DIY Easter eggs crafts with handy people. Craft - DIY Easter egg for a child in kindergarten, school, for a competition: master class

Every year everyone looks forward to the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection. Such a wonderful event is celebrated during a wonderful and colorful period, when spring comes into its own again and all of nature wakes up from hibernation, filling itself with a wide variety of colors and shades. Symbols such as Easter cakes, as well as dyes, have become traditional even in those families that are quite far from faith and religion. This is not surprising, because such traditions can touch and touch anyone, even the most callous person, because it is very gentle, beautiful and warm and joyful like spring.

Let's all try to create this incomparable experience in our homes. festive atmosphere. Of course, you can go to the store and choose any decoration you like. However, there is nothing warmer and better than those decorative ornaments that we create ourselves, filling them with care and love. Moreover, this is a wonderful chance to make your home brighter, prepare it for a celebration and be inspired by bright and bright ideas. Involve your kids in creating colorful Easter souvenirs and crafts, you will see that they will be delighted with this idea

Easter crafts for kids

In anticipation of this bright holiday, virtually all family members take part in the preparatory work. Of course, most of them are assigned to the mother, however, the children are happy to participate in the process. They are especially enthusiastic about preparing crafts and souvenirs for Easter, using paper and other materials at hand.

Easter paper bunny

One of the most significant attributes of Easter are painted eggs and, of course, baked goods. And the first craft that we will invite you to make together with your child is an egg stand in the shape of an Easter bunny. It is very easy to perform and will take no more than 15 minutes.

For work you will need two A4 sheets. In this case, you can choose absolutely any color that suits your liking. All you need to do is study the diagram below and you will have some wonderful bunny egg cups.

Children are happy to make such bunnies, and you can also make such a stand yourself to present to your beloved niece or godson on the wonderful day of Easter.

The smallest

Even if you are not experienced needlewoman, try to sew fairly simple finger toys for small children. The most suitable material for such work would be felt. Who knows, maybe you will become the founder of a good holiday tradition puppet show in your family.

Easter egg decoration

Decorative paints are the most common crafts made on the eve of the holiday. Ordinary eggs cannot be stored for a long time, but we really want the original decorations to please us with their appearance for as long as possible. And here Easter eggs made from all kinds of available materials come to the rescue. They can be painted and decorated with various decorative elements in the form of beads, etc.

Decorative Easter egg decorated with paper

This instruction shows you how to decorate an artificial Easter egg using paper “scales”.

Even a child can make such an original egg. This will take very little time, and the materials will always be at hand. The result will impress you, because it’s not for nothing that they say that everything ingenious is simple.

Prepare a foam base in the shape of an egg, different colored paper(it will be better if you find paper for decoupage), glue, pins (important: they should not be English), as well as a hole punch with a 1.5 cm die-cut. If you do not have such a hole punch, you can make such circles by cutting them manually.

So first do a large number of paper circles and start decorating the foam base with them. Take the first circle and pin it to the top of the egg with four pins. The next circle must be overlapped with the first one. Don't cover the first circle too much; the second piece should just cover one of the pins securing the first circle. Secure the second circle with one pin at the very edge of the circle.

Now let's start working on the third circle. It needs to be attached so that it slightly covers the first two. Secure the pin at the intersection of the second and third circles. You should end up with something like the diagram you can see below.

Continue attaching circles around the main piece located in the center. All circles should slightly overlap the previous and center parts. It turns out that each of the circles is fixed with two pins at the intersections of the parts on the right and left.

After you have completed the first row, go down a little lower and start doing the next rows in the same way. Each of them will slightly cover the previous one, only covering the pins that secure the previous rows. You can see an example of this work in the photo below. The number of circles will increase with each row until the middle, and then decrease.

As for the last row, it does not need to be secured with pins. Simply glue the circles on top of the second to last row to cover all the pins. Now the original Easter egg is ready.

Unusual coloring of Easter eggs

For such original way for coloring, in addition to eggs, you will need food coloring different colors, vinegar and plastic bags (one for each color).

The first step is to boil all the eggs until fully cooked. Once they have cooled, tap them on a hard surface to create small cracks all over the surface.

Next, take the dyes and prepare bags according to the number of colors available. Place the required number of eggs into the bags. For each of them, one tablespoon of dye is enough. Distribute the paint evenly over the entire surface of the Easter eggs. You should get something like the image.

Leave them in this position for half an hour. After the time has passed, rinse the remaining dye under running water and sprinkle the eggs with vinegar to fix the color more firmly.

Peel them from the shell.

In this simple way you can get original eggs for the Easter table.

Easter decorations

Easter baskets

There are many options for making Easter baskets, and we will try to make some of them ourselves.

The first option implies the presence beautiful fabric and ropes. You can choose a plain fabric, or you can choose intricate pattern, appearance baskets will only get better.

To begin, cut your fabric into long pieces, sew them together into long strips and trim the edges to prevent them from unraveling. Now take a fairly thick rope, wrap a strip of fabric around it, periodically securing it with stitches.

Now from the treated rope you need to build such a structure, which is illustrated in the image.

Wrap the fabric rope and secure it with threads so that you have a fairly strong base. To give the craft the shape of a basket, begin to slightly lift the turns of the rope, continuing to fix it with threads to match the fabric. When the basket is ready, make a handle from the same rope and sew it on. Now your Easter basket is completely ready.

The second option is a fairly common technique, which is most often used to create decorative balls from threads. Using it, you will get a very beautiful basket in which you can place small Easter souvenirs for little children.

Everything is simple here. You will need balloon, knitting thread, glue, any fatty cream and decorative elements for decoration.

Inflate the ball to an egg shape and grease it thoroughly with cream so that in the future it will be better separated from the threads.

Dip the threads into the glue and after they are well soaked, begin wrapping the ball with them. Keep in mind that the layer of thread should be made thick enough, and the ball should be practically not visible. When the work is done, leave it for a day until completely dry.

When the structure is completely dry, pierce the ball with a needle and cut off the tail, leaving the ball itself still inside.

Use ribbon for decoration: you can glue it along the cut, or around the circumference of the basket. Use your own discretion. Fill the finished basket with sweets, colored eggs, bunnies, etc.

Easter wreath on the door

To make Easter wreaths, use a variety of available materials. Plant branches, wire, colored paper and much more are perfect.

Traditionally, the following colors are chosen for such crafts:

    red, symbolizing the resurrection of Christ;

    green - a symbol of new life and hope;

    blue - traditionally symbolizes faith;

    white, silver or gold is a sign of spirituality and purity.

Wreaths woven from natural twigs will look most organic. The main thing is to choose thin willow or birch branches; they will be easiest for you to work with.

First, soak all the branches in boiling water for a short time, this will make them more flexible and soft, and it will be easier for you to gather them into a circle. Intertwine all the branches together, gradually collecting them into a circle. Secure the finished base with thread or decorative cord (twine), and the wreath is ready.

You can decorate the wreath with anything you like: attach decorative painted eggs, flowers to it, beautiful bow from bright ribbons. You can place a bunny, a nest with chicks, etc. on the lower part of the over-the-door wreath.

Like this in a simple way we managed to create original decoration for our home, which will give a good mood and a feeling of a bright Easter.

DIY Easter tree

The Easter tree is a unique alternative to the Christmas tree, the decoration of which is taken quite seriously in many countries. And at the moment, trees decorated with all kinds of Easter elements are gaining more and more popularity. Colorfully decorated trees are an excellent interior decoration on this bright holiday.

If you don't have a lot of time or special desire to create intricate decorative items, decorate your Easter tree. It shouldn't be as big and pompous as Christmas tree, it is enough to make a small composition of twigs. With a little effort, your masterpiece will fill the entire home with the appropriate atmosphere. In addition, your baby will also be very happy, especially if you invite him to participate in the process.

To make such a tree, you will need a vase or a small bucket, a large branch with many branches or a composition of small branches, earth (bricks, stones with mortar). The entire set of materials will depend solely on the desired size of the composition. Let's look at an example of a fairly large Easter tree. Using the same principle, by replacing items with more suitable ones, you can make a smaller tree.

Place stones in the bottom of the bucket, place wood on top and fill everything with solution. When it dries, decorate the inside of the bucket with greenery, soil, moss or other elements (can be artificial).

Next, paint the tree White color and decorate it with decorative flowers. Choose the technique for making them yourself. Additionally, hang artificial Easter eggs on the branches and your tree is ready. It is very important not to overdo it with decorations for the tree, because it should please your eyes.

If you want to make a small composition, use a small vase in which you need to place a small composition of twigs. Use satin ribbons, feathers, flowers and dyes as decorations. A tree like this would look good on a windowsill, dining table or coffee table in the living room.

Easter composition

Flowers and greenery must be present in the festive interior on the eve of Easter. So let's try to decorate your home by making bright and beautiful flower arrangements with your own hands.

To create such a masterpiece, prepare a beautiful dish (bowl), a floral sponge, as well as wire, glue, adhesive tape, scissors and all kinds of floral decorative elements. This master class contains a small plant with small leaves (it can be hedera, piperomia, etc.), decorative twigs, flowers, lettuce, marble chips, gerbera, as well as eggs, which no Easter holiday can do without. table (in this case quail).

First, you need to cut the sponge into the shape of the bottom of a bowl. Soak it in water, but do it evenly. Do not drown the sponge, give it the opportunity to absorb the required amount of moisture.

Make some kind of little bags from lettuce leaves and attach them to long pieces of wire. Strengthen the base of the “bundles” with adhesive tape and extend it to one end of the wire. To make the ribbon invisible, decorate it by entwining it with greenery or other similar materials. There should be about 10 such branches. Now you need to glue a quail egg into each branch, using glue for this work.

Decorate the composition by sprinkling a sponge with marble chips. Form the overall look by gradually inserting all kinds of plants and flowers. Finish the composition by inserting bags with eggs between the branches. If the wire is too long, you can cut off the excess.

Using all kinds of plants and flowers, you can get absolutely any composition that will harmoniously fit into your interior. Experiment by creating beautiful decorations for the bright holiday of Easter.

Doing holiday crafts is a great way to recharge good mood, keeping yourself and everyone in your household busy with an exciting hobby. To create many homemade things, there is no need to stock up on additional materials: paper, cardboard, pieces of fabric, pencils and paints are most likely found in every home. Let's start expressing ourselves creatively and create interesting crafts for Easter with your own hands.

Beautiful cards for Easter

Among crafts, Easter cards are the most popular and easiest to make. However, the result of the work may surpass ready-made store options.

Here are some ideas on how to make a greeting card for interior decoration or as a gift:

Paper crafts for the holiday

In addition to making paper cards, you can make many other Easter crafts:

You can even make voluminous Easter crafts from napkins:

  • you need a base made of colored cardboard, yellow napkins, eye and beak molds;
  • roll small balls from a yellow napkin torn into pieces;
  • Draw a template of the future chicken on the cardboard, grease it with glue, pour in the prepared balls;
  • We complete the composition by gluing a cut-out white shell, eyes, beak and flower.

DIY Easter egg

You can never have too many Easter eggs! And this is not only a delicious dish, they can perfectly decorate the house for the arrival of welcome guests.

We offer a list of ideas on how to make or decorate Easter eggs with your own hands for children and adults:

Egg made using papier-mâché technique

You will need: a balloon, newsprint and colored corrugated paper, PVA glue, scraps of felt fabric and satin ribbons.

Original crafts from eggs

Easter eggs can be decorated with more than just paints. Try these Easter craft ideas:

Don't forget that shells can also be used instead of small pots to create bouquets of spring wildflowers.

The eggs themselves for crafts do not necessarily have to be edible. Artificial ones can serve as blanks for decoration; you will get crafts from wooden eggs. These practical bases are easy to use for embroidery. There are also foam blanks and Kinder surprise boxes.

Decorate eggs with artichoke style ribbons - video

We sew and knit Easter crafts

Easter crafts made from fabric are no less loved and popular. What to sew for the spring holiday?

Try sewing Easter toys with your own hands:

  1. Sock bunny. With just a pair of long socks you can create a full-fledged toy.
  2. Easter bunnies. Any multi-colored material is needed. Everything is sewn incredibly easily: patterns are cut out according to a template, three dots are embroidered on the muzzle - eyes and nose, the front and back parts of the body, stuffed with cotton wool, are sewn together.
  3. Finger toy for little ones. Cut out the bunnies in the shape of your finger so that you can stage home performances on the theme of Easter with the participation of these dolls.

Easter bunny made from a sock - video

At first glance, unique knitted Easter crafts are not so easy to make, but for lovers of this type of needlework there is nothing complicated. Let's get started:

Even more original items for the holiday

Don't stop at Easter crochet crafts. There is still a sea of ​​unimplemented ideas. Easter is a wonderful chance to start drawing. Moreover, drawings for Easter will be an excellent craft for a gift. What to draw? All the delicious contents of the festive table, beautiful church domes, Easter animals. The child will love Easter-themed coloring books; there are a lot of them on the Internet.

In general, the topic of Easter crafts competitions is very common. And it’s not surprising, because this nature of the event contributes to greater efforts to prove oneself and present the finished product in the best light. This real talent competition is encouraged in kindergarten, school and at home.

From disposable cups and plates you can make children's Easter crafts:

  1. The white glass will be a bunny: attach a nose, antennae, eyes, paper ears made of white and pink material and fill the glass with pink straws.
  2. We make a chicken from a yellow glass: glue the orange legs, beak and eyes, put a yellow straw inside and stick a few feathers into it.
  3. We make a rabbit mask from a plate: cut out holes for the eyes, attach a fluffy nose in the center, ears on top, draw a charming smile and make holes on the sides for ribbons.

A wonderful craft on the Easter theme - a wreath. It is made from branches, straw, flowers and beautiful ribbons. For decoration, artificial nests, dried flowers, spiral ribbons, sprigs of wheat and willow and bird figurines are used. The wreath is traditionally hung on the front door.

is a holiday that the whole family looks forward to. The joyful atmosphere of Easter gives everyone strength and inspiration. Why not channel your energy into a creative direction and take up some handicraft? For Easter, you can make cute little things that will decorate your home and amuse the kids. It's especially fun to create with your family. So, if there are children at home, involve them in work. In the guys you will find funny and hardworking helpers. And we will share with you a selection of Easter ideas that are easy to implement at home.

Egg with a secret

You can hide a funny prediction or a sweet surprise in the shell!

An egg with a funny prediction inside is a great Easter gift. This craft is ideal for those who celebrate the holiday in big company relatives and wants to please everyone. Materials you will need:

  • eggshells
  • egg dye
  • paper baskets for candy
  • small sweets: candies, chocolate-covered nuts, etc.
  • paper and pen

Step-by-step instruction for making an Easter egg with a secret

Carefully break the eggs, breaking off just the top of each. Drain the whites and yolks or use them for cooking. Rinse the shells thoroughly, paint them and leave to dry. Then fill the “cups” with treats. If you wish, you can cut the paper into thin strips and write a pleasant prediction on each. Trim the edges of the shells. Using glue, attach the candy baskets on top and leave the craft in a visible place. Surely guests will be interested in what is inside the multi-colored eggs.

Easter garland

"Bunny tails" - a funny garland for Easter

First of all, this decoration reminds us of. But the colorful garland will fit into any festive interior, including Easter. Required materials:

  • designer paper (preferably Easter themed and just light shades)
  • scissors
  • needle and thick thread

The simplest option is to cut out identical figures of different colors from paper, string them on a thread and hang them in a visible place. These can be multi-colored eggs, bunnies, birds, carrots and anything that your imagination tells you. The figures can be decorated with decorative elements: ribbons, sparkles, beads.

Step-by-step instructions for making a garland

A garland with voluminous details looks more impressive. Its construction will take a little longer, but the result is worth it. First, make a template for a figurine - for example, an Easter egg. Then start cutting. Each element of the garland consists of five parts. Accordingly, if you want to get 10 bulk eggs, make 50 identical cuts.

Another option for a garland with Easter bunnies

Cut out an equal number of elements from paper of each color. Take five blanks. Fold each one in half. First glue two eggs, connecting them along the fold line. Then add a third and so on. In this way, make the number of eggs you need. Thread them onto a thread, using a needle to pierce a hole 0.5 cm from the top. Decorate your home with the finished garland.

Volumetric Easter eggs made of wrapping paper

Bulk eggs do not have to be collected in a garland. If you have an arrangement of branches at home, like an Easter tree, you can hang crafts from it. Bright colors will revive this decorative element. This type of ikebana is easy to make without the help of a florist. It is enough to collect a few twigs, for example pussy willow, put them in a beautiful vase and decorate to your taste.

Easter eggs

Eggs are the main attribute of Easter. After all, they mean life itself, the birth of something new. On the day of the Resurrection of Christ, eggs are present not only on the table, but also in the decor. Cute decorations can be made from different materials. We settled on three options of varying complexity.

Option #1: Paper eggs

The simplest and fastest of crafts. To make it you need colored paper or cardboard, glue, wooden skewers and braid. Make an egg-shaped template and cut out two pieces of the same color. Glue them together, starting from the top. Insert a skewer at the base and secure it with glue. Decorate the attachment point with a ribbon bow. Use crafts to decorate an Easter composition, a basket of goodies, or a houseplant.

Option #2: Fabric eggs

A felt egg with embroidery will decorate any holiday composition.

Of all the fabrics for needlework, felt is the best. Its structure is similar to cardboard: it is just as easy to cut and glue. This fabric has no front and back side, it does not “spread” after cutting. In short, you can make many different crafts from felt.

Make an egg template out of paper - an oval 7-10 centimeters high. Attach it to felt of different colors and cut out two identical figures. Decorate these bases to your taste. Sew felt parts of a different color: stripes, polka dots, flowers. Dilute the felt with pieces of other fabric, buttons, and decorative elements.

An example of an Easter garland made of voluminous fabric eggs

Then connect the two halves of the egg with a decorative seam facing outwards. To make the craft look brighter, take a thread contrasting color(or the same shade as the decor on the craft). You can use buttons to decorate. Then fill the “shell” with padding polyester. Do not overdo it with its quantity: the craft should be slightly voluminous, but not spherical.

Fold a piece of ribbon in half and sew it to the craft like a loop. You can string felt eggs on a thread and you will have a garland. They are hung on the branches of an Easter tree, they are used to decorate a holiday wreath - in short, there are many options. Using the same principle, you can make other felt figures: rabbits, chickens and even birds.

Option #3: Salted eggs

An example of Easter crafts made from salt dough

Salt dough is a convenient and affordable material for creativity. To prepare it, mix 320 g of wheat flour with the same amount of salt, pour 3/4 cup of water into the resulting mixture and knead the dough. You can add food coloring to achieve a certain color of the craft. Make a template from an oblong oval object - for example, take the cut off bottom of a water bottle and squeeze it on one side.

Roll out the dough, cut out the pieces and make a hole near the top for hanging them. Place the products on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and dry in a slightly open oven at 55-80 degrees. This will take an hour and a half depending on the thickness of the dough. You can also dry it salty dough on outdoors- for example, on the balcony. But you should not leave it in direct sunlight.

When the pieces are dry, you can take up your brushes and paints. It can be gouache or watercolor, but it is better to take acrylic. Paint the eggs to your own taste. Thread a ribbon or piece of twine through the hole and tie the ends with a bow. To preserve the craft for a long time, use a special varnish.


You can germinate lawn grass or other plants in egg vases

The cute bunny is a symbol of Easter, known all over the world. Eared stands with flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. Materials you will need:

  • eggshells
  • black marker
  • white drawing pen
  • pink and red pencils
  • tape with a pattern
  • White paper
  • small flowers and leaves

When preparing dishes for Easter, stock up on shells for crafts. Gently crack the eggs close to the top to keep most of the shell intact. Rinse the shells and make sure there are no protein residues inside. Color the bunnies as you wish. Draw eyes and nose with a black marker, cheeks with colored pencils, and fur with a white pen.

To make one ear, cut out a rectangle measuring 6.5 x 2 cm from paper. Fold it in half, cut out the piece to the desired shape and straighten it. When the ears for all the rabbits are ready, build the headbands on which they are attached. To do this, cut strips 6 mm wide and about 11 cm long from designer or regular paper.

Step-by-step instructions for making rabbit vases

Place the ears on the paper so that they are centered. Glue them on the back with a piece of thin tape. Then wrap the strip around the top of the egg and secure it. Cut off the remaining paper. The next detail is the egg cups. Cut a few more strips of paper 3mm wide and fold them into a circle. Place rabbits on them.

Fill the “vase” with miniature flowers and leaves. You can pour a little water into the shell, but the plants will do without it during the day. If you wish, you can prepare the eggs in advance, fill them with soil and grow lawn grass. This method will take more of your time and attention. Well, the finished rabbits will decorate a festive table or shelf with decor!

Fluffy chickens

Funny chicks made from pompoms - the best Easter decor

It's hard not to smile when you see funny yellow chickens. Even a child can make them, the main thing is to follow the instructions. Required materials:

  • yellow wool threads
  • a piece of orange felt fabric or cardboard
  • scissors
  • eyes or dark beads for decoration
  • glue gun
  • decor (bows, ribbons)
  • cardboard and scissors

To begin, make two circles of cardboard of the same diameter and cut out their centers. The finished chicken will be slightly smaller than the diameter of the outer circle. The inner one is responsible for the density of the pompom. Fold two circles together and wrap them with thread, folded several times. If the diameter of the template is large, you can not use a needle and do everything manually.

Step-by-step production thread pompoms

After wrapping the circles completely, cut the workpiece along the edge. The scissors should fit into the gap between the circles. Next, take a thread 25-30 cm long, twist it between the cardboard templates and tie it securely. Cut and remove circles. Trim the pom pom with scissors to give it a neat shape. From red cardboard or a piece of felt, cut out the legs, comb and beak of the chick, take the eyes or beads. Secure all parts with glue.

Making an Easter chick from two pompoms

There is a second version of this craft - an older chick that has already learned to walk. To create it you will need wire and red thread. Make two pompoms different sizes. Using threads, fasten the two parts of the body. Use wire to make paws with three toes in front and one in back. Attach them to the bottom pompom, coat them with glue and wrap them tightly with red threads. Glue on the chicken's beak and eyes. ( 6 votes, average: 4.17 from 5)

This review article from Krestik is dedicated to everyone who loves Easter and wants to prepare for it in advance. Behind last years We have written and published more than 20 master classes on how to create Easter crafts with your own hands. To make it easier for you to navigate the variety of ideas and choose the crafts you want to make for Easter this year, we offer you a list of all our Easter articles and master classes.

We must start, of course, with the largest and most complete article about, which contains about 64 great ideas! Here you will learn about the history of the holiday, as well as how to make Easter eggs (we analyze in detail all existing preparations for creating decorative eggs) and bunnies, baskets and candles, napkins and cards for Easter. The article includes photo and video master classes, as well as many photographs of finished crafts that will inspire you to get creative.

Perhaps, after looking at the above article, you will already decide on the choice of crafts. But don’t rush, maybe new master classes will inspire you even more!))

Decorating Easter eggs

Let's start with handmade Easter eggs. The easiest way to decorate an egg is decoupage. You can decoupage boiled eggs and bless them in a church; you can use empty eggshells or wooden blanks. The choice depends on whether you want to keep the souvenirs you made or simply decorate the eggs directly for the holiday table. The article Decoupage an Easter egg with your own hands will answer all your questions regarding this technique.

The next way to decorate an egg is also quite simple. You can take any egg-shaped blank as a basis (whether wooden, plastic, or foam), but the author offers his own unique way of creating a blank - from polyurethane foam!

The next master class combines both decoupage and gluing the workpiece with decorative cord, but the result is strikingly different from the previous ones! See for yourself by looking at MK Easter egg decorated with napkins and jute.

One of the most difficult ways is to braid an Easter egg with beads. But he is also one of the most beautiful, your efforts will not be in vain!

And since we're talking about Easter eggs, it's worth paying attention to one more very interesting idea- Easter wreath on the door made from eggshells and natural materials. They can decorate the front door or any other door in the house, or you can simply hang it in the kitchen, for example, next to the holiday table.

Easter bunnies

It has become commonplace that rabbits, along with eggs, are also considered Easter souvenirs. There are also many techniques for making Easter bunnies. In the article Easter bunnies that bring good luck! you will find out where the tradition of making rabbits for Easter came from, and also watch master classes on creating rabbits using different handicraft techniques.

Easter vytynanki and silhouette cutting for Easter

For those who crochet, master class Easter egg case in the shape of a chicken.

We give a second life to the most ordinary things🙂 here.

Nest with Easter eggs made of polymer clay - this craft will take a little more time, but it's worth it! The magnet will take its rightful place on the refrigerator, it turns out very cute)

And the most original, most unpredictable souvenir you can make for Easter is jelly soap in the shape of an Easter egg. Not everyone will definitely do this, so your souvenir will definitely stand out from the crowd!

Crafts AFTER Easter (crafts made from eggshells)

Yes, yes, I was not mistaken in the title) It is after Easter, when eggshells accumulate in abundance in every house, that you can also get creative! very original (photos and video master classes can be found at the link).

This is how I came up with an Easter guide to Krestik’s articles and master classes. I really hope that you find what you were looking for or something that will inspire you to create. Happy Easter to you!

From our article you will learn how to make an Easter egg with your own hands.

In our country, Easter is loved as much as New Year and Christmas. That is why most people begin to prepare for this bright day prematurely. And the first thing they do is start cooking pleasant surprises for the closest and dearest.

Most people just go to the nearest shopping mall and buy the required number of Easter souvenirs there. Of course, you can do the same. But if you want your family to really like your present, then try making it yourself.

DIY Easter egg made of beads: diagrams

Easter egg made of beads

Scheme No. 1

Scheme No. 2

Scheme No. 3

Some beginning needlewomen think that decorating an egg with beads is impossible without special skills. In fact, beads are exactly the decorative material that even Small child. If you have no idea what beading is, then use the most simple method Easter egg decoration with beads.

To begin, mix beads of different colors in a small bowl, and then take a plaster egg pre-lubricated with glue and roll it as thoroughly as possible in bright beads. After they completely cover the entire surface, carefully set it to dry. After 6 hours, the Easter egg can be beautifully packaged and presented to your sister or close friend.

Master class on gluing eggs with bead thread:

  • To begin, take a natural or artificial egg (it can be made of wood or plaster), degrease it as thoroughly as possible and let it dry.
  • While this is happening, start making a thread of beads. Take an ordinary fishing line or thin wire and start stringing bright beads on it. Since you will subsequently wrap the egg with this workpiece, you can immediately gain greater length.
  • Next, take the egg in your hands, grease its widest part with glue and carefully form the first circle of beads. We wait until it sets a little, again grease the surface of the Easter egg with glue and screw another row onto it.
  • We continue these actions until the entire surface of our gift is covered with a thread of beads. After this, we leave it alone for at least 10 hours and only after this time we attach a thread to it, by which it can be hung.

If desired, you can replace a simple thread of beads with some beautiful pattern. Above we have offered you several interesting schemes that will make your gift truly original.

DIY Easter egg made from paper from origami modules: instructions

Figure No. 1 Figure No. 2

Figure No. 3

To make an Easter egg using the technique modular origami All you need is colored paper, scissors and a little patience. If you wish, you can also additionally coat the fastening parts with PVA glue, in which case the finished product will be stronger.


  • First of all, take colored paper and fold it as shown in Figure No. 1. Don’t be lazy and make the right amount of blanks at once. In case you want to create interesting pattern, then make blanks in 2 or 3 different colors.
  • At the next stage, you can start connecting the finished modules to each other. How to do this correctly is shown in Figure No. 2. Try to do everything as correctly as possible, because if at least one model does not fit correctly, the holiday craft may not work out.
  • After the models form several full-fledged circles, proceed directly to creating an Easter egg. Recommendations for assembling origami models can be found in Figure 3. In order for your craft to acquire the desired shape, gradually reduce the number of models that you use to create the next row.

DIY Easter egg made from paper using applique technique

Easter egg applique

Template #1 Template No. 2 Template No. 3

Since the appliqué technique does not require any special skills, you can make such an Easter egg even with a small child.

To create it you will need:

  • Colored cardboard
  • Colored paper
  • Satin ribbons
  • Scissors
  • The simplest template


  • Take cardboard suitable color, attach the template to it and trace it with a simple pencil
  • Next, take scissors and carefully cut out the design along the resulting outline
  • Put it aside for a while and start making decor
  • Cut out several flowers, green leaves, willow branches or a small chicken from colored paper
  • Glue the resulting blanks onto a cardboard egg so that you end up with an interesting plot.
  • If you wish, decorate the Easter applique with small satin bows

Crochet Easter egg: diagram, description

Scheme No. 1

Scheme No. 2

Scheme No. 3

Of course, you can’t eat a knitted Easter egg, but such a souvenir will definitely be a wonderful gift. And if you also try to make it exclusively from threads and cotton or padding polyester filler, then in the end you will get a pretty cute toy for a child.

Also, such knitted gifts can be used to decorate your home. Since they turn out to be practically weightless, you can decorate a window with them by simply hanging them chaotically on wooden branches.

Process description:

  • So, dial the required quantity air loops and connect them in a circle. This will be the wider part of the egg.
  • At the next stage, we begin to knit two loops from each
  • Next, we knit a row with simple chain stitches
  • Then we knit a row, making an increase through one loop
  • After this, we knit a row again with ordinary knitting
  • Next, we again make an increase on every second stitch.
  • After this we knit 4-6 rows with a regular stitch
  • If you did everything correctly, you will get half an egg
  • Next, begin alternating simple rows with rows in which you will decrease in every second stitch
  • Continue knitting in this manner until the hole in the piece is closed.

Easter egg made from pasta and balloon

Easter egg made from pasta: recommendations for making

Easter eggs Pasta always turns out very beautiful. Such decorative material can be painted with any coloring agents available to you, it can be like regular paints for drawing and aerosol. Also in this case, you will have the opportunity to choose the size of your future Easter present.

If you wish, you can make it as large as possible. Yes, and if you want to end up getting very beautiful thing, then use pasta in the form of butterflies, feathers, circles, shells and flowers to create it.

  • First of all, think about how big you want the egg to be, and then inflate the ball to the desired size (preferably, it should be oval).
  • To make it more stable, place it in a porcelain bowl. If you are making an Easter egg in which you can put candy or cookies, then use a felt-tip pen to mark the location of the intended slot.
  • Next, wet the brush with glue and coat a small area of ​​the balloon with it. Carefully fill this part with pasta and let it firm up a little.
  • Continue these steps until the entire space of the ball is filled with pasta. At this stage, the workpiece is simply set aside until completely dry.
  • As soon as you see that the glue has completely dried, you can pop the ball and carefully remove it from the resulting shell.
  • In principle, if you like how it turned out, you can simply paint the egg in desired color and attach a loop to it.
  • If you want something more original, you can try decorating the Easter egg with additional pasta patterns, ribbons and large beads.

DIY Easter eggs made from thread

Manufacturing recommendations

Ideas for needlewomen

An Easter egg made from threads is made according to the same principle as the previous craft. In this case, you will also need to inflate the balloon to the desired size, and then wrap it as tightly as possible with threads of the selected color. If you want your egg to be more colorful, then you can try adding threads of a different color periodically.

When you see that the entire surface of the ball is covered with threads, take a brush and use it to generously coat the workpiece with glue. Do everything as carefully as possible, without missing the smallest area. When this process is finished, place the ball in a bowl and wait until the glue dries completely. As soon as this happens, you will need to burst the ball and carefully remove it through some hole.

But still remember that in this case there are some nuances of making an Easter egg. If you want it to be as light and delicate as possible, then wrap the ball in such a way that its color is clearly visible through the gaps between the threads. If in the end you want to get a product that looks as much like an egg as possible, then try to wrap the ball without the slightest gap.

DIY Easter eggs made from papier-mâché

Bright Easter eggs

Papier-mâché eggs

Using the papier-mâché technique, you can also create a custom Easter egg; if you wish, you can cut out a circle of the desired size in it and your product will turn out hollow. This will make it possible to further decorate the Easter craft from the inside. As for the form that will be covered with paper, then in this case you will have a choice.

Depending on what you want to get in the end, you can use the same balloon or plaster blank. You can buy the latter at a craft store or make it yourself by simply pouring the gypsum solution into a Kinder mold.


  • Chop bright napkins and white paper into small pieces in advance.
  • Lubricate the ball with a thick layer of glue and begin laying out the first layer of napkins.
  • When finished, coat it with glue again and repeat the procedure.
  • Next, we line the napkins with plain white paper, coat it with glue, and then again put 2-3 layers of napkins.
  • If you are making a non-hollow egg, then it is not necessary to use white paper.
  • In order for the Easter craft to withstand additional decor, you must have at least 8 layers of paper on the ball.
  • Next, we wait until all the layers dry, take out a ball from the resulting egg and decorate it with ribbons, beads and sequins.

Easter eggs from newspaper tubes

Eggs from newspaper tubes

Weaving pattern No. 1

Weaving pattern No. 2

Weaving pattern No. 3

Weaving pattern No. 4

If you really want to surprise your household, then try making an Easter egg from newspaper tubes. This product is woven quite easily, so if you wish, you can quickly make a large number of holiday gifts of different sizes. If you do not plan to paint them in the future, then use newspapers with colored designs to make the tubes.

Yes, and remember, in order for the egg to weave well, the tubes must be the same size and in no case should they be very thick. For those who will be making such a craft for the first time, we present an interesting master class.

DIY Easter eggs made from salt dough

Easter egg made using the first method

Easter eggs made using the second method

You need to start making this Easter craft by preparing the dough. In order for it to turn out right, you will need to take equal parts of salt and flour, mix it all with a small amount of ordinary water and knead a stiff dough.

To make it more pliable, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of PVA glue to it. Once the dough is ready, you can start shaping the eggs. They can be done in two ways.

First way:

  • Roll out the dough into a thin layer and use a cookie cutter to cut out the required number of eggs.
  • Take a pencil or stick and punch holes in the resulting blanks
  • Dry the blanks in the oven, let them cool, and then paint them as you please

Second way:

  • Make an oval shape from food foil
  • Place it in the pre-rolled dough and dry it a little at room temperature
  • After that, put it in the oven for 3-4 hours, and then take it out and start decorating

Craft: Easter egg made from ribbons using the kanzashi technique: instructions, photos

Easter egg made from ribbons using the kanzashi technique

Rainbow Egg

The kanzashi technique involves the use of satin ribbons for decoration. And since you won’t be able to glue them together, you will use sewing pins to fasten them together. For this reason, it will be better if you buy or make the required foam mold. Since this material has a soft structure, you can special effort you can stick the required number of pins into it.

To make Easter crafts using the kanzanshi technique you will need:

  • High quality satin ribbon
  • Sharp scissors
  • Sewing pins
  • Foam mold
  • Lighter


  • First of all, cut the satin ribbon into pieces and singe their edges using a lighter (if you want, you can replace the lighter with a candle).
  • Next, fold each square so that it forms a triangle, and then bend its edges towards the middle, burn them with a flame and press them well together.
  • As a result, you should end up with blanks that visually resemble small flower petals.
  • The petals prepared in this way must be taken one at a time, placed on a foam mold and secured with a pin.
  • It is best to start forming an Easter egg from the narrowest part of the craft. The petals should be laid in rows, carefully securing them with pins.

Craft: Easter egg made from ribbons using the artichoke technique: instructions, photos

Easter egg made from ribbons using the artichoke technique

Easter egg made from ribbons

Egg using artichoke technique

The artichoke technique is somewhat similar to the kanzansha technique. In this case, you will also need to use satin ribbons, although they will be cut into longer pieces. They will need to be folded in a special way, directly on the foam blank and secured with sewing pins.


Figure No. 1
  • To begin, take a satin ribbon and cut it into pieces. Depending on the size of the finished product, their length can range from 8 to 15 centimeters. After that, take a piece satin ribbon place it on a foam mold, bend it as shown in Figure No. 1 and secure with a pin.
Figure No. 2
  • Having formed the first petal and secured it, begin to make the next one. To do this, place the ribbon as close as possible near the first petal and secure it with pins. How this is done correctly is shown in Figure 2.
Figure No. 3
  • Form such petals, lay them in rows until you completely cover the entire area of ​​the workpiece. When you reach the top, make a buttonhole from pieces of satin ribbon and sew it to the upper petal with ordinary threads (Figure No. 3).

Craft: Easter egg made from ribbons using quilling technique

Idea for Easter quilling

Figure No. 2

There are several ways to make an Easter egg using the quilling technique. The first one is suitable even for those people who have never done needlework in their lives. In this case, you will need to make a circle of multi-colored ribbons of the required diameter, and then carefully form one half of an egg from the resulting blank. To do this, you will need to press your finger on the center of the circle and gently bend it outward.

After this, you will need to make the other half of the holiday product in the same way, and then use glue to fasten them together. The second method is more complicated, but the result will be more interesting. In this case, you will first need to make a plaster blank, prepare a three-dimensional decor from paper, and then fix it with glue.

Decoupage and decorate Easter wooden eggs

Pink Easter egg

Easter egg in vintage style

Rustic ornament on an Easter egg

The decoupage technique is more suitable than others for decorating wooden Easter eggs. Thanks to the fact that the paper almost instantly sticks to the wood, you can quickly create a real masterpiece. But remember, before you start directly decorating, the wooden blank must be sanded with the finest sandpaper and then degreased.

Only in this case will you be able to place the drawing on the surface as evenly and correctly as possible. When it comes to decorating such holiday items, you definitely won’t be limited in choice. If you wish, you can decorate the finished egg with beads, rhinestones, sequins, multi-colored ribbons, bright feathers and even dried flowers

Video: Plastic Easter eggs