Calculate body proportions online. Bodybuilding: achieving ideal proportions for the male body

Beauty standards for women's bodies have changed from generation to generation. Today parameters perfect figure expressed in numbers 90\60\90. However, not all representatives of the fair sex manage to achieve such parameters, and not everyone needs it.

Body proportions cannot be the same for all women, first of all, because there is such a thing as body constitution, given to us by nature. What types of body types there are and how to determine how ideal the proportions of your body are, we will describe further in the article.

Venus de Milo as an example of ideal body proportions

For many centuries, people of science have puzzled over deducing a formula for the ideal parameters of the human body. As a result, the ancient Greek goddess Venus de Milo began to be considered the ideal of female beauty, and Apollo Belvedere for men. When creating statues depicting these gods, sculptors carefully observed the ideal body proportions calculated by scientists.

Thus, the following parameters were considered ideal for those times:

  • the head should have been 1/7 of the person’s height;
  • legs – 1/6 of the height;
  • wrist – 1/10th of height.

The central point of the human body in proportion should have been the navel.

As for the Venus de Milo, the goddess’s height was 164 cm, her chest volume was 86 cm, her waist volume was 69 cm, and her hip volume was 93 cm. It should be noted that many people to this day consider such proportions of the female body to be perfect. Here, as they say, it’s a matter of taste.

Model, goddess or fatty: three types of physiques in women

In medicine, to determine the type of human constitution, as a rule, the method of M.V. Chernorutsky is used.

To establish a particular type of human physique, it is necessary to calculate the Pignier Index (PI). To do this, you need to know a person’s height (L, cm), his weight (P, kg), as well as his chest circumference (T, cm). The Pignier index can be determined using the formula: IP = L – (P + T).

With an PI value above 30, a person has an asthenic physique (hyposthenic or asthenic). If the PI varies from 10 to 30, this indicates a normal physique (normosthenic). When the IP is below 10, you have a person with a picnic body type (hypersthenic).

Three body types: asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic.

By determining the type of constitution of a person, you can calculate his optimal weight and determine the degree of need for figure correction.

Asthenic appearance or thin-boned.

Owners of such a body look elegant. The movements of asthenics are graceful and feminine. They retain their ease of gait until old age. It is girls with asthenic bodies who dominate the catwalks.

External signs hyposthenics:

  • long legs and arms;
  • thin elongated fingers;
  • narrow and long feet;
  • thin and elongated neck;
  • lack of muscle mass.

Girls with this type of physique are rarely prone to being overweight and are always energetic and active.

Normosthenic appearance or normosseous.

This type is considered ideal, since all parts of the body look proportional and harmonious. This proportional type allows women to look great in any attire.

External signs of normosthenics:

  • average height;
  • proportional figure;
  • slender strong legs;
  • wasp waist.

Hypersthenic or broad-boned appearance.

The hypersthenic appearance is the opposite of the asthenic physique. In women with this constitution, the transverse dimensions of the body are increased: the chest, shoulders and hip bone are quite wide. The thickened skeletal system is heavy.

External features of hypersthenics:

  • low or average height;
  • soft and round body;
  • clearly visible fat deposits;
  • a blurry body with a large belly;
  • large round head with a flat contour of the crown;
  • short massive neck;
  • slightly short legs.

People with large bones are prone to excess weight.

It is possible to change your physique only partially in the early stages. childhood through certain types of training. The physique of an adult cannot be changed. The type of constitution, as a rule, remains until old age.

To find out what type of body type you have, just arm yourself with a measuring tape and measure the circumference of your wrist. If it is less than 16 cm, then you have an asthenic physique, the circumference of the wrist is from 16 to 18.5 cm - a sign of a normo-skeletal appearance, but if this parameter has reached 18.5 cm, then you have a hypersthenic type of physique.

How to calculate body proportions

Knowing the length of a person’s body in a standing and sitting position, one can calculate the body’s proportionality coefficient using the following formula:

KP = ((L1 – L2) / 2) x 100, where L1 is the length of the body in a standing position, L2 is the length of the body in a sitting position.

Normally, KP = 87% in women and 92% in men.

Now let's look at all the parameters of all parts of the female body separately.

Height is an uncorrectable parameter that is most often taken as the basis when calculating body proportions. For girls, a height of 166–170 cm is considered ideal. Those who have this figure below are considered below average, those who are taller are considered above average. An addition or subtraction of 2 cm is allowed to these figures, which is quite consistent with the proportions.

Legs. Their length with ideal growth should be 4–6 cm more than half the body. So, for example, with a height of 170 cm, the ideal leg length should be approximately 90 cm (the length of the legs is usually measured from the protruding femur).

In addition, there is a special index characterizing the length of the legs. It is called the skelia index or Manuvrie index.

I = (leg length / sitting height) x 100

If the index value does not reach 84.9, then the legs are too short. With an index value from 85 to 89, we can talk about average legs. Well, if the index is 90 or higher, we are talking about a long-legged person.

Neck, wrist and waist. Volumes are also an important parameter. Correct body proportion implies a ratio of waist to neck volume of 2:1, while the neck volume should be equal to 2 wrist volumes. And for the body to be considered proportional, the waist-to-hip ratio should be 0.7.

Waist circumference is calculated simply: you need to subtract 100 from your height.

The table below shows the parameters of the ideal waist depending on height.

Height (cm)Waist circumference (cm)
148-150 55
151-152 56
153-154 57
155-156 58
157-158 59
159-160 60
161-162 61
163-164 62
165-166 63
167-168 64
169-170 65
171-172 66
173-174 67
175-176 68
177-178 69
179-180 70
181-182 71
183-184 72
185-186 73
187-188 74
189-190 75

Rib cage. If, when calculating the proportionality of the body, we take the circumference as a basis, then for girls the ideal chest circumference is considered to be equal to half of her height and plus 2.5 cm. The ideal bust circumference is considered if 8–10 cm is added to the chest circumference.

In their pure form, all of the listed types of constitution are rare. For many people, they are combined: the upper part of the body belongs to one type, and the lower part to another, etc. but this does not mean that lack of proportionality can make people ugly and unattractive. Deviation from proportions is the secret of uniqueness and individuality.

The phenotypic constitution is important not so much for external attractiveness, but for the health and general well-being of a person. The type of physique is inherited from parents to children, determining their inclinations and predispositions. Awareness about the characteristics of your physique allows you to choose an effective diet for the purpose of losing weight or methods of treating a particular disease.

Online calculator for determining body proportionality. Body proportionality norm according to this calculator:

  • for women from 54 to 62;
  • for men - from 46 to 52.

Is it possible to check harmony with algebra? The ideal proportions of the female body are of concern to both the fair sex and people of both sexes working in the fitness industry, the world of fashion, art and dance. Scientists are researching this issue, and girls do their best to live up to the ideal. What are they, the proportions that attract the eye? There were times in human history when large bellies and small breasts were considered ideal. And the era of “heroin chic”, when a thin boyish figure was in trend. Then came the fashion for fitness and muscular bodies. At all times, an X-shaped figure with a thin waist has been considered attractive, but one must understand that beauty is not only in proportions. It is subjective, often elusive, and it is impossible to break it down into parameters. So proportions are important, but they are not what make women beautiful and attractive.

Do you like the figure of the Venus de Milo sculpture? If the Greek gods sculptured in marble could still conquer the beach bodybuilding scene today with only a slight increase in shoulder width, then Venus would have little chance in modern times. A rather full belly, relatively small breasts, narrow and sloping shoulders, and in general, with such excess weight - only an accountant in the next department, and not a beauty. You need to understand that “dried” female figures became a trend only in the 20th century, and came to us from the catwalks. In Antiquity, proportions and, so to speak, general appearance were assessed.

According to the architects, the figure of the sculpture obeys the so-called golden ratio, an irrational number that determines the ratio of waist to hips. It allows you to figure out the proportions. Plastic surgeons use this number of 1.618... to determine the ratio of "new shapes" to the waist.

Ancient Greek sculptors believed that the parameters of the waist, shoulder girdle, and hips should be correlated according to the golden ratio. This is exactly what is embodied in the sculpture of Venus. Because if you ask honest people, not fashion critics, and not fitness experts who have long deformed their consciousness to please the industry, Venus will be very good.

It is believed that the human eye tracks the line of the shoulders, hips, waist, and the curve that connects them. Therefore, when working on the outlines, they try to actively concentrate on the transitions and smoothness of the lines.

  • Hourglass– this is a “classic” with a narrow waist, wide shoulders and hips. The ratio of such a figure is close to the golden ratio by nature, and even if its owner gains a little weight, she remains attractive. Exactly to the form hourglass gravitate towards fitness bikinis, and even ordinary gym goers want such a figure. Unfortunately, slim waist for many it remains only a dream, but you can visually rearrange your body shape by adding volume to your shoulders, buttocks and hips;
  • Pear-shaped figure- the ideal of the Renaissance, and the healthiest physique according to a number of doctors. Fat is deposited in the lower half of the body, the shoulders are significantly inferior to the hips in volume, the waist remains narrow, but the shoulder girdle is almost not developed. In terms of fitness, such ladies are a little less fortunate, since they have to do several cycles of gaining and drying in order to balance the top and bottom; usually, when trying to lose weight, the thighs still remain full, but the “top” dries out very significantly;
  • Triangle- This is an athletic figure with wide shoulders and narrow hips. With such a physique it is much easier to succeed in sports such as bench press, weightlifting, artistic gymnastics, but for a long time such a figure was considered ugly. A “free bonus” from nature is that against the background of the shoulders, any waist looks narrow, and the owners of such a figure are usually not prone to fat deposits;
  • Rectangle- This is a figure reminiscent of the “apple” type, but more athletic. Usually such women have naturally large breasts, long legs, but almost no waist. Fat is deposited according to the male type, in the abdominal area. Moreover, it evenly covers both the abdominal wall and internal organs. Doctors believe that this type of obesity is more dangerous to life and health, so women of this type need to monitor their weight. “Rectangles” gravitate towards a mesomorphic physique and usually progress well in strength sports.
  • Apple– a rather slender build, narrow shoulders and hips, but at the same time – a larger belly distinguishes representatives of this type of figure. “Apples” find it difficult to lose weight, since even significant efforts do not give that very harmonious shape that everyone strives for, and girls quickly lose motivation.

    Types of female figures - this is an approximate list. In reality, they can vary significantly; what a girl looks like depends greatly on her height, percentage of body fat, length of legs, arms, shoulder width, and how she dresses and presents herself. In modern fashion, there is a whole direction dedicated to selecting a wardrobe based on your body type. And in fitness there are tools that allow you to correct any figure. Therefore, there is no need to be upset about natural data.

    They say that men's perception of a woman's figure is very different from women's. And we are certainly far from the ideals promoted by modern gloss, the fitness industry and other sources, which tell us that without shelf-shaped buttocks, broad athletic shoulders, and also breasts of at least size 4, we are not beautiful.

    All sources unanimously claim that the male eye evaluates the ratio of waist and hips, or more precisely, the absence of fat folds at this very waist. That is, if the smoothness of the lines and the difference between the narrowest and widest parts of the body are present, the girl is ideal. In practice there are most different variants. Some people find the “dry”, almost stage form attractive. Some people like more luscious figures, while others even like soft women with a small tummy.

    Scientists never tire of repeating that sexual attractiveness is associated with health. That is, the ideal girl should not have a high percentage of fat, a huge belly, and too full hips, all of which are associated with ill health. The condition of the skin, hair, and nails plays a similarly important role. That is why it is believed that self-care and fitness are important components of the image of a successful and attractive woman.

    And other sources claim that sexual attractiveness has nothing to do with body parameters, and can be assessed at the level of... smells. Everyone has their own attractive aroma, or the smell of their own pheromones, and men literally “love with their nose.” Be that as it may, the absence of unhealthy fat deposits prolongs life and makes it better, so it's not just about sexual attractiveness.

    Man is designed in such a way that he tries to calculate everything inexplicable. Scientists never tire of coming up with formulas, criteria, and some parameters to describe beauty. And poets and artists simply admire ideal female bodies at all times. In fact, any science gives in to practice here, because the parameters for assessing the beauty of the body. Some girl’s legs with the same parameter in centimeters will look longer due to the fact that the waist is located higher. Some are slimmer due to the smoothed hip line. And for some, nature has given them chic posture, rounded shoulders and a straight spine.

    Formulas for ideal proportions should be taken as advisory information that can be taken into account, but you should not get hung up on it. A figure can be beautiful if the percentage of fat is adequate, the muscles are developed and the girl takes care of herself.

    In fitness, we proceed not only from the aesthetic body types that were discussed above, but also from the so-called physiological ones. They characterize how a woman looks depending on her metabolic rate, body fat percentage, and rate of muscle growth.

    There are three types of female body types:


    These are natural athletes. If such a girl does not study, but simply adheres to the rules of the minimum healthy eating, she looks like a regular at a sports club. She will naturally have defined abs, slender legs, good posture and a defined waist. It may be difficult for her to achieve the elegance of model forms, but the trend for them is fading, and no one is particularly worried about this. These girls can prepare for a fitness bikini in six months, and it is they who are most often thought to be using illegal drugs. But in reality, they can simply exercise regularly and follow an athlete's diet. If a mesomorph gets better, something really serious has happened, like a long period of inactivity due to a career change, or pregnancy and childbirth. Mesomorphs lose weight quickly, especially if they engage in physical activity. Those who do not train are advised to start as soon as possible. The main bonus of a mesomorph is his muscles;

    These are delicate, naturally thin girls. In the past, such people had no problems at all, because extremely thin, model-like looks were in fashion. female figure. Such girls “look like a million” even now, but their existence is slightly overshadowed by the fact that it is extremely difficult for them to pump up their buttocks, which have recently become a trend. Training an ectomorph involves heavy weights, good technique, which is extremely difficult to achieve with long limbs, and a constant high-calorie diet. Oddly enough, such girls are afraid to gain weight and lose their natural beauty. That is why they most often do not type anything in gym– Poor nutrition affects athletic performance. But ectomorphs are good at cyclic sports and gymnastics. They also almost never gain weight if they abuse food, and are quite active by nature. Therefore, in ordinary life, those who are far from fitness consider them to be “witches”. An ectomorph can “kill” his metabolism in only one way - using drugs and alcohol, plus lack of sleep. This is precisely what caused the collapse of the great models of the past, and this is why it is better for an ectomorph to lead a healthy lifestyle,


    The main sufferers of the modern world. This is a girl who by nature has a large frame, good ability to build muscle, but also an impressive layer of fat. As soon as modern culture does not mock such girls. However, the endomorphic type is not an obstacle to athleticism. For example, you can look at a photo of Brittany Diamond online - a girl who does extreme strength training, is quite large by nature and weighs more than 80 kg, but at the same time she is fit, has a beautifully developed shoulder girdle, a defined waist and sculpted buttocks. So it’s clearly not worth justifying yourself with a slow metabolism and the fact that fat sticks faster than muscles. The main task of an endomorph is to establish a regular training regimen and nutrition.

    This parameter is well known to the modeling business; there are even entire tables for determining beauty depending on the length of the legs. It is usually believed that beautiful girl Should have long legs and a narrow waist.

    The table shows the relationship between height and leg length.

    The height-weight ratio serves not only as an indicator of beauty, but also of health. In short, the ideal ratio is considered to be one in which a woman’s weight is height minus 105-110 cm. But the last parameter is typical for the modeling business, and the first can also be harsh if we have an athlete in front of us.

    The truth is that bikini athletes weigh “height minus 105” in the off-season, but more muscular categories can weigh even more. IN modern world the height-weight ratio gradually fades into the background, and the percentage of adipose tissue is taken as a parameter.

    The table shows height and weight ratios for women.

    Height in centimetersWeight in kilograms
    137 28 - 35
    140 30 - 37
    142 32 - 40
    145 35 - 43
    147 37 - 45
    150 39 - 48
    152 41 - 50
    155 43 - 52
    157 44 - 54
    160 47 - 58
    163 49 - 59
    165 51 - 62
    168 53 - 64
    170 55 - 67
    173 57 - 69
    175 59 - 72
    178 61 - 74
    180 63 - 77
    183 65 - 79
    185 67 - 82
    188 69 - 74
    191 72 - 87

    The main parameters of female beauty are tone, vigor, health and good mood which they give. Therefore, physical activity should become part of the life of any modern woman.

Bodybuilders' body proportions are a key parameter by which their appearance is assessed. For this sport it is necessary not only to maximize the volume of muscle mass. It is very important to achieve a result in which the ideal proportions of all parts of the body are maintained. During training, it is recommended to pay special attention to this and make control measurements from time to time.

To do this, it is best to use a device such as a height calculator. It displays the permissible limits for the circumference of the chest, waist, legs, neck, arms, and legs. When calculating, you should pay attention to the minimum and maximum values, which will depend on the athlete’s height. During training, you should adhere to these boundaries, which will help you achieve ideal body proportions.

The calculation made in this online calculator is based on tables by David Wilby. He developed them in the 1970s, targeting men with average physical potential. David Wilby compiled this table by taking measurements of various parts of the body of several thousand amateur bodybuilders.

If you carefully study the results obtained using an online calculator, you can see a direct relationship between muscle volume and the girth of all bones. To do this, it is recommended to measure the circumference of your wrist and ankle. For an average person, the first indicator will be 79-82% of the second. If this is so, then the calculations of the proportions made are fully relevant for the given bodybuilder.

The table also takes into account the possible weight of a person at a certain height. This affects the permissible muscle volume. For example, having a huge biceps with a circumference of 45-50 cm with a height of 170 cm is completely absurd. There is no need to strive for too high indicators that do not correspond to a person’s height. It will not look aesthetically pleasing and unnatural.

If a person has started working out in the gym, or he is an experienced bodybuilder, he needs to know and strive to achieve optimal body parameters. The closer the existing volumes are to the ideal, the better the result that the athlete achieves is considered.

The following standards exist:

  • The volumes of the pelvis and chest in male bodybuilders should be in a ratio of 9:10. For example, if a man's pelvic circumference is 90 cm, then another size will be 100 cm;
  • The neck circumference should not exceed 38% of the chest circumference. If the second value is 100 cm, then the first is 38 cm;
  • The forearm circumference should be about 30% of the neck size. With an indicator of 38 cm, the ideal value is 11.4 cm;
  • The waist circumference should reach 75% of the chest circumference. If the breast is characterized by a parameter of 100 cm, then this figure will be 75 cm;
  • The shin circumference reaches 40% of the pelvic circumference or 60% of the thigh size. This indicator should also be equal to the value that is measured for the biceps in a tense state.

Every bodybuilder (both beginner and professional) should regularly measure basic body parameters. This is especially important to do in the first year after the start of training, which will allow you to quickly adjust the program a person is training in. To obtain undistorted values ​​during measurements, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • this procedure should be carried out in the morning a few minutes after waking up, when all muscles are as relaxed as possible. Taking measurements during the day, in the evening, or after training is prohibited, as they will give incorrect results;
  • there is no need to pull the measuring tape too tightly. Also, it should not sag;
  • It is recommended to take measurements in the same place each time. This will allow you to obtain objective data on muscle growth;
  • The parameters obtained as a result of measurements should be recorded each time. You can also take pictures of yourself from different angles after 3 months. This will allow you to get an objective picture of your training results.

The wrist measurement should be taken directly under the styloid process with palms open. Leg parameters are determined only in a relaxed state. The ankle is measured at the narrowest point, the knee - at the center of the kneecap, the thigh - at the widest point. Waist circumference is determined with a relaxed stomach.

In this case, measurements should take place in the narrowest place. The girth of the pelvis is determined by the widest possible area. During measurements, you need to put your feet together. The parameters of the chest are calculated at the level of the nipples (you cannot inhale too much), the biceps - in a tense state at the highest point, the neck - at the narrowest point. You also need to remember that a person’s height is measured without shoes.

When analyzing muscle volumes, you need to strive not only to obtain ideal values, but also to optimal appearance. A bodybuilder's body should be symmetrical. To achieve a beautiful relief, the muscles need to have smooth edges, a clear contour, and an optimal shape. Only by combining these indicators can you get the best result.

There is also no need to strive for too much muscle volume. Often this cannot be done without the use of special steroid drugs, which are not always beneficial for the human body. The presence of relief is already an excellent result of training in the gym.


  1. Jorgensen J.O.L., Thuesen L., Muller J., Ovesen P., Skakkebaek N.E., Christiansen J.S. Three years of growth hormone treatment in growth hormone-deficient adults: near normalization of body composition and physical performance // Eur J Endocrinol 1994; 130: 224-228.
  2. Govyrin V.A., Zhorov B.S. Ligand-receptor interactions in molecular physiology.
  3. Vorobyova O.A. Growth factors are new regulators of reproduction

Roman is a bodybuilding trainer with over 8 years of experience. He is also a nutritionist, and his clients include many famous athletes. The novel is with the author of the book “Sport and Nothing But..

beauty male body largely depends not only on the relief and volume of the muscles. To achieve the ideal, it is much more important to maintain the proportionality of all its parts: the volume of the chest with the pelvis and so on. Differences in age and race of a person have proportional significance. Let's figure out what the ideal proportions of a man's body are. This will be equally useful for both professional athletes and people who strive for excellence.

Main features of modern standards

Current standards have a direct connection with the ideals of the ancient world. This is a kind of symbiosis of an ancient image and a modern understanding of beauty. Here are the main points of an ideal figure for men:

  • Slender, long neck.
  • Clear trapezoid lines.
  • Relief shoulder muscles.
  • Cone-shaped pectoral muscles.
  • Relief structure of the abdominal muscles.
  • Pronounced back muscles, wide dorsal profile.
  • Developed muscles of the lower extremities.

Depending on age, all body proportions will change. The fact is that every year the human body acquires certain physiological changes. Until the age of 25, body height and weight change. A man should begin exercising the muscle component no earlier than 16 years of age. Otherwise, the muscles may become stiff. You shouldn't overload them either. This can lead to the fact that in the future they will not develop and change their volume.

How to take measurements correctly

There are certain rules for measuring the male body and corresponding standards for their proportions. Let's look at the table of ratios, which is compiled from taking into account the height of a man:

HeightRib cageNeck volumeBiceps volumeWaistHip volumeShin volume
150 90 33 33 66 51 33
160 97 36 36 71 54 36
170 105 38 38 76 57 38
180 112 41 41 81 61 41
190 120 43 43 86 64 43
200 127 46 46 91 67 46
210 135 48 48 96 71 48

In anthropometry there is such a thing as the “Golden Ratio.” It describes the proportions of the male body using a special formula. To calculate the exact value, a ratio of 1:1.6 is used. Simply put, if the forearm is expressed as a unit, then the length of the arm should be 1.6. It’s the same with muscle volumes.

Instructions for taking measurements

In order for the results of measuring body proportions to be as correct as possible, they should be carried out in the morning. The fact is that the body after sleep has the most accurate values. During the day he experiences stress, as a result of which the data may be far from the truth.

Measurements should be taken using an ordinary tape with sections. It will show the most correct results. If you don’t have one on hand, you can use nylon thread and a regular ruler or construction tape.

In order to track changes in the proportionality of body parts, you should keep a diary. It is best to take measurements no more than once a week.

Pay attention to your diet. It should contain as much protein as possible and a minimum of fat. Fast carbohydrates should also be avoided. They break down very quickly and do not bring any results. Try to eat more vegetables and cooked meat. This will allow you to build muscle mass as quickly as possible, and will also increase the productivity of your workouts.

My research into the results of athletic competitions over the past 45 years has proven that it is not always the athlete with the largest muscles and body circumferences who wins the highest titles; 47.5 cm arms and a 125 cm chest alone do not warrant a world class title unless these Herculean parameters are accompanied by proportionate sizes of other parts of the body. Physical perfection means that the neck, shoulders, arms, chest, waist, back and legs are balanced in circumference and muscularity. Any weakness in symmetry or proportions destroys the harmony of the structure.

Joe Weider

A calculator is presented, based on the tables given by Vader in the book. The type of skeleton is not taken into account. Whether your bones are thin or powerful, the girths of your body parts must still be in the right proportions to each other. Once these proportions are achieved, you as an athlete will be so skilled that you will be able to use your own photographs as a guide in your training. Of course, until you achieve this, use a calculator and let the measuring tape tell you whether you have excellent muscle proportions or not.

Calculation of potentially achievable volumes based on wrist circumference

According to McCallum's formula, a “classic” “poorly responsive” wrist of 17.5 cm suggests a chest circumference of 114 cm, pelvis - 97 cm, waist - 80 cm, hips - 60 cm, neck - 42 cm, biceps in tension - 41 cm , calves - 39 cm and forearms - 33 cm. With a height of 175 cm, this development corresponds to a weight of approximately 85-86 kg. By any standards, such musculature is something out of the ordinary.

The calculator below displays the patterns of John McCallum, which are given in the book by Stuart McRobert.

The wrist should be measured just above the bone protruding from the side of the little finger (styloid process of the ulna), that is, closer to the elbow - this is what McCallum himself advises.

Calculation of the lower limit of potentially achievable volumes (in a "resting" state) based on growth

In the late 70s, a doctor compiled a table designed to provide guidelines for muscle development for “men with average physical potential.” The data for this table was obtained based on measurements of several thousand amateur bodybuilders. The table clearly shows that there are very specific relationships between muscle volume and bone thickness. In particular, judging by the table, the normal wrist circumference is from 79% to 82% of the ankle circumference. If this is your case, then you belong to the average type, which means you can safely try on all the data in the table.

The table shows the direct relationship between muscle volume and total body weight. So we can say in advance: trying to pump up 50-centimeter biceps with little body weight is complete stupidity.

Here's how Wilby recommends taking measurements. The wrist is measured just below the styloid process of the ulna (i.e. closer to the hand) and with the palm open; all measurements on the legs are taken with the legs straight but relaxed, with the ankle measured at its narrowest point, the knee at the center of the kneecap, and the thigh at its widest circumference; the waist is measured at the narrowest point, without pulling in the stomach; pelvic circumference - along the largest circumference when the feet are brought together; chest - at the level of the nipples (without a powerful inhalation); biceps in a tense state - at the highest point; forearm - at the widest point with a clenched fist; neck - in the narrowest place; height - without shoes; weight - without clothes.

The calculator presented below displays the patterns indicated in the Wilby table.

Your height:


Results (cm):