How to make easy crafts from napkins. Paper art: learning to create flowers from napkins

Among handicraft lovers, decorations made from napkins are quite popular, since this material is not only easy to use, but also allows you to create very original crafts.

Flowers are one of the best decorations you can think of for a romantic holiday and simply creating a pleasant atmosphere. These magnificent creations of nature can inspire creative person to create incredibly beautiful things. The life of a flower is short, so people try to transfer this beauty to paper, fabric, porcelain, etc. Handicrafts also do not deprive flowers of attention. They learned to use all possible materials to create them.

Flowers are one of the best decorations you can think of for a romantic holiday and simply creating a pleasant atmosphere

What are flowers made from? It can be fabric, paper, wire, or beads. The variety of materials for needlework is simply huge, and from all of this you can create real floral masterpieces. Napkins can be used as an easy-to-use, but very convenient and even original material. Their range today is huge. They are offered in different colors and densities, single- and multi-layered, with curly and smooth edges, so you can make many different colors for decoration from this material.

Unusual flowers from napkins

The convenience of working with napkins lies primarily in the fact that this type of material is very pliable and easily takes exactly the shape that the master needs. With a minimal set of tools for work, you can get very interesting decorations from napkins. For some crafts, apart from the napkins themselves and a couple of drops of glue with scissors, nothing else is needed.

For work it is better to use simple napkins

On a note! To make paper flowers, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive napkins - multi-layer options for the holiday certainly look very beautiful, but they are sometimes too dense and bright. To work on a napkin decoration like a flower, it is better to use simpler materials.

Paper napkin rose

If there are beautiful multi-layer napkins left after the holiday, they can be used for interior decoration. For example, with their help you can tidy up an old battery without much expense or effort. To do this, you need to remove the top layer of the napkin, which will be the brightest, and then cut out individual elements from it. It turns out very beautifully if you take a napkin with large flowers. The cut out elements must be moistened with water and attached to the cast iron battery. The flowers need to be laid out so that they are close enough to each other. After this, everything is covered with clear varnish. The result is a simply excellent battery, which from a distance looks like it was painted. The most banal heating device becomes an interior decor item. In this way, you can create a wide variety of decorations with napkins, a video about which can be found below.

To work on paper flowers, it is best to take regular single-layer napkins

This shows how versatile napkins can be. It is also important that this type of material is affordable for everyone.

You can create a variety of decorations using napkins

To work on paper flowers, it is best to use regular single-layer napkins. You can buy various napkins color range, but it is advisable not to use options with prints in the form of hearts, teddy bears, etc. This coloring for a flower will not be the best.

Decorations made from paper napkins

Multi-colored flowers made from blue and pink napkins, for example, or blue and yellow, look very good. It turns out very beautiful, although for some types of flowers one color of material is enough.

Origami rose from a napkin

Carnations from napkins

The most in a simple way creating flowers from napkins will be making a bouquet of carnations. For this you will need:

  • three napkins white;
  • red felt-tip pen;
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • green floral ribbon.

And now - how to make flowers from napkins for decoration. First, we lay them out into the largest squares possible. Cut each one in half. One of the halves will be extra, since there will be five studs, not six.

Carnations from napkins

We draw with a red felt-tip pen straight lines along the longitudinal edge of each part. As a rule, the felt-tip pen shines through the napkins, but it is better to draw lines on one side and the other. Now the workpiece is folded in half lengthwise so that one edge is slightly higher than the other. Then we begin to roll the bottom of the workpiece into a tube. We fix it with wire very tightly. After this, we take floral tape and wrap it around the stem, the role of which will be played by the wire. It is advisable to start from the top so that the green tape completely covers the place where the wire will be attached to the napkin.

Advice! The finished flower needs to be fluffed so that it becomes more like a carnation.

Step by step diagram for making flowers

If you wish, you can take scissors and make numerous cuts of a couple of centimeters along the edges of the napkin. This way the carnation will turn from regular to terry. We collect a bouquet from ready-made flowers and place it in a vase.

Dandelions from napkins

To create this decoration from napkins with your own hands, prepare:

  • scissors;
  • floral tape;
  • wire.

To begin, take a yellow napkin and lay it out completely. We cut the material into four even strips.

Dandelions from napkins

Now from each blank you need to make some kind of pompom. To do this, we make cuts on a strip of napkin so that they do not reach the end by a centimeter. Then from each workpiece we twist a roller, which at the bottom must be fastened with wire. As with carnations, you need to cover everything with green floral tape. It needs to be wound from the place where the napkin connects to the wire. Then carefully wrap the rest of the stem. The top of the flower needs to be fluffed, and it will become very similar to a yellow dandelion.

Scheme for making a dandelion from napkins

From these flowers you can create a cute spring composition for table decoration. To do this, you will need a small basket in which you need to put green sisal, and then secure the dandelions in it. You can dilute everything with other colors from napkins, paper or beads. For example, you can add a few branches of lilies of the valley.

Making dandelions from napkins

Flowers from napkins for decorating topiary

Trees of happiness have become very popular lately. What kind of materials are used to create them? One of interesting species topiary is floral. It can be made from ordinary napkins in pink, red, blue and yellow.

As for how to make a decoration from paper napkins in the form of a topiary, first you need to prepare the base. It should consist of beautiful flower pot with a stick-trunk and a foam ball at the end. You will also need:

  • multi-colored plain napkins;
  • tailor's pins with round colored tips;
  • green wool threads;
  • scissors;
  • beads.

Decoration made from paper napkins in the form of a topiary

We divide the napkins into two parts, and then roll each of them one by one into a rose. To do this, you need to fold half of the napkin in half lengthwise and twist it, holding the bottom part where the two edges meet. After the rose is folded, you need to immediately straighten it, and then take a pin and pierce the flower in the center so that the needle pierces all layers of the napkin. Afterwards, we secure the pin tightly in the foam. So, one by one, we make roses from napkins and cover the entire foam ball with them. If there are any gaps left, you can cover them with green sisal.

DIY crafts from napkins - this is not only a wonderful way to have a good time, but also an opportunity to decorate a room in an original way for a particular holiday. And if you make them with your children, you will teach them how to create beautiful things on their own. In addition, such creativity helps to relax, relieve nervous tension and calm down. Many child psychologists and teachers believe that making crafts from napkins is an excellent remedy to develop perseverance and hand motor skills. Let's look at a few options for what can be made from napkins.

Napkin flower

Wonderful decoration festive table there will be a beautiful lotus made from napkins with your own hands . This flower can be not only a decoration, but also a napkin holder.

To make this decoration you will need the following:

  1. Red napkins - 40 pieces.
  2. Red napkins - 4 pieces.
  3. Thin wire - 10 cm.
  • First, make some preparations. Take a green napkin and open it so that only one fold remains. Fold the resulting rectangle lengthwise and open it again.
  • You should end up with a rectangle with a fold in the middle. Fold the corners of all four sides towards the center.
  • Fold the sides also towards the center and in half again. This way you should end up with a narrow rectangle with corners on the sides.
  • Do the same with the remaining green napkins.
  • Take a red napkin and, without opening it, fold it in half to form a triangle.
  • Place it with the top facing away from you, fold the side corners to the center with the sides. And bend the corners protruding below reverse side. Follow the same steps with all other red napkins.
  • Start forming the base of the lotus. Take the green napkins and fold them together. Now, to mark the middle, fold their total mass in half, but without putting too much pressure on the fold - we only need it as a guide.
  • Now secure the napkins with wire in the center and place them on the table with the long side of the corners facing up - these will be the leaves of the flower. Spread them out so that they lie evenly in a circle.
  • Start collecting petals. Take a red napkin and fold it in half with the curved corners facing inward. Insert the resulting triangle into the green leaves of the water lily, and straighten the upper part so that you get a voluminous petal - it will be easier to insert subsequent ones from above.

Important! Insert the corners of the petal so that one is in one sheet and the other is in the other. This way the composition will hold better and there will be no gaps. So do the first row.

  • Complete the next four rows in the same way. You should get a beautiful and lush lotus.

Sweet heart

DIY paper napkin craft in the shape of a heart you can make together with your child. This will provide an opportunity to develop patience, perseverance, imagination and accuracy in the baby.

To work you will need:

  • White and pink napkins.
  • Red cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • A simple pencil.
  • PVA glue.
  • Pre-cut paper palm.


  • To carefully cut out a heart from cardboard, use a template, or draw it yourself. On the back side, trace a palm out of paper.
  • Take some napkins and cut them into 4 strips, and then each strip into 3 more pieces. As a result, you should end up with small pink and white squares - make lumps out of them.
  • Now start forming the composition itself. Make a palm from white lumps, filling it with them inner area- use PVA for these purposes. Using the same principle, fill all the remaining space on the heart with pink lumps.

Important! The lumps should fit tightly to each other so that there are no gaps.

  • If you want to hang the craft on the wall, then attach a loop of silk or satin ribbon on the back side.

Charming roses

Various flowers can be made from napkins . In this master class we will tell you how to make a beautiful rose. This craft can serve a nice gift or an interesting decoration for any room.

To work you will need the following:

  • Red napkins.
  • Green corrugated paper.
  • Scotch.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Skewers.

Manufacturing sequence:

  1. Take a napkin and cut its sides so that you get separate squares.
  2. Place the square on the table, roll it into a tube using a pencil, but not all the way, but so that there is a free part of 2 cm left.
  3. Collect the resulting bead on the pencil from the edges to the center and remove it from the pencil. This way you will get a fixed petal with a corrugated roller. So make about 7 petals.
  4. Now begin to form a bud by rolling the petals into a spiral and placing several layers on top of each other.
  5. Insert a skewer into the bottom of the flower and secure with tape.
  6. Cut from the roll corrugated paper the top piece is approximately 1 cm wide - you will get a ribbon. Wrap this ribbon around the skewer, including closing and tape.
  7. Secure the tip with tape too. So you should get a beautiful and original rose.


To decorate the interior of a room, a topiary made from napkins would be a very interesting option.

To make a va you will need the following:

  • Multi-colored napkins.
  • Stapler.
  • Newspaper.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Flowerpot.

Manufacturing sequence:

  • Take a napkin and fold it 4 times, and then staple it in the middle. Now cut a circle out of a napkin and start forming a flower.

Important! Please note that you should fold each layer of the napkin separately, otherwise you won’t get a beautiful flower.

  • Make a lot of these flowers. They can be made from different colors or from one - as you like.
  • After decorative elements will be ready, start forming the foundation. To do this, take a newspaper, crumple it as tightly as possible so that the result is a ball, tie it with thread. Try it on the flowerpot.

Important! It is necessary that it is not too small or too large, otherwise your composition will look ugly.

Beautiful flowers made from paper napkins with your own hands.

Simple ideas give amazing imagination for creativity. paper napkins.
Handmade crafts serve as wonderful decorations for home and office interiors and table settings.
Such affordable material is very often used to decorate festive events.

DIY napkin flowers for beginners: diagrams, templates, photos

The humble carnation

Fluffy dandelion

Bright aster

Delicate poinsettia

Yellow peony

Flowers for topiary from napkins: diagrams, templates, photos

The original way making wood blanks

Using the proposed patterns for making flowers, you can create wonderful trees of happiness.

European tree made from ordinary napkins

Tree of happiness made from napkin decorations

Video: DIY napkin topiary

How to make flowers from napkins for volumetric figures?

To make a figure, 50 cm high, 30 x 10 cm wide, you will need:

  1. Napkins - 270 pcs.
  2. Glue - 3 small medium-sized tubes
  3. Cardboard or cardboard box
  4. Scissors
  5. Medium width tape
  6. Stapler

Let's get started:

  • Using scissors, we make blanks in the shape of the desired number. In our example, this is one
  • Glue all the parts together with tape

The basis for an unusual gift decoration
  • Mask the cardboard with napkins, fixing them with glue
  • While the blank dries, we make flowers
  • Fold the napkin in half twice
  • We fasten the center with a stapler
  • Cutting out a circle
  • We lift each petal up, forming a flower
  • We do not touch the bottom leaf; in the future, we will use it to attach the flower to the base.
  • We prepare 250-270 flowers

Next preparatory stage
  • Paste over our number
  • It turns out very impressive if you use napkins different color

This is how beautiful it turns out

Volumetric flowers made from napkins - origami

Doing everything clearly according to the scheme proposed below, you get a very unusual and beautiful flower. The main advantage of which is that its production does not require much experience and labor-intensive cutting.

Using the ancient art of paper folding to make beautiful jewelry

Lotus flower made from napkins

Necessary materials:

  1. Green napkins - 8 pcs (33/33 cm)
  2. Regular white - 24 pcs.
  3. Yellow - one 33/33 cm

Manufacturing process:

  • Fold the factory napkin, without unfolding, into a triangle
  • Bend the corners of the triangle from the top down

1 step

It will look like this
  • We wrap the resulting tails from the back side up

Step 2
  • Fold in half outwards. The first base for the leaf is ready
  • We make eight such blanks

Step 3
  • Using a stapler, we connect the formed greens

Step 4

The green base is ready.

  • To make flower petals, we make 24 leaves from a white napkin in a similar way.
  • Place 3 rows of white petals on top of the green base

Step 5
  • Add, for brightness, yellow stamens twisted diagonally

Step 6
  • If desired, you can modify the flower by folding several yellow napkins in half and then twisting them diagonally

Large flower made from napkins

Fluffy flowers are indispensable when decorating banquet tables and festive rooms. You can create any composition by learning how to make this simple decor.

  • Fold a single-layer white napkin into a small accordion. The smaller the step, the more voluminous the flower will be.

Carefully make folds
  • Fold it in half. We form triangles at the ends using scissors

Cut with a corner
  • We get a blank for the central part of the decoration

We get a jagged fence
  • We do similar manipulations with a red napkin, only we round the edges

Duplicate all actions
  • We connect both blanks, as shown in the figure.

Combining colorful napkins
  • We fasten with thread in the middle

We fix
  • Lift the petals gently up
  • In this way we prepare the required number of flowers of different colors.

Straightening the layers
  • We put the resulting lush flowers into the chosen composition

Beautiful decor from lush floral preparations

Flowers napkin applique

A great opportunity to spend your leisure time together with children aged 4–5 years by making this simple work.
Auxiliary material:

  1. Napkins - blue
  2. Cardboard - white and colored
  3. Paper - green
  4. Brush
  5. Scissors
  6. Pencil


  • Cut wide strips of blue napkins and roll them into lumps
  • Take white cardboard and draw bells on it
  • We cut out the flowers and glue balls formed from napkins onto them.
  • Draw a twig and leaves on green paper
  • Cut it out
  • On yellow cardboard or thick paper we glue one by one: sepals, flowers, twig, leaves

Handmade bells

DIY poinsettia flower from napkins

The best New Year's gift

A very elegant and festive flower. It is one of the most popular New Year and Christmas decorations.

Necessary materials:

  1. Pink and green napkins
  2. Pieces of white napkin
  3. A little gold paint
  4. Scissors

Let's get started:

  • Draw on napkins:
  1. from pink - 1 small and 2 medium flowers
  2. from green - 1 medium
  • Cut it out

Making blanks

Forming the natural shape of the petals
  • We cut the green blanks into:
  1. 2 leaves with two petals
  2. 1 single

Divide the green base into separate leaves
  • Glue the flowers together, moving the petals together, leaving no space
  • First two medium sized pink flowers, then a small pink one
  • We twist stamens from small pieces of white napkin
  • Cover them with golden paint
  • Fix with glue in the center of the flower
  • Glue green leaves to the underside of the flower

Put everything together, securing with glue

Poinsettia from napkins

DIY flowers made from sweets and napkins

We prepare in advance:

  1. Round chocolates - 5-7 pcs.
  2. Several pieces of green and yellow napkins
  3. Toothpicks - 5-7 pcs.
  4. Scotch tape narrow
  5. A piece of polyethylene or cling film
  6. Scissors
  7. Plastic glass or any jar for a stand
  8. A beautiful thin ribbon

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Wrap the candy in cling film to create a curled tail.
  • Secure the toothpick with tape to the twisted polyethylene

Packing sweets
  • Cut a napkin folded in four into the same size - 6 by 4 cm
  • We twist each piece in the center
  • We connect the resulting halves to each other
  • We get such a petal

Forming a yellow petal
  • Wrap the bud with a petal
  • We secure it with tape

Connecting to the base
  • We cut the green napkin into 4 parts, each of which we cut into 2 more parts.
  • We cut deeply and twist the tails, as shown in the example.

  • We wrap the finished sepals around the flower

Delicate, barely opened buds
  • We cover a plastic glass with yellow napkins
  • Stuff it with foam

Vase for a bouquet
  • Crumble green napkins into wide “noodles” and stick them onto foam plastic

Extra greens for garnish
  • Decorate the glass with a bow

Candy bouquet

How to fold a flower from a napkin onto a table with your own hands?

A very simple option for folding a napkin, used when setting the table:

  • We close the unfolded napkin so that its two sides meet in the central vertical line
  • Make folds on both sides of the horizontal strip dividing the napkin in half.
  • We get two even folds in the center of the form

Decorate the table with flowers from napkins
  • Next, we form an accordion in the direction of the resulting folds
  • Carefully press through the folds
  • We take the center of the resulting “butterfly” shape with our fingers, fold it into triangles, in the opposite direction from the formed fold of the triangular side
  • Unfolding the finished serving flower

Perfect option for serving

Flowers from napkins - roses

A very simple option for making roses, for the subsequent formation of various compositions.

  • We do it very carefully, using the suggested diagram below
  • We collect ready-made roses into a bouquet or topinary

Making a bouquet of ready-made flowers
  • After making many small roses from napkins, place them in a large vase. This will serve as a wonderful decoration for the holiday table.

Beautiful decoration with a napkin rose

Flowers from napkins in pots

Necessary materials:

  1. Simple napkins
  2. Ordinary balloon
  3. Paste
  4. Scissors
  5. Stapler
  6. Cropped plastic bottle or flower pot

Let's get started:

  • Inflate the balloon to the desired size. It must be suitable in volume for the pot in which it will be located.
  • I paste napkins on it, leaving only the tail

The ball should be the size of the pot
  • While the ball is drying we make flowers
  • We fold two standard napkins on top of each other and fasten them in the center with a stapler.
  • We give the workpiece a round shape using scissors.
  • We make about 30 such templates
  • We form flowers by lifting each layer up to the center

For greater pomp, make cuts along the edges of the mold.

To brighten the composition, add multi-colored napkins
  • We proceed to pasting the dried ball with ready-made flowers.
  • Apply very tightly, add green napkins in between
  • Place the colorful ball in the pot
  • Decorate with a bow

Volumetric composition in a pot

Flowers made from viscose napkins

  • Let's start with manufacturing cardboard forms in the form of petals length: five, four, three centimeters

Cardboard blanks
  • Transfer the templates to a viscose napkin
  • Cut out pink fabric: 7 large and 7 medium petals, one circle measuring 4 cm
  • We make 7 small petals from pale pink viscose

Viscose petals
  • Pour glue onto the wide base of the large petal
  • Fold the petal inward

  • We attach all seven large petals to a round pink base using glue

Distribute evenly
  • Add a row of middle petals
  • We finish with a row of pale blanks, placing them between the petals of the previous layer

The main part of the future accessory
  • From a strip of light pink napkin (2 by 8 cm) we form a core
  • To do this, fold the strip in half
  • Making cuts along the fold
  • Gradually twist

Make the strip the size of the desired core width

We get this core
  • For greater expressiveness, we make a bright pink border from a strip of 2 by 8 cm, formed as in the first case

Central part of the flower
  • We fix the resulting shape in the center of the petal blank
  • A wonderful accessory is ready

Viscose additional element to the wardrobe

Flowers made from openwork paper napkins

The openwork napkins themselves are very beautiful. Using the proposed schemes you can get very original decorative elements.

Delicate pink bouquet for gift decoration

Yellow rose for beautiful serving table

You can fold napkins in an original way in just a few minutes. And decorations made with their help look very impressive.

Video: How to make beautiful flowers from paper napkins with your own hands?


Happy child 20.11.2017

Dear readers, today I once again want to invite you to get creative. And, of course, it will be great if you actively involve creative process your children. Children always offer something new and unusual. Such joint creativity is always distinguished by originality and originality. In addition, the process of making crafts with your child brings you closer together and gives you the opportunity to talk about something important and intimate. Don't miss this opportunity! And another idea for such creativity is do-it-yourself decor and crafts from napkins, which Anna Pavlovskikh will introduce us to. I give her the floor.

Greetings, dear readers of Irina’s blog. I am very glad that my master classes and photos creative works resonate with you. I always read comments with interest and am sincerely glad that people are passionate about creativity. This is very important for me both as a teacher and as an artist.

It’s great that you create together with children. This, it seems to me, is an important component of education. How often parents are busy with work and worries, but if in this hustle and bustle you find at least a few hours a week for modeling, crafts, drawing with your child, then these are the memories that will remain with him for the rest of his life.

Now I bring to your attention crafts from napkins with children with step by step photos making flowers from napkins. Such flowers can decorate both our holidays and everyday life. We will use the simplest and most affordable material - paper napkins of different colors and shades.

Napkin applique

What we need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • napkins of different colors;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • eraser.

To begin, draw the outlines of the future application on colored cardboard. Next, you need to decide what exactly will be done in volume with colored napkins, and what will be done on a plane of colored paper.

To make balls, you need to cut the napkins into squares with a side of about 5 cm. Let the children roll small balls from these squares with dry hands - they will certainly enjoy this exciting process.

In a few minutes you will have a lot of paper balls, and all you have to do is glue them according to the design. Apply PVA glue to the desired areas of the design and glue napkin balls onto them.

Make individual parts from colored paper. You can also cut rectangles from napkins and roll them into sausage tubes, from which you can make antennae for butterflies and stems for flowers.

I suggest you look at the work of my daughter Svetlana using this technique. Perhaps you will be inspired by some ideas and do similar work with your child.

Bouquets of flowers from napkins with children

How to make flowers from napkins with your own hands? We will need the following materials:

  • napkins of bright colors;
  • pencil;
  • stapler;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • cardboard for the base or floral ball.

Children as young as five years old enjoy making such flowers. They are very simple to make and look impressive. They can be used to decorate greeting card or make a whole bouquet.

Draw circles with a diameter of 4-5 cm on folded napkins. Carefully cut out the circles. Secure the middle of each multi-layer circle with a stapler.

Separate each layer of napkin and crumple it up towards the middle. Fluff each layer to form a beautiful flower. Make several of these flowers and collect them on a floral ball for bouquets or on a cardboard base for a card. The postcard can also be supplemented with leaves of colored paper and a beautiful inscription.

Roses from napkins

I offer you three options for making a rose from a napkin. Take a look and choose the one you like best.

1 option

To make a rose, you need one napkin. Cut off the two folded edges of the napkin and separate all the layers separately.

To make the first petal, you need to fold one layer of napkin not in half, but so that one part is slightly larger. Start rolling the folded edge evenly along its entire length. On both sides you need to twist the corners of the resulting rectangle.

Make petals from all the separated napkins. Twist a bud from the first petal and continue to twist all the petals in this manner, gradually unrolling the petals that are further from the center. Make several of these roses and combine them into one bouquet. Similar compositions can be used for table setting.

Option 2

Lay out the entire napkin, fold the square onto the corner. Fold the bottom of the triangle over one centimeter and continue folding, leaving a small triangle at the top. Twist the wrapped strip into a spiral. Turn the remaining tails from the triangle to the other side - these will be rose leaves.

Option 3

Lay out the napkin into one large square. Roll the square into a tube. Step back six centimeters from one edge of the tube and twist it tightly - this is the future base of the bud. From the opposite side of the tube, straighten the corner - it will become a rose leaf. Roll the remaining part below the sheet tightly. Open the petals of the bud, twist the center of the bud tightly.

Rose and water lily made from napkins for table setting

On holidays, we especially want to see the table beautiful and elegant. Flowers made from napkins will help decorate it with minimal means, but such decor will look very bright, unusual, and original.


Take a small glass and napkins of the same color. Place the corner of the napkin inside the cup and turn the opposite corner of the napkin down. Place the next napkins into the cup with a slight shift in a circle and also turn the corner down.

After inserting 12 napkins, remove ready rose from a glass and place it on the table. Making such a rose will be a real surprise for a child and a worthy decoration for the dining table.

Origami water lily

When working with napkins, you can use a technique such as origami with great success. Let's try to make a beautiful water lily using this technology.

Lay out the napkin and fold it diagonally. Unfold and fold four corners toward the center. Next, fold all four corners toward the center two more times.

Turn the napkin over to the other side and repeat this action once. Flip it back over and turn the petals out from the corners on the underside. Also turn the corners up from the bottom side.

Let's watch a video on how to make flowers from napkins.

Today we got acquainted with such an interesting material for creativity as paper napkins. We learned how to make flowers and crafts from them. This material provides enormous freedom of creativity, is very easy to process, and is not toxic or dangerous for children. There is a huge selection of napkins in stores today. different sizes, colors and shades. This material is very accessible and inexpensive. I hope that you will definitely use my tips for working with this material, and that you will enjoy doing work using this technique with your children.