What New Year's toy can be made from paper. Simple ideas for interesting options

Today, as in ancient times, people are very actively preparing for the New Year. And this is true if you witness the New Year's rush in stores. But in addition to significant purchases, you should pay attention to many points. And to make preparing for the New Year a fun experience, you need to make a lot of New Year-themed crafts. In this article we will tell you about what toys are on New Year You can make it out of paper. It is worth noting that colored paper is often used to make Christmas tree decorations. And all because such products look beautiful on the Christmas tree. In general, let's quickly learn how to turn a boring piece of paper into an original product.

What toys to make from paper to decorate the Christmas tree

Paper Christmas trees.

To make New Year's toys, many craftsmen use the popular origami technique. This technique is very good in its execution. But old traditions should not be forgotten. After all, our grandparents used to cut out toys and various crafts from paper using scissors. As a result, they produced beautiful and delicate products. To make similar Christmas trees, use our recommendations.

  1. So, first of all, print or draw a Christmas tree template on a white sheet of paper, which you fold and staple.
  2. Now start cutting from the inner patterns, gradually moving towards the edges. Use a metal ruler to cut long, straight lines.
  3. Next, cut out the Christmas tree along the counter. Add volume to the bottom of the Christmas tree. For this case, twist the base strips using a ruler and scissors. Connect the upper and lower locks.

Beautiful volumetric craft from paper.

A voluminous toy for the New Year with your own hands can look very bright and unusual. And if you have: colored paper, cardboard and glue, then you can make a very original product.


  1. From a sheet of cardboard you should cut out 14 squares that have a side of 2.5 cm.
  2. From the second sheet we cut out 14 squares that are 3 cm long.
  3. Now fold opposite sides of the squares. Place one end on top of the other. And the place where the ends touch each other is glued together with glue.
  4. Then, from any cardboard, you need to cut out a circle. Mark the center of the circle as well.
    Next, apply glue to the circle and glue the blank tubes to it. First glue the larger tubes, and then glue the small tubes on top of the larger tubes. At the same time, the work must be done carefully and accurately. The tubes should be tightly glued to each other.
  5. When you paste the tubes around the circle, glue several rhinestones to the finished product.
  6. At the next stage, add a beautiful braid to the decoration.

Paper cones for decorating a spruce tree.

For creating original cone prepare:

  • cardboard or colored paper;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • pins or PVA glue;
  • scissors and foam ball;
  • braid.

Advice! If there is no foam ball at home, then it is replaced with a ball made of crumpled paper.


  1. First, strips that are 2.5 cm thick are cut out of cardboard or paper.
  2. Each strip now needs to be cut crosswise into squares 2.5 cm wide.
  3. Fold each square, bending opposite ends to form an arrow.
  4. Now we take the ball and begin to glue or pin these blanks. It is recommended to do the work in layers. You should start from the bottom row and move forward, creating new rows.
  5. When they are attached to the workpiece, you need to attach a braid to the top of the cone. Even at this stage, you can decorate your craft with additional elements.

Christmas tree decorations using quilling technique.

If you know how to work with the technique of quilling, then the next master class was created especially for you. So, to create a Christmas tree toy, prepare:

  • old pages of newspapers or magazines;
  • PVA glue, baking molds;
  • a bead for decoration and a ribbon for hanging the toy.


  1. First, you must cut strips from paper that will be 4-5 cm wide.
  2. Now we fold each strip in half lengthwise. Lay out the strip and then bend it again. But this time in each direction. And then fold the entire strip in half.
  3. Then we take glue and begin to twist the strips into circles. As you work, add glue to prevent your circles from spreading.
  4. Now take another strip of paper and bend it. Prepare a baking pan; place a strip of paper into it. Place it neatly inside the mold.
  5. After that, it’s worth laying out the twisted circles inside the mold. And so that the circles are connected to each other, apply glue to them.
  6. After the glue has dried, you need to remove the paper toy from the mold. To make the workpiece even stronger, add more glue.
  7. Now you can thread the braid through the toy and decorate it with a bead.

Original paper decoration for walls.

The following decorations will perfectly decorate the room for the New Year. Indeed, such a Christmas tree will create a truly New Year's atmosphere in the house. To create the decoration, prepare:

  • 10 paper plates,
  • 20 sheets of green paper,
  • stapler and double-sided tape,
  • cardboard decoration scissors,
  • glue and white tape.


  1. You need to cut out large squares from green paper. Moreover, the square should fit freely inside the plate.
  2. Now you need to fold a square of paper like an accordion. Then fold it in half.
  3. Next, use tape to secure the ends of the folded accordion to form a semicircle.
  4. Now you need to repeat the same steps with other paper.
  5. Then we connect the two semicircles together with a stapler or double-sided tape. As a result, you form a circle.
  6. We attach the circle that was made using tape to a paper plate. TO back side The plates are also affixed with tape. You can use the terminals. This is done in order to secure the plates to the wall.
  7. In order to form a Christmas tree, you need to make 10 such blanks.
  8. You should decorate the finished unusual Christmas tree with original Christmas tree decorations, which are very easy to make with your own hands.


As you can see, paper is an excellent material from which anyone can make many interesting Christmas tree decorations. In this article we have given only some ideas for crafts. Therefore, you can supplement our ideas with your wishes or your imagination.

Someone is preparing for the New Year by decorating the Christmas tree with designer expensive jewelry, and some – cheerful colorful ones electric garlands And glass balls from the shop.

Such Christmas tree decorations will undoubtedly make New Year's beauty stylish and beautiful, but, unfortunately, they cannot compare with toys made by themselves. After all, the process of creating them not only increases the anticipation of the holiday, but also gives priceless minutes of communication to all family members.

There are a lot of options on how to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands for the new coming year, but the most affordable and do not require special skill in making are New Year's toys from paper. You only need available materials that can be found in any home, a little patience and creative imagination.

The most common and universal toys for the New Year are Christmas tree balls. You can make them yourself from any thick paper: colored cardboard, colorful postcards or old magazine covers. Plain colored balls will give a uniform style to the room, while multi-colored ones will give an atmosphere of fun and fairy-tale magic.

So, before you start making these paper toys, you need to prepare the following:

  • thick paper with a design you like;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • a compass or any object that, when outlined, can be used to reproduce a circle (jars, lids, glasses, etc.).

How to do:

  • Draw 21 identical circles on paper and cut them out with scissors.

Prepare the mugs as follows:

  • bend the circle in half twice (this is necessary to determine the center);
  • straighten the circle and bend one side so that the edge of the circle is exactly in the center;
  • bend two more sides of the circle to form a triangle with equal sides;
  • cut out the resulting triangle, which will act as a pattern for the remaining parts;
  • Place the triangle on the remaining circles, trace with a pencil and bend the edges outward along the lines.
  • Glue 10 circles together on both sides so that you get a strip: 5 circles on top, and 5 on the bottom. The strip must be glued into a ring. This will be the base for the ball.

  • Divide the remaining 10 parts into 5 pieces and glue them into a circle. The result was two “lids”.

  • Glue the upper and lower “lid” to the base in sequence.
  • The loop by which the ball is suspended can be made from a thread threaded through the top of the toy with a needle, or from a beautiful ribbon. The ribbon loop is secured with a knot and threaded through the top of the ball “lid” before gluing it to the base. The knot remains inside the toy, and the loop remains outside.

Original paper toy ready for the new coming year with your own hands!

More paper balls for the Christmas tree

Volumetric snowflake

Another indispensable attribute of the New Year is snowflakes. They can be the simplest, cut out of a sheet of paper in a random pattern, or they can be voluminous using the origami technique. We suggest making the latest version of the New Year's snowflake with your own hands.

To do this, you need to cut out six squares of the same size, fold each of them diagonally, and then in half. Parallel cuts are made along the fold. The square unfolds, the inner tabs are wrapped and fastened together.

The outer petals are connected to the same petals of the remaining squares. You can attach them using either glue or a regular stapler.

This can be sprinkled with sparkles, sequins and decorated like the Christmas tree itself, a wall, or put together a whole garland.

Ballerinas made of paper for a Christmas tree

Cubes with photos

Original and memorable toys for the New Year's holiday will be made from paper cubes with photographs of family members or events of the past year.

Moreover, such Christmas tree decorations can be made with your own hands every year by pasting in a current photo at the moment.

Thus, in a few years you will have a whole Christmas tree photo album.

To form such a cube, you need to cut out six identical circles from paper or squares. The edges of each element are bent so that a square is formed at the base. Then the folded edges are glued between the remaining parts into a box. Favorite photos from the past year are glued to the sides of the toy and a loop is threaded.

Paper lanterns for the Christmas tree

Paper angels for the Christmas tree

Magic garland

On the eve of the New Year, you can make an original magic lamp from a simple LED garland. To do this, you just need to cut out ordinary paper snowflakes with your own hands.

If you don’t have the time or desire to do this, you can buy lace paper napkins at the store and use them as snowflakes.

All that remains is to thread the garland’s bulbs through the finished snowflakes and hang it on the Christmas tree, wall or window. Twinkling colorful lights through intricate patterns will create a truly fabulous atmosphere for the New Year.

Paper snowflakes for the Christmas tree

Paper flowers for the Christmas tree

Paper stars for Christmas tree

Cardboard Santa Claus

Funny paper Christmas tree decorations are made using a small piece of cardboard, glue and a felt-tip pen. Anyone can make one for the New Year fairy tale character, but the most relevant of them is Santa Claus.

(Click to enlarge image).

A red cardboard square is rolled up into a tube and fixed with glue. The top of the toy is bent in the shape of a triangle-cap, the bottom is crushed into a semicircle in the form of legs. A white beard triangle is glued to the cap, and a face is drawn with a black felt-tip pen. All that remains is to secure the loop.

In a similar way, you can perform a whole New Year's landing of Santa Clauses and decorate the entire Christmas tree with them.

Such unusual DIY toys for the new coming year will remain in the memory of all household members for a long time, especially the little ones.

More Santa Clauses made from paper for a Christmas tree

New Year is a special time when you want to not only wait for a miracle, but also create it. Create festive atmosphere, first of all, it is possible using various New Year's crafts. After all, the creative process brings people together, so you can involve the whole family in it and enjoy shared moments. One of the craft options is Christmas decorations from paper. After all, such toys are very versatile, they do not break, you can come up with the most unusual color combinations and change the decorations from year to year. Templates for New Year's paper toys can be printed and downloaded for free. But these are not the only options for creating decorations for the Christmas tree.

New Year's paper balls

- This is the simplest, but at the same time very interesting and popular decoration for the New Year.

In order to make such paper toys with your own hands, just follow a few simple steps one by one:

1. Using the printer, you can print stencils of your choice. You can use these two options, or you can come up with your own unique cutting templates.

2. Next, you should take thick colored paper and trace the prepared stencil with a simple pencil.
3. Using scissors, you should cut out the details of the future Christmas ball along the lines drawn.
4. The resulting parts must be laid out so that they imitate a flower, with the middle of the part forming a center.
5. The resulting center should be secured with a small circle of colored paper, gluing it, as shown in the photo.

6. Next, you will need dexterity and patience, because you will have to not only form the ball, but weave it. Weaving a toy with your own hands goes like this: one after another, the strips should be woven into each other; weaving patterns can be seen in the photo.

Advice! To make the ball colorful and original, it is better to use colored paper different colors. And in order to prevent the already fastened parts from falling apart during the weaving process, you can pin them with clothespins.

7. When the weaving comes to an end, you need to glue the ends of the paper strips together.

8. In the center of the ball, where the paper circle was glued, you need to make a small cut in the form of a line.
9. You should insert a thread or singed tape into this slot (so that it does not unravel) and glue it, this will be a loop by which the ball will be hung on the Christmas tree.

Volumetric toys in the form of birds

Christmas tree decorations made of paper can be not only in the form of a ball, but also in other shapes. For example, you can find paper patterns of birds, cut them out and create beautiful toy. The bird will be voluminous not in its shape, but due to the wings, which will be created separately.

The working process is as follows:

1. Print a paper template in the form of a silhouette of birds. Again, you can use ready-made templates, or you can come up with your own template.

2. The bird template must be cut out; the toy will look brighter and more attractive if you use thick colored paper or cardboard.
3. Next, use scissors to make a small hole for the wings.
4. The last stage is the creation of the wings themselves. From a piece of less dense paper, you need to cut out a rectangle and fold it like an accordion. The resulting accordion must be inserted through the slot on the bird, leaving the center of the accordion in the hole itself so that the wings are symmetrical. New Year's toys are ready!

Advice! To make the bird beautiful, you can paint it yourself with felt-tip pens, pencils or paints. Also, to make the bird sparkle, you can apply transparent glue to it and sprinkle glitter on the figurine.

DIY Christmas tree decorations. Master class with step-by-step photos

Christmas tree decoration made of colored paper. Master class with step by step photos

Suslova Natalya Viktorovna teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This master class is intended for children from 5 years old, educators, additional education teachers, primary school teachers, and parents.
Purpose: Christmas tree decoration, gift, work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: performance Christmas tree decoration from colored paper.
Tasks:- strengthen skills in working with paper;
- introduce students to a new technique of working with paper;
- develop fine motor skills and accuracy when working with glue;
- develop Creative skills, imagination, fantasy of children;
- cultivate patience and confidence in your affairs.

What could be more wonderful than waiting for a holiday? As the New Year approaches, we are thinking about what kind of decorations we could come up with? In the meantime, while the New Year is still on the way, you can make wonderful paper crafts with your own hands that both adults and children will definitely enjoy. You can hang them on the Christmas tree or decorate your room with them.
You can make a lot out of paper interesting crafts, jewelry, and everything will look beautiful and dignified New Year's holiday. New Year decoration DIY paper decorations have become very popular, because they look unique, more original than store-bought jewelry.

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a master class on making Christmas tree decorations from colored paper.

Materials: colored paper, simple pencil, scissors, paper clips, glue; pictures with New Year's themes for decoration.

Step by step description works:
To make a Christmas tree decoration you will need 2-3 sheets of A4 colored paper. Let's look at the example of 1 sheet.

Fold the sheet into an “accordion” shape 1.5-2 cm wide.

Assemble the “accordion” and secure with paper clips.

Mark auxiliary lines with a pencil - the shape of the edge.

Cut off the edges.

Bend the workpiece in half. (can be connected with a stapler)

Connect the sides with a stapler or glue. The part is ready!

For a whole Christmas tree decoration, 2 parts are enough. I suggest using 3 parts to make our decoration to create a more voluminous craft.

Options for auxiliary edge shape lines.

Ready-made types of different edge shapes.



Assembling the decoration. First connect the 2 parts to each other (with a stapler or glue),

add 3 parts, connecting with a stapler or glue,

close the parts together, connect (with a stapler or glue).

The most magical night of the year is coming very soon! Left just a little bit. To fill the apartment with this magic, we decorate it in New Year's style- balls, sparkles, tinsel, snowflakes and, of course, the symbol of the New Year. This year it's the Yellow Pig.

Making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands is doubly enjoyable. Especially if you have children. The moments when you make a Christmas tree craft together will never be forgotten by your little one. These magical moments bring you closer together and fill you with a fabulous mood.

Today's ideas will help you decorate your Christmas tree, make a craft for kindergarten, school, or win a street tree toy competition. All of them are easy to make and very original. Choose, take note and create yourself or with your children.

Christmas tree decorations for the New Year from scrap materials

To make a beautiful toy, it is not necessary to buy special materials and devices for this. Everything original is simple. Likewise, interesting decorations can be made from the simplest things that are at hand.

Beautiful crafts from light bulbs

DVDs will come in handy.

Another option for a New Year's toy.

Can be used plastic bottles.

Decorating a Christmas ball with your own hands

Plain balloons, which are sold in every store on the eve of the New Year, can be decorated to your taste. This way you will save money, because decorated balloons are much more expensive than plain or transparent ones. Besides, this great way unleash your creative juices.

You will need:

  • plain balls;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue brush;
  • artificial snow (sold in many stores);
  • sparkles.


1.Pour PVA glue into a small bowl. Don't pour out too much as it won't be good for long after that. Using a brush, lubricate the ball from above, from the loop, to approximately the middle. But you can do it in any order you like. Now, pour artificial snow onto the glue and lightly press it onto the ball with your fingers. Leave until dry.

2. You can also draw any pattern (heart, snowflake, etc.) with glue, sprinkle it with glitter or glue it with rhinestones.

New Year's toys made from tin cans

From ordinary Coca-Cola cans you can make interesting toys on the Christmas tree. It's very simple.

You will need:

  • tin cans for Coca-Cola or other drinks;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • stencils for toys (you can use paper or cookie cutters);
  • thin satin ribbon or another rope for a loop.


Coca-Cola has long symbolized Christmas and New Year. Everyone remembers the famous advertisement and the song “The holiday is coming to us...”. So why don’t we make beautiful Christmas tree decorations from cans of this drink?! You can also use tin containers from other brands.

1. Cut off the bottom and top of the jar. Cut the cylinder in half to make a strip. Draw shapes on it using various stencils. You can use cookie cutters or paper snowflakes.

2. Cut out according to the design. Punch a hole at the top and insert a loop.

3. Some shapes, for example, a star, can be bent at the edges, thereby giving it volume. Alternatively, you can glue the figure to a New Year's ball or simply hang it on the Christmas tree.

Homemade lanterns made of cardboard or colored paper

Back in school we were taught to make Christmas tree lanterns with our own hands. This process is not only entertaining, but also very useful for fine motor skills, intelligence and attentiveness. Now we will remember our childhood and immerse ourselves in this magical atmosphere.

You will need:

  • colored cardboard (preferably A2 size) or paper;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • needle;
  • hole puncher;
  • decorative decorations (twigs, berries, snowflakes, etc.);
  • thin satin ribbons.


1. Cut the cardboard into strips 15 centimeters wide, the entire length of the sheet. Now you need to draw lines along the entire length, 1.5 centimeters wide. Then carefully cut through with the tip of the scissors. This will make them easier to bend.

2. Fold along the lines like an accordion. Mark 6.5 centimeters from both edges. In these places you need to pierce the entire accordion with a needle so that there are 2 holes on each fold, the distance between them will be 2 centimeters.

3. Now you need to make a fold from the upper right side, in the middle, to the lower left hole on the first frill. Now from this bottom hole, fold the cardboard to the top right on the second frill. Thus, fold the entire accordion.

4. Now you need to gather the ends, while giving volume to the figure along the folds.

5. Fold the figure as in the photo.

6. Use a hole punch to pierce the accordion on both edges. Insert one strip on each side through all the holes. Secure the corners with this tape.

7. Decorate with prepared decorations and hang on the tree.

How to make three-dimensional balls for a Christmas tree from plastic bottles

There are plastic bottles in every home. We buy soda, milk, kefir and so on there. Don't rush to throw them away after emptying them. After all, you can make beautiful bottles from such bottles. christmas balls. Bottles that are not smooth, but embossed in a circle, are more suitable. But regular ones will do too.

You will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • a beautiful ribbon, about 2 centimeters wide;
  • rhinestones, sparkles optional;
  • glue;
  • nail;
  • ribbon for loop;
  • pliers.


1. Cut the bottle into circles 2 centimeters wide. Or, if you are using a bottle with a round relief, cut along them. You get even rings.

2. Paste over each such circle beautiful ribbon. You can also coat it with glue and sprinkle it with sparkles or rhinestones. In this case, be sure to leave a free space of 2 centimeters wide on opposite sides. These will be the joints of the rings.

3. Connect the rings into a single ball, holding their joint. Heat the clove over the fire, holding it with pliers so as not to get burned. Pierce the place where they connect. Thus, they will be fastened together and a hole will be created for the loop.

4. Thread a ribbon or other string. Hang it on the Christmas tree.

Large toy for the New Year tree on the street from a tin can “Gift from Santa Claus”

A kindergarten or school often announces a competition for toys for a street Christmas tree. You always want to do something original, interesting, but at the same time uncomplicated and not expensive. Nowadays you can see a lot of New Year's beauty beautiful crafts in the form of huge candies, houses or compositions from DVDs. I offer you a very simple version of a craft for a street Christmas tree.

You will need:

  • large coffee can enamel paint or others;
  • a packing sheet of paper (preferably New Year's themed);
  • silicone glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • a small square of plain paper;
  • ribbon or other rope for tying;
  • decorative bows;
  • decorative tape.

Instead of a jar, you can use any box.


1.Spread wrapping paper in front of you. Try on how you will place the jar here. Glue a string in the form of a loop to the top of the jar, so that later the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree. First glue the two ends to a small square of paper and then secure it to the jar.

2. Turn the jar upside down. Coat the bottom with a small amount of glue. Try on the wrapping paper so that the can is glued to it exactly in the center. Place the paper in this way, with the pattern facing up, and press firmly to secure the glue. Turn over.

3. Apply glue to the top and glue the short sides first.

4. Now you need to assemble long ends in a ponytail. But to do this, you first need to select the corners with an accordion and glue them together. At the same time, do not forget about the thread, which is intended as a loop for the Christmas tree.

5. Gather the ends into a ponytail, pulling the thread out. To tie beautiful ribbon, tying a bow. Decorate with decorative bows or other elements New Year's decor.

New Year's toys for the Christmas tree made of salt dough

All children love to play with plasticine. Invite them to make a craft from completely safe, natural “plasticine” - salt dough. The result will please everyone. After all, the baby will see a real miracle. A piece of dough turns into a wonderful toy in his hands, and then hardens completely; it can be colored to suit any taste and even hung on a Christmas tree!

You can make dough shapes using cookie cutters or sculpt the shapes yourself using your hands and a clay knife.

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • flour, coarse salt and water in equal parts;
  • plasticine knife;
  • acrylic paints of the desired colors;
  • sponge for washing dishes and a thin brush.

The dough must be prepared from three ingredients - water, flour, salt. Knead it and get to work right away. Now we will look at such a craft using the example of the symbol of the coming Year of the Pig.

1. Roll a small piece of dough into a ball and roll it out into a thin layer. This will be the face of our Piggy. Make the same layer, only smaller and glue it to the muzzle. Use a toothpick to identify two nostrils.

2. Attach eyes and ears. Use a knife or toothpick to make peculiar folds on the ears.

3. Cut out the heart and handles. Stick them as if the pig is holding a heart with his hands. On it you can write any wish or congratulations for the New Year. If you plan to hang the toy on the Christmas tree, do not forget to make a hole for the string.

4. Heat the oven to 100 degrees. Send our pig there. There it will dry for several hours. It should harden completely.

5. To give the shape an outline, you need to paint it dark paint, using a sponge, and then rinse under running cool water. This way the paint will remain in the recesses. Then you can begin the final coloring. After drying, thread the thread, secure the ends and hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

In the same way, using any stencils, you can make other toys.

DIY felt Christmas tree toys

Do-it-yourself felt toys are becoming increasingly popular. Even children can make them, of course, under the watchful supervision of adults. This material is pleasant to the touch. Working with him is a pleasure. And what cute toys they make... Admire them for yourself!

As you can see, sewing such toys is not at all difficult. All you have to do is draw a stencil, transfer it to felt and cut it out. And then be guided by your imagination. You can glue this fabric to cardboard cut out using the same stencil. You can fill the toy with padding polyester and decorate it to your taste.

For example, to sew such a cute deer you will need:

  • scissors;
  • felt in white, light brown and dark brown colors;
  • thread and needle;
  • beads for eyes;
  • ribbon or string for a loop;
  • padding polyester or other filler.

1.First, transfer the drawing onto a white sheet, according to the template in the photo. Cut them out. Now transfer it to felt in this order - the body, ears and tail are on light brown, the nose and spots are on dark, the muzzle will be white.

2. Cut out shapes from the wind. Sew two parts of the body, not forgetting to leave room for stuffing. After stuffing, you need to stitch it too. Sew on all the other elements, make a loop and glue on the eyes.

You can also use these stencils or draw your own, guided by your imagination and creative flight.

5 ideas on how to decorate a Christmas tree with your own hands (video)

There can never be too many toys on the Christmas tree. Therefore, I offer you 5 more interesting ways make your own Christmas decorations. All of them are simple to implement and very original.

Decorating the New Year tree is a special ritual that we all love since childhood. Then our parents enveloped us in this magic, buying new Christmas tree decorations or making them with us. Today we are helping our children create something special and decorate our New Year's beauty with it. In kindergarten or school, on the eve of the New Year, they always announce a crafts competition. Today's toys will become worthy competitors.

I wish you good luck in all your endeavors! Happy New Year! See you soon!