Children about their small homeland in the dhow. Short-term project “My Small Motherland” for the senior preschool group of the kindergarten



“A person cannot live without his homeland, just as he cannot live without a heart.”

K. Paustovsky

Motherland, Fatherland... In the roots of these words there are images close to everyone: mother and father, parents, those who give life to a new being. Instilling a sense of patriotism in preschoolers is a complex and lengthy process. Love for loved ones, for kindergarten, for one’s native village, and one’s native country play a huge role in the development of a child’s personality.

Awareness of the significance of the problem of nurturing love for the native land and its nature prompted the conduct of local history work.

Relevance of the project.

An integral part of any education system is the education of patriotism. Patriotism is love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase wealth.
The foundations of patriotism begin to form in preschool age. Patriotic education preschoolers includes the transfer of knowledge to them, the formation of attitudes based on it, and the organization of age-appropriate activities. The foundation of patriotism is rightfully considered to be the purposeful familiarization of children with their native land.
Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland - the place where a person was born. The basic stage of developing love for the Motherland in children is their accumulation of social experience of life in their village, assimilation of the norms of behavior and relationships accepted in it, and introduction to the world of its culture.
To successfully work with children to familiarize themselves with the village where they live, it is necessary to use the project method. Preschool childhood can be called a time of daily discoveries. Adults should give children the joy of these discoveries, filling them with ideological and educational content, which should contribute to the formation of moral foundations and a sense of patriotism. By expanding the horizons of what children know, we plant in their hearts a spark of love for their native land, for the Motherland.

Project type; practically - research.
Project type ; long-term

Project participants: teachers, parents, children,

Project partners;Library, village residents.

Implementation period; September - May

Problem hypothesis:

You should not expect children to show adult forms of love for their native village, but if during the implementation of the project children acquire knowledge about the history of the village, symbols, sights, they will know the names of those who founded and glorified the village. Children will be interested in the topic of the Great Construction of BAM. If they begin to show interest in the events of village life and reflect their impressions in productive activities, then we can assume that the goal and objectives of the project have been fulfilled.

Objective of the project:
Formation in children of love for the Motherland, for the native village of its history, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the village, a desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase its wealth. Introducing children to the culture and traditions of the people.
Main goals:
To cultivate in a child love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, village.

Develop a caring attitude towards nature and all living things.

Cultivate respect for other people, professions and work.

Develop interest in Russian traditions and crafts.

Expand your understanding of your native village and its features, reveal the role of the village of Novy Uoyan. Introduce children to the sights of their native land.

To foster feelings of responsibility and pride for the achievements of the Small Motherland.

Develop an emotional and holistic relationship to the native land.

Project method

  • The project method allows children to learn complex local history material through a joint search for a solution to a problem, thereby making the cognitive process interesting and motivational. Project activities develop the creative abilities of preschoolers and help the teacher himself develop as a creative person.
  • Design technology creates a child’s main need – self-development as a natural state. The project method helps to implement a humanistic approach to education - respect for the child, acceptance of his goals, interests, creation of conditions for development.
  • The didactic meaning of project activities is that it helps to connect learning. The project method allows children to learn complex local history material through a joint search for a solution to the problem, thereby making the cognitive process interesting and motivational. Project activities develop the creative abilities of preschoolers and help the teacher himself develop as a creative person.

Stages of the project:

1. Diagnostic and design (preparatory)

Goals: analysis of existing conditions, diagnosis (study) of children preschool age and defining the tasks of museum pedagogy.

Forms: conversations, observations, parent surveys.

2 . Practical stage (content-active)

Goals: planning the project work. Organization of interaction with preschool children, parents, employees of the local history museum, the House of Crafts, and elementary schools.

Forms: games, competitions, excursions, parent meetings, leisure Events.

3. Final stage (reflective)

Objectives: verification, evaluation of results (monitoring)

Forms: conversations, questionnaires for parents.

Principles of museum pedagogy:

Integrity, systematicity, consistency, humanism, cultural conformity;

Educational, educational, educational, developmental, organizational, methodological and diagnostic functions in museum pedagogy are determined by systematizing knowledge in the field of museum affairs and education.

Expected result

The final result is a diagnosis where children will show their knowledge. The active participation of children in exhibitions, competitions, sports and patriotic events, discussions, and other activities is taken into account.

The ability to express one’s own opinion, analyze, react quickly to what is happening, and provide all possible assistance.

Mastering accessible knowledge about the history of our native Fatherland.

Acquisition of social communication skills by preschool children with adults.

Showing attention and respect to veterans and elderly people, providing all possible assistance.


“MY SMALL HOMELAND” (approximate)



Work with children

Working with parents

Methodological support

Cognitive cycle

Productive activity.



Statement of the problem, introduction to the topic of the project

Selection of information, production of booklets, photo albums. Production of wall newspapers “Where BAM began”


"My village"

Conversation “Where the village of Novy – Uoyan began”

Excursion “The beauty of our village”

C, p-game "House". Informative reading “Who built this house?”

Listening to the song “Uoyansky spaces”

Open event (preparatory group)

"Russia is my homeland"

Drawing competition “The street where I live”

Construction of “The House I Live in”

Registration in groups

patriotic corner "My small homeland»

create a photo album “My small homeland” Consultation “Where the homeland begins”

S. Baruzdin.

“My home. Program for moral and patriotic education of preschoolers." Under the general editorship. R.I. Overchuk. – M., 2004.


"My kindergarten"

The excursion will introduce you to the work of the Laundress.

Sr game

“Kindergarten”, Conversation “How to behave in a group”

Creation of the group's coat of arms

Photo album design

"My favorite kindergarten."

Consultation “What does a child do in a group”

Family Club

"Children are our joy"

Zashirinskaya O.V. The ABCs of Communication: Development of a child’s personality, communication skills with adults and peers. – St. Petersburg, 2002.

2. Klyueva N.V., Filipova Yu.V. Communication. Children 5-7 years old. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2006.

3. Compilation and release of the booklet “Artistic Word. My favorite kindergarten."


"My family"

Reading the poem “Who is who?” Ya.Akima.

Role-playing game "Family".

Games: “Who works in your family,” “Call your family.”

Application "My Family".

Art activities (drawing)

"Family coat of arms"

Draw a family tree with photographs of family members.

Assistance in designing the photo exhibition “Our Friendly Family”.


"Veterans of BAM"

Lisina M.I. Communication and speech: Speech development in children in communication with adults. – M., 1995.


"My Parents' Professions"

DI. "Name your profession"

Conversation “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Excursion to the station

Conversation “Where BAM began”

Art activity (Drawing) “Profession of mom and dad”

Create a Photo Album “My Profession”

Consultation “How a child should behave on public transport”

Development of social skills of children 5-7 years old

N.G. Zelenova

"I am a child"


"Veterans of BAM"

S.R. game "We are building BAM"

Looking at a photo album

"Our Veterans"

Conversation “How BAM began”

Drawing “Portrait of my grandfather”

Photo exhibition “Bamovites of my family”

Mini-museum tour

“My village New Uoyan”

Booklet “Chanting Buryatia”

Card index

"Veterans of BAM"


"Dear Mommy"

Life and traditions of the village of Novy Uoyan"

Conversation “National holiday Sagaalgan”

Educational event “What kind of holiday is Maslenitsa”

Reading stories by V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Mother’s eyes”, “The most affectionate hands”

Applique Gift for Mom “Flower of Seven Flowers”

Modeling "Dishes"

Competition of drawings “I love my mother very much”

Consultation “Friendly relations between adults and children in the family is the basis for nurturing positive character traits in a child.”

L. Svirskaya “Working with the family”

Presentation “Life and Traditions of Buryatia”



"Historical monuments"

Tour of the kindergarten Developmental environment "Space"

Conversation “The First Cosmonaut”

Examination of photographs “Monuments of the village of Novy-Uoyan”


“What are monuments for?”





Photo montage with a teacher

"Village Monuments"

Photo exhibition “Village Monuments”

Consultation “Why do we need monuments”

S.V. Glebova

"Kindergarten - family"

Card index

"Sights of the village"


"Our Grandfathers"

"This Victory Day." Meeting with a front-line soldier (great-grandfather of one of the children).

Conversation about the war while watching film fragments.

Outdoor games “Marsh swamp”, “Sharp sniper”.

Drawing "Eternal Flame"

Application (postcard)

"Victory Day"

Release of the family newspaper “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

Offer to go to Eternal Flame with baby. Tell us about the Victory Day holiday, why it is called that, and who is congratulated on this day. Entertainment program "Cheerful Family".


L.B Derigina

Card index

Mini museum

"Our Veterans"

Project results.

Children know the name of the village, have information about its origins, show interest in its history, its traditions;

I know people who are BAM veterans

They know that people of other nationalities live in the village and have an idea of ​​their way of life and traditions;

Take an active part in folk holidays(they know the name of the holiday, sing songs, ditties, dance in circles;)

Have an understanding of the activities of the museum and its significance for people;

Use existing knowledge in independent activities.

Parents have become more active, they have a desire to take part in joint events.

They began to show more interest in the educational process;

Interest in the past and present of the native village has increased.

Teachers: - methodological recommendations for educators have been developed;

Presentation of the project at the teachers' meeting.


Throughout the project, work was carried out to implement the task of maintaining almost all educational areas. This project contributed to the formation of not only cognitive interest, artistic and aesthetic taste in children, but also had social significance. In the process of implementing the project, it became possible to increase children's and parental competence in matters of history, the cultural heritage of their small Motherland, traditions and modern reality, which makes it possible to develop the personality of each child who will be a bearer of Russian character traits, Russian mentality, because only on the basis of knowledge about the past can understand the present and foresee the future. A people who does not pass on all that is most valuable from generation to generation is a people without a future. The promise of this project lies in the possibility of it further use for the purpose of moral and patriotic education, expanding interaction between parents and kindergarten on issues of raising children, laying the foundations spiritually - moral personality with an active life position and creative potential, capable of self-improvement and harmonious interaction with other people.

MBDOU Kindergarten "Lesnaya Polyana"


Topic: “My small homeland”


Educator: Antipina E.F.


"For the benefit of the Fatherland"

Topic: “My small Motherland”

Project passport:

Project type: informational.

Duration: short-term (2 weeks)

Participants: group children, parents, teacher.

Children's age: 5-6 years

Great land

Beloved land

where we were born and live,

We are the bright homeland,

We are our homeland,

We call you our dear Motherland.

Cultivating a sense of patriotism is a complex and lengthy process. Love for loved ones, kindergarten, native village and country plays a huge role in the development of a child’s personality. One of the sources of enriching preschool children’s knowledge about their native land, developing in them moral qualities is

local history, which helps to reveal the connection between the native village and the Motherland as a whole.

The problem of forming the Russian civic identity of the younger generation is one of the most pressing today. Historically, love for the Motherland and patriotism have always been a feature of the Russian state. national character. Children, starting from preschool age, suffer from a lack of knowledge about their native village, country, features national traditions. Also an indifferent attitude towards close people, group mates, a lack of empathy and compassion for the grief of others. And of course, the system of working with parents on the issue of moral and patriotic education in the family is not sufficiently formed.Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland - the place where a person was born. The Small Motherland is the source, the beginning, from where a person takes a step into Big world. From our native corner of the earth begins a huge country - Russia, of which we are citizens.

In this regard, the urgency of solving the most pressing problems of instilling patriotism in working with preschool children is obvious.

Objective of the project:

Nurturing Russian civic identity in preschool children through systematizing knowledge about their family, kindergarten, the street on which the child lives, their native village, and their country. To orient parents to raising children in the family with moral and patriotic feelings.


    To form in children ideas about the family, the village in which they live, about the country

    Mastering a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the development of a child as a subject of various types of activities

    Education of moral, aesthetic and patriotic feelings, emotional and value positive attitude to yourself and the world around you

    Personality development of a preschooler, his creativity, formation of desire and ability to learn.

Expected results:

1. Children will expand their knowledge: “My small homeland.”

2. Children will have value and moral qualities, which are the foundation for the further education of a humane, spiritual, moral and socially active personality, future worthy citizens of Russia.

3. Cognitive activity, general culture and competence of all project participants will increase.

4. The relationship between children, parents and teachers will be strengthened.

Project implementation stages



Stage 1

Selection of methodological material, fiction, musical repertoire, visibility

Stage 2

Implementation of the project according to the action plan with children and parents.

Stage 3

Analysis of project implementation activities

Forms of interaction with children and parents

Forms of interaction with children:

    direct educational activities;

    joint activities of children and teachers;


    reading fiction;

    conversations, situational conversations;

    listening to music;



Forms of interaction with parents:

    consultations on the problems of patriotic education of children;

Form of work


Cognitive and speech development

    Conversation: “My country is Russia”

familiarizing children with such concepts as “Russia”, “Motherland”, “Fatherland”; overview of the symbols, the anthem of Russia and the capital; consolidation of the information received

: raising children of this age feelings of patriotism, respect for one's homeland.

    Educational lesson “Our native village – Alkhanay”

To form a system of ideas about the history of the development of the village, about the nature and population of the native land.

Instilling in children of this age a sense of patriotism and respect for their small Motherland.

    Conversation “Hero of Russia Badma Zhabon”

Continue to get acquainted with the hero of Russia, cultivate a sense of patriotism, a sense of pride in a fellow countryman.

Artistic and aesthetic


    Modeling: “Flag of Russia”

    Drawing: “My House”

    Listening to: Russian anthem, folk songs

    Exhibition of drawings “My Home”

    Visiting of museum

Develop creative imagination and compositional abilities. To foster patriotic feelings and interest in learning about one’s homeland.

Create conditions for reflecting in the drawing the idea of ​​your place of residence as one of the “corners” of your homeland. Deepen and systematize children’s knowledge about culture and art

Physical development

    Buryat folk games: “Altan naashaa”, “Malgai nyusalga”

Improve the physical qualities of children

Social and personal development

    Watch the video “Alkhanay – the abode of the gods”

    Reading Buryat folk tales:

To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and the surrounding world, and patriotic feelings.

Formation of interest and need for reading (perception) of books

Interaction with parents

    Consultation for parents “How to raise a little patriot”

Strengthening the relationship between parents, teachers and children

OOD for plasticineography "Russian Flag"

Educational field: artistic and aesthetic development.
Types of children's activities: productive, perception of fiction, cognitive, communicative, playful.
Form of organization: subgroup

Goal: to learn how to depict the Russian flag on a horizontal plane using the plasticineography technique.

Objectives: expand knowledge about the flag as a state symbol, convey its image, observing the order of colors; consolidate working techniques in this technique (pinching, rolling, smearing, smearing). Develop artistic skills, eye, attention, fine motor skills fingers; cultivate respect for the Russian flag and a sense of patriotism.
Preliminary work: conversation about the flag and coat of arms of Russia.

Materials and equipment: finished sample of work, set of plasticine, stack, cardboard different colors, modeling board, paper napkins.

Progress organized educational activities

    Organizing time:

Educator: Guys, look at the illustrations, what do they show? (Coat of arms, flag of Russia)

- How can you call them in one word? (State symbols)
The Russian anthem also belongs to the state symbols.
- Why do you think state symbols are needed? (Children's answers)

- State symbols represent the individuality and independence of each country. In them, the state displays its history, traditions, nature, giving special meaning to signs, drawings, colors on coats of arms and flags.

Reading a poem by O. Bogdanova:

White stripe - white birch!
The Russian soul is pure and good!
The blue stripe is my dear light!
This is air and water - the eternal environment of life!
And the red stripe is the echo of the heart -
Faith, Devotion and Honor,
Memory, Courage and Loyalty -
This is all in Russia!

Educator: What symbol is this poem about? (About the flag)
- The flag is on all the main buildings of the country, at important events, holidays, parades. And I propose to make a lot of Russian flags using plasticineography technique.

    Practical part.

Educator: Look at the flag, what shape is it? (Rectangular)
- Draw a rectangle on the cardboard, divide it into three equal, identical stripes. The contours of the stripes can be not just straight, but seem to be wavy, developing in the wind. (Teacher demonstration)
- What colors of plasticine will we need? (White blue red)
- Which stripe will we start painting the flag from? (With white)
- Let’s remember the modeling algorithm using the plasticineography technique. (Pinch off a small piece of plasticine, roll out thin sausages, lay them out along the contour of the strip and begin to spread the plasticine from the edge to the center of the strip)
Educator: We spread the plasticine carefully in a thin layer so that there are no gaps.

Physical education minute


We will take the flags in our hands,
Let's lift up and wave
(Children raise flags above their heads and wave)
And then we line up together
Let's march like a squad!
(Children walk one after another, waving flags)
And now we will stand in a circle,
Hide the flag behind your back, friend.
(Children stand in a circle, hide the flags behind their backs)
Show me your flag
And jump to your heart's content.
(Children jumping)

Educator: We also paint over the blue and red stripes of our flag.

For the flagpole, take light brown or golden color, roll it into a thick sausage, attach it to the base, press it a little. First, let's sharpen the flagpole a little.

Educator : To make the flag look more expressive, it is fashionable to place thin sausages or small balls along the edge of the flag.

3. Reflection.

- What state symbol did we sculpt today? In what technique?
- Remember what the colors of the flag mean?

- What feelings and emotions did you experience while working?

Exhibition of flags under the Russian anthem.

Drawing OOD "My Home"


To develop in children the ability to emotionally and aesthetically perceive the world around them, to cultivate the need to learn about the cultural values ​​of their native country, to cherish and protect them. Continue to introduce children to their small homeland.


Continue to develop skillsdraw individual objects.

Strengthen the idea of ​​the shape of objects and size.

Clarify your idea of ​​your native village.

Fix colors and their shades.

Develop creativity and the ability to work independently.

Cultivate accuracy in work.

Preliminary work : looking at illustrations, photographs of various houses.

Materials and tools:

Albums, paints, brushes, glasses of water, napkins, illustrations on this topic.

Vocabulary work : rectangular, high - low, straight line.

    Organizing time :

Educator : Children, do you know that our world consists of many colors? Everything around is bright. Our mood can also be different, it is painted in different colors. Here I have a beautiful box - it’s magical. We will now blow into it, and our good colorful mood will appear in it.

Think about what color you are in the mood for today. For example, I am in a green mood. (children's answers)

Educator: That's how much color, kindness, good mood appeared in the magic box.

Guys, what do you think, do colors live in our kindergarten?

Children : Yes.

Educator : That's right, a lot of colors live in the kindergarten. Do colors live in our village? Yes, our village is colorful.

2. Guessing riddles:

    The kitchen has a stove and faucet,

Furniture in the room, parquet.

Come into it, live,

Just say the word.(house)

    Guess where they're going

Kids in the morning.

There is breakfast and comfort here,

Nanny, nurse.(Kindergarten)

    Here on every floor

We've already been there.

Here is the registration desk below,

And higher up is an ophthalmologist.

Doctor - neurologist

And a massage room.

And if you go through the corridor -

There's a sign there that says "Dr. ENT."(Policlinic)

Educator : Tell me, what is the name of the village in which you and I live?

Children : In Alkhanai.

Educator : Is our village big or small?

(children's answers)

Educator: Tell me, what is in our village?

(Children's answers)

Educator : You said everything correctly, guys, our village is large and beautiful. There are houses, shops, a hospital, a school, kindergarten and club.

Poem reading:

We get up early in the morning and see the city outside the window.

He woke up, he lives, he calls us outside.

There are different types of houses: high and low,

Green and red, distant and close.

Wooden, brick, seemingly ordinary.

Useful, beautiful - there are different types of houses.

Educator : Guys, I suggest youdraw your house. Our magic box turns you all into artists. Take your seats at the tables. Let's look at the houses, guys, what shape they are(rectangular) . That’s right, they can be tall, narrow, or low and wide (the teacher shows on a piece of paperdrawing a rectangular house). Try itdraw your house.

3. Phys. just a minute

One, two!

We are walking along the path.(Walk in place.)

One, two! One, two!

Let's clap our hands together.(Clap our hands.)

One, two! One, two!

Raise the handles(Hands raised up.)

Towards the sun, towards the cloud.

One, two - head up

One, two - head up,

Three, four - arms wider,

Five, six - sit down quietly,

4. Getting the job done

Educator : Children, let's remember how we put paint on a brush(dip the brush into the paint, and remove the rest on the edge of the jar) . When we need to take paint of a different color, we thoroughly rinse the brush in water and dip it on a napkin. You can start. Sit correctly: straighten your back, legs together, take the brush with three fingers. First let's trydrawbig house in the air.

Independent creative activity of children. Help from a teacher for children who have difficulty.

5. Exhibition of drawings.

Abstract of the OOD “Travel to Alkhanai”

Progress of OOD

    Organizing time

Educator : Guys, every day when we come to kindergarten, we say: “Hello,” thereby greeting each other. Now I want to invite you to play the game “Hello in different ways.” Do you agree?

Communication game “Hello in different ways”(all children participate)

Educator : You will silently walk around the hall. You can't talk. As soon as I raise my red “palm” up, I need to shake hands with as many players as possible. Blue “palm” – pat each other on the shoulder, yellow “palm” – shake each other’s backs.

The teacher raises the children's painted multi-colored hands"hello" together.

Educator : So we greeted each other.

Listen to the poem and guess what we will talk about in this lesson:


Alkhanay is my small homeland,

Where I was born and raised,

Alkhanay - you are a paradise

Who appreciates your nature.

Alkhanay - you are sacred land

For those who know you.

Alkhanay - you are the pride,

Our area is beautiful.

Alkhanay, where the places and waters are healing,

Which will cure everything in the world.

Alkhanai is my favorite village,

Where are all my true friends?

Educator : Guys, what is this poem about?Do you love your village? Why do you love him?(Children's answers)

Each of us has a place on earth where he was born and first saw the dawn, dew on the grass, mother’s eyes and the gentle sun. This place is called the Little Motherland. For many of us, this is our village of Alkhanay.

Educator: I suggest you dotravel around Alkhanay. Do you agree?

Children: Yes.

Educator: For travel we will need a map on which we will mark our path.

(Demonstration of the map to children without symbols.)

Educator: Look, this sheet doesn’t look like a map yet, but in the course of ourtravel we will stick symbols on the sheet. At the end of our trips the sheet will turn into a map that other children can use. And you and I will be pioneers. Let's hit the road! What will we travel on? (children's assumptions).

Educator: Yes. By train.

Physical exercise. "Locomotive".

Chug-chug-chug, little train - They ride one after another

He runs, he swings,

He groans, tries, oh, shhh, hands up, then down.

Taki, taki, taki, taki Circular movements of the hands

Stage II : Joint activities of adults and children and independent activities of children

Station "Cognitive" :

Educator: Guys, please look at this image. What it is?

Children: Alkhanay.

Educator : Yes. This is our village and Mount Alkhanai i.e. Alkhanay National Park.

It’s true, it’s beautiful in our homeland. Do you know how the name of our village came about?

A beautiful legend is associated with the name of the famous Alkhanay mountain and the village of the same name in the Duldurginsky region of the region, or rather, the continuation of the story of the flight of the Khorin Buryat princess Balzhin Khatun. So, Baljin Khatun was given in marriage to the Mongol prince Balbai Baturkhan. As a dowry, 11 Khorin clans followed her. The husband's stepmother disliked her daughter-in-law, making her life unbearable, and in 1595 Baljin and her relatives fled from Mongolia. According to the chronicle, after a long persecution, the Manchus finally overtook the girl at the foot of a high mountain. To delay her enemies, Baljin cut off one of her breasts and threw it at their feet. This is how the milky white Lake Balzino arose. However, this did not help, and the pursuers captured Balzhin at the very top of the mountain. According to legend, the princess’s dying cry “Alahan!” - “They are killing!” gave a name to one of the most amazing places in Transbaikalia, and the girl’s blood and tears turned into a source flowing to the foot of Alkhanai.

(Children paste Alkhanaya’s photo onto the card)

Educator: And now we will go further. But I don’t know how we can get to the mountains?

Children: By plane.

Educator: Take your seats on our plane (children sit on chairs and watch a slide (flora and fauna)

If for a long, long, long time

We're going to fly on the plane,

If for a long, long, long time

On Alkhanay watch,

We'll see then

And forests and mountains,

And animals and birds.

Educator : And here is the Lesnaya station(Show slides from presentation)

Educator: Our region is a land of forests. We have beautiful white birch, pine, larch, cedar, Siberian rowan, wild rosemary, cedar and other trees, as well as wild plantations of berries - lingonberries, blueberries, currants, strawberries, honeysuckle, valuable medicinal and edible plants - Altai onion, lily Pennsylvanian, Chinese lofanthus, Rhodiola rosea (golden root), Ural licorice, compact rhubarb, Baikal skullcap and many others, some of which are rare and endangered.
All this plant splendor and wealth needs to be treated with care and is strictly protected in the Alkhanay National Park.

(Children paste photos of trees onto the map).

Educator: Now let's move on.

Station "Wild" (Show slides from presentation) .

Educator: The birds and animals in our forests live strong, hardy, and have adapted to harsh, cold winters. Who can name what animals and birds live in our area? (Children's answers). Well done boys!

A game "Who am I? Guess?" Children need to recognize animals by one part of their body.

Educator: Now guess the riddles about animals. Lightweight tree top rider.

Children: squirrel.

Educator: The oblique demon galloped into the forest.

Children: hare.

Educator: Walks in summer, rests in winter.

Children: bear.

Educator: Who carries the forest on themselves?

Children: deer.

Educator: The crawler crawls, the needles are lucky.

Children: hedgehog.

The teacher suggests sticking animals from their native land on the map.

Stage III : Summarizing. Reflection.

Educator: Guys, there are white envelopes on your tables. Take out their contents. Take a piece of cardboard and glue. If you have now good mood- glue a sun on the top of the sheet, a bad one - a cloud.

If you liked the lesson, then stick it tall Christmas tree, not very low.

Hold up your cards and show them what you got.

Educator : Is our the journey has come to an end, and the sheet will turn into a map that other children can use.

Abstract of OOD on cognitive and speech development in the senior group “My Country Russia”

Target: Formation of patriotic feelings based on conversations about native country .


Shape moral principles patriotic feelings;

Continue to develop children’s knowledge about state symbols Russia;

Strengthen children's knowledge about our country ;

Learn to answer questions depending on the content;

Foster a feeling of love for your homeland;

Equipment: projector, slides, cards with the image of the coat of arms, flag; souvenirs(checkboxes) .

Preliminary work:

Study of state symbols Russia

Looking at illustrations , atlases, paintings, postcards;

Visiting of museum.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit on chairs. A poem from a movie sounds"Brother 2"

I found out that I have

There is a huge family -

And the path and the forest,

Every spikelet in the field!

River, blue sky -

This is all mine, dear!

This is my homeland!

I love everyone in the world!

Educator: What is the Motherland for each of us?

Children: (this is my home, my family, my mother and I, my a country )

Educator: - You are right guys, all this is our big Motherland, which consists of large parts - my family, my home, my village. Who can tell us what ours is called? a country ?

Children: Our country Russia !

Educator: Eat countries small and large.

Children: Our Russia is big ?

Educator: She is very big : when we go to bed on the other partcountries people wake up. It may also be that it is snowing in one part and the sun is shining in another.

What other cities are there in our country? (children's answers)

The President of our country is...? (V.V. Putin.)

Its symbols personify the native land. Each state has its own symbols - the Coat of Arms, Flag, Anthem. Symbols are signs that distinguish our country from other countries.
– Name the state symbols of Russia. (Coat of arms, flag, anthem.)
– Find the flag of our country among others. (Images of flags are laid out, children choose from those proposed - the flag of Russia.)

White color– the color of the world, our country is peaceful.

Blue color- the color of faith and loyalty, the people are faithful to Russia and are ready to defend it.

Red is the color of strength, our country is strong and peaceful.

Now find the coat of arms of our country. (Images are laid out, children choose from those proposed - the coat of arms of Russia.)

The double-headed eagle is a symbol of unity; crowns - union of republics; scepter and rod - strength and power; the coat of arms of Moscow on the chest of an eagle - Moscow is the capital of Russia; St. George the Victorious defeating the snake - the victory of good over evil.

What is an anthem? (The anthem is the most important song of the country. People listen to it while standing, etc.)
- Right! Each country has its own anthem. Now we will listen to the Russian anthem.

(Listening to an excerpt of the hymn.)

Target:introduce children to the Russian hero Badma Zhabon

1. to form a sense of patriotism in students;
2. develop feelings of pride and respect for soldiers - defenders of the Fatherland;
3. cultivate love for the Motherland.

Educator: Every nation has treasured pages of history, and Russians have them too. We must remember heroic names, and never forget that thanks to heroes we can live happily in our country. There is a lot in our history glorious victories: this is the Battle of Kulikovo, and the Battle of Borodino, and the fierce battles at Stalingrad and, of course, the Great Patriotic War. The history of your country must be remembered and respected,
what Russian hero do you know? (our fellow countryman)

Educator: yes, that's right.

Badma Jabon was bornBadma Zhabon, known by the call sign Mongol, personally derailed 8 trains with enemy personnel and equipment; on the roads he personally destroyed 13 vehicles with various military cargoes during ambushes. Participated in and led more than 300 military operations against the invaders and their accomplices in the Bryansk, Sumy, Oryol and Kursk regions. In total, Jabon has 125 killed Wehrmacht soldiers.

For courage and heroism shown in the partisan struggle against the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 by presidential decree Russian Federation No. 1071 of July 20, 1996, former partisan Zhabon Badme Zhapovich was awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation. This happened a few months before the veteran's death.

He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, the Badge of Honor, and other medals.

MKUDO Orichevsky House children's creativity


Village Korshik - origin of the name,

the origin and development of rural life

Social project in local history.

Vylegzhanina Irina Ivanovna

musical director


Panagushina Elena Arkadyevna

I Introduction

Project type

Relevance and novelty of the project

Objective of the project

Project objectives

Project Manager

Project participants

Implementation period

II Planned results

III Logistics and technical support

Financial support

IV Project effectiveness

V Expected results

VI Project Implementation Scheme


The world we live in is huge. The present time is the boundary between the past and the future. And the history of Russia is, first of all, the history of the Russian province, it is interesting to Russians. The history of the Vyatka region is more interesting to the Vyatchans, and the history of Korshik is more interesting to the Korshans. Any region, city, any village is unique. Each place has its own nature, its own traditions, its own way of life.

The nature of our village amazes with its splendor and extraordinary beauty. We have a lot to see and admire: huge mixed forests rich in mushrooms and berries, large expanses of meadows and fields.

We were born in the Vyatka region, in the village of Korshik. And we, of course, should know the history of our small homeland. The history of the appearance of the village of Korshik is directly related to the construction of the church. And we feel responsible to our descendants for the life of this monument, reminiscent of a bygone era.

The name of the village is usually explained from the word “knocking”, i.e. uproot tree roots and prepare the soil for arable land. It was founded at the beginning of the 18th century.

When instilling in children a love for their village, for their small Motherland, it is necessary to bring them to the understanding that their village is a part of the Motherland, since in all places, large and small, there is much in common: everywhere people work, observe traditions, cherish and protect nature, celebrate holidays.

Project type

Educational, social, long-term, group, research - search, creative;

Relevance and novelty project

The project will help teachers of preschool educational institutions:

In realizing the highest priority direction in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is the natural non-violent “entry” of children into the society around them, accessible to their age characteristics;

In determining the goals and objectives of the harmonious introduction of the child into the world around him, primarily through the prism of the national culture, life and traditions of his people;

In understanding the importance of the preschool period of life, since the education of the best moral and spiritual qualities of the child’s personality

(love for family, kindergarten, native land) begins from the time when he just learns to see, hear and understand the world around him.

Social significance of the project

The project will help unite the efforts of several socio-cultural institutions: kindergarten, settlement administration, family, school, library, recreation center, church.

Objective of the project

Fostering love for native places, for the small homeland, developing tolerance in older preschoolers.

Project objectives

Expand knowledge about your native village, consolidate the concept of “small Motherland”.

To acquaint with the history of the village, with the historical and cultural monuments of the village, to cultivate a caring attitude towards them.

Introduce oral folk art through proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, native land

Develop children's coherent speech, enrich and activate children's vocabulary, teach, and think freely.

To promote the establishment of close contact and interaction between children, parents, teachers, between family and kindergarten.

Project Manager:

Vylegzhanina Irina Ivanovna - music director, coordinates and organizes the main events for the project.

Project participants

Children senior group, parents, teachers, instructor physical culture.

The initiative group develops and conducts events for the project, organizes meetings, evenings, public holidays, and organizes information work on the implementation of the project.

Implementation period

September - May 2015

Planned results

Preparation of teaching aids:

By getting to know the specific region where we live;

A selection of methods for introducing children to our small Motherland.

Collection of visual information (photos, illustrations, lack of educational games),

A selection of materials about systematized artistic expression.

Collection of material about characteristic features our area,

It is easy to show the connection between your native village and the whole country.

Implementing these directions, forming the patriotic feelings of children, our team is convinced that the emphasis should be placed first of all on nurturing love for one’s home, nature, and the culture of the small Motherland, introducing it to its history and sights. We want our children to be proud of their small Motherland.

All parents are ready to cooperate with preschool employees in their work to familiarize their children with Russian national culture.

For teachers:

Increasing the level of competence in the patriotic education of preschool children;

Innovative changes in the organization of the educational process;

Creative use of ICT in various activities.

For pupils:

Improving the quality of knowledge during direct educational activities;

Positive dynamics in the development of interest in the social world around us;

Activation of cognitive activity in the lives of children;

Manifestation of creative, patriotic self-expression.

For parents:

Expanding knowledge on the problem of patriotic education of children;

Status upgrade family education

As a result of the project, participants will create albums and images of houses using drawings from children and parents. Each home is the world of one family, a personal space in which they live and in which there is everything that is dear to them.

Material and technical support

Developmental subject environment kindergarten and specifically the senior group is equipped taking into account age characteristics children. All elements of the environment are interconnected in content, scale and artistic design. The educational institution has a teaching room, a music and sports hall, a sports ground, areas for children to walk, group rooms are equipped taking into account the age characteristics of children. The group has a music library of classical and modern music, a music center, a DVD player, a TV, and audio equipment, which contributes to a more complete perception of the work being done with children.

Methodological support of preschool educational institution: Kindergarten s. Korshik works according to the basic general education program of preschool education in groups of general developmental orientation, developed on the basis of the Rainbow program.

Financial support

Photo album - 1 pc. 500 rub.

Photos 120r.

Felt pens 100 rub.

Colored paper 150r

Total: 890 rub.

Project effectiveness criteria:

The results obtained correspond to those expected with the least expenditure of resources;

There have been innovative changes in the organization of the educational process

Pedagogical experience is interesting to colleagues;

The motivation of the teaching staff to widely use their experience is growing.

Parents are involved in the activities.

Scheme of implementation of the project “My Small Motherland” through different types activities


Goals and objectives of the program

Types of children's activities

Expected results


Creating conditions for the development of children's play activities.

Formation of gaming skills, development of cultural forms of play.

Comprehensive education and harmonious development of children in play (emotional-moral, mental, physical, artistic-aesthetic and social-communicative).

Development of independence, initiative, creativity, self-regulation skills;

Formation of a friendly attitude towards peers, the ability to interact, negotiate, and independently resolve conflict situations

Play activity

1. Plot-role-playing games:

- "Kindergarten";

- “Traffic rules » ;

- “Professions of my parents”;

- "Mail"

2. Didactic games: application No. 1

- “Correct mistakes” “Who needs what for work?”;

- “Find objects”;

- "Birthday";

3. Communication games:

- “I’m growing”;

- “Let’s let the name go to the wind”;

4. Conversation game

- “Who will I be and what will I be like?”

- “Different professions”,

Participation of parents in the selection of attributes for role-playing games.

Children will form ideas about representatives of different professions, the content of their work activities and objects that help. This will help enrich the content of role-playing games organized by children based on their interests. Where children will imitate adults and reproduce their actions, taking on the roles of sellers, doctors, cooks, firefighters, postal workers.


the formation of patriotic feelings based on enriching knowledge about one’s small homeland

Clarify and consolidate knowledge about your small homeland - the village of Korshik; arouse interest in the history of your family, your kindergarten, develop a caring attitude towards the nature of your native land

Cognitive activities

- “Travel to the native side”

Appendix No. 2; No.2.1;

- “Walking around the city with children” application No. 3

- “Flora world of the native land”

- “Animal world of Vyatka”

- “Journey through the cities of Vyatka” Co-creation of children and parents on project topics

Children will be able to talk about their native village, will be able to construct a statement logically and consistently, will be able to use simple symbols and diagrams, will be able to show ingenuity and restraint in games. They will learn the history and culture of their native land, local attractions.

Target: To form an ecological culture among children and parents.


Formation of a caring attitude in children towards the nature of their native land.

Develop the ability to notice changes in living nature.

Cultivate a love for nature, the ability to feel its beauty.

Develop the ability to work in a team.

Create positive motivation for exercise.

Environmental education

Conversation about the climatic conditions of the village, city, region

Design of albums with species diversity of flora and fauna, their habitat.

Compiling an eco-fairy tale about the city of Vyatka.


Cultivating a feeling of deep love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother;

Formation of ideas about the role of the mother, her care for family members;

Cultivate a desire to help mom in her household chores, to please her with your good deeds and good deeds;

Development of communication skills, the ability to build positive, conflict-free interaction with peers.

Visual activities

and design


- “Where the Motherland Begins” Appendix No. 4

- “Weekend in the family”

- “Portraits of family members”

- “My house, my street”

2. Exhibition design:

- « Queen of Autumn"

- « Easter"

- “Mom’s hands never know boredom” » appendix No. 5

3. Drawing holiday cards for moms, dads, and kindergarten employees.

4. Co-creation of children and parents:

Design of newspapers, baby books, drawing up a pedigree

Exhibition creative works“Mom’s Hands Know No Boredom” helped to unleash the creative potential of our children, parents, and employees of the preschool educational institution. Contributed to the revival and preservation family traditions, strengthening connections between generations.


Target, Organizing the space of the kindergarten site.


Activation creative potential parents in the process of creating snow buildings.

Creating a snow town to activate the motor skills of older preschoolers.

Expand children's understanding of how to use snow structures.

Labor activity

1. “Labor landing” of children and parents (planting trees, pruning, cleaning up garbage in the spring and autumn on the site)

2. Competition for the best bird feeder

3. Competition for the best ice building application No. 6

4. Summer assignment: Collect a herbarium of plants from. Korshik

5. Involvement of children by parents to work in the garden

6.Handmade: Crafts made from natural materials

Thanks to the joint efforts of teachers, staff, students and their parents, snow structures appeared on all playgrounds and sports grounds of the kindergarten. A variety of technologies have been used in the construction of snow structures, e.g. snow globes, piles of snow, frozen pieces of ice, ice shapes, and coloring.


Introduce children to the concepts of pedigree, representative of the clan,

Make it clear that they can be described both in words and in pictures,

- develop an interest in your ancestry,

expand knowledge about the family, help the child see external similarities with other relatives

Educational activities

1.Cognitive activities:

- “Family Composition” (Seven I),

- “What is a pedigree?”, Appendix No. 7 senior group project - teacher Potsepkina G.I.

- “Who are relatives and what unites them?”

2. Conversations:

- “Favorite vacation for family members”,

- “Names, patronymics, surnames and their meaning.”

- "Home address"

3. Games:

- "My family tree"

- “I am traveling with my family”

- “Build a tree and settle your family in it”


- in kindergarten,

Along the village streets,

To the architectural monuments of the village

Children will have an idea of ​​the composition of the family, that families vary in size and composition. Awaken pride and curiosity for belonging to one’s family, one’s surname. The desire to become a successor to the best qualities of their ancestors.


Target: promote timely social development, the formation of social competence in preschool children in conditions of the preschool educational institution.


Enrich preschoolers’ ideas about people, their relationships, emotional and physical states;

Help in establishing a culture of communication with adults and peers, a culture of behavior in public places;

Social development

1. Excursions to the forest

2.Excursions to the library

3.Acquaintance with exhibitions

4.Organization of a local history corner in a group

5. Creation of presentations, libraries: about Kirov, Moscow, illustrations, sets of postcards


Target: developing children's interest in experimental and research activities on growing cultivated plants indoors,

Tasks: instilling in children a love of nature, creating a vegetable garden on the windowsill in the group.

Summarize children's understanding of the need for light, heat, and soil moisture for plant growth.

Continue to develop children’s ability to care for plants indoors.

Health saving activities

1. Conversations:

- "Rules safe behavior on the street, road"

- “Germs and Soap”

- “What a miracle vegetable garden” project middle group teacher Skopkareva N.N. application No. 8

2. Didactic games:

- "Dangerous - Safe"

- "Healthy and unhealthy food"

Children got acquainted with cultivated plants

Children develop an interest in experimental and research activities in growing cultivated plants indoors.

As a result of practical and experimental activities, children received the necessary conditions for plant growth.

The children saw the variety of seeding material.

Children have become more careful about the plant world.

The group created a vegetable garden on the window.

Children have become more respectful of work.

Parents took an active part in the project “What a Miracle Vegetable Garden.”


Target: Fostering a culture of communication and interaction in festive atmosphere;

Tasks: - give children an initial understanding of folklore as a source folk wisdom, beauty and vitality;

Develop the emotional and moral sphere of the child through folk art;

To promote the development of creative activities to master elements of folk culture;

To carry out the moral and aesthetic education and development of each child.

Artistic and aesthetic classes


- “Celebration of kindergarten - our home”

- “Gatherings on Pokrov” - gatherings with mothers application No. 9

- “Christmas gatherings”

- "Maslenitsa"

- “Magpies - meeting spring”

- "Easter"

- "Defenders of the Fatherland Day"

Learning poems and songs: about kindergarten, home, mother, Motherland, friends, nature, the world, etc.

Children, attending folklore festivals, listen with pleasure,

use, play Russian folk games, conduct round dances, sing folk songs at gatherings, and in independent artistic activities.

They master basic musical and theoretical information about folk culture, thereby revealing their creative potential.

Target: creating favorable conditions for the introduction of new forms and methods of increasing the effectiveness of family education through the interaction of kindergarten and family.


Make preschool and family allies in raising children.

- To develop and introduce into the practice of preschool educational institutions various forms and methods of interaction between kindergarten and family.

To promote the active involvement of parents in the psychological and pedagogical work of the kindergarten.

Raise the level of pedagogical and psychological culture of parents.

Interaction with parents

1.Creating an emotionally prosperous atmosphere at home or in the garden based on goodwill and interaction.

2. Questionnaire for parents “Your impressions of the holiday”

Appendix 11

3. Co-creation of children and parents in the design of drawing exhibitions; in writing stories about family.

4. Corner of trust “You asked, we will answer”

5.Participation in exhibitions, competitions, photo compositions

Participation of parents in the psychological and pedagogical work of the kindergarten;

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents;

Uniting the interests of families and preschool educational institutions in matters of education, upbringing and development of preschool children;

Results of work during the project:

Throughout the entire project, work was carried out to implement the task of maintaining almost all educational areas. This project contributed to the formation of not only cognitive interest, artistic and aesthetic taste in children, but also had social significance.

As a result of using the cultural and historical heritage of the family, children established partnerships with their parents. Children have mastered positive patterns of behavior in nature and society; a positive and responsible attitude towards oneself and others, towards nature. Children and adults have awakened an active interest in knowing themselves, they have had the opportunity to realize their right to self-development.

The knowledge acquired by children in the process of work and after completion of the project will be constantly replenished, because Children will develop an interest in the life of their small but historically important village.

In the future, the project may be the basis for the project “My Motherland - Russia”, “My Planet”.

Having analyzed the stages of implementation of this project, would like to note, positive results which we managed to achieve.

1.The level of knowledge on cognitive development in the “My Family” and “My Home” sections has increased.

2. The need for children to express themselves in creative activities.

3. Creative self-expression of students and their parents in the process of preparing and conducting a general lesson.

4. Replenishment of the group’s developing environment with albums about our village, “Small Motherland - the village of Korshik.”

5. The significance and necessity of implementing a pedagogical project for an educational institution in general, and the educational process in particular.

6. Significance of the project for others educational institutions, the opportunity to implement project results in the activities of colleagues.


1. N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.V. Miklyaeva, A.G. Akhtyan “Social and moral education of children from 2-5 years old” 2009 (preschool education and development).

2.M.P.Kostyuchenko " The world» integrated classes for children 4-7 years old. 2010

3.G.M.Blinova " Cognitive development children 5-7 years old" methodological manual 2006.

4. O.V. Sakavichene “Patriotic education of preschool children” magazine “Child in kindergarten” No. 2, 2006.

5. T.N. Tebeneva “Project culture as part of the professionalism of teachers of preschool educational institutions” magazine “Management of preschool educational institutions” No. 1, 2007.

6.V. Stepanov “Textbooks for kids “My Motherland—Russia”

7. Internet resources.

8. E.V. Mikheeva " Modern technologies teaching preschoolers." 2013

Explanatory note

Relevance of the program: currently in Russia there is a process of formation of a new youth education system, reorientation towards the socialization of the individual, the formation of an active citizenship position, patriotic consciousness. Patriotism and citizenship act as components of the social and spiritual development of a person. The education of these personality traits and qualities is carried out in the course of organizing various cognitive and practical activities of children and in working with parents.

It is very important that children understand as early as possible that the big Motherland is Russia, the Russian Federation, it is one for everyone who was born in its vastness, who loved it, who makes efforts to make it even more beautiful, richer, and become a powerful power. And each of us needs to be able to be useful to her. And for this you need to know and be able to do a lot; From childhood, do things that would be for the benefit of your home, kindergarten, city, and in the future - for the benefit of the entire country. Acquaintance with the great Motherland - Russia - is the third main stage of moral and patriotic education of children. If a person cares about the Motherland, it means that he is its son, and that means Russia is the Motherland for him.

Love for the Motherland is the greatest and dearest, deepest and strongest feeling. To become a patriot, a person must feel a spiritual connection with his people, accept their language and culture. Native culture, like father and mother, should become an integral part of the child’s soul. With this in mind, we strive to instill in children love and respect for the capital of the Motherland, for folk traditions, folklore, and nature.

For more fruitful work on the patriotic education of preschool children, a parent-child club “Rastishka” has been created in our group. The purpose of creating the Rastishka club was to develop Preschool educational institutions promising forms of cooperation with parents, which involve their involvement in active participation in the pedagogical life of the kindergarten for patriotic education. And also the education of the child’s personality, introducing children to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a moral and spiritual principle.

We are burning with the desire to instill in children a love for the Motherland, but it turns out that we are unable to instill in a child a love for what is closest to him - his home and kindergarten, but this is the basis of the foundations of moral and patriotic education, its first and most important stage. A preschooler must first recognize himself as a member of the family, an integral part of his small homeland, then as a citizen of Russia, and only then as an inhabitant of planet Earth. You need to go from near to far.

The family is currently experiencing better times. In an effort to earn their daily bread, parents are paying less and less attention to their children and their upbringing, and the number of single-parent, disadvantaged families is growing. It is increasingly difficult for a child to love his home, family, and kindergarten too.

Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation in children of an emotionally rich image of their home and kindergarten. Children must learn not only to take, but also to give: to take care of loved ones from childhood, to be attentive to each other, to be compassionate, to help in word and deed.

The novelty of the program: the insufficient number of educational programs for parents, the insufficient number of circulations of specialized popular science publications in the city of Makarov creates an information vacuum in which the majority of families, pupils of the Scarlet Flower kindergarten, find themselves. In this situation, one of the sources of pedagogical knowledge for parents can be the parent-child club “Rastishka” based on the kindergarten. This is the first time that such program content is being introduced in kindergarten.

Goal: the formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the home, family, kindergarten among kindergarten students.

  1. Cultivate love for home, family, kindergarten.
  2. To create an emotionally prosperous atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where relationships between people (adults and children) are built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected.
  3. Encourage children to carry out socially significant tasks, to do good deeds for their family, home, kindergarten.
  4. Exercise children in showing compassion, caring, and attentiveness to family and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them.
  5. Teach children to take part in discussions of programs, family holidays, some family and kindergarten problems.
  6. Provide children with the opportunity to express their interests in a variety of ways and freely, and have personal time to do what they love.
  7. Respect the child’s rights to play, to leisure, to his own territory, as well as respect for the right to property.
  8. Promoting active parental involvement in joint activities with a child in a family and kindergarten setting.

Principles underlying the development of the program

In accordance with the theory of education of preschool children (V.S. Kukushin), the development of the program is based on the following principles of education

  1. The principle of regionalization of moral and patriotic education.
This principle helps children develop a comprehensive view of the problem of human interaction with environment. The use of a regional approach to education allows children to thoroughly understand the main goals of moral and patriotic education and to involve them in feasible search and practical activities.
  • Accessibility principle
  • involves the correlation of content, nature and volume educational material with the level of development and preparedness of children.
  • Continuity principle
  • promotes the formation of a sustainable interest among the younger generation in the constant replenishment of their intellectual luggage and improvement of moral feelings.
  • Principle of integrity
  • Using this principle allows preschoolers to develop a holistic understanding modern problem moral and patriotic education and serves as one of the essential conditions for the integration of knowledge about morality and patriotism.
  • Scientific principle
  • One of important principles program is its scientific character. Based on information about the history and culture of the native land, social and pedagogical ideas can be identified. They are closely interconnected and at the same time have independent significance.
  • The principle of social ideas
  • Mastering knowledge that reflects these ideas ensures the formation of the foundations of moral consciousness. Among them, the unity of man and society, man and nature occupies an important place.

    The place of academic discipline in the kindergarten curriculum

    The “My Small Motherland” program has been implemented for two years at the “Scarlet Flower” kindergarten.

    Total hours for the program – 30
    Per week – 50 min.
    Practical lessons – 21.
    Theoretical classes – 51.

    • The schedule of classes for additional education is compiled taking into account: “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions” SanPiN (approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2010 No. 91)
    • Basic program recommendations
    • Compliance with the volume of study load for the child
    • Focus of the GCD schedule on the dynamics of children’s performance during the day and week
    • Ensuring the relationship of the planned GCD with everyday life child in kindergarten.

    Additional education classes in the senior group are held in the second half of the day, twice a week, lasting 25 minutes.

    Regulatory support of the program

    1. Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 26, Article 38, Article 58, Article 59, Article 70)
    2. Federal laws of the Russian Federation: Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “On Veterans”, “On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia”, “On the Perpetuation of the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945”.
    3. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000 No. 24 “On the concept of national security of the Russian Federation.”
    4. Government program“Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005.”
    5. “Model regulations on a preschool educational institution”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008 No. 666.
    6. “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions” SanPiN (approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2010 No. 91).
    7. Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of preschool education Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009.
    8. No. 655. Guidelines
    9. “On the development of the basic general education program for preschool education” was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2010. No. 03-248.
    10. On the implementation of the right of preschool educational institutions to choose programs and pedagogical technologies. Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 02.06.98 No. 89/34-16

    Charter of the preschool educational institution

    Senior group project “My Small Motherland” MBDOU "Kugessky kindergarten"


    Cheboksary district of the Chuvash Republic Pedagogical

    project V

    senior group "MY»


    : Nikitina

    Natalia Grigorievna

    For Russia, a village is a particle, And for us he is.

    parents' house

    And we are glad that we can be proud Small Homeland

    , where we live". What we?

    We call you homeland

    The house where you and I live,

    And the birch trees along which

    We walk next to mom! project View : long-term, group

    , informational and creative. project Participants : children 5-6 years old, parents of pupils

    , teachers.: Familiarization with one’s native village is of great importance in instilling patriotic feelings in preschool children, in developing their intellectual and creative potential, and in broadening their horizons. « Small Motherland» - this is, first of all, his family, home, kindergarten, the nature that surrounds him, memorable places of his native village, its cultural and historical centers, streets, famous people of whom he is proud. However, conversations with children show that children’s knowledge in this area is insufficient and superficial.

    Target project: Introduce children to their native village and its attractions. Cultivate a sense of pride in your little one Motherland, the desire to keep it clean and beautiful.

    Tasks project:

    1. Introduce children to their native village (history, symbolism, attractions). Introduce the names of those who founded and glorified the village.

    2. Teach children how to navigate the streets and follow the rules of safe movement around the village.

    3. To form an environmental culture in children and their parents, desire to take part in environmental protection activities.

    4. Cultivate interest and love for one’s native village, region, the ability to see beauty and be proud of it.

    Expected result:

    Children can know and name the place residence: village; some enterprises of the native village and their significance; symbols of the village, attractions; flora and fauna;

    Children can give their home address, kindergarten address; experience love and affection for your home, family, kindergarten, go to kindergarten with pleasure;

    Children can know and name the place of work parents, the significance of their work; feel pride and respect for the work of adults; show attention and respect to veterans, the elderly, and provide all possible assistance.

    Themes project:

    1. My home village. The streets of my village.

    Educational conversation "Through the streets of our village" (acquaintance with the history and sights of the village of Kugesi).

    Targeted walk along nearby streets “We walk along the streets, we will see everything, we will know everything”. Repeat home address.

    Introduction to symbolism. Reading, telling children about our village. Examination of photographs brought from home, illustrations from family archives.

    D/games "Tell me where you live", “Name the streets of our village”, “Find out, name what’s in the photo”. Drawing on topic: "We are walking in the park", "The house I live in".

    Registration in photo exhibition group“We love and know our village of Kugesi”.

    Competition of drawings and posters "My village Kugesi".

    Role-playing games "Family", "Journey through the village", "Kindergarten". Exhibition of family creative works “My safe way to kindergarten”.

    2. Buildings and attractions of the village.

    Teacher's story “Monuments, sights of Kugesi”. Looking at photographs and albums in a book corner with memorable places.

    Targeted walk along the street. Soviet. Consolidating knowledge about the streets, buildings, and residential buildings of our village.

    Excursion to the library.

    Targeted walk to music and art schools.

    Composing stories “Kindergarten is our home”.

    Drawing on a theme "My kindergarten".

    Role-playing games "Kindergarten", "School", "A toy shop". Didactic games "Familiar Signs", "Name your profession".

    3. Village transport. Children on the street.

    Getting to know road signs for pedestrians. Monitoring the movement of cars on the street. Target walk with parents to the pedestrian crossing, traffic light: training in safe rules traffic, crossing the street.

    Application "Buses are traveling through the village". Consolidating knowledge about transport.

    Didactic games "Red, yellow, green", "It's possible - it's not possible", "Road signs".

    Role-playing games "Bus ride", "Green Light" and etc.

    4. The nature of the native village. Recreation places.

    Conversation about preserving the nature of the native village. Targeted walks with parents into the forest in different periods of the year.

    Children's labor in nature: cleaning dry leaves, collecting seeds, clearing snow, planting plants, etc.

    Promotion “Feed the birds in winter!”.

    Looking at trees and leaves while walking. Looking at illustrations and photographs about the nature of the village of Kugesi in different time of the year. Reading poems about the birch tree - a symbol of Russia.

    Educational quiz “Who lives in our forests?”.

    Enriching children's ideas about folk winter games - fun on walks, snowball fights, mountain skiing, sledding, skiing.

    Design and presentation of family newspapers: “How we relax as a family”, "How I spent this summer".

    5. Residents of the village.

    Introduction to professions. Observing the work of adults to improve the territory of the kindergarten.

    Targeted walks along nearby streets villages: observing the work of people to improve the village.

    Excursion to the post office “Who works at the post office?”

    Game-activity "Journey to the City of Masters" (professions of kindergarten workers).

    Didactic games “Who needs what for work?”, "Name your profession", "Familiar Signs".

    Festive activity-concert for fathers and grandfathers. "Our Defenders". Looking at illustrations of weapons and soldiers different kinds troops.

    group“We will serve in the army” (teamwork) .

    “Getting to know the professions of our mothers.

    Release of a congratulations poster in group"To our mothers"

    6. Interaction with parents.

    Questionnaire “Patriotic education of preschool children”

    Conversations with parents.

    Co-creation of children and parents in exhibition design “Crafts from natural and waste materials”.

    Attraction parents to conduct joint activities, group holidays and entertainment.

    Consultation: “The role of the family in instilling in children a love for small Homeland» .

    Targeted walks "The Life of My Street".

    Parent meeting“Cultivating love for one’s native village and city in kindergarten and family”.

    7. Summary project.

    Conversation “What did we want to know, what did we learn, why did we learn?”

    Quiz game "Do you know your little Motherland

    Lesson notes in V(5 – 6 years)

    "My Small Motherland -Kugesi»


    Give children an idea of ​​what it is Motherland, motherland;

    Introduce the map and symbols of the Russian Federation;

    Form an idea of ​​small Homeland;

    Clarify and expand knowledge about your native village;

    Develop coherent speech, activate vocabulary on the topic;

    Cultivate love for your native land.

    Materials and equipment: illustrations of the capital of Russia, Chuvashia, sights of the village of Kugesi and the nature of the native land, recording of the anthem of the Russian Federation, the Chuvash Republic.

    1. Organizational moment.

    There's a song playing: "Where does it begin? Motherland

    What is the song about? (O Homeland)

    Today we will talk about Homeland.

    2. Main part. Conversation about Homeland

    Tell me what it is Motherland? (Homeland is a country, in which we were born and live. These are forests, fields, rivers. This is our city. This is the place where loved ones live People: mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother. This is the place where our kindergarten is located. This is a place that people miss when they are in a distant land. This is the most precious thing a person has. This is the land where our ancestors worked).

    Yes, each of you answered my question correctly.

    – Now listen to a poem about Homeland:

    "What we We call you homeland?

    The house where you and I live,

    The house where you and I live,

    We walk next to mom.

    , where we live". We call you homeland?

    A field with a thin spikelet,

    Our holidays and songs,

    It’s a warm evening outside!”

    - Motherland– this is the country in which we live.

    What is it called? (Russia)

    Tell us what you know about Russia? (children's answers)

    Russia is a big country. There are many cities, rivers, forests. What about the main city of our country? (Moscow)

    Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. We are proud of our country.

    Russia - you are a great power!

    Your spaces are infinitely large,

    For all ages you have crowned with glory,

    And you have no other way!

    There are many cities in Russia. Guys, tell me, where do we live?

    (In Chuvashia)

    (showing map)

    Look - this is a map of the Chuvash Republic. The capital is Cheboksary. And we live in the village of Kugesi. Do you think our Republic is big or small? (children's answers)

    Symbols of our republic: coat of arms and flag.

    The threefold repetition of the star overshadowing the main part of the coat of arms - the shield, means the Chuvash folk concept "Pulna, Pur, Pulatpar ("Were. We are. We will be.") and is its graphic expression. The emblem is located above the central part of the coat of arms - the shield. Its lower end is at the level of a conventional straight line connecting the two upper semicircular tops of the shield.

    Colors of the state emblem - yellow (gold) and purple (sandalwood red)- traditional colors of the Chuvash people. Yellow (Sarah) color in Chuvash folklore is endowed with the concept of beautiful color, personifying all that is most beautiful and bright. Gold in heraldic interpretation - wealth, justice, mercy, generosity, constancy, strength, loyalty. Purple color is one of the most common colors among the Chuvash, which was used to create the main elements of folk ornament. Purple in heraldic interpretation means dignity, power, courage, strength.

    The national flag of the Chuvash Republic is a rectangular panel with the aspect ratio 5 :8 crossed into yellow (up) and purple (at the bottom) fields, with purple ancient Chuvash emblems - “Tree of Life” and “Three Suns” located in the center of the flag.

    Colors of the national flag - yellow (gold) and purple (sandalwood red)

    In the geometric middle of the flag there is a composition occupying 1/3 of its length and consisting of the “Tree of Life” and “Three Suns” emblems.

    There are many fields, forests, rivers, and meadows in our region.

    Guys, different peoples live in our Republic (Russians, Tatars, Chuvash, Mordovians, etc.) They all live in peace and harmony.


    , where we live". We call you homeland?

    The house where you and I grow

    And birches by the road

    Which way we are walking.

    , where we live". We call you homeland?

    The sun is in the blue sky,

    And fragrant, golden

    Bread at the festive table.

    , where we live". We call you homeland?

    The land where you and I live.


    Hello world. (hands up)

    It's me! (on the chest)

    And all around is my country! (spread)

    The sun is burning in the sky (top)

    And the earth lies at your feet! (incline)

    There are forests there! (lock to the right)

    And there are fields! (lock left)

    Here are friends (turn head)

    And here are friends. (right and left)

    Hello home - you are the best (spread with a downward slope)

    Hello, mighty native land! (spread with an upward tilt)

    Hello, my country! (spread)

    Hello world!

    Meet me!

    Guys, do you know that every country has its own symbols? Which? (coat of arms, flag, anthem)

    Look - this is the coat of arms of Russia. What is shown on it? (children's answers)

    The state emblem of the Russian Federation is made in the form of a red quadrangular heraldic shield. Its lower corners are rounded, and its edges are pointed. The shield depicts a golden double-headed eagle with wings spread and raised upward. It is crowned with three crowns connected by ribbons. The eagle holds a scepter in its left paw, and an orb in its right paw. On his chest is depicted a small red shield, in which there is a silver rider on a silver horse and in a blue cloak. He strikes a black dragon with a silver spear, which is knocked over on its back. The color scheme of a golden double-headed eagle on a red background has been present in the coat of arms since the 15th-17th centuries. What does the coat of arms with the image of an eagle mean? This bird is the most majestic among all the others. Since ancient times, it has been a royal symbol of power. Eagles were depicted on monuments from the time of Peter the Great. Also, the three crowns depicted above the eagle's heads belong to this era. Now they symbolize the sovereignty of the Russian Federation and all its subjects. The scepter and the orb in its clutches represent a unified state and its power. A horseman striking a dragon with a spear is an ancient symbol of the defense of the Fatherland, the struggle of light against darkness and good against evil.

    The second symbol of the Russian Federation is the flag. The national flag is the face of the country, a symbol of independence.

    What colors do you see? (White blue red).

    What do these colors mean? (children's answers)

    White color is a symbol of purity, honor and peace;

    Blue color is the sky.

    Red is the color of the sun, energy, strength, life.

    The third symbol is the anthem.

    Maybe some of you know what a hymn is? (children's answers)

    Listening to the Russian anthem.

    A hymn is a solemn song. In what cases do you think it is performed?

    Children: – It is performed on especially solemn occasions, during the raising of the national flag, during national holidays, during military rituals and sports competitions. When the anthem of any country is played, people listening to it stand up and men take off their hats. This is how respect for the country is shown.

    But our Chuvash Republic has its own anthem. Let's listen to it.

    Guys, Russia is our big Motherland. Every person, and every one of you, has small Motherland. Maybe some of you know what it is small Motherland?

    - Small Motherland - corner, Where are we were born, the place where we live, where our home is, where people close and dear to us live.


    Small Motherland - an island of land,

    Under the window currant, the cherries have blossomed,

    A curly apple tree, and under it a bench -

    Affectionate, my little homeland!

    3. Ball game “What is our village like?”

    Now we will play a game where each of you must tell what our village is? I'm asking you question: What is our village?

    - Our village... (beautiful, clean, green, modern, beloved, amazing, blooming, magnificent, hospitable, multinational, wonderful, wonderful).

    Do you love our village? (children's answers)

    Why do you love him? (I love Kugesi for what it has....(schools, a new sports complex with two swimming pools, a stadium, gardens, a house, friends)

    4. Summary of the lesson.

    Our journey has come to an end. Homeland. Today you learned about There is a lot of new things for the Motherland. Is it true?

    - Namely: your family, your home is located in Chuvashia in the village of Kugesi.

    And Chuvashia is in Russia.

    Well done boys!