Effective cream “5 Days” against sweat and odor. Characteristics of the “5 days” spray and review of other pharmaceutical products for sweat and foot odor

Pharmacies offer a large number of remedies to help cope with sweaty feet. An effective and inexpensive drug is the “5 days” remedy for sweat and foot odor. It is released in different forms, allows you to reduce the intensity of sweating, eliminates bad smell from the legs.

Expert opinion!


Powdered remedy Galenopharm “5 days” for sweat and foot odor is used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. The drug contains several active components:

  • Boric acid;
  • Salicylic acid;
  • Triclosan;
  • Zinc oxide;
  • Camphor;
  • Talc;
  • Menthol.

The mixture is packaged in sachets weighing 1.5 grams. The “5 days” foot product package contains 10 such sachets. The product is white in color and has a light neutral odor. Its structure is finely dispersed.

Thanks to its constituent components, the “5 days” foot powder has the following effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Drying;
  • Deodorizing.

Thus, “5 days” is indicated in the presence of excessive sweating, unpleasant odor, fungal diseases, skin irritation. It can be used by people who are on their feet for a long time, wearing closed shoes, or in hot rooms. Convenient “5 days” bags can be taken with you on a hike or on vacation.

The remedy for sweat and foot odor “5d 5 days” can be used in two ways:

  • Like foot powder. In the morning, the substance is applied to clean, dry feet, then socks are put on. The drug controls sweating throughout the day, protects against the appearance of unpleasant odor;
  • For shoes. The powder is spread in a thin layer over the inner surface of the shoe. This provides protection against odor from shoes and socks. One packet of powder is enough for 2-3 days without any odor.

The product usually has no side effects, but people with individual intolerance to the components may experience skin irritation. The drug is allowed to be used by children, pregnant and lactating women.

On a note!

The instructions indicate that “5 days” should be used continuously for at least two weeks. When the manifestations of hyperhidrosis decrease, you can use the drug less frequently, as needed. It is recommended to take a six-month break between courses of use.

The price of the “5 days” anti-sweat and odor powder is about 180 rubles per package. In addition to the powder, the manufacturer also produces foot powder. It contains zinc oxide, oil tea tree, triclosan and menthol. The powder is used only for application to the skin; it is used if there is a fungal infection of the feet.


The composition of the “5 days” foot lotion includes more ingredients:

  • Undecylenic acid;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Camphor;
  • Menthol;
  • Farnesol;
  • Urea;
  • Glycerol;
  • Deodorants.

The lotion not only reduces sweating and eliminates odor, but also softens rough skin on the feet. Thanks to the content of antiseptic and antifungal components, the product protects the skin of the feet from infection. The medicine is available in a dark bottle with a volume of 50 ml, or in the form of a spray of 100 ml. The cost of funds is 90 and 150 rubles, respectively. The preparations do not contain alcohol, so they can be used in any age groups.

Liquid forms “5 days” are used for protective purposes - before visiting places with a high risk of fungal infection (baths, gyms, swimming pools). Moisten a cotton pad with lotion and carefully treat the sole and the spaces between the toes. The spray is applied to the legs from a distance of 15-20 cm. The lotion also does not cause side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components. There is no need to use it constantly - it has a more protective effect, so it is used mainly before visiting public places.

In addition to these substances, the “5 days” series for feet also contains baths and cream. After washing, you can use the “5 days” foot cream, which will have a healing effect while you sleep.

All representatives of the “5 days” line are dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. Both men and women can use them. The products can be used at any time of the year, regardless of the ambient temperature. The effectiveness will be higher if you use several substances from this line at the same time. The “5 days” line has no analogues in terms of its constituent components.

Expert review

  • Efficiency

  • Price

  • Ease of use

  • Safety

General opinion

Sweaty feet and a specific unpleasant odor - this problem affects many people. Fortunately, in most cases it can be solved with the help of cosmetics.

The cream is effective against unpleasant foot odor. By using it regularly, you will actually get rid of it.

Its advantage is that it improves the condition of the skin, softens it, disinfects and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Those. Taking care of your feet becomes much easier.

The drug is easy to use, non-greasy and absorbs well. Its therapeutic effect is felt immediately after the first use.


Anti-sweat cream for 5 days is produced by the pharmaceutical factory of St. Petersburg "GalenoPharm".

It has a complex effect:

  • disinfects;
  • dries;
  • deodorizes;
  • removes inflammation.

If your feet have cracks, irritation, diaper rash, or itching, then the product can cope with such symptoms.

Due to its emollient components, it improves the condition of dry, rough skin.

The cream does not have antiperspirant properties, i.e. does not block sweat glands. Those. it is not suitable for people with hyperhidrosis. But for those who have normal sweating, it is suitable.

What does it contain?

The 5-day anti-sweat and odor cream is produced in accordance with GOST standards.

The composition contains the following substances:

  • purified water;
  • polyethylene glycol 100 stearate/glyceryl stearate – promotes the penetration of active substances into the epidermis;
  • zinc oxide is a protective component with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, absorbent and drying properties;
  • Vaseline oil (liquid paraffin) - is the basis for the cream;
  • glycerin – accumulates moisture, makes the skin moisturized and soft;
  • zinc stearate – absorbs excess moisture, exhibits antiseptic and astringent properties;
  • cetyl alcohol - used to increase viscosity and improve the texture of the cream;
  • distilled monoglycerides – emulsifiers and stabilizers;
  • ethylhexylethylhexanoate – softener;
  • Dimethicone is a low molecular weight silicone oil. It forms a film on the surface, thus retaining moisture, softening and protecting;
  • camphor – has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and cooling effects;
  • farnesol - a disinfectant component with a lily of the valley aroma;
  • menthol – anti-inflammatory, cleansing and refreshing effect;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate – preservative;
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate is a preservative.

Mode of application

Using the cream is very simple. The manufacturer does not indicate any age restrictions.

The instructions describe everything in detail:

  • Be sure to apply it to clean, dry skin;
  • pay special attention to the spaces between the fingers;
  • It is best to do this in the evening before bed.

You need to do the procedures for 5 days in a row, after which the problem disappears for six months.

Please note that if the stench is absorbed into the shoes, you will not notice the effect. The cream only works on the feet and does not work on shoes.

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

You can buy foot cream for 5 days at almost any pharmacy.

It is available in 30 gram aluminum tubes. The cream itself white, light non-greasy consistency.

The shelf life is 36 months. No storage required special conditions. It should be a dry place with a temperature ranging from 5º to 25ºC. The price is more than affordable. Depending on the pharmacy, it ranges from 70 to 100 rubles.

Excessive sweating causes many unpleasant moments for a huge number of people around the world. There are many causes of hyperhidrosis. The problem must be solved promptly and comprehensively. This approach will make it possible not to provoke the addition of a fungal infection. This is especially true for people leading an active, social lifestyle. The “5 days from sweat and odor” remedy helps a lot.

The drug is considered one of the most popular today, as it helps in solving several problems at once. What makes it stand out among other products. In addition, the price is quite reasonable - the result meets all expectations.

General information

Foot odor cream is effective for excessive sweating. It has a whole range of positive properties:

  1. Significantly reduces the amount of discharge from the sweat glands of the legs;
  2. Eliminates unpleasant odor of sweat;
  3. Makes the skin of the feet much softer;
  4. Heals small cracks and wounds on the heels;
  5. Refreshes;
  6. Is an excellent antiseptic;
  7. The cream is effective in preventing fungal diseases;
  8. Noticeably reduces leg fatigue.

The cream affects not only the signs of the disease, but also some causes. The maximum effect is achieved in a comprehensive solution to the problem. The main factors that provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor include:

  • fungal infections;
  • tight shoes of poor quality;
  • rare foot care;
  • physical labor and so on.

The drug “5 days from sweat and odor” helps reduce the amount of sweat produced. It has general health-improving and antifungal properties. Foot cream can reduce sweating, but the main cause, especially when it comes to diseases of organs or systems, must be eliminated.

Indications and contraindications for using foot odor treatment

First of all, the cream is intended for use:

  • protection of feet from cracks and inflammatory processes;
  • prevention of foot fungus;
  • eliminating unpleasant odors;
  • getting rid of dead epidermal cells;
  • relieving itching;
  • reducing the amount of sweat produced.

If used correctly, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms in just a few days. A complex approach in solving the problem gives a very good, quick result.

Contraindications for use

The cream should not be used if you are sensitive to the substances included in the composition. If you are allergic to tea tree oil or bee products, consult a doctor. “5 days” is not potentially dangerous, but contains hormonal substances. Therefore, people who take hormonal drugs, you must definitely get a doctor’s recommendation.

Advantages and disadvantages of odor cream

The cream has a whole list of positive effects on the skin of the feet due to its composition. At the same time, some components are some kind of shortcomings.

Advantages of the drug by components:

  • lemon extract helps reduce sweat and prevents the development of fungal infections;
  • oak extract is an excellent antiseptic, dries the skin of the feet;
  • essential oils of shea butter, tea tree, and lavender soften feet and eliminate unpleasant odor;
  • propolis has an excellent anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect;
  • hormonal substances reduce sweating;
  • corn starch and talc absorb moisture.

The cream has a positive effect within a few days of starting use. Please note that if you cannot get rid of the smell after a couple of days, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the reason is quite serious. Foot cream in this series should not be used by people prone to allergic reactions.

The “5 days” product has its drawbacks, which are also caused by some of the components of the drug. These primarily include hormonal substances. They are quite effective in reducing the amount of sweat produced. But at the same time, they can disrupt hormonal balance.

The composition contains a chemical substance - triclosan. There are many expert opinions about this element. Some insist that its use causes serious harm to human health. Other scientists believe that such claims have no basis. We must remember that this is a powerful antibacterial substance.

Moreover, it is capable of killing not only pathogenic bacteria, but also beneficial ones. Therefore, it is still not recommended to use the cream thoughtlessly. Perfect option– a course of 10 days with a break for the same period. If the drug is prescribed by a doctor, he may recommend a different regimen.

Some patients complain of severe dry skin after using the drug. This often happens when misuse. In any case, when using, you should follow some tips.

The drug is applied only to thoroughly cleansed, dried skin once a day, preferably at night. The course of first use should not exceed 7 – 10 days. After a 2-week break, the procedures are repeated if necessary. You can get rid of the smell of foot sweat at the initial stage of the disease within a week.

Important: if signs of an allergy are noticed after using the drug, contact your medical institution. Stop using it and take the necessary tests. Follow all doctor's recommendations.

When visiting a doctor for the first time, people who are predisposed to allergies to any components of the substance must be told about this. Before using certain medications, you need to find out the cause of the problem. When it comes to diseases internal organs, first of all, therapeutic measures are aimed at their correction. The anti-sweating drug is used in parallel.

Hyperhidrosis (increased sweating) and unpleasant foot odor are problems that a large number of people face, regardless of gender and age. In most cases, cosmetic products help cope with sweating and odor. One of these drugs is the “5 days” foot cream. With regular use, it eliminates unpleasant odors, softens and disinfects the skin of the feet.

Cream composition

The Russian pharmaceutical company Galenopharm produces foot cream for sweat and odor “5 days” in St. Petersburg. Thanks to its unique composition, the cream has a complex therapeutic effect on the skin of the feet:

  • Disinfects;
  • Fights inflammation;
  • Dries;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odors - deodorizes;
  • Relieves itching and irritation;
  • Accelerates the healing of cracked heels;
  • Moisturizes and softens, eliminating the rough layer.

Expert opinion!

“5 days” ointment for feet is not an antiperspirant, so it does not affect the functioning of the sweat glands. Therefore, it is not used to treat hyperhidrosis. But the cream copes well with the unpleasant odor if the patient’s sweating is normal.

The effect of the cream is due to its constituent components:

  • Prepared water;
  • Polyethylene glycol glyceryl stearate is a substance that accelerates the process of penetration of active substances into the skin of the feet;
  • Zinc oxide – relieves inflammation, fights pathogenic microflora, has an absorbent and drying effect;
  • Vaseline or liquid paraffin is the basis of the cream;
  • Glycerin – moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the feet;
  • Zinc stearate – absorbs moisture, eliminates unpleasant odor;
  • Medical alcohol – increases the viscosity of the cream and its texture;
  • Emulsifiers, softeners, preservatives and stabilizers;
  • Dimethicone or silicone oil - forms a protective film, retaining moisture and preventing the penetration of fungal infections;
  • Camphor and menthol – disinfects, cools and relieves inflammation;
  • Farnesol – eliminates unpleasant odor, has the aroma of lily of the valley.

Indications and method of use

In accordance with the instructions, the “5 days” cream is used:

  • From sweaty feet;
  • To eliminate the stratum corneum of the skin;
  • To prevent fungal infection;
  • To relieve inflammation, itching or burning;
  • From cracked heels;
  • To combat unpleasant foot odor.

The advantage of the “5 days” cream is the absence age restrictions when using it. The course of treatment is five days, which is how the cream got its name. Apply the product to washed, dry feet, paying special attention to the areas between the toes. Carry out the procedure better evening before bedtime. This will give you more time to absorb the cream. The manufacturer recommends repeating the course of treatment every six months.

On a note!

It will not be possible to get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes using cream. They use “5 days” cream for feet against sweat and odor; it does not affect shoes.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment with the “5 days” cream, before treating the skin of the legs, it is recommended to steam them in a hot bath with the addition of sea ​​salt or vinegar. Foot baths help open pores, which increases the penetration ability of the cream components and speeds up getting rid of unpleasant odors.

When should I stop using the cream?

The “5 days” cream for sweating and unpleasant foot odor has a minimum of contraindications. And no cases of overdose have been recorded. It is not recommended to treat with “5 days” ointment if:

  • The presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the product;


If an allergy occurs (itching, redness, burning, swelling), you should immediately wash off the product and consult a dermatologist.

  • Reception medications, which contain steroids. Such medications change hormonal levels. Therefore, you can treat your feet with cream for 5 days only after consulting your doctor.

Features of acquisition and storage

The drug “5 days” is sold in the pharmacy chain; a prescription is not required to purchase it. The drug is produced in aluminum tubes of 30 grams. The cream has a light consistency, white or milky color.

The price of foot cream “5 days” is very affordable. It may vary depending on the region of residence and the pharmacy chain. On average, one tube of ointment costs from 70 to 100 rubles.

On a note!

The shelf life of the “5 days” product is one and a half years. But to do this, it must be stored in a cool, dry place, out of reach of direct sun rays. The recommended storage temperature for the drug is from 5° to 25° Celsius.

Patient reviews of the cream 5 days

Patients who have used the “5 days” ointment to eliminate unpleasant foot odor note the following benefits of the product:

  • Decreased sweating;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odor for a long time;
  • Light texture, no greasy marks on clothes or bedding;
  • Affordable price;
  • Disinfection of feet;
  • Suitable for people who wear closed shoes all day.

Patients call the disadvantages of the product:

  • The presence of preservatives, fragrances and emulsifiers in the composition, which can cause allergies;
  • Small amount of product;
  • The smell of camphor, which not everyone likes;
  • In rare cases, the skin of the legs becomes dry, tightness and discomfort are felt.

However, most reviews about the “5 days” foot cream are positive. Many patients recommend the cream to their friends and relatives.

I first encountered the problem of unpleasant foot odor in adolescence. I began to grow rapidly, surpassing all the boys in the class. He was actively involved in sports (he went rowing and Gym). And the problem became more and more acute. I changed my socks daily, washed my sneakers every other day, and wiped the insides with antiseptic. I washed my feet several times a day. But the “purity” effect lasted for a very short period of time. Over the years I have tried a lot of different products. But the “penny” cream “5 days” really helped me. I was even surprised that an inexpensive drug copes with bad odor much more effectively than expensive analogues. I recommend it to everyone who works in an office and even wears closed shoes in summer.

Mikhail Alekseevich, 48 years old, Stavropol.

We were looking for a remedy for foot odor for my husband, but the “5 days” cream did not suit him. After the second use, a rash began on my legs. He is an allergy sufferer and it is very difficult for him to find an effective drug. I decided to use it myself. And I don't regret it. An inexpensive product that can be easily found in any pharmacy. The homogeneous white cream spreads easily over the foot and is absorbed very quickly. There is no sticky feeling, you can apply it even before leaving the house. But I mostly smeared my feet in the evening before going to bed. A slight chill appears, a slight specific smell is noticeable, which quickly disappears. The product completely blocks unpleasant odor. And my feet began to sweat much less. I use it once a week for prevention. And the skin on the legs after the “5 days” ointment is like after a spa treatment – ​​soft and velvety. Try it, the drug is worth the money!

Irina, 35 years old, Turinsk.

Cream for sweating and unpleasant odor “5 days” is an inexpensive but effective remedy. The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by a large number of positive feedback. The minimum number of contraindications, affordable price and sale of ointment without a prescription make it an indispensable assistant in the presence of unpleasant foot odor.

To get rid of unpleasant body odor, you can use a variety of deodorants. Among them are many effective pharmaceutical medicines, one of which is a 5-day remedy for sweat and odor. With its help, it is possible to normalize the secretion of sweat glands and prevent the development of bacteria that give sweat an unpleasant odor. Also, thanks to this product, the skin of the feet and between the toes is protected from various injuries that are the reason for the development of infection. In the case of treating fungal diseases, shoes are treated with this drug.

Features of the product: pros and cons

The 5-day product is a highly effective deodorant, whose properties are confirmed by research. Its various qualities can be considered as advantages and disadvantages. The advantages that this remedy was noted after they started using it include:

  • Effective as a disinfectant;
  • Reduces the amount of sweat produced;
  • Has a deodorizing effect;
  • Has a pleasant texture;
  • Cares for the skin, eliminating the smallest damage;
  • Affordable;
  • Allows you to keep your skin healthy while wearing closed shoes for a long time.

The following points can be considered as disadvantages of this tool:

  • Composition containing parabens;
  • Small packaging volumes;
  • In some cases, it can dry out the skin;
  • It has a characteristic smell of camphor;
  • Risk of developing an allergic reaction.

With the help of accessible and effective forms of this product, it is possible to quickly cope with profuse sweating and eliminate its odor. Evidence of this is the large number of positive reviews and comments.

Composition and release forms

A remedy for sweat and odor takes 5 days to produce Russian manufacturers in various forms: powder, lotion and cream. Contains the following active components:

The drug in powder form is packaged in cardboard boxes, ten packets in each, and detailed instructions are attached to them.

The powder contains the following components:

  • Salicylic and boric acid;
  • Zinc oxide;
  • Triclosan;
  • Camphor;
  • Talc and menthol extract.

The foot cream against sweat and odor contains:

  • Camphor;
  • Zinc oxide;
  • Farnesol;
  • Glycerin and menthol.

The cream has a light texture and is well absorbed. This drug is produced in 30 ml plastic tubes, packaged in cardboard boxes.

The lotion for foot odor and sweat has a more complex composition in the form of a mixture of active ingredients, as in other forms of the 5-day product, but with the addition of some components.

The resulting product in the form of an alcohol mixture is packaged in glass bottles of 50 mg. The drug can also have another form in the form of a spray with a volume of 100 ml in an opaque plastic bottle, equipped with a spray nozzle.

Foot powder containing zinc oxide, tea tree oil, menthol and triclosan, packaged in 120 g plastic packaging, is also offered for use.

Zinc oxide in these products can have a drying effect on the upper layer of the dermis, and in addition to reducing sweat, reduces the severity of inflammation and fights bacteria.

Glycerin is designed to soften the skin and moisturize dry areas. Camphor acts as an antiseptic, while menthol extract soothes and cools irritated skin.

What effect do you get from the product?

Constant use of the products from the 5-day series provides a full guarantee of the positive effects and effectiveness of the drugs. As a result of application, the following results become obvious:

  • The top layer of skin is moisturized, softened and becomes more tender;
  • The legs become lighter, the feeling of fatigue and heaviness disappears;
  • It is possible to get rid of previously occurring irritation and swelling;
  • The occurrence of calluses and areas with keratinization is prevented;
  • It is possible to achieve a narrowing of the pores, which ultimately reduces the amount of sweat produced and does not create conditions for the development of a fungal infection;
  • With the help of these products it is possible to eliminate all types of bacteria and fungi.

It should be noted that such an effect can be achieved without spending a lot of effort and material resources. To achieve the expected result, it is enough to use these means without interruptions.

Indications for use

It is necessary to use the products from the 5-day series in case of the following conditions:

  • If severe itching occurs and cracks and diaper rash form between the toes;
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor that does not disappear even after washing the feet;
  • If it is necessary to remove keratinized skin on the feet;
  • To prevent the development of inflammation;
  • As preventive measures after treatment of fungal diseases, including for treating shoes.

Mycoses are considered intractable diseases for the reason that they are characterized by relapses of these infections. There is a high probability that fungal spores remaining on shoes will again become a source of infection. To prevent this from happening, all shoes are thoroughly treated using this product.


The 5-day series preparations, like any medicine, have some contraindications for which they are not used or used with caution. First of all, it may be an individual intolerance to one of the components in its composition. In such a case, you should immediately stop using and wash your feet thoroughly.

People taking hormonal medications should treat this type of treatment with caution. To avoid unexpected reactions and complications, before you start using an antifungal agent for 5 days, you should consult a dermatologist and find out his opinion on this matter.

Instructions for use

You need to use the anti-sweat product for 5 days in accordance with the attached instructions. After fixing the problem, it can be used only if necessary.

  1. When using powder, it is poured into shoes four to five hours before they are to be used. You can apply the powder to clean, dry feet, then put on socks.
  2. When using the cream, it is applied to clean, dry skin of the feet before bed; it can be used in the morning, but the effectiveness will be lower.
  3. The lotion or spray is evenly distributed over the skin of the feet before visiting areas with the possibility of fungal infection. Treat the skin between the fingers especially carefully.
  4. The powder is used in case of an existing fungal infection, and is used as a remedy before leaving the house.

Guide to using the cream

Any product from the 5-day series against sweat and odor can relieve many problems in the condition of the skin of the feet. They save you from excessive sweating, but only if these problems are not the result of diseases of the internal organs. With hyperhidrosis caused external reasons, they handle it with ease. One of these drugs that can eliminate profuse sweating of the skin of the feet is a cream from this series. It does not have a pungent odor, is absorbed well, without leaving a greasy sheen.

When using the cream, apply it to clean, dry skin of the feet in the evening, before going to bed; during sleep, the product will be completely absorbed and begin to act. You can apply the cream before going outside, but in this case its therapeutic effect will be somewhat reduced.

It should be borne in mind that the use of cream will not be able to remove the previously absorbed sweat odor from shoes.

Foot Lotion Guide

The foot lotion perfectly disinfects the treated skin and does not contain alcohol at all. It prevents fungal infection, cools the skin well and has a fungicidal effect.

When using lotion, moisten a napkin with it and wipe it dry and clean skin, especially the areas between the fingers. The product is applied twice a day, especially before visiting a sauna, steam bath or swimming pool.


The lotion provides relief from sweat and foot odor for 5 days; there are practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to one of the components included in its composition. High sensitivity to this antiperspirant may also be a contraindication.

Lotion composition

Efficiency and unique properties lotion from the 5-day series, used against sweat and its odor on the skin of the feet, is ensured thanks to its composition, which includes the following components:

  • To moisturize the skin - glycerin;
  • As an antiseptic – castor oil;
  • To provide an antibacterial effect - farnesol;
  • Propylene glycol is used as a humidifier;
  • In the form of an anesthetic and cooling substance - menthol extract;
  • And ascorbic acid, urea and antimicrobial preservative.

Release form: 50 ml dark glass bottles.

Storage and shelf life

It is necessary to store the lotion for 5 days from sweat and odor in a dry room with a temperature of 5 to 25 degrees. The shelf life under appropriate conditions is 2 years.


The price of the drug is only 63 rubles, depending on the seller, this price may differ slightly in one direction or another.

Where can I buy

5 days anti-sweat and foot odor lotion can be bought in many pharmacies in various cities. This product is in demand among customers, is affordable and therefore does not linger on pharmacy shelves. So, it can be bought in a variety of pharmacies in Moscow, namely:

In Moscow you can buy lotion from this series in pharmacies:

  • "Smed";
  • "ZDOROV.ru-Shabolovskaya";
  • "E Pharmacy";
  • "A-Pharm";
  • "Pharmacy chain Florya" and many others.

In total, there are more than 54 pharmacy outlets where you will be offered not only lotion, but also other products from this series.
In St. Petersburg, this lotion can be purchased in many pharmacies in the city and nearby suburban pharmacies. This:

  • “Your faithful pharmacy”;
  • Pharmacy "Doctor Zhivilo";
  • "Vital";
  • Pharmacy "Health Prescription";
  • "A-Pharm";
  • "Roxana" and many others.

All products from the 5-day anti-sweat and odor series have an effective effect that allows you to eliminate excess sweating and get rid of the characteristic odor of sweaty feet, which cannot be hidden with ordinary cosmetics. In addition, the products also have a therapeutic effect, and their long-term and daily use can forever save a person from the problems associated with excessive sweating legs