The world of objects and technology 2 ml group. "In the world of dangerous objects"

Municipal secondary education state-financed organization primary general education school-kindergarten No. 80 Sochi

GCD according to FCCM

topic: “Objects of the man-made world”

(second junior group)

Prepared and conducted:


Target. Teach children to distinguish between objects of the natural and man-made world.


Ø develop speech;

Ø cultivate curiosity, caring attitude towards the surrounding world;

Ø encourage children to identify, distinguish and name objects of the natural and man-made world.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational point:

Children sit on chairs in a circle. The teacher attracts the children's attention:

Hear someone knocking on the door! (I open it, the toy is Squirrel)

Hello squirrel, why are you so sad? I was asked to wash the dishes, but I don’t know how to do it.

Don't worry, the guys will help you wash it. Really, guys? Do you like to help? First, we'll see what's in your box. (I take out the children's dishes from the box).

I take out a plate. I ask:

2.- What is the name of this item? What is it for? Who made it?

That's right, the man did it. What a person did, we will put in a box with a conventional symbol (man)

I take out a figurine of a cat.

Where will we put this? (I ask the children to come up and put them in the corresponding box - animals). And so with the rest of the items.

3. Finger game"Dishes".

One two three four,

We washed the dishes

Kettle, cup, ladle, spoon,

And a big ladle!

We only broke the cup.

The ladle was broken

The ladle also fell apart,

The teapot's nose is broken.

We broke the spoon a little

This is how we helped mom.

4. Thematic role-playing game “Let’s wash the dishes.”

Now the guys will help you wash the dishes. Kids, tell me, what do we need to wash the dishes? Children answer: Water, soap, sponge, towel to dry the dishes.

We'll also bring a basin. And you can tell me in what sequence to wash the dishes. Should I dry it with a towel first? And then wash it? (No)

But as? (Children answer; after answering, I give the children the opportunity to show the correct sequence one by one).

We put the washed dishes in a box for the squirrel.

Thank you kids, you did a great job, you washed my dishes well. The trouble is, I lost my spoons while I was on my way to you. What to do? (Answer options are listened to) The teacher invites the children to color the spoons for the squirrel.

5. Drawing “Spoon for a squirrel.”

Place the finished products on a tray.

Questions asked:

Ø “What are they for?”; “Dishes - what kind of world object?”

6. -Did you like the lesson?

How did we help the squirrel? ; - What items did we use? - Will you help your mother at home, wash the dishes?

Used Books:

1. Gerbova on speech development in the second junior group of kindergarten. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2009.

2. Komarova visual arts in the second junior group of kindergarten. M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

3. Pomoraev on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group of kindergarten. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2008.

4. Development of speech in children 3-5 years old. 3rd edition, supplement / Edited by. - M.: TC Sfera, 2014. – 192 p.

Target: practice depicting objects and situations based on visual models.

Material: cards with images of object substitutes (1-2 for each game), three stripes are drawn on each card different lengths, two or three mugs different color; sheets of paper and colored pencils for drawing.

Progress of the game

The teacher suggests looking at the pictures, coming up with what they mean, and drawing the corresponding picture on your sheet of paper (several are possible).

The teacher analyzes the completed drawings together with the children: notes their correspondence to the substitute objects depicted (by color or size), the originality of the content and composition.

The game can be repeated several times with different cards.

"Showcase of a household appliances store"

Target: practice describing the spatial arrangement of objects using prepositions in active speech.

Progress of the game

The teacher places household appliances or their subject pictures on the shop window (counter) (on the table, board, flannelgraph).

Task 1. Name the household appliances that you see on display. What's missing here? Remove unnecessary items.

Task 2. “Show and name”: what is in the center of the display case? What's at the top, or at the top of the display case? What's underneath, or at the bottom of the display case?

Task 3. Household appliances are removed. Then the teacher asks to restore order: “Tell me where... is?” Etc.

Task 4. While several children are on duty, the teacher asks them to talk about the location of household appliances in the group room, hiding their hands behind their backs, without using pointing gestures.


Target:, collective interaction.

Game rule: when the “electrician” notices the transfer of current, he changes places with this player in the circle.

Game actions: holding hands, passing “current”; notice the process of “current transfer” and “interrupt” it.

Progress of the game

Option 1. Children line up in the form of a wire and pass words to each other, squatting and rising in waves. The main thing is not to break the chain.

Option 2. Children stand in a circle and join hands. One of the players is in the center. The adult begins the game by lightly squeezing the hand of the neighbor on the right (or left). The player in the center - the “electrician” - must notice the movement and “stop the current” by breaking the chain of hands. The main thing is to guess in which direction the current flows. If he guessed correctly, he stands in that place in a circle, and his place in the center is taken by the “weak link.”


Didactic task: stimulate visual memory, clarify the names of household appliances.

Material: household appliances or their image (10-15 pcs.), screen.

Exercise. An adult shows a set of objects, asks the children to name them, then summarize them in one word. Then he hides all the objects and asks him to name them all again.

As they are named, objects are taken out from behind the screen so that the child does not repeat himself. The one who can name all the objects at once wins.

"Listen and Draw"

Target: teach children to communicate freely while making a joint drawing.

Material: paper, felt-tip pens (pencils).

Game actions: reflect in the drawing the understanding of a polysemantic word.

Progress of the game

The teacher names a word, for example “pen”, which has several meanings. The players' task is to draw this word in all its diversity.

While working, children should be able to comment on their drawings and communicate freely.

Drawing objects with the word “leg” (on another sheet of paper) is done in a similar way.

"Finish the sentence"

Target: activate words denoting household appliances; develop coherent speech; exercise in establishing cause-and-effect and spatio-temporal relationships.

Complete the sentence with pictures:

I'm cleaning the carpet... (with a vacuum cleaner). I wash clothes in... I listen to the news on...

I'm ironing... I'm watching a movie... I'm looking for new information in...

I whip cream with... I store food in... I sew a dress with...

I'm talking to a friend on... I'm taking a picture of our family...

“What first, what then?”

Target: consolidate knowledge of the stages of the labor process in creating tools and electrical appliances; clarify ideas about the variety of materials; enrich children's ideas about the work of adults, its collective nature, the interconnection of many professions; cultivate a caring attitude towards household appliances and tools.

Material: cards for building a logical chain of several links.

Game rules: choose the right cards, fold them and explain the logic of constructing the chain.

Game actions: arrange the pictures in a logical chain.

Progress of the game

The adult shows an envelope with a letter in which Dunno asks the children to tell about how certain objects appeared. He sent us pictures of items that interested him.

Option 1. An adult shows children pictures of a finished object (i.e., the last link of a logical chain) and offers to arrange pictures in a row that tell how this object was made, in order from beginning to end. Then the children make up short story: “What was what? What became what?

Option 2. “What happened before and what will happen after?”

An adult gives children pictures of tools: saw, screwdriver, mixer, meat grinder, vegetable slicer, grater, floor brush, beater, etc.

Children are asked to remember what this object was before (people used different sticks instead of a screwdriver before), what was invented from it later? (The screwdriver was turned into an electric screwdriver, drill, etc.)

“Who needs what for work?”

Target: encourage children to identify and classify objects that make work easier at work and at home (tools, devices); enrich children's understanding of the work of adults.

Material: pictures depicting various objects, as well as objects that facilitate human work at work and at home; chips.

Game rules: For a correct and complete answer, the child receives a chip. The one who gets the most chips wins.

Game actions: choose a suitable picture, name the object, explain its purpose, how to operate with it.

Progress of the game

The adult says that Dunno decided to help Samodelkin decompose. But he, of course, does not know what anyone needs for work. Let's help Dunno!

Option 1. An adult lays out all the pictures on the table, shows the one that depicts a person of some profession, and invites the participants in the game to choose pictures depicting objects necessary for the work of a person of this profession. Children take turns taking pictures, naming the object, and telling why it serves a person.

Option 2. Then pictures are laid out on the table depicting objects that make people’s work easier in everyday life. An adult describes one of the objects. The child who is the first to guess the item matches it with pictures depicting people of suitable professions. It is necessary to tell why all these people need this item.

A child can also be the leader.

“Who can name the most words?”

Target: activate the vocabulary of actions; practice composing a simple sentence with a given (planned) word; develop children's imagination and sense of humor.

Material: pictures depicting people of different professions, subject pictures, an improvised microphone, paper, pen (board and chalk).

Game actions: Children take turns naming actions that the object (subject) named by the teacher can perform, briefly explaining their purpose.

Game rules: name actions without repeating words; The last one to name the appropriate action wins.

Progress of the game

The adult says that the newspaper reporter wants to find out what children know about people's professions. He will record the words through a microphone.

The teacher shows a picture, and one of the team members will name the tools (devices) necessary for this profession into the microphone. You cannot repeat words.

Children are divided into two teams. Their representatives take turns calling out the words. An adult offers pictures of tools.

For example: for a cook - a knife, mixer, juicer, microwave oven, dishwasher, refrigerator, electric kettle, coffee maker, etc.

Hairdresser - hair dryer, electric curling irons, combs, brushes, paints, electric razor, scissors, etc.

“The World of Objects” (1st week of February) To form children’s ideas about the objects around us (what materials they are made of), their purpose, and methods of handling. Expand children's horizons. Develop interest in examining objects jointly with adults and independently. Cultivate a caring attitude towards objects. Exhibition of crafts and drawings.







- Reception of children, morning exercises.

Healthy lifestyleConversation about table manners. Reading the poem by S. Kaputyan “Who will finish drinking sooner?”

Music/did game - “Our Orchestra”

Workin the cornernature - teach labor skills for caring for indoor plants

Game/experiment.Who lives in the water

Goal: to develop cognitive interest and imagination.

Speech developed: Conversation “Winter”. “Winter Clothes” expands the presentation of winter, enriching the vocabulary with the names of clothing items.

P/n “Catch a mosquito.”

D/i “What has changed?” (difference between winter and summer clothes).

Spontaneous play activity.Add attributes for games, pictures.



"Ground transport." Efanova -52

Learn to name types of ground transport; compare objects; introduce the components of transport; develop attention, memory, thinking, speech, fine motor skills.

Observation of inanimate nature"Ice Observation" on the properties of water, ice

Observing the games of older preschoolers.

P/i "Train",

P/n"At the Bear's Forest"

P/i "Cat and Mice"

Labor: clearing the play area.

- Ind/work on the development of basic movements: development of dexterity, expressiveness and beauty of movements.

-Enrichment of subject-development environments at the school.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Theater/game-Acting out the situation “I don’t want semolina!” Learn to pronounce phrases with intonation and expressiveness.

S/r game: “Family” - to encourage children Creative skills reproduce the life of a family in the game.

Life safety for children in everyday life:Conversation about table manners.

Reading the poem by S. Kaputyan “Who will finish drinking sooner?”

Work on FEMP.

Work with parents according to plan.Consultation “Taking care of children’s health together”



Self-service Game situation “Teach a bunny to use toilet paper”

and toiletries."

Work on speech development.Conversation Winter landscape. Winter clothes. (What clothes did you come in? Why? What’s the weather like outside? What time of year?) D/i “Find winter clothes.”

Pozn- research activities.“Snowman” In the process we will experiment showing how snow melts in the warmth and becomes water.

- FEMP did/i “Colored lanterns”

Goals: to develop attention, visual orientation, reaction speed, manual dexterity and coordination of movements, independence; strengthen the ability to distinguish colors.

Region component.Having looked at a set of postcards about your hometown, naming its public buildings and their purposes.

P/n - “On a level path”,

Did games in the center sensory development.


Comparing sets, equalizing the number of elements of sets. No. 20 Strengthen the skills of practical comparison of sets, equalizing the number of elements of sets

Korotovskikh -33


Consider the different trees. Suggest finding ones with thick trunks, then thin ones. Suggest thinking about which trees are older, why?

To say that in winter tree branches are very fragile and can easily break. Shake off the snow from the branches. Foster a respectful attitude towards nature.

Practicing elements of sports games: jumping on two legs.

P/n: “Find a handkerchief”, develop physical activity.

P/i “The little white bunny is sitting.”

Finger/s “Let's pet the kitten” Having developed hand coordination, fine motor, learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Work on life safety “Guess the riddle from the picture” to help children remember the main group dangerous items, develop attention.

S/r game "I am a driver!" (games with cars)

Transportation of products to the store using trucks. Transportation of building materials to the construction site. Car racing. Car repair. Car washing, etc.

Acting out stories with design elements.

CHHL. Reading poems about birds, d/i “Name the bird.” “The dawn paints the chest of the bullfinch with a scarlet brush.”

Games with did material in the center of the games are active.

D/i-“Our Day” to consolidate the idea of ​​the parts of the day, teach how to correctly use the words: morning, afternoon, evening, night.



Reception of children, morning exercises.

- Speech work is developed.Work on sound pronunciation: pronouncing difficult words “A sheep’s coat warms better than a stove”

Work on KGN.Conversations: “Why you need to rinse your mouth after eating”, “How and when we use a napkin.”

Strengthen the ability to use a napkin as needed.

Work on life safety. “Our street, or Traffic Light” Consolidates knowledge about traffic lights, concepts: street, road, sidewalk, trees, houses; remember the traffic rules.

Enriched presentation of the natural environment.Let's compare the birds. Pigeons and crows walk importantly, slowly. Sparrows and titmice jump, quickly flapping their wings. Offer to repeat the habits of birds.

- P/i “Mice in the Pantry” developed in children the ability to perform movements on a signal;

Exercise children in crawling, running and squatting.

Independent activity in the center of artistic literature.

Work with the Vos. Glue the books. A very careful attitude towards books.



Clothes, shoes, hats.

4 Efanova 81 Review knowledge of clothing, the ability to classify clothing by season.

Bird watching will instill a love for living things

P/ and “Birds in Nests”. developed orientation in space

P/ and “Mice in the Pantry”

having developed the ability to perform movements on a signal; crawling, running and squatting exercises.

P/ and “Geese - geese”: developed coordination of movements, speed of reaction, ability to play in a team.

Individual work: drawing on the snow - traces of animals and birds.

Labor in nature. Sweep the snow off the benches. Rekindle the desire to work.

Work on social and communication development. "Who am I?" Formation of self-image (i, f, gender, age). Scientists can distinguish between individual features of their appearance

Expand your horizons through social and gaming activities.

Experiment “Making colored ice floes” Purpose: to introduce one of the properties of water.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Household work. Washing toys. D/u “We bathe dolls”, “We wash the dishes”, “We bathe animals”, “Our clean toys” Learn to work together with an adult and a friend, act purposefully, see the result. Learn to straighten a cloth and wipe the toy dry. Develops a caring attitude towards toys, a desire to work, mutual assistance

Music “Hen and Chicks” A game to develop a sense of rhythm. Develop children's understanding of rhythm, teach them to memorize and convey a given rhythmic pattern.

Construction. “Folding shapes” Introduction to the concepts of shapes, colors, sizes.

Preparing for a story/role game. “We’re going to the village by car” Activated and developed speech d-, reveal the game idea. Form initial skills in role behavior.

Slave for artistic and aesthetic development.

Strengthen your brush painting skills. Carefully pick up paint. Rice tree.

Games with motor toys.

Individual work with parents.



Reception of children, morning exercises.

- Work on speech developed: Conversation “How people use wood and leather.” I am familiar with the holy things of leather and wood.

Looking at illustrations.

D/i “which one, which one? (cup, plate, spoon, etc.)"

Familiarization with Russian folk culture. Talk about folk painted toys. View using CT.

OBZH -D/i “Can-not” Clarify knowledge d-th about the concepts of “dos” and “nots” Conversation about how to behave in nature.

Educational games. Suggest patterns for counting sticks. Develop attention and fine motor skills.

Free creative productive activity.

P/i "Chicken - Corydalis"


Reading p. n. With. "The Fox and the Hare"

1Introduce the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”. Help to understand the meaning of the work (small daring but brave).

Ger. -59


“It’s winter, it’s white all around.” Kazakova, p.49

Teach children to convey the phenomena of reality using contrasting color combinations.

- Clarify children's ideas about the signs of winter (cold, snow, you can sled and skate). Induce joyful experiences from a winter walk. Observing trees without leaves.

P/i “Sparrows and the Car” to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place.

P/n “One, two, three – run!”

exercise in the ability to act on a signal; Having developed fast running, coordinated collective actions.

P/i “Weave, wreath” to learn round dance; practice running.

D/i introduced to the world around us “Who was who, who will be who” to develop cognitive, memory, imagination (the rooster was a chicken, the ram was a lamb, the calf will become a cow).

Enriching the subject by developing the environment on the site.

Gymnastics after sleep.

ChHL. “Puff”, Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika;

Health. Me and my body. a game with movements “Where are our hands?”, a riddle about hands, a conversation about the eyes, nose, mouth, a riddle about the head, words. game “Ball, fly, fly, take us across the sky.” game "Assemble a man."

Work in the group - clean up the toy cabinets, repair boxes from printed board games.

Music theater is presented by “Zaykina’s Hut” Developing self-confidence and one’s capabilities. Encourage your child to do good deeds. Develop the ability to understand and empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale.

Board game(“Mosaic”) “Bouquet for a friend”, “Pie for a friend” will instill a friendly attitude towards each other. By developing fine motor skills.

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.



Reception of children, morning exercises.

- Work on speech development.“Call your mom” Reinforced the correct pronunciation of sounds. Having developed intonation he will express it.

Familiarized with the work of adults.

Getting to know the profession of a cook, his professional actions, and his assistants.

D/i FEMP “Colored lanterns”

having developed attention, sight of landmarks, quick reactions, manual dexterity and coordination of movements, independence; strengthen the ability to distinguish colors

Work on social and communicative development: moral and patriotic education. Game “Name it affectionately.”

Know with " affectionate names"; cultivate respectful attitude in the team.

P/i “Weave a wreath” to teach how to dance in a round dance; practice running.

Games in the experimental corner - “Drink the dolls delicious juice” to reveal the properties of water and paints, the ability of paints to dissolve in water and change its color



.“Pattern on a circle.” Komarova, p.81 To develop the ability to compose a pattern in a certain sequence. Strengthen the ability to apply glue to the entire mold.

Let us remember that snow protects trees and other plants from freezing. The idea was to shovel the snow towards the trees to keep them warmer. Ask if the plants are growing now. No, it’s cold outside, but plants need warmth. Suggest planting onions in a group and watch them grow

P/i "Sparrow and auto".

learn to run quickly on a signal, without bumping into each other.

P/n “Catch up with me”

Objectives: development of movements

P/i "Chicken - Corydalis"

Goal: to train children to quickly respond to the teacher’s signal; exercise children in walking.

Game “Round Dance” to teach children how to dance in a circle; practice squats.

Work: “Cars are going to the garage” to involve children in collecting toys.

Phys. development. Throw snowballs into the distance. Developing throwing power.

Independent motor activity.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Entertainment. “Journey to the Country of Traffic Lights” Consolidate children’s knowledge about cars with basic rules traffic, traffic lights, overhead and underground passages.

To develop children's interest in cars, driver's work, and traffic rules.

Regional component. Role-playing games “On the streets of our city”, “Bus”, “Chauffeurs”.

Work on life safety. Review of the poster “Dangerous Items” To consolidate knowledge about dangerous items.

Work on artistic and aesthetic development (sculpting)

Arouse in children the desire to create images in modeling fairy tale characters. Strengthen the ability to sculpt round objects by rolling plasticine between your palms in a circular motion.

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100% +

Olga Dybina

Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world in the second junior group of kindergarten

Class notes

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten"under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova


This manual will help teachers successfully organize work to introduce children to the second junior group with the surrounding world (objective environment and phenomena of surrounding life).

The manual includes activities, educational games, and didactic games for children 3–4 years old.

To make it easier for teachers to plan work to familiarize children with the world around them, we present the content of the work by topic. To cover each topic, an approximate course of a lesson, activity or game is proposed. This gives teachers the opportunity to be creative when planning lessons, to include variable games, problematic situations. It is advisable to complete the study of each topic with a final task, which can be used as puzzles, riddles, drawings, answers, etc. Similar game tasks are presented in the manual by O.V. Dybina “I recognize the world”: Workbook for children 3–4 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005.

Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when introducing children to the world around them, it is impossible to:

Limit yourself only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality - it is necessary to include as many actions as possible in your classes (sit on a chair, sofa, put on clothes and walk around in them, invite your mother, treat your grandmother, etc.);

Overload children with a large number of questions;

Use only the form of educational activities in your work.

Work to familiarize children 3–4 years old with the world around them must be built in accordance with their age psychological characteristics, choosing adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction with children and trying to make this process more accessible and effective.

The manual presents additional material - options for games, activities, exercises that can be used in working with children outside of class, during a walk.

To familiarize children of the second youngest age group with the outside world (subject environment and phenomena of the surrounding world), 3 lessons per month are allocated.

The teaching staff of preschool educational institution No. 179 “Snowdrop” in the city of Tolyatti, the head – Nadezhda Petrovna Palenova, the methodologist – Natalya Grigorievna Kuznetsova, took part in the development and testing of classes to familiarize adults with labor.

Distribution of material for the academic year


Lesson 1

Theme "Transport"

Program content. Teach children to identify and distinguish between transport, types of transport, basic features (color, shape, size, structure, functions, etc.)

Lesson 2

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Furniture theme

Program content.

Lesson 3

Theme: “Dad, Mom, Me – Family”

Program content.

Lesson 4

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Clothing"

Program content.

Lesson 5

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme “Wonderful bag”

Program content. Give children the idea that some objects are made by human hands, while other objects are created by nature.

Lesson 6

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme: “Who lives in the house?”

Program content. Teach children to remember the names of their comrades, pay attention to their character traits and behavioral characteristics.

Lesson 7

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Help Dunno"

Program content. Encourage children to identify, distinguish and describe objects of the natural and man-made world.

Lesson 8

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Teremok"

Program content. Introduce children to the properties of wood and the structure of its surface.

Lesson 9

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme “Varvara the beauty, long braid”

Program content. To acquaint children with the work of a mother, to give an idea that a mother cares about her family, about her beloved child. Build respect for mom.

Lesson 10

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Topic “Find objects of the man-made world” Program content. Encourage children to identify, differentiate and describe objects in the natural world and the man-made world.

Lesson 11

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Topic: “It’s good in our kindergarten”

Program content. Teach children to navigate certain rooms preschool. Cultivate a friendly attitude and respect for preschool employees.

Lesson 12

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme: “Our little bunny is sick”

Program content. Give children the idea that a mother cares about her family, about her beloved child; Mom knows how to examine the throat, skin, put on a thermometer, measure the temperature, put mustard plasters. Build respect for mom.

Lesson 13

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Wood block"

Program content. Continue to introduce children to some of the properties of wood; learn to identify the characteristics of a tree.

Lesson 14

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme "Adventure in the Room"

Program content. Continue to acquaint children with the work of a mother at home (cleaning, washing dishes, cleaning carpets, rugs, caring for indoor plants, wiping dust, washing and ironing clothes). Develop respect for mom and a desire to help her with housework.

Lesson 15

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Radio theme

Program content. Encourage children to compose stories about an object based on an algorithm (conventional symbols: material, purpose, components, belonging to the natural or man-made world), to determine a generalizing word for a group of objects.

Lesson 16

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Funny drawing"

Program content. Introduce children to the properties of paper and the structure of its surface.

Lesson 17

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme "My hometown"

Program content. Teach children to name their hometown (village). Give elementary representations about your hometown (village). Bring children to understand that there are many streets, multi-storey buildings, and different cars in the city. Cultivate love for your hometown (village).

Lesson 18

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme: “That’s how mom is, she’s golden!”

Program content. Continue to introduce children to the work of mothers and grandmothers, show their business qualities; to develop respect for mother and grandmother, a desire to talk about them.

Lesson 19

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Golden Mother"

Program content. Introduce children to the properties of fabric and the structure of its surface.

Lesson 20

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Topic: “How Funtik and I carried sand”

Program content. Give children the idea that dad cares for his family; Dad knows how to drive a car, transport cargo and people - he is the driver in his house. Build respect for dad.

Lesson 21

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Topic: “What we do in kindergarten”

Program content. Continue to acquaint children with the work of preschool workers - teachers, teach them to call teachers by name, patronymic, and address them as “you”. Cultivate respect for the teacher and his work.

Lesson 22

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme “Clay plate”

Program content. Introduce children to the properties of clay and the structure of its surface.

Lesson 23

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme "Nanny washes dishes"

Program content. Continue to familiarize children with the work of preschool workers - assistant teachers; teach them to call them by name, patronymic, and address them as “you”; show an adult’s attitude towards work. Cultivate respect for the assistant teacher and his work.

Lesson 24

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Topic: “Which is better: paper or fabric?”

Program content. To consolidate children's knowledge about paper and fabric, their properties and qualities; learn to establish relationships between the material from which an object is made and the way the object is used.

Lesson 25

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme “Gifts for a bear cub”

Program content. To consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of various materials and the structure of their surface. Improve children's ability to distinguish materials and perform various actions with them.

Lesson 26

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme “Gift for Crocodile Gena”

Program content. Introduce children to the work of a cook, show the importance of an adult’s positive attitude towards his work. Cultivate interest in the work activities of adults.

Lesson 27

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Topic: “Describe the subject”

Program content. Improve children's ability to identify essential features of an object and establish basic cause-and-effect relationships between objects.

Sample lesson notes


Lesson 1

Theme "Transport"

Program content. Teach children to identify and distinguish transport, types of transport, highlight the main features (color, shape, size, structure, functions, etc.).

Material. Pictures depicting an airplane, car, bus; flannelograph, toys - airplane, car, bus.

Progress of the lesson

Kitty (child) comes to visit the guys preparatory group to school in a cat costume). The cat came with gifts: he brought riddles and object pictures.

Educator. Our cat loves to ask riddles. Try to guess them.


Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes.
Two shiny lights.

The teacher invites the children to find the answer among the object pictures laid out in front of them and pick up the desired picture. Children find the answer; one child puts a picture of a car on a flannelgraph.

What a miracle - the blue house,
There are a lot of kids in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline.

The teacher invites the children to find the answer and pick up the desired picture. Children find the answer; one child puts a picture of a bus on a flannelgraph.

The cat asks the following riddle:

Floats boldly in the sky,
Overtaking birds in flight.
Man controls it.
What is this?

The teacher invites the children to find the answer and pick up the desired picture. Children find the answer; one child puts a picture of an airplane on a flannelgraph.

The cat and the teacher invite the children to tell them about a car, a bus, an airplane, but first, Kitty asks the children to listen to how he can talk about transport: “This is a bus, it’s blue, it has wheels, a cabin, windows, doors, the driver drives the bus.” Then each child talks about their favorite modes of transport. The cat and the teacher praise the children and give them pictures of transport (the children are allowed to take the pictures home).

Lesson 2

Furniture theme

Program content. Teach children to identify and distinguish furniture, types of furniture, highlight the main characteristics of pieces of furniture (color, shape, size, structure, functions, etc.); group objects according to characteristics.

Material. Parcel box, pieces of doll furniture (chair, table, bed, sofa, wardrobe); doll room, Katya doll in the crib; dummies of vegetables (cucumber, carrots, turnips) and fruits (apple, pear, banana), 2 trays.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the elegant doll Katya and says that today is the doll’s birthday. There is a knock on the door. The postman comes and brings a package for Katya's doll - a birthday gift from friends. Doll Katya and children examine the parcel. The parcel box contains doll furniture and food for the holiday table.

The doll Katya asks the children to help her arrange new furniture in the doll's room and put treats on the tray.

Children divide all objects into groups, accompanying their actions with generalizing words (“this is furniture”, “this is vegetables”, “this is fruit”). Children arrange furniture in the doll's room, naming all the types of furniture presented. Then place vegetables on one tray and fruits on another.

The teacher invites the children to talk about a piece of furniture (for example, a bed, a table), its color, shape, size, structure and method of use. For example: “This is a bed, it white, it has a back, legs, a mattress.”

Then the children set the table and congratulate the doll Katya on her birthday. Next, at the request of the children, the role-playing game “Birthday” unfolds.

Lesson 3

Theme: “Dad, Mom, Me – Family”

Program content. Form initial ideas about the family. Cultivate a child's interest in his own name.

Material. Doll Katya, photo album with family photographs of the children of the group.

Preliminary work. Individual conversations with children on the topic “Your family” (Who do you live with? Do you have a grandmother, grandfather? What is the name of mom, dad? Do you have a brother, sister?)

Progress of the lesson

A game situation is created: the children, together with the teacher, look at the photo album “My Family” with family photographs of the children in the group. The doll Katya “enters” the group and greets the guys.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the Katya doll and her upset voice. The children, together with the teacher, ask Katya why she is upset.

The Katya doll tells the children that she is angry with her mom and dad because they did not buy her the toys she wanted.

The teacher invites the children to ask the doll Katya about her mother and father, and ask them to name the names of her parents. The doll Katya tells the children the names of her parents and asks the children to name the names of their mothers and fathers.

Children find photographs of their loved ones in a photo album, show them to the doll Katya and say their names (“In the photo is my mother, her name is Valentina”, “This is my dad, his name is Mikhail”, etc.).

The Katya doll invites the children to remember situations when their parents were unable to buy them the toys they wanted, and tell them how they acted in this situation. Children, with the help of a teacher, talk about situations (they were offended, cried, screamed, stamped their feet if their parents did not buy toys, etc.).

The teacher invites them to think about whether children are doing the right thing by demanding toys, and brings them to the understanding that parents care about them, and when the holidays come, mothers and fathers delight their children with toy gifts.

Doll Katya says that when it was her birthday, mom and dad bought her a set of children's furniture. Congratulating her, they called Katya “daughter, Katyusha, Katenka.” The teacher invites the children to remember what their parents gave them for their birthday and how affectionately and lovingly they congratulated them (for example, “They gave me a beautiful doll, and they called me “daughter, Mashenka, sunshine”).”

The teacher and the children look at their family photographs. Asks to name all family members and their names. Brings children to understand that mom, dad, daughter, son are a family; that there are small and large families. The teacher asks each child to remember and determine what kind of family he has - small or large, and to name all family members by name. For example: “We have a big family: mom Tanya, dad Kolya, me Sveta, brother Olezhek, grandmother Nina and grandfather Seryozha,” “We have a small family: mom Irina, dad Sasha and me, Denis.”

Then the teacher plays the game “Whose Things?”, in which children must identify objects that belong to their loved ones. The children look at objects brought from home: beads, glasses, balls, books, napkins, etc. At the teacher’s signal: “Sveta, find your grandmother’s things” or “Denis, find your dad’s things” - the children find the necessary things. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly found the belongings of his family members.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher leads the children to the conclusion: dad, mom, children, grandparents - this is a family, all members of which love each other, care and help each other.

Educator. Guys, our dolls also have their own doll family and today they have family celebration– birthday of the youngest daughter Katya. They invited us to a holiday.

Lesson 4

Theme "Clothing"

Program content. To train children in the ability to identify and distinguish clothes, to highlight the main characteristics of items of clothing (color, shape, structure, size); group objects according to characteristics.

Material. Parcel box, items of doll clothes (shirt, dress, fur coat, skirt, jacket, trousers), dummies of vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, turnips), tray, box, object pictures (furniture, clothes, transport).

Progress of the lesson

A postman comes to the group and brings the children a parcel and a letter from Dunno. In the letter, Dunno asks the guys to help him sort the items into two groups: “Vegetables” and “Clothing.” The teacher opens the package, invites the children to look at the items and take them out.

Children divide all objects into groups, accompanying their actions with generalizing words (“these are clothes,” “these are vegetables”). Children lay out clothes, naming all types of clothes presented; lay out vegetables, naming them.

The teacher invites the children to talk about an item of clothing (for example, a jacket, dress, shirt), its color, shape, size, structure and method of use. For example: “This is a shirt, it is white, it has a collar, sleeves, buttons, it is made of fabric, it is worn on the body, etc.”

The teacher plays a game: “Who is faster?”, in which children practice their ability to combine objects into groups according to the way they are used. The teacher gives all the players object pictures depicting pieces of furniture, clothing, transport, etc. Invites them to look at the images in the pictures. Introduces the rules of the game - at the signal: “One, two, three,” children must perform the following actions:

“One, two, three” - everyone who has pieces of furniture, run to me!”

“One, two, three” - everyone who has items of clothing, run to me!”

“One, two, three” - everyone who has transport items, run to me!”

Lesson 5

Theme “Wonderful bag”

Program content. Give children the idea that some objects are made by human hands, others are created by nature.

Material. Bag of items: doll dishes(pot, frying pan, ladle, knife, spoon, fork) and dummies of vegetables (carrots, cucumber, radish, tomato); two trays with symbols of “man-made world” and “natural world”.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows the children a tied bag and says: “Look at the bag the bunny sent us. The bunny asked us to help him. This is what happened to him. Grandfather was driving from the market through the forest. He was carrying some shopping for his old woman in a bag, but he didn’t notice how he dropped the bag. A bag lies under a bush, and a bunny jumps past. The bunny is curious: what's in the bag? I looked into it and decided: I’ll take what grew in the garden for myself, and let what I bought in the china shop stay in the bag. Grandpa will look for the loss, find it and take it to grandma. She can’t do without these items in the kitchen. What do you think was in the bag? (Vegetables, dishes.) Why do you think so? Where did the vegetables at the market come from? (They grew up in the garden and were brought for sale.) Why did the bunny decide to take for himself what was growing in the garden? (It's edible.) What are vegetables for? (Children's answers.) Guys, objects that a person receives from nature and does not make with his own hands can be called “objects created by nature.” They can be classified as part of the natural world.

Why didn't the bunny need dishes? (He is an animal, lives in the forest, does not cook food, eats raw vegetables.) What are the dishes for? Where did it come from in the store? (It was made by craftsmen from metal and brought to sell.) Guys, objects that a person makes with his own hands can be called “objects created by human hands.” They can be attributed to the man-made world

This is the bag the bunny found in the forest. Let's help him find out what's in the bag and divide the objects like this: put the objects of the natural world - vegetables - on one tray, that is, leave them for the bunny, and put the objects of the man-made world - dishes - on another tray, and then put them back in the bag for grandmothers."

Children take turns approaching the bag, putting their hand into it, feeling the object, listing the identified signs, naming the object, and determining which world it belongs to: man-made or natural.

The teacher asks leading questions to make it easier for children to determine the size of an object and its shape: “Which object: hard or soft? Long or short? Small or big? Is this object round? What parts does it have? What can you do with this item? What is it for? What is the name of? Does this object belong to the natural or man-made world?

The child takes out the object, makes sure that he named it correctly, and places it on the appropriate tray.

After all the items are named and placed on trays, the teacher summarizes: “What did we put on this tray? Are these objects of the natural or man-made world? Why do you think so? Which tray should we leave for the bunny? Which tray should we give for grandma?” (Children's answers.)

Comprehensive thematic planning “Properties of materials” for the second junior group from April 10 to April 15, 2017.

Tasks: Continue to introduce children to objects in their immediate environment, their purpose and the properties of materials. Continue to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the objective world of their immediate environment.

Expand children's understanding of materials, tools, their properties, and their purpose.

To instill in children a sense of respect for working people, a caring attitude towards everything that is made by human hands.

develop dialogical speech: learn to participate in a conversation, answer questions. Learn to solve riddles.

develop imagination, memory, artistic and creative abilities, expand and activate children's vocabulary on the topic.

Final event - Quiz “Objects that surround us. What is made of what? »

Educational areas

Region development


Form of organization of joint activities between a teacher and children

Organization of PPRS for independent activities of children

Continuous educational activities

Artistic and aesthetic development

Learn to draw beautiful strokes on a cart;

Strengthen the ability to decorate a cart beautiful patterns;

Learn to work with paper and glue;

Strengthen neat work skills; use napkins and a brush.

"Riddles and guesses." Goal: to teach children to use knowledge about natural objects and objects of the man-made world, their properties and qualities when solving riddles.

Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, jars, cart stencils.

Colored paper, glue, brushes.

Drawing “Beautiful cart” (Golitsyn p. 180)


“House for the Hare” (Golitsyn p. p. 182)

Speech development

To develop children's interest in writing stories;

Learn to select definitions for these words; learn to compose sentences from a set of suggested words; learn to distinguish the sounds -s, -s, -sch by ear, and clearly pronounce words with these sounds.

Di. "Find a Pair"

Didactic game “What is made of what?”

Examination of plot and subject pictures on the topic.

Speech development

"Russian folk tale“Teremok” (story) (Golitsyna p. 179)

Cognitive development

- consolidate knowledge about the purpose of objects, the names of the materials from which they are made; expand ideas about the history of the creation of objects by man, about the functions of objects; cultivate a respectful attitude towards working people, caring attitude towards everything that surrounds them.

Learn to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns. Geometric figures(circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval).

Guess math riddles; establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the number; laying out a triangle, a square (house) from sticks

Continue to learn how to install parts on a narrow surface, decorate and play with the structure.

Conversation"How people use wood and leather." introduce children to the properties of leather and wood.

Looking at illustrations.

Didactic game“Which one, which one? (cup, plate, spoon, etc.

D/I "Fourth wheel"

D/I “Find the object

Solving riddles, learning tongue twisters.

Books, illustrations on the topic of the week.

Toy dishes, furniture items.

Large designer.

FCCM "What is made of what." (Golitsyn p. 177)

FEMP “Toy Store” (Penzulaeva p. 178)


"House for Friends"

Soc.-com. development

- Cultivate responsiveness and kindness.

Game exercise: “Going to the store”

Costumes for s/r games.

role-playing game “shop “Clothes”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”

Physical development

Continue to develop healthy lifestyle skills.

Practice maintaining balance and jumping.

Morning exercises, invigorating exercises,

P/i “On a level path”, “Find your house”,

Sports equipment, masks for exercise.

Physical Culture

Lesson No. 30 (Penzulaeva p. 61)

Date 04/10/2017 Monday


Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Check with the children the names of the toys; teach to highlight shape, color, material.

Individual work with Dima, Sasha and Milana - D/i “Say it differently” - to develop figurative speech.

Situational conversation “How did you spend your weekend?”

Children's activities at the creativity center: drawing “kitchen helpers”

Offer to talk with children about behavior at the table.

Hood. - est. development

Pozn. development

FCCM "Properties of Materials"

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the purpose of objects, the names of the materials from which they are made.

Integration: pos. development, speech development, physics development


Observing the sky and clouds. Goals: consolidate the signs of spring; develop observation and memory. P/game "Don't stay on the floor."

Individual work, whole group - Exercises in running in all directions, like a snake.

Situational conversation “Changes in nature”

Outdoor toys.


Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account integration educational areas

Creating conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in regime moments

Work before bed

Reading the story by S. Marshak “Where did the table come from?”

Invigorating gymnastics.

Caring for indoor plants. Help the teacher water the indoor flowers.

Individual work with Fedya T., Kira - Work on sound pronunciation

Situational conversation: “Why you can’t swing while sitting on a chair.”

Child-initiated games and activities in activity centers.


Observations of the sky in the evening. Labor feeding birds. Outdoor game "Tag"

Individual work with Vasilisa and Egor - teach to distinguish between where the right and left legs are.

Situational conversation “How to behave on the street while walking”

Games with external materials, with balls.

Work after a walk

Independent activity in the creativity center.

Planning direct educational work with children

Date 04/11/2017 Tuesday


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creating conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in special moments

Reception and examination of children in a group. Morning exercises to music.

Talk with children about the theme of the week “The world around us.”

Individual work with Miron, Seryozha - Didactic game “What is made of what.”

Situational conversation “What we see around us”

Mosaic games,

Talk with parents about children's safety at home.

Pozn. development

Phys. development

FEMP: “Toy Store”

Tasks: solve mathematical riddles; establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the number.

Tasks: practice walking with alternating steps, learn to throw a ball over a cord.


Observation. Continue watching the sky and clouds. P. / game “Run to the named object”, games at the request of the children.

Individual work with Alena, Tanya and Ksyusha - "Throwing a ball at a target."

Situational conversation “Games in between”

Take-out materials for games in the kindergarten area.


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creating conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in special moments

Work before bed

Reading: fairy tale by V. Oseev “The Magic Needle”,

Invigorating gymnastics.

Walking on a massage mat.

Riddles evening: guessing riddles about objects around us.

Individual work with Masha, Sofia, Egor - “Name the sound” - ex. in distinguishing by ear the sounds s, -s, sh, clearly pronounce words with these sounds.

Situational conversation “Rules of behavior at the table”

Board and printed games.


Ball games. Sport game Hockey with a ball. Goal: to teach children to stop a moving ball with a stick and to throw the ball at the goal.

Individual work with Vanya, Lena - jumping rope.

Situational conversation “Our site”

Games and independent activity initiated by children

Work after a walk

Role-playing game "Shop"

Expand children's understanding of fruits, vegetables, and the fact that they are necessary for health.

Attributes for the game.

Planning direct educational work with children

Date 04/12/2017 Wednesday Thematic day: “Cosmonautics Day”


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creating conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in special moments

Reception and examination of children in a group. Morning exercises: “Starry sky.”

Conversation: “Yu. Gagarin is the first man to go into space."

Individual work with Vika, Pasha - Modeling from salt dough: “Outer space”.

Situational conversation "What is space?"

Looking at books in the book corner on the topic.

Consultations: “Everything that is unknown is very interesting”

Art - Est. development

Pozn. development

Application: “Rocket”

Objectives: strengthen skills in working with glue and paper.

Integration: art - est. development, speech development, physics development

Construction: "Rocket"

Objectives: to encourage to repeat the construction according to the model.

Integration: pos. development, physics development, speech development


Observations of children in neighboring playgrounds.

P./i. “The astronaut is preparing for flight”

Individual work with Artem V., Alisa M. - strengthening the skills of walking, raising the knees high, maintaining posture.

Situational conversation “Space adventures”.


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creating conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in special moments

Work before bed

Reading: “Planets of the Solar System.”

Invigorating gymnastics.

Looking at illustrations about space.

Individual work with Katya, Artyom L. - compiling a descriptive story based on the painting on the topic of the day.

Situational conversation “Who is Yu. Gagarin?”

Watching cartoons about space.


Transport observations. Labor as needed

Outdoor game "Airplane"

Individual work with Dima, Vika, Vanya - consolidation of knowledge of naming attributes on the site.

Situational conversation “Our planets”

Outdoor toys, ball

Work after a walk

Didactic games: “Space station”, “Planets, line up!”, “Name the odd one out”, “Planets of the solar system”.

Planning direct educational work with children

Date 04/13/2017 Thursday


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creating conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in special moments

Reception and examination of children in a group. Morning exercises in music. hall

“Name it in one word”, “What, from what?”

Individual work with Katya, Masha and Kirill - Didactic games for classification

Situational conversation “Items made of wood”

Games with large building materials

Individual consultations for parents.

Hood. - est. development

Speech development

Music (see plan of music hands - A)

Speech development: “Russian folk tale “Teremok”

Objectives: to develop children’s interest in writing stories.

Integration: speech. development, physics development, social - commune development


Observing seasonal changes in nature. P/n. “My cheerful, ringing ball,”

Individual work with Fedya T., Milana - improve the ability to throw bags at a horizontal target

Situational conversation “Do not touch unfamiliar objects”

Remote toys, shovels


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creating conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in special moments

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale “The Magic Drum” by D. Rodari

Invigorating gymnastics,

finger gymnastics.

Organization of work of duty officers

Individual work with Artyom V, Dasha - divide groups of objects.

Situational conversation “How should you treat toys?”

Games with mosaics.


Observation "Birds at the feeder"

Labor as needed

Outdoor game "Crows and the dog"

Individual work with Katya, Artyom L. and Alisa M. - Throwing a ball up and catching it with both hands.

Situational conversation “What are toys made of”

Outdoor toys, shovels, molds

Work after a walk

S/r. "Workshop". Experiments: “It crumples - it doesn’t crumple”

Didactic games: “Identify by touch”

Planning direct educational work with children

Date 04/14/2017 Friday


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creating conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in special moments

Reception and examination of children in a group. Morning exercises

to the music. Children's activities in the center of the theater.

Individual work with Katya, Tanya - Introduce polite forms of greeting into everyday speech.

Conversation “Why do they say hello?”

Children's viewing of plot pictures on the topic.

Conversation with parents “Decorating the playground”

Art - Est. development

Phys. development

Drawing: “Beautiful cart”

Objectives: learn to create a pattern, practice applying strokes.

Integration: thin. - est. development, physics development, social - commune development

Physical Culture. Lesson No. 30.

Objectives: repeat crawling under the cord without touching the floor with your hands.

Integration: physical development, speech development, social - commune development


Watching the wind.

continue to introduce natural phenomena.

Outdoor game

"Trap with a ball."

Individual work with Vasilisa, Vika- practice the ability to run without bumping into each other;

Situational conversation “Order in the area”

Outdoor toys, walking file


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creating conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in special moments

Work before bed

Reading: at the request of the children.

Invigorating gymnastics. Didactic game “Good-bad”

Individual work with Pasha and Masha - D/i “Please.”

Remind children of the rules good manners

Games initiated by children.


Bird watching. Comparison of a magpie and a crow.

Outdoor game “To the named object.”

Individual work with Dasha and Sasha - teach children to select equipment.

Situational conversation “Friendly guys”

File of observations, portable toys

Work after a walk

independent activities of children

encourage children's desire to play together, select attributes, assign roles

Selection of attributes for the game