Crochet knitted blankets from leftover yarn. Unique knitted items made from leftover yarn

Good afternoon

Today I wanted to tell you about warm blankets despite the almost summer weather that has arrived here.

Crochet amazing type of handicraft. You can even knit blankets from leftover yarn. Bright striped blankets with a zigzag pattern, very cozy, will warm you up on a cloudy, cool day if you wrap yourself up in them and cling to the TV screen with a cup of tea. And such weather often happens in the summer. And, as they say, prepare your sleigh in the summer! After all, knitting a blanket takes quite a lot of time. By the way, I knitted my blanket for a long time in the summer.

Preparing yarn for a blanket

For a blanket, depending on its size, you will need approximately 1.6 -2.5 kg of yarn. We knitters often accumulate quite a lot of leftover yarn from various yarns, so we can use them on a blanket. Old sweaters and pullovers can work especially well, because it’s not often that we unravel them and knit a new sweater. And the blanket will turn out just wonderful!

But you should keep in mind that such a striped blanket will look good only if you choose the right colors: they must be in harmony with each other. It can be either only warm tones, or only cold, or different shades one color, or you can knit a bright blanket from leftover yarn in all the colors of the rainbow.

Read about the rules of color combinations and how to choose them here>>.

You can knit any yarn: wool, half-wool, acrylic. You can even use yarn of different textures; a blanket made from such different yarns will turn out especially interesting.

It is only important that the yarn is the same thickness. Very thin threads can be folded into two or three.

Since quite a lot of yarn is spent on a large blanket and you may not have so many leftovers that match the color, it is better to buy new yarn rather than use any that come to hand.

Having dissolved old sweater, the yarn must be straightened. To do this, I use a special device for rewinding yarn. I rewind the threads from the ball into large skeins. Then I wash them, dry them and rewind them into balls.

If you don’t have such a device, you can wind the yarn around the legs of the stool, turning it upside down. You can also ask a family member to help hold skeins of yarn on outstretched arms, as our great-grandmothers did. True, the last two methods are not very convenient.

Therefore, I propose another one that does not require rewinding into skeins and back, but only rewinding from ball to ball: put water in a kettle to boil, just fill the kettle halfway, leave it on low heat. Pull the end of the thread through the spout of the kettle and the top hole for the lid. While rewinding the yarn into another ball, the thread will straighten over the steam.

Patterns for crocheting a blanket from leftover yarn in a zigzag manner

We have decided on the yarn, select the hook according to the thickness of the yarn, for blankets it is suitable with a number of 2.5 - 4.5. I always advise you not to blindly follow what is written, choose a hook so that it is convenient to knit, so that the fabric does not turn out to be too loose and too dense, tight.

For crocheting a striped blanket from leftover yarn, I offer several patterns of zigzag patterns in separately opening tabs. They are taken in different sources Internet and not very beautiful, but quite understandable.

Choose any one you like.

I think reading simple circuits It won’t be difficult: in the first two patterns in each row, through the same number of double crochets, in some places we knit two to five double crochets together, in others, we knit two to five double crochets from one loop.

Thus, the knitted fabric turns out to be zigzag.

Other patterns are slightly different, but the knitting principle is the same. It is important to ensure that the edge is smooth.

Alternating yarn in rows different colors and arrange the color rows in the same specific order.

Tie the finished blanket around (on four sides) with single crochets.

The wavy edges can be left as is, or they can be straightened by knitting a row according to the following pattern.

All that remains is to decorate the blanket by tying long tassels or decorating pom-poms.

I made a selection of photos of beautiful bright blankets with a zigzag pattern from leftover yarn found in open Internet sources.

To complete the set with the blanket, you can also knit striped rainbow sofa cushions, as well as oven mitts for the kitchen.

You can also knit a cheerful bright blanket from simple large and small squares from leftover yarn, and we have many more ideas from leftover yarn.

Creative success and sunny mood!

Check out other beautiful blankets:

  • Beautiful blankets with sunflowers
  • Patchwork style blankets. Knitting from the corner
  • Chic unusual knitted striped blankets
  • Crochet baby blanket using a simple pattern using the fillet technique
  • Crochet blanket made of two-color round motifs. Master Class
  • Crochet blankets with embossed crossed columns
  • Crochet pillows and blankets with voluminous flowers

A complete selection of ideas for all the beautiful blankets on our blog in the video:


Leftover yarn, even the smallest, can become a beautiful, unusual ethnic style blanket. Knitting is like drawing: first you create a sketch (calculation of the product), then you select the material, create a masterpiece, and then give it the finished look - stitching, wet-heat treatment, sewing on accessories. All this is both the most fun work and the most difficult fun (aphorism by Baurzhan Toishibekov). And after all the creative stages, the knitter always has! yarn remains. It remains in different quantities - from a few centimeters to tens of meters. And if you can knit socks, a hat or even a vest for a child from several small skeins of yarn, then what to do with the smallest remnants? The answer is to collect and then knit!

From leftover yarn

Initially, just collect any leftovers or pieces of thread and yarn. Just don’t throw them away, but put them, for example, in a jar.

Next, when you have accumulated a lot of pieces, start making “yarn” out of them, tying each small piece with another similar piece.

Do not pay attention to the knots, do not cut the ends - these are the knots that give our yarn such a texture. The knots should be tight and strong.

When one skein of 30-50 g is ready, knit it square motif garter stitch (all rows facial loops).

Do not hide the knots, do not throw them to one side, leave them as they are knitted.

Put down knitting, and again continue to live and knit, collecting a variety of leftover yarn. And when they accumulate for one more skein, knit a second square, exactly the same as the first. In order not to miss the size, try to maintain the same knitting density in all squares.

A warm multi-colored crocheted blanket will help to add a little coziness and warmth to our lives. A hand-knitted blanket will help you relax after a hard day at work or a long trip; you just need to wrap it up in a comfortable chair. Wherever you are, it will help you feel the comfort and warmth of your home. Also, a crocheted blanket will be a wonderful and a heartfelt gift to a person dear to you, child, mother or friends.

What yarn to knit a blanket from?
Depending on what time of year and how the blanket will be used, we will select the appropriate yarn.
If you knit baby blanket, for example, for discharge from the maternity hospital or as a blanket for a baby’s crib, it is better to use completely natural and hypoallergenic yarn. For the warm season, threads from natural cotton, iris or bamboo, but if it’s cold, it’s better to use purified wool, baby grass or baby acrylic.
If you are knitting a blanket for the winter, it is better to use purified wool or wool blend; pure wool thread will be unpleasant to the body.
If you plan to use a blanket as a bedspread on a bed or chair, the quality and composition do not matter; an excellent option is to knit a blanket for such purposes from leftover yarn; it will complement the feeling of warmth and comfort in your home with its colorful colors and will not require large financial costs.
You should not knit a blanket from angora or mohair; these types of yarn are unpleasant to the body and often cause an allergic rash.
Multi-colored crocheted blanket
In the master class we will show an example of how to crochet a blanket from leftover yarn using the motif technique. The pattern of a knitted blanket is simple: we knit the required number of motifs, in our case squares, then sew them together. We'll show you in detail how to do this.
One condition - be sure to choose the main tone (in our case white) of the yarn, there should be quite a lot of it. Hook according to the thickness of the threads.

We collect 4 air loops.
Let's close the circle.
We make 3 lifting loops, knit 11 double crochets into a ring.
With another yarn we make 3 lifting loops + double crochet, knit 2 double crochets + chain crochet under each double crochet (and so on 11 times).
With another yarn we cast on 3 stitches + 2 double crochets, under each chain stitch of the previous row we knit 3 double crochets + chain crochet (and so on 11 times).
Using the main color we cast on 3 chain stitches + 2 double crochets, 3 chain crochets and under the same arch 3 more double crochets. Now, under each arch of the previous row, 3 double crochets (every 3 arches, knit 6 stitches and between them 3 chain loops until the end of the row, to form a square).
Each next square in the last row, tie the adjacent square. Knit these squares until the blanket is formed.
When the blanket is finished, cut and hide all unnecessary threads, wash the blanket, dry it and iron it on the wrong side. That's it - the blanket is ready.

With the birth of a baby, every mother tries to present him with all the best. The main thing is to take good care of the baby, create comfort and coziness for him. An irreplaceable thing for a newborn is a blanket or blanket. You can use it to cover your child in the stroller during a walk and at home. Needlewomen knit beautiful blankets for their children. If you are just learning the basics of knitting, then you can start with simple patterns.

This article will talk about how to crochet a baby blanket. The pattern and description of knitting the product will help you create an original masterpiece that will delight your newborn with its warmth.

Crochet baby blanket for beginners: master class

Beginning needlewomen should choose simple models knitting blankets. It is best to make a warm and soft blanket for your firstborn from small knitted squares, and then sew them together. You can crochet a blanket of any size.

Such patterns are also very convenient because you can knit from leftover yarn. The squares will turn out to be multi-colored and bright, which will look very original.

Don't forget about the quality of the yarn. It should be soft, warm and not prickly.

Necessary materials:

yarn various colors;
needle for sewing knitted elements;

Step-by-step description of the process:

Crocheting a blanket should be done air loops. To begin, cast on 4 chain stitches.

The resulting chain of loops must be closed. To do this, knit a connecting post.

Next, knit two lifting loops and tie a double crochet in a circle. There should be 11 loops in total.

After this you can change the color of the yarn. If you are knitting a plain blanket, then continue to follow all the steps according to the pattern.

Knit three lifting stitches. In the same loop, knit a double crochet and make a chain loop. Next, knit the pattern: under each column, knit two more with double crochets and form an air loop.

Now you can change the color of the yarn or continue knitting with plain threads. Knit three lifting stitches. In the same loop, make two double crochets and knit one chain stitch. Then, under each double crochet, knit three more and form a chain stitch.

At the next stage you need to knit a square. To do this, change the color of the yarn or continue knitting with plain threads. Cast on three air lifting loops and knit two double crochets.

Next, knit three chain stitches and three columns. This way you will form the corner of the knitting square. Using this pattern, continue to knit every third stitch in the knitting circle. Knit the remaining loops along the previous row.

Using this algorithm, you knit the required number of squares and sew them together with a single-color thread.

Schematically, knitting such a blanket looks like this.

Knitting a double-sided blanket: patterns and description

If you have already mastered the basics of needlework, then feel free to take on knitting an original double-sided blanket. Of course, the knitting pattern is complex. However step by step description process will help you without special effort create not only a soft and warm blanket for your baby, but also a truly knitted masterpiece. Don't forget about the choice of yarn. Wool, acrylic or angora thread is best. You can also use cotton yarn. And if you combine it with mohair thread, the blanket will turn out not only voluminous, but also very warm.

Necessary materials:

yarn of various colors or plain;
hook No. 2.5 or No. 3.

Step-by-step description of the process:

You should cast on loops, the total number of which will be a multiple of eight. You can cast on a loop chain consisting of 48 or 64 loops.

Knit 2 chain loops, the next three loops are knitted with a double crochet, and the next loop is skipped.

Next, knit 7 stitches and 7 double crochets. Skip one loop and form an air one. Then knit seven columns in a row.

Using this algorithm, continue knitting until the end of the row.

Knit the next row according to the following algorithm: 2 chain crochets, skip one loop, work a double crochet into the next stitch, knit one chain crochet, a double crochet through one loop, a chain crochet, and then three double crochets. Repeat the pattern until the end of the knitting row.

Knit the third row according to the following algorithm: 2 chain stitches, double crochet, one chain stitch, double crochet through 1 stitch of the previous row. Maintain this rapport until the end of the knitting row. The columns of the third row must be strictly located above the previous ones.

Knit the next 4 rows with threads of a different color.

In the fourth row you begin to knit leaves. This knitting row is the most difficult. Perform it according to the following algorithm: 2 air lifting loops, three columns with crochets in the loops of the previous row. You should get a triangle from the yarn.

Pull the thread from the first cell in the third row and yarn over the hook.

The elongated loop can be knitted halfway to secure it. Pull a thread from the same cell. All pulled threads must be the same length.

Perform the same actions with the resulting cells in 2 and 1, and then in 2 and 3 knitting rows. There must be a leaf.

To secure the base of the knitted leaf, carefully pull the thread through all the elongated loops.

In the intervals between the leaves, be sure to knit 3 double crochets into the loops of the previous row.

Knit the next three rows according to the algorithm of the first three rows, then form the leaves.

According to the given pattern, repeating it every four rows, continue knitting the blanket to the desired size.

Knitting something like a blanket with knitting needles is a painstaking task. Not every craftswoman can cope with it. But it’s worth it, because a hand-knitted blanket has a special energy and beauty.

Such a product will not only be an elegant interior decoration, but also reliable protection from the winter cold - covered with it, it will be so pleasant to spend time reading your favorite book or drinking a cup of hot tea.

Features of knitting a blanket

A blanket is one of the pleasant household items. Sitting in a chair in the company of warm, cozy blanket, knitted by yourself or by the hands of a loved one - what could be better than this, especially in the cold season. In addition, as the photos of a knitted blanket show, a handmade blanket can become a luxurious decorative item.

It is customary to highlight the following advantages of this hand-knitted product:

  • aesthetics;
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • uniqueness;
  • environmental friendliness.

Diagrams and instructions for correct knitting can be found on the Internet. When you decide to knit a blanket yourself, remember an important point - you shouldn’t skimp on yarn. An item knitted from low-quality threads will not last long.

Knitting options

Today there are many ways to knit a blanket. This includes knitting from squares, knitting with braids and much more. Quite popular is knitting a blanket from leftover threads. Which option to choose depends only on your desire.

Many needlewomen prefer knitting from individual motifs. It is considered the simplest and most convenient. You can knit this way in any environment - at home, at work, on the bus, in the subway. The disadvantage of knitting from motifs is the final assembly of the product. But still this The best way knitting for beginners.

We knit a blanket. Large knitting

This year's fashion trend is blankets and bedspreads made of thick threads. It's not very practical, but it's stylish. It is better to use tops or combed tape as yarn.

Advantages of this product:

  • the ability to knit not only with knitting needles, but also with your hands;
  • softness, airiness and lightness;
  • raw wool yarn adds style.

Disadvantages include:

  • During knitting, the top may tear, because it is not a finished yarn.
  • The threads are very fluffy, can break up into individual fibers and, as a result, get tangled. This makes knitting very difficult.
  • Items made from combed tape are difficult to care for: washing is prohibited.

Tops can be replaced with spun ones wool threads. It will be easier to knit with them. This blanket holds its shape much longer. It is washable. In addition, the spun yarn almost does not tear or fray.

In addition to threads, you will need special thick knitting needles. Detailed description You can see how to knit a blanket with your own hands in specialized magazines and on the Internet.

Bedspread made of squares

This option is optimal for those who have just recently started knitting. Making small squares is much easier than making a huge sheet. In addition, this method is a kind of “insurance” against making mistakes. It is easier to re-tie an incorrectly knitted motif than to remake a large bedspread.

Another advantage is the ability to knit in any situation, because the fragments are small and can easily fit in a bag. In addition to all of the above, for each fragment you can choose your own pattern, pattern, and threads.

In other words, knitting from squares will make all your fantasies come true. This is a good training for various styles of knitting.

Cozy blanket made from leftover threads

If you are not new to knitting, then you probably have quite a lot of leftover threads. There is no way to get rid of them, but what to do with them is the question. Motif knitting allows you to put everything on the blanket. The different texture of the yarn used will only emphasize the originality of the product.

For example, a fragment of plush surrounded by segments knitted from grass in combination with sectors made of wool will look very elegant and stylish. And, if you have threads of the same texture, but in different color scheme, then you can make a wonderful double-sided blanket.

Whatever master class on knitting a blanket you choose, the basic order of work is as follows:

  • Calculation of the required number of loops.
  • Selecting a primary and secondary pattern.
  • Calculation of the required amount of yarn.
  • Only after this can you start knitting.

Photo instructions on how to knit a blanket with knitting needles