Beautiful New Year wishes for the new year. Beautiful wishes for the new year Bad wishes for the new year

New Year is celebrated in many countries on the night from December 31 to January 1. This magical holiday Millions of people around the world are looking forward to it in the hope that last year all the troubles and problems will remain, and the new one will bring only good luck and the fulfillment of cherished desires. Short wishes for the New Year in verse are very popular. They are the ones most often sent as SMS, spoken on the phone on New Year’s Eve, and also entered into Greeting Cards. To say nice words you don’t need a lot of imagination, the main thing is to do it from pure heart. You can come up with short wishes for the New Year in verse yourself or copy them from our website.

On one of the most popular holidays in the whole world - New Year, it is customary to give useful, cute and necessary things, as well as to congratulate all loved ones, relatives, friends, work colleagues and even ordinary passers-by. As a rule, after the clock strikes twelve, everyone starts calling and sending SMS to those whom they want to congratulate on the holiday. Funny or comic New Year's wishes will be very useful, because on this night you should not be serious, it is better to rejoice and have fun. If you don’t have time to come up with short New Year’s wishes for all your friends, then you should copy the poems from this section. You can send them as SMS or include them in greeting cards.

Everyone will be pleased to receive SMS wishes for the upcoming New Year. Moreover, this is a sure way that a person will receive your congratulations. The fact is that getting through on New Year's Eve by mobile or telephone can be quite difficult. Overloaded communication lines should not leave your loved ones without congratulations. Therefore, prepare poems in SMS in advance in order to send them at the right time.

May all your dreams come true this festive night, even if it’s a cottage, Mercedes and Jennifer Lopez. A house in the village, an old Lada and a neighbor - also a good interpretation!
May your New Year's wishes come true in the New Year, at least one at a time, and may your wardrobe, appearance, work, car and financial situation be updated.
Dear, congratulations to you
Happy coming year... And by the way,
My mother is with us, of course,
He will be met for the sake of decency.
I hear bodies falling...
What happened to you? Have you fallen for joy, friend?
Happy New Year come
Happiness is waiting for you like this!
Drink some wine with him
And eat a spoonful of salad!
Magic for the New Year,
A hundred pounds will happen!
Open your pocket wider -
I wish everyone an apartment!
Mortgage for half a century,
Unpaid loan
Won't break a person -
The crisis will not defeat us!

We will break through, definitely
To a life without grief and worries.
So let's celebrate with joy
Christmas and New Year!
I wish you a Happy New Year
Live without worries and hassle!
I wish with sadness not to know each other,
Kiss me more often!
More green and red money for you,
Bright successes, wonderful moments!
And New Year's lights,
And long-awaited friends!
They say that on New Year's
Everything always comes true
Even that for the whole year
It's impossible to make it happen!
Let the soul sing in the snowstorm and slush:
We cannot lose heart from bad weather.
I wish you to cry all New Year,
But cry only from joy and happiness!
Live without crying about the past,
Drink dew from the flowers of love and happiness.
May luck follow you
Like a young man chasing a girl in the forest!
I came from Africa
I drink Russian vodka with a woman.
Happy New Year! Go to hell!
Happy new mother's happiness!
I wish you to become more beautiful
So that the bags are not empty,
So that even your dog
All teeth were gold!

New Year's wishes in verse

The Old Year is leaving!..
Let him take it with him
The burden of paying off debts
Empty wallets
Greedy, slanderous clients,
Unloved competitors...
That love that is unanswered
The snow that falls in summer
The woodpeckers that are killing us,
Let him take it with him!
Problems don't scare you
And the crisis will not beat you!
We are still beautiful
Let's celebrate the New Year!
Live new in the new year,
Leave old dreams behind
And everything that does not give happiness,
But only one will give birth to desires!
Still in this new year
Love jokes, games, joy
And old, sincere friends.
Twelve strikes! Twelve strikes!
And the old year sank into eternity
Under the burden of vain aspirations
And prosaic worries.
A moment of waiting... and then,
Like some spirit, like a bright genius,
A new, young year is coming
With the hope of divine bounty
And comforting visions.
Let the fun await
Dreams come true!
Let it be great
Mood all year!
May your life be full of miracles,
How winter this holiday is!
Let it be bright
Cheerful and beautiful!
Let the best be believed
And the soul loves and hopes,
Smiles of friends surround you
And the sincerity of the words warms!
What will the coming New Year be like?
What will this time bring with it?
No answer. Only under the running moon
The snow sparkles in a blue path.
We have received gifts from fate more than once -
Even better times are coming for us.
Let the sorrows remain this year,
And the joys in next year will move!
Wonderful New Year's holiday
Of course, he visited us all -
I wish you joy today,
Kindness, patience and strength!
Happy New Year! In life let
Sadness will disappear forever,
May happiness come soon
And the soul will bloom again!
Darling, Happy New Year,
I wish you well and joy,
Let every moment foretell good luck,
And happiness comes in this life!

SMS wishes for the new year

To my beloved wife on New Year's Day
I wish you a lot of joy
Both from problems and from worries
I will free you - I promise!
Today is a holiday in the whole world, -
Adults and children know this.
So let this New Year
Only the best brings you the best.
May it always be in the New Year,
Brightening up the everyday life,
There will be happiness without limit,
So that the soul sings with delight!
Happy New Year, happy new life!
Let your dreams come true!
And fate, having become less harsh,
Gives a sea of ​​kindness!
The snow is swirling outside the window,
People are bustling everywhere
To celebrate the New Year like this,
That he will definitely not be forgotten!
Darling, Happy New Year!
Today we'll drink
And even round dances
Drive under the tree.
On New Year's Eve, friends,
I wish everyone happiness,
Live cheerfully and sweetly.
Have a million friends
Love work, nature, loved ones.
And then everything will be okay!
I don't wish Happy New Year
All sorts of fools and rare ugly things!
You, friend, are not like that, fortunately,
Happy New Year! Love and passion to you!
Let Santa Claus have a burgundy nose,
Good luck, a lot of money will give you,
Snow Maiden secretly all year
Quietly drinks cognac.
Well, the boss, a faithful friend,
Will provide a thousand services!
What can I wish for you in the new year?
So that there is nothing bad in him!
If you are drowning, then in a sea of ​​beer!
If it’s sex, then with Miss Russia!
If you live, then don’t bother,
And to love - to be loved!
May it be a New Year for you
A hundred times happier than before
And two hundred times richer!
Have fun and good luck!
May love, luck, happiness
They come to the house on New Year's Day!
Well, there will be a lot of money,
Like snowflakes outside the window!
Bright and happy events,
Good plans and ideas!
Good luck and beautiful victories,
And wonderful friends!
Let there be a New Year
Beautiful, light, bright!
And it will bring us all
Welcome gifts!

Happy New Year greetings in your own words

New Year is on the way! We are all looking forward to the holiday. On the eve of the celebration, I would like to wish you to feel all the joy from the magic of New Year's Eve. Let it turn into a fairy tale for you, and all adults and children will rush to open new Year gifts to the sound of the New Year's chimes.

I hasten to say my warmest words in this new year! May your life be colorful, your home hospitable, may luck and love be your faithful companions! The coming year... (who) is considered a year of good fortune, luck and a favorable influence on all aspects of life.

Happy New Year! Let your mood be as bright as the lights on a Christmas tree, your thoughts as clear and light as the first snow, and your mood as playful as champagne bubbles! I would like to wish that New year's night brought a charge of optimism to whole year forward! Celebrate the New Year with a smile!

I wish you to celebrate the New Year with your loved ones and family. And then watch their happy smiles for 365 days and rejoice with them. After all best gift- this is the happiness of loved ones!

There is just a little time left until the New Year. Champagne is already sparkling in the glasses and everyone wants to make their innermost dreams and aspirations come true in the coming year. So let’s make not just one, but a dozen wishes as the chimes strike - one for each strike of the Kremlin tower clock, and firmly believe that they will all come true, because it simply cannot be any other way!

I wish you a wonderful Monday, a wonderful Tuesday, an exciting Wednesday, a sunny Thursday, a fabulous Friday, a gorgeous Saturday and a romantic Sunday. And let it be like this every week in the New Year! Happy holiday!

Hello! It's Santa Claus who worries. I brought you gifts, but I stopped in front of you in five more places, they treated you everywhere, it was somehow inconvenient to refuse... In general, I can’t go any further. The Snow Maiden is also lying in the firewood. So sorry, Happy New Year!

The world celebrates the New Year in different ways, but I prefer this holiday with my family to anything else. And first of all, I want to wish happiness for each of the people close to me gathered at the same table today. May the coming year pass cloudlessly, remaining in memory as a year of fulfillment of cherished desires - and may it end again with our warm meeting!

I would personally like to wish everyone perfect harmony in the New Year. Harmony in everything - let nothing stress you, let everything you do, what they do to you, let all the people with whom you communicate, evoke only positive things in you. Let all the most beautiful things that happened to you be a black streak in your life, and in the new year there will be a new streak - a white one. And yet - joy! And faith! And, of course, good luck, and if there is none, then hope! Happy New Year!

May everything be fine for whoever reads this New Year's wish! Let your dreams come true, and let all your endeavors bear fruit, so that your heart feels warm and your soul rejoices at the wonderful moments that lie ahead. Let your most cherished dreams come true with such ease and simplicity, as if they had always been with you!

Every New Year is a renewal and a chance to do everything better than before. May all your plans, all your desires and all your dreams come true in the year 20! I wish you perseverance, self-confidence and strength to do everything you set out to do!

Congratulations on a magical, fantastic holiday, Happy New Year! Let all the failures, tears, all unfulfilled hopes remain in the past year. And the New Year will bring exciting meetings, desired gifts, success and happiness. And the minute when the clink of glasses merges with the chiming clock, your tiny, but most secret wish will come true.

Conduct new year holidays fun and reckless, but at the same time with hope for the future, with good wishes, with faith in the best, may not be a national trait, but a pleasant tradition - that’s for sure. After all, when else, if not on New Year’s Eve, wish yourself and others happiness. And raising a glass of champagne when the chimes strike is customary with good wishes.

In order to correctly formulate these New Year’s wishes, we have prepared an appropriate selection for you. Here you can choose a wish for yourself and for those who are dear to you.

If you sincerely wish someone all the best, then you yourself good man. It’s like the law of a boomerang: everything that’s yours will come back to you. New Year wishes will help you express your kindest feelings and emotions on the main night of the year.

Short wishes for the New Year

In the new year, do everything to please yourself.

I wish you to be independent in the new year, but not from your friends.

I wish you to look at past events positively and optimistically at future events in the new year.

May every day of the new year shine with bright colors for you.

Let love rule in your soul - for loved ones, for life, for the world. I wish this to come true in the new year!

Happiness and health, love and kindness, harmony and peace!

May all your hopes, all your wildest wishes and expectations come true, because this holiday is magical!

I wish that the magic of New Year's Eve touches each of us and makes everyone happier!

May the new year bring a sea of ​​happiness, an ocean of love, good health, success, good luck, joy and all the best!

I would like to wish you to live each of the 365 days of the new year in pleasure and prosperity, without knowing worries and sorrows!

New Year and Christmas are considered family holidays, which should be greeted loudly and pompously - in the company of relatives and friends. And it is customary to wish such people only the best. If you are ready to wish for yourself everything that you wish for others, you are sincere, and your wishes are really good.

May the New Year bring you joy and warmth of smiles, may your expectations be met and your dreams come true. Let every new day be different from the previous one, and let every new desire be truly bright. And may there always be close people nearby.

Even the entire New Year's Eve is not enough to list my wishes. So I just wish you a Happy New Year!

I wish you not to experience irreparable losses and intelligently adjust your outlook on life so as to always be happy.

I wish that every day of yours is a holiday for which you are never late.

I wish you good Siberian health, crazy love, reliable and loyal friends like me, and just remain the same wonderful person!

Let there be a place for miracles and pleasant surprises, interesting acquaintances and successes at work and in your personal life, may your deepest desires come true and there will be as many happy moments as there are needles on the Christmas tree!

May the New Year give everyone, without exception, a comprehensive feeling of a long-awaited holiday! I wish you good spirits, positive ideas, excellent health and immense happiness! Let faith in the best be a faithful companion on the path to our achievements! New discoveries and achievements in the new year!

New Year is the time for fulfillment of cherished desires. My wish is simple - for us to be the happiest in the whole world!

The New Year gives you faith in a real miracle! I wish you fulfillment of your cherished desires, magical mood, strength, energy and simple human happiness!

My wishes may be banal, but you can’t celebrate the New Year without them! I wish you happiness and health, love and understanding, money and good luck, good spirits and a positive perception of the world.

January with a whole bunch of holidays and bright events requires from us not any kind of imagination in formulating congratulatory speeches so as not to wish the same person the same thing twice. This is our short wishes for the New Year they should help.

Poems wishes for the New Year

May the New Year come knocking on your door

And the house will be filled with happiness.

And everything you dreamed of

May it come true this year!

May the New Year be a magical fairy tale

He will quietly enter your house,

And happiness, joy, peace and affection

He will bring it to you as a gift!

The old year is passing away

Its last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away,

And the worst cannot happen again.

The ball on the Christmas tree is glowing,

And the globe is still spinning.

I wish you on New Year's holiday

Meet new happiness.

I wish you for the New Year

All the joys in the world,

Health for a hundred years ahead

To you and your children.

Let every day warm you with warmth

And it will bring a lot of happiness

And all doubts will be dispelled

New Year arrived at midnight!

May the New Year not add wrinkles,

And he will smooth out and erase the old ones

It will improve your health and save you from failures.

And it will bring a lot of joy and happiness.

Happy New Year! May you have good luck

This year will give you

Complex problems will be solved

And it will bring success.

Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a Happy New Year.

So that no anxiety, no misfortune

There was no guard at the gate.

May the coming year

New successes will come,

Luck accompanies everything,

And all problems will be resolved,

And so that this coming year

He was kinder than the previous one.

Joyful New Year holidays give hope for the best, that the old will remain in the previous year, and you will enter the new year with new strength, joy, positivity and confidence. After all, this is one of the most beloved and anticipated holidays not only for children, but also for adults. The latter are not averse to immersing themselves in the atmosphere of a fairy tale that the New Year brings and believing that all their wishes will come true.

May the New Year bring magic,
Will fulfill all dreams and expectations.
Let them come true this night
All your deepest desires.

May your sweet home be full,
And let life be the sweetest honey -
I wish you with all my heart,
Happy New Year today!

Happy New Year.
May it bring joy.
May everyone be happy
It will be this new year.

Whoever is waiting for love - let him wait.
Let the one who is small grow up.
Every day let the sun rise
And let it go in a circle.

The year will be rich and generous
For good luck and goodness.
I wish you happiness
The New Year came to everyone.

Happy New Year
And I wish you not to be sad.
Troubles, grievances,
It's better to forget about the old.

Sing, laugh, have fun,
Be doubly happy.
Good health to everyone,
And triple luck to you!

You will celebrate this New Year with a smile
And know for sure - he will be the best,
Will bring love, goodness and joy
And your tenderness will warm your soul!

And in the first seconds of January
To the sound of the chimes, the light clink of glasses
Let your life turn into a fairy tale,
And there will never be enough happiness!

And again the New Year is knocking on the door,
And the pages of the old will close.
Let all the good things come into the new year,
Let all the bad things not happen again!

Let the new year start well,
And so it will pass, and so it will end.
Look, Santa Claus has already arrived!
Let good things happen in fate!

The New Year is fraught with dreams,
Happiness, joy, light and warmth,
Laughter, still emotional excitement,
The tenderness of a fairy tale, a sea of ​​inspiration!

May he fulfill all his dreams
There will be more beauty in the world,
Let your laughter become more fun,
And only success awaits you all year!

Hello to family and all friends
And success in bright affairs
May your gaze always bloom brightly,
And so that everyone is happy and glad!

When New Year comes
With an inaudible timid step,
Make your dream come true
After all, a miracle is nearby.

Magic moment forever
A life changing book.
May there be a sea of ​​happiness in her
And a bit of intrigue.

May your secret dreams
They come true instantly.
There is magic everywhere
This precious hour.

Let happiness come into your home
Bright, generous New Year!
An armful of new joys
It will be delivered under a snow cap.

It will make you wonder
Get inspired, enjoy!
And good luck snowball
Let it fly straight to you.

Happy New Year, I hasten to congratulate you.
May it bring a lot of warmth!
May your loved ones always be with you,
May good luck come to you all.

Let joy be born in every day
And there will be no reason to be upset.
And you still have to wish
Real, bright happiness!

May the New Year fulfill all your dreams,
Let all your hopes come true.
A fairy tale of unprecedented beauty
Will allow you to forget previous problems.

Snowy January morning
For the new one, better life will become a reason.
Let the time come for miracles for you.
I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year!

Heartfelt wishes for the New Year for someone who believes in miracles and loves to hear good words at the holiday hour.

May the New Year become a reality fairy tale for you. Otherwise, why wait for him for twelve long months?! I just want to wish you not to wait for miracles, but to create them yourself. Act while you have time to change something in your life for the better!

I wish you to receive in the New Year everything that was not possible before. Be more confident and persistent and fate will smile at you with the most dazzling smile!

In the New Year, wish yourself everything that you need most now, but don’t forget about luck, good friends and loyal allies. Be close to those who believe in you, don’t avoid difficulties - they strengthen you, get to know the successful - it stimulates!

Let everything change for the better with the chimes in your life! I wish you to have abundance in all blessings and a complete lack of negativity and problems!

New Year's wish

In the New Year, I wish you to go straight to happiness on autopilot and avoid all the hardships on this thorny path! Let this happiness be the way you imagined it, because everyone has their own, personal and unique! If you find it, hold it tight. Don’t share with strangers, but don’t be greedy with those who are dear to your heart!

Breathe in the frosty fresh air and enter the New Year with renewed dreams. Let them make you happy that they will come true one after another!

May your career in the New Year pamper you with success and bring you the desired prosperity. So that your family will always be your support, and your home a cozy and calm haven where you can take a breath before your next victory!

May you not have difficult trials, painful experiences and difficult moments in the New Year. I wish you to live and breathe easily, as in the depths of winter in the frost!

Best wishes for the new year

Don't count the years you've lived, count down your victories! May it reach thousands in the New Year! I wish you prosperity to realize all your ideas and order in your thoughts and plans, then the goal will become not illusory, but obvious!

I wish you a joyful and bright holiday! Let New Year's Eve brighten the dark sky with fireworks and decorate your future life with new colors!

As the chimes strike, I wish you to think about what you expect in the new year. It is what you remember first that is most important for your well-being in the future! Live joyfully and as your own heart dictates!

A short wish for the New Year

I wish you satisfied ambitions, right decisions, easily achievable plans! Be with someone who is pleasant, do not react to provocations and achieve heights in everything!

May life become successful in a new way from the new year and show you all the facets of pleasure, fun and happiness!

Starting from the New Year, dare to do what you couldn’t dare to do before. May all your endeavors be crowned with stunning success!

Best wish for the new year

For each of us, the best is what our soul wants more than anything in the world. I want Santa Claus to fulfill your wish the way you personally want it!

I wish you to receive the most welcome gift of all the things I've ever wanted to have! Keep your dream a secret, and she will repay you by becoming your waking companion!

You probably have your most cherished dream, which you carry with trepidation in your soul. So, I wish that it takes on real shape and brings you untold satisfaction from life!

Comic wishes for the new year

But in the New Year I wish you to meet a handsome Santa Claus who can make all your dreams come true! Let his huge bag be enough for you happiness, health and success, and instead of deer, he will drive a team of cool cars to the house and put a wad of dollars in each sock!

I wish you to meet the sexiest snow maiden in the new year and not freeze next to her, but melt all the snowdrifts together! Under them you will definitely find the expected success and soon you will have joint plans and little heirs!

In the New Year, create your own fairy tale! Let it not have an end, but only a happy continuation and a fascinating plot!

In the new year, don’t rely on anyone but yourself, because you are the main builder of your future, the engine of your successes and the best adviser for your rebellious soul!

There are no things in the world that you cannot wish for or wish for! So go ahead, make your destiny the way you want! No Santa Claus can do this for you.

Let this winter not freeze your desires at the stage of reflection! Let your actions swirl you in a round dance of success, like snowflakes swirling in the air during a blizzard!