Six on the shops: how the children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt grew up. Angelina Jolie's children - natural and adopted

Actress, UN Goodwill Ambassador and mother of many children, Angelina Jolie shared in a long interview what she teaches her six children.

The 41-year-old shared with BBC radio listeners the hobbies of her children, which she very much welcomes. So she said that in addition to English, which is native to everyone, they study others, and everyone was given a choice:

I asked them what languages ​​they would like to learn and the children made their choice: Shiloh is learning Khmer, which is spoken in Cambodia, Pax is focusing on Vietnamese, Mad (Maddox - ed.) already speaks German and Russian, Zahara already speaks decent French, Vivienne wants to learn Arabic, and Knox is learning sign language

Thus, she has a “UN branch” at home, as the actress joked. The children are not yet seriously thinking about plans for the future, but they know for sure that they do not want to be actors, but are interested in music.

Angelina Jolie has been helping solve refugee problems for many years, and at the highest level.

I never wanted my children to look at them with pity when meeting these people, but at the same time they should feel their responsibility to those who are less fortunate in life than them.
And so, I don't have to say anything, I just introduce my children to these people, and these people are so special, and these families are so wonderful, and they have taught me so much.

This upbringing is already bearing its first fruits - last year the whole family went to Cambodia, where Angelina began filming her new film based on the book by the Cambodian writer “First They Killed My Father: Memoirs of a Daughter of Cambodia” about the period of the Khmer Rouge rule. Jolie's eldest son, 15-year-old Madox, who was born in this country and was adopted by Angelina Jolie back in 2002, expressed a desire to participate in the filming; he is very interested in the history of his homeland.

It was truly a special experience. Any mother of a child in adolescence knows how challenging and wonderful it is when something comes along that you can do with your teenager.

At the same time, 10-year-old Shiloh and 11-year-old Zahara took custody of a poor and large Cambodian family. The girls were amazed by the conditions in which they live, used all their accumulated funds and bought clothes for the children, and a bicycle for the older girl.

Recall that Angelina Jolie and her husband Brad Pitt are raising three adopted children: 15-year-old Madox Shivan, born in Cambodia, 12-year-old Pax Tien, adopted in Vietnam, 11-year-old Zahara Marley from Ethiopia, as well as three common biological children: 10 -year-old Shiloh Nouvel, 7-year-old twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline.

The couple had three children, and they adopted three more.

The news of the divorce shocked many - but the breakup still took place, plunging the couple's fans around the world into despair. Jolie said that emotionally she had gone through a real storm and was now completely devastated, both did not look their best, and it was clear that the breakup was not so easy for them.

Rumors that Jolie forbids her ex-husband to see their children were voiced every now and then by the world's tabloids - and only now it has become known that this is almost true.

How does Angelina raise her children, who still - according to her own statement - has not recovered from the divorce, but continues to actively work - both as an actress and in peacekeeping and humanitarian activities?

Children banned from leaving Los Angeles estate

Every step of the star and her children is discussed and photographed by numerous paparazzi - so the children cannot leave the house on their own. They have virtually no chance of making friends with other kids given the lifestyle Jolie has provided them with, but none of them seem to mind that much.

The actress has said many times that she considers her children to be hers. best friends- and prefers to spend all his free time with them. Considering that she is extremely rarely seen anywhere alone or in the company of adult friends - except perhaps on the red carpet, but that is more like work - it seems that this is the case.

Angelina's children don't go to school

Jolie doesn't think traditional school is right for her children. They do not have any education program - instead, according to the actress, it is better to read a good book or go to a museum. Children are completely exempt from homework, tests or exams.

Jolie has repeatedly stated that intelligence tests, general erudition and reading many books, even the smartest ones, cannot show whether a person is really smart. The mind is a sharp, unique instrument that is tuned very finely for everyone. Changing these settings with a standard program is as easy as shelling pears, but the actress wants her children to grow up with an awareness of their independence and a sense of true freedom. From any framework and conventions.

Time will tell who the star’s children will grow up to be - and whether, with Jolie’s approach to education, they will be able to at least to a small extent achieve the fame of their parents in any professional field.

Children can use the Internet without restrictions

Jolie believes that any information can be found on the Internet - so when her children need to learn something, they take advantage of this opportunity. They are allowed to open any resources - but there is a caveat. A specially hired team of programmers carefully examines all incoming content and blocks those sites that contain inappropriate or prohibited information. Angie compiled an impressive list of things that could harm her minor children.

The accounts of older children on social networks are also under round-the-clock monitoring - primarily so that no one can contact the children and scare them, for example. It is not known exactly whether children are aware of this total information surveillance.

Each of the children has a pet nickname

Let's start with the fact that the names of all of Jolie's children initially do not sound too usual for the English-speaking average person - the star parents tried to name their own children quite exotic, and the names of their adopted children sounded very unusual. But this is not enough. Each of the children has a pet nickname that is used in the family.

They are needed, among other things, to serve as a kind of password if you need to send a message to each other in any emergency situation when it is impossible to identify the interlocutor. Angelina herself has a similar name - it is known that she is called “Little Mommy” at home - but there is also a secret second (or is it already the third?) name that only her own people know.

Jolie and Pitt's own daughter, Shiloh, has considered herself a boy since the age of two and answers only to the “official” name John. Angie does not see anything strange or scary in this, and it is not reported whether the secret name of the girl who wants to be a boy has a gender connection.

Children can eat whatever they want, whenever they want.

There are no food restrictions - children eat whatever they want. For example, fried tarantulas and scorpions can easily appear in their diet - and mother very much approves of such a diet. This is exactly the dish that was on the table during a trip to Cambodia - Jolie then personally showed the children the fastest way to cut up insects. It is known that children simply adore fried crickets - they crunch them like chips or popcorn.

However, no one denies them even quite trivial delicacies. Those who worked on the star family's staff willingly told reporters that children were allowed to order pizza, ice cream and soda for themselves - in the middle of the night, if they so desired.

Jolie is a famous fan healthy eating- believes that nothing good can be achieved through prohibitions and restrictions, so he allows his children to eat or try whatever they want.

Children travel with Jolie

One can envy or, on the contrary, sympathize with Angelina’s busy schedule - but she travels a lot, and her children accompany her everywhere. Sometimes they fly on the most ordinary flight in economy class - in one of the interviews, the actress said that she does not want to raise her children with greenhouse plants and therefore wants them to at least sometimes live the same way as billions of mere mortals.

True, until recently, each of the children had their own personal nanny, and security also accompanies Angie and the children everywhere. Thus, a good third of the salon turned out to be filled with not the most ordinary people, and the salon is checked very carefully before the star family is allowed to enter it.

In addition to filming in different countries Jolie actively takes part in peacekeeping activities - she believes that history is made by the hands of every inhabitant of the planet, so her children should not remain on the sidelines when she visits the poorest or most life-threatening corners of the planet on humanitarian visits.

Children can see their father - Brad Pitt - only by prior arrangement

Initially furious and offended, Jolie insisted on a complete cessation of all contact between the children and her ex-husband. However, after several months, during which the parties’ lawyers tried to find at least some ways to resolve the case with any semblance of peace, Pitt managed to slightly soften the heart of his ex-wife who was once in love with him.

As of today, the actor is allowed to see his children - but not all at the same time, and no more than two in one visit, no more than twice a week in total. The meetings themselves must take place in the presence of representatives social protection appointed by the court.

Perhaps, after some time, these strict conditions will change - or in any case, upon reaching adulthood, children will be able to independently decide whether to see their father and when exactly to do so. Since the older children are already quite big, it won’t be that long to wait for something like this.

Each child learns one foreign language

The actress's own children speak English from birth. English language- and the adopted children come from Cambodia, Vietnam and Ethiopia. Angie wanted each of the children to remember the language of their ancestors - but as a result, the children did everything differently.

Now Shiloh, the actress’s natural daughter, speaks fluently one of the Cambodian dialects, Pax is studying Vietnamese in depth. Vivien chose classical Arabic, and her twin brother Knox even wanted to be able to speak sign language. Maddox is learning two languages ​​at once besides English - German and Russian.

Alcohol is completely prohibited in Jolie's house

Brad Pitt's alcoholism became one of the compelling and sad reasons for the breakup of the once most beautiful couple Hollywood. The actor admitted that he had to undergo several courses of intensive treatment to get rid of this bad habit and other addictions at the same time. Unfortunately, treatment and cessation of alcoholism could not help save the marriage.

Angie still cannot forgive Pitt for this addiction - and does not want any of the children to follow the same path. In order not to give children the slightest chance of becoming addicted to wine or stronger drinks, Jolie forbade bringing any type of alcohol into the house.

Maintenance and security personnel are warned that immediate dismissal and a huge fine await anyone who violates this strict prohibition. Jolie claims that this taboo will always be in her house - even after the children reach adulthood.

The kids don't see Angie sad or upset.

Angelina's childhood memories left a very deep wound in her soul. Her complexes and fears from deep childhood poisoned her life for a long time and served as the reason for many stupid and dangerous, by the actress’s own admission, actions. She dealt with some of them on her own, others had to be sorted out and eliminated with the help of a psychotherapist, and in some cases he managed to help her ex-husband, Brad Pitt. At one time, he healed Angie’s heart, wounded by betrayal and pain, with love and tenderness. True, then he himself broke it again with his antics - and Jolie perceived this as perhaps the biggest betrayal.

The actress doesn't want her children to experience such trauma, so she and Pitt agreed to never yell at each other in their presence, as little Angie's parents often did. She never allows herself to go out to her children upset, and if she needs to cry, she does it in her heart.

Brad Pitt says the house ex-wife constantly immersed in unreal chaos. The actor expresses hope that his Jolie will be able to understand the need to be stricter with children and will find a way to build normal boundaries in their relationship. In the meantime, the court has ruled that it is Angelina who will decide for herself what is good for her children and what is bad, so Pitt’s recommendations are hardly that appropriate. Whether anything will change - and how these somewhat contradictory principles of education will turn out for the children themselves in the future - we will all see quite soon.

The famous Hollywood film star managed to prove herself not only in the field of cinema, but also in the field of motherhood: as a UN Goodwill Ambassador, Jolie is raising three biological and three adopted children.

Photo: Jolie's adopted and natural children |

All the offspring received the surname Jolie-Pitt, but the interest of fans of Jolie’s work in her children has not waned for many years, because the children are growing up and regularly “flicker” in social reports of fashion publications.

Are there no other people's children?

Unfortunately or fortunately, Angelina Jolie's first children were adopted - the actress decided to raise the baby in 2002 in Cambodia: this child turned out to be a one-year-old Maddox. It is only known that at that time the screen star was in the country in connection with the filming of a film about the difficulties of life in third world countries. The paparazzi managed to find out that the baby’s original name was Rat Vibol, and he came to the actress’s family straight from a refugee shelter.

In July 2005, while in Ethiopia, Angelina Jolie also decided to adopt Zakhari- There were long-term rumors and scandals surrounding this incident. In particular, information surfaced in the press that Jolie had deceived her fans: initially, the star claimed that Zakhara’s mother allegedly died of AIDS, which left the girl an orphan, but later Zakhara’s mother began accusing the actress and Ethiopian officials of forgery.

Zahara came to Angelina Jolie's family with physical problems - the actress had to treat her first adopted daughter for dehydration and malnutrition. Now Zakhara feels well, but the girl has already repeatedly become the “topic of the day” in the world press, because she wants to meet her mother and, probably, stay with her forever.

In 2007, on March 5, another baby joined the big Hollywood family - he became three-year-old Vietnamese Pham Quan. However, the name given to the boy at birth was changed; now the child’s name is Pax Tien, which translates as “peace.” The reasons for Jolie’s decision still remain a mystery, but one of the official versions states that Angelina’s mother allegedly chose this name before her death.

The first joy of motherhood

Angelina Jolie learned about what it means to “be a biological mother” only in her third marriage - previous relationships with Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton did not give the actress children, although fans hoped for a miracle every time. However, biological children did appear in the union of Angelina Jolie: first, Angelina Jolie gave birth to her first child - the family of Pitt and Jolie was replenished with a girl named Shiloh, May 27, 2006.

It is no secret that Angelina Jolie experienced her first birth in Namibia; there was a lot of gossip and rumors surrounding this process. In particular, the Namibian authorities organized unprecedented security measures for the actors while Jolie and Pitt were in the country.

Almost nothing is known about Shiloh in the press, although the paparazzi hunted for photographs and biographical details of the offspring of Hollywood stars. However, Jolie and Pitt decided to calm the interest of fans - they sold photographs of their daughter for $10 million to Hello! and "People". Experts later stated that these were the most expensive star photographs in the history of world show business, but the couple later broke their own record.

Photo: Jolie's children are twinsVivienne and Knox

Literally two years after this, when Angelina had already given birth to Shiloh and adopted Maddox and Zahara, it became known about the film star’s new pregnancy: Jolie told fans at the Film Independent’s Spirit Awards that she was expecting twins. Already on July 12, 2008, the family of Pitt and Jolie was replenished with twins - a boy Knox Leon and a girl Vivienne Marcheline. It is noteworthy that Jolie also decided to sell photographs of these babies for a record $14 million, most of this money was spent on charity.

Of course, Angelina Jolie’s children are a “target” for journalists and paparazzi, but the couple carefully protects them from “hungry” lenses. However, sometimes Angelina herself appears with her children in public places, so fans of her work have the opportunity to admire photos of Jolie’s children.

It is also known that Jolie’s own children get along well with their adopted children, and in the family as a whole they do not divide children into “us” and “strangers”.

0 9 September 2019, 17:56

The 44-year-old gave an exclusive interview to the American HELLO!. The conversation with the publication’s journalists turned out to be very honest and frank: in it, the actress talked a lot about relationships with her friends. So, the star told how her heirs usually congratulate her on Mother’s Day.

On Mother's Day, the children cook breakfast for me and pick flowers. They treat me like a real lady. I often realize that I am much stronger than I think I am. However, at my core, I am still soft and vulnerable. And I don’t dream of being stronger at all. I just want to be allowed to be soft

— the actress admitted.

In a conversation with HELLO! the actress also remembered recently her 18-year-old son Maddox. Jolie admitted that she is still having difficulty getting used to the absence of her son at home, but she understands that this situation has opened up new perspectives for her.

When your children are small, you feel like a real mom. When they are teenagers, you feel like a teenager with them. You see them going to punk clubs and you wonder why you can't do the same. Now I'm just in that funny stage where I'm rediscovering myself,

- Jolie shared.

At the end of the conversation, Angelina spoke about how important it is modern parents Teach your children to be kind, loving and tolerant. Jolie is convinced that this is the only way to prepare the next generation for life in such a rapidly changing modern world.

Let us remind you that Angelina Jolie is raising six children not alone, but together with her ex-husband