What kind of fur are fur coats made of? What types of natural fur coats are there: colors, furs, styles All types of fur coats

Living in climatic zones where the temperature drops below zero for a long time is impossible without warm clothing. For thousands of years, fur clothing was considered the best protection against winter cold. Despite the constant development of light and warm innovative materials, the high cost of natural skins, and finally, the active protests of wildlife defenders, fur coats, jackets, sheepskin coats and other products made from natural fur occupy an honorable place in the wardrobe of our contemporaries. These useful and beautiful things are expensive, and even movie stars and millionaires update them relatively rarely.

Therefore, the question of which fur to choose for winter new clothes will be very important for any woman who has planned such a purchase.

Sheepskin coats or fur coats?

A woman's fur coat has traditionally been considered an indicator of the status and well-being of its owner. At the same time, sheepskin coats, which triumphantly burst into winter fashion, continue to enjoy enormous popularity for more than half a century and give rise to discussions about their advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, for most men, sheepskin coats are the most preferred type of fur clothing. As for female fans of sheepskin coats, they name the following positive properties of this clothing:

  • relatively low cost;
  • good ability of a sheepskin coat to retain heat;
  • resistance to moisture (with appropriate impregnation);
  • variety of cuts and finishes.

However, sheepskin coats are quite heavy, and unlike fur coats, they lose their attractive appearance much faster; moreover, the variety of their cut and finishing leads to a quick change in fashionable styles. However, high-quality classic-style sheepskin coats will not only reliably protect their owner from bad weather for a long time, but will also delight her with their appearance.

What's warmest in the world? Is it more durable?

In order to determine which furs are the warmest, you should remember where certain animals live.

  1. The best heat-protective properties are required in the Far North, and accordingly, polar bears and reindeer have the warmest fur. However, their skins are not suitable for making clothes.
  2. But polar foxes (Arctic foxes), sables (especially Barguzin's) and martens will provide reliable protection from the most severe frosts and hurricane winds.
  3. The thermal insulation of the beaver, steppe and forest fox, and raccoon dog is slightly inferior.
  4. Mouton (treated sheepskin) is also very warm; the thermal protection of nutria, mink, chinchilla, ermine, and also traditional astrakhan fur is somewhat worse.
  5. The furs of squirrels, marmots, rabbits, and gophers are considered not too warm.

For zones with a temperate climate, the heat-protective properties of a fur coat are not very relevant, but the question of which fur is the most wearable becomes a priority. According to experts, the main types of fur for fur coats have the following durability rating (based on the number of seasons):

  • otter and river beaver – at least 20;
  • mink, mouton, sable – 10;
  • arctic fox, marten, karakul - 7;
  • fox and nutria fur – 5;
  • squirrel – 4;
  • rabbit, gopher - 2.

Of course, a lot depends on the quality of the raw material and its processing technology. It is very important how often a fur coat is worn, and what weather conditions prevail in a given region. Furs suffer most from water (for example, from melted snow indoors or from a snowstorm that turns into rain). The fur of waterfowl (beaver, nutria, sable, otter, mink) has the highest water resistance properties; the muton is also practically not damaged by rain.

The most popular furs and their features

The most practical option “for every day” is considered to be a mouton fur coat.

And although for our grandmothers a fur coat (or more often a short fur coat) made of sheepskin was considered warm, but not too beautiful, modern processing technologies make it possible to obtain a mouton of a wide variety of colors and textures. The main advantages of this fur are:

  • heat resistance;
  • durability;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to dampness;
  • affordable price.

The phrase “mink coat” has become a household word to denote elegance and luxury.

However, it should be noted that not all such fur coats are expensive and luxurious.

  1. The most valuable “black diamond” furs have a purple or black tint and a thick down.
  2. The “tourmaline” category is distinguished by a beige undercoat and a long brown coat, followed by blue, white, gray, and black skins.
  3. Brown, walnut red furs are considered the cheapest.

The price also depends on the method of selecting the skins - the most expensive will be a plate of large pieces created using computer technology. Products made from dissimilar colored fragments are relatively cheap, but they will not last long.

The popularity of mink and the close attention of designers to it have led to the emergence of special technologies for its processing. For example, plucked fur has a delicate velvety structure due to the fact that all guard hairs have been removed, and groove and laser burning make it possible to obtain a surface with an unusual three-dimensional pattern.

Among the latest design proposals are mink sheepskin coats with a suede-like interior and perforated fur plates.

Knitted fur coats, created by weaving fur strips on an elastic base, are also in fashion.

Furry Arctic foxes and foxes are considered very stylish and warm.

They are often used as decoration, and a fur coat or sheepskin coat made from such animals is not inferior in prestige to products made from mink and is a must in any winter collection of leading fashion houses. The most spectacular are the silver foxes, but they are also the most often counterfeited.
A feature of natural silver-brown fur is a three-stage color change along the length of the hair - black tip, white middle and gray base.
The bright skins of the moth, gray fox, and Finnish golden fox are also very beautiful. As for the Arctic fox, its natural color in winter is white. Platinum Arctic foxes, distinguished by their special brilliance, are considered elite.

Despite all the changes in fashion trends, sable has remained the king of fur fashion for many centuries.

In addition to its unique heat-protective qualities and durability, sable is also very soft and beautiful, it has a silky thick pile, a special sparkling sheen, and is also very light.

The most expensive warm ones are the Barguzin sables, distinguished by their deep dark color with gray hair; the light Yenisei sables are slightly cheaper. Sables from North America and Canada are valued much lower, moreover, they are often counterfeited, and the cheapest skins are those obtained from fur farms.

How to choose so as not to make a mistake?

As you can see, the question of which fur coat or sheepskin coat is best for you requires simultaneous consideration of many factors.

  1. First of all, you should proceed from your own needs and the conditions in which you will wear the desired new thing.
  2. If you do not have the opportunity to update your wardrobe often, the most sensible decision would be to choose a classic cut product from a reliable manufacturer.
  3. When deciding which fur (mink, nutria, mouton, etc.) is better to choose, you should proceed from your financial capabilities, taste and needs, and, to a large extent, age.
  4. If you want to purchase an avant-garde model, then you should keep in mind that already next season it may become irrelevant and will require replacement.

What to look for when choosing?

It is better to buy an expensive winter item in a good store, and you should ask for a manufacturer’s certificate.
As a rule, fur products from reputable brands do not have a lining at the bottom, which allows you to evaluate the quality of the processing of the fur, the number of stitched flaps and other important factors.
If the lining is sewn “tightly” and the seller does not want to trim it, you are dealing with a counterfeit.
Pay attention to the texture and uniformity of the front side, the quality of the seams, the softness and elasticity of the pile, its shine, as well as how quickly the hairs fall into place when crumpled and smoothed in the opposite direction.
When squeezed, the flesh should not make rustling or crunching sounds, and if the seller protests against such tests, this is grounds for refusing the purchase.
A high-quality natural fur coat should be quite heavy and dense; a creative product can be lightweight, but you should not expect warmth and durability from it.

The decision to acquire a natural fur coat for the new season is due to two reasons. The first is to provide yourself with warm, high-quality clothes, the second is to satisfy your ambitions or demonstrate your good financial situation. Seriously though, indeed, each type of fur has its own “status” and value, differs in appearance, ability to warm the body and retain heat, wearability, and, accordingly, cost. The rich assortment of modern winter clothing allows us to satisfy the aesthetic and practical needs of residents of regions with traditionally cold winters, as well as residents of areas with a mild climate.

Each person, going to the store for an elegant, chic, warm fur coat (it is in a specialized retail outlet that you should buy natural fur products), is guided by his own considerations. It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of which animal fur coat should be purchased; each case must be considered separately. Some people love luxurious fluffy furs with long pile: fox, arctic fox, raccoon. Others are seduced by the silkiness of short, elastic mink fur or the “plushness” of very short pony fur. It is noteworthy that the value of fur does not always determine the lifespan of the product, for example, as is the case with an expensive but impractical chinchilla, which is worn like a cheap rabbit - on average 2 seasons.

Rational connoisseurs of reliable, good-quality things will probably give preference to a fur coat made from the fur of a river beaver, seal, otter or raccoon dog, which are recognized as the most wearable. Next in the list, in a descending order, is the noble fur of mink, nutria and marten, as well as sable, muskrat and astrakhan fur, then in this row lined up are the furs of such animals as fox, arctic fox, ferret, wolf, sheepskin. A marmot, a hare, a goat, a squirrel are soft and light, beautiful furs in their own way, but not warm enough, and very short-lived. Most often, they are used to sew children's products, which after a couple of seasons become unwearable due to loss of attractiveness, and it is not at all a pity to throw away such an item - after all, the child has managed to outgrow it.

For areas where winters are characterized by high humidity, fur coats made from waterproof fur of river animals: otter, beaver or nutria are excellent. True, the fur of wild nutria and cage-grown fur differs in quality and price. Also, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the quality of the fur - it must be harvested in winter. Good workmanship is the elasticity of the flesh, which should be easily wrinkled and also easily return to its original position.

Natural fur coats continue to be in constant demand. And first of all, of course, because they retain heat well, although appearance is also of no small importance. Natural fur, however, is used not only to make fur coats, but also some other items of clothing - shower warmers, hats, mittens, stoles; they can be used to decorate a dress or shoes. And yet, fur coats are its most common use. Although, it must be said that these days a fur coat is more a tribute to fashion or tradition than truly an item of urgent necessity. Many modern synthetic materials retain heat no worse, and sometimes even better, than natural fur. Moreover, in some European countries and in the United States, the use of natural fur is, in some way, a challenge to society, where the position of animal rights activists is very strong. Indeed, in order, for example, to sew just one fur coat, it may take from 20 to 50 lives of small animals - minks or martens, and sometimes more. Therefore, sales of fur coats in these countries are at a rather low level. However, many people, especially women around the world, are willing to continue to pay sometimes very high prices, equivalent to several tens of thousands of dollars to get just such a fur coat.

However, if 100 years ago natural fur was obtained exclusively by hunting, today fur-bearing animals are mainly bred on numerous farms. Fur production in many countries, for example, Finland, Canada or the USA, is one of the important export items, for which fur auctions are held regularly, several times a year. This fur is of higher quality, the skins of farm animals contain less waste, and they look much better than the skins of their wild counterparts.

Fur coats made from natural fur require especially careful treatment, therefore, when purchasing such a fur coat, be sure to ask the seller exactly how to care for it. After all, such a fur coat cannot simply be rolled up and put in a washing machine, and not every dry cleaner can be suitable for it. Most manufacturers provide their products with appropriate labels that contain all the basic information. But even in this case, natural furs serve you for a different number of seasons. They differ not only in appearance or ability to retain heat, but also in their wear resistance. And the standard, in a way, is otter fur, which serves as a starting point for measuring the wearability of other furs. That is, if we take otter fur as 100%, then, for example, sable fur will be 80%, arctic fox fur will be 60%, and chinchilla fur will be only 15% of the standard. Therefore, when talking about furs, we will definitely indicate this figure.

Sable fur is the most valuable and expensive type of fur. The price of a pair of sable skins can be equal to the price of a mink sheepskin coat. Due to the high price, most often, sable is used only for finishing products, such as collars, hoods, cuffs, etc. Long-skirted sable coats can only be seen on the catwalks of fur auctions.
Any fur must “breathe,” especially sable. You can’t leave such fur in the closet for too long. Even in summer, you need to ventilate your fur product sometimes.
When purchasing products made from sable fur, you must make sure of its quality. A low price may be a sign of poor fur production.

2. Marten fur

Marten fur is very similar to sable fur. Often, marten fur is even used to sew fur coats. The color of the marten's fur is very similar to the color of the sable's fur, but the marten's hair is not so soft and lush, not so delicate and silky. The size of the marten skin reaches 40-50 cm in length.
If you dream of buying a sable fur coat, but you don’t have enough money, then a marten fur coat will help you make this dream come true. The main thing is to answer everyone who asks that this is a fur coat made of sable, because marten fur is so similar in appearance to sable fur.

3. Natural fur. Fox

Fox fur is a long-haired type of fur. It is often used for finishing products and sewing hats. Now fox vests have come into fashion. Products made from fox are very warm and beautiful.
The following types of fox fur can be found on sale: gray fox; red; cross; red fox, silver fox, arctic fox.
The corsac (steppe fox) is smaller than the common fox (less than 55cm), the corsac's hair is shorter and less luxuriant. The corsac dog is often confused with the fox, which is found in abundance in the Volga region. But its fur is noticeably shorter and does not have such a bright red hue as fox fur.
Fox fur warms well in severe frosts, but in rainy weather the luxurious long pile hangs in icicles and loses its attractiveness. When purchasing, keep in mind that dyed fur is more expensive, but wears worse.

4. Types of natural fur. Mink

If sable fur is the “king” of fur, then mink is the “queen”. Mink skins have soft and silky hair of various colors.
In minks, males are much larger than females, their hair is longer and their skin tissue is rougher and thicker.
There are many types of mink fur, but the most popular is the Scandinavian black mink.
Mink is a very practical, durable and relatively inexpensive type of fur. If you buy a fur coat made from European mink, sewn even in disarray, you can wear it for at least 10 years.

The Arctic fox's fur is very warm, long-haired and dense. Arctic fox is used, as a rule, for finishing products and sewing hats. Hunters mainly hunt white foxes, while blue foxes are bred in captivity. Products made from blue fox last for at least 12 seasons, and products made from smaller white fox last at least 9 months.
The Norwegian Arctic fox is characterized by a large skin size, thick hair, good resistance to moisture and durability.

Raccoon is a currently popular type of fur, imported from North America. American raccoon fur is quite warm and has a beautiful appearance. The hair of the skin is harsh, dark brown or yellowish-brown with brownish down. A very beautiful tail with transverse black-brown stripes, wonderfully decorating soft fur hats. Often, striped raccoon skins are enhanced by lightening individual guard hairs in order to imitate a silver-black fox.
The raccoon dog differs from raccoon skins by its striped tail and “mask” on its face. The raccoon dog's fur is a little coarser. Raccoon fur is very warm, the hair is very thick, the fluff resembles the fluff of a goat. The hairline is longer than that of the Arctic fox.

7. Otter fur

Otter is considered the most wearable fur and is used as a standard to compare other types of fur. Since it is an aquatic fur-bearing animal, otter fur is very resistant to moisture and precipitation. Otter skins vary in color. From dark chestnut to light brown. The height of the hair is up to 3 cm, the height of down is up to 2 cm. The down is very soft, silky, durable. The length of the skins can reach 1 meter. Thick leather fabric. It is considered “men’s fur”; only plucked skins are used for women’s products.
Products made from otter can save you a significant amount, and they will look no worse than “rich” furs. Modern technologies can do “miracles” with any type of fur.

8. Natural fur. Nutria

Nutria skins are used mainly for sewing fur coats and other outerwear for women. The skins of plucked nutria are similar to mink. There are many colored rocks: smoky, cream, straw, white, beige, pearlescent, silver, golden, black. The best quality of hair is medium height with elastic hair that completely covers the ridge and sides.
Nutria is very often produced in artisanal conditions. Beware of shopping for "homemade" skins. The dressing process is very often carried out according to the “folk method” and the skin turns out to be loose and short-lived.

9. Fur of waterfowl. Muskrat

Muskrat skins are used both for sewing products and for finishing. The hair is quite thick and the fluff is silky. The color is dark brown or light brown. The downy hair is smoky gray at the base and brownish at the ends. The skins are produced in a natural color or dyed brown (mink).
Quite an unusual and interesting version of fur. Excellent fur for finishing parts of winter clothing.

10. Fur of waterfowl. Beaver

Beaver is considered a "male" type of fur because it is quite heavy, especially if the beaver's fur is uncut and unplucked. Very beautiful jackets and short coats are made from plucked and shorn beaver. They have a delicate, velvety, shiny surface. The products have increased wear resistance. The hair color is always brown. In the southern regions, beaver fur is slightly lighter. The fluff is very thick, soft, the hair is long and hard.

11. Natural fur. ferret

Ferret skins are quite beautiful, with golden tints. Very often they are used for sewing hats and men's molded hats. This fur is suitable for finishing outerwear: collars, edges, cuffs.

12. Chinchilla fur

Chinchilla is one of the lightest and most expensive furs. Chinchilla fur is as light as down. True, wear resistance is low, as a rule, 2-3 seasons. Fur is very “afraid” of water and is not suitable for wet weather. The hair of chinchilla skins is very thick, dense, very soft and silky, equal in height. The hair is colored in gray tones. The leather fabric is very thin. The skins are small in size.
A chinchilla fur coat is clothing for rare “outings”. The fur is very delicate and does not withstand daily stress.

13. Natural fur. Rabbit

Rabbit is the most accessible, inexpensive type of fur. The properties of skins depend on the breed, age, climatic conditions, and slaughter season. The thickness depends on the type of skins. The area of ​​most skins is 3-12 sq.m. Natural hair color depends on the breed. The heat-protective properties of rabbit skins, especially long-haired ones, are high, but the wear resistance is quite low, only 5-15% compared to otter fur (the standard). With prolonged, intensive wear, the hair breaks, the appearance of the fur deteriorates, and frayed areas appear.
The skins can be uncut, shorn or with hair removed, natural or dyed in color.
The rabbit runs around well at temperatures below -10, and is not afraid of rain. Very rare quality for fur products.
When buying a rabbit fur coat, choose undyed fur, as its durability is 25% higher than that of dyed specimens.

14. Karakul

Karakulcha is a skin with a very low, shiny, silky hair coat, which creates a beautiful moiré pattern on the surface of the skin. Leather fabric is very thin, elastic and durable.
Astrakhan fur has a hairline higher than that of broadtail and has the shape of full curls. The shape of the curl can be different, therefore the pattern on the skin is not the same.
The fur of the astrakhan skin is soft and silky. In purebred astrakhan skins, the hair is very shiny and silky, which is what distinguishes it from non-purebred skins. The leather tissue of astrakhan skins is thicker than that of broadtail, but at the same time it is soft and flexible.
The most durable fur coat is a fur coat made from astrakhan fur. Of all types of fur, this fur is considered the most reliable and durable. Karakul is the skin of a sheep, and a sheep cannot be compared with a fur-bearing animal.

Fur skins are sewn together either by hand or using a furrier's machine. To make a furrier's seam on a machine, the skin at the seam is folded with the hair inward, carefully tucked the hair inward with the index finger or an awl, and the edges of the leather are sewn over the edge.

When cutting out paired parts from leather, you need to remember that the leather stretches more in the transverse direction than in the longitudinal direction, so they need to be cut in the same direction. You cannot use pins to pin the skin, as it will leave marks on it. Soft leather is sewn on a machine using a regular needle No. 80 or No. 90. To sew thicker leather, a special triangular needle is required.

Sewing fur must be done with a special furrier's machine. Furrier machine 10-B is a universal industrial machine designed for sewing fur skins with dense leather fabric, such as sheepskin, nutria, fox, etc. This article provides recommendations on how to independently set up the operation of a furrier machine.

From an old fur coat, even a Soviet-style mouton, you can make a magnificent sheepskin coat with a hood. Finished with leather and modern fittings, it will look like new. An experienced craftsman will sew a vest from a mink or fox coat and even, in addition to it, a fur bag, which has been very fashionable in recent years.

Scuffs appear on sleeves, pockets and other places of fur products. Is it possible to tint such areas of fur at home? Fur cannot be dyed at home, but a leather jacket or raincoat can easily be refreshed with paint in aerosol cans.

Since time immemorial, clothing has been made from animal skins. They helped not to freeze. Shepherds in the mountains to this day use sheep's cloaks to protect themselves from both cold and unbearable heat. Clothing made from natural fur does not get wet and dries quickly. Therefore, it is able to protect not only from temperature changes, but also from dampness.

What is fur?

If previously fur was the name given to any animal skin that was removed along with the wool and dressed in a special way, now it is customary to call this only the skins of hares, martens, cats, foxes, beavers, deer, servals and astrakhan sheep.

Types of natural fur

All natural fur can be divided into four types.

First type of fur- long-haired animals. The fur is luxurious, retains heat perfectly, and is very beautiful. This:

  • arctic fox (blue and white);
  • fox (warm, fiery red);
  • wolf (not very beautiful, similar to a dog, but one of the most wearable and warm; its thermal protection is twice as high as all furs of this type; suitable for wearing in the Far North);
  • lynx (rare, expensive);
  • badger (not particularly valuable, rough, but durable and warm);
  • raccoon fur (often tinted, valuable, wear-resistant, lightweight, never goes out of style).

Second type- fur of short-haired animals. Not the most practical and wearable, but quite expensive and elegant. Here we can distinguish such varieties of natural fur as:

  • ermine (suitable for making for everyday wear, not suitable, fragile and impractical);
  • mink (the most common fur, as it is comfortable and wear-resistant);
  • chinchilla (very expensive, thick, light, but fragile);
  • squirrel (soft, but not soggy);
  • sable (expensive, warm, practical);
  • ferret (lightweight, resistant to damage, but the pungent unpleasant odor does not disappear even after careful dressing).

Third type- pet fur. Their skins are not particularly valuable. To give them the necessary useful qualities, such as wear resistance, practicality and aesthetics, special processing is required. Although, for example, it doesn’t help rabbit fur either. Astrakhan fur and mouton are more valuable because they are resistant to abrasion, comfortable, and, with special treatment, waterproof.

Fourth type- fur of aquatic animals. It is durable, has excellent water-repellent properties, and protects against dampness.

  • seal fur is smooth, silky, does not get wet, and is easy to clean;
  • products made from muskrat - these are hats, short coats, things for children; aesthetic sock fur that perfectly retains heat;
  • Muskrats and nutria are considered no less valuable and durable.

Varieties of fox fur

Not long ago, foxes began to be bred in captivity. This helped preserve the population of wild species of these animals and fill the market with the necessary amount of raw materials for making clothes. Fox fur is very popular because of its valuable qualities. It is beautiful, warm, practical. And the skins of foxes raised in nurseries compare favorably with wild ones. They are more fluffy and well-groomed.

The following types of foxes are found in the wild:

  • Common redhead. It has a red color and a white or black belly.
  • (silver-black).
  • Ognevka. Bright orange-red fur with iridescence.

Miracles of selection

During the selection process, many shades of fox fur appeared. The red color of the skin now has all shades, from yellow to rich dark red. The silver fox has a tint from barely noticeable to real gray hair.

In this regard, today the following types of fox fur are distinguished:

  1. Russian - characterized by not very long soft wool, medium size skin. Has a great resemblance to a wild fox.
  2. American - distinguished by a longer and stiffer awn, a larger skin size.
  3. Norwegian - favorably distinguished by long pile, thick undercoat, large skin.
  4. Finnish - the appearance resembles exotic feathers - the guard hair is so long. Thick pile, large skin.

If we talk about shades of fox fur, here you can achieve real exclusivity by changing the color. The fur, which survives dyeing perfectly, has become a real find for couturiers all over the world.

Mink fur

This is the most popular and expensive type of fur. It has long become commonplace due to its versatility, durability and beauty. In the world, the leading positions in the production of mink skins are occupied by North American and Scandinavian countries. This animal was brought to Russia in the nineteenth century from North America.

In many countries of the world, but the breeding work is based on one North American breed. Depending on the climate, the diet of the animal and the place of breeding, the type of fur (any) changes significantly, acquiring new properties. The mink fur also becomes different. Kinds:

  1. Russian type of mink. This animal was bred in Russia, with high guard hair and thick undercoat. The most shaggy of all minks, it is not afraid of dampness, and protects well in the cold.
  2. Scandinavian - occupies the lion's share of the world market. The fur of these animals has a medium, even awn and thick underfur.
  3. Finnish. Mink with this type of fur was bred in Northern Europe and is a variety of Scandinavian fur.
  4. North American. The animals are raised on American and Canadian farms. Their fur is called “velvet”, since the hair and undercoat of this species are the same length.

The result of careful selection work was the development of more than a hundred colors of the natural color of mink, which can be divided into several groups: beige, white, blue, gold, glow (luminous), darkening and lightening the main color, standard dark brown, standard black, scanblack, black , marble, jaguar.

If it is necessary to imitate expensive dark fur, obtain a golden hue, a leopard pattern, or highlight the ridges, the skins are dyed. Such mink loses some of its wear-resistant qualities due to the chemicals in the paint.

Plucked mink is very soft to the touch. Pinching - removal of guard hairs. Only the soft undercoat remains, which gives the fur of the skin its softness.

Sheared mink is fur with shortened guard hairs. Haircuts are often combined with other types of processing, such as plucking. Using a laser, a textured pattern is applied to the fur.

What kind of fur are fur coats made from?

In their collections, fashion designers demonstrate a huge variety of skins from which fur coats are made. Each type of fur has its own distinctive features. But more attention is paid to its manufacture, which affects wear resistance. Dyed fur deteriorates faster than natural fur.

If we talk about heat-insulating properties, then plucked and shorn, as well as summer fur, warm worse. The coldest unprocessed fur is considered to be marmot and ermine fur, which retain heat well - sable, fox, arctic fox, seal, chinchilla, nutria, mink.

The most common types of fur for fur coats are:

  • mink;
  • mouton;
  • fox;
  • arctic fox;
  • rabbit;
  • nutria;
  • sable;
  • chinchilla.

The beauty, weight, practicality and warmth of a fur coat directly depend on what animal the clothing is made from and how the raw materials were processed.

What types are there?

The design of outerwear is replete with variety. Various types of natural fur coats can be found in any specialized store. Those with a graceful figure and tall stature are lucky. Such beauties can afford any style. But curvy ladies of short stature are not recommended to choose long and voluminous models.

Fur coat-butterfly. This is a mid-length flared piece with wide sleeves. May have a hood or collar. It hides figure flaws well, but is impractical on extreme cold and windy days.

Fur coat. Fitted, widens at the bottom. Equipped with a hood that can be worn instead of a hat. The most feminine option, a classic model that never goes out of style.

Autolady. A short version that reaches to the waist or hips. It has earned popularity among car enthusiasts because of its practicality.

Classic model. Usually the length of such a fur coat is knee-length or slightly lower. The silhouette is straight, flared or trapezoidal. There is a hood or collar of any shape.

Manto. The length of the fur coat does not exceed one hundred and ten centimeters. A-line or flared silhouette. Sleeves and collars can be of any shape.

Cleopatra. Loose trapezoid cut. A distinctive feature of the model is the original inserts on the sleeves and hem.

The right type of fur coat will help highlight your strengths and hide your figure’s flaws.

What kind of fur are sheepskin coats made from?

The ancestor of the sheepskin coat was the Russian sheepskin coat, which warmed people in severe frosts and protected them from blizzards. The current sheepskin coats have a more aesthetic appearance, but are not inferior in practicality.

Sheepskin coats are made from sheepskin Merino, Enterfino and Toscano.

Merino obtained from such sheep have thick wool. After proper processing of the skins, the warmest, but not durable enough clothes are obtained.

U enterfino the pile is not so thick, so the sheepskin coats are not so warm, but more durable.

Toscano- the best material. It makes light, wearable, beautiful sheepskin coats. In such clothes it is impossible to freeze even in thirty-degree frost.

To make sheepskin coats, not only sheep, but also goat fur is used. This is a completely removed skin, which is tanned using appropriate technology. Clothes made from goats are less popular because they do not provide particularly good protection in severe frosts.

Instead of fur coats, many people prefer to buy sheepskin coats, the types of fur of which are more durable and warm.

Artificial fur

The use of new technologies in industry has made it possible to create artificial fur, which is almost impossible to distinguish from natural fur. For its production, various methods and different textile raw materials are used.

The following types of artificial fur are distinguished:

  • on a knitted basis;
  • on a woven basis;
  • with adhesive fixation of pile (glued);
  • sewing fur.

Faux fur imitates natural fur so closely that sometimes when purchasing an item it is difficult to understand what material the product is made of.

Faux fur has many benefits. It is durable, lightweight and inexpensive. Also, its use for sewing clothes saves the lives of a considerable number of animals.

How to wear real fur?

In order for fur clothing to favorably emphasize the dignity of its owner, it is necessary to take into account a few simple rules when choosing and combining it with the rest of the outfit.

Depending on what types of fur are presented to your attention, you should think about how long it will last. It should be remembered that the most wearable ones are otter, beaver and seal.

The style is selected depending on the characteristics of the figure and physique. It must be remembered that any fur, even with the shortest pile, makes you look fat.

Products made from natural fur are appropriate everywhere: in the theater, at a party, in a restaurant. Feel free to wear a fur coat when it gets cold. In milder temperatures, you can wear a fur vest, and in cold weather, choose more serious clothing.

What to wear with real fur?

There is an opinion that people do not wear a hat with a fur coat. A scarf that can also be worn as a scarf would be better. Thin hats and knitted berets look good.

Another important wardrobe detail is shoes. Boots should match the style of outerwear. It is necessary to strictly observe the uniformity of the style of fur coat and shoes. It should be comfortable and practical.

The main rule is that only expensive jewelry made of gold, pearls and diamonds can be worn with natural fur. Cheap jewelry will look out of place here.