Children's ditties for a wedding. Wedding ditties

Chatushki - everyone's favorite type folk art. Previously, not a single holiday could go without them; funny ditties for weddings were especially popular. Over the years, this tradition has not lost its attractiveness and today they can often be heard at celebrations for both newlyweds and those who already have years of marriage behind them. This is all thanks to the fact that ditties about weddings are universal and touch on many topics that concern both young and long-term families. Another highlight of such quatrains is humor, without which they definitely would not have been so successful. To help you have a lot of fun at your wedding, the has prepared for you a selection of funny and cool little ditties, which you can’t help but smile while reading.

Funny ditties about the bride and groom

Most of the funny ditties have been written about the bride and groom, as the main characters of the entire celebration, some of them aptly notice everyday difficulties, others - everyday disagreements that invariably arise in any couple, and still others give comic advice. But the main thing is that they all give a good mood.

The groom fell in love with the bride -
And now they are married.
They will live together from now on -
There is no one to blame here!

How beautiful we are
Both the bride and the groom.
I will gather all my strength,
I'll drink two liters for them.

Oh beautiful bride,
How good are you?
Everything is fine, everything is in place,
And a wonderful soul.

The music is playing with all its might,
Let him not stop.
The groom will kiss the bride -
It's getting envious!

There's no free space here
There is no room for an apple to fall.
Nice, sweet bride,
I just want to steal it!

Our groom is not just a macho man!
Subtle mind, stern look.
Just a prince, no other way!
That's what everyone talks about him!

At the swan bride's
The character is golden!
But now she has freedom
There won't be any!

The wedding dances and walks,
No one sits in sadness!
Where is the young couple?
Divides money in the corner!

Wedding ditty wishes

Congratulating the newlyweds is a responsible matter; it takes more than one day to find beautiful words that sink into the soul. But you can go the other way and use it for wishes funny ditties about the wedding, which will definitely impress and amuse the newlyweds with their guests and will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

A couple of tips for the groom
I wish to give
So that your family can live without Viagra
Live up to a hundred years with your fiancée!

We wish the young family
Share the house fairly
Who wants trash and dishes?
And who needs to be beaten?

You need to take care of your husband
They stole from everything.
Put him on the stove
So as not to be stolen!

We, the young wife,
We want to wish you:
You and your spouse demand tribute
Affection, money - everything for yourself!

We all came from the mountains,
All steep banks.
We wish the young people happiness
And two bags of goodies.

(Bride's name), you are early in the morning,
Eat banana and orange
So that on a beautiful face
There were no wrinkles at all.

Here is a sheepskin coat from Canada
From Algeria - fish oil.
We wish you a wife
To travel around the world.

Practice your eloquence
Resolve any scandal
So that life would be similar
To the Brazilian series!

We wish you prosperity
Money, happiness and goodness.
So that they stand on the table
Fruits, whiskey and caviar.

Young, you are obedient
Follow your husband's orders
Husband, always be faithful to your wife
And don't get on her nerves!

So that only the euro, dollar, pounds
They handed it to you every time!
To count with six zeros
You had it in every bank!

I don’t know what to wish for,
I'm still afraid of not pleasing
Five sons and daughters each
I wish you to give birth!

We'll bring bread and salt
Our marriage couple.
Open your mouth wide!
Have a successful life!

Ditties for a wedding anniversary

Celebrating a wedding anniversary is a wonderful tradition that brings the family together even more, shows how much the couple has already achieved as one, and also it perfect occasion gather with relatives and friends and have a grand celebration. When the family has already suffered all the hardships family life and endured them with dignity, witty ditties for a wedding anniversary will come in handy.

There was a time - I was having fun
I'll be there until the morning!
And now I'm going to take a little walk,
The husband shouts: “It’s time to go home!”

The woodcutter cuts down trees
Chips fly to the sides.
If he is jealous, it means he loves,
That's what people say!

Unreliable girls
The country has been overrun.
Nowadays, rely
Only for my wife.

Your ring -
Gold test.
Look wife
For (Name) both!

Guests drink and have fun
There will be a holiday until the morning,
Husband and wife remember
How they got married on the sly.

You under the very roof of heaven,
It’s given to build your nest,
Your house has become a full cup,
For all the years, one hundred percent!

There is no love without a kiss
All the love is in a kiss,
We remember how you kissed
Right up to the first roosters.

(Name) has everything in mind,
He loves his wife!
And she answered him,
After all, he controls the budget!

Chatushki is a fairly simple genre, so the portal recommends that you try to compose them yourself, using the qualities and habits inherent in your familiar newlywed couple. And also don’t forget to prepare a couple of the best drinking songs that will be known to everyone, because at the end of the evening, when the guests are tired and sitting at the table, this The best way end the festive evening.


    To make the holiday a success, you need to come up with an original turn of events. Therefore, wedding ditties are an integral part of the celebration.

    Types of ditties and their features

    1.Funny ditties:

    Perky ditties should be present at any wedding. They will give those present a sea of ​​positive emotions. They are easy to remember and reading them from a piece of paper will not be difficult. Below are ditties for guests, newlyweds and parents of the newlyweds.

    1. Today there is a good reason -

    Sing ditties and dance.

    Congratulations to you, mother-in-law,

    You have a great son-in-law.

    2.Young, be obedient

    Follow your husband's orders

    But, be a faithful husband

    Don't get on your wife's nerves!

    3.On beautiful wife,

    Unnecessarily, husband, don’t be angry,

    Be kind and meek with her,

    So as not to inadvertently injure.

    All the reproaches from your beloved

    Silence it with a kiss!

    4. Well, everything is reasonable with my father-in-law!

    He loves his daughter wisely!

    Money comes quickly

    The husband gives the girl in marriage.

    2. Ditties with wishes:

    When everything has already been said good words and it seems that it is impossible to come up with a congratulation, ditties will help you.

    1.We are our newlyweds

    We are glad to congratulate you with all our hearts

    Happiness to you, let all the surprises

    They will be good in life.

    2. Be healthy, don’t swear

    Live to be a hundred years old

    And keep, take care

    Your love is a beautiful color.

    3. May you have a son,

    Little daughter

    Let there be tomboys

    Very similar to you!

    4.I want well-being

    Just like a TV show.

    3. Cool ditties:

    Perky ditties with original text will lift the spirits of everyone present.

    1. A healthy bulldog bit through

    Mother-in-law's skinny leg

    He died immediately from the bite -

    My mother-in-law got poisoned.

    2.A star fell from heaven

    Yes, on a straight line.

    Milok will transfer me

    Yes, in your last name.

    3. The son came and said, “I’m getting married”!

    I fell and am sitting.

    Tomorrow my daughter is a first grader

    He will say: “I’m going to get married”!

    4.Like in our garden

    White fluff flies.

    If a guy doesn't kiss,

    Be famous for burdock!

    4. Accordion ditties about the wedding:

    A good ditty for a funny folk music will cheer you up and make you want to dance.


    We came to this wedding

    To praise the bride!

    And let the groom do it for this

    Will fill glasses!

    At the bride's winch

    Eh, character is gold!

    But now she has freedom

    None at all!

    Do the laundry, come up with dinner -

    That's all she does!

    Well, why does she need

    All this fuss!

    The groom needs specific

    Let me also say a few words:

    For the bride-to-be, he's probably

    I’ve been ready to do everything for a long time!

    Let him carry her in his arms

    Gives flowers every day!

    If he starts to forget -

    We will remind you!

    Imagine to him

    You'll have to sweat!

    Go to football with friends -

    He can hardly make it in time!

    Earn finances

    He's trying harder!

    If your pockets are empty -

    What will the children be fed?

    And have kids

    He intends to fill the house!

    He is one hundred percent sure

    That the wife agrees with that!

    We need a drink for that

    Far from one at a time,

    To live together forever,

    Just before the wedding, golden!

    So let's shout "bitterly"!

    And we’ll pour a glass!

    We sang a lot of ditties -

    I need to wet my throat!

    5. Ditties for a silver wedding:

    Twenty five summer anniversary- this is a long time for a relationship. Quite a few good ditties have been invented for this occasion.

    1.Silver is shining now,

    Time flies quickly!

    Your young couple

    Good, wonderful!

    Twenty-five is a long time,

    Time has taught you a lesson!

    Everyone had time and were able to

    They gave birth to good children!

    The children have grown up a long time ago

    And we achieved a lot!

    I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

    There is more sweetness in life!

    Live together and enjoy

    Cuddle more often at home!

    I wish you with all my heart,

    Live until the golden wedding!

    2. Silver deserves

    Your life is family,

    Our gift is ready

    For love that is imperishable.

    6. Ditties for the golden wedding:

    Not every couple can live side by side for fifty years. But those celebrating this day will definitely celebrate this event. Quite a few ditties have been invented for this celebration.

    1.Golden wedding, golden wedding,

    Cool couple!

    You've been together for half a century,

    There is no better couple in the world!

    The family sparkles with gold

    Promises a lot of happiness!

    Be together for at least a hundred years

    Invite me to lunch!

    Your children are good,

    The grandchildren are simply top class!

    2. We sit at the table at the wedding

    And we wish the young

    So that you can spend your whole life in love,

    And the wallets were full.

    We invite you to watch a video selection of wedding ditties.

    Wedding wishes

    1.Today is a clear day

    Two roads intertwined!

    I wish you to live your life together,

    So that all worries are forgotten,

    We need to love each other.

    Drive away sorrows and bad weather!

    And understand that this is happiness.

    1. Congratulations to the newlyweds, and I wish you different things:

    So that the silent mother-in-law and mother-in-law are safe,

    May your kind and rich father-in-law always sponsor you,

    Well, so as not to be greedy, my father-in-law also invested.

    3. Congratulations, newlyweds! Let your family nest be warm and cozy! Coo, finger each other's feathers and raise your chicks!

    These videos will show you some great options. musical congratulations.

    Choose your entertainment wisely. Make your wedding unforgettable.

    Nastya: “At my wedding, my friends gave me a musical gift in the form of ditties. Positivity flowed like a river.”

    Oleg: “Recently, a friend celebrated a wedding. The toastmaster sang very funny ditties. My guests and I liked it.”

    To make the holiday a success, you need to come up with an original turn of events. Therefore, an integral part of the celebration are ditties on | | .

    Types of ditties and their features

    1.Funny ditties:

    Perky ditties should be present at any wedding. They will give those present a sea of ​​positive emotions. They are easy to remember and reading them from a piece of paper will not be difficult. Below are ditties for guests, newlyweds and parents of the newlyweds.

    1. Today there is a good reason -

    Sing ditties and dance.

    Congratulations to you, mother-in-law,

    You have a great son-in-law.

    2.Young, be obedient

    Follow your husband's orders

    But, be a faithful husband

    Don't get on your wife's nerves!

    3. For a beautiful wife,

    Unnecessarily, husband, don’t be angry,

    Be kind and meek with her,

    So as not to inadvertently injure.

    All the reproaches from your beloved

    Silence it with a kiss!

    4. Well, everything is reasonable with my father-in-law!

    He loves his daughter wisely!

    Money comes quickly

    The husband gives the girl in marriage.

    2. Ditties with wishes:

    When all the kind words have already been said and it seems impossible to come up with a congratulation, ditties will help you.

    1.We are our newlyweds

    We are glad to congratulate you with all our hearts

    Happiness to you, let all the surprises

    They will be good in life.

    2. Be healthy, don’t swear

    Live to be a hundred years old

    And keep, take care

    Your love is a beautiful color.

    3. May you have a son,

    Little daughter

    Let there be tomboys

    Very similar to you!

    4.I want well-being

    Just like a TV show.

    3. Cool ditties:

    Perky ditties with original text will lift the spirits of everyone present.

    1. A healthy bulldog bit through

    Mother-in-law's skinny leg

    He died immediately from the bite -

    My mother-in-law got poisoned.

    2.A star fell from heaven

    Yes, on a straight line.

    Milok will transfer me

    Yes, in your last name.

    3. The son came and said, “I’m getting married”!

    I fell and am sitting.

    Tomorrow my daughter is a first grader

    He will say: “I’m going to get married”!

    4.Like in our garden

    White fluff flies.

    If a guy doesn't kiss,

    Be famous for burdock!

    4. Accordion ditties about the wedding:

    A good ditty accompanied by cheerful folk music will lift your spirits and make you want to dance.


    We came to this wedding

    To praise the bride!

    And let the groom do it for this

    Will fill glasses!

    At the bride's winch

    Eh, character is gold!

    But now she has freedom

    None at all!

    Do the laundry, come up with dinner -

    That's all she does!

    Well, why does she need

    All this fuss!

    The groom needs specific

    Let me also say a few words:

    For the bride-to-be, he's probably

    I’ve been ready to do everything for a long time!

    Let him carry her in his arms

    Gives flowers every day!

    If he starts to forget -

    We will remind you!

    Imagine to him

    You'll have to sweat!

    Go to football with friends -

    He can hardly make it in time!

    Earn finances

    He's trying harder!

    If your pockets are empty -

    What will the children be fed?

    And have kids

    He intends to fill the house!

    He is one hundred percent sure

    That the wife agrees with that!

    We need a drink for that

    Far from one at a time,

    To live together forever,

    Just before the wedding, golden!

    So let's shout "bitterly"!

    And we’ll pour a glass!

    We sang a lot of ditties -

    I need to wet my throat!

    5. Ditties for a silver wedding:

    A twenty-five year anniversary is a long time for a relationship. Quite a few good ditties have been invented for this occasion.

    1.Silver is shining now,

    Time flies quickly!

    Your young couple

    Good, wonderful!

    Twenty-five is a long time,

    Time has taught you a lesson!

    Everyone had time and were able to

    They gave birth to good children!

    The children have grown up a long time ago

    And we achieved a lot!

    I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

    There is more sweetness in life!

    Live together and enjoy

    Cuddle more often at home!

    I wish you with all my heart,

    Live until the golden wedding!

    2. Silver deserves

    Your life is family,

    Our gift is ready

    For love that is imperishable.

    6. Ditties for the golden wedding:

    Not every couple can live side by side for fifty years. But those celebrating this day will definitely celebrate this event. Quite a few ditties have been invented for this celebration.

    1.Golden wedding, golden wedding,

    Cool couple!

    You've been together for half a century,

    There is no better couple in the world!

    The family sparkles with gold

    Promises a lot of happiness!

    Be together for at least a hundred years

    Invite me to lunch!

    Your children are good,

    The grandchildren are simply top class!

    2. We sit at the table at the wedding

    And we wish the young

    So that you can spend your whole life in love,

    And the wallets were full.

    We invite you to watch a video selection of wedding ditties.

    Wedding wishes

    1.Today is a clear day

    Two roads intertwined!

    I wish you to live your life together,

    So that all worries are forgotten,

    We need to love each other.

    Drive away sorrows and bad weather!

    And understand that this is happiness.

    1. Congratulations to the newlyweds, and I wish you different things:

    So that the silent mother-in-law and mother-in-law are safe,

    May your kind and rich father-in-law always sponsor you,

    Well, so as not to be greedy, my father-in-law also invested.

    3. Congratulations, newlyweds! Let your family nest be warm and cozy! Coo, finger each other's feathers and raise your chicks!

    These videos will show great options for musical greetings.

    Choose your entertainment wisely. Make your wedding unforgettable.

    Nastya: “At my wedding, my friends gave me a musical gift in the form of ditties. Positivity flowed like a river.”

    Oleg: “Recently, a friend celebrated a wedding. The toastmaster sang very funny ditties. My guests and I liked it.”

    Are you going to your 25th wedding anniversary? Then this is a great reason to perform wonderful ditties on silver wedding. Funny, cool and life-like ditties will decorate a silver wedding with “gold”! There is a large selection of ditties for you that your birthday friends will definitely like.

    Eh, young people,
    How beautiful!
    Congratulations friends,
    You're twenty-five, cheers for you!

    Everything seemed like it was yesterday,
    You got married then.
    And now look,
    A quarter of a century is already behind us!

    It's your anniversary friends,
    You didn't live in vain.
    We cordially congratulate you,
    We wish you a golden wedding!

    Oh, how the accordion plays,
    The legs dance on their own.
    And the young ones rock out,
    Simply super, top class!

    Let's have fun, relax.
    We congratulate the young people.
    A quarter of a century is already behind us,
    But the best is yet to come!

    And don't forget to say. Beautiful and unusual words with a hint, will decorate this already chic holiday.

    We have fun, we sing,
    And we shout ditties for you!
    We have more than enough strength,
    Pour another glass!

    We said a toast to you,
    The glasses were raised full.
    One, two, three and drank,
    And we immediately ate!

    Hey husband, take your wife
    Show yourself to us.
    We will sing, and you will dance,
    It’s not in vain that we came to you.

    Bitterly, bitterly, we shout to you,
    And we are looking at you with all our might.
    Why are you confused, groom?
    Haven’t trained in a quarter of a century?

    We wish you many years to come,
    We promise from ourselves.
    Golden at your wedding
    Sing ditties at lights out!

    Although the couple are no longer young, they are still cheerful and cheerful, so

    What wedding feast is complete without the performance and texts of cool and funny ditties? They are traditionally sung at the right moment at all Slavic weddings!

    They congratulate the newlyweds with funny and witty wedding ditties, playfully tease the mother-in-law and father-in-law, make the groom's parents blush, and “reveal” to the newlyweds all the “delights” of family life. In a word, without ditties, a wedding feast turns into a boring event with silent absorption of food and drinks!

    To prevent this from happening, remember the texts of wedding ditties published below. We have wedding ditties for every taste - for the bride and groom, for their parents, and for guests who want to sing some humorous quatrain at the wedding. Meet -

    Wedding ditties are funny, cool

    We are a young family
    Celebrating the birth
    And we'll sing ditties
    To everyone's surprise.

    Unreliable girls
    The country has been overrun.
    Nowadays, rely
    You can only use your wife!

    The guests were whispering at the table,
    I overheard the conversation.
    They say more beautiful than a couple
    Haven't seen it yet!

    The groom fell in love with the bride
    And now they are married.
    From now on they will live together -
    There is no one to blame here!

    Having skipped a dozen stacks,
    Everyone will dance and sing!
    Well, son-in-law, easy and simple,
    She will call her mother-in-law mom!

    The little son-in-law came to his father-in-law,
    And quietly:
    "Hide money from your wife
    This is very bad?"

    Our dear guests
    Don't skimp on gifts.
    We will accept any money:
    Euros, dollars, rubles!

    “Bitter” - everyone is shouting today,
    And it’s just sweet for me!
    I really like it, for sure
    This is your wedding!

    Cool wedding ditties from guests

    We had a blast at the wedding,
    We danced and got drunk!
    They just completely forgot
    Give you a gift!

    It's time for the young to go to bed,
    Well, we have to worry,
    Yes, I’m tormented by the question:
    “Will they succeed?”

    And now we shout: “Bitter!”
    And we’ll ask everyone to pour some!
    We sang a lot of ditties -
    You need to wet your throat!

    We wish the young family
    Share the house fairly
    Who wants trash and dishes?
    And who needs to be beaten?

    How beautiful we are
    Both the bride and the groom!
    I will gather all my strength,
    I'll drink two liters for them!

    Don't swear, don't get sick,
    And live to be a hundred years old.
    Save and cherish
    Your family bright light!

    I was going to a wedding
    I twirled the curlers,
    And the neighbor got scared
    She screamed: “Lord!”

    If the berry is ripe,
    We need to pick the berries.
    Tired of calling the bride -
    You know, it's time to call me your wife!

    Don't cry about every grief,
    Don't worry about everything.
    Although being married is bad,
    But it’s also bad to live among girls.

    Wedding ditties from friends and girlfriends

    We'll drink a friend today,
    We have to get used to the fact
    But, as before, for each other
    We will stand like a mountain!

    Don't take it from your mother-in-law in a barrel
    You are salty mushrooms,
    So that with a smile on your lips
    Don't sit in the bushes afterwards.

    Don't rush, girlfriend, to get married,
    Walk down the street.
    The feather bed is not ready yet -
    Feathers on a chicken.

    We wish you together
    A sea of ​​happiness and love!
    Feel free to, if necessary,
    Call us for help!

    We played it out, we finished the game,
    Girls, let's dance!
    Without the best girlfriend
    We are now left!

    I've eaten and drunk
    I'm tired of sitting at the table.
    I'll finish my ditty
    And I'll go to the hayloft!