through a new loop. We discard the old one from the left sp. We received a new item.

Purl loops

Similarly to the front stitch, the purl stitch can also be knitted in two ways. We will now look at how each option fits together. In both cases, the thread should be in front of the fabric.


Enter the right sp. into the loop from right to left, pulling the front lobule. Use your thumb to guide the yarn so that the thread is in front of the loop. We pick up the thread and pull it through the loop. The yarn forms a new stitch on the working stitch.

We leave the received st on the right back, and discard the old one.


We start the right sp. behind the back wall from right to left, pick up the yarn from top to bottom and pull it out through the loop.

The resulting loop remains on the right sp., and the old one on the left is discarded.

Learning to knit stockinette stitch with knitting needles: video MK


How to knit in stockinette stitch

This simple pattern consists of alternating rows of knit and purl stitches. We have already learned how to knit them.

The working diagram is shown below.

The first row consists entirely of knit stitches. Having finished it, we turn the canvas and the entire next row. knit with purl stitches.

The stockinette stitch can also be obtained by knitting in the round. In this case, all loops in all r. knitted with knits.

The operating diagram is presented below.

This is what the final result of the work looks like: the front and back sides of the canvas.

What to pay special attention to

Try to keep the thread tension even, otherwise the fabric will be uneven. Before you start knitting any item, determine your knitting density. Even if you plan to work according to an already calculated model. Your personal density may differ from that taken in the calculation and the number of loops will need to be adjusted.

To determine the required number of stitches to cast on, you must knit a sample. To do this, we cast on at least 20 loops from the selected yarn and knit at least 10 rows. Then we measure and determine how many loops and rows there are in 1cm of fabric. This figure will be decisive for further calculations.

Considering that the stockinette stitch can be knitted in two ways using knitting needles, decide which one is more convenient for you: behind the front or back arms. And under no circumstances combine them. If you knit purl. p. behind the front wall, in the trail. R. persons behind the back, we get crossed knit stitches.

Such loops are also used in knitting, including for stockinette stitch. They are used as edging of relief patterns, framing in Japanese patterns. But, if the knitted fabric must be smooth and uniform, then it is better to avoid such combinations.

When making loops using the continental method, i.e. using “grandmother’s” loops, the finished fabric is denser and smoother. This quality, which is very important for further embroidery on the front surface, sometimes becomes decisive when choosing a method for knitting loops.

The pattern has a peculiarity: its lower edge curls forward. Therefore, for the bottom edge it is better to use a different pattern - elastic or garter stitch.

Therefore, for narrow long items such as scarves, i.e. those where stitching along the edges is not expected. It is not recommended to use smooth surface.

Knitting and purling stitch with knitting needles: video mk


Options for using facial stitching

The simplest one is to create color stripes in any combination. The yarn should be the same in thickness and composition. Otherwise, the product will turn out to be heterogeneous and may change dimensions unpredictably when washed. If you wish, you can alternate the colors of the yarn in the fabric.

The only condition is that the number of rows of the same color be even. In this case, the thread change will always be on one side of the work. If the color change occurs every two days, then problems usually do not arise. The main thing is to monitor the tension of the thread and not pull the side edge.

To obtain wide stripes, more than 4 rows, we pull the non-working thread along the right edge, intertwining it with the working thread every two rows.

Another use for faces. Ch. - This jacquard knitting. The use of contrasting threads for knitting a pattern on simple knit stitches makes this pattern accessible to needlewomen even with minimal experience.