How do clinics work during the New Year holidays? City clinics switched to a special work schedule during the New Year holidays

Now every Russian is enjoying the New Year holidays. You can rest for ten days (12/29/2017-01/08/2018). Russians will return to work only on January 9. But despite this, some government services still need to work even in holidays. Doctors are examples of such workers, because people cannot do without them at any time of the day or week. Therefore, they have to work even on New Year's weekend, but they work according to a special schedule, so you need to know exactly when the receptions are.

It is impossible to leave people without medical care, so medical institutions continue to operate even in new year holidays, but according to a special schedule.

Opening hours for city clinics on New Year's holidays 2018: how clinics will work on New Year's weekend

Based on the compiled schedules, at least one clinic should operate in every district of the city throughout the week, the web publication notes. The only exception may be New Year and Christmas. But the clinic will operate in “holiday mode” for a whole week. This means that doctors will be there only until 16:00, the number of doctors serving patients is also limited, in most cases it is only 1 therapist.

Emergency rooms and maternity hospitals operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Children's hospitals and clinics also operate on a “holiday schedule.”

Also, dental clinics did not go on holiday and continue to operate.

Opening hours for city clinics during the New Year holidays 2018: exact operating hours for clinics in Moscow

Adult clinic:

  • From 12/31/2017 to 01/08/2018 they work a short working day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Emergency rooms will operate around the clock during this period. And you can use the service of calling a doctor at home only from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Children's Hospital:

  • From 01/01/2018 to 01/08/2018, a doctor can be called to your home from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Calls are accepted until 16:00.
  • Children's emergency rooms are open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. But at the address st. Bolshaya Polyanka 20 and st. Heroes of Pafilov's 28 children will be received around the clock.
  • Specialists in the fields of surgery, neurology, ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology will be available at clinics from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Psychiatric clinics, as well as drug treatment, oncology and anti-tuberculosis dispensaries will be open on 01/02/2018 and 01/05/2018 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Maternity clinics will be open daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Schedule medical institutions V New Year holidays You can look at their official Internet resources, as well as information. stands in the clinic. Moreover, information and hotlines will operate in cities, where you can clarify the work schedule and availability of specialists if your health suddenly worsens.

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City clinics are institutions that are open even on New Year's holidays. However, during the New Year holidays, medical institutions will receive patients according to a special work schedule. Of course, in every region of Russia, hospitals are ready to see patients on duty with doctors who have reduced visiting hours.

In every region Russian Federation During the New Year holidays, there are on-duty clinics, so if necessary, every patient has the opportunity to see a doctor. If you need a consultation with an on-duty therapist, you should contact the nearest hospital to clarify your appointment schedule.

If you need the help of a specialist, you will need to contact the on-duty clinic. Visiting hours for doctors of this category have been reduced to 16:00. In the on-duty clinics you can get advice from the following specialists:

  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • therapist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • ophthalmologist.

Of course, on January 7, 2019, you should not hope that there will be any specialist other than a therapist at the clinic on duty. However, emergency rooms and maternity hospitals operate during the New Year holidays according to the established schedule - around the clock. In addition, ambulance teams also work seven days a week. All clinics will operate as usual from January 9, 2019.

How Moscow medical institutions work during the New Year holidays

On holidays, Moscow clinics switched to a special work schedule. Until January 8, 2019, patients will be received from 09:00 Moscow time to 16:00 Moscow time. These office hours are identical for home care. However, it will be possible to call a doctor from the clinic to your home only until 15:30 Moscow time.

Doctors in trauma centers work according to their usual schedule, so patients are seen around the clock. Until January 8, 2019, specialists in antenatal clinics are accepting patients from 09:00 Moscow time to 15:00 Moscow time.

During the New Year holidays, milk distribution points are open from 06:30 Moscow time to 12:00 Moscow time. In children's clinics, during the holidays, a pediatrician is called to your home from 09:00 Moscow time to 15:00 Moscow time, and you can invite a doctor by submitting an application before 14:30 Moscow time. Emergency rooms at children's clinics are available from 08:00 Moscow time to 22:00 Moscow time.

During the New Year holidays, the capital's clinics will switch to a holiday duty schedule with extended appointment times. So, from January 1 to January 8, patients will be received from 09:00 to 18:00. And it will be possible to call a doctor at home until 16:00.

Surgical, dental and other specialized medical care will be provided in one of the clinics in each districtfrom 09:00 to 16:00. The antenatal clinic has the same work schedule these days.

For emergency dental care, you can go to the Veterans Oral and Maxillofacial Hospital. It is located on Lesteva street, building 9.

Children's clinics, perinatal diagnostic rooms and milk distribution points

During the New Year holidays, children's city clinics also operate on a holiday duty schedule. Children's specialists, including a dentist, will be seen in one of the clinics in each districtfrom 09:00 to 15:00. On holidays, trauma departments of children's clinics operate as usual from 08:00 to 22:00.

You can call a doctor to your child’s home until 14:30, and home calls will be serviced from 09:00 to 15:00.

Emergency medical care for children and adults operates as usual during the New Year holidays - around the clock.

Round-the-clock dental care for children will be provided at the children's dental clinic No. 28. It is located on General Ermolov Street, building 12. And round-the-clock trauma care will be provided at the emergency room of the Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology at Bolshaya Polyanka Street, building 20.

On January 4 and 5, perinatal diagnostic rooms will receive patients at one of the clinics in each district. During the New Year holidays, milk distribution points will continue to operate daily from 06:30 to 12:00.


Dispensary units that provide psychiatric, drug addiction, anti-tuberculosis and oncological medical care will work on January 3 and 6 from 09:00 to 15:00.

Pharmacies on duty

On January holidays, pharmacies on duty in clinics will dispense medications to benefit patients from 09:00 to 18:00. On Wednesday, January 4, pharmacies for beneficiaries will be open in all clinics of the city - from 09:00 to 18:00.

reference Information

You can get background information, as well as find out the telephone numbers and addresses of medical institutions that accept adults and children in each district on holidays.