Jacquard crochet patterns patterns. About crocheting jacquard in the round: patterns, Video and photo MK of the Mochila bag

Jacquard patterns are mainly knitted using counted patterns, however, crocheted jacquard in the round it looks no less impressive; when crocheted, the fabric turns out dense, does not stretch, and the pattern looks clear and bright.

Jacquard crochet in the round is mainly used for crocheting bags. Bright multi-colored bags knitted using the jacquard crocheting technique in the round - this is the traditional knitting of Colombian craftswomen.

To knit a jacquard bag, you can take any jacquard pattern, put two, three or more threads into work, making stitches according to a counted pattern and knitting a colored pattern. When knitting a jacquard pattern, all the threads of different colors that make up the pattern are used in the work, but they are not pulled along the wrong side as in knitting jacquard, but are tied in the process of making stitches.

Take any pattern, calculate the repeat of the pattern, cast on the required number of air loops with the main background thread. Knot the resulting chain into a ring using a connecting stitch in the first loop.

Knit the first row with single crochets. Start each circular row with one lifting air loop and end with a connecting post in the first lifting loop, using the thread according to the picture.

In the second row, also knit single crochets, inserting the hook only behind the second half-loop. When knitting single crochets in the far half loop, horizontal threads will create a bright, clear pattern if done in stitches with different threads.

Start making a jacquard pattern by adding a thread of a different color to the work. To knit a new stitch with a thread of a different color, when knitting the previous stitch, insert the hook into the half-loop of the stitch below, grab the same thread, pull the loop onto the hook, then hook a thread of a different color and knit a stitch, dropping two loops from the hook.

If you need to knit the next stitch with a third color, also when knitting the previous stitch, insert the hook into the half-loop of the stitch of the previous row, grabbing a thread of the same color and pull the thread onto the hook. Crochet the thread of the third color again, lay the two unused threads along the row, and finish knitting the stitch with the thread of the third color. Knit the next column with a thread of the third color, tying two threads in a row until you need a new change of threads according to the pattern.

When changing threads in knitting stitches with one color or another according to the pattern, unravel the threads going up to the ball, as they can twist.

By knitting a jacquard pattern in circular rows to the required height, you get a piece in the form of a pipe - this is an excellent basis for a bag or case.

2. About the program for drawing up a drawing diagram

3. Several video tutorials “How to crochet jacquard in the round”,
including, MK bags (Colombian painted bag
with round bottom)

Last week I promised to post patterns for jacquard circles.I haven’t knitted them myself yet, I haven’t checked them, but at first glance the patterns are good, clear, and the colors are well marked.The additions to the circle are also clearly visible - an additional loop between two in the previous row, I think it’s clear.

this wealth. And Tigrisssa published these diagrams in the group

An empty circle for creating your own pattern:

Posted by usnatalex in her personal diary

I saw a lot of patterns - beautiful, bright - but, most importantly, circular for beadwork. Many people publish them as patterns for circular jacquard. But I didn’t know where they came from until I came across a link to the EasyBeadPatterns program on Facebook. The program is freely distributed and downloaded from the link. The advantages of this program are similar to all programs for converting images into embroidery patterns.

How does this program compare favorably with others?, if we take into account lovers of crochet jacquard, and even more narrowly - lovers of tapestry (multi-color jacquard using a regular sc). ONLY IN THIS PROGRAM I came across a circular pattern (rosette) with eight-ray symmetry - this is exactly what I need for tapestry, since the usual number of increases in a row is eight. An attempt to translate some of the smallest drawings into a decent circular diagram ended in gobbledygook... BUT...

But! The program allows you to draw beads yourself. What's important to me is the ability to also print out just a blank circular diagram.

I have always compiled patterns in Word tables, and this is much more labor-intensive - now, apparently, I will switch to a more productive method using the capabilities of the EasyBeadPatterns program.

Next about the bag and crocheting jacquard in the round...
Published by Katja Jonas in the group Everything is openwork... (crochet)

My beloved CountryMommies, I welcome you to a new online site dedicated to knitting a Mochila bag (a Colombian bag with a round bottom and a shoulder handle) using the crochet jacquard technique. There are a great variety of patterns and colors in Mochil, so each of us can choose the design that suits her best and is more suitable for the style of the owner of this wonderful and multifunctional bag. Here are just a few examples of colors from the everyday classic range

It doesn’t make sense to post all the pictures, so choose the model you like in the album http://www.stranamam.ru/album/9868504/
For Mochila, you can also use any embroidery patterns you like. You just need to take into account that when knitting Mochil, as a rule, no more than five colors are used, that is, if you take an embroidery pattern as a basis, then it should not be very complex and multi-colored. Here is a good program that converts any design you like into an embroidery pattern, which is also suitable for jacquard http://www.pic2pat.com/index.ru.html

First, let's look at the design of the bag itself. Everything is simple here: first we knit the round bottom, and having reached the desired width, we knit the walls of the bag without any increases. In one of the last rows, holes for the lace are knitted (8-12 pcs). Finally, a strap is woven, for example using the macrame technique. That's all!
Now everything is the same, only in more detail.

JACQUARD CROCHET (Tapestry Crochet):
There are many ways to crochet jacquard, but we will consider only a few of them: single crochet in rotating rows, single crochet in a spiral, split and knitting in the back half loop. All these methods are united by the fact that they are all knitted with a single crochet without broaches, that is, auxiliary threads (bourdon) are laid inside the loop.

Let's look at each method separately:

1. We all know how to knit in single crochet rows, and the fabric is knitted on the front and back sides. The advantage of this type of knitting is that the pattern is not distorted, but the disadvantage is that the image is not clear and blurry.

A method of rotary knitting, in which the pattern is clear and not blurry, actually also exists. But not everyone will like it, because every second row is performed with the left hand. This method was mastered to perfection and demonstrated in her MK by Carol Ventura. This interesting woman, who has a degree as an art professor, travels around the world exploring various types of national arts. Carol writes books about art and has her own blog about crochet jacquard http://www.tapestrycrochet.com/blog/ where you can learn a lot.

The method of knitting with your left hand is certainly not for the faint of heart, but it may be useful to someone

2. But you can also knit with a single crochet in a circle, but the whole problem is that due to the structure of the stitch, the pattern when knitting in the round is strongly skewed to the right side, which breaks the symmetry and knocks down the horizontal lines. It is possible to knit jacquard in this way, but only with proper adjustment of the patterns.

3. Split knitting - what is it? This is a method of crocheting a single crochet stitch in which the hook is inserted not under the head of the post, but between the “legs” (into the letter V). A post knitted in this way is often called a “Vest Stitch” (English: Waistcoat Stitch, Waist - vest). The disadvantage of split knitting is that it is only knitted in the round or with a thread broken, and you also need to take into account that the fabric when knitting this way is very dense and heavy.

4. And finally, the fourth method is to knit a single crochet stitch behind the back half loop. As simple as he is, he is just as brilliant. In my opinion, this method is the most successful - the fabric is not as dense as when knitting in a split and the columns are not mowed, as when knitting in a spiral. The image has pronounced boundaries. And as some craftswomen claim, your hands don’t get as tired as from split knitting. And this, you see, is an important aspect. And as I have already noticed, Mochilas are knitted in exactly this way. And it was in this same way that I decided to knit. You can choose the most suitable method for you.

And so, we’ve sorted out the types of jacquard knitting, now let’s talk about the bottom.
Traditionally, the bottom is knitted in a spiral without lifting loops. In order to know where the end of the row occurs, you need to mark the last column of the row with a marker (pin, contrasting thread). And in order for the circle to turn out flat and not “disturb”, you need to observe the “Law of the Circle”.

According to this rule, we need 6 increases per row, but when knitting a circle with jacquard, increases are usually made not 6, but 8, because the rows are much higher due to the auxiliary threads (bourdon).
If all the increases are made exactly one above the other in each row, the result is a polyhedron. In order to prevent this from happening and the circle still remains a circle, it is worth shifting the increases in each row by 2 loops, as shown in the picture below. To do this, simply mark the end of the row with a marker so as not to get confused (with a thread, paper clip or pin). And when you finished the row on the last (marked) loop, knit one or two offset loops. The marker accordingly also shifts by one or two loops. Now knitting continues in the same way as knitting in the round, but the beginning of the row will now be the place to which we reached by knitting one or two additional loops in the previous row.

To prevent the bottom from sagging, you can line it with a clothesline if desired. Or knit 2 pancakes and place a circle cut from a plastic folder between them.

The bottom of these bags, as a rule, is the same painted as the bag itself. You can use the diagrams given above. Well, if someone wants to draw up a diagram themselves, then you can print out the blank (see just above) and draw by hand what your heart desires.

For clarity, here is a video on knitting a circle with jacquard. Here you can not only see how jacquard is knitted and the threads are changed, but also see in practice what the split knitting method is like.

Another trick.
If you use several balls at the same time while knitting, they always tend to get entangled with each other. So to prevent this from happening: you need to take liter jars, the number equal to the number of skeins. And put a ball in each. In this case, the cans must be constantly twisted or, even simpler, the knitting must be turned clockwise and counterclockwise.

There are also quite a few options for weaving or tying a handle:
1. The handle can be simply knitted with jacquard, just like a bag. This handle turns out to be quite dense and does not stretch. If desired, you can still reinforce it with braid/tape on the reverse side. It is best to knit lengthwise, that is, cast on a chain of air loops along the length of the future handle and knit to the desired width. You can knit each row from the beginning, that is, cut the threads and knit the next row in the same direction. In this case, you can leave the tails of the threads longer in the form of a fringe. If desired, the edges are hidden in the seam between the bag and the lining. Or cast on a central chain from a VP, and knit a rectangle around the chain, adding a few loops at the ends in the corners, as when knitting a square. Another version of a knitted handle in a circle (in a spiral), which is then cut. In the place where the cut is planned, knit a chain of 10 chain stitches, and also turn the resulting tails of thread along the edges into fringe.
2. Handles made using the macrame technique are very beautiful, dense and do not stretch at all. I won’t talk about the technology itself. If anyone wove baubles in childhood, they will easily remember, and if they were not into this kind of thing, then it is also very easy to learn... the most important thing here is not to get confused. This site has a lot of useful information and patterns for macrame.

This is how the Wayuu tribeswomen weave their hands.

Threads. The Indians knit their Mochilas from pure wool, but any thread will do: wool, wool blend, acrylic, and of course cotton. Meterage: 250-300m per 100g. For a medium-sized bag (bottom diameter 28 cm, height 35 cm), on average it takes 300g-400g, hook 2-3. I cannot give specific names, because I am NOT familiar with the Russian assortment of threads!!!
I will be knitting in Catania von Schachenmayr cotton 125m/50g (blue and white). Brown thread Merino Extrafine 120 von Schachenmayr 120m/50g. Hook 2.5.

I will knit according to these patterns

Do you know how to crochet multicolor patterns? It is crocheted, not knitted. Today, in the “Handicraft Tricks” section, Inga Terentyeva shows techniques for knitting two-color jacquard crochet, word from Inge

Jacquard knitting is knitting with threads of two or more colors. At knitting jacquard patterns is formed by alternating loops of different colors in one row. As a rule, jacquard is made with facial loops. If, in addition to the front ones, purl loops are also included in the pattern, you get “bohus”, a tradition of which appeared in Sweden and is very popular in the Scandinavian countries.

With all my love for jacquard knitting, lately I have become very interested in jacquard, done crochet. This technique opens up a lot of possibilities for needlewomen. For example, Todd Paschall crochets pictures like this

For me this is aerobatics. There are simpler technologies, but no less effective. For example, “Tapestry crochet” is a crocheted tapestry or mosaic knitting. This technique came from South America and has now conquered the whole world.

Baskets, pillows, summer bags, crocheted, with a unique, only yours, pattern. Personally, I fell ill with this and am urgently starting to master it. At first I plan to use two colors and a simple pattern.

Take threads of two colors and a hook. I used 100% wool, 250 g/100 m and a 3 mm hook.

1. We collect 4 air loops and connect them into a ring. We tie it with 7 single crochets

2. We knit 2 single crochets into each loop - 14 loops

3. In the first loop we knit 2 double crochets, in the second loop 1 single crochet.

When knitting jacquard crochet the non-working thread (red in this photo) is located inside the loop, as if tied with a working thread

4. The result is a row with loops alternating in color

7. In the next row, from 1 red loop we make 2, etc.

An interesting pattern began to emerge with a shift in the counterclockwise direction. I don’t know yet what the result will be, maybe a beret, or maybe a bag. The main thing is to knit two-color patterns crochet It turned out to be quite simple and very interesting.

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The world of handicrafts is great and diverse; there is a place in it for sewing, knitting, and embroidery. One of the new and popular trends in handmade is soap making. At home, on your own, using only natural ingredients, you can make soap, creams, gels and shampoos with your own hands. In the Ukrainian store of creative materials “Handmade Studio” you can purchase a wonderful soap base, which is of high quality and excellent characteristics

2. About the program for drawing up a drawing diagram

3. Several video tutorials “How to crochet jacquard in the round”,
including, MK bags (Colombian painted bag
with round bottom)

Last week I promised to post patterns for jacquard circles.I haven’t knitted them myself yet, I haven’t checked them, but at first glance the patterns are good, clear, and the colors are well marked.The additions to the circle are also clearly visible - an additional loop between two in the previous row, I think it’s clear.

this wealth. And Tigrisssa published these diagrams in the group

An empty circle for creating your own pattern:

Posted by usnatalex in her personal diary

I saw a lot of patterns - beautiful, bright - but, most importantly, circular for beadwork. Many people publish them as patterns for circular jacquard. But I didn’t know where they came from until I came across a link to the EasyBeadPatterns program on Facebook. The program is freely distributed and downloaded from the link. The advantages of this program are similar to all programs for converting images into embroidery patterns.

How does this program compare favorably with others?, if we take into account lovers of crochet jacquard, and even more narrowly - lovers of tapestry (multi-color jacquard using a regular sc). ONLY IN THIS PROGRAM I came across a circular pattern (rosette) with eight-ray symmetry - this is exactly what I need for tapestry, since the usual number of increases in a row is eight. An attempt to translate some of the smallest drawings into a decent circular diagram ended in gobbledygook... BUT...

But! The program allows you to draw beads yourself. What's important to me is the ability to also print out just a blank circular diagram.

I have always compiled patterns in Word tables, and this is much more labor-intensive - now, apparently, I will switch to a more productive method using the capabilities of the EasyBeadPatterns program.

Next about the bag and crocheting jacquard in the round...
Published by Katja Jonas in the group Everything is openwork... (crochet)

My beloved CountryMommies, I welcome you to a new online site dedicated to knitting a Mochila bag (a Colombian bag with a round bottom and a shoulder handle) using the crochet jacquard technique. There are a great variety of patterns and colors in Mochil, so each of us can choose the design that suits her best and is more suitable for the style of the owner of this wonderful and multifunctional bag. Here are just a few examples of colors from the everyday classic range

It doesn’t make sense to post all the pictures, so choose the model you like in the album http://www.stranamam.ru/album/9868504/
For Mochila, you can also use any embroidery patterns you like. You just need to take into account that when knitting Mochil, as a rule, no more than five colors are used, that is, if you take an embroidery pattern as a basis, then it should not be very complex and multi-colored. Here is a good program that converts any design you like into an embroidery pattern, which is also suitable for jacquard http://www.pic2pat.com/index.ru.html

First, let's look at the design of the bag itself. Everything is simple here: first we knit the round bottom, and having reached the desired width, we knit the walls of the bag without any increases. In one of the last rows, holes for the lace are knitted (8-12 pcs). Finally, a strap is woven, for example using the macrame technique. That's all!
Now everything is the same, only in more detail.

JACQUARD CROCHET (Tapestry Crochet):
There are many ways to crochet jacquard, but we will consider only a few of them: single crochet in rotating rows, single crochet in a spiral, split and knitting in the back half loop. All these methods are united by the fact that they are all knitted with a single crochet without broaches, that is, auxiliary threads (bourdon) are laid inside the loop.

Let's look at each method separately:

1. We all know how to knit in single crochet rows, and the fabric is knitted on the front and back sides. The advantage of this type of knitting is that the pattern is not distorted, but the disadvantage is that the image is not clear and blurry.

A method of rotary knitting, in which the pattern is clear and not blurry, actually also exists. But not everyone will like it, because every second row is performed with the left hand. This method was mastered to perfection and demonstrated in her MK by Carol Ventura. This interesting woman, who has a degree as an art professor, travels around the world exploring various types of national arts. Carol writes books about art and has her own blog about crochet jacquard http://www.tapestrycrochet.com/blog/ where you can learn a lot.

The method of knitting with your left hand is certainly not for the faint of heart, but it may be useful to someone

2. But you can also knit with a single crochet in a circle, but the whole problem is that due to the structure of the stitch, the pattern when knitting in the round is strongly skewed to the right side, which breaks the symmetry and knocks down the horizontal lines. It is possible to knit jacquard in this way, but only with proper adjustment of the patterns.

3. Split knitting - what is it? This is a method of crocheting a single crochet stitch in which the hook is inserted not under the head of the post, but between the “legs” (into the letter V). A post knitted in this way is often called a “Vest Stitch” (English: Waistcoat Stitch, Waist - vest). The disadvantage of split knitting is that it is only knitted in the round or with a thread broken, and you also need to take into account that the fabric when knitting this way is very dense and heavy.

4. And finally, the fourth method is to knit a single crochet stitch behind the back half loop. As simple as he is, he is just as brilliant. In my opinion, this method is the most successful - the fabric is not as dense as when knitting in a split and the columns are not mowed, as when knitting in a spiral. The image has pronounced boundaries. And as some craftswomen claim, your hands don’t get as tired as from split knitting. And this, you see, is an important aspect. And as I have already noticed, Mochilas are knitted in exactly this way. And it was in this same way that I decided to knit. You can choose the most suitable method for you.

And so, we’ve sorted out the types of jacquard knitting, now let’s talk about the bottom.
Traditionally, the bottom is knitted in a spiral without lifting loops. In order to know where the end of the row occurs, you need to mark the last column of the row with a marker (pin, contrasting thread). And in order for the circle to turn out flat and not “disturb”, you need to observe the “Law of the Circle”.

According to this rule, we need 6 increases per row, but when knitting a circle with jacquard, increases are usually made not 6, but 8, because the rows are much higher due to the auxiliary threads (bourdon).
If all the increases are made exactly one above the other in each row, the result is a polyhedron. In order to prevent this from happening and the circle still remains a circle, it is worth shifting the increases in each row by 2 loops, as shown in the picture below. To do this, simply mark the end of the row with a marker so as not to get confused (with a thread, paper clip or pin). And when you finished the row on the last (marked) loop, knit one or two offset loops. The marker accordingly also shifts by one or two loops. Now knitting continues in the same way as knitting in the round, but the beginning of the row will now be the place to which we reached by knitting one or two additional loops in the previous row.

To prevent the bottom from sagging, you can line it with a clothesline if desired. Or knit 2 pancakes and place a circle cut from a plastic folder between them.

The bottom of these bags, as a rule, is the same painted as the bag itself. You can use the diagrams given above. Well, if someone wants to draw up a diagram themselves, then you can print out the blank (see just above) and draw by hand what your heart desires.

For clarity, here is a video on knitting a circle with jacquard. Here you can not only see how jacquard is knitted and the threads are changed, but also see in practice what the split knitting method is like.

Another trick.
If you use several balls at the same time while knitting, they always tend to get entangled with each other. So to prevent this from happening: you need to take liter jars, the number equal to the number of skeins. And put a ball in each. In this case, the cans must be constantly twisted or, even simpler, the knitting must be turned clockwise and counterclockwise.

There are also quite a few options for weaving or tying a handle:
1. The handle can be simply knitted with jacquard, just like a bag. This handle turns out to be quite dense and does not stretch. If desired, you can still reinforce it with braid/tape on the reverse side. It is best to knit lengthwise, that is, cast on a chain of air loops along the length of the future handle and knit to the desired width. You can knit each row from the beginning, that is, cut the threads and knit the next row in the same direction. In this case, you can leave the tails of the threads longer in the form of a fringe. If desired, the edges are hidden in the seam between the bag and the lining. Or cast on a central chain from a VP, and knit a rectangle around the chain, adding a few loops at the ends in the corners, as when knitting a square. Another version of a knitted handle in a circle (in a spiral), which is then cut. In the place where the cut is planned, knit a chain of 10 chain stitches, and also turn the resulting tails of thread along the edges into fringe.
2. Handles made using the macrame technique are very beautiful, dense and do not stretch at all. I won’t talk about the technology itself. If anyone wove baubles in childhood, they will easily remember, and if they were not into this kind of thing, then it is also very easy to learn... the most important thing here is not to get confused. This site has a lot of useful information and patterns for macrame.

This is how the Wayuu tribeswomen weave their hands.

Threads. The Indians knit their Mochilas from pure wool, but any thread will do: wool, wool blend, acrylic, and of course cotton. Meterage: 250-300m per 100g. For a medium-sized bag (bottom diameter 28 cm, height 35 cm), on average it takes 300g-400g, hook 2-3. I cannot give specific names, because I am NOT familiar with the Russian assortment of threads!!!
I will be knitting in Catania von Schachenmayr cotton 125m/50g (blue and white). Brown thread Merino Extrafine 120 von Schachenmayr 120m/50g. Hook 2.5.

I will knit according to these patterns

The MK I bring to your attention is quite suitable for knitting not only a beach bag in the “Colombian mochila” style. You can knit anything with crochet jacquard. But polypropylene beach bags turned out to be very popular.What is good about polypropylene? A bag made from it can be washed by simply rinsing it in the sea, the canvas made from it is not inferior in strength to tarpaulin, it is light and unpretentious in everyday life. The only negative, of course, is the completely non-ecological material.

To make such a beach bag (bottom diameter 25 cm, wall height 38 cm, capacity... like a bucket, no less - it will include a towel, bedding, a bottle of water, cream and a lot of everything small, but necessary on the beach) I use Raffia polypropylene yarn from the manufacturer Adelia. On the Internet, by searching for “polypropylene yarn” you can see a similar product from different manufacturers. Everything is fine, there are no special features of this particular company, I will say more: quite suitable yarn can be made from plastic bags. Cotton or viscose yarn will also work fine. Its thickness should be approximately 400-350 m per 100 g. Yarns whose threads stretch or spring are not suitable. They will not fit because it will be difficult to knit a flat bottom and vertical walls from them. Only if you have some experience and skills in crocheting jacquard. For such a bag I need about 250-300g of yarn.

About hooks. I knit with thin hooks; I don’t have any hooks thicker than 2.0. Here I used a 1.35 Clover hook.

You will have to knit very tightly so that the stitches (single crochet) are one to one in height, well tightened. A bunch of colored threads (bourdon) will be hidden inside the columns. These threads should be evenly and evenly (over the entire product!!!) stretched and tightly wrapped around the working thread, which is used to knit a single crochet.

I start knitting the bottom with a ring of 5 VP, which I tie with 9 RLS. At the stage of the second row, I immediately put into work all the threads used in the ornament. I do this so that the bottom is tight and the size of the columns is the same everywhere. Then I knit a circle in a spiral, according to the laws of knitting a circle - in each new row I add 8-9 stitches, making sure that the piece is flat. If the bottom bends, then most likely the number of added columns in the outer rows is not enough. There is another possible reason: you pulled the bourdon threads too far through the posts, so the edges are pulled together and the bottom becomes curved or concave. The fix is ​​simple: you need to undo a couple of rows and tie them up without making mistakes.

If the bottom diameter is 25 cm, you should turn the work away from you and knit one row in the opposite direction, then turn the work again and knit one row in the same direction as at the beginning of knitting. This is to create an edging, from which we will then knit the walls in the same way in a spiral, but without any increments. At a height of 30-32 cm, you need to tie 4 holes for the lace, then tie another 5 cm to the top of the bag.

Now about how to change the color of the thread as you knit to create uniquely colorful and cheerful patterns (knit a stitch using both half-loops of the previous row):

The front side looks like this:

The reverse side looks like this:


We knit a handle about 1 m long (so that you can not just put it on your shoulder, but carry it across an oblique fathom - it’s more convenient). You can knit a large ring in a spiral and then cut it, you can knit a VP chain about 80 cm long and tie it on one side and the other in a spiral with 6-8 rows of stitches with a bourdon inside - then you won’t need to cut anything. Any decor will suit you - knitted balls, beads, tassels - whatever your heart desires!

It turns out quite bright and joyful, especially when looking into the bag on a sunny morning:

That's all the tricks. It remains to add that VP is an air loop, RLS is a single crochet.
Bonus - several ornaments (in 1 cell there are two single crochets):

Have a nice summer everyone!
Thank you for reading))).