How to spend the New Year. How to celebrate the New Year at home with your family

If you are quite bored with organizing an annual traditional feast with your relatives, have New Year's Eve in a new way.

1. Look in what order they meet different countries. You can make wishes during the chimes of New Zealand, Kamchatka, the Fiji Islands, Australia, Japan, China, Sri Lanka, India, Ufa, Armenia, Turkey, Israel, Finland, Africa, Brazil, Canada, the USA... for whole days.

2. Invite all your friends over by sending each a personalized card asking them to cook a holiday dish. Until the morning, watch “Blue Lights” and read aloud 20 secret desires and plans for the next year.

3. Play with a time machine, calling any years from the past and future and making toasts to yourself in that time.

4. Buy a ticket for any train on December 31st. Check New Year in the company of conductors and random passengers.

5. Go to the forest by car or train. Dress up the Christmas tree growing there. Look for snowdrops. Drink champagne, barbecue and make a wish.

Set the table in the sauna and call your friends / Russian Look

6. Dress up as Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or a ghost. Go out into the street and congratulate passers-by.

7. Order a stripper dressed as Santa Claus, who will pleasantly surprise your guests.

8. Climb onto the roof of the house with champagne and Olivier and shout your wishes to the whole city.

9. Have a themed costume party with your friends by dressing up as pirates, aliens or zombies. Decorate the room accordingly, come up with competitions with prizes and name everything holiday dishes according to the main idea of ​​the celebration.

10. Go to Orphanage with gifts and give abandoned children an evening of joy absolutely selflessly.

11. Ring the doorbell strangers, tell them you're single and ask to spend New Year's Eve with them. Risky, but so much adrenaline!

12. Go to bed just after midnight, and when you wake up, go for a walk along the deserted streets.

13. Try celebrating New Year's Eve on public transport, such as a tram. Bring champagne with you to plastic bottle, small Christmas tree and tangerines. And then go to the central square to have a lot of fun with people you don’t know.

Dress up as Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or a ghost. Go out into the street and congratulate passers-by / Russian Look

14. Set the table in the sauna and invite your friends. By welcoming the New Year clean and relaxed, you will certainly spend it happily and peacefully.

15. Prepare a lot of small souvenirs or sweets, go out into the street and hand them out to passers-by. The same pleasant surprises will certainly await you in the new year.

16. Write notes wishing goodness, love and wealth and scatter them through your neighbors' mailboxes.

17. Fill your bubble bath and celebrate the New Year with your loved one and a glass of champagne. Romantic and simple!

18. After the chiming clock, shouting “Hurray!” start throwing unnecessary things out of windows. This will help make room for something new, literally and figuratively.

19. Visit a convenience store or pharmacy and drink champagne with the clerks.

20. Write a list of 5 unusual activities that you have never done and bring them to life on New Year's Eve. For example, paint a picture, compose a melody, or paint a wall in pink color... Invite your friends to participate.

Very soon the chimes will strike, and the whole world will begin to celebrate everyone's favorite holiday. In childhood, New Year is the most magical and wonderful holiday. With age, his perception changes dramatically. Each of us is familiar with a rather banal holiday scheme: preparing dishes for festive table– feast – listening to the president’s congratulations – watching “The Irony of Fate” and “Blue Light.” Agree, not the most festive and fun pastime. It’s especially sad when a similar scenario is repeated year after year. What to do in this case? How to change the course of the celebration? How to spend the New Year so that it is remembered until next December? In fact, it's not difficult at all. All you have to do is use your imagination, and the fun and unforgettable holiday you will be guaranteed.

Stop sitting at home on New Year's Eve! In such magical holiday everyone wants a miracle. If you can’t expect miracles from Grandfather Frost, then you can try to become wizards yourself and go on New Year’s Eve, for example, to a fairytale forest! Impossible? Nothing is impossible!

On New Year's Eve - in the forest

Probably, each of us has been wondering since the very beginning of December: where to spend the New Year? Go to the winter forest. Feel like the hero of a real winter fairy tale.

We recommend preparing for the celebration in advance. A week before the holiday, go outdoors and choose a suitable place. Modern conveniences of the 21st century allow us not to think about possible difficulties. So, as a forest edge, you can choose the territory of a city recreation area, where, in addition to the forest thicket, there will be a heated house, a bathhouse, and a place for entertainment (slides, skating rink, towns).

If you want to choose a more economical holiday option, go to the countryside. You can decorate a Christmas tree in the yard and celebrate in the house. Take care in advance about how you will heat the house and think about where in the vicinity of the cottage you can go for a walk.

Turning a home holiday into a fairy tale

What to do if you celebrate New Year's Eve at home? How to spend the New Year so that it will be remembered for a long time? Under no circumstances use the standard “Soviet” version of the celebration. Dinner in front of the TV is a thing of the past.

Even while at home, you can spend time in an unusual and original way.

Main ideas of the holiday:

The soul asks for a banquet

Want to have fun this New Year? Go to a restaurant. If you don’t want to spend the whole evening at the stove, but your soul cries for fun, you can book a table in a restaurant. In addition to delicious dishes and drinks, the restaurant will have a festive show program.

You can not only eat delicious food, but also take part in fun competitions and sweepstakes, sing your favorite songs, and dance.

At the same time, you don’t have to think about what kind of competition to hold and how to amuse your friends. And most importantly, there is no need to prepare holiday dishes and buy drinks. Significant savings in free time.

Going to a restaurant on New Year's Eve is a real fairy tale, great way have a good rest and relaxation.

Holiday for children

What should young parents do? What to do on New Year's Eve with children? Here the celebration option depends on the age of the child.

  • If there is a child under 1 year of age in the house. At this age, children do not yet understand all the charm of the country's main holiday. The celebration should take place in a free home environment. You shouldn’t put something too complicated on your child. carnival costume with lots of details. There is a high probability that an uncomfortable outfit will completely ruin the child’s mood, and the celebration will be completely ruined. It is better to sit at the table in the evening. During the celebration, you can play with your child and show him the lights on the Christmas tree. By nightfall, most likely, the child will want to sleep. It is better to put the child to bed by 11 pm. And then you can calmly wait for the “cherished hour” and spend a calm, family New Year’s Eve watching popular TV programs.
  • Children aged 1 to 3 years do not yet fully understand the meaning of the celebration. Their misunderstanding is expressed in whims. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to put them to bed and enjoy the celebration yourself. Give them gifts, tell them about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, feed them well, and spend the night in a cozy family atmosphere.
  • Children aged 3 to 6 years are already more independent. They are looking forward to a miracle. They love the main characters: Father Frost and Snow Maiden. At this age, you don't have to put them to bed early. Let them play until they get tired. Give them gifts. Having opened them, the children will be busy playing with them until the morning and will not disturb you.
  • Children aged 6 years and older. The children are already completely independent. They can sit at the festive table like adults and actively participate in sweepstakes and competitions. A home celebration with children is the best way to spend time.

How to entertain guests

So, you have come up with and developed the basic scenario for a “magical night” and are expecting friends and relatives to visit. We thought of an interesting menu. How to entertain loved ones? It has been very popular lately to organize New Year's games.

Let's look at the most interesting of them:

  1. present. We hide prepared gifts in secret places throughout the house. With the help of clues, guests look for them;
  2. crocodile. Perhaps not a single gathering in the company is complete without this game. Its essence is quite simple: 1 participant must depict some animal or object, and the rest wish for what exactly he wished for;
  3. make-up artist Participants apply makeup blindfolded;
  4. piñata. This item is very popular in European countries. It is a figurine made of paper. Various sweets are placed inside. Each participant using a stick with eyes closed tries to break it;
  5. fashion designer Find old clothing and accessories around the house. Organize an impromptu fashion show.

Who is taller, stronger, braver - we compete

What's a celebration without competition? We arrange New Year's competitions for friends and family. You can take any idea for competitions that your imagination is capable of.

All competitions can be divided into several topics:

  • sports;
  • brain teaser;
  • humorous;
  • team

What competitions can you come up with? Let's look at the main examples for each topic:

  1. sports. The basis of the competition is to determine who can better demonstrate their physical abilities (running, strength, endurance, etc.). You can use additional accessories: balls, Balloons, jump ropes, bicycles, scooters - everything that can come to mind;
  2. brain teaser. The main task is to determine which of the participants has the most developed intelligence, logic and level of education. This requires preparation. Find it in advance interesting questions in the spirit of “Own Game” and “What? Where? When?";
  3. humorous. Designed to lift the spirits of those around you. Remember humorous programs in the spirit of “KVN” and “Comedy Club”, and based on them, create a competition program;
  4. team The point is to understand which team is better based on the selected parameters. You can compete in any area: singing, dancing, joking, or organizing sports competitions.

As you can see, in order to have a fun and unforgettable celebration of the most magical night of the year, you don’t need special effort and financial investments. You just need to use your imagination.

The main task on New Year's Eve is to end the nervous and difficult outgoing year joyfully and enchantingly. You can’t get away with a traditionally hearty dinner in front of the TV. For a holiday to become truly unforgettable, it needs to be filled with events and adventures.

We need a real New Year's fairy tale! Where can you find it? That's right - outside the city! The dacha New Year can be good just because of the change of scenery: the firewood is crackling in the stove-fireplace, stars that are invisible in ordinary city life are winking in the sky, and close and beloved people are nearby.

If you are the happy owner of a country house with electricity and stove heating, you can easily invite friends to the holiday or spend the New Year there with the whole family. Decorating a house and plot, preparing barbecue and tea in a samovar, organizing bathing procedures - all activities in a country plot turn into exciting entertainment.

In this article we will tell you how you can celebrate the New Year in a dacha in a fun and unusual way.

  • Necessary preparation for the holiday

    It is best to go to the dacha the day before the holiday to clear the snow from the road for the car from the main highway to your site. And, of course, clear the paths in the dacha itself: from the gate to the house, from the house to the bathhouse, etc. For this you will definitely need a snow shovel.

    Next, you need to heat the stove: the house, which has cooled down over the winter, will have to be thoroughly warmed up so that guests plunge into a cozy, warm atmosphere from the doorstep. You may need to clean up the house a little: wipe off the dust, shake out the rugs, wash the floors.

    In addition to heating the dacha itself, it is necessary to prepare the main assistant to our health - the bathhouse! Also, wash it thoroughly, prepare water and firewood, and heat it in time based on the time you use the bathhouse.

    If you plan to prepare barbecue and tea in a samovar, clear the area for the barbecue, take out the garden furniture and necessary utensils.

    You can turn the local pond into a free skating rink, and the slope of the nearest ravine into a hill. Or build a slide on your site and fill the skating rink there, if the space, of course, allows it.

    Stock up on wide boards (for cars that may get stuck in the snow), sleds, skis and skates (for walks in the fresh air), firewood (for lighting the stove in the house and bathhouse).

  • We decorate the Christmas tree

    What is the main attribute of the New Year? Of course, there is a Christmas tree in the yard! Or any other coniferous tree that grows on your site. Are there any conifers on the site? It doesn’t matter - you can designate any of the deciduous garden trees as a “Christmas tree”.

    But under no circumstances try to bring a tree from the forest. Even if the dacha is located near a coniferous thicket, it will be possible to cut down the green beauty only after obtaining the proper permission. Otherwise, you will have to pay a considerable fine.

    For decoration New Year's tree prepare toys much larger than for homemade Christmas tree. Otherwise, they simply won’t be noticeable. They are now sold almost everywhere - not glass, but plastic.

    You can, following the method of Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino, look for something elegant for the Christmas tree in the country bins - old plastic toys, colorful shuttlecocks, and so on will do.

    Get it (buy it or make it yourself) LED garland, designed for voltage from a car battery. It will be great if you guess the timing of the next snowfall and decorate the tree before it. Then it will be covered with snow and become completely “forest”, untouched. The greater will be the delight of your friends when you turn on a garland covered with a layer of fresh snow in the evening darkness. This is an unforgettable sight!

  • How to decorate a house

    You can also put up a Christmas tree in your country house - a small artificial one, or you can make it with your own hands from available materials. Decorate it with nuts, gingerbread, tangerines and sweets wrapped in foil. Gold-plated cones and bows made of bright ribbons or lace also look good.

    As an alternative to Christmas trees in the house, compositions made of branches strewn with sparkles and decorated with small Christmas tree decorations are also suitable.

    Decorate the rooms with candy garlands (use a stapler to connect the wrappers) and tinsel. Place candles in candlesticks in the room. Cover the windows around the perimeter with electric garlands.

  • Decorating the site

    You definitely need to decorate the entrance to the house (porch). Pine branches, tinsel, garlands - excellent classic options. Rowan branches can be woven into a garland - this is a very strong amulet and a bright decoration that is pleasing to the eye. You can make beads from rowan berries and braid them into a garland. Children's toys look original in a garland. If you decide to arrange a carnival on New Year's Eve, then write a fairy-tale greeting on the fence or gate so that when guests approach your dacha, they understand that they are entering a fairy tale.

    Install decorative lights from the gate to the house. A variety of different ones - bought in a garden store and made with my own hands from any available materials with candles inside. And they can be placed not only along the path, but also in the depths of the site - near the New Year's tree or next to other plants.

    Here's another one good idea: using a two-liter bottle of hot water, make 20-30 centimeter depressions in the snow, and then place regular candles there and light them. The snow will seem to glow from within.

  • What to cook

    Simple homemade food is appropriate on the New Year's country table. You can serve goose or duck with apples, kebabs or grilled fish, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, pickled milk mushrooms, fried mushrooms with sour cream sauce, home-baked potatoes, cranberry juice, compotes homemade, dried fruit pie, cinnamon buns, pumpkin pies and much more. Do not overdo it with alcohol; drinks should be mostly hot, but not intoxicating.

    It is better to prepare dishes for the table on New Year's Eve by sharing, having discussed in advance who will bring what. And kebabs and grilled dishes are fried directly during the celebration. You just need to marinate the meat in advance.

  • How to dress

    Some fashion designers offer special options for winter country celebrations: say, a leather sundress with a fur vest. Looks good. But I think you won’t lose anything by celebrating this New Year in your favorite soft sweater: as long as it’s warm and cozy. If you are planning a bath, you will also need a swimsuit, swimming trunks, bath caps and flip-flops.

    Don't forget to take extra clothes with you that will make you comfortable while walking around the village and forest. Down jacket or warm overalls - best form clothes for active games in frosty air. You may also need shoes for walking through snowdrifts. The ideal, of course, is felt boots.

    If you have children with you, they will definitely need to take an extra set of linen. Children will not miss the opportunity to climb through the snowdrifts.

  • What to do on New Year's Eve

    Invite guests to your dacha for dinner so that there is time for a walk, playing snowballs, making a snowman, building castles or caves out of snow, sledding and skiing. But you shouldn’t spend the whole night outside, alternate active games in the fresh air with a friendly home feast, in this case the holiday will be not only tasty, but also fun.

    It’s good to start the holiday with a bathhouse with brooms and jumping from the steam room into a snowdrift. This will perfectly relax you, lift your spirits and energize you throughout the night. It is better to celebrate the New Year itself in the house - with lit candles, a glass of champagne, chimes on the TV or radio, as in the children's book “Chuk and Gek”, toasts and congratulations.

    During the first, drinking part of the holiday, they usually have drinks and snacks, so intellectual quizzes and auctions should be held first. For example, an auction for the name of coniferous trees. Whoever calls last will win a prize. "Fir!" "Pine!" "Thuja!" “Tuya one, thuya two, thuya three! The prize goes to Marya Ivanovna!”

    You can come up with several such auctions on a New Year's theme or on a topic close to all participants in the company. These could be common memories - student years, joint trips, some important events of the past year.

    If there is no TV in the house, it’s even better: organize a competition for the best New Year's greetings, knowledge of New Year's children's songs, play forfeits and burim, make riddles, read poetry...

  • Holiday festivities on the street

    And then it’s time to dress warmly and go outside and continue to have fun. They light up the samovar, cook barbecue, dance, sing ditties, arrange a mini-carnival and fun competitions.

    The fun will intensify many times over if at some point an important, solemn Santa Claus approaches your company on skis with a bag of sweets and gifts. Believe me, not only children will be happy. Adults, who will also have to remember poems and tell them to Grandfather, will have a lot of fun. Some will remember Lermontov from Borodino school, while others will be able to boast of their knowledge of Baudelaire. And don’t forget about the round dance around the real Christmas tree!

    New Year's Eve on the site is unthinkable without a fire. This is an additional source of light, a way to keep warm, and a means for fun games and fortune telling. You can write your wishes on pieces of paper and throw them into the fire - your wishes will definitely come true. There is another way: burn all the grievances and disappointments in the fire.

    At the end of the New Year's Eve, of course, there are festive fireworks.

    Tatyana Lysova

    Photos from open sources

  • There are only a few days left until the New Year, but there is still so much to redo, create a menu, purchase provisions and gifts, and organize a holiday. Many people celebrate the New Year in the company of loved ones according to traditions intended to bring good luck and success in the coming year. Different cultures celebrate this happy day in their own unique way. Typically, customs and traditions include celebrating with champagne and a variety of different foods. New Year marks the date of newfound happiness and a clean slate. For many, celebrations are an opportunity to compare experiences with the previous year and make positive changes in their lives.

    Corporate party for the New Year

    Not all organizations can afford to take employees out of town or organize a trip to a restaurant; sometimes you have to be content with a conference room or a lounge in the office. However, the joyful New Year holiday is not cancelled, and you need to think through everything so that it remains in the memory of your colleagues for a long time. Typically, each employee brings some prepared dish or salad on day “X”. Offices, departments and corridors are decorated. Everyone gathers in the conference room or sits down in the lobby, sets the table, turns on the music and the “fun” begins. Rises CEO, raises a glass to the employees, makes a speech, and that’s where the official part ends. People start tasting food, wines and other alcoholic beverages. And the next day he remembers who was wearing what, who brought what, and how he got drunk.

    Corporate party with Baba Yaga

    However, this scenario for the New Year can be changed if you show a little ingenuity and put in a little effort. You can make a traditional matinee, but only for adults, invite Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, or raise them in your team. Conduct a survey among your colleagues, maybe someone would like to spend an evening in these costumes fairy tale characters. During the holidays, all “boys” should be bunnies, and “girls” should be snowflakes. It is not necessary to sew a starched gauze dress and a bunny costume, just buy masks or headbands with bunny ears, and wrap the ladies in tinsel and also offer them a variety of masks.

    New Year competitions

    You can place a stable chair or a low bench near the Christmas tree or in the middle of the hall and take turns inviting your colleagues to read a poem or sing a song. For completing the task, Santa Claus should give the “children” a gift - candy or a glass of tea. You need to think about fun competitions for the New Year, but it is better not to use vulgar and frivolous ones if the team is large and consists mainly of respectable men and women. Although many will like interesting riddles about employees. For example, “who here is always dancing with a tambourine, nervously waving wires, he fixes the computer, sends it to the accounting department,” or “he gives us money, he knows income and expenses, he knows how to count everything, not forget anything.” For solving the riddle you will also receive a gift.

    With proper organization and preparation, the question of how to have a fun corporate party for the New Year will not arise.

    Family celebration

    Not everyone knows how to celebrate the New Year with their family; some believe that at home you don’t need to make any effort, just set the table, buy alcohol and turn on the TV. At best, such people will take care of buying fireworks to set off on the holiday night. However, your loved ones deserve better, and they too should know how to have a fun New Year at home.

    Family holiday in USSR style

    If a large family of several generations gathers, then the flight of imagination is simply unlimited. Can be done themed holiday in the style of the 70-80s of the last century: decorate the Christmas tree with old toys and tinsel, cut out garlands and balls from colored paper and postcards with the children, prepare dishes that were popular in those years, such as salted chicken, herring under a fur coat, Olivier. You can ask the older generation if there were any signature family recipes that were prepared only for the New Year.

    You can also choose the music that was fashionable at that time and even download the “Blue Light” program of those years, watch a comedy film, a fairy tale or Soviet cartoons. It will be very interesting if everyone tries to dress in the style of the chosen time, including children. By the way, the kids can tie red ties or pin the October badge on their clothes. You can also ask the older generation to bring albums with old photographs and magazines, if someone still has them, to remind them how fun it was to spend the New Year in those days.

    You definitely need to dress up one of your relatives as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, arrange a mini-performance with children, a round dance, riddles and giving out gifts from a bag. After the chimes and a small snack, it would be nice to go outside and build a snowman with the kids, have a snowball fight and roll around in a snowdrift. The whole family can go to city ​​Christmas tree and go down the hill.

    In this situation, everyone should like the holiday, and you can tell your colleagues and friends next year about how to have a fun family New Year.

    In the forest with family and friends

    This winter holiday can be found not only at home, but also in the forest. With proper preparation and organization, it can be turned into a fairy tale. Of course, if there is a snowstorm outside the window and minus thirty, this answer to the question of how to spend the New Year fun is not suitable. However, if the weather permits, then why not arrange for yourself such a holiday in the style of “The Twelve Months”.

    You definitely need to take care warm clothes and thermal underwear for yourself and your children. It is better to go out into nature in several cars, so that if something happens, there is someone to help. Don’t forget about drinks and snacks; it’s better to take hot tea in a thermos and a variety of sandwiches. Adults can add a few drops of strong drinks to their tea; of course, such a drink cannot be given to those who are driving. It is not forbidden to bring a barbecue with you and start barbecuing and grilling over coals.

    It would also be a good idea to decorate the forest; battery-powered garlands and Christmas tree decorations are used for these purposes. It’s better not to take tinsel, so as not to litter nature. When evening comes, you need to light all the garlands and see how beautiful the forest is at this time of year, and everyone will understand how fun it is to spend the New Year with your family.

    With the kids you can build various fortresses, dig tunnels, make snowmen, play tag and snowballs. It’s better, of course, not to stay overnight in the winter forest, although if you prepare thoroughly, it will be interesting to spend the night. For these purposes, they take tents, sleeping bags, and lay a special thermal protective coating on the floor to protect them from the cold. A heater is also installed in the tent for children (preferably under adult supervision). And in the morning you can light a fire, prepare forest winter tea and find gifts from Santa Claus under the trees.

    New Year together

    It happens that you have to celebrate this winter holiday together. If this is a young couple, then there may be not one scenario for the New Year, but several. It can be an ordinary romantic evening with candles and a lit Christmas tree, with a fragrant dinner and slow music. The outfits can be varied, from the usual Father Frost and Snow Maiden to an English teacher and a student.

    The holiday can be spent first at home, and then continue on the street:

    1. Go to the skating rink, ski in the forest, visit the city Christmas tree.
    2. Travel around the city at night by taxi or in your own car, if you wish, you can even take passengers.
    3. Go outside and make snowmen, roll around in the snow and play snowballs.
    4. Dress up as Father Frost and Snow Maiden and walk the streets, wishing Happy New Year and giving gifts, sweets and tangerines.

    Even if you are well over twenty, all these tips will help answer the question of how to spend a fun New Year at home together.

    In the country

    Not everyone wants to celebrate the winter holiday in the city, but many prefer to go out into nature - to the countryside or to the village. You will have to take care of such an event in advance, go, scout the situation, clean the road, heat the house. It is also worth taking care of the accommodation of guests, stocking up on warm blankets and pillows. If there is a bathhouse at your dacha, then most likely your friends will want to take a steam bath, so don’t forget about firewood, coal and water.

    Holiday at the dacha - good luck all year!

    On day “X” you will need to bring with you decorations for the house and Christmas tree, and the green beauty itself, if one has not grown on your personal plot. How to have a fun New Year? Decorating the dacha and the surrounding area with friends. It is advisable that each of the guests take ready-made salads and snacks with them, so that they do not have to bother with all this. But hot food can be cooked on the grill or on the grill. You can arrange a tent around it, put tables, benches and chairs. The heat from the barbecue will warm those present, and the tent will not allow the cold wind to penetrate inside. Just don’t forget about safety precautions. This also applies to launching fireworks and sparklers; it is better to do all this away from your home.

    At the dacha you need to organize fun competitions for the New Year. For example, whoever makes a snowman the fastest, tells the funniest joke, rides in sacks through the snowdrifts and throws tinsel onto the highest branch. Rolling around in a snowdrift and regular snowballs will add even more fun. The holiday should be celebrated in such a way that next time the question of how to spend the New Year at the dacha will not even arise.


    Not everyone wants or manages to celebrate the New Year in a noisy company; some prefer loneliness or are forced to put up with it. However, a holiday is a holiday, and it still needs to be celebrated. For your loved one, you need to stock up on a bottle of fizzy drink, a couple of sandwiches with fish, a salad and hot food. If you don’t want to cook, then whatever you want can be ordered from websites with ready-made food.

    You can prepare some interesting and funny comedies for this evening, call your relatives or friends on Skype, or maybe find the same lonely person in the chat and chat with him. You can go to the local Christmas tree or just go to bed early. There are a lot of options for celebrating the New Year alone, the main thing is not to lose heart.

    It happens that the expression “New Year - family celebration”becomes more than just words for you. No friends, no relatives, just you and him. How to make sure that the most anticipated and exciting night does not leave only disappointment and boredom in the memory, but is truly wonderful and fabulous?

    One of the New Years, my close friend celebrated alone with her boyfriend : “I put on stockings and nice underwear, and he wore jeans and a Santa hat. We sat at the festive table for about 20 minutes at most (and, I must say, we devoted no less than half a day to preparing the dishes), after which we indulged in lovemaking, and for the rest of the night we watched clips from the 90s on one music channel, discussed them and laughed. It was one of the most unusual New Year's holidays in my life".

    When I asked if they were bored, my friend replied: "Not at all! To be honest, I was even surprised. I was afraid that we would sit with sour expressions for hours until two in the morning, and then go to bed in our pajamas.”

    Not all couples manage to celebrate the New Year together so that there are no unfulfilled expectations and unfulfilled desires. Those who still manage to create a New Year's idyll in one-on-one mode are the exception rather than the rule. Which, by the way, is paradoxical: after all, when a loved one is nearby, everything a priori should turn out well, especially a holiday.

    But since each of us subconsciously strives for perfection, we will try to create an algorithm of actions that will subsequently lead to a completely successful “paired” meeting of the most anticipated holiday of the year.

    Get ready for the New Year together

    Namely: decorate the Christmas tree together, decorate the apartment, plan dishes for the festive table (even if there are only 3-4 of them).

    Start listening to New Year's songs at least a week before day X - you will see how everyone's favorite “Let it snow”, “Three white horses”, “Happy” New Year" and "We wish you a Merry Christmas" will turn a simple day on December 24 into a day of "Hurray! A week until the New Year!

    All this will help create a New Year's mood for you and your partner. We understand perfectly well that most failed tete-a-tete holidays are based on the difference in how men and women perceive them.

    How many couples correspond to such a description: he works all day long, finding only a changing picture at home - now there was no Christmas tree, now it appeared, and then snowflakes on yesterday’s still untouched window, and today the apartment is already full of the aromas of delicious dishes. Favorite in beautiful dress, everything is ready for the celebration. But he's not ready. He actually didn’t even realize that the New Year was approaching.

    The wife, of course, is smart and beautiful, and he would be happy to support her in her desire to make this night special, but the most important component is missing - the right mood. And I can’t believe the fairy tale, and the festive table for him looks the same as for his birthday or March 8th. He should eat and sleep.

    This is precisely why we need to make careful preparations for the holiday together. Understand, noisy and funny company by itself will set you in the right mood, but if you have decided to spend the New Year together, then you will have to work on creating the mood. No time? Find it! Go shopping on the weekend, buy food for New Year's dishes, choose toys and tinsel for the Christmas tree and decorate the apartment together.

    Think carefully about your plan of action

    But under no circumstances imagine in advance what emotions you will experience! This will make it easier to perceive all the events of the night without any special expectations, and therefore, possible disappointments.

    Let's get back to the plan. Spontaneity is, of course, good, but not always. Agree, you don’t want to sit together in silence, mentally biting your elbows and figuring out what to do with yourself. The salads have been eaten, New Year's programs have been watched, there seems to be nothing to talk about (and this happens), and in the meantime, New Year's Eve is already trying to give way to New Year's morning.

    Maybe you decide to stay at home and diversify everyone’s usual songs, dances and games with your own - intimate ones.

    It is for this that you need to draw up at least an approximate scenario. You might want to go for a walk (if the weather permits), set off a small festive fireworks display; or maybe you decide to stay at home and diversify everyone’s usual songs, dances and games with your own - intimate ones. For example, strip card games, making wishes for each other, Board games for adults or the most explicit role-playing.

    And one more thing: who said that the New Year is a table holiday? How do you like a holiday in the bathroom? Prepare the bathroom in advance: put out citrus-scented candles, place oranges and tangerines, clove stars, cinnamon sticks everywhere and climb into the warm foamy water with your loved one. What's not a great alternative to constantly watching New Year's programs on TV?

    In general, the choice of all kinds of ways to diversify a wonderful night is quite large, and the whole beauty of the New Year together is that you can afford much more than in a noisy company of friends or among your beloved relatives.

    Prepare a surprise for your other half

    And now we’re not just talking about gifts under the tree, we’ll talk about them later. You can do for your man what he has long wanted and what he does not expect to receive on this particular day. For example, dance a striptease for him. Yes, yes, in high heels and some kind of skimpy peignoir. Please your loved one with a spicy dance - whet his interest in further events of New Year's Eve.

    Now as for gifts: there should be one! Necessarily! Someone probably buys gifts (and gives them) long before the New Year, others buy something for the house, and still others have decided to completely abandon “useless little things that have nowhere to put them.” But nevertheless, give each other gifts on New Year's Eve! Let it be something completely insignificant, even better if this something makes sense only for the two of you. The ritual of giving creates an unusually pleasant holiday atmosphere.

    When the clock strikes 12 and you drink champagne, take your gift from a secluded corner and accompany it kind words, give it to your loved one. And it would be great if he did the same.

    Give a holiday to others

    Dress warmly and run outside to congratulate passers-by! Believe me, they will be pleased.

    “What kind of people around you?” - you ask. - “We’re home alone!” What if you don’t have the strength or desire to sit at home all New Year’s Eve? Then go outside, taking with you a pre-prepared “bag of gifts”. And even if it’s not a bag, but a bag, and instead of gifts there will be only sweets, chocolates, sparklers and firecrackers - still dress warmly and run outside to congratulate passers-by!

    Believe me, they will be pleased. And how pleasant and fun it will be for you! Good always comes back in double size, so becoming Father Frost and Snow Maiden for someone is not only interesting, but also quite useful. By the way, maybe this is a sign? Perhaps that is why you stayed alone this New Year’s Eve, to become the main “wizards” for random passers-by, who always walk in pairs?

    And now, after you’ve read a bunch of tips on the Internet about the New Year “tete-a-tete” and you’ve got a lot of wonderful ideas, close your eyes, lean back in your chair, exhale and calm down. Don't worry that something might go wrong. No matter what gifts you prepare, no matter how many interesting games you come up with, in any case everything will work out for the best. Because your loved one will be next to you. A person whose gaze takes your breath away and next to whom you feel protected and peaceful. Remember: this will be an amazing night.

      Who will you celebrate the New Year with?